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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,03:19   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,12:12)
Statement: God Exists.

Now prove that true or false.  It can't be done.  As you say, there is no evidence that God exists but there is also no evidence that God doesn't.  There is no rational solution but you arbitrarily choose one.  Why?  Isn't it just as justified to say that God exists?  If you truly were not attached to your conclusion then you wouldn't make one because either one could be considered wrong in a rational argument.

This assumes a 50-50 split over God's existence which is a weak argument and incorrect.

1. Christianity is based on the new and old Testament. Well science and archeology have proven that most of the old testament was basically made up. For the New Testament there is little contemporary information to see what is true or not, but we do know that the various birth and resurrection stories are contradictory. That if the miracles happened (particularly graves opening) there would have been a lot of contemporary records. There could have been a Jesus, but a miracle worker, unlikely.

2 Religions contradicts each other, even different kinds of Christianity contradict other types of Christianity.

3 Additionally, there is much to be said that belief in higher Gods could be an innate survival trait in humans.

4 Also, events seem to be random. Good/Bad luck seems to effect people equally whether they are Good or Bad or what they believe.

5 As science explains more the gaps that God can hide in gets smaller.

I can't say that there is definitely no God but it appears extremely unlikely she exists.

Or in other words, if there is a God, then she doesn't seem to interact with the universe at all except for perhaps getting the ball rolling, so what's the point acting if she exists?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,04:48   

the burden of proof does not lie on the theist

It does Skeptic, because they're making the claim.

Funny thing is, we're just talking about 1 single image of God, just skeptic's one. There are billions of idea's about what God is. "God", as a word, is meaningless unless a person gives meaning to that word. We don't know what meaning Skeptic gave to the word "God". But he has to take 1 thing in notion: he's just 1 single person, out of 6 billion. He's just 1 of the billions of idea's about what God is, that puts things in perspective. Because out of all those billions of people why would YOU Skeptic be right. Is it the Bible? Well, loads of people also use the Bible for that, but you don't want to know what they think (for example, the Westboro Baptist Church, scary people). Why aren't they right?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,05:59   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,06:09)
It always comes back to this at some point or another.  No, Ian, the default position is not no

Then I am Julius Ceasar. Thank you for proving that to me Skep, I'll go lord it over some peasant types.

I'm not the fastest or the baddest or the fatest.

You NEVER seem to address the fact that the grand majority of people supporting Darwinism in these on line forums and blogs are atheists. That doesn't seem to bother you guys in the least. - FtK

Roddenberry is my God.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,08:03   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,00:09)
 No, Ian, the default position is not no and no, GCT, the burden of proof does not lie on the theist.

1) Are you always this dumb?
2) Are you a sock of afdave?

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,08:50   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,01:09)
It always comes back to this at some point or another.  No, Ian, the default position is not no and no, GCT, the burden of proof does not lie on the theist.  Both aspects of this statement are a positive statement and both require proof.  Neither rises to the occasion but you can not point to the failure of one side as decisive knowing that the alternate position is equally fruitless.

I fail to see why the burden of proof lies on the atheist to disprove god.  If I act like an actual skeptic and say that the theist has proven there is no god, so I do not accept their positive assertion, how is that making an assertion myself?

If your position is that atheism says that there simply is no evidence for a God then you can not come to a determination because the nature of evidence is fluid.  I think that is more of the agnostic position whereas atheism actually says there is no God based upon the lack of evidence.  We may quibble here over the semantics but I think most atheists are willing to take the position that God doesn't exist even if they don't want to accept that they're making a positive claim.

Can you do me a favor?  Instead of telling a bunch of atheists what they think/believe, etc, why don't you actually listen to what we are telling you we think?  Do you really think that you know what we think better than we do?

Now, to your statement, are you asserting that someone has presented evidence for god, to me?  You can rest assured that this has not happened.  Until it does, I am well within reason to reject the positive assertion that god exists.

Our answer to this question is irrelevant to the subject as the question has already been answered by the Universe at the moment of existence.  Either God, of whatever nature, exists or It doesn't.  This is a fifty-fifty proposition and there is only one logical course to follow in assessing it.

