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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,17:19   

That will not go over well!

Henry J

Posts: 5786
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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,18:15   

Quote (JohnW @ June 07 2016,14:34)
Quote (Henry J @ June 07 2016,12:40)
Made it through 8 or 9 lines of that...

Fear the Divine Foot!

And toe the line?


Posts: 1218
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,18:43   

Quote (Henry J @ June 08 2016,00:15)
Quote (JohnW @ June 07 2016,14:34)
Quote (Henry J @ June 07 2016,12:40)
Made it through 8 or 9 lines of that...

Fear the Divine Foot!

And toe the line?

Your eternal sole depends on it.


Posts: 539
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,19:04   

Quote (Woodbine @ June 07 2016,16:43)
Quote (Henry J @ June 08 2016,00:15)
Quote (JohnW @ June 07 2016,14:34)
Quote (Henry J @ June 07 2016,12:40)
Made it through 8 or 9 lines of that...

Fear the Divine Foot!

And toe the line?

Your eternal sole depends on it.

For, lo verily, since the time of the Fallen Arch, all humanity has had to deal with the scourge of Athlete's Foot.

All women build up a resistance [to male condescension]. Apparently, ID did not predict that. -Kristine 4-19-11
F/Ns to F/Ns to F/Ns etc. The whole thing is F/N ridiculous -Seversky on KF footnote fetish 8-20-11
Sigh. Really Bill? - Barry Arrington

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,21:15   

The Arch Nemesis?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,22:23   

Quote (stevestory @ June 07 2016,14:35)
aapJune 7, 2016 at 11:22 am
As a multiyear watcher on UD I have appreciated the discussions and the willingness of ID scientists, computer programmers, philosophers, engineers, lawyers and others who enjoy thinking for themselves and are willing to take the flak in challenging methodological naturalistic evolutionary orthodoxy. I believe that theistic evolution is bad science and very bad theology. I won’t get into the bad theology part, which is nothing more than a poisonous liberal recipe of Esau’s bowl of pottage which has been slowly and painfully destroying the mainline churches and is now invading the evangelical churches. Forget the theology for now, the science is wanting. For over the past 45 or so years since becoming interested in the evolution-creation debate I have heard a lot of huffing and bluffing on the part of evolutionists, theistic or otherwise, of “we are going to blow your creationist house down with all of the overwhelming evidence for common descent via the materialistic evolutionary process”. The present issue on this thread regarding vestigial genetic markers and the “God wouldn’t do it this way” comments are, as others have pointed out, just a regurgitating of the older vestigial organ arguments which didn’t turn out very well for the evolutionary believers. Like many others I have been waiting and watching for some real hard evidence that actually supports the evolutionary beliefs. I think it is time for evolutionists, theistic or otherwise, to either put up or shut up. My challenge for Drs. Venema and Swamidass and other evolutionists is to show us the goods, let us see “the money”. Most biological evolutionists, theistic or otherwise, give the impression that they are experts in their understanding of the evolutionary mutational and natural selection process. In their superior knowledge they tell us that they understand and can see how common descent works. So I say, show us what you can do with your evolutionary knowledge. How about something simple like creating a new cellular life form from non-life. If they believe that life happened by accidental processes, why don’t they give us a demonstration or least an explanation of how those kind of accidents can happen, and why they don’t keep happening. Or, is it just part of their belief system? Despite all of the hype in OOL research, they are light years away from understanding what life actually is, let alone being able to manufacture it from non-life. Today, through real scientific disciplines we know that all life forms are information rich with irreducibly complex and integrated miniature computerized type systems. Real science teaches us that life doesn’t come from non-life, but all life comes from the “Word”- the information created by the Creator. Why don’t the evolutionary biologists use their “superior knowledge” and give us a demonstration of the power of the evolutionary process. Where are all of the peer reviewed papers explaining to us “duffusses” exactly which mutations have to take place in order to transform one kind of creature into another and how those mutations were caused. How about changing a unicellular life form into a different kind of viable multicellular life form through the application of directed mutations and natural selection. That shouldn’t be too hard with all of their expertize. No, all they have managed to do with their extensive knowledge of evolution and years of experimentation and wasted government funding of evolutionary biology is to produce either deformed or dead bacteria or houseflies. Where would evolutionary biology be without government welfare? Who is going to waste their own money on research that doesn’t produce any concrete results? How about something a little more challenging like transforming an asexual lifeform into a sexually reproducing life form. Let them show us how it happens. Now if they really are smart they will also be able to create sentient life through accidental mutations. I am waiting, and so are many others. True science can create some amazing technological contraptions which are almost miraculous, but only GOD can do what is truly miraculous, which is the creation of our universe and every kind of life, including human life.
It is time to end the huffing and bluffing and just-so stories and speculations about vestigial organs or genetics and give us the real deal. Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist and one of the world’s leaders in evolutionary biology, wrote this very revealing statement that highlights the implicit a priori bias against GOD that he and many other methodological naturalistic scientists hold:
‘We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.’

