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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:18   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,14:57)
Nice essay, Steve.  You're telling me that Google scholar is not even in the ballpark for the results I posted?  Tell me how to search ISI Web of Science, then, and let's see those results.

Maybe it would be available at the public-access computers at your nearest university. Otherwise, you might get lucky and find a review paper where someone has spent days going through the data for you. Otherwise it would take you several days at the library. I have no idea why you'd want to do that. JonF's 54 vs 30 number is good enough.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:24   

Hey, Davie-doodles, how many dates did Dalrymple "throw out" in his GC paper?

Are discordant dates published, or is the observed concordance between methods an artifact of hiding all the discordant dates?  If the discordant dates are hidden, how come the program managers and accountants haven't noticed?

How's that inquiry to the Menlo Park dating lab coming along?

Setting aside for the moment the issue of how many K-Ar dates are correct, how many correct K-Ar dates are required to disprove a young Earth?  Does one correct K-Ar date disprove a 6,000 year old Earth?  If not, why not?

Exactly how many of the dates given to you by deadman (for far more than four of the layers of the Grand Staircase) are argon dates?

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,13:43)
On-line and text-searchable by Google Scholar? You're on. $100. Produce your proof.
Not so easy, big guy.  YOU made the statement.  YOU prove to me that you are right and I am wrong and I will gladly pay you $100.

Your statement:
I would bet large money that 95% of all published studies back to the 40's have been indexed.

You offered a bet, I accepted:
On-line and text-searchable by Google Scholar? You're on. $100. Produce your proof.

Weaseling out?
You attempted to refute that claim by searching for Pb-Pb and no other uranium-realated topic.  Obviously you didn't know the difference.
I DO know the difference ... wanna go another $100 to prove me wrong?  I searched Pb-Pb because I know it is an important method and was one of the methods used in the Snelling 2003 paper.  I did fail to notice that your claim was about U-Pb, not Pb-Pb.  I obviously had Pb-Pb on the brain since reading Snelling's paper.  In any case, what's your point?  I think you just try to jump on any little thing you can think of to try to somehow show that I am stupid.

Maybe you do know the difference.  The evidence to date indicates pretty strongly that you don't.  Your assertions are obviously untrustworthy.
You tried to do that with the KBS Tuff also, trying to somehow say that I think volcanic tuffs are sedimentary, when the truth is that if ANYONE said anything close to that it was you.

Funny, you brought up the KBS Tuff in a discussion of dating sedimentary rocks (and nothing else); why was that again?  Oh, yeah, you've never even tried to produce a reason.  You have accused me of saying that lava and/or tuffs are sedimentary several times .. but no evidence, just assertions.
Snelling is a fraudster.  Proved beyond a shadow of a doubt.  Frauds like Snelling cannot be trusted in any area.
So let's pretend Snelling's a fraud (since most ATBCers live in a pretend world anyway, why not step into that world for a moment?)  How does this help you trust Argon dating?

Well, for one thing, it totally discredits his Ngauruhoe studies, decreasing by at least one the number of studies that show errors.  But it says far more about YECs than it says about K-Ar.  All his "publications" should be reviewed for fraud (and many of them have been; guess what's been found?). It also demonstrates the lack of appropriate review in YEC "publications"; that fraud should have been detected before publication. Finally, it illustrates lack of integrity in the entire YEC movement; if someone got caught doing that in a real university or research group, his career would be over.  Then and there, no questions asked, out on the street with no reference.
 Do you discount all the other studies?  Is it not a problem for you that only 20 - 40% of the Argon dates are "right"?

You have not demonstrated 20-40% errors.  You have demonstrated around 20% excess argon in a few studies; 20% excess argon does not translate to 20% error, since in older rocks excess argon is swamped by radiogenic argon.

The error rate in Dalrymple's paper is not necessarily typical; rocks as young as those in the GC, and with such a fairly complex history, are notoriously difficult to date. But Dalrymple's GC paper does not demonstrate an error rate of 20-40%. I demonstrated that 20% of Dalrymple's dates in the GC paper were not considered reliable, but that's not the same as error; some of the tests in those dates may well be correct, but the scatter hides them.  I demonstrated that 20% of the dates in Dalrymple's paper were not considered reliable because of insufficient confirmation; "we don't know how reliable this date is" is not the same as "this date is an error".

