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  Topic: GoP's LAMSM Theory, Liberal Agenda of the Mainstream Media?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1082
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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,06:17   

Since the "Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?" discussion – which had morphed into a gay marriage discussion - got sidetracked by Ghost of Paley's obsession with the supposed leftward bias of the mainstream media, think of this thread as a budding off of the media discussion into a separate thread. A speciation event, if you will.

A quick recap. The GhostMan – and correct me if I misstate this - contends that the U.S. media have a liberal “multicultural” agenda, and that the reporting of “hate” crimes is filtered in such a way as to give an inflated impression of majority on minority crimes. (Originally straight on gay, but the GhostMan segued into racial incidents – apparently seeing these as part of the same media anti-majoritarian agenda). In support of this view, he listed (April 25 2006, 14:29) 12 news items - melodramatically labeled “Exhibits” A through L – signing off with
Oh, this is nothing. I just wanted to give you a little sample for now......
I’m inclined to agree: the list really did nothing to make his case. And if it’s just a “sample” of the “more” he promised, he should not waste his – and our – time.

I pointed out that his list of horrors ignored by the media was culled from, ahem, media reports. But, he protested, those were merely locally reported stories:
Let's get one thing straight from the start. Local coverage does little for people who don't live in the areas where the crime takes place. As a citizen, I want to be informed about major events in the whole nation, because this influences my political and social choices. So the difference does count.
I.e. “exhibits A-L” should have received national attention –like the Mathew Shepard story, and the reason for the difference in treatment is – you guessed it – the liberal agenda of the mainstream medium. (On a side note, I think Ghosty can be assured that his “political and social choices” are as safe from factual input anyway as are his "thoughts" on evolution. Would his choices lean any further rightward if the press consisted entirely of Fox News and clones thereof?)

I went through (April 25 2006, 23: 03) all 12 of his horrors. I stipulated at the outset that they were, indeed, all horrible. I proposed, though, that their lesser notoriety relative to the Mathew Shepard and James Byrd incidents reflected (a) the fact that the bigotry involved in those two stories was an important component of their newsworthiness AND the fact that most of them were, well, less spectacularly horrible than those two stories. (Please note the emphasized words; let’s not get sidetracked, yet again, by all-or-none, “either it’s the Manson murders or it’s jay-walking” caricatures). While the Shepard and Byrd incidents involved spectacularly brutal, vicious, hateful torture/murders, most (9/12) of Ghosty’s incidents did not involve killings. I pointed out the national press – and the national attention span – can’t deal with more than a very small fraction of them.

A little arithmetic. There are about 300,000,000 people in the country. The homicide rate is about 8x10^-5 per year. That works out to about 66 murders every day. (Note: All of them are horrible.)  I don’t think anyone would quibble with an estimate that criminally nasty hateful incidents of the order of the nonfatal ones on Ghosty’s list occur at least 10 times as frequently. That’s more than 600 such incidents every day. Today’s New York Times had 22 stories in its “National” section. Most of them dealt with the doings of the President, Congress, stories with economic impact… only a couple of them had to do with crime of any sort. (And, no, I didn’t choose the NYTimes because it’s a left-wing rag intent on distracting its readers from the real news of the War on White Christians. The Columbus Dispatch had only 23 articles covering national and international news.)

Well, according to the GhostMan, my challenge to the evidence supporting his “liberal agenda of the mainstream media” theory was unpersuasive:
Russell, I'll have to deal with your pathetic rebuttal later
I was, of course, crestfallen, but I figured our vaporous friend was either (a) doing the Disdainful False Confidence display characteristic of his species (where bluster and bravado substitute for data and logic) or (b) he would bring something new to the discussion we hadn’t considered.

Alas, it turns out to be (a). The Insubstantial One “destroyed” my case with his eventual comment (April 26 2006, 20:45). Exhibit A: [I had pointed out, after stipulating that all of the “exhibits, A-L” were indeed deplorable, that this particular story didn’t quite rate national news, in light of the limitations outlined above. Ghosty implied that I was quoting selectively to downplay the seriousness of the crime:]
(GoP: ) Let's read a little more, shall we? All emphases are mine. [quote]"Just a whole bunch of people rushed the car. I was thinking 20 girls; my husband said more like 30," said Michelle Essig, who was driving to the hospital when the people stormed her car. "They opened up my car door and started punching my friend, who just had a C-section three weeks ago..."
Of course, that’s newsworthy because the mob in question had undoubtedly done their research and had known that the friend in question had had a C-section three weeks before.
..."Essig said she attempted to escape the mob.
"They shook the car, they were jumping on the windows. There was a guy on the roof of my car," Essig said. "They tried to pull me out of the vehicle, that's when I gassed it and floored it. They continued to assault my vehicle."
She said the incident was unprovoked, but she has one theory about why it happened.
"I took great offense to the stuff they were yelling. It seemed to be a racially-motivated thing," Essig said.
"'You white b's, you racist b's.' I don't remember everything -- I was caught up in the moment," said Sharon Roffitt, who was in the car when it was attacked. "My window was down. They were swinging at me and hit me."
Whatever the motivation was, witnesses said the attack escalated fast.
"They were shaking this car. It's hard to shake, but the group could have rolled it over," witness Russell Anderson said.
Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.
(GoP again: )
 What would have happened to them if they hadn't escaped? The mob was attempting to beat them and drag them out of the car. Some "contretemps"!
Now, I repeat: unfortunate, deplorable, illustrative of brutish, hateful, racially charged nastiness? – yes. National news? – no. The objects of the mob’s ire call it “unprovoked”. Well… “uncalled for” perhaps; but not completely out of the blue. The incident followed what I characterized as a “traffic contretemps”:
KMBC's Chris Nagus reported that two cars with two different couples were on the way to Children's Mercy Hospital when another car cut between them. One of the drivers asked the cutting driver not to block them. Then, things got out of control when a mob came out of nowhere, Nagus reported.
But then Ghost more than implies that I had called the whole mob scene a “contretemps” – when clearly I was referring to the obnoxious driving behavior that had led up to the mob scene. Now, is Ghost being intentionally deceitful here, or just not reading very carefully? Only Ghost knows for sure. But if the latter, is he really ready for the >100-fold increase in reading load he seems to be demanding from his daily national police blotter? (See the arithmetic interlude, above).