Yes, the Divine Foot feared by Richard Lewontin and other materialistic minded scientists is not only in the door but is trampling on their cherished evolutionary religious beliefs that they are nothing more than mutated and mutating creatures who are free from the Divine will.
Lastly, it is tragic that theistic evolutionists in their insistence on methodological naturalism usually take the side of the scientific establishment in the ostracizing and persecution of other scientists who do not believe the evidence supports evolutionary common descent, but instead points to an Intelligent Designer or Creator GOD. It is understandable why atheistic believers would hold to evolutionary beliefs and not be able to see the power and wisdom of GOD revealed in His Creation, for they have nothing else but evolution to believe in, but it is lamentable that those who express theism should be so blind as not to see GOD’S hand in His absolutely incredible handiwork in the universe and in life, particularly human life. It is time for all scientists to humble themselves and give GOD the glory He deserves for His miraculous creations. ID is a good start.


"So I'm a pretty unusual guy and it's not stupidity that has gotten me where I am. It's brilliance."

"My brain is one of the very few independent thinking brains that you've ever met. And that's a thing of wonder to you and since you don't understand it you criticize it."

~Dave Hawkins~


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(Permalink) Posted: June 07 2016,23:50   

It is understandable why atheistic believers would hold to evolutionary beliefs and not be able to see the power and wisdom of GOD revealed in His Creation, for they have nothing else but evolution to believe in, but it is lamentable that those who express theism should be so blind as not to see GOD’S hand in His absolutely incredible handiwork in the universe and in life, particularly human life. It is time for all scientists to humble themselves and give GOD the glory He deserves for His miraculous creations.

All glory to God for His miraculous creation of the malaria parasite!

We pray that His latest creation, the Zika virus, is as beneficial to mankind.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,09:20   

Quote (CeilingCat @ June 07 2016,21:50)
It is understandable why atheistic believers would hold to evolutionary beliefs and not be able to see the power and wisdom of GOD revealed in His Creation, for they have nothing else but evolution to believe in, but it is lamentable that those who express theism should be so blind as not to see GOD’S hand in His absolutely incredible handiwork in the universe and in life, particularly human life. It is time for all scientists to humble themselves and give GOD the glory He deserves for His miraculous creations.

All glory to God for His miraculous creation of the malaria parasite!

We pray that His latest creation, the Zika virus, is as beneficial to mankind.


"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,10:53   

Quote (CeilingCat @ June 08 2016,00:50)
It is understandable why atheistic believers would hold to evolutionary beliefs and not be able to see the power and wisdom of GOD revealed in His Creation, for they have nothing else but evolution to believe in, but it is lamentable that those who express theism should be so blind as not to see GOD’S hand in His absolutely incredible handiwork in the universe and in life, particularly human life. It is time for all scientists to humble themselves and give GOD the glory He deserves for His miraculous creations.

All glory to God for His miraculous creation of the malaria parasite!

We pray that His latest creation, the Zika virus, is as beneficial to mankind.

His mercy is to keep heart worm and botflies mostly off people.  Guinea worms, on the other hand ...


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,12:12   

Let's see what kind of exciting ID research they're doing over at UD, overthrowing the paradigm and all:

10 Reasons Why Atheists Are Delusional

June 8, 2016 Posted by William J Murray under Atheism, Intelligent Design, Naturalism

Henry J

Posts: 5786
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,12:19   

Wonder if those delusions include thinking that they can teach science to science deniers?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,14:41   

Quote (stevestory @ June 08 2016,10:12)
Let's see what kind of exciting ID research they're doing over at UD, overthrowing the paradigm and all:

10 Reasons Why Atheists Are Delusional

June 8, 2016 Posted by William J Murray under Atheism, Intelligent Design, Naturalism

He forgot #11: Atheists are big mean poopyheads.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,14:50   


Well then, Darwinism IS dead
June 8, 2016 Posted by News under Darwinism, Evolution, Intelligent Design
1 Comment
No matter who is on the Royal Society’s guest list. Get this, from Marcello Barbieri at Royal society:

Abstract: Today there is a very wide consensus on the idea that embryonic development is the result of a genetic programme and of epigenetic processes. Many models have been proposed in this theoretical framework to account for the various aspects of development, and virtually all of them have one thing in common: they do not acknowledge the presence of organic codes (codes between organic molecules) in ontogenesis. Here it is argued instead that embryonic development is a convergent increase in complexity that necessarily requires organic codes and organic memories, and a few examples of such codes are described. This is the code theory of development, a theory that was originally inspired by an algorithm that is capable of reconstructing structures from incomplete information, an algorithm that here is briefly summarized because it makes it intuitively appealing how a convergent increase in complexity can be achieved. The main thesis of the new theory is that the presence of organic codes in ontogenesis is not only a theoretical necessity but, first and foremost, an idea that can be tested and that has already been found to be in agreement with the evidence. More. (paywall)

This stuff wasn’t happening a decade ago.

