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Posts: 3094
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,05:38   

I do ask you show us its use, though!

Soitanly!! As soon as I find an appropriate ID to wedge it into, you folks'll be the first to know.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,05:45   

Arden: your new photo looks eerily familiar. ARE YOU FRED MERTZ?!?!?!

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,05:49   

This is one of mine too:

Use and abuse! ???

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,05:50   

Quote (deadman_932 @ Aug. 24 2006,10:45)
Arden: your new photo looks eerily familiar. ARE YOU FRED MERTZ?!?!?!

SHHHHHHHH! I'm here undercover! If Desi finds out I'm here, he'll can my ass.

And Lucille Ball? HAWT!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,06:29   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 24 2006,10:29)

Music appreciation is intensely subjective. And since the appreciation is subjective so too must be the composition otherwise everyone could be a wildly successful composer just by following formulaic procedures. I think the mathematical connection pretty much starts and ends with simple relationships between notes on the scale and also the way the notes combine to form harmonic sounds.

Time signatures and dynamics?

I think you're Bach-ing up the wrong tree.



It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,06:51   

Bob, you SHOULD be Haydn after THAT one.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,06:52   

Thanks, Arden.  

Pharyngula also had a similar or identical list of quotes where Hitler affirms his religious beliefs, at

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,06:58   

I'm glad to see Cordova approvingly link JAD's senile ramblings in Revista at UD.  It's more of their dropping the pretense, since I suspect that they shunned him in the past in part because he frankly identifies the "designer" as God.  Here's some of what Cordova left out:

While it is true that the existence of a Creator, while a logical necessity, has never been rigorously proved...
(p. 3 of his "Manifesto")

Then we have his lies about "Darwinists" believing in blind chance, and his illiterate misuse of Einstein's dice quote.  Then a grand non sequitur, of the kind that few other than JAD can write:

If Einstein's physical world does not operate through chance, would one really expect the living world to do so?

Of course in Einstein's consideration of what "chance" is, evolution has essentially no role for chance at all.  But the dotard does not know the difference between irreducible randomness and so-called classical randomness.

At the end, on p. 48, the same illiterate usage of his Bartlett's quotations ensues again, as he blathers on about belief in God among physicists (not as common as he thinks) and "atheists or agnostics" among so many biologists.  He states one true thing, at least, which is that the difference is a mystery to him, as he apparently has no grasp of the evidence in favor of honest evolution.

Still, JAD is rather more competent in biology than are the rest of the ID clack--apparently including Wells, who makes stupid claim after stupid claim in biology.  So I guess that after they have ceased to try to portray themselves as scientists whose religion is incidental to their ID claims, they turn to a "scientist" whose "manifesto" is more religious apologetics and poorly used Bartlett's quotations than it is a discussion of evidence.

May they enjoy him, indeed.  At least he actually believes in a kind of evolution, which will discomfit the YECs and the essentially creationistic Behe and Dembski (they really have very little role allowed for evolution, when one examines closely).  DaveTard is moron enough to think well of the old fool's work, and Cordova is so eager for anything that goes against evolution that he turns a blind eye to how JAD's nonsense is contrary to his own YECism.

The IDists become more and more incoherent as time goes by.  Cordova does pathetically still try to claim a scientific agnostic-toward-religion status for ID, in between his frank avowals of religion and denunciations of "materialistic science".  

But that's the old UD, really, as O'Leary and JAD increasingly affirm the religious nature of ID.  

What is bizarre is Pim and MacNeill on PT suggesting that ID really is a "theoretical hypothesis" [changed in edit from 'scientific hypothesis'], even as the pretense fades (though doesn't disappear) at UD.  It could be, of course, a falsified hypothesis (and in a way it is, though it was never really formalized as a scientific hypothesis before it became untenable), but by no means has any ID, any actually promulgated as "science", that is, come close to meeting the empirically-based cause/effect form that hypotheses generally take in biology (there are deviations from this form, to be sure, but ultimately they're to be predicated on empirically-based cause and effect claims).

That's all right, though.  They can have their fantasies, while UD will continue to demonstrate just how unscientific and religious their "cause" really is.

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:11   

I'm beginning to wonder if it's not mere coincidence that Denyse hasn't posted since DaveScot re-appeared. Anyone want to bet on how long it'll be till Denyse's name gets taken off the UD banner?

