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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,16:58   


1. The intelligent Designer is identified

This has been beaten to death so many times and I just can't believe it still gets bandied about. No, naming the designer is not necessary to the design inference. ID is the science of design detection. That's it. ID proposes that certain features of the universe and biota are indicitive of intelligent causation. A complete worldview it is not. A solution to your existential angst it is not. At least not at this time. The reason this particular webiste boasts naming the designer is because they are annoyed with ID for stepping outside of circular reasoning, i.e., sticking to what they know.

2. The model is detailed
Certainly the paragraph presented to me at the end of Darwin's book was quite undetailed. He said the natural variation would be acted upon by natural laws to produce all the life forms. Denton, too, thinks the whole cosmos is governed by natural laws which operate evolutionarily. I tend to gravitate toward this idea too.

3. The model can be refined

I think it will be. Our knowledge right now is just too low. Of course, that supposes that ID, which is the SCIENCE OF DESIGN DETECTION AND THAT'S IT will be expanded upon or indeed become just one pillar of a larger theorem about origins. Over at sites like Uncommon Descent and Telic Thoughts, which you guys are too defended to read objectively, I see them combing the literature constantly and finding new ideas, researches and factos ripe for furtheration.

4. The model is testable and falsifiable.

People are constantly claiming it has been refuted. ID, IC and all the rest. Now tell me how Darwinism is testable and falsifiable.

5. The model can make predictions

Like I said, I have seen numerous comments at UD (I never claimed I was a person qualified or even particularly good at defending ID) in response to news items that this or that would make a good lead for research, or that certain research might be more fruitful with an ID bias. I've also seen several people propose their personal predictions. Here's some stuff I rooted around on google for:

(1) High information content machine-like irreducibly complex structures will be found.
(2) Forms will be found in the fossil record that appear suddenly and without any precursors.
(3) Genes and functional parts will be re-used in different unrelated organisms.
(4) The genetic code will NOT contain much discarded genetic baggage code or functionless "junk DNA"

Behe predicts that scientists will not uncover a continuously functional Darwinian pathway from a simple precursor to the bacterial flagellum and, moreover, any detailed evolutionary pathway that is articulated will presuppose other irreducibly complex systems. How does one test and discredit Behe’s claims? Describe a realistic, continuously functional Darwinian pathway from simple ancestor to present motor.

My personal prediction is that epigentics and evo devo will prove that there are barriers between species; if those barriers are passable at all it will not be via undirected mutation.

Testability as well covers confirmation, predictability, and explanatory power. At the heart of testability is the idea that our scientific theories must make contact with and be sensitive to what's happening in nature. What's happening in nature must be able to affect our scientific theories not only in form and content but also in the degree of credence we attach to or withhold from them. For a theory to be immune to evidence from nature is a sure sign that we're not dealing with a scientific theory.


Is intelligent design falsifiable? Is Darwinism falsifiable? Yes to the first question, no to the second. Intelligent design is eminently falsifiable. Specified complexity in general and irreducible complexity in biology are within the theory of intelligent design the key markers of intelligent agency. If it could be shown that biological systems like the bacterial flagellum that are wonderfully complex, elegant, and integrated could have been formed by a gradual Darwinian process (which by definition is non-telic), then intelligent design would be falsified on the general grounds that one doesn't invoke intelligent causes when purely natural causes will do. In that case Occam's razor finishes off intelligent design quite nicely.

On the other hand, falsifying Darwinism seems effectively impossible. To do so one must show that no conceivable Darwinian pathway could have led to a given biological structure. What's more, Darwinists are apt to retreat into the murk of historical contingency to shore up their theory. For instance, Allen Orr in his critique of Behe's work shortly after Darwin's Black Box appeared remarked, "We have no guarantee that we can reconstruct the history of a biochemical pathway." What he conceded with one hand, however, he was quick to retract with the other. He added, "But even if we can't, its irreducible complexity cannot count against its gradual evolution."

The fact is that for complex systems like the bacterial flagellum no biologist has or is anywhere close to reconstructing its history in Darwinian terms. Is Darwinian theory therefore falsified? Hardly. I have yet to witness one committed Darwinist concede that any feature of nature might even in principle provide countervailing evidence to Darwinism. In place of such a concession one is instead always treated to an admission of ignorance. Thus it's not that Darwinism has been falsified or disconfirmed, but that we simply don't know enough about the biological system in question and its historical context to determine how the Darwinian mechanism might have produced it.
The fact is that for complex systems like the bacterial flagellum no biologist has or is anywhere close to reconstructing its history in Darwinian terms. Is Darwinian theory therefore falsified? Hardly. I have yet to witness one committed Darwinist concede that any feature of nature might even in principle provide countervailing evidence to Darwinism.
What about positive evidence for intelligent design and Darwinism? From the design theorist's perspective,...It is a huge leap going from insects developing insecticide resistance via the Darwinian mechanism of natural selection and random variation to the very emergence of insects in the first place by that same mechanism.

Yes, there is positive evidence for Darwinism, but the strength and relevance of that evidence on behalf of large-scale evolution is very much under dispute,

Interestingly, the biological community regularly sings the praises of natural selection and the wonders it has wrought while admitting that it has no comprehension of how those wonders were wrought.

The only reason to insist on looking for non-telic explanations to explain the complex specified structures in biology is because of prior commitment to naturalism that perforce excludes unembodied designers. It is illegitimate, scientifically and rationally, to claim on a priori grounds that such entities do not exist, or if they do exist that they can have no conceivable relevance to what happens in the world. Do such entities exist? Can they have empirical consequences? Are they relevant to what happens in the world? Such questions cannot be prejudged except on metaphysical grounds. To prejudge these questions the way Eugenie Scott does is therefore to make certain metaphysical commitments about what there is and what has the capacity to influence events in the world. Such commitments are utterly gratuitous to the practice of science. Specified complexity confirms design regardless whether the designer responsible for it is embodied or unembodied.