See also: Is the Royal Society Finally Catching Up with Our Own Upright Biped? (Barry Arrington)


Sometimes Denton sounds like a Darwin who got way more right

Follow UD News at Twitter!

wd400June 8, 2016 at 1:36 pm

This stuff wasn’t happening a decade ago.

Same author saying the same thing for at least 30 years. “Darwinism” as, amazingly, survived that whole time.



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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,17:11   

June 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm
It’s amazing how all those hundreds of millions of cognitively deficient, delusional atheists around the world seem to be able to live such successful and fulfilled lives. I guess they are the type of delusions and cognitive dissonances that don’t have any effect on the ability to live successful lives.

Because they don’t actually live like their delusions are true. They give lip service to the delusions and defend them with generally poor arguments

They have no idea how foolish an argument this is!  :D

Smith: Robinson, I have completed my calculations. According to my deep analysis of sociology, history, economics, and anthropology, all Japanese people must eat Creme Brulee desserts at 3 a.m. without fail.
Robinson: Dr. Smith, I just came from Japan, my wife's Japanese, and many of my colleagues are Japanese, and nobody eats creme brulee at 3 am.
Smith: Well then they're all Japanning wrong!
Robinson: There's another possibility....


Posts: 1218
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,17:20   

I'm just grateful we have men like William J. Murray to guide us.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,17:52   

I have decided that William is right up there with Barry and StephenB in the arrogant, pompous, self-righteous ass department.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,17:58   

Quote (Jkrebs @ June 08 2016,17:52)
I have decided that William is right up there with Barry and StephenB in the arrogant, pompous, self-righteous ass department.

It's a good thing that they have less pompous, self righteous asses to fill in the gap. Like Gordon (KairosFocus) Mullings and Bornagain77.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,18:37   

Mullings is in a class by himself, and I pay no attention whatsoever to BA77.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,18:42   

zerosevenJune 8, 2016 at 5:39 pm
These kinds of threads actually make me feel sorry for you guys. You seem so out of touch with the modern world. You remind me of Amish people.



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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,19:26   

there used to be a plugin you could run, and when you went to a site you could leave notes on the site, which others with the plugin could see and reply to and so forth.

It would be fun to do that at UD.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,19:29   


clown fishJune 8, 2016 at 6:27 pm
Barry’s voice from the ceiling: “UDEditors: This is where Barry’s comment @ 28 is confirmed. CF got caught red handed lying his ass off. No acknowledgement; no apology; no mea culpa. Just move on to the next thing.

Really? Are you willing to have a debate? Just you and me? No voice from the ceiling? No silent banning? No arrogant dismissal comments? To be fair, limit it to ten comments (responses) each. No more than 200 words per comment? No links? No stupid unfounded accusations of lying? Any subject you want? Morality? Religion? Same sex marriage? Homosexuality? Your choice. Are you up for it?

Edited by stevestory on June 08 2016,20:37

Henry J

Posts: 5786
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,20:18   

Quote (stevestory @ June 08 2016,16:11)
June 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm
It’s amazing how all those hundreds of millions of cognitively deficient, delusional atheists around the world seem to be able to live such successful and fulfilled lives. I guess they are the type of delusions and cognitive dissonances that don’t have any effect on the ability to live successful lives.

Because they don’t actually live like their delusions are true. They give lip service to the delusions and defend them with generally poor arguments

They have no idea how foolish an argument this is!  :D

Smith: Robinson, I have completed my calculations. According to my deep analysis of sociology, history, economics, and anthropology, all Japanese people must eat Creme Brulee desserts at 3 a.m. without fail.
Robinson: Dr. Smith, I just came from Japan, my wife's Japanese, and many of my colleagues are Japanese, and nobody eats creme brulee at 3 am.
Smith: Well then they're all Japanning wrong!
Robinson: There's another possibility....

"That does not compute!"

"Oh, the pain, the pain!"


Posts: 1180
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,20:25   

And now WJMurray appears to be deleting comments:
clown fishJune 8, 2016 at 6:27 pm

[Stop trolling my thread, CF. -WJM]

clown fishJune 8, 2016 at 6:34 pm

[Stop trolling my thread, CF.- WJM]

(The 10 reasons thread - you know how to get there)

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,21:10   

zerosevenJune 8, 2016 at 8:07 pm
HeKS, just trying to parse your comment at 26. If one doesn’t live like a delusion is true, or only pays lip service to it, then how are they delusional? If I suffer under the delusion that I will die if I get wet, but nevertheless enjoy having baths and running around in the rain, how is that in any practical sense a delusion? I think I would call that being deluded as to being deluded. In other words, not deluded.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,21:11   

a little more accurately, if WJM suffers under the delusion about zeroseven...


