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"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:42   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Jan. 23 2007,15:09)
Richard Dawkins To Be Taught in Religion Class in UK

Waddya they gonna do, tie him to a chair and force him to remain in that classroom until he learns what they want him to learn?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


Posts: 19
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:41   

DaveScot made me laugh with this one:

I’m using the Judge Jones definition of religion to classify atheism as a religion. Near as I can tell his definition is that if people who talk about religion a lot have other ideas their other ideas must be religious ideas. I hear atheists talking about a religion a lot. Take Richard Dawkins for instance. A very famous atheist and all he seems to do is talk about religion.

Hmmmm.  I talk about my cats a lot, does that make my cats a religion?  I know THEY sure as heck would like me to worship them. . .


Posts: 110
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:53   

"I’m using the Judge Jones definition of religion to classify atheism as a religion. Near as I can tell his definition is that if people who talk about religion a lot have other ideas their other ideas must be religious ideas. I hear atheists talking about a religion a lot. Take Richard Dawkins for instance. A very famous atheist and all he seems to do is talk about religion." --- Scrot

That has to be the most idiotic thing I've heard anyone say in a long while..... and I've been following AFDave's threads!

DaveScrotum really is astoundingly dumb.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,00:15   

From the Religious Education OP:
Dawkins and his ilk are nothing but liars, creeps, and mental lightweights.

Reminds me of this classic exchange:
Westley: You're that smart?
Vizzini: Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?
Westley: Yes.
Vizzini: Morons.

Yes, I know the PB quote has been mentioned before, but it seemed so...apt.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,03:04   

Stuart Kauffman critiquing Darwinism
William Dembski
I was reviewing recently Stuart Kauffman’s critique of the Darwinian selection mechanism and thought I would share the upshot of it here, especially in light of the recent discussion at UD concerning Haldane’s Dilemma:
Yes, in a book (which I happen to have, which i'll dig out and see what the following paragraph has to say, and there's a few ...'s in Dembski's quote that could be interesting) published 12 years ago and counting!
Why are they banging on about Haldane’s Dilemma when everybody except the creationists basically ignore it? And I thought the brand of cranks at UD accepted deep time and common descent? So what, exactly, are they they trying to "prove" (as much as you can prove anything from the "armchair of science").
Dembski - don't you have articles to write about CSI and the EF and whatnot, instead of scouring books for snippets that can help prove goddidt? And does Stuart Kaffman agree with the ID position? If not, why not, you've just posted a snipped of one of his books that on the surface seems to agree with you? I expect you (Dembski) are too much of a coward to attempt to link his line of argument directly with your own, as if you do anything but "quote and point" you might have to get into a dicussion about the actual substance of the argument. And we know (pharrp) what (pharrrp) happens when you get into (pharrrrppp) a serious argument.
Geez, what's that stink? Is it the sound of Dembski's bowels exploding?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 308
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,03:07   

DaveScot, military analyst (my bold below):

Well Jim [Webb], I was a Marine at the end of the Vietnam war. I didn’t go, it was mostly over by then, but one thing I noticed was that all the non-commissioned officers senior to me were real combat veterans. They knew how to survive guerilla warfare in an Asian backwater. Me and my generation of Marines, all we did was play at wargames 4 weeks a year in the Mojave desert. No one was trying to kill us, no foreign language was spoken by the natives, no guerillas in civilian clothes running around, none of that. After 30 years of that kind of experience our military was virtually without anyone in any rank who’d had actual combat experience. Here’s the deal Jim. In order to have an effective force in fighting guerilla and urban wars in Arab countries we need actual combat veterans seasoned in that type of warfare leading the unseasoned troops.

That's the most ass-backward justification I've ever heard for the Iraq war: we need the Iraq war to create seasoned veterans, in order to fight the Iraq war (and the other ones we set off in the Middle East).  Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way.  And Bush has managed this war even better than Vietnam:
Now we have an effective force led by NCOs who know how to survive urban and guerilla wars in Arab countries. And Bush managed to build that force without losing 58,000 American lives as were sacrificed in Vietnam but rather limited the losses to 3,000.