How did you determine that the probability is fifty-fifty?  Do you also believe that the probability of invisible pink unicorns is fifty-fifty?  How about Zeus, Thor, Baal, the FSM, etc?  Are those all fifty-fifty as well?  Why or why not?

So, again, either God exists or doesn't and we have no direct evidence in either case so either proposition is equally viable.

Either Russell's floating teapot exists or it doesn't and it's equally viable and rational to believe that it does than to believe that it doesn't?  Are you really trying to say this?  Do you really wish to assert that it is viable to believe in any proposition if you don't have evidence against it?

IMO, what most atheists actually have a problem with is religion, as I stated before.  Most never really address the existence of God they just reject the [insert here] God.  The problem with that is that the [insert here] God may bear no resemblance whatsoever to God and they are basing their entire argument on an illusion.

You do realize this is done out of expediency, right?  We live in an overwhelmingly Xian country, so of course we will expend more energy battling against the myth of Xianity than other myths.  That doesn't mean that we secretly believe in other gods or that we haven't considered those other gods or anything else that you think it means.  Also, if we argue against a specific belief, we are arguing against that belief, it is not a strawman.

That is why, Ian and GCT, that any claims on either side are positive claims and fall victim to the same fallacy.

I remain unconvinced because you've based your whole entire argument on a strawman characterization of what atheists believe.

And that is why, Chris, you're really outmatched in this discussion because you refuse to look at the question rationally and continue to rely on your irrelevant emotional response that has no connection to the actual question.  It's time to disengage your heart and engage your mind.  Without doing that you'll never get anywhere on this topic and you probably won't even be aware why you're wrong.

This is obviously getting nowhere, as Chris and I have already pointed out that you aren't comprehending what he's saying.  You simply keep repeating the same charge, and even when I break it down to you, you ignore what I said and continue to repeat the same charge, as if the more you say it, the more true it becomes.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,08:56   

Quote (Assassinator @ Dec. 29 2007,05:48)
the burden of proof does not lie on the theist

It does Skeptic, because they're making the claim.

Funny thing is, we're just talking about 1 single image of God, just skeptic's one. There are billions of idea's about what God is. "God", as a word, is meaningless unless a person gives meaning to that word. We don't know what meaning Skeptic gave to the word "God". But he has to take 1 thing in notion: he's just 1 single person, out of 6 billion. He's just 1 of the billions of idea's about what God is, that puts things in perspective. Because out of all those billions of people why would YOU Skeptic be right.

Is the possibility of one god the same as the possibility of 2 gods?  7?  31?...

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,10:01   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Dec. 28 2007,10:24)
Actually, Bob, it's a nice square size, just right for an avatar...


He's right, you know.

If Mr. Williams' estate notices this, they're not going to be happy by the association.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,12:08   

Assassinator is right and this is why any discussion about God falls outside the realm of rational inquiry.

The only thing conclusion you can come to when the theist fails to present evidence for the existence of God is that the theist has failed to provide evidence for the existence of God.  The mistake is made by making the next step and saying therefore God does not exist.  There's the positive claim.  Imagine me asking a 12 year old to provide me evidence for the existence of an electron and then when he fails to do so I falsely claim that electrons do not exist.  Again, the only rational conclusion is no conclusion at all.

GCT, just reading what you guys are saying drawing my own conclusions.  That's the best I can do.  For example,

We live in an overwhelmingly Xian country, so of course we will expend more energy battling against the myth of Xianity than other myths.

why are you battling anything?  why do you care?  just curious.

khan, there's no logical necessity for Multiple First Causes and while they are not ruled out there's just no utility in pursuing that line of reasoning.

Ian, have fun but do me a favor, don't bring the toga back.  Just a request.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,12:17   

a true believer who failed freshman philosphy wrote
the only rational conclusion is no conclusion at all.

false.  There are many rational conclusions.  My own goes something like this

after examining the evidence (and lack thereof) I'm convinced there is no god.  in fact the whole idea is very very idiotic to me.  in light of new and compelling evidence I could be shown to be wrong.  but until that evidence is presented and verified I will just say no to believing in magical sky pixies, talking donkies, ghosts, goblins, zombies, virgin births, santa claus and the tooth fairy.

