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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,19:44   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 03 2008,17:39)
Ok, I've read Day's chapter on Dawkins, because Ftk suggested that the best general arguments refuting the reasonableness of atheism are there.

No, Bill, I don’t believe that is what I suggested.

Ftk: "From what I've read, the strong parts of the book were his responses to Dawkins and Harris's latest books."

RB: "I'll read the Dawkins chapter. I've gathered the gist of what Dawkins has to say from talks, etc."

Fkt: "When we're both done reading it (all of it), I'll listen to your views."

OK, translate THAT into Ftk talk.

As far as ad hominem attacks are concerned, I think Day has every right, and indeed a responsibility to address Dawkins when he makes statements time and time again about how irresponsibly religious people are raising their children.

However obligated Day may feel to respond to Dawkins, the standard he set for himself was "modern, secular reasoning." Ad hominem attacks are not "modern secular reasoning." I reported my disappointment in the absence of such reasoning in the sections I have perused. Moreover, Day's ad hominem statements go far beyond Dawkins' letter to his daughter and include unsupported assertions regarding Dawkins' supposedly failing intellectual acumen, his marriages, etc. You acknowledge his ad hominem attacks and assert he has every right to them. Case closed.

BTW, you haven't (nor does Day in his response) addressed yourself to Day's ridiculous statements regarding Dawkins' qualifications to write The God Delusion in light of Day's remarks on his own qualifications (game designer) to write The Irrational Atheist.
That discussion was a little weird, FTK. It's obvious that either Bill nor Annyday know what they're talking about, mostly because the one hasn't read TGD

The faint ridicule of which I am deserving. But one needn't have read Dawkins to detect the fatal flaws in Day's supposed refutation of what he characterizes as Dawkins' "central argument." And you'll note that Day didn't respond to my disassembly of either of his supposed "proofs" that a designer needn't be more complex than the objects it designs. That leave's Dawkins' "central argument" standing.  
And their objections to complexity as a measure are funny too, because that is the very measure that Dawkins chose.

I simply took note of the shift. I didn't object to it.
I find it very telling that after I refute every major argument from a massively popular bestseller, the first response is, "oh, well, that doesn't matter anyway...."

As I have shown, his refutations of Dawkins' "central argument" fail miserably. Obviously, then, he hasn't refuted every major argument, and Dawkins' "central argument" stands untouched by his critique. Therefore he isn't entitled to this remark.

Both Dawkins (first) and Day (second) engage in contest over undecidable arguments from consequences that, as I stated, are not interesting to me. In my remarks on that section I wasn't defending Dawkins and to that end dismissing Day's arguments - rather, I dismiss them both in this regard. And, as I indicated in my earlier remarks, Day and I are in complete agreement that Daniel Dennett has produced a constructive and valuable book in Breaking the Spell, Satan's veils notwithstanding. Given that you've never read Dennett, Ftk, I suggest that you pick it up.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:30   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 03 2008,14:39)
Personally, I’d prefer my children being brought up in a loving family who honor the sanctimony of marriage, and put their children first rather than leave them to go off and marry another women.

Sanctimony is never honorable. Still it's reassuringly consistent that Ftk brings the same sanctimony to her marriage that she brings to all her discussions here.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:31   

Okay, Kristine....your turn.  I apologize for the length of this post....once I started, there was really no stopping my fingers from flying across the keyboard.

He doesn't assert that. He asserts that teaching children that they will go to hell because of this or that, is abusive. What he objects to is saying "That is a Christian child," rather than "That is a child of Christian parents." To him it is as wrong to say "Christian/Muslim/atheist child" (yes, he thinks it's as abusive to tell a child "You are an atheist," as to insist "You are a Christian," and I agree wholeheartedly) as it is to say, "That is a capitalist/Republican/Democrat/Marxist/whatever child." Children must make that choice themselves, and they must be raised with knowledge of comparative religion.

I have this from his own lips. He has said it repeatedly. He said it in The God Delusion. But people hear and read what they want to hear and read.

Here are his own words.  We’re all familiar with them...

It is fashionable to wax apocalyptic about the threat to humanity posed by the AIDS virus, "mad cow" disease, and many others, but I think a case can be made that faith is one of the world's great evils, comparable to the smallpox virus but harder to eradicate.

What is not sweet and touching is that these children were all four years old. How can you possibly describe a child of four as a Muslim or a Christian or a Hindu or a Jew? Would you talk about a four-year-old economic monetarist? Would you talk about a four-year-old neo-isolationist or a four-year-old liberal Republican? There are opinions about the cosmos and the world that children, once grown, will presumably be in a position to evaluate for themselves. Religion is the one field in our culture about which it is absolutely accepted, without question — without even noticing how bizarre it is — that parents have a total and absolute say in what their children are going to be, how their children are going to be raised, what opinions their children are going to have about the cosmos, about life, about existence. Do you see what I mean about mental child abuse?