A brilliant strategy.

Drop and give me 500 Webb, then issue an apology to the public you tried to deceive.

I think you meant to say, "Drop and give me 500, homo".  If you're going to be a self-parody, at least try to be accurate.



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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,03:29   

An effective force led by NCO's?  Thats what the British have been using for decades.  

Besides, he has forgotten about the many thousands more injured, often amputees.  
Not to mention that its all very well building an urban combat experienced force, but if they are withdrawn ignominiously from a country that doesnt want them, rather than brought home with a cheer of mission complete, then the demoralisation will be very bad for them.
Of course, whats he going to do with all these trained troops anyway?  Given 10 or 20 years they will all have left, so they'll have to have another small war to keep them in training.
Unless of course, like many a culture warrior, he sees the USA as the next battleground, and imagines these troops will be used at home...


Posts: 161
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,04:05   

Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,03:07)
DaveScot, military analyst (my bold below):

Well Jim [Webb], I was a Marine at the end of the Vietnam war. I didn’t go, it was mostly over by then, but one thing I noticed was that all the non-commissioned officers senior to me were real combat veterans. They knew how to survive guerilla warfare in an Asian backwater. Me and my generation of Marines, all we did was play at wargames 4 weeks a year in the Mojave desert. No one was trying to kill us, no foreign language was spoken by the natives, no guerillas in civilian clothes running around, none of that. After 30 years of that kind of experience our military was virtually without anyone in any rank who’d had actual combat experience. Here’s the deal Jim. In order to have an effective force in fighting guerilla and urban wars in Arab countries we need actual combat veterans seasoned in that type of warfare leading the unseasoned troops.

That's the most ass-backward justification I've ever heard for the Iraq war: we need the Iraq war to create seasoned veterans, in order to fight the Iraq war (and the other ones we set off in the Middle East).  Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way.  And Bush has managed this war even better than Vietnam:
Now we have an effective force led by NCOs who know how to survive urban and guerilla wars in Arab countries. And Bush managed to build that force without losing 58,000 American lives as were sacrificed in Vietnam but rather limited the losses to 3,000.

A brilliant strategy.

Drop and give me 500 Webb, then issue an apology to the public you tried to deceive.

I think you meant to say, "Drop and give me 500, homo".  If you're going to be a self-parody, at least try to be accurate.

In that blog post Dave suggests he was a real marine. Yet in his bio at UD it says he was just part of a ground crew fixing stuff for aircraft. I guess that in Dave's mind that makes him better placed to spout off than a marine who was actually in Vietnam.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,04:11   

More tard, same post...

This is just utter dreck. The average CEO salary in the United States today is $1.2 million according to a survey by Pearl Meyer & Partners mentioned on Money Central. What Webb failed to mention is that at the largest 50 companies the average is $10.7 million. Meanwhile the average worker salary in the U.S. was $37,000 in 2002 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. I don’t know about Senator Webb’s calculator but when I divide 1,200,000 by 37,000 the answer is 32..

dave gives us a link:

The headline:

Average CEO now makes $10.7 million

Dave is not being honest with the facts. Most CxO's remuneration is highly weighted to differed compensation such as options, etc. It keeps their intersts aligned with the firm's, in the long term. Mine is.

This would give 289ish. less than the 400, but nowhere near Dave's dishonest distortion. Standard ID practice of 'selectively' pulling 'facts' to support a point, rather then collecting data and THEN concluding.

Note Senator Webb said "made" (which implies total comp.) and not "Salary".


"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,04:40   

Dear Magnificent Bastard and others,

I have yet to venture over to UD to read their screed. I very rarely do so. I am worried about Tarddiction or Tardverload. Anyway, we import enough tard here to last me a lifetime.