OK. At this point, the Ghost Guy skipped over to Exhibit D. I had pointed out that the scene in question, involving a mob of Hawaiian natives menacing some white people, was – though, again, not pretty -  not the stuff of national news, and may have been as much alcohol-fueled as hate-fueled.

A vigilant and indignant Ghost, exercising his on-again off-again attention skills, pointed out:
You snipped out the previous sentence. Here it is:

Kai Dechape said yesterday that he heard one attacker say, "Any f..... haoles want to die?"

Know what a "haole" is?
Why, yes, I do. For the benefit of readers who might not know, it’s a pejorative native Hawaiian term for white people. Sort of like “cracker”, I guess. But – again – someone involved in a (nonfatal – sure: nasty, deplorable, criminal, etc.  - but apparently not resulting in serious injuries) incident saying that he heard threatening abusive language… it’s just a few ticks shy of the Mathew Shepard or James Byrd horrors.

Finally, Ghost pleads for a little “balance” in reporting, citing an item from that model of journalistic balance, David Horowitz's e-zine, and finished up with another lurid vicious horrible grisly terrible deplorable sickening incident involving black criminals and (presumably) white victims. A story in which the criminals were arrested and charged with “second-degree lynching”, but apparently Ghost and – not coincidentally – Fox News is outraged because
local prosecutor David Schwacke commented, "We haven't been able to establish hate as a motive."
.Now I have a few things to say about this. First, and most importantly, horrible vicious etc. etc. things happen. They happen way too often. But reporting one of them – or even lists of them – culled by idealogues like David Horowitz (or the RightWing Roundup, or whatever) does absolutely nothing toward demonstrating that the media is selectively exaggerating anti-minority, or ignoring anti-majority, hate crimes.

Second, this incident may indeed have been a “hate crime”. But. As the prosecutor noted, the fact that the criminals were of one race, and the victims were (I guess) of another, is not enough for him to make – let alone prove – the case that it is.  

Finally, I read in Ghost’s parting shot:
Does this meet your level of brutality?
an insinuation that I – or anyone else who thinks his LAMSM theory is as unfounded and, frankly, ridiculous as his view of evolution – am selectively insensitive to brutality depending on the political correctness of the victim/perpetrator minority/majority identities. I find that way beyond offensive. If I’ve read that wrong, I’d be interested to learn what the purpose of the question really was.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,07:38   

Some grist for Ghost's mill here today:

White teens accused of brutal racist attack

Hispanic boy left for dead

SPRING, Texas (AP) -- Two white teenagers severely beat and sodomized a 16-year-old Hispanic boy who they believed had tried to kiss a 12-year-old white girl at a party, authorities said.

The attackers forced the boy out of the house party, beat him and sodomized him with a metal pipe, shouting epithets "associated with being Hispanic," said Lt. John Martin with the Harris County Sheriff's Department.

They then poured bleach over the boy, apparently to destroy DNA evidence and left him for dead, authorities said. He wasn't discovered until Sunday, a day after the attack.

The victim, who was not identified, suffered severe internal injuries and remained in critical condition Thursday.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,08:43   


First of all, thanks for starting the new thread. I agree with everyone that it needed to be done.

Second, I appreciate your rebuttal, and I plan to respond to it. However, as my last post stated, I'm not finished replying to your original response, so I'm going to copy and paste the original post, merge it with the rest of my reply, and then deal with your counterobjections. So feel free to add more if you wish, but don't expect anything until later tonight.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

W. Kevin Vicklund

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,08:46   

That's all right, we don't expect anything from you until later next year.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,09:18   

as my last post stated, I'm not finished replying to your original response
You mean the one from two days ago? One can only imagine how much time and effort you might have expended had it risen above the level of "pathetic".

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,11:59   

"I, like, know for a fact that atheists lynch christians and homosexuals attack straights and blacks attack whites, like, all the time. In fact, atheists, liberals, gays and blacks do these violent attacks far more than any other groups. They're just not reported because of all the atheists, liberals, negros, and homos working in the media. So the fact that I have no evidence at all to back up this assertion, and can point to no more than a few isolated cases certainly doesn't matter! My conclusion is that the media should immediately quit reporting cases that make me politically uncomfortable."

Please. Just go home.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,12:31   

That's all right, we don't expect anything from you until later next year.
I don't expect anything from him ever. His mouth has written checks his brain can't cash.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,12:42   

Gotta figure.
I mean, they close your bank account when you die, don't they?