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:24   


EE guys like Davetard love C to death, though.

It's my favorite write-only language.

Of course, I wrote all my stuff for data collection and analysis for my thesis in the Delphi variant of Pascal. I wanted to actually get things done.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:28   

UD will continue to demonstrate just how unscientific and religious their "cause" really is

Along the same lines, it is truly astonishing to see UD making common cause with D. James Kennedy on the whole smear-evolution-by-blaming-it-for-Hitler campaign.  I think that the way Dembski et al have been reduced to such pitiful rhetorical and religious bottom-feeding really underlines how they have hit intellectual bankruptcy on the scientific front and have no other ammunition in their arsenal.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:28   

Très Bon; Glenn

Pim and MacNeil are indeed question begging.

Doesn't worry me much, a little sauce on the grand fromage, is all goose for the gander and all that.

What amuses me is that for all their bluster the gap they are trying to force fog into the flubber sees them dancing around the lab in an almost spandau ballet.

Oh well the yanks may have won the cold war and brought 'gad' to those Ruski's  but who's laughing.

The Garden Of Eden

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:33   

I think that the way Dembski et al have been reduced to such pitiful rhetorical bottom-feeding really underlines how they have hit intellectual bankruptcy on the scientific front and have no other ammunition in their arsenal.

Whoa there boy.

That statement implies they had intellectual capital to begin with.

tch tch.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:47   

I thought I should explain a bit better my statement that Pim and MacNeill are suggesting that ID is a scientific hypothesis, though I edited it to "theoretical hypothesis".  Here's what MacNeill wrote:

ID is an entirely theoretical hypothesis restricted to the origin of life, the origin of the genetic code, and the origin of a few selected biochemical pathways (and the bacterial flagellum), currently lacking empirical verification and without clearly defined methodologies for verification or falsification.

What I wrote initially is true enough, since Allen is treating ID like a scientific hypothesis, if one lacking clearly defined methodologies for verification, etc.  But get real, Allen, they have no methodologies worthy of the name or even hints at any future meaningful methodologies, just reformulations of "it looks too complicated to evolve, God must have done it".

And here's the link to Pim's apology for MacNeill's unevidenced claims:

Pim more explicitly demurs from calling ID non-science, making the point that one may make evalutions using a set of "design premises" and unfortunately confusing this fact with the idea that ID could thus be considered scientific (or at least in the region of science).  He neglects the entire question of sufficient causes (evidenced causes, essentially) and the sense that hypotheses ought really to be potentially explanatory in a perceptually meaningful way.

Or in other words, he more or less guts his claim that ID is a "theoretical hypothesis" when he notes that "design cannot even compete with 'we don't know'".  In what way is anything a "theoretical hypothesis" about biology if it fails to do better than 'we don't know'?  As a failed hypothesis (that is, if in testing we found that it did no better than "we don't know"), one might have a point that it is/was a hypothesis, however one certainly could come up with entailed predictions if one hypothesized properly about, say, alien design (which would at times be rational design, no doubt).   And the failure of IDists to come up with any of the obvious entailed predictions for designers acting like known designers (ourselves) do, means that they are pointedly avoiding science and its standards.

Anyway, the more I see MacNeill's statements about his seminar, and Pim's defenses of those statements, the more I think Allen bent over backward to give credit to ID where it is not due.

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:58   

Quite so, k.e. and N. Wells.  Since the Hitler-Darwin smear has been brought up again, I'll take this opportunity to copy what I wrote on Ed Brayton's blog (one edit in brackets).  For what it's worth:

[QUOTE]One may detect a very tenuous link between Darwin and Hitler, of course, in the sense that 'all things are connected'.

Beyond that it's pretty much BS. English science was all about mechanism, causality, what Hitler might have called "shopkeeper science"--keeping track of all of the transactions. German science, while it became good solid science by the 20th century in most areas, tended toward the Romantic in the biological realm. Haeckel's musings about a true recapitulation of phylogeny in each ontogeny, that sort of thing.