Darwin's theory has virtually no predictive power. Insofar as it offers predictions, they are either extremely general, concerning the broad sweep of natural history and in that respect quite questionable (Why else would Stephen Jay Gould and Niles Eldredge need to introduce punctuated equilibria if the fossil record were such an overwhelming vindication of Darwinism?); and when the predictions are not extremely general they are extremely specific and picayune, dealing with small-scale adaptive changes. Newton was able to predict the path that a planet traces out. Darwin's disciples can neither predict nor retrodict the pathways that organisms trace out in the course of natural history.

Demski concedes predictability: (But would he do so today? I think he made a mistake here. He considered predictability as describing what a designer would do, but not in the sense of what we should find if ID is true, as in the several predictions above.)

But what about the predictive power of intelligent design? To require prediction fundamentally misconstrues design. To require prediction of design is to put design in the same boat as natural laws, locating their explanatory power in an extrapolation from past experience. This is to commit a category mistake. To be sure, designers, like natural laws, can behave predictably (designers often institute policies that end up being rigidly obeyed). Yet unlike natural laws, which are universal and uniform, designers are also innovators. Innovation, the emergence to true novelty, eschews predictability. Designers are inventors. We cannot predict what an inventor would do short of becoming that inventor. Intelligent design offers a radically different problematic for science than a mechanistic science wedded solely to undirected natural causes. Yes, intelligent design concedes predictability. But this represents no concession to Darwinism, for which the minimal predictive power that it has can readily be assimilated to a design-theoretic framework.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,17:48   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 04 2007,17:58)
The fact is that for complex systems like the bacterial flagellum no biologist has or is anywhere close to reconstructing its history in Darwinian terms.

I'll let other deconstruct the rest of what you said, since I've already deconstructed it last time you had a thread and it seems to have gone in one ear and out the other.

Flagellum model

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,18:01   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 04 2007,16:58)
I never claimed I was a person qualified or even particularly good at defending ID

Oddly enough, that doesn't seem to prevent you from endlessly pontificating your opinions about it anyway . . .

Since, as you admit, you don't know what you are talking about, why, again, should anyone listen to anything you say on the topic . . . . ?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,18:38   

So I try to answer and am told that I am dishonest and horribly disrespectful for daring to disagree with certain experts.

this is simply not the case.

you are derided for twisting the results of various experts to fit your own preconceptions, and stating absolutely ridiculous things like you've never seen a counter to the argument for IC, which you of course have, and things like this:

"Darwin's theory has virtually no predictive power. "

which is utter nonsense.  No scientific theory EVER maintains itself if it has no predictive power.  it is immediately abandoned for something that does.

150 years, and we have found the ToE to have more predictive power than just about any other theory ever conceptualized.

In fact, i currently am working on a college-level course curriculum that traces the history of the predictive power of this theory (which, BTW, is the main reason lamarckism was dumped in favor).

it even gets so specific, we can use the theory to predict exactly where (in what rock formations) and what (their exact appearance) a given fossil will look like, then go out and find it.

a great recent example you seem to have blocked out of your mind is Tiktalik (just do a search on PT for it - you'll see it there).

Moreover, without the wonderful and exact predictive nature of the ToE, immunology as we know it simply wouldn't exist.  research to understand how cancer can be cured?  nope, none of that would exist either.

really, you flaunt your ignorance with such ready abandon, it IS a wonder you can walk and chew gum at the same time.  Well, of course we've never actually met you, so maybe you really can't.  It sure wouldn't surprise me.

;this is where you get the label of "dishonest".

NONE of us here (I doubt even demallien), really think you are approaching this discussion with an honest intention of actually understanding the material.

hence, why  I don't see the reason to spend any more time on you.

you simply are not interested in seeing who did the research and why, and what the results were, you are only interested in soundbites and quotemines.

good luck finding "the truth" with that approach; it will endlessly elude you.

I hope others will find something productive to discuss with you, but I think they, as Lenny says, are fooling themselves.

really, you have no business being here, if you aren't either:

trying to convince us of your position (you repeatedly have said you are not)

nor have shown any willingness to actually learn anything.

nope, you are here to try to rationalize and justify your own gut preconceptions in order to NOT have to toss your worldview by the wayside.

it's unfortunate that you have tied your worldview so tightly with something so irrational, but only you and your therapist can work that out.  We can't help you there.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,18:54   


You are living proof that you and your ilk  and Dembski et al deserve each other.

The cunningly deceitful leading the blind or the irrelevant leading the inconsolable.

Procreate and go forth.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,18:58   

no, please don't encourage breeding in the irrationally intractable.

it might be a heritable trait.

...ohhh I do believe this one's gonna get tossed


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,19:15   

"Is intelligent design falsifiable? Is Darwinism falsifiable? Yes to the first question, no to the second." --- Avo

Calling AFDave!

(Are you related?)


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,21:14   


Please keep in mind that if you cite mathematical arguments against evolutionary mechanisms, you must show both the assumptions and the derivations behind the calculations. It's not enough to say, "Well, Spetner claims that this change is very unlikely" unless we know how Spetner calculated the probability. This is particularly important when someone shows an experimental result that achieves what Spetner says is very unlikely, as Mike PSS has done. According to Spetner, evolution of the second enzyme would be nearly impossible under a three month period unless Something was guiding the mutation process, yet the second enzyme was produced by tweaking the selective environment, and not tweaking the response to that environment. The scientists did not guide the bacteria's response to that environment. This suggests that at least one of Spetner's assumptions is very flawed.
In this case I was not discussing the specifics of Spetner's calculations, but made the point that more than one mutation being necessary to the digestion of nylon made the mutation pathway less likely to be successful. Although it now appears that Spetner was not discussing the same case of nylonase development, and that may be somewhat pertinent, I don't know that Spetner said it was unlikely in that it indeed happened. Rather, he says it is unlikely to have been a truly random process. Again, that the one Spetner seems to have been discussing took perhapas 30 years, and this 3 months, does not make NDE look more likely, but directed mutation more likely.  No one said the sicentists guided the actual mutations, but they did in this case strongly assist in the two step process by specifically supporting the 5501 group with food, perhaps in a semistarved state so that they still had motive to search for the ability to digest the nylon as well.