The is the beauty of being me- anything that any man does I can understand.
--Joe G

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,13:49   

Arden Chatfield and Stevestory:

I don't mind if you post here, even if it's just to troll/insult me. But I do wonder why you bother. I mean, stevestory has made it clear that he doesn't want me "trashing" up his threads, and ordered me to GTFO of a couple of them (and yes, I obeyed). Yet here he is, returning the compliment. Why? Nobody's being forced to read this thread; in fact, it was created to make it easier to avoid unpleasant truths. So why do you care? Could it be that both of you are.....troubled by these facts, and wish to suppress them? I wonder if the moderator's ears are still ringing from listening to your sniveling. "For the luvva Gawd, won't you please shut this guy up?!!!!"  ;)  :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,14:13   

Once again, you were the one who demanded proof that the MSM quashes stories. When I supplied some, you said it wasn't "enough", the sources were "biased", the stories "too old".
You're making stuff up, GhostMan, and you don't even seem to know it. Now, if these stories were "quashed", how do you know about them? You're just unhappy that they got less attention than other stories. What do you want? Affirmative action for news stories?

Let's get one thing straight from the start. Local coverage does little for people who don't live in the areas where the crime takes place. As a citizen, I want to be informed about major events in the whole nation, because this influences my political and social choices. So the difference does count.
But I suspect that the reason that most of these are not nationally notorious has something to do with the fact that most of them are just not as lurid, sadistic, or fatal as stories that are.

And you would be dreadfully, painfully, tragically wrong. As I'll show later.
Exhibit A.Quote  
Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.
Yep. A mob - some fraction of which is apparently black - menaces occupants of a car involved in some kind of traffic contretemps. Heavens! I imagine that, once this scourge of a liberal press is removed, kids will be reading about this in history books chronicling the twentieth century.

Let's read a little more, shall we? All emphases are mine.
"Just a whole bunch of people rushed the car. I was thinking 20 girls; my husband said more like 30," said Michelle Essig, who was driving to the hospital when the people stormed her car. "They opened up my car door and started punching my friend, who just had a C-section three weeks ago."

Essig said she attempted to escape the mob.

"They shook the car, they were jumping on the windows. There was a guy on the roof of my car," Essig said. "They tried to pull me out of the vehicle, that's when I gassed it and floored it. They continued to assault my vehicle."

She said the incident was unprovoked, but she has one theory about why it happened.

"I took great offense to the stuff they were yelling. It seemed to be a racially-motivated thing," Essig said.

"'You white b's, you racist b's.' I don't remember everything -- I was caught up in the moment," said Sharon Roffitt, who was in the car when it was attacked. "My window was down. They were swinging at me and hit me."

Whatever the motivation was, witnesses said the attack escalated fast.

"They were shaking this car. It's hard to shake, but the group could have rolled it over," witness Russell Anderson said.

Essig called 911 after the attack, but she could not give a good description of any particular person in the crowd who rushed her car -- only that many of the attackers were black and that they were wearing green.

What would have happened to them if they hadn't escaped? The mob was attempting to beat them and drag them out of the car. Some "contretemps"!
Exhibit DQuote  
"I think they would have attacked anyone with white skin," Dechape, 18, told the Star-Bulletin.

But two high-ranking police officers expressed doubt that race motivated the attack. "That's the first time I've heard that," said Assistant Chief Thomas Hickcox.

Capt. Robert Hickcox, the assistant chief's brother, also said he doubted a racial motivation, suggesting instead that alcohol led to the alleged attack.
Hmmm. Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between a racist mob and a bunch of drunks. You're right! CNN should have been all over this one.

You snipped out the previous sentence. Here it is:
Kai Dechape said yesterday that he heard one attacker say, "Any f..... haoles want to die?"

Know what a "haole" is?
Well, now. Here's an actual murder. But guess what? There are dozens of murders in the country every day. All of them are horrible. A lot of them involving crazies, like this guy. Do you think every one of them involving a white murderer and a nonwhite victim is national news?

No. But a little balance would be nice. Perhaps the ratio of stories should roughly match the ratio of actual crimes?
The Bureau of Justice Statistics estimates that in 1999, there were about 657,008 blackonwhite crimes of violence, as compared to some 91,051 of the whiteonblack variety. Yet although blackperpetrated interracial crimes outnumbered whiteperpetrated interracial crimes by a ratio of about 7.2 to 1, the official hatecrime statistics showed white offenders outnumbering black offenders by a 4 to 1 margin. Put another way, about 1 out of every 45 whiteonblack attacks is classified as a hate crime, while the corresponding fraction for blackonwhite attacks is an astounding 1 out of 1,254.

Including this one:
For instance, in October 1999, a white man named Troy Knapp was attacked by a mob of black men wielding pipes and trash cans, while riding his bike with a companion in Charleston, SC. Knapp was beaten so severely that part of his skull and brain had to be removed, leaving him barely functional.

Seventeen suspects were arrested and charged with seconddegree lynching. However, local prosecutor David Schwacke commented, "We haven't been able to establish hate as a motive."

According to a Fox News report, Schwacke, "acknowledged that if it had been 17 white suspects and two black victims, hate would more likely be considered a motive." The report went on to note that, "Federal hatecrime law could apply in this case, but seven months after the incident the U.S. attorney's office in South Carolina is not even considering charges."

Does this meet your level of brutality?

OK, I'm running out of time, and since many people are complaining about me hijacking this topic, I'll move the rest of my rebuttal to its own thread. But don't worry - plenty more to come.....

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 1082
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,14:49   

Are we in re-runs? I could have sworn I've seen this episode before.

As in, Comment to "Will a Gay Gene refute evolution" comment posted April 26 2006,20:45

Well, maybe GoP is onto something. Since he just keeps posting the same suggestion of an argument over and over, why not just skip the charade of rephrasing it? Why not just paste exactly the same long screed, repeatedly? Accomplishes the same goal, AND saves a lot of time!