The only way to live according to Dawkins would be to never speak to my child or lock them in a sound proof room until they are old enough to “make their own decisions” about life.  Of course we influence our children...they are an extension of us.  We don’t have “total and absolute say in what are children are going to be”.  As they grow, they are influenced by many, many other people and they learn from their own mistakes and accomplishments in life.  

Kristine, I don’t threaten my children with hell.  I don’t tell them to pick up their clothes or they are going to hell, I don’t lock them in their closets and tell them that if they don’t straighten up and obey God, they’re going straight to hell.  Granted, that would be child abuse, but thankfully, I don’t personally know any Christian parents who abuse their children this way (not that abusive parents don’t exist- but, abuse comes in all forms).  

There is no reason to tell them they are going to “go to hell for this or that” because ultimately, no one will be going to hell unless they reject their Creator and his plan for salvation.  No other religion offers this assurance, as other religions are based upon your level of goodness, which begs the good is good enough?  With the Christian faith, we all acknowledge our sin and realize that the best we can do is strive to be like Christ, and when we fall astray, we regroup and ask for God’s forgiveness, which He always offers those sincere in the asking.

As far as considering your child a “Christian”, “Muslim” or *nothing at all*, that is simply none of Dawkins’ business, and to assert that this is a form of abuse is asinine.  How is a child to learn about anything, if they are not afforded the chance?  If a parent simply ignores the subject altogether, the child is apt to do the same throughout their own life.  It may be of ultimate surprise to you, but many, many churches study other religions and the differences between them.  They also encourage them to do independent studies of religion on their own.  I know that you believe that all Christian churches shy away from considering anything other than their own religion for fear that they may lose their faith, but that is not always true.  It certainly isn’t the case at my church.  

Dawkins is no different than any other parents in this respect.  He has very dogmatic views on the topic of religion, foremost that religion leads to most of the evils in the world...this he also states in the preface to Juliet’s letter that I will link to later.  Now from what I gather from that preface, he wasn’t comfortable discussing the important things in life, and I can understand why if he was afraid that he might influence her in any way.  Unfortunately for his daughter, that is what being a parent is all about.  We are to raise our children as best we can and that would include sharing our ideals about morality, the world, their studies, our hopes for their future, views about sex, etc., etc., etc..  

Now, Dawkins' feeling are very strong when it comes to religion, and it is entirely impossible for me to believe that he never let on about his feelings in front of his daughter.  That would really take some doing, and it would probably never allow his child to truly understand her father and his views about life.  Unfortunate, IMHO.  Nevertheless, even if he never uttered a word about his beliefs to Juliet, there is no doubt that she was well aware of her father’s notoriety and the books he authored, so it’s a little bit silly to assert that she wasn’t influenced by her father’s beliefs in any way.

Another thing that is interesting about his letter to Juliet is that he suggests that she only believe things in which she has “evidence” for, yet Dawkins asserts that design does not precede evolution.  That is interesting since he has no evidence for that claim.   His evidence is based conclusively on assumption that naturalism is true.  So in essence, according to his suggestions for Juliet, she shouldn’t believe a word he says about the subject either.  He’d like us to believe that the only knowledge one can rely on is that of scientific knowledge, but we cannot know whether all knowledge is identical to scientific knowledge because that is not something that can be known scientifically.  He’s basing his “facts” on his own philosophy, not empirical data.

But can you force your children to accept Jesus once they are adults? Again, that's choice that they have to make themselves.

And what do you mean, "go off and marry another woman?" He didn't abandon his daughter. She was, I believe, in her teens when he married Lalla Ward, and I have no idea who left whom; at any rate, it appears he was alone for years before marrying Ward. If you want to get self-righteous, let's get the personal details right, as much as you want to dig into the personal details.

Of course you can’t “force your children to accept Jesus” when they become adults.  You for one should certainly know that, but I also wouldn’t turn my back on my children due to their decision in this regard.  Not all Christians are as intolerant as you would like to believe.  Did your family abandon you when you made the choice to reject God?  

As far as Dawkins’ “abandoning his daughter”,perhaps that‘s a tad harsh, but all I have to go on is what he puts out in the public square.  In his book [URL=,+most+of+her+childhood+i+unhappily+saw+her+only+for+short+periods+of+time+and+it+was+n

ot+easy+to+talk+about+the+important+things+of+life&source=web&ots=eAAb-ljHG-&sig=RyxcSX65XB7v0QmTOeCk0EldFjA#PPA241,M1]The Devil’s Chaplain[/URL], Dawkins prefaces his letter to Juliet with this regret:

"For most of her childhood, I unhappily saw her only for short periods of time, and it was not easy to talk about the important things of life."

