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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,13:10   

Dr. J:
the revealed directiveness of biology via internal technology

My bullshit detector just exploded and my possuer alert meter is red-lining.

Dr. Jammer

Posts: 37
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,13:56   

Quote (Patrick @ June 21 2012,13:16)
I love how religious fundamentalists use the term "religious" as an insult. It's like insulting a sibling with a "your mom" joke.

I'm not sure I'd qualify as a religious fundamentalist. My views are quite similar to the views of, say, Thomas Jefferson, in that they're based on logic and evidence, rather than any religious text. I am, however, somewhat aggressive with my views, so I suppose that could rise me to the level of religious in some people's eyes. Either way, my usage of the word religious is heavily influenced by Darwinists' usage of it. If I've used it in an insulting manner, it's only because you fine gentleman have turned it into an insult.

Back to my primary point, which is that, while they may cover opposite ends of the spectrum, Darwinists are every bit as motivated by their personal beliefs as they accuse so-called "IDiots" of being. Therefore, if IDiots' views are religious, then so, too, are theirs.

Darwinists: I.D. proponents are motivated by their religion (worldview), which discredits everything they say.

Me: Darwinists are motivated by their worldview (religion), which, according to the Darwinists' "logic," should discredit everything they say.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Of course, while I believe wholeheartedly that Darwinists' motivations are well beyond the realm of science, I'm also wise enough to know that these motivations don't refute their claims. Either their claims are true or they are false (to those of us who believe in the law of non-contradiction ;)), regardless of why they believe them.

Sadly, it appears most Darwinists lack this wisdom. They truly believe that shrieking out, "Religion!" at every pro-I.D. claim constitutes a valid rebuttal. Logic doesn't seem to be their strong-point. Then again, neither does science, nor honesty. :p

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Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:16   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,13:56)
Quote (Patrick @ June 21 2012,13:16)
I love how religious fundamentalists use the term "religious" as an insult. It's like insulting a sibling with a "your mom" joke.

I'm not sure I'd qualify as a religious fundamentalist. My views are quite similar to the views of, say, Thomas Jefferson, in that they're based on logic and evidence, rather than any religious text. I am, however, somewhat aggressive with my views, so I suppose that could rise me to the level of religious in some people's eyes. Either way, my usage of the word religious is heavily influenced by Darwinists' usage of it. If I've used it in an insulting manner, it's only because you fine gentleman have turned it into an insult.

Back to my primary point, which is that, while they may cover opposite ends of the spectrum, Darwinists are every bit as motivated by their personal beliefs as they accuse so-called "IDiots" of being. Therefore, if IDiots' views are religious, then so, too, are theirs.

Darwinists: I.D. proponents are motivated by their religion (worldview), which discredits everything they say.

Me: Darwinists are motivated by their worldview (religion), which, according to the Darwinists' "logic," should discredit everything they say.

Get it? Got it? Good.

Of course, while I believe wholeheartedly that Darwinists' motivations are well beyond the realm of science, I'm also wise enough to know that these motivations don't refute their claims. Either their claims are true or they are false (to those of us who believe in the law of non-contradiction ;)), regardless of why they believe them.

Sadly, it appears most Darwinists lack this wisdom. They truly believe that shrieking out, "Religion!" at every pro-I.D. claim constitutes a valid rebuttal. Logic doesn't seem to be their strong-point. Then again, neither does science, nor honesty. :p

Point of fact:  The dishonesty of ID/creationism doesn't really count as a worldview.

As for our "worldview," it's just the honest epistemological stance not compromised by bullshit.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:19   

The problem with ID is not that it is wrong and not that it is motivated by religion.

The scientific problem is that ID is nothing more than a god of the gaps argument having no testable hypotheses. Such animistic interpretations of natural phenomena go back at least to the bronze age and simply fade away when technology makes research into a particular phenomenon possible.

The political problem with ID is that ID proponents are liars. With the exception of Behe, they deny their motives when pursuing political ends. Of course this denial has pretty much fallen apart since Dover. The ID movement would be pretty hard pressed to explain away Uncommon Descent.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:20   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,11:56)
Quote (MichaelJ @ June 19 2012,17:16)
I'd hate to be Gil. I did a quick Google and there is a pile of competing ideas on why we evolved to enjoy music.