This latest revelation of the Tardmeister General lying about something as totally insignificant (in terms of ID) as bigwig salaries is just another data point in a LOOOOOOOONG series of data points proving these tards wouldn't know honesty if it came up to them wearing pink blazer, gargling "I love Lucy", doing the Can-Can, fellating a goat and thoroughly kicked them in the spherical rhomboids. Film at 11.

Given my extreme dislike of the deludedly dishonest, I worry that I might flip over into a homicidal killing spree should I read too much UD and climb up a tall tower with a very powerful rifle and start shooting people screaming "THERE'S A TARD!!! THERE'S A TARD!!!!". Either that or because this tard resembles crack I would become hopelessly addicted, suckling at the teat of tard and wasting into a deep tardoma.

What are your strategies for coping with such a tardslaught on a regular basis? Do you wear special tardproof clothing? Do you make ysure your bowels are evacuated prior to reading so that the shit from the Tardsource you are ingesting mentally doesn't cause your colon to rupture?

Enquiring mind want to know.




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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,04:41   


Littlejon, I realize of course that it's difficult for us to imagine living to 900 years of age. But just because it's difficult for us to imagine it doesn't mean that it didn't happen. And as for breaking the laws of physics, don't you think that, hypothetically speaking, if God had the power to create the laws of physics that He'd also have the power to suspend them at will? After all, a God that's bound by the laws of physics could not have created the laws of physics and, frankly, isn't really any different than you or I.

Think about it, Littlejon… do you think that the laws of physics are eternal?

Richard/"Troutmac", this is too tardly to be plausible. I mean, "just because it's difficult for us to imagine it doesn't mean that it didn't happen"??  You might as well say, "Just because it's difficult to imagine that the world emerged from the body of the ice-giant Ymir, it doesn't mean it didn't happen"; or "Just because it's difficult to imagine that Huitzilpochtli the humming-bird god has demanded the sacrifice of beating human hearts, it doesn't mean it didn't happen."

Or even, "just because it's difficult for us to imagine that all life descends from a common ancestor, through random variation and natural selection, it doesn't mean it didn't happen."

And stop using the phrase "think about it," when your sockpuppet obviously hasn't.

We don't want you to get yourself banned from OE, or anything.  ???



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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,04:49   

Near the beginning of the same post quoted by Bebbo and Richard:
The first thing Webb does is claims to know better than the president and all the president’s advisors how to effectively fight terrorism because, well, Jim was a Marine in Vietnam.

Yeah, who would ever think that a Marine that had actually served would know more about warfare than a President who used his family's influence to get into the Air National Guard (FANGs as we regular Air Force people used to call them), checked the box that said he did NOT volunteer for overseas assignment (where people might shoot at  him) and spent a few years flying jet fighters every fourth weekend at the taxpayer's expense until he got grounded for failing a drug test and then just lost interest and stopped attending drills altogether after that.  It's hard to beat that kind of combat experience.

Of course, he had plenty of help and advice from Dick Cheney, who "had other priorities" and took about a dozen different draft deferments to stay out of the military.  Which would be okay, if he had opposed the Vietnam war, but he was in favor of it, he was just opposed to having to risk his personal ass fighting it.

But Bush did have Rumsfeld, an actual Fighter Pilot, advising him.  (I think Rummy was a non-combat pilot, just like Tard is a non-combat Marine.)  Of course, Rumsfield's advice was to go in with less than half the men needed and then flop around for the next four years, losing over 3000 American dead and killing over a half million Iraqis in the process, before being fired.

Jeeze, too bad he didn't have a genuine U.S. Marine Corp Avionics Technician to give him advice!  We could have ten thousand dead and a million dead Iraqis!

My Grandmother knows more about waging war than all of them put together, including The Tard, and she's been dead for 30 years.

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,06:36   

Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,04:41)
Richard/"Troutmac", this is too tardly to be plausible.

TRoutMac is a doughy-looking guy name Peter Chadwell who lives in Bend, Oregon.