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,15:00   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 27 2006,18:49)
Arden Chatfield and Stevestory:

I don't mind if you post here, even if it's just to troll/insult me. But I do wonder why you bother. I mean, stevestory has made it clear that he doesn't want me "trashing" up his threads, and ordered me to GTFO of a couple of them (and yes, I obeyed). Yet here he is, returning the compliment. Why? Nobody's being forced to read this thread; in fact, it was created to make it easier to avoid unpleasant truths. So why do you care? Could it be that both of you are.....troubled by these facts, and wish to suppress them? I wonder if the moderator's ears are still ringing from listening to your sniveling. "For the luvva Gawd, won't you please shut this guy up?!!!!"  ;)  :D  :D  :D

The rules of staying 'on topic' are rather lax here, far more so than those at PT. This is a place where people come, make big statements, and get argued with. That's what ATBC was DESIGNED for. Haven't you been paying attention? You'd rather we all "avoid unpleasant truths"?

As for the moderator wanting us to shut up and not trash this thread, why not ask him?

PS: I'm not "troubled by these facts", since they're not facts. Easy call there.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,15:01   

Well, maybe GoP is onto something. Since he just keeps posting the same suggestion of an argument over and over, why not just skip the charade of rephrasing it? Why not just paste exactly the same long screed, repeatedly? Accomplishes the same goal, AND saves a lot of time!

It's the mark of an idiot savant, but without the savant part.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,15:37   

Now, just in case there's any confusion - I'm not a big fan of any of these religions. Call me an anti-religious bigot if you will, but I think religious fundamentalism is one of the scourges of humanity. So I think this should have made national news. And I hope it did. In Australia. Where it happened.

But then why did the New York Times deign to cover the Cronulla riots? They obviously didn't give a toss about the systematic Muslim intimidation that led to this crude, violent "contretemps". Or concern themselves with the riot I mentioned in the last post (you know, the one that actually happened in Amurica).
Exhibit HQuote  
...the same girl was back - with a box cutter - threatening to kill Alexis. On the ride home after that incident, Jacob displayed a large bruise on his arm from being shoved to the ground and called a "stupid white boy."
Yeah. It's a darn shame. Kids can be pretty barbaric. But again... if the Mathew Shepard story is worth, say, 1000 "horror units", how many should this one be assigned?

Notice that our friend snips around the systematic racial bullying:
From the beginning, it was uncomfortable. Both children were taunted with racial slurs, particularly Alexis. The Sweeneys tried to make this a life lesson, coaching their kids to respond appropriately. They advised the children to report any threats or poor treatment to teachers, assuming the adults were addressing the problems. And they prayed their kids were simply learning the uncomfortable truth that life can be tough. But the incidents didn't stop, despite a lot of back-and-forth with the school. The kids kept their grades up, but they got pretty quiet.

In mid-March, matters came to a head during an after-school program. Alexis was alone in a bathroom when she was threatened by three other girls. Jessica went to the principal, who brought the ringleader in and made her apologize. Days later, the same girl was back - with a box cutter - threatening to kill Alexis. On the ride home after that incident, Jacob displayed a large bruise on his arm from being shoved to the ground and called a "stupid white boy."

But this is nothing new for liberals. For example, the media widely distributed an AP wire story that covered the systematic harassment of Asian students at a Brooklyn high school. This story contained this interesting passage:
In the last five years, Census data show, Asians mostly Chinese have grown from 5 percent to nearly 10 percent of Brooklyn residents. In the Bensonhurst neighborhood, historically home to Italian and Jewish families, more than 20 percent of residents now are Asian. Those changes have escalated ethnic tension on campuses such as Lafayette High, according to Khin Mai Aung, staff attorney at the Asian-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, which is advocating for Lafayette students.

Wow, those Italian and Jewish meanies, whaling the #### out of those poor Chinese kids! In fact this is the only mention of the community's racial makeup - outside of the Asian victims, of course. But a little checking reveals a different picture:
Black, non-Hispanic 45% 20%
Hispanic 26% 20%
Asian/Pacific Islander 19% 7%
White, non-Hispanic 10% 53%
American Indian <1% <1%
(the first percentage is the school percentage; the second, the state's).

Now this search took me all of fifteen minutes, but I guess it's understandable that the media didn't have the time when there's all these hate crimes to suppress.
Exhibit IQuote  
The men started beating him and struck his passenger after she exited the car, according to police. Fliers with racist epithets against whites were also found on car windshields and utility poles in Greensburg.  
...the men then chained the woman to a fence, beat her senseless and left her to die as her swollen brain herniated through the base of her skull. Nah. I made that last part up. But you know, if that had happened, I bet it would have made the nightly news.

Remember this comment, because it's going to haunt our author later.......
Not sure what this one's all about. Is the mob one race and the victim another? I don't know. In any case, the report was on the local CBS nightly news. If the worker had not managed to get up and walk back to his cart, perhaps we would have heard more about it. But like I say, with dozens of lethal crimes in the country every day, there's a bit of competition for news coverage.

See, the way it works is, there's a little blue line that you move your cursor over. If you click your mouse, up pops a new window with a cool video. Check the upper left-hand corner. I'll let the viewer make up his own mind about the news-worthiness of the story.

[That's all for now. Don't worry Russell, I've saved my heavy hitters for last ......the fun's just starting!]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,17:30   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 27 2006,20:37)
But then why did the New York Times deign to cover the Cronulla riots? They obviously didn't give a toss about the systematic Muslim intimidation etc. etc. etc.