That seemed pretty clear to me, but perhaps he meant something altogether different and it just didn’t come across properly.

In regard to divorce, it has become almost an epidemic.  People divorce their spouses for any number of insignificant reasons.  I can certainly understand divorcing someone for infidelity, abandonment or abuse, but the problem is that infidelity is almost a way of life these days.  It’s wrong, and it’s harmful to our children.  It’s your right to think otherwise, but I don’t have to agree with you.  I’m not out to condemn, I’m simply suggesting that people be sure of what they are getting into when they commit to someone.  I almost made a horrific mistake myself in a past life, but by the grace of God, I got out of the relationship before we were married (although we had been engaged for a short time).  If we had married, I’m pretty sure that I’d have ended up divorced myself for one of the reasons I mentioned above.  The point is that divorce is going to happen, but it shouldn’t happen without very good reason, and everyone should take that kind of commitment seriously from the get go for the sake of our children.

So many people like to sentimentalize, and thus infantilize, girls and women. Apparently, all we want to be told is that we're beautiful, loved, etc.

Honey, any woman who says they don’t appreciate parents, family, friends, or men (in our case) telling them they are beautiful or that they enjoy their company, or whatever.....are colder than an ice cube, or dead.  You certainly don’t appear to be either, and you forget that I read your blog as well as this forum and others.  I’ve never seen you appear to dislike the men fawning over you for one reason or the other.  In fact, I’d go as far to say that I think you probably enjoy it...or at least it comes across that way.  Truth be told, neither one of us is that comatose.

I was a singularly unsentimental little girl. I would have loved to hear this from someone. When I first read the letter to Juliet years ago, I read it over and over, and wished sincerely that it had been said to me, instead of all the "Jesus loves you/you're so pretty/here's a dolly, be a good mother" crap. That's just not me. Tedious lectures was what I was reading at ten.

"You're nothing but a calculating machine!" There must be other girls who grew as tomboys, for pity's sake. I too was often accused in person of being cold, unemotional, hyperintellectual. I can say that it hurts to be called what Vox Day calls Dawkins, but it doesn't hurt sufficiently to change, because you can't change. If you want a girl to feel loved, don't try to force her into a "girly" mold! I understand that Juliet is an atheist, herself, despite her religious mother. HTF does Vox Day know what she wants or what I want?

You know what, Kristine?  I honestly don’t know whether you are being honest with yourself, but then all I have to go by are the posts you‘ve write over the past year.  You don’t come across to me as unsentimental or a “calculating machine” *at all*.  You seem very *girly* as well.  You’ve gurgled on about your love for men, you appreciate it when they compliment you, etc.   You write emotional posts at times, and you seem to love belly dancing, and I remember once you stated that you especially like dancing for children.  You’re certainly not unemotional, and though you come across as very intelligent, I wouldn’t go so far as describing you as “hyper intellectual”.    It also seems (to me) that you equate your religious upbringing with your parent’s lack of wealth and education.  You’ve talked many times about feeling trapped in a no win situation unless you took the bull by the horns and left your hometown, church, family and upbringing to better yourself.

The thing is that most of us run away from what we think is a stifling situation at some point in our lives, so you’re not unique in this regard.  I certainly don’t think it’s fair to equate religion with your feelings of what keeps people from bettering themselves.

We need cold intellects the same way that we need the type of person who can stand over a dead body and crack a joke, because those are the people who solve crimes; the same way that a nurse can look at blood and bile and not cringe. We can't have a world of people who cringe and turn away from the truth and reinforce each other's fantasies in the name of "warmth." We already pick our President based on "warmth," and hasn't that turned out bad enough?

What a way to look at the world.  Of course we need people of all makes, models and personalities, but that certainly doesn’t mean that we don’t have many things in common as well.  And, at the root of all, the most important thing that we all have in common is our need for love and warmth.  We all need it, and we don’t know how those feelings evolved....we can only guess.  Regardless of whether you equate your feelings of warmth and love with God or cold impersonal nothing, those feelings persist all the same.

When you talk about people “cringing and turning away from the truth to reinforce each other’s fantasies”, it’s difficult to know which side is the worst at doing so.  You believe religious people to be cringing from truth, but I suggest that Dawkins and the other “intellectuals” that you laud may be cringing from consideration that there may be a higher intellect than themselves.  What it comes down to is that many refuse to believe that someone would design a world in a different manner than what *they* believe would be perfect according to their own standards and supposed vast intellect.  So, they reject the very idea that there is a higher power, or they acknowledge that there is the possibility that a higher force of intellect is responsible for our existence but they choose to “ignore her”.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:39   

Oh, crap on a stick, Lou.  Would you, for the love of God, please give me my edit button back?