The Darwinist must attempt to explain everythingrelated to the biological world, including human nature, via his creation myth. That's never been in doubt.

The question is, are those explanations convincing?

To you and those like-minded, it's an easy yes. You don't even have to think about it (and probably haven't). Darwinism is true, as is every single attempt to explain every single facet of biology and human nature from a Darwinian perspective.

For the rest of us, we who aren't Darwin fundies, the explanations remain far less convincing. We require a much higher standard of evidence than do you religious folk.

It's the honesty of the approach that matters, moron.

We don't explain everything, it's the facts that matter. ID doesn't care about facts, and faults real science for doing so and thus not always being able to explain everything, due to the incompleteness of facts.

The utter bankruptcy of your insipid lies appalls.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:28   

My views are quite similar to the views of, say, Thomas Jefferson, in that they're based on logic and evidence, rather than any religious text.

IOW, uninformed by the massive amounts of knowledge provided by modern science.

We do understand.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:32   

From the ID isn't creationist files:

Nick Matzke:

Do you have proof that Adam and Eve werent specially created? If you do, please offer it.

And from the snippets Gauger has posted, it looks like all she has some minor criticism of the methodologies used. Muddy the waters a bit. If she actually had shocking proof of Adam and Eve, why isn't she doing interviews on Fox? What is this buy my book/read the chapter B.S.?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,14:52   

I had a vague idea of an attempt at some civil discourse with Dr. Jammer to see if we could agree on some basics but after his  
Get it? Got it? Good.
post, I don't think it would serve any purpose except as a vehicle for him to expand on his misconceptions. Sorry Dr. Jammer, Dan 005:027.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,15:11   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,13:56)
Darwinists: I.D. proponents are motivated by their religion (worldview), which discredits everything they say.

Me: Darwinists are motivated by their worldview (religion), which, according to the Darwinists' "logic," should discredit everything they say.

This is fundamentally untrue.

ID Proponents are not discredited by their worldview.  Unlike you guys, we understand that belief systems and worldview don't actually mean anything.  

ID Proponents are discredited by their complete lack of evidence, by their complete lack of internal consistency, and their complete lack of understanding and knowledge.

Scientists (not "Darwinists", that's your worldview talking) are not motivated by their worldview.  They understand that the ONLY method of knowing anything is by the scientific method.  If you know of any other method of knowing something, then feel free to share.

In other words, your entire belief on how people think is completely wrong.

I would suggest you think critically on that... but you can't even state a single piece of evidence that supports ID even after multiple requests.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,17:47   


Have you read the book yet?

We argue that intelligent design is a better explanation for human origins than neo-Darwinism, by showing some kind of guidance or information is required to get sufficient anatomical change in the time allowed. But thats not necessarily special creation.
We show why Ayalas population genetics arguments area flawed, and cannot rule out a two person bottleneck. We also discuss some surprising gene trees that are hard to explain by common descent alone. But we draw no final conclusion and do not argue for special creation. We dont know enough yet to say one way or another based on the science.

So, would you care to address our scientific arguments?

creationist? Not us...

I guess "some kind of guidance or information" is the closet we've got to an actual position so far though.

Edited by oldmanintheskydidntdoit on June 21 2012,17:48

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gaugers work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,18:19   

Quote (NormOlsen @ June 21 2012,05:22)
There's a stunning level of ignorance on display at UD right now at the Adam and Eve Possible? thread.

Collin has carried teh stupid over on to the next Adam and Eve thread:


I know a lot of people have responded to you and I dont want you to feel piled on. But your statement was provocative, you must admit.

ID is a big tent. It can accommodate many views. Most creationists would feel comfortable with ID, so they are supporters of ID. There are some non-creationists who support ID. I admit that there are only a few, but their ideological background does not tell us if ID is right or wrong. After all, if Hitler said that 2 plus 2 is 4 and Gandhi said 2 plus 2 is 5, would you agree with Gandhi because he was a good person while Hitler was not? And if creationists WANT ID to be true does this therefore make it untrue?

One definition of maturity is that you do something even though your parents want you to do it. In other words, you do something (or believe something) regardless of whether or not people you dont like or otherwise disagree with believe similarly. You could believe in ID too one day! Dont make the conversion any more painful for your ego than it has to be.