Here are some more thoughts and/or articles on directed mutation.

Johnny B on the nylon bug:
“The proteins used to metabolize different compounds have been shown to come about by simple frame shifts”. Frame shifts of what? Do any frameshifts work? No. Does it have to be of specific existing enzymes? Yes. Is the bacteria frameshifting every gene in its genome? No. This is clearly an assisted, not blind, search. Thus, teleology enters the picture.
A couple of articles:

Genetica. 1999;107(1-3):181-7. Related Articles, Links
   Click here to read
   Transposable elements as activators of cryptic genes in E. coli.

   Hall BG.

   Biology Department, University of Rochester, NY 14627, USA.

   The concept of transposable elements (TEs) as purely selfish elements is being challenged as we have begun to appreciate the extent to which TEs contribute to allelic diversity, genome building, etc. Despite these long-term evolutionary contributions, there are few examples of TEs that make a direct, positive contribution to adaptive fitness. In E. coli cryptic (silent) catabolic operons can be activated by small TEs called insertion sequences (IS elements). Not only do IS elements make a direct contribution to fitness by activating cryptic operons, they do so in a regulated manner, transposing at a higher rate in starving cells than in growing cells. In at least one case, IS elements activate an operon during starvation only if the substrate for that operon is present in the environment. It appears that E. coli has managed to take advantage of IS elements for its own benefit.

A Biochemical Mechanism for Nonrandom Mutations and Evolution
Barbara E. Wright*

Division of Biological Sciences, The University of Montana, Missoula, Montana


As this minireview is concerned with the importance of the environment in directing evolution, it is appropriate to remember that Lamarck was the first to clearly articulate a consistent theory of gradual evolution from the simplest of species to the most complex, culminating in the origin of mankind (71). He published his remarkable and courageous theory in 1809, the year of Darwin's birth. Unfortunately, Lamarck's major contributions have been overshadowed by his views on the inheritance of acquired characters. In fact, Darwin shared some of these same views, and even Weismann (106), the father of neo-Darwinism, decided late in his career that directed variation must be invoked to understand some phenomena, as random variation and selection alone are not a sufficient explanation (71). This minireview will describe mechanisms of mutation that are not random and can accelerate the process of evolution in specific directions. The existence of such mechanisms has been predicted by mathematicians (6) who argue that, if every mutation were really random and had to be tested against the environment for selection or rejection, there would not have been enough time to evolve the extremely complex biochemical networks and regulatory mechanisms found in organisms today. Dobzhansky (21) expressed similar views by stating "The most serious objection to the modern theory of evolution is that since mutations occur by `chance' and are undirected, it is difficult to see how mutation and selection can add up to the formation of such beautifully balanced organs as, for example, the human eye."

The most primitive kinds of cells, called progenotes by Woese (108), were undoubtedly very simple biochemically with only a few central anabolic and catabolic pathways. Wächterhäuser (103) theorizes that the earliest metabolic pathway was a reductive citric acid cycle by which carbon fixation occurred (64). At that point in time, some four billion years ago, how did the additional, more complex metabolic pathways found in even the simplest prokaryotes evolve? For that matter, how are they evolving today? As pointed out by Oparin (79), it is inconceivable that a self-reproducing unit as complicated as a nucleoprotein could suddenly arise by chance; a period of evolution through the natural selection of organic substances of ever-increasing degrees of complexity must intervene. Horowitz (40) suggests a plausible scheme by which biosynthetic pathways can evolve from the successive depletion and interconversion of related metabolites in a primitive environment, as the rich supply of organic molecules is consumed by a burgeoning population of heterotrophs. Thus, a possible scenario begins with the starvation of a self-replicating unit for its precursor, metabolite A, utilized by enzyme 1 encoded by gene 1. When metabolite A is depleted, a mutation in a copy of gene 1 gives rise to gene 2 and allows enzyme 2 to use metabolite B by converting it to metabolite A. Then metabolite B is depleted, obtained from metabolite C, and so on, as an increasingly complex biochemical pathway evolves. In fact, there are examples in which a similar series of events can actually be observed in the laboratory, for example, involving enzymes that are "borrowed" from existing pathways, via regulatory mutations, to establish new pathways (75).

The starvation conditions that may initiate a series of events such as those described above target the most relevant genes for increased rates of transcription, which in turn increase rates of mutation (111). Transcriptional activation can result from the addition of a substrate or from the removal of a repressor or an end product inhibitor. The latter mechanism, called derepression, occurs in response to starvation for an essential substrate or for an end product that represses its own synthesis by feedback inhibition. Since evolution usually occurs in response to stress (41), transcriptional activation via derepression is the main focus of this minireview.


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,21:18   


(Are you related?)
I've never read a word he's written.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,21:50   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 04 2007,21:18)

(Are you related?)
I've never read a word he's written.

Or anything else, apparently.

But, like my five year old nephew, you do apparently have the ability to brainlessly cut-and-paste long Googled tracts that you're too uneducated to actually understand yourself.

Listening to you talk about science is a lot like listening to my nephew talk about sex.  He knows all the words -- but he hasn't a clue what any of them mean.