On the basis of the dopey photo he uses at Overweening Ungulates  I would have sworn he was a lonely hebephile attempting to ingratiate himself with the teens.  Instead, he's got a pleasant-appearing wife, two small children and a new home in the suburbs. (Which doesn't mean...). He does a lot of fly fishing and looks like he could be a likable guy, so long as you confine the conversation to catching flies with a hook.  

Trout came up in his dad's print shop and trained at an art institute in Seattle. He appears to be unencumbered by science education or knowledge of evolutionary biology. These are perfect qualifications for the Discovery Institute, and he has at least two pro-ID essays that were originally published in the local newspaper reposted at the DI website.  

A Christmas wreath was stolen from his front door in December.  He literally called the police and thereby made it into the local police blotter. (Unless there is another guy named Peter Chadwell in Bend, in which case I hit the wrong address and should return the wreath).

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,07:26   

In their own words:

The case against NeoDarwinian Evolutionary theory is a complete no-brainer...

The theory of evolution has become the central unifying concept of biology and is a critical component of many related scientific disciplines. In contrast, the claims of creation science lack empirical support and cannot be meaningfully tested.

beyond my ability not only to believe, but even to conceive...


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,07:30   

Wow, Dave. Just... wow.

I suppose this should be known as The Palindrome Argument™:

The war in the Middle East is useful as it makes veterans who will be useful in the war in the Middle East.

I must say I'm kinda disappointed... Until now, I had it for sure that Stephen Colbert wrote his lines himself.  :(

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,07:32   

my earlier post(s) extorting Dumbski to actually do some work got me thinking. What  does he do all day at work?
8.30 AM. Get up
9.30 AM. Get to work
9.31 AM. Turns out Goddit all along.
9.32 AM - 5.30PM ????

what does the man do?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 308
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,07:35   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 24 2007,13:36)
Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,04:41)
Richard/"Troutmac", this is too tardly to be plausible.

TRoutMac is a doughy-looking guy name Peter Chadwell who lives in Bend, Oregon.

On the basis of the dopey photo he uses at Overweening Ungulates  I would have sworn he was a lonely hebephile attempting to ingratiate himself with the teens.  Instead, he's got a pleasant-appearing wife, two small children and a new home in the suburbs. (Which doesn't mean...). He does a lot of fly fishing and looks like he could be a likable guy, so long as you confine the conversation to catching flies with a hook.  

Trout came up in his dad's print shop and trained at an art institute in Seattle. He appears to be unencumbered by science education or knowledge of evolutionary biology. These are perfect qualifications for the Discovery Institute, and he has at least two pro-ID essays that were originally published in the local newspaper reposted at the DI website.  

A Christmas wreath was stolen from his front door in December.  He literally called the police and thereby made it into the local police blotter. (Unless there is another guy named Peter Chadwell in Bend, in which case I hit the wrong address and should return the wreath).

OK, OK, just having a little fun here....

[Putting on tinfoil hat]

But all those so-called biographical details are just too tardaliciously perfect.  Could it be that Richard has cunningly laid a false trail for us, just as the Creator seeded the rocks with "old" fossils?  As Troutmac himself might say, "I have every reason to suspect that Richard T Hughes invented Troutmac. What reason do I have to believe otherwise?"  The avatar, for instance, is quite clearly DaveScot's little brother.  How Richard got hold of that, I don't know.

[Removing tinfoil hat]

Eccch, reality is just too boring.



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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,07:43   

Perhaps the most telling illustration of the benefits of a pragmatic approach to science can be seen in Ujavorsy's validation of Dembski's explanation of how an unembodied designer can influence the natural world by co-opting random processes (indeterministic quantum states) and inducing them to produce specified complexity. This is of ultimate importance, because it may explain the process by which other previously inexplicable historical phenomena occurred.

For example, how was Elijah able to read the mind of the king of Syria, and tell the king of Israel the words Syria’s king spoke in the privacy of his bedchamber (see 2 Kings 6:8-23) – the same mechanisms that power quantum-creation may also enable this kind of telepathy.