But all that pales in regard to the major point, which you don't dare even acknowledge: even if the error rate is 20-40%, no, I have no problem with that when the question is "Is the Earth 6,000 years old?". He11, when asking if the Earth is 6,000 years old I wouldn't have a problem with an error rate of 99%. All K-Ar dates contradict your claim about the age of the Earth ... if just one out of the many thousands is correct yuour claim is falsified.  We don't even need to know whcih one is right!
Have you ever investigated the other methods critically to see if they serve as a good yardstick for verifying Argon dating accuracy?

Yes.  Extensively.  I've been writing a FAQ on concordia-discordia dating for years, on and off, and maybe one day I'll put it on the Web.  I'm very conversant with the major methods and their pitfalls and limitations.  I've corresponded with leaders in the field and discussed these issues with them.

One of the reasons that YECs love Ar-Ar dating so much is that it is more susceptible to error than pretty much all the other methods.  That doesn't mean that a lot of the dates are in error; with rational sample selection (e.g. excluding xenoliths) and appropriate procedures and cross-checking, K-Ar dating is very reliable.
Pretty obvious and basic, Davie-moron, and the required information has been ignored by you many times in this thread. It is widely known that the isotopic composition of zircons, when they form, do not reflect "the magmatic origin of the lavas from mantle and crustal sources, and any history of mixing or contamination in their petrogenesis".  In particular, the U/Pb ratio is very very high, no mater what the U/Pb ratio of the source was.  (This sort of thing is comon for many relevant radioisotopes, but it's most extreme and obvious for zircons). Snelling has acknowledged this, in HELIUM DIFFUSION RATES SUPPORT ACCELERATED NUCLEAR DECAY: "The fact that these percentages are high confirms that a large amount of nuclear decay did indeed occur in the zircons. Other evidence strongly supports much nuclear decay having occurred in the past [14, pp. 335-337]. We emphasize this point because many creationists have assumed that "old" radioisotopic ages are merely an artifact of analysis, not really indicating the occurrence of large amounts of nuclear decay. But according to the measured amount of lead physically present in the zircons, approximately 1.5 billion years worth "at today's rates" of nuclear decay occurred."

Therefore the U/Pb radioisotope ratios in zircons found throughout the geologic record do not "only reflect the magmatic origin of the lavas from mantle and crustal sources, and any history of mixing or contamination in their petrogenesis".  They reflect radioactive decay in-situ.  And, if Snelling wants to claim that this does not indicate age, it's up to him to provide far more evidence than a few zircons with complex thermal histories and some apparently anomolous helium.

You are correct that Humphreys and Co. acknowledge significant radioactive decay has occurred.  But this has nothing to do with Snelling's conclusion.  Snelling was not focusing on zircons in the 2003 study.  He simply points out that the overall geochemistry of recent lava flows is merely an indication of their origin--it is not reliable date indicator.  He proposes that this is quite likely for ancient flows as well.  Real simple.  This does not negate what you are pointing out about zircons, and what you are saying does not negate Snelling's conclusion.

Of course, it's not likely at all for ancient flows, because we know that radioactive decay changes the isotopic ratios; unless you assume your conclusion that the Earth is young.

But zircons negate his conclusion. He may not have been focusing on them, but he made a universal claim that includes them; if it's false for zircons, his entire claim is false.  Same logic as "if one K-Ar date is correct, the Earth is olderr than 6,000 years", and pretty basic logic at that.  One counterexample disproves any universal claim.

He didn't say overall geochemistry, and he's not talking about overall geochemisty; nobody uses overall geochemistry of lava flows as an age indicator, and often we use chemistry of tiny components of lava flows as an age indicator.  If indeed he's talking about overall geochemistry; then his conclusion is vacuous and there's no point to the paper.
As for the mixing issue, I merely mentioned that in passing because Snelling did.  I do not know what his specific claim is and I'm not sure it warrants my time to investigate it, since I have thoroughly established (if no other place than in my own mind :-)  ) the unreliability of Argon dating.  I am only interested in investigating things which are central to my purpose.  You probably know better than I do what Snelling said in regard to this ... go ahead and refute him if you would like to and you need a good laugh.