Sorry if that offends the Politeness Policeman . . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,22:23   

At least AFD was able to quotemine.

And draw conclusions showing some ability to distill an understanding, albeit revealing the mostly hilarious workings of his neurons;  each of which was programmed to support his fantasy.

Avo. and AFD do however have the same high regard for  their own opinions. I would hate to be their plumber.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


Posts: 79
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,23:47   

[quote=avocationist,Feb. 04 2007,15:33][/quote]
Yes, but have you noticed how undetailed that is? Have you read any of the objections to it? Where have we ever seen any interesting new incipient species arising these past few thousand years?  I conservatively estimate 4 new species a year. And I don't mean species like fruit flies that can't be told apart or mice that may or may not still breed with each other.  

<giggle>.  Oh dear, you actually think that we haven't observed speciation events!  You really should try Google before entering into this type of debate.  Have a read of this TalkOrigins FAQ.  It's the first hit if you Google "observed speciation".  Anyway, thanks for brightening my morning :-)  And I'd love you to give us the calculations behind your 4 species a year figure, Or did you just pluck that one out of God's nostril?
No I am not able to agree because there isn't any evidence for it, and what NDE has to say about that is that we can't watch it. So evidence is forever lost. The amount of rewiring and restructuring that would have to go on to add each and every new body part is staggering. Highly coordinated. Unknown vast number of changes to the DNA.

No no no. That's not how the game is played.  We have demonstrated that on reasonable lab timescales that evolution is observed.  It is up to you to explain why this observed process won't continue indefinately until enough changes have been accumulated that you have effectively an entirely new creature.  By suggesting that it won't, you are in fact postulating that there is another effect that we haven't taken into account that is going to invalidate evolution. Behe tried to propose such a mechanism with his IC idea, which has since been torn to shreds.  What are you proposing as the mechanism that stops evolution from continuing?

Ha! I've got your number! You're actually on my side! You are posing as anti-ID but you're really kidding, right? In case you're, surely you jest.

So that means that the explanation of the flagellum with it's 40 proteins and several interrelated parts is that it is a degeneration from a BIGGER machine with pehaps 50 or 60 parts, and that explains how it got here!! Neat.

<sigh>  Fools mock what they don't understand.  Here, let me give you a helping hand.  There is a critical difference between the large machine and the smaller, IC machine.  That difference is that the larger machine isn't IC at all, and can be created step by step, as evolution requires.  Then the evolutionary process can shed unnecessary pieces one by one, until we arrive at an IC machine.  Geddit?

Contrariwise, it would be necessary in order to pose that no need for any intelligent input into manifestly complex systems is required, to show how such a step-by-step pathway could happen.
 Got a specific IC system in mind?  Each time you guys suggest that a system is IC, we shoot it down by proposing a plausible evolutionary pathway.  But I'm really fascinated to know whic system you're going to choose.

Of course they have attempted this very thing to their utmost, but I don't think it is considered possible to prove a negative.

Sure, but I promise you that if an ID researcher tried (and documented)a lot of different ways of arriving at an IC solution, and couldn't find any solutions, we'd at least feel the need to have a look at the case a bit closer.  It would after all be a great scientific victory to overturn (or even smear with doubt) evolution, and there would be many a young scientist happy to give it a whirl if they thought it at all likely to end up with a result.

It is possible to show that it is logically indefensible to rely on something with so little probability, and that not just once here or there, but thousands and millions of times in the course of evolution.

It is?!?!?  My Flying Spaghetti Monster!  Why didn't you just say so right from the beginning, and give us the logical proof!  It would have saved us all this tiresome discussion! Unless, you're, um, making that bit up?

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,23:49   

Yes, of course I realize they were trying to induce mutations to allow the bug to eat nylon. My surprise was that they seemed to know about the need for the first enzyme mutation,

The need for both enzymes is noted in the experiment paper.  Just like in the Spetner paper.
...and they artificially supported the two tier process to providing food for the middle step, indicating that they didn't expect success if they simply put the bug on the nylon.

The experimenters recognized that nylon polymer didn't offer an advantageous substrate that could be successful since two mutations would be required to occur to a bug in that substrate for success.  However, they DID crudely duplicate the origination environment for the original nylon bugs.
No doubt, in the original strain at the factory dump, the fact that there were multiple substrates available, took care of the problem.

Which means that a bug with enzyme1 could then go on to mutate and form enzyme2 without leaving or alterring its environment since nylon (and its precursers, reagents, solvents, etc.) were readily available.          
Nonetheless, in order to recreate it, they did indeed engage in some human assistance, intelligently applied.

How did human assistance CAUSE the mutation to take place in the first place?
How did human assistance SELECT the correct mutation to occur?
How did human assistance PROMOTE the growth of bug colonies after a mutation occured?

The ONLY thing the humans did was to stick bugs on a spiked agar plate and measure what happens.  If all the bugs died, they died.  If some bugs survived, then the experiment continues to the planned next step.  I didn't read about any human intervention during the mutation process.
Speaking of things which are obvious...I don't know how to calculate probabilities, but that won't be necessary. Let's say you need a mutation, and your chances of hitting it are one in a thousand. Would you be more likely to be successful if you have 3 months or three years?

Your honesty on this point should stop you from continuing with your next question.  I'll give you a straight forward answer.
If I'm 100% successful in 3 months then I'll be equally successful in 3 years.
You never indicated population size, time between mutation events, generation timing, environmental influence, etc....  In other words, the probabilities need a mathematical definition to be meaningful.  Otherwise they are so much poll numbers without a basis.  
Five out of six dentists reccomended my toothpaste according to the advertising on the package.  If I ask MY dentist do I really have an 83.3% chance that he'll reccomend it too?
OK, but is he wrong that the two mutations occured?