I think Nietzsche was great, but his later anti-anti-Semitism and opposition to German nationalism as it existed in his day did not prevent Hitler from being influenced by, and misusing, Nietzsche's writings (I will say that Nietzsche wrote some few things that make one's skin crawl, but his writings in their entirety are much as Heidegger characterized them, as involving primarily an artistic conception of life). And Nietzsche was pointedly opposed to "Darwinism", preferring, yes, a kind of Romantic striving of life toward power. It may not be possible to show [conclusively] that Hitler did prefer the Nietzschean/Romantic conception of evolution (found also in Schelling, Hegel, and I dare say Marx in altered form), but all evidences, from the use of the term "Superman" to the idea of controlled human evolution, points away from a belief in Darinian theory, and toward pre-Darwinian and competing conceptions of progressive evolution.

Hitler was caused by Darwin in about the same way that Lysenko was caused by Darwinian conceptions of evolution--as a reaction against the real science. As such, Kennedy et al are sloshing through analogous reactions against science and substituting pseudoscience for the real science, much as Nazis, commies, and also less dangerous folk, have done in the past. Let us hope that their reactions against truth will be less violent than were Hitler's and Stalin's were (to be fair, I think that indications thus far is that they are less aggressive in their use of power).

That said, have you noticed how ID/creo "arguments" are drifting away from the so-called "science", and toward moralistic screeds and denunciations of their opponents as being the source of various evils? We seem to have accomplished something in opposing their pseudoscience after all, although they're not about to quit, and will happily smear morally those who they can't answer scientifically. After all, it never was about science, and all about moral dictation, anyhow.


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,07:59   

Ah Glen of your more readable posts.
I heartily agree.

ah..ehem..ur...tch...shuffle.. rubs nose...looks at feet...

wrong thread.

{edit ---bugger make that the previous post... PIM and MacNeil}

{the second one is right up there tho, I didn't understand the Nietzsche  -Hitler connection previously I got all my 1920's German culture from "Cabaret" and Mel Brooks ...blush}

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,09:22   

...any actually promulgated as "science", that is, come close to meeting the empirically-based cause/effect form that hypotheses generally take in biology...

well, obviously they have decided to embrace JAD's notion that there are no tangible causes to effects.

who needs emipicism when you can't objectively measure causes to begin with, eh?

did you see that little diddy, Glen?  check back in this thread a couple of pages.

embracing insanity seems to be the ID MO.

oh, but Sal, in embracing insanity, does so in an etirely "civil" manner, right Pim and Allen?


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,09:43   

Quote (Bebbo @ Aug. 24 2006,12:11)
I'm beginning to wonder if it's not mere coincidence that Denyse hasn't posted since DaveScot re-appeared. Anyone want to bet on how long it'll be till Denyse's name gets taken off the UD banner?

Perhaps they'll replace it with a photo of DaveTard himself.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,09:52   

I don't understand why Dave Scott Springerbot doesn't simply buy the dam*n blog from WD40 at this point?

He says he's a multimillionare, right?

He obviously enjoys pretending to be the head frat boy there.

It's amazing to me he didn't just buy it straight out after his first month of playing der ÜberFührer.

then he could simply pull down WD40's picture and put his own up in his place, and change the byline.

don't you think everybody involved would be happier all the way round?

Dembski would get what he obviously wants, more money, Dave would get the platform he obviously wants, and we would still have all the source of humor anybody could possibly want.

so just DO IT, Dave!

buy UD and make it fully your own.  I bet WD40 would be more than happy to take a personal check.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,09:57   

oh, but Sal, in embracing insanity, does so in an etirely "civil" manner, right Pim and Allen?

And you know, such "civility" makes life easy for moderators/teachers, so why press for honesty when things are running smoothly?

They don't seem to think that there should be any penalty exacted for continual evasion and lies.  

I mean, gee, Ichthyic, don't you know that if you were just nicer to the liars, they'd pay attention?  It's our fault after all.

That said, there is a place for "civility".  The place is with any rare creo/IDist who is willing to discuss issues honestly, in the blog entries that someone like Pim makes, and if you can stomach it, on UD.  

Pim is mistaking the fact that he needs to keep a civil tone in his blogs, and even in most of his comments, with the requirements for other bloggers.  He, along with us commenters in many of our posts, needs to make objective statements without undue prejudice or emotion.  We, in many of our other posts, have to heap scorn and ridicule on the dolts who come in and react with prejudice and emotion to objective statements.

I like that N. Wells said as much on PT, since he is one who certainly exhibits more civility to dolts and liars than I can.