Also, this blog talks about a lot of issues, theology, climate change, creationism, biology, geology, history, computer science etc. There is no law that it must not dip its toe into creationism and it does not mean that ID is the same thing as creationism even though they share some mutual support.

And finally, scientists that discuss this issue often refer to the hypothetical first people as adam and eve even though they fully support evolution. Its just an easy way to identify the idea.

ASSF! Love the thought that Nick Matzke might "believe in ID too one day!".

UD link

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,19:07   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,14:56)
Darwinists: I.D. proponents are motivated by their religion (worldview), which discredits everything they say.

Me: Darwinists are motivated by their worldview (religion), which, according to the Darwinists' "logic," should discredit everything they say.

Everyone has a worldview. All of us possess beliefs that are motivated by our world views (and the reverse).

The notion that it follows from the fact that both Darwinism and religions represent world views that Darwinism is a religion is exactly analgous to the claim that because dogs and horses are both mammals that horses are dogs.

Arf, Jammer.

Edited by Reciprocating Bill on June 22 2012,06:32

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,22:41   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,12:24)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 20 2012,03:47)

Motive mongering is a two-way street. Any of you can point out the religious convictions of I.D. proponents, and I can return the favor by pointing out the atheism of the most outspoken of Darwin defenders.

In the end, it's all a big waste of time. All that matters is the evidence, and the evidence, both from the origin of life and the revealed directiveness of biology via internal technology points OVERWHELMINGLY towards design. It is every bit as powerful as the evidence for the gravitational force, perhaps even stronger. Relying on disingenuous games, like the Onion Test, does not change one iota of any of this, but instead reveals just how far Darwin's once-proud theory has fallen. It's the flat Earth of the 21st century.

Let's be completely honest here, although I know that's quite a challenge for most of you. Darwinism has devolved from scientific theory, to failed scientific hypothesis, to stealth atheist religion. We know of the strong correlation between those proselytizing for Darwinism and atheism. Eugenics Scott, Barbara Forrest, Jerry Coyne, P.Z. Myers, Richard Dawkins, etc. -- all well-known Liars for Darwin; all militant atheists.

You people defend Darwinian evolution, not for scientific reasons, but because it's your religion. You need it to be true; your intellectual fulfillment demands it. You'll lie to yourselves, and to others, to maintain the illusion that it is. You absolutely abhor anyone who challenges that propped-up illusion, which is why we see so much vulgar filth being spewed at I.D. proponents.

Your true motivations, emotional, rather than rational, are revealed in every four-letter word you hurl.

You guys have lost. Deep down inside you know it, which further spurs on your insecure fits of vulgarity.

My advice? Quit deluded yourselves and join those of us in the 21st century, a period in which the beauty and sophistication of design has revealed itself in all its glory. It's really not all that bad. In fact, viewing biology as the artwork of an ingenious artist (engineer) is really quite intellectually stimulating.

Really, really barking up the wrong tree if "Dr. Jammer" is including me in the class of "most outspoken of Darwin defenders". If not, then "Dr. Jammer" is being disingenuous to raise the issue of demography of beliefs supposedly as a reply to me.

I refute IDC arguments by reference to evidence.

I refute IDC political strategems with reference to motivations, which is perfectly appropriate in that context. It is, in fact, part of the established mechanism of evaluating legal claims in the courts. It is also relevant when IDC advocates broach ethical claims and other meta-commentary.

I don't limit myself to commenting only upon questions about science; I certainly don't see the IDC contingent keeping their discussion to "just the facts", either.

Confusing and conflating the two approaches taken is simple demagoguery.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,22:44   

Looking more closely at the stuff following, I don't see how "Dr. Jammer" can wriggle out of the conclusion that he's claiming that it is against my religion to appreciate design. I guess he's just ignorant.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

The whole truth

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2012,23:26   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 20 2012,00:47)
"The whole truth":


What cracks me up is that the TEs say that the IDiots are wrong and the IDiots say that the TEs are wrong, and they fight over the nitpicky particulars of their beliefs, which are ALL based on the SAME insane delusion. What it really comes down to is 'authority' (power). god zombies, regardless of the particulars they promote or argue about, ALL have the insatiable desire to be, and they proclaim themselves to be, THE authority. THEIR version of their beliefs are THE right ones. THEY are THE authority. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is WRONG. Everyone MUST accept, believe, and worship whatever THEY say. THEY are NEVER wrong. In their totally pompous minds, they ARE god.