THAT is a rational conclusion, true believer.  and my take on it does not prove there is no god, only the reasons why *i* am convinced there is no god.

ps are you a sock for larry f (the ID legal scholar?)

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,12:20   

Those are indeed your reasons but they're not rational ones, sorry.  That is to say you may be right but you're not making a reasoned-based argument.  I hope you see the difference...maybe one day.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,13:24   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,13:20)
Those are indeed your reasons but they're not rational ones, sorry.  That is to say you may be right but you're not making a reasoned-based argument.  I hope you see the difference...maybe one day.

and your rational reasoning for any god is....?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,14:02   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,18:20)
Those are indeed your reasons but they're not rational ones, sorry.  That is to say you may be right but you're not making a reasoned-based argument.  I hope you see the difference...maybe one day.

How is "I can't see any reason, therefore no" irrational?

Either you're using a whole new definition of rational (in which case, why?) or you don't understand logic.

I'm not the fastest or the baddest or the fatest.

You NEVER seem to address the fact that the grand majority of people supporting Darwinism in these on line forums and blogs are atheists. That doesn't seem to bother you guys in the least. - FtK

Roddenberry is my God.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,14:53   

Quote (IanBrown_101 @ Dec. 29 2007,14:02)
Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,18:20)
Those are indeed your reasons but they're not rational ones, sorry.  That is to say you may be right but you're not making a reasoned-based argument.  I hope you see the difference...maybe one day.

How is "I can't see any reason, therefore no" irrational?

Either you're using a whole new definition of rational (in which case, why?) or you don't understand logic.

The "logic" rules skep goes by seem to have been made up by himself for his own benefit.  The funny part is every single person in this thread continues to point out how wrong and mistaken larry, i mean skep, is and he still clings to this "everyone is wrong but me"

I don't know if he doesn't get it or cannnot get it.  I always wonder if people like him and larry f and vmartin types have some sort of cognitive impairment that encumbers their ability to reason or see things in a certain light.

I don't usually read anything he writes but I have seen a few other threads and this "everyone is wrong but me" seems to be an ongoing thing for skep (and larry f, and vmartin, and afdave, and dave tard for that matter).

That's the only thing that makes sense to me, it's difficult to imagine someone purposefully being that stupid.  he's simply mental i suspect.

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,15:48   

The only thing conclusion you can come to when the theist fails to present evidence for the existence of God is that the theist has failed to provide evidence for the existence of God.  The mistake is made by making the next step and saying therefore God does not exist.  There's the positive claim.  Imagine me asking a 12 year old to provide me evidence for the existence of an electron and then when he fails to do so I falsely claim that electrons do not exist.  Again, the only rational conclusion is no conclusion at all.

The evidence is only about a certain image of God. It's not againts all images of God, only against one or a couple. It's a mistake to say all images of God won't exist, it ain't however to say that certain images of God won't exist.

Just to make things easier, in what image of God do you beleive Skeptic?

Is the possibility of one god the same as the possibility of 2 gods?  7?  31?...

At this point, even a billion, a whole species of gods. The possibility is just as great for all options, since we have 0 evidence for either of them.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,16:15   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 30 2007,05:20)
Those are indeed your reasons but they're not rational ones, sorry.  That is to say you may be right but you're not making a reasoned-based argument.  I hope you see the difference...maybe one day.


I don't need any steenking evidence, I'm just right.

I usually stay away from threads that mention atheism because they either consist of atheists patting ourselves on the back for being rational or a theist presenting zero positive evidence telling us that we are not rational.

Skeptic calling himself a sceptic is the same as Ftk calling herself reasonable.

"The skeptics guide to the universe" had an interesting definition of a sceptic. It is not enough to just question everything, to be a true sceptic you need to change you mind when the evidence is contrary to your current beliefs.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,17:02   

rhmc, as I said before, the only rational argument for the existence of God is existence itself, everything after that becomes irrational and that's where belief comes in.  