No, he isn't wrong that two mutations occurred for this bug to eat nylon in your car.
His calculations involve the full thirty years of time. His point was merely that two separate mutations events were required.

So go back to where the bugs originated and do the probability calculations based upon that fact.  Not some made up conditions based on point mutation counting thirty years after the fact.
Luck plays no part in THIS game.
So it's a determined process?

Semantics.  Wonderful.
Is "determined" the "absence of Luck"?
Or do you want to explain and explore this a bit more.
Point being, there begins to be some interesting things turning up about how these one-celled organisms deal with various stressors, that they seem to have yet another confoundingly organized and convenient way of knowing when and how to solve problems by altering their genomes in a controlled way. I do realize that antibiotics were not a factor in this particular experiment.

It seems your a bit hung up on assigning decision making methodology to the bugs.
Any reason for this?
Any measurement for this?
If the bugs are making the decisions then HOW are they deciding?
We know WHO (the bugs) WHAT (had mutations) WHEN (during the 3 months) WHERE (on the mutated gene) and WHY (during environmental/starvation stress) but not the HOW.  I would answer the HOW (via random mutation), but you choose to finish the story with HOW (via an internal decision making process yet to be identified).

Thus my confusion and subsequent questions.
You also notice that the game of Clue is a good learning tool for young investigators to make sure all the questions are answered before you win.  And guesses are valid if they are shown to be correct with the evidence.
It's not only that the ceaseless hostility is hard to take and takes the fun out, but worse, it lets me know that I am not in a rational environment.

Is this directed toward me or a general comment.  I can't tell since the wording is general but the post is specific to me.

1)  What part of the experimental results (NOTE: not the expermenters conclusions) were the result of intelligence/intelligent design/purposeful direction/etc...?

The part where they set up the parameters of the experiment itself and the part where they carefully supported the first mutants so they would not die until they became the second mutants. And perhaps also, the one-celled organisms themselves, and their ability to direct mutations uncannily at the right time.

I addressed the first two parts above with some pointed questions.  The second-half of the third part was answered just before this with some more pointed questions.  I think the only point I haven't addressed is the actual capabilities of the PAO1 bug in particular.  I haven't investigated this aspect to see if PAO1 is a special heavy hitter when it comes to adaptation to new environments.  Maybe I'll investigate this further.

2)  What is the estimated probability (rough WAG) of this experimental result being repeated by another lab?

I'd say it is extremely high.

So the experiment is valid and should stand the test of time.  At the same time, given the environmental conditions in this experiment we can infer that similar environmental conditions should support mutations in bugs that have a capability to adapt to this environment.  So this means that if we discover environmental conditions from the past that are similar we could state that mutated bugs could be present.  You start to see where I'm going with this I hope.
3)  Could another experiment use a totally different starting bug and still end up with a nylon eating bug at the end?

I have no idea but I can only suppose that at least several could do it. There must be reasons why some organisms are closer to that talent than others.

Good statement.  I think we should be able to identify the internal bug factors that help or hinder the bugs adaptation ability.  But also, we can link this with question 2) and see that we could have not only environmental conditions to support mutated bug development but also a variety of bugs available to form a nylon eating bug.  This broadens our horizens.
Although my reply has some questions, the most pointed one in my mind is where you assign some internal decision making process to the bug.

We know the bug mutated.
We know the original conditions were crudely duplicated in the lab.
We know we can create new nylon bugs from a bug without a history of nylon eating.
These are hard and fast facts.  Now for the major inference of the whole experiment.  The HOW question from above.

What you seem to think is that there is some internal decision and feedback loop contained within the bug that "directs" mutations to occur to adapt to the new environment.
I would counter that the process of mutation (through several different mechanisms, not sure which one yet although Spetner comments on this) is what provides the bug with the enzyme ability that is able to thrive in the new environment.  RM+NS+other factors certainly looks the part in this case.

Maybe you have some different explanation, I'm just interpreting this conclusion from your statements above.
Mike PSS


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,00:52   

Semantics.  Wonderful.
Is "determined" the "absence of Luck"?
Or do you want to explain and explore this a bit more.



is there really a point to discuss the finer points of what consitutes the meaning of "random" and what a probability distribution is with Avo?


Behe tried to propose such a mechanism with his IC idea, which has since been torn to shreds.

not according to Avo, did you miss that?  Avo has said she literally has never seen legitimate criticism of IC.

from the previous page:


As for IC, what can I say but bah humbug.  This canard has been refuted so many times that I don't understand how it can still be getting discussed.

Really? Now that is news. I'd like to see just one.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,00:53   

Avocationist, there's a number of things occurring here that I find unusual and mutually contradictory. I haven't been insulting to you, but I haven't gotten any real responses out of you that even address the issues raised.

I find it unusual that in one post , you'll admit to not knowing about multiple topics and then in a following post, you'll paste up boilerplate renditions of the standard ID line that you admitted to not knowing about.

Let me be concise and direct, Avocationist.

You're not here to learn anything or actually engage in meaningful debate, so far as I can see. If you were interested in exploring the issues, you could have done so on your own long ago -- reading standard evolutionary texts just as you read the ID books.

But you didn't read BOTH sides of the issues so far as I can tell. YOu have an appalling lack of familiarity with the terms or ideas ...which is really apparent in your parroting common creationist/ID "Darwinism isn't falsifiable"

Do you even have a clue what Popper and others meant by falsifiability?  Do you even have a clue about observed speciation events that constitute macroevolution , regardless of the cartoon version of "macro " that creationists/ID-ers present?
Your view that "macroevolution" has to show "new body plans " means you haven't read anything by Mayr, or Gould or Lewontin or Dawkins or a dozen other authors that you SHOULD have read BEFORE you pretended to have any real knowledge of BOTH sides of the issues.