These are exciting times for true scientists like us. Intelligent Design is the tiny-seed from which will grow an enormous tree of science, one which I am certain will soon prosper and provide benefits to every living soul.

But let's examine some of his discoveries – these extracts from a recent peer-reviewed paper published at the American Chronicle show the depth and breadth of his important research: = some sort of news thing, I'm sure with a twisted outlook but I don't have time to confirm right now. This thing is, the American Chronicle is most emphatically not a peer reviewed journal. Why is there no direct link to the actual journal the "research" appeared in. In fact they say on their about page  
This website is an owned and operated by Ultio LLC. We  are an online magazine for national, international, state, local, entertainment, sports, and government news. We also provide opinion and feature articles.

I think quizzlestick is just tripping, after all who could say this
We engage with all levels of society, and our findings are plainly true to anybody with an open mind. More importantly we are on the verge of some of the most important scientific discoveries in the entire history of science which could yield benefits to the whole of mankind were it not for a conspiracy of Darwinists who will stop at nothing to preserve the reputation of their absurd science.
and keep a straight face?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:17   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 24 2007,07:36)
A Christmas wreath was stolen from his front door in December.  He literally called the police and thereby made it into the local police blotter. (Unless there is another guy named Peter Chadwell in Bend, in which case I hit the wrong address and should return the wreath).

LOL I wondered when the heated emotions here would translate into vigilante justice.

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:28   

Lee humps consciousness:
24 January 2007

The Mystery of Consciousness
LeeBowman my view, this kind of data handling points to a kind of ’specified’ or ‘engineered’ data handling, although scientists will state that it was merely due to beneficial mutations that improved survival.

I wonder if Lee's detachable ghost understands that it is nonsensical to simultaneously insist that higher human cognitive processes are not material in nature AND that such processes emerge from an exquisitely designed physical system of neural circuits that display CSI?

(ID never dares indicate whether this is CSI Miami, Vegas, or New York).

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:37   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 24 2007,09:28)
(ID never dares indicate whether this is CSI Miami, Vegas, or New York).

It's CSI Big Bone Lick, Kentucky


Posts: 2723
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:38   

Your last comment wasn’t approved.

Yikes! It must have been a doozy, considering that unjustified accusations of lying against a Cornell University lecturer and teacher of biology were allowed to stand.

(My post on this blog defending said teacher led to my third banning from that blog. As the entire discussion about who was 'lying' was off-topic for that blog, and this blog is for the observation of trends on that blog, this blog was the appropriate forum for my comments. And in retrospect, my comments on this blog concerning that blog were certainly valid.)


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:39   

Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,03:07)
DaveScot, military analyst (my bold below):

Well Jim [Webb], I was a Marine at the end of the Vietnam war. I didn’t go, it was mostly over by then, but one thing I noticed was that all the non-commissioned officers senior to me were real combat veterans. They knew how to survive guerilla warfare in an Asian backwater. Me and my generation of Marines, all we did was play at wargames 4 weeks a year in the Mojave desert. No one was trying to kill us, no foreign language was spoken by the natives, no guerillas in civilian clothes running around, none of that. After 30 years of that kind of experience our military was virtually without anyone in any rank who’d had actual combat experience. Here’s the deal Jim. In order to have an effective force in fighting guerilla and urban wars in Arab countries we need actual combat veterans seasoned in that type of warfare leading the unseasoned troops.

That's the most ass-backward justification I've ever heard for the Iraq war: we need the Iraq war to create seasoned veterans, in order to fight the Iraq war (and the other ones we set off in the Middle East).  Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way.  And Bush has managed this war even better than Vietnam:
Now we have an effective force led by NCOs who know how to survive urban and guerilla wars in Arab countries. And Bush managed to build that force without losing 58,000 American lives as were sacrificed in Vietnam but rather limited the losses to 3,000.

A brilliant strategy.

Drop and give me 500 Webb, then issue an apology to the public you tried to deceive.