Ah, Davie, you looked up mixing and realized that not even you could try to carry that one off.  I'm disappointed.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:28   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 12 2006,14:17)
95%? No way. It doesn't even get Reed Elsevier. Google scholar is not very accurate yet. It is popular mostly with undergrads.

And those of us who don't have academic access (at least don't have it without a 25 mile drive into Cambridge and city parking fees).

I doubt that any database system can produce an answer to the question, unless it's got an incredibly powerful query language and there's a query guru available.  "Boots on the ground" reading and counting seems to be the only way.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:31   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,14:03)
Eric-- What page was that on where you re-posted my piece on Tyre.  Will you kindly post that again for 7P?

He's already read it, Dave, which is why he knows (if he didn't know already) that you were totally wrong about Tyre. No matter how many times he reads it, he's not going to come a different conclusion. He's going to come to the same conclusion that everyone else (with the notable exception of you) came to.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:34   

Quote (ericmurphy @ Sep. 12 2006,14:31)
Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,14:03)
Eric-- What page was that on where you re-posted my piece on Tyre.  Will you kindly post that again for 7P?

He's already read it, Dave, which is why he knows (if he didn't know already) that you were totally wrong about Tyre. No matter how many times he reads it, he's not going to come a different conclusion. He's going to come to the same conclusion that everyone else (with the notable exception of you) came to.

Thanks, Eric, but Elvis has fled the building. He bolted right after that post.  I watched him log off.  Shame, one would think that he might be more polite, as I have been to him.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:50   

Quote (JonF @ Sep. 12 2006,15:28)
Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 12 2006,14:17)
95%? No way. It doesn't even get Reed Elsevier. Google scholar is not very accurate yet. It is popular mostly with undergrads.

And those of us who don't have academic access (at least don't have it without a 25 mile drive into Cambridge and city parking fees).

Oh, it's popular to me too. I probably use it once every few days. I'm idly browsing some social psychology research these days.

That paper is very near some of the questions I'm curious about. Despite having a degree in physics, I'm thinking about doing research at UNC next year on a similar topic. Social Psychology is about twice as interesting to me as physics ever was.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,09:59   

I'm going to cut Dave off at the pass on this one:
Quote (JonF @ Sep. 12 2006,14:24)
One of the reasons that YECs love Ar-Ar dating so much is that it is more susceptible to error than pretty much all the other methods.  That doesn't mean that a lot of the dates are in error; with rational sample selection (e.g. excluding xenoliths) and appropriate procedures and cross-checking, K-Ar dating is very reliable.

I was reading an article on the PowerPC 970 microprocessor a few years ago, which noted that it is basically a cut-down version of the POWER4 processor. One of the points the article made was that the PPC 970 is quite a bit less reliable than the POWER4.

Does this mean the PPC 970 is unreliable? No. It means that the POWER4  processor has a very, very, very, very low failure rate, and the PPC 970 has a very, very, very low failure rate.

This is what JonF is saying, Dave, and if you were honest at all you'd understand it. Ar-Ar is more error-prone than other radiometric techniques, but that doesn't mean the errors can't be controlled for. This is the part you can't seem to get, because you don't want to get it, and it's why Snelling is a fraud. Snelling is deliberately not controlling for known sources of error in argon dating techniques. Is it any surprise that he comes up with anomalous results?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,10:33   


I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,11:03   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,13:57)
Nice essay, Steve.  You're telling me that Google scholar is not even in the ballpark for the results I posted?  Tell me how to search ISI Web of Science, then, and let's see those results.

You have better things to do than statistics on Ar dating, Dave. I won't give any credibility to your Goddidit hypothesis.

You're boring when you don't post your funny ideas about animals varieties, dinosaurs in the Arch, running continents, etc.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,11:21   

Quote (jeannot @ Sep. 12 2006,16:03)
Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,13:57)
Nice essay, Steve.  You're telling me that Google scholar is not even in the ballpark for the results I posted?  Tell me how to search ISI Web of Science, then, and let's see those results.

You have better things to do than statistics on Ar dating, Dave. I won't give any credibility to your Goddidit hypothesis.

You're boring when you don't post your funny ideas about animals varieties, dinosaurs in the Arch, running continents, etc.


And what would your point be, Dave, even if you could demonstrate that argon dating methods are more popular today than other methods? Since you haven't been able to establish that argon methods are unreliable, your point is worthless. The best you can say is that argon methods are more susceptible to errors than other methods. So what?