Ian, it is perfectly rational to say I see no evidence and stop there.  It's when you go further and make positive claims or, in the case of your specific question, make value claims that you are no longer engaged in reason-based arguments.

Assassinator, I have to answer that question two ways.  As a matter of rational inquiry I accept God as First Cause and as a matter of belief I'm a Christian.  I can make reasoned arguments concerning God as First Cause but as far as a Christian God I can only fall back on faith and personal spiritual experience which really holds no relevance beyond myself.

As far as discussion around my username, I find it completely appropriate as I question everything.  As a matter of consequence, all human knowledge is potentially or even certainly flawed.  We tend to view ourselves outside of the context of history and I'm sure the Greeks considered themselves equally enlightened.  I take a long term view and try to imagine what will endure for the next 1000 years.  A study of history shows us that very little does and if I had to bet I'd say the only knowledge that will endure will be geometry and pure mathematics.  Overturning those concepts would require complete changes in the way we think and process the world so I feel pretty safe with those two.  Everything else is fair game.  The reason why many here are offended by my choice of names is simply because I'm not skeptical of the same things they are, even though in many cases I am but that tends to get brushed under the rug.  So there's the logic behind the name.  And another thing just for the record, personal attacks are wasted on me so I'll try to save you the potential carpal tunnel.  Continue on if you feel so compelled but it won't ever change a single thing I post here or my frequency or my topics.  Just thought I'd help you guys out there, for what it's worth.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,17:27   

"I exist therefore jeebus exists" is not a rational argument, Larry/skepti.

You're free to believe in all the nonsense you want but telling other people that their rational beliefs are not rational makes you look as stupid as something we'd read from the DI.

Your logic is flawed (everyone has pointed that out to you) you're arguments are flawed (everyone has pointed that out to you).  Worse than that you seem to have an inability to recognize when you're wrong (everyone has pointed that out to you.

No one will give a shit that you pray to a zombie and believe in talking donkies, the issue is when you start redefining what is rational and what constitutes logic and scratch your head wondering why everyone thinks you're full of shit.

Just sayin'.

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,17:54   

Existence itself and not Jesus, God.  Really, Chris, have you even understood a single word I've said?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,18:04   

Assassinator, I have to answer that question two ways.  As a matter of rational inquiry I accept God as First Cause and as a matter of belief I'm a Christian.  I can make reasoned arguments concerning God as First Cause but as far as a Christian God I can only fall back on faith and personal spiritual experience which really holds no relevance beyond myself.

If your God is the first cause, it also exists for me. The universe you live in, is the same as where I live in. It does not matter what you beleive, it doesn't matter anything. God as First Cause is either true, or it is false. Your beleives aren't changing anything to that.
You may also rationally accept that God is the first cause, but that does not mean you're right. It's an option, yes, but so far nothing is pointing that way. It's not rational to accept God as the first cause if zit is pointing to that. You don't want to know how many creation stories there are around the world, all with zit zero evidence. Why are you right then, and why are they wrong?

Can also explain why existance itself is a rational argument for the existance of God. Who is this God person anyway? What IS God? You may say there is one, but who says that's actually true?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,19:11   

The argument goes that because the Universe exists and it is a universe of cause and effect and it is a finite Universe then there must have been a First Cause.  We may descend into semantics as to whether or not it is right to call this First Cause God but I'll bypass that for now.  Mind you this is not the God of the Bible or any other specific deity that mankind attempts to know but it lays the foundation, if that makes any sense.

You're right, if God is the First Cause then he exists for both of us regardless of what we believe and the converse is true that if no God exists then no God exists for us all.  Having no way to actually access this knowledge forces us to rely on belief and that is neither right or wrong for anyone but the individual.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,19:20   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,17:54)
Existence itself and not Jesus, God.  Really, Chris, have you even understood a single word I've said?

no I have not understood much of anything you're said.  That's the problem, you don't make sense.  You contradict yourself, make false claims, attempt to redefine what is rational and logical.  and you can't/don't see any of it.  you're a misguided true believer.  you don't have a weekend gig selling carnations at the airport do you?

you're line of "reasoning" is identical to larry f/vmartin/afdave tard. They can't/don't make sense either. so no, I have not understood much of anything coming from you.

just curious, are you here to bring people to jesus or is this some sort of missionary work to pay your dues so to speak?  you're obviously not here to learn, no one listens to you, you don't get the most simple of concepts.  you'd be a hero at UD.  in fact they "reason" much like you and they would have an appreciation for your make believe world and strange "logic"..