Would you mind fixing the link above for me, please??!


t+easy+to+talk+about+the+important+things+of+life&source=web&ots=eAAb-ljHG-&sig=RyxcSX65XB7v0QmTOeCk0EldFjA#PPA241,M1]Here[/URL] is the correct link to The Devil's Chaplain on line.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:41   

Okay, screw it.  It shows up correctly in my preview screen, but not when I actually submit the post.

It's the link to Dawkin's book The Devil's Chaplain.  I linked to the page in the book that included Juliet's letter and the preface to that letter.

So, don't accuse me of quote mining...I tried.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:51   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 03 2008,22:39)
Oh, crap on a stick, Lou.  Would you, for the love of God, please give me my edit button back?

Would you mind fixing the link above for me, please??!


t+easy+to+talk+about+the+important+things+of+life&source=web&ots=eAAb-ljHG-&sig=RyxcSX65XB7v0QmTOeCk0EldFjA#PPA241,M1]Here[/URL] is the correct link to The Devil's Chaplain on line.

This was one of the more annoying problems with Ikonboard's editor with which I contended repeatedly while documenting UD's banninations. Long links break and display improperly. You can avoid it by previewing the post, which causes the break, fixing it, then posting. Going back to a properly formatted post with the Edit button actually causes the break to occur again. That can drive you crazy with a long post with many links, I'll tell you.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:56   

The Devil’s Chaplain

Edited by Wesley R. Elsberry on Feb. 03 2008,22:02

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:57   


"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:57   

You know what, Kristine?  I honestly don’t know whether you are being honest with yourself, but then all I have to go by are the posts you‘ve write over the past year.  You don’t come across to me as unsentimental or a “calculating machine” *at all*.  You seem very *girly* as well.


You should have seen the ugly little gauche thing with glasses and limp hair with the Cosmos book glued to her face running into the woods to avoid the other girls and coming home with a snake in her hands to ward off any enemies. Prom queen material.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:59   


Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:59   

The Devil’s Chaplain

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:59   


"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:01   

Thanks, Bill, but my link goes to straight to the correct page.

Forgive my foul mouth...

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:04   

what a dumb digression.

FtK did he or did he not do it?

Your inability to stick to a single story is another topic.  Can we get to that after we determine whether or not the Messiah ever yanked spanky.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 927
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:05   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 04 2008,03:31)
1. The only way to live according to Dawkins would be to never speak to my child or lock them in a sound proof room until they are old enough to “make their own decisions” about life.  Of course we influence our children...they are an extension of us.  We don’t have “total and absolute say in what are children are going to be”.  As they grow, they are influenced by many, many other people and they learn from their own mistakes and accomplishments in life.  
2. Kristine, I don’t threaten my children with hell.  I don’t tell them to pick up their clothes or they are going to hell, I don’t lock them in their closets and tell them that if they don’t straighten up and obey God, they’re going straight to hell.  Granted, that would be child abuse, but thankfully, I don’t personally know any Christian parents who abuse their children this way (not that abusive parents don’t exist- but, abuse comes in all forms).  

There is no reason to tell them they are going to “go to hell for this or that” because ultimately, no one will be going to hell unless they reject their Creator and his plan for salvation.
3 No other religion offers this assurance, as other religions are based upon your level of goodness, which begs the good is good enough?  With the Christian faith, we all acknowledge our sin and realize that the best we can do is strive to be like Christ, and when we fall astray, we regroup and ask for God’s forgiveness, which He always offers those sincere in the asking.
4. As far as considering your child a “Christian”, “Muslim” or *nothing at all*, that is simply none of Dawkins’ business, and to assert that this is a form of abuse is asinine.  How is a child to learn about anything, if they are not afforded the chance?  If a parent simply ignores the subject altogether, the child is apt to do the same throughout their own life.  It may be of ultimate surprise to you, but many, many churches study other religions and the differences between them.  They also encourage them to do independent studies of religion on their own.  I know that you believe that all Christian churches shy away from considering anything other than their own religion for fear that they may lose their faith, but that is not always true.  It certainly isn’t the case at my church.  

5 Now, Dawkins' feeling are very strong when it comes to religion, and it is entirely impossible for me to believe that he never let on about his feelings in front of his daughter.  That would really take some doing, and it would probably never allow his child to truly understand her father and his views about life.  Unfortunate, IMHO.  Nevertheless, even if he never uttered a word about his beliefs to Juliet, there is no doubt that she was well aware of her father’s notoriety and the books he authored, so it’s a little bit silly to assert that she wasn’t influenced by her father’s beliefs in any way.

