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All About Antievolution  
Antievolution, Politics, and the Law
The socio-political aspect of antievolution

User(s) active in this forum : 6
47 171 May 07 2013,16:21
In: A link from the NCSE
By: Arctodus23
Intelligent Design
ID as part of the antievolution movement

User(s) active in this forum : 82
233 631 Dec. 12 2018,18:39
In: Elsberry & Shallit on ...
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Young-Earth Antievolution
Packing all earth history into about 10,000 years

User(s) active in this forum : 1
20 79 Feb. 16 2013,21:38
In: Hovind Appeal Denied
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Old-Earth Antievolution
Billions of years and "special creation", too

User(s) active in this forum : 5
1 0 April 13 2003,19:20
In: The Thomas-ReMine Debate Is Comp
By: lpetrich
General projects in addressing antievolution arguments.  Public read, restricted posting.

User(s) active in this forum : 14
12 81 July 25 2003,22:32
In: Evolution of prokaryote flagella
By: niiicholas
Specifically About Intelligent Design  
Intelligent Design News
Happenings related to "intelligent design" and critical responses to it. Public posting and reading.

User(s) active in this forum : 4
2170 68 May 12 2007,20:33
In: 3 books about matters ...
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Not a Book to Be Tossed Aside Lightly...
Reviews and commentary on "intelligent design" books, essays, and other prose. Public read, restricted posting.

User(s) active in this forum : 0
5 0 Oct. 04 2011,12:04
In: A recent review of Ste...
By: Dr.GH
Cabbages and Kings
Specific topics in "intelligent design" argumentation.  Public read, restricted posting.
Forum Led by: niiicholas

User(s) active in this forum : 40
41 222 April 04 2018,10:55
In: Invidious comparisons...
By: Dr.GH
The ID-files
Personalities in "intelligent design". Public read, restricted posting.
Forum Led by: Wesley R. Elsberry

User(s) active in this forum : 0
6 7 Feb. 06 2005,22:43
In: Richard von Sternberg and Antiev
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Evolutionary Biology  
News & Events
News items & event announcements or reports concerning evolutionary biology.  Public reading and posting.

User(s) active in this forum : 8
1521 15 June 18 2010,16:43
In: Where to find Research...
By: FrankH
From the Panda's Thumb
After the Bar Closes...
A place to continue discussions once threads are closed on the Panda's Thumb.
Forum Led by: Kristine, Lou FCD, stevestory

User(s) active in this forum : 38
1636 269860 Aug. 28 2024,11:07
In: Science Break
By: Henry J
The TalkOrigins Archive  
This area is for feedback concerning the TalkOrigins Archive. This is an interim solution until a secure feedback mechanism can be installed on the TOA. Anyone can start a topic here, but topics not attracting the interest of a TOA respondent within one month will be deleted.  Topics enter a moderation queue and will be made publicly visible upon review. Those who used to reply to TOA feedback should contact the moderator here to obtain the privilege to post replies.
Forum Led by: Dr.GH, Troy Britain, Wesley R. Elsberry

User(s) active in this forum : 1
0 2 June 28 2008,23:20
In: talkorigins site
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
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