Tom English manages to evade being banned from UD, which no doubt is another way to utilize "civility", however uncivil the censorship on UD is.  Fine.  I couldn't do it, but fine if someone can put up with DaveTard's, Dembski's, and Cordova's lies.

MacNeill's experiment has demonstrated one thing--civility toward the intellectually dishonest is going to compromise your own message more than it is going to get those intellectually dishonest ones to listen.  And to the extent that they do nonetheless listen, they will hear a message distorted by the unreasonable demands for tolerance of lies.

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,10:13   

Quote (Bebbo @ Aug. 24 2006,12:11)
I'm beginning to wonder if it's not mere coincidence that Denyse hasn't posted since DaveScot re-appeared. Anyone want to bet on how long it'll be till Denyse's name gets taken off the UD banner?

I wondered about that myself. Dave made some pretty foul insults against Denyse, and now Dave and Denyse are 'working together' again. I wonder how Denyse feels about this?

I asked Dave this exact question over at UDOJ, and he refused to answer.  :p

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,10:16   

The good thing about JAD being on UD now:

I want a list of all the members of Uncommon Descent who wield the power of arbitrary unexplained deletion or worse, prevention even of presentation.

Only an IDiot would get away with such a demand, though of course they're not going to fulfill his demands.  And even most of the IDiots couldn't do that.  JAD appears to be able to criticize the fascists running UD in a way that no others can.

And if there's anything I do respect about that SOB is that he doesn't use such a slurpy "civil" tone with his BS and lies.  In fact he ends up being honest sometimes, notably in his avowal of a religious basis for his thought, simply because he's too ornery to lie about some things.  

Sal uses a "civil tone" in order to advance his dishonest statements as far as is possible.

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,11:02   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Aug. 24 2006,14:52)
I don't understand why Dave Scott Springerbot doesn't simply buy the dam*n blog from WD40 at this point?

He says he's a multimillionare, right?

He obviously enjoys pretending to be the head frat boy there.

It's amazing to me he didn't just buy it straight out after his first month of playing der ÜberFührer.

then he could simply pull down WD40's picture and put his own up in his place, and change the byline.

don't you think everybody involved would be happier all the way round?

Dembski would get what he obviously wants, more money, Dave would get the platform he obviously wants, and we would still have all the source of humor anybody could possibly want.

so just DO IT, Dave!

buy UD and make it fully your own.  I bet WD40 would be more than happy to take a personal check.

Maybe DaveTard likes being an acolyte to a minor academic at a God college. Or maybe it's just that if he bought out UD hardly anybody would post there. Dembski may be a crank, but ultimately DT is just someone who hangs off his coattails and worked at Dell. I don't imagine the ID followers give much of a #### about an ex systems engineer who has a yacht, they want PhDs to keep up the pretence of science.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,11:51   

He, along with us commenters in many of our posts, needs to make objective statements without undue prejudice or emotion.


I wondered if he was trying to make a backhanded point with the ridiculous histrionics about us "horridly uncivil" PT posters, and whether PT should be shut down.

but no, it became pretty clear it was, in fact,  just a bunch of histrionics.

pot-kettle-black and whatnot.

I do wish the many issues that were raised in that thread could have been explored in some depth, rather than buried under the trainwreck it became.

for example, I would have liked to continue a more detailed discussion about my challenge to the direction evo-psych seems to be taking on innate mechanisms. The paper Allen cited in response to my questioning the emipricism behind the usage of "purpose" (as is apparently currently being defined withing evo-psych), raised some troubling questions in my mind.

... and a completely separate thread on the evidence for heritability of the kinds of behaviors classified as those maintained by creationists (extreme religiosity as defined in a cite from last year, for example).  Let's REALLY explore what the evidence is for these having significant innate components.

...and yet another thread on the actual goals and results of Allen's little experiment.  With commentary on how the experiment could have been better constructed to obtain more objective results.

Too many details were being lost in the crossfire between the various topics being discussed in that thread. It was quite dissapointing, as there are many things worthy of further discussion.

I'm trying to find the original thread here where we first discussed Allen's plans for the course, and see if it's worth resurrecting.

maybe later today.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,11:55   

Dembski may be a crank, but ultimately DT is just someone who hangs off his coattails and worked at Dell.

well, that conflicts with DT's constant prattling about his IQ, and how he can run rings around other programmers, and how he knows more about physics than all of the posters on PT combined...

etc, etc.

perhaps there is some fear there, but it certainly isn't based on any lack of confidence in his own abilities, based on his posts.