Okay, Bill, you've loaded up this thread with a lot of cool quotes. But what do they prove? Obviously they can't prove the media doesn't report any stories of minority-on-majority violence, or you'd have no evidence to speak of. Presumably you think the media doesn't report enough min-on-maj violence, but I'm not sure how you'd go about proving your point. Do you have a Lexis-Nexis account? Because if not, you're not going to convince anyone of the amount of reporting on the issue just by doing Google Searches, because Google searches by their very nature aren't an accurate presentation of how many stories are actually out there.

But even if you could prove that the media underreport min-on-maj violence, where would that get you? That the media is biased in one direction or another? That's hardly news. Is there some greater point you'd like to make here? That there's more minority-instigated violence than people think there is? What should people do with that knowledge? Be more afraid of minorities than they already are?

I'm not sure you've put your finger on a massive social problem here, Bill.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,17:30   

Perhaps it's because I haven't followed that "Gay Gene" thread that I my understanding here is lax, but can anyone tell me what the #### GoP is trying to argue?  It looks like only a long whine about how unfair he things the media is wrt reporting crimes.  I like to think that I'm a fairly smart person, but I'm utterly msytified here.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 27 2006,18:35   

But then why did the New York Times deign to cover the Cronulla riots? They obviously didn't give a toss about the systematic Muslim intimidation that led to this crude, violent "contretemps". Or concern themselves with the riot I mentioned in the last post (you know, the one that actually happened in Amurica).
I'm sorry. Did you mention a riot that happened in "Amurica" on the scale of
thousands of drunken white youths attacked anyone they believed was of Arab descent.
I may have missed that. Or did you miss my point about how, space being limited, newspapers necessarily have to make judgment calls, for instance between a domestic riot on the scale of tens vs. a foreign riot on the scale of thousands? For instance.
Notice that our friend snips around the systematic racial bullying:
I "snipped" because I don't want each post to double the length of the previous one. But, in case it wasn't clear, I stipulated that all these incidents were, indeed, ugly. Further, I stipulate that they represent racial bigotry. Now, if I try to trim the verbiage, it's to try and make my point as clear and concise as possible. That point is NOT, I repeat, NOT that these incidents were admirable, tolerable or excusable (GoP: please initialize this box to indicate that you have read and understood: [] )  My point is that that there are differences in enormity between the incidents that do get national attention, and those that don't, and that these differences in scale are a more credible explanation for differential coverage than your LAMSM theory.

Now your AP story about harrassment of Asian kids in a Bensonhurst high school surprised me. Well, no. The harrassment didn't surprise me, but your racial stats did. You see, I lived in Brooklyn for 8 years, till 1996. And, when passing through the Bensonhurst neighborhood, I never saw a black face. Does the name Yusuf Hawkins mean anything to you? You seem to be a whiz a Googling; why don't look it up?
This sounds more like the Bensonhurst I remember:
Black people? No. They’d never come in here," says Jessica S., 18. "In here we all know each other and we’re all from the same neighborhood," meaning Bensonhurst. "If a black kid came in here, he would probably leave right away because the guys would abuse him."
How a Bensonhurst high school winds up with this large a black population is a puzzle to me. But if your point is that the AP is trying to hide the "fact" that it's overwhelmingly nonwhites that beat up on other kids, I can assure you, that is not the case. Just ask Yusuf Hawkins. Oh. That's right. You can't. He's dead.
If you click your mouse, up pops a new window with a cool video. Check the upper left-hand corner. I'll let the viewer make up his own mind about the news-worthiness of the story.
Hmmm. I wonder if there's some creative way I can phrase this that makes it any more clear...These are nasty, ugly, deplorable, unforgivable, inexcusable actions, and the perpetrators appear to be thoroughly despicable specimens of humanity. Newsworthy? You bet! That's probably why it was...ON THE NEWS. But with an average of 66 MURDERS a day in the country, unfortunately, mere mob beatings where the victim gets up and walks away JUST DON'T MAKE NATIONAL NEWS. Think about it Ghosty. The average nightly news is, what?, half an hour? With commercials, that gives us time for about 20 seconds for each murder victim, if we don't cover anything else. Include the beating victims, and we won't even be able to read their names as they scroll up the screen. Now, I'm getting on. These old eyes aren't as sharp as they once were. Perhaps you can tell me: what are the racial identities of the young hoods in that clip? And, when the local news people say they're baffled as to what motivated this attack, do you suppose they're just withholding the "obvious" fact that it was pure and simple racial hatred? Really; what would you have the national news anchor say to accompany that clip? I'm really curious.

That's all for now. Don't worry Russell, I've saved my heavy hitters for last ......
Oh, finally! Is this where you get to the point? Is this when you, at long last, give us something other than random anecdotes with no statistical significance that demonstrate the shocking fact that a lot of humans are dirtbags, that humans are by far the most vicious primates on the planet, and that humans of European descent do not have a monopoly on barbarity? Because we already know all that. Perhaps this is where you finally reveal the hitherto baffling logic behind the megacorporations that own the media in this country plotting the downfall of capitalism and the subjugation of white christians. Please, by all means - surprise us!

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,01:41   

Ghost, I've read all the examples you provided, and I have a question:

Do you think they deserve equal representation in the media?

Don't be hasty to answer... I don't mean compared to "majority against mminority" crimes; I mean, compared to each other.

Put the racial issue aside for awhile... Do you think that one of the murders you mentioned should have equal (no more, no less) media coverage with a kid hitting another with a rolled-up newspaper and making it woozy?

If yes, you must explain the reason for it... It can't be the kid's race, of course, because THAT would be bias.