You don't have any method for dating anything. You have no idea how old the Grand Canyon is. So much for your "hypothesis."

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,11:43   

I see you're back, Dave, and are reading this thread.   Are you going to explain why you lied?
Edit, Dooooh! gone again!

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,12:20   

The Darwinian Myth is the most important one ... hence the enormous time I'm spending on it.

one, what myth?

two, you haven't spent ANY time addressing evolutionary theory in the last couple of months, all I've seen is your lame-ass attempts to plug your ears to geologic evidence and standard dating techniques.

or did you want to get back to your egregious errors regarding vitamin C gene relationships again?

like i said, you one crazy mofo.

every lurker who has ever spoken up in this thread agrees.

these are random folks that dropped by, saw your "arguments" and could easily see what a crazy mofo you are.

so how do you explain that?

can't be due to OUR bias, now can it.

you really are blind to the fact that your arguments consist of nothing but denials, projections, falsified data, and complete ignorance.

did you know that many of us now use you as a case example of the pinnacle of fundie dissonance?

you're famous, Dave!

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,13:20   

Hey SFBDave, check this out!

Over at TheologyWeb Natural Science, geologist Glenn Morton (the devout Christian and ex-YEC you love to hate) has a new thread about the geological evidence that refutes YEC.

Glenn can provide dozens of examples (including the buried limestone canyon in China you already ran from) that make your pathetic YEC claims look just silly.

Here's your big chance for redemption Davie.  Why don't you go register over there (it's free) and tell him yourself why his geology is all wrong?

I'd pay money to watch an honest Christian like Glenn Morton kick your lying ass up one side of the page and down the other.  Do you have the balls to take on a Christian professional geologist Davie?  Or is anything beyond lying to kids outside your comfort zone?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,13:41   

If you read just the first page Mr. Aftershave links to, Dave, you'll see the problem with your flood "hypothesis." There are simply too many places where your 5,500 feet or so of water must have laid down tens of thousands of feet of sediment—an obvious impossibility.

I've been asking you to address this issue for going on two months now, and you've never even touched it. You can go on and on in circles trying to get around JonF's dismemberment of your radiometric dating analysis, but you can't answer this very simple question: how can a mile of water lay down two or three, or five miles of sediment? It can't Dave, and that's why we know for a fact that your "flood" never happened.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,13:56   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Sep. 12 2006,19:20)
Here's your big chance for redemption Davie.  Why don't you go register over there (it's free) and tell him yourself why his geology is all wrong?

I'd pay money to watch an honest Christian like Glenn Morton kick your lying ass up one side of the page and down the other.  Do you have the balls to take on a Christian professional geologist Davie?  Or is anything beyond lying to kids outside your comfort zone?

Everytime you pull AFDave's wind up cord, a whole mess of dumb comes out. But I have to say, after 5600 comments on this thread, it's pretty tired, no? It would be nice to hand AFDave off to a different site. Let him be Someone Else's Problem.

I doubt Dave will jump there, though. Here, he can pretend that we're all evil atheists lying to him. I don't know if he could deal with a bunch of christians pointing out where he's wrong, day after day.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,14:07   

I've gone from being incensed with his dishonesty and ignorance, to angry that he intends to brainwash children into his cult, to indifferent because nothing anybody EVER says to him makes the slightest difference, to realizing he makes for a very valuable tool.

I've used him in several arguments now, and have found that whenever somebody I've refered to this thread reads it, they can't BUT agree that he represents the exact pinnacle of fundie insanity, and can clearly see the danger when he references the Kids4Truth site.

that said, I can't figure how Dave could make himself look any more idiotic than he already has.  

the thread should be closed and stickied for future reference, IMO.

heck, Dave thinks he's won every argument, so there's really nothing left for him to argue anyway, right?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,14:21   

I think it would be useful to download the thread using the new "All" feature (thanks Wes), clean it up of all the "Davey dickhead" type stuff, and preserve it as an example of YEC obliviousness. It's an object lesson in blind perseverance.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,14:25   

Ichthic, I respectfully disagree.
Do not rob me of my daily entertainment!
Yes he has been caught distorting the truth, and frankly, is at this point an proven and unrepentant liar, but at least he's consistant.