I think you meant to say, "Drop and give me 500, homo".  If you're going to be a self-parody, at least try to be accurate.

So Jim Webb, who DID see combat, is now supposed to 'apologize' to Dave tard, who didn't.

Much like Bush attacking Kerry on his war record.

Bravo, Dave.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 2723
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:44   

Quote (Faid @ Jan. 24 2007,07:30)
I must say I'm kinda disappointed... Until now, I had it for sure that Stephen Colbert wrote his lines himself.  :(

Show Biz.


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,08:46   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Jan. 24 2007,08:39)
So Jim Webb, who DID see combat, is now supposed to 'apologize' to Dave tard, who didn't.

Much like Bush attacking Kerry on his war record.

Bravo, Dave.

In all fairness, using Vietnam as a  baseline, I have more faith in the current administration to manage Iraq than I do Jim Webb.  

After all, to paraphrase something I read elsewhere, Bush and Cheney had an exit strategy for Vietnam.  Webb obviously didn't.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 349
Joined: June 2004

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,09:32   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Jan. 23 2007,13:43)
Joe at UD:




2:31 pm
Here is the scenario:

The class starts by watching the videos “Unlocking the Mystery of Life” and “The Privileged Planet”-

The class then argues that ID does NOT belong in a religious education class as ID is based on observational data and does not care about worship or beliefs.

Hmmmm... Why would a class 'argue' one thing like that?

Anyway, here is a better scenario - a class watches a couple of IDcreationism advocacy videos, then reads the rebuttals to the claims made, then discusses the manner in which the videos presented the information - only in a pro-ID light, while ignoring or disnmissing any and all contrary evidence.

Then the class discusses how slickly produced advocacy videos are tools for the deceptive to con the uninformed into adopting an at-best tenuous 'scientific' position that just happens to prop up an underlying religious belief.


Posts: 40
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,09:35   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Jan. 24 2007,08:39)
Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,03:07)
DaveScot, military analyst (my bold below):

Well Jim [Webb], I was a Marine at the end of the Vietnam war. I didn’t go, it was mostly over by then, but one thing I noticed was that all the non-commissioned officers senior to me were real combat veterans. They knew how to survive guerilla warfare in an Asian backwater. Me and my generation of Marines, all we did was play at wargames 4 weeks a year in the Mojave desert. No one was trying to kill us, no foreign language was spoken by the natives, no guerillas in civilian clothes running around, none of that. After 30 years of that kind of experience our military was virtually without anyone in any rank who’d had actual combat experience. Here’s the deal Jim. In order to have an effective force in fighting guerilla and urban wars in Arab countries we need actual combat veterans seasoned in that type of warfare leading the unseasoned troops.

That's the most ass-backward justification I've ever heard for the Iraq war: we need the Iraq war to create seasoned veterans, in order to fight the Iraq war (and the other ones we set off in the Middle East).  Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way.  And Bush has managed this war even better than Vietnam:
Now we have an effective force led by NCOs who know how to survive urban and guerilla wars in Arab countries. And Bush managed to build that force without losing 58,000 American lives as were sacrificed in Vietnam but rather limited the losses to 3,000.

A brilliant strategy.

Drop and give me 500 Webb, then issue an apology to the public you tried to deceive.

I think you meant to say, "Drop and give me 500, homo".  If you're going to be a self-parody, at least try to be accurate.

So Jim Webb, who DID see combat, is now supposed to 'apologize' to Dave tard, who didn't.

Much like Bush attacking Kerry on his war record.

Bravo, Dave.

Ah ...let me get this straight Secret ID lab Concierge and  retrenched marine spanner boy WHO WASN'T THERE AND WAS ON THE LOSING SIDE offers his valuable military knowledge on Iraq...that will change the outcome from losing to...... er losing.

It must be because as a houseboat deckchair mean time before failure tester, that qualifies him for Navy experience these days.