What IS DT afraid of?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,12:29   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Aug. 24 2006,16:55)
Dembski may be a crank, but ultimately DT is just someone who hangs off his coattails and worked at Dell.

well, that conflicts with DT's constant prattling about his IQ, and how he can run rings around other programmers, and how he knows more about physics than all of the posters on PT combined...

etc, etc.

perhaps there is some fear there, but it certainly isn't based on any lack of confidence in his own abilities, based on his posts.

What IS DT afraid of?

I think Dave is afraid of open discussion. He seemed to get off on the ability to ban people from UD, and it's difficult to engage him in constructive debate even when he doesn't ban you. His ego always gets in the way.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,12:31   

well, that's obvious, but that fear certainly wouldn't stop him from purchasing UD, would it?

I'm asking what DT is afraid of that would prohibit him from completely taking over the blog from Dembski.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,13:10   

This possibly isnt the best place to say it, but I thought that, as long as his summing up was accurate, Macneill has effectively given us a minor propaganda victory.  

Namely that even ID's proponents thought that the efforts to make it scientific so far had failed, and all that was left to them was posturing and a fall back on irrational beliefs.  
I do not recall the course purpose being to prove that ID was bunk, rather it was to discuss the whole situation of ID and evolutionary biology, and as such it seems to me (Who has popped over to the blog over at the course a couple of times) that the course has been a success.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,13:29   

This possibly isnt the best place to say it,

probably not.  I'll try to resurrect that thread later today.

It's worthy of discussion, to be sure.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2006,14:38   

Of course, I wrote all my stuff for data collection and analysis for my thesis in the Delphi variant of Pascal.

Heh.  I wrote the world's first commercial Pascal compiler (for the PDP-11, in 1975), and that was the basis for my compiler technology company.  That later became DEC's PDP-11 Pascal compiler, too.  We gave up and wrote C and C++ front-ends in the late 1980s (after pushing Modula-2, as well).  Supported pretty much every architecture out there for all four languages.

That's totally off-topic.  It just warms my heart to run across a fellow fan of Pascal.  Klaus Wirth just retired a couple years ago ...

More on-topic, Pim and others (including me) pointed out that Salvador was not held to the rules by Hannah to the same degree that Allen held those on the other side (remember Hannah moderated the IDers, Allen "us").

The rules included a requirement that, if challenged, one show credible source material for claims made on the blog, and other rules designed to make it difficult for posters to outright lie.

I don't need to tell people here how, if Sal had been required to actually to back up his lies, he'd be left with nothing.  Several please were made, they were ignored.

On the other hand, when engaged on the mathematical arguments for CSI made by Dembski, Sal actually tried to play (not as effectively as Hannah) and was forced to admit being wrong on minor points more than once.

However, in classic Sal fashion he'd then go on to totally quote-mine others on the blog, pretend the past refutation of his claims had not been made, repeat his arguments, blah blah blah without any effort on Hannah's part to make him play nice.

At one point, before the rules were tightened up, I recommended to Allen that the blog be restricted to students in the seminar, since Sal was attempting to dominate it with absolutely no effort to be honest (but politely, remember, politely!;)  It was pointed out that almost nothing would be posted in that case so it was kept open (the students were kept busy with the required reading, class discussion, and the paper due at the end of the course).

Overall, though, I think the blog discussions were better than many here and at PT fear.  The real problem is that Sal was posting threads over at UD proclaiming victory over this-or-that snippet after having had his ass handed to him on Allen's blog.  And you know the UD synchophants can't be bothered to follow the original discussion, nor most likely lurkers there.  The Design Paradigm (the Cornell IDEA club blog run by Hannah) will be discussing the course soon and I suspect her line's going to be similar ...

I do wonder if Hannah's faith in Sal has been shaken, even though her faith in ID hasn't.  Sal played most of his normal tricks as much as possible ...

I was raised by a relatively fundie mom, and I've kept many of the values I was raised with.  Primary among them is that dishonestly and lying rank very, very high among sins, far higher than mere "rudeness".  That was my beef with the rules at Allen's blog.  Lying  was acceptable, pointing out that someone was lying was not.

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