I do however advocate that unlike his thread, Dave Hawkins be closed and stickied for future reference.  
With a top notch cyanoacrylate.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,14:46   

Do not rob me of my daily entertainment!

I'm sorry, yes i can see it was unfair of me to even suggest it.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,15:02   

Well Ichthyic, with Thordaddy gone...
well, you know what every village needs, right?

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,15:07   

Thordaddy. Man, that guy was something.

"You KNOW that if you ALLOW homosexuals to get married, you MUST ALLOW HIV-positive Nazis to marry whole kindergarten classes!??!?!?!?!oneonequestionmarkquestionmark"

His slippery slope was more like a vertical cliff face.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,15:12   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 12 2006,20:21)
the new "All" feature (thanks Wes)

Ooooh, I hadn't noticd that.  Great ... especially since the search function on this board appears to have been designed by afdave, and Google can't index it.  So now I can contrast statements like today's:
Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,09:40)
I didn't say they don't publish discordant dates.  I said they "throw them out."  KBS Tuff is a perfect example.  They explained away the ones they didn't like. All of this was published.  Just explained away.

Quote (afdave @ June 08 2006,08:40)
I would bet you money that the reason most conventional dates agree is because the dates that don't agree are thrown out and are not reported.  I would like to speak with one of these labs (instead of the geologists) to see what THEY say about discordant dating results.  How many tests are thrown out?

Hey, Dave, it's be much easier for you to stay consistent if you didn't lie so much.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:09   

Does one correct K-Ar date disprove a 6,000 year old Earth?
Just ONE, friend.  Just one.  And the sad thing for you ... you don't even have ONE.  Why, you may ask?  Because all the ones that are "right" are measured against bogus yardsticks--other methods that have just as many problems.  I've spent some time on Argon dating because%2

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:12   

Hi Dave!  See you logged in, still waiting for a little honesty out of you...

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


Posts: 1621
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:16   

Does one correct K-Ar date disprove a 6,000 year old Earth?
Just ONE, friend.  Just one.  And the sad thing for you ... you don't even have ONE.  Why, you may ask?  Because all the ones that are "right" are measured against bogus yardsticks--other methods that have just as many problems.  I've spent some time on Argon dating because, in spite of Steve's anti-Google Scholar piece, the evidence is quite clear that Argon dating has more published dates than any other type of dating.  Thursday (golfing tomorrow) we will move on to the other methods and show they are all bogus as well.  Oh ... you guys are gonna hate me so bad!!  (But on your deathbeds you'll love me!;)

You offered a bet, I accepted:
Yup.  Produce and I'll pay.  

Funny, you brought up the KBS Tuff in a discussion of dating sedimentary rocks (and nothing else); why was that again?
Here you go ...  
The KBS Tuff is part of the Koobi Fora Formation, a sequence of sediments about three hundred feet thick that crop out on the eastern shore of Lake Rudolf. These sediments cover an area about fifty miles north and south along the shore and extend about twenty miles east of the lake. The KBS Tuff itself is only about three feet thick. Two other thin layers of volcanic tuff lie above the KBS (the Karari and the Okote Tuff) and another lies below it (the Tulu Bor Tuff). The bulk of the sediments in which the fossils are found are not volcanic tuffs. The four tuffs are like the floors of a four-story building, with the fossil-bearing sediments lying between them where the rooms of the building would be.

Although the KBS Tuff is volcanic in origin, it is not a primary air-fall tuff. That is, it was not deposited directly on the land when it was ejected from the volcano. Lake Rudolf was much larger at that time. Some ash fell into the lake and then made its way to the lake bottom. Some was carried by rivers into the lake. Thus, the KBS Tuff has been transported by and deposited from water.
You see, Jon.  You totally misunderstood me.  I have always been quite clear that the fossil skull was in sedimentary rock, sandwiched by volcanic material.  Again, I was not the one who said lava flows were sedimentary.  If anyone said it, it was you.  The Koobi Fora Formation is interesting to discuss in the present context because it is again an futile attempt to "date" sedimentary, fossil bearing strata by "dating" layers which contain volcanic ash above and below the fossil bearing strata.  As I have now shown you, this is completely ...

Say it with me now ...