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,21:51   

Robert ByersJune 8, 2016 at 8:42 pm
This is welcome if true.
It shows all biology is greatly controlled by memory.
One does not need a brain. Or rather the brain, I say, is oNLY a memory machine. So animals likewise have this memory.
If human intelligence was in a giant brain then why would evolutionism welcome excellent memory operation in fish?
It questions the presumption that brain size is relevant to thinking in biology.

Byers is a poor UD standards

Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,22:08   

Quote (stevestory @ June 08 2016,21:51)
Robert ByersJune 8, 2016 at 8:42 pm
This is welcome if true.
It shows all biology is greatly controlled by memory.
One does not need a brain. Or rather the brain, I say, is oNLY a memory machine. So animals likewise have this memory.
If human intelligence was in a giant brain then why would evolutionism welcome excellent memory operation in fish?
It questions the presumption that brain size is relevant to thinking in biology.

Byers is a poor UD standards

He mentioned at PT once that he's been blind in one eye since the age of twelve--and the other eye doesn't see all that well.

What does that, and other evidence, suggest?  Serious head injury, or, less likely, some sort of neurologic disease.  He's not just stupid, either, he really seems to have odd affects, just not reacting normally to insults or to intelligent responses.

I mean I know that they generally seem pretty stupid over there, but I think Robert has better reason for it than do most of them.  I doubt much genius has truly been wasted on ID/creationism, in fact, but most of them almost certainly do better with other subjects.  I don't think that's true of Robert.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: June 08 2016,22:39   

clown fishJune 8, 2016 at 9:34 pm
WJM: <b>[Stop trolling my thread, CF.- WJM]</b>

So, rather than address my comments, you delete them and paste the line above. That really is sad. If my comments were so stupid, why not leave them for everyone to see?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 09 2016,01:02   

Teleology is inescapable. But atheists nevertheless believe they have escaped it by describing it. Chesterton’s Ethics in Elfland is key. Physical “laws” are not laws in the sense that anything or anyone is bound by them.* The are mathematical models of observed regularities. And why are the observed regularities in fact regular? Materialist scientists have no clue, though they pretend they do.

The water in a brook does not fall downstream because it is obeying the gravitational inverse square law. Indeed, the gravitational inverse square law (or Einstein’s curved space if you like) do not explain why water runs downhill. Those mathematical models merely describe the regularity that is observed. They do not even purport to explain why that regularity exists. As Chesterton said, water runs downstream because it is bewitched.**  How it came to be bewitched or who bewitched it are not questions science can answer.

Failure to understand this simple and obvious point is why there is so much confusion.
Barry in the Answering Severski ... thread.

* Suggested test of this theory: Jump off a building at least 50 stories high and then just refuse to follow Newton's laws of motion.  You are not bound by them.  You are a Christian and you put Christ's law over human laws!

** Chesterton actually said that, therefore you can forget that inverse law and all that other "Newtonian" crap.  Did you know that Newton denied the Trinity?  And yet he signed an oath stating that he believed in it in order to get his nice cushy government job.   Therefore he was not only wrong, but dishonest too and therefore water does not flow downstream.  Unless there's a witch involved somewhere.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 09 2016,07:31   

Quote (Henry J @ June 08 2016,20:18)
Quote (stevestory @ June 08 2016,16:11)
June 8, 2016 at 3:41 pm
It’s amazing how all those hundreds of millions of cognitively deficient, delusional atheists around the world seem to be able to live such successful and fulfilled lives. I guess they are the type of delusions and cognitive dissonances that don’t have any effect on the ability to live successful lives.

Because they don’t actually live like their delusions are true. They give lip service to the delusions and defend them with generally poor arguments

They have no idea how foolish an argument this is!  :D

Smith: Robinson, I have completed my calculations. According to my deep analysis of sociology, history, economics, and anthropology, all Japanese people must eat Creme Brulee desserts at 3 a.m. without fail.
Robinson: Dr. Smith, I just came from Japan, my wife's Japanese, and many of my colleagues are Japanese, and nobody eats creme brulee at 3 am.
Smith: Well then they're all Japanning wrong!
Robinson: There's another possibility....

"That does not compute!"

"Oh, the pain, the pain!"

It would explain an awful lot if UD were an Irwin Allen production.

The gallant crew of the space ship Jupiter 1+1 are trapped on the lost planet Montserrat. Every episode they are invaded another Guest Star evolutionist, which they have to battle until they can bring Barry the Robot online to deploy the Ban Hammer.

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