I'm just curious what the draw here is for you.  not suggesting you shouldn't be here, but your presence makes me curious.  

is being the ideological village idiot of an online forum something virtuous in christian theology?  I must have missed that part and I've read that dang book several times.

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,20:12   

point out where I've contradicted myself or made a false claim...


alright, now take a valium and go to bed, you're not ready to play with the big boys yet.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,20:15   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,20:12)
point out where I've contradicted myself or made a false claim...


alright, now take a valium and go to bed, you're not ready to play with the big boys yet.

Modest + tard. My favourite!

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,20:39   

Isn't this just the courtier's reply ala PZ and Dawkins.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,20:48   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,00:09)
...the default position is not no and no, GCT, the burden of proof does not lie on the theist.  Both aspects of this statement are a positive statement and both require proof.

So I gather that you enthusiastically accept the loving embrace of Ninhursag, the well-beloved Mother of All.   She was around thousands of years before this Johann-come-lately Yahweh upstart showed up with his putative offspring that you prattle on about so constantly.

The "burden of proof" being upon the denier in your universe, of course.

Doctrine, when it lets its hair down,
   can trample, without fear,
   even the most innocent of truths.
           -- Frederico Garcia Lorca


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,21:01   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,19:11)
The argument goes that because the Universe exists and it is a universe of cause and effect and it is a finite Universe then there must have been a First Cause.

We actually don't know that the universe is finite.  It may be part of a larger, infinite framework. Or the universe may be infinte itself.  Therefore one of your premises is not valid.
We may descend into semantics as to whether or not it is right to call this First Cause God but I'll bypass that for now.

One of the musings of M-Theory is that this universe is a result of two higher "branes" colliding in said larger framework.  If this is true , shall we define "God" as the "collision between two 'P-branes'"?  Shouldn't, therefore, your claim that the First Cause is God be THE question?
Mind you this is not the God of the Bible or any other specific deity that mankind attempts to know but it lays the foundation, if that makes any sense.

Then what is the God of the Bible if not the Creator of the Universe (Gen 1-2)?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,21:46   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,18:02)
rhmc, as I said before, the only rational argument for the existence of God is existence itself, everything after that becomes irrational and that's where belief comes in.  

so you have no proof, just a belief?


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,22:32   

yes, UnMark that is one possible refutation to the argument.  If the Universe is not finite then a First Cause may not be necessary.  This is a premise that can be tested rationally and our current cosmology points to a finite Universe.  The only problem to the Multiverse theory is as yet we have no way to test it empirically.  Should that change and we discover that the Multiverse is infinite and our Universe is merely an emergent characteristic of that reality then the case for a First Cause is in jeopardy.

rhmc, that's also right, in the case of the fifty-fifty proposition I choose heads and everything that follows from that is pure belief.

Sorry, Connatic, never heard of Ninhursag.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2007,22:57   

Quote (skeptic @ Dec. 29 2007,22:32)
Sorry, Connatic, never heard of Ninhursag.

Imagine that.  This is why your soul will shortly belong to Ereshkigal, and your fate will be eternally dismal.

Long before those itinerant goat-herders appeared at the Eastern end of the Mediterranean, the sophisticated and literate Sumerians had it all figured out.  Ninhursag is the mother of all life on Earth.  She got that title 3000 or more years before your particular mythology gained any sort of currency.

By the standards you have enunciated, it's up to you now to demonstrate that Ninhursag, Nergal, Enki, Ereshkigal and the rest of that pantheon don't exist.  You may also wish to provide convincing proof that your particular imaginary friend (or friends) do[es].

Have at it.

Doctrine, when it lets its hair down,
   can trample, without fear,
   even the most innocent of truths.
           -- Frederico Garcia Lorca


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 30 2007,02:18   

wow, aren't you a breath of fresh air.

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