So many people like to sentimentalize, and thus infantilize, girls and women. Apparently, all we want to be told is that we're beautiful, loved, etc.

Honey, any woman who says they don’t appreciate parents, family, friends, or men (in our case) telling them they are beautiful or that they enjoy their company, or whatever.....are colder than an ice cube, or dead.  You certainly don’t appear to be either, and you forget that I read your blog as well as this forum and others.  I’ve never seen you appear to dislike the men fawning over you for one reason or the other.  In fact, I’d go as far to say that I think you probably enjoy it...or at least it comes across that way.  Truth be told, neither one of us is that comatose.

I was a singularly unsentimental little girl. I would have loved to hear this from someone. When I first read the letter to Juliet years ago, I read it over and over, and wished sincerely that it had been said to me, instead of all the "Jesus loves you/you're so pretty/here's a dolly, be a good mother" crap. That's just not me. Tedious lectures was what I was reading at ten.

"You're nothing but a calculating machine!" There must be other girls who grew as tomboys, for pity's sake. I too was often accused in person of being cold, unemotional, hyperintellectual. I can say that it hurts to be called what Vox Day calls Dawkins, but it doesn't hurt sufficiently to change, because you can't change. If you want a girl to feel loved, don't try to force her into a "girly" mold! I understand that Juliet is an atheist, herself, despite her religious mother. HTF does Vox Day know what she wants or what I want?

You know what, Kristine?  I honestly don’t know whether you are being honest with yourself, but then all I have to go by are the posts you‘ve write over the past year.  You don’t come across to me as unsentimental or a “calculating machine” *at all*.  
8 What a way to look at the world.  Of course we need people of all makes, models and personalities, but that certainly doesn’t mean that we don’t have many things in common as well.  And, at the root of all, the most important thing that we all have in common is our need for love and warmth.  We all need it, and we don’t know how those feelings evolved....we can only guess.  Regardless of whether you equate your feelings of warmth and love with (8. a)God or cold impersonal nothing, those feelings persist all the same.
When you talk about people “cringing and turning away from the truth to reinforce each other’s fantasies”, it’s difficult to know which side is the worst at doing so.  You believe religious people to be cringing from truth, but I suggest that Dawkins and the other “intellectuals” that you laud may be cringing from consideration that there may be a higher intellect than themselves.  What it comes down to is that many refuse to believe that someone would design a world in a different manner than what *they* believe would be perfect according to their own standards and supposed vast intellect.  So, they reject the very idea that there is a higher power, or they acknowledge that there is the possibility that a higher force of intellect is responsible for our existence but they choose to “ignore her”.

Ok, I numbered the points I want to address in your comment (which I have also removed chunks of that I don't address , to make it easier to read).

1. No, this is NOT what Dawkins is saying, Dawkins is saying that you should not teach a child that X religion (or lack of it) is right or wrong, but that you teach the child ABOUT the religion, just the belief system, not your personal spin or opinion. You should also teach them about other major religions, ad inform them of the basics of atheism and agnosticism as well. This is about as far away from "not mentioning it" as you can get.

2.  You don't threaten them with hell? If you inform them that god is real, ad if they don't follow him they will go to hell that is EXACTLY what you do. That's like me saying "I don't tell racists they are douchebags! I never state that doing X, Y or Z is the mark of a douchebag. However I do say that being racist is douchbaggery"  You, assuming you tell your kids that if they dont believe then god says they are going to hell, ABSOLUTELY threaten them with hell. "Aww sweetie, you wont go to hell if you don't pick up your stuff. However, if you leave the faith you will go to hell"

3. So you FINALLY admit that Hitler is in heaven, assuming you are right. Thank goodness for that.

4. Calling your child a "christian" or "atheist" child is wrong. You imprint on your child, I know I took some of my early basis for my political views from my parents, but you do NOT control the child, as with my political views, while I still agree with them on some things, there are other issues we will never see eye to eye on.  Imposing your own belief system onto your child and discussing different beliefs are two different things, the first should not be practised, but the second should.

5. Oh look, you're putting words into the mouth of Dawkins again. What a huge surprise, you know, I might actually die from the surprise. etc.

No, Dawkins does NOT think you should totally ignore this subject with your child. He thinks that teaching your child that X belief is right and others wrong without letting the child choose waht they want to do is wrong.

"You're dead inside!"
"You're all mean and nasty to me!"
Ah, the doublethink of the seriously warped mind. What wonders you can bring.

7. "you don't conform to my worldview, so I think you're lyig to yourself."
"Darwinists just ignore anything that contradicts their small minded worldview"
See 6 above.