If not, then how does simply pointing to all those various examples (and deserving of different coverage, respectively) help you make your point? If you want to demonstrate a bias in the media, showing any number of supposedly neglected incidents is not enough- shouldn't you compare incidents of equal severity? Shouldn't you, for example, prove that a white kid hitting a black one with a newspaper would get more publicity than a black kid doing the same to a white one?

Mind you, I'm not saying this is true or false. Like I said, I know little about the US media- the kind of discrimination that goes on in my country (and many other countries in Europe, I think) is definitely on the conservative side. For all I know, you may be right; I'm just saying you're a long way from proving it.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,03:03   

Arden Chatfield and Stevestory:

I don't mind if you post here, even if it's just to troll/insult me. But I do wonder why you bother. I mean, stevestory has made it clear that he doesn't want me "trashing" up his threads, and ordered me to GTFO of a couple of them (and yes, I obeyed). Yet here he is, returning the compliment. Why? Nobody's being forced to read this thread; in fact, it was created to make it easier to avoid unpleasant truths. So why do you care? Could it be that both of you are.....troubled by these facts, and wish to suppress them?

You pulled a Dembski and tried to use some obscure science to back up your dumb desires. I ask you to explain this 'scientific' argument in adequate detail. You of course can't, so you ignore it. I ask again. You ignore it. I ask again. And now you accuse me of trying to suppress your point? I'm trying to suppress your 'compelling' argument that heterosexual marriages are hubs on a scale-free network, which would be destroyed by allowing gay marriages? By asking for you to make that argument? It's hard to resist calling you any number of things here, but instead I'll just ask you to provide the model you said you were working on, which shows how marriages are hubs in a scale-free network, and explain how gay marriage would cripple the network.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,03:09   

I wonder if the moderator's ears are still ringing from listening to your sniveling. "For the luvva Gawd, won't you please shut this guy up?!!!!
Ask the moderator whether I've ever requested you be censored.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,05:47   

Quote (Faid @ April 28 2006,06:41)
If you want to demonstrate a bias in the media, showing any number of supposedly neglected incidents is not enough- shouldn't you compare incidents of equal severity? Shouldn't you, for example, prove that a white kid hitting a black one with a newspaper would get more publicity than a black kid doing the same to a white one?

Here's something else to think about, Bill. Of the news stories over the last 15 years involving the abduction of photogenic young women (Polly Klass, Chandra Levi), how many were about non-white women? Can you think of any? Some of these stories were headline news for months.

Are non-white women abducted, raped, and murdered so frequently that the stories about it aren't newsworthy? If that's so, what does that say about the relative levels of violence against Caucasians as compared to non-Caucasians?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,06:24   

If you want to demonstrate a bias in the media, showing any number of supposedly neglected incidents is not enough- shouldn't you compare incidents of equal severity? Shouldn't you, for example, prove that a white kid hitting a black one with a newspaper would get more publicity than a black kid doing the same to a white one?

Don't have much time right now, but here's an article to chew on:
Charles Baum, who is white and a resident of the Kensington section of Philadelphia, had been paroled last August. He served four months less than the four- to eight-year sentence he received after being convicted of burglary, theft, criminal mischief and conspiracy in December 2000.

The video showed Officer Michael Collins, who is black, striking Baum eight times during the arrest – even after he had handcuffed his white charge. As is the standard procedure Collins was transferred to desk duty pending an investigation.

Police brutality stories are red meat to the mainstream media; this would seem to be perfect for them. If this were a white cop using excessive force to arrest a black suspect, it would be on television round-the-clock. That is always national news – especially if it is on videotape –and especially if the video is taken by the NBC network affiliate of a major city like Philadelphia. Yet the silence from the mainstream media has been deafening. Only the local Philadelphia media reported this in depth. The Washington Post gave the incident all of 177 words in their May 2 online edition.

A September 2, 2002, article, I wrote for Front Page magazine detailed the differences of reporting by the media regarding incidents where police shot a black person. One example I used was that of LaTanya Haggerty. Haggerty, who was a black woman, was shot and killed by Chicago Police Officer Serena Daniels, a black woman. The shooting took place after the police pursued a car in which Haggerty was a passenger.

More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,07:20   

Oh yes, while we're at it: here are two separate articles that discuss the media perceptions of serial killers versus the bone-chilling reality. From the first:
So police came across the sniper suspects at least 11 times during the long manhunt, but let them go every time. The D.C. police chief acknowledged that race was a factor in this amazing failure. "Everybody was looking for a white car with white people," he told The Washington Post.
Writing on his Web site, Andrew Sullivan said this was racial profiling. If a white killer had been let go 11 times because cops were looking for a black man, he asked, "Wouldn't this be the basis for uproar? Wouldn't the cops involved be fired? Wouldn't there be a massive investigation ...?" Yes, and the press would have erupted in high dudgeon.

Why were police looking for a white man? The usual response is that, statistically, most serial killers are white. But that excuse would never be accepted if police had announced they were looking for black suspects simply because statistics on black crime are high.

Besides, statistical evidence about the high percentage of white snipers and serial killers is quite shaky. Whites are about three-quarters of the U.S. population but account for just over half of sniper killings, said James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, reporting on statistics for 1976-2000. Eric Hickey, a criminal psychology professor at California State University-Fresno, says there are plenty of minority serial killers -- blacks account for about 13 percent of the U.S. population and 22 percent of serial killers.
We have been down this road before. The Atlanta child murders were a big story, but the press dropped it quickly when the killer turned out to be black. [or tried to pin them on the Klan - Paley]The church burnings hoax followed the same pattern -- a big story when arsonists were assumed to be white racists, an instant media departure when they turned out to be black.