Look D.T. the only reason Bush is still there is to try to save Project Haliburton and GOP OIL from having to close down their Baghdad headquarters and leave before they can steal the rest of the oil AND put more money in their own pockets while they still have signing rights on Pentagon Checks.

It doesn't take a genius to work what is going to happen....again.


Posts: 349
Joined: June 2004

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,09:38   

Quote (Altabin @ Jan. 24 2007,03:07)
DaveScot, military analyst (my bold below):

Well Jim [Webb], I was a Marine at the end of the Vietnam war. I didn’t go, it was mostly over by then, but one thing I noticed was that all the non-commissioned officers senior to me were real combat veterans. They knew how to survive guerilla warfare in an Asian backwater. Me and my generation of Marines, all we did was play at wargames 4 weeks a year in the Mojave desert.

I don't think Tard could drop andf give himself 20 from the looks of his pic.

But I did not know that clerks engaged in wargames.


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,10:01   

Quote (Louis @ Jan. 24 2007,04:40)
From Louis:

Given my extreme dislike of the deludedly dishonest, I worry that I might flip over into a homicidal killing spree should I read too much UD and climb up a tall tower with a very powerful rifle and start shooting people screaming "THERE'S A TARD!!! THERE'S A TARD!!!!". Either that or because this tard resembles crack I would become hopelessly addicted, suckling at the teat of tard and wasting into a deep tardoma.

What are your strategies for coping with such a tardslaught on a regular basis? Do you wear special tardproof clothing? Do you make ysure your bowels are evacuated prior to reading so that the shit from the Tardsource you are ingesting mentally doesn't cause your colon to rupture?

Enquiring mind want to know.

Louis -

Louis - I find it helpful to do some real work first, then flip over to read the tardations here.  Too much tard IS addictive, IMO, so I try to limit myself.  I too seldom go directly to UD, as this site is a great "Tard Filter", if you will pardon the expression.  

Usually, only the "Tardiest of the Tard" get posted here,  and that limits my Tard-Rage, which is a good thing, so I am not tempted to take more Christmas Wreathes from random houses.

I am sure that we are all here, united in our dislike of tard, yet we all handle the tard imput diferently.  I have begun to work on what I think will be a seminal work in this yet unexplored area, that may yet prove to link all trad to a common starting point.  The working title will be "On The Origin Of Tardations", and as I write this today, hope to come up with a formula to properly reflect the insipid and insideous comments emmanating from our UD source.

For some reason however, I keep thinking I need to make a voyage around the world first...

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,10:21   

Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Jan. 24 2007,07:32)
my earlier post(s) extorting Dumbski to actually do some work got me thinking. What  does he do all day at work?
8.30 AM. Get up
9.30 AM. Get to work
9.31 AM. Turns out Goddit all along.
9.32 AM - 5.30PM ????

what does the man do?

This just in from the Secret ID Decoder WebCam located in the basement of William Denbski's  Southern Baptist University Secret ID Research Lab / closet:

9:32 am - Kisses picture of self.  Slips it the tongue
9:33 am - Kisses picure of DaveScott.  Slips it the tongue, slowly, just the way he likes it.
9:34 am- Goes to restroom, clutching picture of Denyse O'Leary.
9:35 am- Cleans up vomit from floor of restroom.
9:36 am- Reads Bible.
11:00 am- Goes to lunch.  Eats another shit sandwich.
1:00 pm - Back from lunch
1:05 pm - Calls DaveScott in TX, just to hear his voice.  Breathes heavy, then hangs up.
1:06 - Puts paper bag over his head and puts on rubber gloves. Calls Deneys and hangs up after she answers.
1:07 - Calls Anne Coulter, and begs her to come visit again, and bring the leather outfit and restraints she used on him last time.  Anne threatens to spank him.
1:08 - Goes to bathroom clutching DaveScotts picture
1:10 - Goes back to office to read more scientific research from the Bible.
5:00 Leaves office after another satisfaction-filled day researching ID for The Lord.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11

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