If I actually wanted to point out all the data available on African cichlids, there would be no way that you could deal with it, because it comprises  fossil, geologic, genetic, and comparative biological/anatomical data that you'd actually have to have SOME personal understanding of in order to TRY to refute it....and you don't HAVE any personal knowledge so far as I can see...all your posts are nothing more than repeating the opinions and ideas of others ...ideas that YOU know so little about that you can't even discuss them at any depth at all.
I personally believe that you are here to make points with the ID crowd that YOU think might be reading this thread -- because they essentially rejected your fuzzy-mindedness as well. And that is not an insult, it is simply fact that you have amorphous, nebulous ideas about relevant issues.  

That's all I will have to say to you, ever...because your opinion is not informed enough to mean much to me. That may change in the future, if you put some work into it, but at this point, you're little different than an idiot-savant with typing skills, but no knowledge of the words and underlying ideas that you are typing/pasting.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,01:09   

you're little different than an idiot-savant with typing skills

is it just the prodigious typing that reflects the 'savant' part?

as in, a complete idiot, but able to prodigiously type readable words (even if the meaning is gibberish)?

or did i miss something?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,01:44   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 05 2007,00:52)

Behe tried to propose such a mechanism with his IC idea, which has since been torn to shreds.

not according to Avo, did you miss that?  Avo has said she literally has never seen legitimate criticism of IC.

from the previous page:


As for IC, what can I say but bah humbug.  This canard has been refuted so many times that I don't understand how it can still be getting discussed.

Really? Now that is news. I'd like to see just one.

No, I didn't miss it :-(  If you look at my post, the next paragraph explains again why IC is just not even logically sound.  Originally I had the two paragraphs in the opposite order...  Anyway, one can always hope that with enough repetition the idea will sink into Avocationist's brain :-)  Repeat after me children: "IC is bollocks!!!!"


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,01:54   

well, i guess your description will have to do, since Avo is patently unwilling to actually use links to go to more detailed reviews on the subject.

It's funny, she won't take our word for anything, but also won't go and see the basis for our conclusions in the peer reviewed literature for herself.

what does that leave, exactly?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,04:41   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 04 2007,15:33)
From a ToE perspective, speciation is just two populations that are reproductively seperated accumulating mutations up to the point where the two populations can no longer interbreed - at which point you have a new species.
Yes, but have you noticed how undetailed that is? Have you read any of the objections to it? Where have we ever seen any interesting new incipient species arising these past few thousand years?  I conservatively estimate 4 new species a year. And I don't mean species like fruit flies that can't be told apart or mice that may or may not still breed with each other.

I've been thinking about this comment a bit more.  You know as well as eveyone else here that major evolutions have not been observed.  ToE predicts that it can't be observed, because for major changes to species, requiring many mutations, the process will take a long time.

Please note that this is yet another example of how you could falsify ToE.  Show us a system that evolves far faster than would be expected according to ToE!  Brilliant!  Glad you thought of it! I imagine there must be scores of secret labs filled by ID researchers doing exactly this experiment as we speak, right?  Silently sitting around watching cages filled with mice, waiting for the Intelligent Designer to bequeath a pair of wings on one so that he can eat the cheese sitting on the high perch! No?  I'm disappointed!

On the other hand, I would have expected that we would be seeing this type of thing all of the time if an Intelligent Designer was involved.  The fact that we don't see rapid major changes in the genomes of organisms is rather an argument for ToE and against ID, wouldn't you say?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,06:18   

Good evening, Avocationist.

In a similar way, NDE, which I see as the other side of the coin to Biblical creationism - has a more complete theory - not much evidence to prove it but a nice, detailed theory.

This is an oxymoronic statement.
Lots of times I see the objection that someone or other wants to believe one theory over another because it has a fuller explanation. Never mind whether it holds water

Thus the crux of biological evolution when faced with Intelligent Design. The objective is not to solidify the Intelligent Design Model, but to denigrate [Sic] science where possible, based upon incredulity [Sic].
But few have the intestinal fortitude to maintain the "I don't know" position when appropriate. This is one reason I find ID the most rational and scientific of the three competitors. They work with what they've got, not their imagination.

Note also that the website I cited, used the bible as it sole evidence. That aside, Intelligent Design is neither rational or scientific. If it were rational and scientific, you'd have presented your model long ago. Behe would have presented his model long ago. Dembski would of presented his model long ago.

Behe relies on his model of irreducible complexity, where he creates a system where if that system has parts detracted from it, that system is no longer workable. He uses a mouse trap in order to do this (anology). However, his model is to show that science can't be correct, but somehow he must be.

Dembski uses a refined model of irreducible complexity, that being Specified Complexity, and bacterial flagellum (e. coli). He, like Behe, creates a system not to substantiate Intelligent Design but to degenerate biological evolution, relying on Intelligent Design to be the result if biological evolution fails.

You yourself, attempt the same as both Behe and Dembski. Its not a promotion of Intelligent Design, but an attack against biological evolution based upon increduality of the process of biological evolution. In all, this is neither rational or scientific.
I seem to remember when reading up a bit on string theory and quantum mechanics the use of the term subquantum, and that planck length was a sort of natural behavioral divide, and much talk of quantum weirdness.

La Violette wrote a book called Subquantum Kinetics. It is based upon nonequilibrium thermodynamics and systems theory. It is based upon the notion of transmutation, incorporating a mystical approach in the wake of scientific terms. In all, it offers a contradictive paradigm to what is already thought to have occurred with quantum mechanics (contradictive to Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, and so on). For example, if you take Kaluza-Klein quantum field, you are looking at a topological field of designated charged polygonal particles of space-time (fibre bundles), La Violette would propose that attaining a relationship between homeomorphisms or transformations of the fibre bundle would inevitably not surrender anything more of the field than an inconceivable break-down of that field, in fact a probable transmutation of that field.