But he's just an evil wingnut, right? Let's try the other article:
The assumption was that all serial killers were young, whacked out white males. It is easy to believe that. In the rash of Hollywood slasher, horror, and maniacal thrill kill films, serial killers are routinely depicted as deranged white males. The obsessive media attention on serial killers such as Son of Sam, David Berkowitz, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, and the Unabomber, also reinforce the notion that serial killers are loopy white males. The horde of police, profiling experts, and psychologists that paraded endlessly across the TV screen during the serial sniper ordeal speculating about who the killer was and why he killed bought into this stereotype.

If, as it appears, John Allen Muhammad, cold-bloodedly gunned down a dozen persons, and terrorized the Washington D.C. area, they were all embarrassingly, and wildly wrong in their assumptions. And all the old profiles and theories about who mass killers are must be scrapped. But then again those profiles should be scrapped. Muhammad is not a total aberration.

Two studies on serial killers that specifically looked at the race of the killers found that blacks make up about 15 percent of America's rogue's gallery of mass murderers.
The victims of black serial murderers almost always are other blacks, who most often live in the poorest inner city neighborhoods where the murder rates are far higher than in middle-class suburbs. Because black on black violence is so entrenched and pervasive, it is far too often considered routine, and police are often more lax in their attitudes toward the violence than if the victims were white. This makes it much easier for black serial murders to go undetected for far longer times.

The implicit message is that black lives are expendable. This perceived devaluation of black lives through the horrid mix of racism, ignorance, and indifference has encouraged disrespect for the law and has forced many blacks to internalize anger and displace aggression onto other blacks.

I think there's a good deal of truth to this, but I suspect that lefty embarrassment contributes as well.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,07:32   

Just three questions and I'll leave this side issue alone:
1) Jews have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Jews, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to Gentiles: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

Hey Eric, why haven't you answered these questions yet?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,07:47   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 28 2006,12:32)
Just three questions and I'll leave this side issue alone:
1) Jews have been harshly discriminated against for millenia: True or False?
2) Jews, taken as a group, have been extraordinarily productive and civilised relative to Gentiles: True or False?
3) If you answer "True" for both of the above: How is this possible under the liberal "discrimination" model?

Hey Eric, why haven't you answered these questions yet?

I thought I already had.

As I pointed out, gay people have also suffered discrimination, and have also made major contributions to civilization.

Are you trying to argue that peoples suffering from discrimination shouldn't be able to make contributions to society? Because that's clearly not true anyway, and a straw man argument. I don't think even you would argue that African Americans have never suffered discrimination, and yet they have managed to make substantial contributions to civilization nevertheless.

Maybe you're not making your point clearly here, because I'm having a hard time figuring out what your argument is.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,08:45   

Wait wait- is undermining incidents of police brutality concidered a liberal bias in the US now? That's new.

Ghost, what did I tell you about quoting from biased sites? Let's see...

The logic of the author's piece in regard to the first incident goes like:

"The media are liberally biased, so they should always blow events of police brutality way out of proportion, regardless of their severity. They didn't do that here, and the only possible reason for that is (one of) the officer's colour. Therefore, the media are liberally biased".

'Nuff said.

As for Haggerty's killing: Regardless of what your site says, a simple googling shows that it was far from undermined- especially considering that there was no civil uproar and riots following it. And of course, the more liberal the media, the more vocal it was.

As for your third quote: I don't know about evil, but a nut... Tell me, if you hear a cop say "we're looking for a white car with white passengers", what's the first thought that passes your mind: That he's racially discriminating against people -and cars? what? Because I think the poor guy had a description to watch out for, and that description turned out to be wrong. I could be wrong myself of course: But like I said, an actual report of the events might be welcomed as evidence... Some guys babble is not.
Either way, even if it is so, how does it relate to liberally biased media? Were the cops deluded by the media in some way? Were testimonies of witnesses that said the killer was black get suppressed by the news? I'm curious.

And the fourth quote... I really don't know what to say. I totally agree with it: I think that the belief that serial killers must be white is as unfounded and dangerous as that robbers, murderers and rapists must be black. Again, I fail to see how this proves any "liberal bias in the media", however. Are you sure you quoted the right part?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,09:42   

Wait wait- is undermining incidents of police brutality concidered a liberal bias in the US now? That's new.

"Police Brutality" is only important when it undermines "the Establishment" (read: WASPS). Multiculturalism trumps all else with our bell-bottomed belles.
As for Haggerty's killing: Regardless of what your site says, a simple googling shows that it was far from undermined- especially considering that there was no civil uproar and riots following it.

Yes, the Chicago media covered it pretty heavily, but is LaTanya Haggerty a household name like Amadou Diallo? I don't think so, and 9 out of 10 cartoonists agree. And of course there wasn't civil unrest in the Haggerty shooting: there was no honkey to pin the tale on:
From the day he took office, Rudy Giuliani threatened the foundations of the liberal worldview—denouncing identity politics, demanding work from welfare recipients, and, above all, successfully fighting crime by fighting criminals, rather than blathering about crime’s supposed "root causes," racism and poverty. It was a godsend for his opponents that the four officers who killed Diallo were white, allowing the incident to stand as proof of alleged departmental racism, the "dark side" (in The Economist’s triumphant headline) of Giuliani’s conquest of crime. Now it was payback time.