They're all fucking nuts.

My disagreement with IDC and all other religious antievolution is and always has been that their arguments are wrong, irrelevant, or counterfactual, and that insisting on teaching falsehoods is a poor way to show devotion to God. I'd be interested in knowing where I've argued over "nitpicky particulars of belief", where I've insisted that others worship as I'd specify, or where I've been wrong on something decidable and not admitted it. There's a lot of what I've written over the years available online, so you should have plenty of ready-to-hand material to back up your claims ... if they were true.

The truth is that I advocate the teaching of science in science classrooms, and leaving the non-science out of those classrooms. I have documentable decades of this mode of advocacy behind me. What I believe personally is, in my opinion, of no importance to this issue.

Are you saying that you're a theistic evolutionist?

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,00:14   

Are you saying that you're a theistic evolutionist?
Would that change your opinion about Wes or his science?

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,00:46   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 22 2012,13:44)
Looking more closely at the stuff following, I don't see how "Dr. Jammer" can wriggle out of the conclusion that he's claiming that it is against my religion to appreciate design. I guess he's just ignorant.

That's because it is his only argument. Given his Avatar, he obviously doesn't understand the science.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,05:29   

Quote (REC @ June 21 2012,14:32)
From the ID isn't creationist files:

Nick Matzke:

Do you have proof that Adam and Eve werent specially created? If you do, please offer it.

And from the snippets Gauger has posted, it looks like all she has some minor criticism of the methodologies used. Muddy the waters a bit. If she actually had shocking proof of Adam and Eve, why isn't she doing interviews on Fox? What is this buy my book/read the chapter B.S.?

The way Denyse is treating all realists' comments, I'm afraid that in future everyone will have to prove that they have read Gauger's fifth chapter before they are allowed to have an opinion on Adam and Eve. Best send a JPEG of the invoice!

Barry Arrington is a bitch.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,09:28   

Quote (Kattarina98 @ June 22 2012,06:29)
Quote (REC @ June 21 2012,14:32)
From the ID isn't creationist files:

Nick Matzke:

Do you have proof that Adam and Eve werent specially created? If you do, please offer it.

And from the snippets Gauger has posted, it looks like all she has some minor criticism of the methodologies used. Muddy the waters a bit. If she actually had shocking proof of Adam and Eve, why isn't she doing interviews on Fox? What is this buy my book/read the chapter B.S.?

The way Denyse is treating all realists' comments, I'm afraid that in future everyone will have to prove that they have read Gauger's fifth chapter before they are allowed to have an opinion on Adam and Eve. Best send a JPEG of the invoice!

Which one of the trained biologists here is going to risk the brain damage to fisk this dreck?

I'll offer a few beers as a reward, at any New York City area bar of your choice.


Posts: 388
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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,09:43   

Quote (The whole truth @ June 22 2012,05:26)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ June 20 2012,00:47)
"The whole truth":


What cracks me up is that the TEs say that the IDiots are wrong and the IDiots say that the TEs are wrong, and they fight over the nitpicky particulars of their beliefs, which are ALL based on the SAME insane delusion. What it really comes down to is 'authority' (power). god zombies, regardless of the particulars they promote or argue about, ALL have the insatiable desire to be, and they proclaim themselves to be, THE authority. THEIR version of their beliefs are THE right ones. THEY are THE authority. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is WRONG. Everyone MUST accept, believe, and worship whatever THEY say. THEY are NEVER wrong. In their totally pompous minds, they ARE god.

They're all fucking nuts.

My disagreement with IDC and all other religious antievolution is and always has been that their arguments are wrong, irrelevant, or counterfactual, and that insisting on teaching falsehoods is a poor way to show devotion to God. I'd be interested in knowing where I've argued over "nitpicky particulars of belief", where I've insisted that others worship as I'd specify, or where I've been wrong on something decidable and not admitted it. There's a lot of what I've written over the years available online, so you should have plenty of ready-to-hand material to back up your claims ... if they were true.