8. "I'm going to pretend psychopaths, sociopaths, and other groups of the mentally ill don't exist, because they frighten me, now where is Rich to come hold me...?"

8 (a) Implication that life without god is meaningless.

9. See 6 ad 7.

Jesus but you're a nutter FtK

I'm not the fastest or the baddest or the fatest.

You NEVER seem to address the fact that the grand majority of people supporting Darwinism in these on line forums and blogs are atheists. That doesn't seem to bother you guys in the least. - FtK

Roddenberry is my God.


Posts: 2239
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:24   

Well, Ian, I only find 2 things worth addressing here.

1.  One, I'm not a nutter...the polls indicate that you are.

2.  I'd be oh so very interested how Dawkins taught his daughter about every single religious belief without letting on that he thinks they are all a crock.  He indicates that it was very difficult for him to talk about "important issues" altogether.  And, after reading some of his thoughts about Christianity, I shudder when consider how he addressed that specific religious belief to his daughter.

In conclusion, you have your beliefs about what we should share with our children and I have mine.  I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.  If it was mandated that I were not allowed to share my own beliefs and insights with my child simply because they didn't fall in line with your beliefs or Dawkins beliefs or someone in higher government's beliefs, then I would choose not to have children at all.  I suppose that's another way for scientists to rid the world of over population.  Take away our rights to parent our children the way we see fit, and most people are going to think twice about raising children with big brother breathing down their necks.

In fact, that would be cause for war right there...having the government hold reign on what I can and cannot teach my children.   Unbelieveable...

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:29   

In fact, that would be cause for war right there...having the government hold reign on what I can and cannot teach my children.   Unbelieveable...

I suggest you take up arms.  Start with the world trade center.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:47   

Ian, you ave been pwned!  A fisking for the ages!  And she did it without even having to address any of your points.  Especially the first one, which could be argued and supported by reading actual words that were actually written.  Why do you even attempt to contend with such overpowering logic?

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 317
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,22:51   

1.  One, I'm not a nutter...the polls indicate that you are.

Argument from majority, FTK? You can't even do that right, though.

You're part of one tiny movement that is the laughing stock of the entire world.

To rebut creationism you pretty much have to be a biologist, chemist, geologist, philosopher, lawyer and historian all rolled into one. While to advocate creationism, you just have to be an idiot. -- tommorris


Posts: 289
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,23:40   

I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.  If it was mandated that I were not allowed to share my own beliefs and insights with my child simply because they didn't fall in line with your beliefs or Dawkins beliefs or someone in higher government's beliefs, then I would choose not to have children at all.  I suppose that's another way for scientists to rid the world of over population.  Take away our rights to parent our children the way we see fit, and most people are going to think twice about raising children with big brother breathing down their necks.

Good thing you live in Kansas. You need all that straw to set up your arguments. And you wonder why people think you're nuts?

Help! Marxist literary critics are following me!


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,23:44   

For the Cuckoos...

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Richard Simons

Posts: 425
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,23:49   

As you've obviously got plenty of time to write long posts, how about answering some of those questions left over from earlier, the ones you did not have time for?

All sweeping statements are wrong.


Posts: 289
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,00:00   

But she's got bigger issues, like how Richard Dawkins is forcing the United States government to tell her how she should raise her kids, and Vox Day is the only one who can save her. Nope, no craziness there.

Help! Marxist literary critics are following me!


Posts: 2061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,00:14   

I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.

And you really don't see how you implicitly indoctrinate your children?  To utter this sentence, you must assume the existence of a Maker.  By doing this, you instill in your children the reality of your own beliefs.  Notice I'm saying nothing as to the truth of your beliefs, but only speaking as to the nature of your argument.

Damn my constant trollery!

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin


Posts: 97
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,01:51   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 03 2008,21:31)
There is no reason to tell them they are going to “go to hell for this or that” because ultimately, no one will be going to hell unless they reject their Creator and his plan for salvation.  No other religion offers this assurance, as other religions are based upon your level of goodness, which begs the good is good enough?  With the Christian faith, we all acknowledge our sin and realize that the best we can do is strive to be like Christ, and when we fall astray, we regroup and ask for God’s forgiveness, which He always offers those sincere in the asking.

FTK, you're a sanctimonious liar. If any one of your children were asked to describe the tenets of your beliefs, I seriously doubt they'd describe anything like the generous forbearance you're claiming here.
As far as Dawkins’ “abandoning his daughter”,perhaps that‘s a tad harsh, but all I have to go on is what he puts out in the public square.  []Dawkins prefaces his letter to Juliet with this regret:
"For most of her childhood, I unhappily saw her only for short periods of time, and it was not easy to talk about the important things of life."