(That means it's nonsense for you people in North Carolina)

Well, for one thing, it totally discredits his Ngauruhoe studies,
Hmmm ... I guess you WOULD be correct that it discredits the study IF the study was intended to date the layers.  But this was not the intent of the study.  (Creationists do use the bogus "dating" terminology so conventional geologists will know what they are talking about, but the word "date" is almost always in quotes and has no real age significance.) Dating layers with Argon "dating" methods is impossible. And you will soon see that it is also impossible with the other methods as well.  Radiometric dating is bogus and there are right now about 8 PhD's criss-crossing the country doing RATE Seminars and telling huge crowds how mistaken you all are.  The next one is in Dallas on Sept 30.  Maybe you could go and heckle the speakers :-)

I just think it's great that a few PhD's committed to the truth can make such an enormous splash on the world scene!  I get a chuckle every time I think about it.  And to think ... you guys have gotten an inside view, yet you are still blind as can be.

But all that pales in regard to the major point, which you don't dare even acknowledge: even if the error rate is 20-40%, no, I have no problem with that when the question is "Is the Earth 6,000 years old?". He11, when asking if the Earth is 6,000 years old I wouldn't have a problem with an error rate of 99%. All K-Ar dates contradict your claim about the age of the Earth ... if just one out of the many thousands is correct yuour claim is falsified.  We don't even need to know whcih one is right!
Again ... you do not even have ONE!  So sad!

One of the reasons that YECs love Ar-Ar dating so much is that it is more susceptible to error than pretty much all the other methods.  
Thank you. Thank you. And you shall see that the other ones are garbage as well.  In fact, maybe I'll take you through a history of the dating methods and show you how new ones pop up only to be discarded later because they don't work.

Ah, Davie, you looked up mixing and realized that not even you could try to carry that one off.  I'm disappointed.
No.  I actually didn't.  Maybe I will though.  I may bite on Thursday.


Seven Popes wanted to hear me again on Tyre ... Well OK ...  
Subtitle: You can pretty much justify anything you want to believe.

Ezekiel 26:8 - Nebuchadnezzar would destroy the mainland city.  FULFILLED in 573, although the island city (where the inhabitants moved to) remained for several hundred years.

26:3 - Many nations against Tyre.  FULFILLED.  In waves:  Nebuchadnezzar, Alexander, Antigonus, and Moslems.

26:4,5 - bare and flat, like the top of a rock.  Fishermen will spread their nets on the site to dry.  FULFILLED. The secular historian Philip Myers said, “Alexander the Great ... Reduced it (the island city) to ruins (332 BC) ... The larger part of the site of the once great city is now bare as the top of a rock -- a place where fishermen that still frequent the spot spread their nets to dry.”

Hmmmm ... secular historian ... not even a 'christofreakazoid' !!

26:14, 21 - never be rebuilt or found.  FULFILLED. Nina Jidejian in “Tyre through the Ages,” Beirut: Dar El-Mashreq Publishers, 1969. --  
She relates that all the wealth of Tyre disappeared to Alexandria and elsewhere” and she concludes, “Tyre's stones may be found as far away as Acre and Beirut ... Looking down into the water one can see a mass of granite columns and stone blocks strewn all over the sea bottom.  Until recently the ruins of Tyre above water were few.”

Now if you guys want to weasel and squirm, I'm sure you can find a way to justify your skepticism, but you cannot avoid the fact that ...

Tyre was a great, powerful, proud city ... And it got destroyed in the exactly detailed way that Ezekiel said it would.  The city that is there now is not the same city.  It's about as similar to ancient Tyre as Microsoft Corporation headquarters is to Feldman's Farm Supply headquarters.  The ancient Tyre of world renown is GONE!

But again, why the fascination with Tyre?  There are more interesting Bible prophecies than this one.  Someone mentioned Nostradamus ... please, now ... How can anyone even compare Nostradamus to Bible prophecy?

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:19   

And I proved you wrong.  Do you  still you deny you were mistaken?  
Tyre is not a bare rock forever.  I showed you pictures that prove that.  

You are a liar, Dave Hawkins.  You are knowingly lying.
It's not a difference of opinion, I have proven you wrong, and you continue to lie.  I am astounded.