The Clinton administration jumped in immediately, sending FBI agents and federal prosecutors to the Bronx to help the local district attorney investigate the shooting and probably to start building a federal case against the officers and the department as well. The president denounced police misconduct (implying that the Diallo officers were guilty of deliberate brutality or racism); Hillary Clinton, readying her New York Senate run, let it be known that she was consulting with local Democratic pols about the Diallo case. Both the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and the Justice Department announced investigations into the NYPD as a whole and the Street Crime Unit in particular; the Justice Department inquiry could ultimately—and preposterously—lead to damaging federal monitoring of the city’s police. The state attorney general started his own duplicative inquiry into the department’s stop-and-frisk practices. One Police Plaza has become a round-the-clock paperwork-processing center for the numerous investigations.

Meanwhile, Al Sharpton and other local activists were experimenting with various protest venues. Sharpton’s fellow reverend, Calvin Butts, announced a consumer boycott, whose relevance remained inscrutable. The Reverend Al finally settled on having his followers arrested for sitting in on police headquarters. His big break came when David Dinkins and Congressman Charles Rangel joined his protest and got their picture on the front page of the New York Times in plastic handcuffs. Bingo! The civil-disobedience campaign became an overnight sensation.

A wider range of Giuliani antagonists—and a very occasional, much-cherished "celebrity," such as Susan Sarandon—started showing up to be photographed and arrested. Not one objected to the vicious anti-police and anti-Giuliani rhetoric spewed out daily by Sharpton followers, nor did any shrink from linking arms with the city’s most noisome racial troublemaker, despite his recent conviction for slander in the notorious Tawana Brawley hoax. After the announcement of almost unprecedentedly severe second-degree murder indictments of the four officers, Sharpton and a coalition of left-wing labor leaders and Democratic activists organized a march across Brooklyn Bridge on April 15 to promote a hastily devised "Ten Point Plan" for police reform.

Either way, even if it is so, how does it relate to liberally biased media? Were the cops deluded by the media in some way? Were testimonies of witnesses that said the killer was black get suppressed by the news? I'm curious.

Because the media lied about the percentage of white serial killers, and this, combined with the usual coverups, led to inefficient police work.

Paley's tune.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,09:47   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 28 2006,14:42)
Because the media lied about the percentage of white serial killers, and this, combined with the usual coverups, led to inefficient police work.

Paley's tune.

And this is important why? Does the police department look to the media to tell them which sorts of crimes should be solved, and which shouldn't?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:08   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 28 2006,14:42)
And of course there wasn't civil unrest in the Haggerty shooting: there was no honkey to pin the tale on:
From the day he took office, Rudy Giuliani threatened the foundations of the liberal worldview—denouncing identity politics, demanding work from welfare recipients, and, above all, successfully fighting crime by fighting criminals, rather than blathering about crime’s supposed "root causes," racism and poverty. It was a godsend for his opponents that the four officers who killed Diallo were white, allowing the incident to stand as proof of alleged departmental racism, the "dark side" (in The Economist’s triumphant headline) of Giuliani’s conquest of crime. Now it was payback time.

The Clinton administration jumped in immediately, sending FBI agents and federal prosecutors to the Bronx to help the local district attorney investigate the shooting and probably to start building a federal case against the officers and the department as well. The president denounced police misconduct (implying that the Diallo officers were guilty of deliberate brutality or racism); Hillary Clinton, readying her New York Senate run, let it be known that she was consulting with local Democratic pols about the Diallo case. Both the U.S. Civil Rights Commission and the Justice Department announced investigations into the NYPD as a whole and the Street Crime Unit in particular; the Justice Department inquiry could ultimately—and preposterously—lead to damaging federal monitoring of the city’s police. The state attorney general started his own duplicative inquiry into the department’s stop-and-frisk practices. One Police Plaza has become a round-the-clock paperwork-processing center for the numerous investigations.

Meanwhile, Al Sharpton and other local activists were experimenting with various protest venues. Sharpton’s fellow reverend, Calvin Butts, announced a consumer boycott, whose relevance remained inscrutable. The Reverend Al finally settled on having his followers arrested for sitting in on police headquarters. His big break came when David Dinkins and Congressman Charles Rangel joined his protest and got their picture on the front page of the New York Times in plastic handcuffs. Bingo! The civil-disobedience campaign became an overnight sensation.

A wider range of Giuliani antagonists—and a very occasional, much-cherished "celebrity," such as Susan Sarandon—started showing up to be photographed and arrested. Not one objected to the vicious anti-police and anti-Giuliani rhetoric spewed out daily by Sharpton followers, nor did any shrink from linking arms with the city’s most noisome racial troublemaker, despite his recent conviction for slander in the notorious Tawana Brawley hoax. After the announcement of almost unprecedentedly severe second-degree murder indictments of the four officers, Sharpton and a coalition of left-wing labor leaders and Democratic activists organized a march across Brooklyn Bridge on April 15 to promote a hastily devised "Ten Point Plan" for police reform.

Nice story, Ghost. So, tell me, hasn't the idea that haggerty isn't a household name (boy you even use the exact same phrases as the sites you cite) because there were no riots and civil unrest regarding it, ever run through your head?


Because the media lied about the percentage of white serial killers,

What that it's 85% ? How did it lie, exactly? and where? and how did that affect police work?

and this, combined with the usual coverups, led to inefficient police work.

So, the police chief and the investigators that made the mistakes were in fact working for the biased media? thanks for clearing that up.

Oh, and thanks for the link, since it showed that the cop was, in fact, looking for a description, and that that other guy you quoted is a nutjob.


Paley's tune.

...Huh?  ???

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: April 28 2006,10:24   

What that it's 85% ? How did it lie, exactly? and where? and how did that affect police work?

Look, DC is a majority-black district. Given that blacks are overrepresented among serial killers, not underrepresented as the media would have it, the police were irrational to assume a white killer. Gotta run.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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