However, I find that outside the field of physics, quantum weirdness is taken from a predominantly Einsteinian perspective (correct me if I am wrong). That ghostly spooky action at a distance. In the split beam experiment, it has seemed to have become a mystified version of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle, where from the point of entry into the beam splitter, until the photon's connect with the detector, there must be something occurring between point A and point B. Or a perceived event between point A and point B. Which invariably becomes mystified - well at least by La Violette.

However I may be detracting from your statement. Planck's Length is a mathematical equation 1.6×10^-35 (or a factor of 10^-35) in comparison to a quark of 10^-18. Therefore Planck's length relates to "string" *nods nods* - however is that an open or closed string?
Since string theory proposes tiny dimensions, it occured to me that the onset of quantum weirdness might signal entry into a smaller dimension, and perhaps planck length is where it begins.
The author is La Violette.

String proposes one dimension as opposed to an elementary particle of 0 dimension. The accumulation of dimensions in a system is based on the string - covered by D-Branes, such as D0 being a line, D1 being a plane and on until D24 or D25 where we have the Bosonic proposition of M Theory. However that being said, there is nothing beyond 10^-35 (Plancks' Length) if there were, what would be the proposed dimenion beyond that string? If finding one, what would be its proposed mechanism in that system? Even more importantly how would it be detectable?

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,07:21   

Quote (demallien @ Feb. 04 2007,23:47)
<sigh>  Fools mock what they don't understand.

Um, did you just refer to Avo as a "fool"?

Didn't you just spend the last week shaking your fist and stamping your feet over OTHER people calling her a "fool"?

Your post has offended me.  I ask that it be banished to the Wall forthwith.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,07:41   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Feb. 05 2007,07:21)
Quote (demallien @ Feb. 04 2007,23:47)
<sigh>  Fools mock what they don't understand.

Um, did you just refer to Avo as a "fool"?

Didn't you just spend the last week shaking your fist and stamping your feet over OTHER people calling her a "fool"?

Your post has offended me.  I ask that it be banished to the Wall forthwith.

Are you still sulking Lenny?  

Anyway to make it clear, there's an implicit "so don't do it" after the "Fools mock what they don't understand", ie, it's advice, not an insult.  My apologies to Avocationist if the implicit end of the phrase isn't so implicit after all...

Cedric Katesby

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,10:20   


1. The intelligent Designer is identified

This has been beaten to death so many times and I just can't believe it still gets bandied about. No, naming the designer is not necessary to the design inference. ID is the science of design detection. That's it.

Wonderful, so Dempski does not think that the designer is "You Know Who"?  The rest of the happy campers at the Disco Institute have never entertained the thought that the designer is "You Know Who"?
Hmmm, you believe this? Seriously? Okayyyyyyyyy...
Oh, by the way, exactly how does ID go about scientifically "detecting design"?  What has been detected as "designed" and what has been detected as "not designed"?  Some examples please. :)
A solution to your existential angst it is not.

Leave my angst alone. It's sensitive!
2. The model is detailed
Certainly the paragraph presented to me at the end of Darwin's book was quite undetailed.

You forgot to mention that Darwin's book is also far too heavy and cannot be set to hip-hop music!  Seriously, let's focus on your argument for the scientific theory for ID, shall we?  The model is detailed? Splendid.  Details please. :)

(...sound of crickets chirping...)

3. The model can be refined

I think it will be. Our knowledge right now is just too low.

You think it will be?  You THINK it will be? YOU think it WILL be?  Huh??  Let's save "what you think" for another discussion, OK?  Scientific Theory for ID, please!
 I see them combing the literature constantly and finding new ideas, researches and factos ripe for furtheration.

Let's save the fascinating discussion of "what you see" "them doing" for another discussion at some unspecified time in the future OK?
Scientific theory for ID please!
4. The model is testable and falsifiable.

People are constantly claiming it has been refuted. ID, IC and all the rest. Now tell me how Darwinism is testable and falsifiable.

Hey I've got a better idea.
  How about YOU get off your lazy ass and argue that ID really is testable and falsifiable?
If you want to present a scientific theory for ID, that's kinda a must, ya know? :(

5. The model can make predictions

Here's some stuff I rooted around on google for:

No, no, NO!  I don't care what google has or does not have.  I'm sure it's utterly fascinating.  Do you want to use that stuff in support your argument for ID?  Then...
Don't dump on me any old crap you find off the Internet!  I don't want to do your reading for you.
 Present your argument as ****YOUR ARGUMENT****. :(
Behe predicts that scientists will not uncover a continuously functional Darwinian pathway from a simple precursor to the bacterial flagellum and, moreover, any detailed evolutionary pathway that is articulated will presuppose other irreducibly complex systems. How does one test and discredit Behe’s claims? Describe a realistic, continuously functional Darwinian pathway from simple ancestor to present motor.

So, Behe makes a "prediction".
He presents no evidence FOR his "prediction".
And then he asks real scientists to disprove his "prediction".
Wow.  Just wow.
Imagine if all science could be done this easily.  No need to do research.  No need to spend time in a laboratory.  No need to any hard work.  Just watch other people do your work for you.  Golly, the "real science" of ID is just so easy, huh? Tell me, do you think other theories do the same thing?  Plate Tectonics, maybe?  Germ Theory?  Is that how we got penicillin?
Is that how real science is done?
Maybe we should get Behe a Nobel Prize or something! Possibly two!!
Would two be enough?
My personal prediction is that epigentics and evo devo will prove that there are barriers between species; if those barriers are passable at all it will not be via undirected mutation.