That seemed pretty clear to me, but perhaps he meant something altogether different and it just didn’t come across properly.

Or perhaps your claim of abandonment was entirely unwarranted, unless you're willing to accuse millions of divorced fathers of abandoning their children.
In regard to divorce, it has become almost an epidemic.  People divorce their spouses for any number of insignificant reasons.... wank wank wank

Who's defending divorce?
So many people like to sentimentalize, and thus infantilize, girls and women. Apparently, all we want to be told is that we're beautiful, loved, etc.

Honey, any woman who says they don’t appreciate parents, family, friends, or men (in our case) telling them they are beautiful or that they enjoy their company, or whatever.....are colder than an ice cube, or dead.  You certainly don’t appear to be either, and you forget that I read your blog as well as this forum and others.

Are you incapable of seeing the difference between "they are beautiful" and "they enjoy their company"? Apparently so.
You know what, Kristine?  I honestly don’t know whether you are being honest with yourself, but then all I have to go by are the posts you‘ve write over the past year.  You don’t come across to me as unsentimental or a “calculating machine” *at all*.  You seem very *girly* as well.  You’ve gurgled on about your love for men, you appreciate it when they compliment you, etc.   You write emotional posts at times, and you seem to love belly dancing, and I remember once you stated that you especially like dancing for children.  You’re certainly not unemotional, and though you come across as very intelligent, I wouldn’t go so far as describing you as “hyper intellectual”.

Well, of course you wouldn't, considering your vast experience with "hyper intellectuals" as you define them. Please do share with us your definition.

Speaking of definitions, why do you think that *girly* is mutually exclusive with "calculating machine"?

Also—"gurgled on"?


Posts: 927
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,02:24   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 04 2008,04:24)
Well, Ian, I only find 2 things worth addressing here.

1.  One, I'm not a nutter...the polls indicate that you are.

2.  I'd be oh so very interested how Dawkins taught his daughter about every single religious belief without letting on that he thinks they are all a crock.  He indicates that it was very difficult for him to talk about "important issues" altogether.  And, after reading some of his thoughts about Christianity, I shudder when consider how he addressed that specific religious belief to his daughter.

In conclusion, you have your beliefs about what we should share with our children and I have mine.  I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.  If it was mandated that I were not allowed to share my own beliefs and insights with my child simply because they didn't fall in line with your beliefs or Dawkins beliefs or someone in higher government's beliefs, then I would choose not to have children at all.  I suppose that's another way for scientists to rid the world of over population.  Take away our rights to parent our children the way we see fit, and most people are going to think twice about raising children with big brother breathing down their necks.

In fact, that would be cause for war right there...having the government hold reign on what I can and cannot teach my children.   Unbelieveable...

Which polls? In what bizzaro universe are you going on FtK? Or do you mean the polls comparing the papacy and the leaders of the USSR, 1924-1990. In which case yeah, the christians have us atheists beat. Heck, you could ignore all the leaders after Stalin and you would still have less cumulative crazy than he did.

I didn't say he didn't "let on" about his beliefs, I said he tried to keep what he taught neutral. Even if he failed to do so, that doesn't automatically make your indoctrination of your children right.

Who stated it would be mandated what you should teach your children? I just said I thought it was extremely unpleasant that you would (assuming you do) consider your child a christian one, without having let them really choose for themselves. Don't try to come across that you teach the controversy, because it's clear from your statements that you don't. You teach hem that there are non christians, sure. You also teach them that they will all burn in hell, thanks to your loving god. I find the concept of teaching your children to be afraid of hell as a punishment from leaving the faith to be wholly unpleasant, and quite frankly, a form of control over them. The fact you don't even see why I think hat speaks volumes about you.

I'm not the fastest or the baddest or the fatest.

You NEVER seem to address the fact that the grand majority of people supporting Darwinism in these on line forums and blogs are atheists. That doesn't seem to bother you guys in the least. - FtK

Roddenberry is my God.


Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,03:13   

Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 03 2008,22:24)
In conclusion, you have your beliefs about what we should share with our children and I have mine.  I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.  If it was mandated that I were not allowed to share my own beliefs and insights with my child simply because they didn't fall in line with your beliefs or Dawkins beliefs or someone in higher government's beliefs, then I would choose not to have children at all.

The problem that some people might have is that lying to children makes jesus cry!
My kids have always loved dinosaurs and due to that fact, I started researching both the evolutionist view and the creation view of the subject. That lead to study of Christian apologetics which I had never heard of before I started looking into the dinosaur factor.