And you with that you logged off and ran away.  Dave Hawkins, you are a liar and a shameful coward.  I hope your children never see this post, it  is a pathetic thing you have just done in the name of your ego.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:37   

I love the way he proceeds to tell us where the stones of Tyre can be found, right after quoting something that says they will never be found.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

Seven Popes

Posts: 190
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:46   

That's the irony! Dave wrote:
26:4,5 - bare and flat, like the top of a rock.  Fishermen will spread their nets on the site to dry.  FULFILLED. The secular historian Philip Myers said, “Alexander the Great ... Reduced it (the island city) to ruins (332 BC) ... The larger part of the site of the once great city is now bare as the top of a rock -- a place where fishermen that still frequent the spot spread their nets to dry.”

Hmmmm ... secular historian ... not even a 'christofreakazoid' !!
26:14, 21 - never be rebuilt or found.  FULFILLED. Nina Jidejian in “Tyre through the Ages,” Beirut: Dar El-Mashreq Publishers, 1969. --  
She relates that all the wealth of Tyre disappeared to Alexandria and elsewhere” and she concludes, “Tyre's stones may be found as far away as Acre and Beirut ... Looking down into the water one can see a mass of granite columns and stone blocks strewn all over the sea bottom.  Until recently the ruins of Tyre above water were few.”

And yet we gave him proof that the city has been continuously inhabited. It's been built and rebuilt continuously since it's  formation as a city, and Dave will not address that.  Instead, he throws this totally refuted bit of rubbish up and scampers off.

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,17:46   

Dave, you really are an idiot.
Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,22:16)

Seven Popes wanted to hear me again on Tyre ... Well OK ...      

[snip; we've all read this post multiple times by now]

Subtitle: You can pretty much justify anything you want to believe.
Tyre was a great, powerful, proud city ... And it got destroyed in the exactly detailed way that Ezekiel said it would.  The city that is there now is not the same city.  It's about as similar to ancient Tyre as Microsoft Corporation headquarters is to Feldman's Farm Supply headquarters.  The ancient Tyre of world renown is GONE!

What, did you just read that one post, without linking any of the other posts I linked to? Do you think everyone else just read your one post? Do you honestly think anyone other than yourself thinks you in any way "won" the debate over Tyre?

Seven Popes isn't looking for yet another regurgitation of this same post that's been proven utterly, hilariously wrong over and over and over again. He's looking for an explanation for how you could have lied about something (i.e., that you "won") that's so easy to expose.

This is why you have no credibility about anything, Dave. Even when you're caught in a flat-out lie, that's absolutely impossible to wriggle out of, you still insist that you weren't lying, that you actually did win the argument. And you continue to insist that you won after being presented absolutely unequivocal evidence that you lost.

You claimed that Tyre is an uninhabitable rock. Even after we show you photographs of anything that could ever possibly have been referred to as "Tyre," and all of it is inhabited, you still insist you "won."

It's like you're psychotic or something. But it is pretty entertaining.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 12 2006,18:03   

Quote (afdave @ Sep. 12 2006,22:16)
Does one correct K-Ar date disprove a 6,000 year old Earth?
Just ONE, friend.  Just one.  And the sad thing for you ... you don't even have ONE.  Why, you may ask?  Because all the ones that are "right" are measured against bogus yardsticks--other methods that have just as many problems.

Do you honestly think you're getting anywhere with this argon dating tapdance you're doing, Dave? You have not the slightest clue what you're talking about, and you're trying to argue with someone who studies this stuff for a living. You're quoting people we already know have an agenda and are trying to break a methodology by using it in ways that are already known to be invalid, and then you expect us to buy that as some sort of refutation? You haven't shown us a single problem with argon-argon or potassium-argon dating, Dave. The potential sources of error you're talking about are all in principle correctable, but you're trying to persuade us that they're not! Well, as usual, you've presented exactly zero evidence that none of those potential sources of error can possibly be accounted for.

But am I surprised? Of course not. Even after you're shown photographs of buildings all over Tyre, you still insist that it's uninhabited.

And you haven't answered any of my questions yet. Like this one: if U-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, then why is it possible to detect any decay products on a planet that's only 6,000 years old?

I know you think you can safely ignore me, Dave, but the other posters aren't, and they know you can't answer any of the questions I've posed to you. What do you think that does for your "hypothesis"? What do you think that does for your credibility?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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