The truth is that I advocate the teaching of science in science classrooms, and leaving the non-science out of those classrooms. I have documentable decades of this mode of advocacy behind me. What I believe personally is, in my opinion, of no importance to this issue.

Are you saying that you're a theistic evolutionist?

Does it matter?

I think the only thing that really matters as far as this discussion board goes, and its reference to UD and evolution is this:

"The truth is that I advocate the teaching of science in science classrooms, and leaving the non-science out of those classrooms."

I agree.

I've met and worked with plenty of scientists who harbored some level of theistic belief or faith, but what made them all good scientists was that they kept all this out of the lab.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,09:45   

Quote (Dr. Jammer @ June 21 2012,12:24)
In the end, it's all a big waste of time. All that matters is the evidence, and the evidence, both from the origin of life and the revealed directiveness of biology via internal technology points OVERWHELMINGLY towards design.

If that is the case, you should be able to point to one bit of evidence for design as opposed to your opinion on what goes against evolution. Any. Feel free to post one bit of actual evidence for design.

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed. Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,09:52   

Dr Jam, I think you made a few errors, here is a corrected version:  
Back to my primary point, which is that, while they may cover opposite ends of the spectrum, Darwinists are every bit as motivated by their personal beliefs as they accuse so-called "IDiots" of being. Therefore, if IDiots' views are religious, then so, too, are theirs.

ME: I think that Darwinists believe I.D. proponents are motivated by their religion (worldview), which discredits everything they say.

Me: I think that Darwinists are motivated by their worldview (religion), which, according to the Darwinists' "logic," should discredit everything they say.

Get it?

Nope, it is wrong.
Got it?

see above.



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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,10:15   

Well, he's right in my case, I am motivated by my personal beliefs.

One of my strongest personal beliefs is evidence matters.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,14:11   

lastyearon goes for a Friday bannination.

Dont feel too bad, Jerad. I think you are making a valiant effort to clarify things, to understand where you and UPB differ, to understand what exactly Intelligent Design means. But, you know what they say "Never ask for clarification from a man whose soul depends on not being clear."

ETA: Quotation, to reduce extra hits at UD.

Edited by Patrick on June 22 2012,15:15


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,16:08   

In one of the most inadvertently funny comments I've ever read on UD, Barb responds to JLAFan2001's comment about misusing science to prove religious belief (or words to that effect).

I dont see it as proving religious beliefs, but rather confirming them as being truthful.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2012,22:55   

Free online statistics course
could help us understand ID better.
It will, indeed. However, they will also come to some inadvertent conclusion then.

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


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(Permalink) Posted: June 23 2012,10:32   

Joe pulls out CSI in response to a question from Jerad.  Since we know that no intelligent design creationist would reply to a question with anything less than full honesty, I must conclude that they have rigorously defined CSI and shown examples of how to calculate it in the past year or so (since they certainly were unable to do so the last time they were asked).  I look forward to seeing those results.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 23 2012,11:32   

Quote (Patrick @ June 23 2012,10:32)
Joe pulls out CSI in response to a question from Jerad. Since we know that no intelligent design creationist would reply to a question with anything less than full honesty, I must conclude that they have rigorously defined CSI and shown examples of how to calculate it in the past year or so (since they certainly were unable to do so the last time they were asked). I look forward to seeing those results.

uh...  how long have you been around?  ;)

That stuff was proven to be correct so long ago, they can't even find the links to it... if it was ever on the internet anyway.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 23 2012,11:47   

Quote (OgreMkV @ June 23 2012,11:32)
Quote (Patrick @ June 23 2012,10:32)
Joe pulls out CSI in response to a question from Jerad. Since we know that no intelligent design creationist would reply to a question with anything less than full honesty, I must conclude that they have rigorously defined CSI and shown examples of how to calculate it in the past year or so (since they certainly were unable to do so the last time they were asked). I look forward to seeing those results.

uh... how long have you been around? ;)

That stuff was proven to be correct so long ago, they can't even find the links to it... if it was ever on the internet anyway.

It's all hidden away in the hall of martyrs. Darwinistas wearing armbands of the faked tree of life keep it there on pain of death of all lovers of Design Truth.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: June 23 2012,15:38   

Edited by oldmanintheskydidntdoit on June 23 2012,15:39

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gaugers work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

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