My opinion is that my kids should learn absolutely everything they can about evolution so that they are able to refute the claims made by evolutionists. I've been teaching them how creation scientists interpret the same data that evolutionists claim support an old earth, molecule to man, and other Darwinist claims.

By doing this, I hope that they will be able to better inform others about this information. Many people have no idea that there is a wealth of information on the internet about the subject of dinosaurs and a young earth.

Here is an excellent book that we started our kids out with. I highly recommend it. That way, your kids can get their fix of dinosaurs and you can rest assured that they are not being fed an evolutionary interpretation.


Seems to me your kids are disadvantaged when learning "absolutely everything they can about evolution" if you poison the well beforehand with dinosaurs and a young earth. What book did you use to teach them about the reality based community's interpretation?
I've been teaching them how creation scientists interpret the same data that evolutionists claim support an old earth, molecule to man, and other Darwinist claims.

For them to get both sides of the story are you teaching them the "darwinist" claims without a sneer on your face?

I have to wonder if you *can* teach them the "darwinist" point of view, as you don't seem to have grasped it yourself.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,08:18   

Holy crap, Duane Gish!

Bad memories.  :angry:

Gish is an uninformed idealogue. (And here I was wondering who remembered him anymore.) Looks like he hasn't fallen off the map yet.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


Posts: 479
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,09:00   

I'd ask that you allow me to raise my children to honor their Maker, and you can tell your children whatever the hell you like.

Sorry Ftk, can't do that. It can almost be called criminal to brainwash your children like that, the fact that you may be christian does not mean your children are automaticly christian too, or jewish, islamic, hindu, hippy, communist etc etc etc: whatever. You do not let your children the room to fully develop themselfs.
Wich right do you even have to teach your children those things? Your children are not yours, they are from themselfs: individuals, not your clones. It does not matter what you deem important, let them find out with trial and error. I wonder btw, if you teach your kids your distorted (read: distorted as in incomplete and factually wrong) views about life on earth? (wich is evolution, the origin of life, etc)
If you do: STOP IT. You are définatly not the correct person to do that, you have lots of wrong views according the theory of evolution, you are not trained in ány way in the science of evolution and all linked subjects, you CAN NOT teach anyone about those subjects, your children are in that way not different that anyone. Why don't you understand and accept that?

By the lack of a better set of words (abuse is a bit too heavy), what you are doing is a socially accepted form, aaaaall around the world, of child abuse.
How is a child to learn about anything, if they are not afforded the chance?

Let them explore, don't force them your views. Kids are like sponges, by telling them those things you immidiatly form there personality for them, instead of letting them figure it out by themselfs. Let them see all uncoloured raw information without any interpretation from you, and let them figure it all out by themselfs. Be as objective as possible. And when they're old enough, you can discuss your views with there views.
Give them the oppertunity to view facts, and not interpretations of facts.
Dawkins is no different than any other parents in this respect.

If he forces his own dogmatic views to his children, rather then respecting them like developing individuals and let them figure out all by themselfs, like it's the truth (like YOU are doing), yes then he is just as bad.
There is no reason to tell them they are going to “go to hell for this or that” because ultimately, no one will be going to hell unless they reject their Creator and his plan for salvation.  No other religion offers this assurance, as other religions are based upon your level of goodness, which begs the good is good enough?  With the Christian faith, we all acknowledge our sin and realize that the best we can do is strive to be like Christ, and when we fall astray, we regroup and ask for God’s forgiveness, which He always offers those sincere in the asking.

Don't you see how horrible this is? "Do like I say, or SUFFER." that's it, just terror, no room for an own path, no room for a personal life. Nope, if you don't do what He says you'll suffer eternaly. Don't you see how terrible this view is?? Is it even the correct Christian view? Why are you right in these matters, and millions and even billions of other people are wrong?
DON'T raise your children like you know the truth, you are doing know, that's bad.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2008,10:14   

I think FTK agrees with us that dogmatic indoctrination of children is a bad thing. At least she pays lip service to that idea.

What FTK doesn't understand is that it is possible to minimise/remove indoctrination and encourage kids to think for themselves WITHOUT teaching them demonstrable garbage as if it were fact. It also has escaped her notice that some of the ideas she likes are demonstrable garbage. More than that, she seems (although she'll doubtlessly deny it) unaware that she's indoctrinating kids by maintaining their ignorance of ideas she a) cannot grasp and b) doesn't like.

But as noted before, this is clearly a "team sport" for FTK. The science, ethics, reality and evidence don't matter to her. All that does matter is she is (or appears to be) on the "right" (or perhaps "familiar" or "locally popular") team. Her vocal sanctimony is nothing more than an attempt to cover her own ignorance and insecurity.

She's fun to mock, but don't make the mistake of taking her seriously.



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