What? Care to beak that down into English? And then explain how you connect your dots?  What do you mean by "undirected mutation"?  How can a scientist differentiate between "undirected mutation" and "directed mutation".  Details please.  Barriers?  What will these barriers look like. How could they possibly work?  How will we know them if we see them?  How does a team of scientists eagerly test your prediction?
(NB: This is truely, madly, deeply NOT an opportunity for you to give me a reading list or go off and google-hunt something.  It's your prediction.  You spell it out.)


Is intelligent design falsifiable? Is Darwinism falsifiable? Yes to the first question, no to the second. Intelligent design is eminently falsifiable. Specified complexity in general and irreducible complexity in biology are within the theory of intelligent design the key markers of intelligent agency. If it could be shown that biological systems like the bacterial flagellum that are wonderfully complex, elegant, and integrated could have been formed by a gradual Darwinian process (which by definition is non-telic), then intelligent design would be falsified on the general grounds that one doesn't invoke intelligent causes when purely natural causes will do. In that case Occam's razor finishes off intelligent design quite nicely.

Define specified complexity.  How does a scientist recognise "specified complexity" when they peer down a miroscope or something?
"Wonderfully complex, elegant and intergrated..."

(Gee, you left out cute and fluffy) :D :D :D

What are you talking about?  Do snowflakes count in this description?  Are they "wonderfully complex, elegant and intergrated."
How about the human brain?  Does that work?
A banana?
Your left hand?
A tree?
Give me an example of something that truely is "wonderfully complex, elegant and intergrated" and something that truely is NOT "wonderfully complex, elegant and intergrated", THEN explain how you made your choices.

On the other hand, falsifying Darwinism, blah, blah Darwinism, blah, blah, Darwinism, blah, blah, Darwinism, blah, blah..

Avo, keep your other hand firmly in your pocket.

{Cerdic quietly passes a secret note to Avo while continuing to talk to her normally}

The secret note reads...

      I don't "trust Darwinism" either but I'm afraid of the Darwinist thought police snatching me in their black CIA 'copters and giving me a medical probe deep into my rear, so let's save our fascinating talk about your understanding of how weak the Darwinism thing is for another time, ok?

I guess I should be relieved that you spared me your recipe for blueberry pie.
Any chance of you making a scientific argument for ID at anytime this century?

{Tuneless whistling is heard. The melody is crude yet faintly recognisable}

...Born the...wind...blows...

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,10:52   

Quote (Fractatious @ Feb. 05 2007,07:18)
La Violette wrote a book called Subquantum Kinetics. peasandcarrotts nonequilibrium thermodynamics peasandcarrots systems theory. peasandcarrots peasandcarrots transmutation, peasandcarrots mystical approach peasandcarrots.  Peasandcarrots contradictive paradigm peasandcarrots peasandcarrots quantum mechanics (mashedpotatos Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Dirac, mashedpotatos). Peasandcarrots, peasandcarrots Kaluza-Klein quantum field, peasandcarrots topological field peasandcarrots polygonal particles of space-time (mashedpotatos), La Violette peasandcarrots peasandcarrots between homeomorphisms or transformations peasandcarrots fibre bundle peasandcarrots peasandcarrots inconceivable break-down peasandcarrots probable transmutation peasandcarrots.


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... (kick)
"Oh, please go on.  But first I need some strychnine more punch."

Remind me to let you talk to my brother at the next mixer.  You and him would get along swimingly.

Mike PSS

Occam's Toothbrush

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,11:05   

I guess I should be relieved that you spared me your recipe for blueberry pie.

Avo's recipe for blueberry pie would likely consist solely of long-refuted criticisms of your blueberry pie recipe.

"Molecular stuff seems to me not to be biology as much as it is a more atomic element of life" --Creo nut Robert Byers
"You need your arrogant ass kicked, and I would LOVE to be the guy who does it. Where do you live?" --Anger Management Problem Concern Troll "Kris"


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,11:28   

Quote (Occam's Toothbrush @ Feb. 05 2007,11:05)
I guess I should be relieved that you spared me your recipe for blueberry pie.

Avo's recipe for blueberry pie would likely consist solely of long-refuted criticisms of your blueberry pie recipe.

Coming from Avo, wouldn't her recipe for blueberry pie consist soley of long- refuted criticisms of apple pie?[B]

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,12:06   

Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 05 2007,12:28)
Quote (Occam's Toothbrush @ Feb. 05 2007,11:05)
I guess I should be relieved that you spared me your recipe for blueberry pie.

Avo's recipe for blueberry pie would likely consist solely of long-refuted criticisms of your blueberry pie recipe.

Coming from Avo, wouldn't her recipe for blueberry pie consist soley of long- refuted criticisms of apple pie?

That might have to be my new sig.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,15:11   

Quote (Mike PSS @ Feb. 06 2007,05:52)
Remind me to let you talk to my brother at the next mixer.  You and him would get along swimingly.

Mike PSS

Besides nothing being wrong with peas and carrots.. umm *face palm!*


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,15:25   

Coming from Avo, wouldn't her recipe for blueberry pie consist soley of long- refuted criticisms of apple pie?[

hmm, given that if this were baseball, she would come to the plate with a hockey stick and wearing a motorcycle helmet (and facing the opposite direction), I'd more think her blueberry pie recipe would consist of a roll of toilet paper.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 05 2007,15:45   

(1) High information content machine-like irreducibly complex structures will be found.
(2) Forms will be found in the fossil record that appear suddenly and without any precursors.
(3) Genes and functional parts will be re-used in different unrelated organisms.
(4) The genetic code will NOT contain much discarded genetic baggage code or functionless "junk DNA"

Does the T.O.'s Index of Creationist Claims have an entry for that set of predictions?


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