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  Topic: Heddle's Half-Dissent, with special guest Salvador Cordova< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2006,12:58   

<quote>Its purpose is to demonstrate that science is not incompatible with the bible and that Christians have nothing to fear: science is not the enemy anymore than archeology. Neither physics experiments nor Holy Land excavations are going to disprove God or the bible.</quote>

Well, since this is precisely what most Christians say about EVOLUTION, it makes one wonder just what the #### Heddle has been bitching about for all this time.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2006,16:49   

Even a couple of years ago, when I was knocking heads making a fool of myself toadying  for Bill...

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,05:35   

In Heddle's latest post, he has an interesting thing to say. No, not the part where he says ID can save you from eternal damnation, the part where he's not insane:

ID must stop stating it can prove design, especially since people like Mr. Dembski have never proved anything. You [Salvador] are confident, you write, that those in information science and engineering find his critique scientifically sound. I will wait for any published demonstration of a proof that a biological component was designed. And keep in mind, this challenge is from someone who believes that life was designed. ID can convince, but it never proves. You’ve been sold, in my opinion, a bill of goods.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,06:26   

Blink blink...rubs eyes....

....Oh that's right Heddle knows something about what a proof might actually be.

That's the smartest thing he's said,  short of calling Dembski a duplicitous scam artist.

Sal already knows it's a crock, he just likes the smell of the grease paint and the curtain calls.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,06:35   

Quote (k.e @ Sep. 21 2006,11:26)
Sal already knows it's a crock,

I disagree. I think Sal is plenty dumb enough to believe everything he says.

Sal, unlike Heddle, is nowhere near smart enough to be suffering from Heddle's amazing level of cognitive dissonance.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,07:00   

Agreed Arden, Harlequin Sal is no where near Heddle in the neuron stakes, he seems to have given up running shotgun for Dembski's pseudo science,  but in my opinion he is just media whore, he would be happy promoting rungless ladders, as soon as he gets a sniff of some other scam he'll be off.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,11:55   

Quote (Mr_Christopher @ Sep. 20 2006,06:55)
I think the entire post is worthy of a copy and paste here, Heddle is right on with his criticisms of the ID movement and Sal is nothing but a weasle.

Color Me ID Cynical

I am reading Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt's new ID book: A Meaningful World: How the Arts and Sciences Reveal the Genius of Nature, (Intervarsity Press, 2006) More on this when I give a complete review later. But I will say that in an overcrowded genre full of ponderous gobbledygook, this book is a breath of fresh air.

Which is just what I need, being so deeply soured on the ID "movement." (Though not on the idea that God has left evidence of His design.) The movement, as a political enterprise, has made so many mistakes you wonder its proponents don't just disband and go home. A quick review of a very unsuccessful campaign:
"Evolution is just a theory" stickers in the text books. The purpose of which was--I don't even know. I'll speculate on their effectiveness: as for changing anyone's opinion one way or another on evolution: infinitesimal. As for pissing off the opposition, giving them something to rally around, and making Christians look like fools: very. This is independent of whether or not there is merit in the "evolution is just a theory" criticism. The tactic, in any case, was boneheaded.

The "ID is science" mantra. Except that by ordinary standards of science it isn't. The Irreducible Complexity "experiments" are really challenges: We dare evolution to explain the flagellum. This is reminiscent of a "refutation" of the four-color theorem I once saw in (I think) Scientific American for one of their famous April Fool's spoofs. A hugely complicated map was printed, and readers were challenged to try filling in the myriad of tiny, twisted shapes using only four colors. Can't do it? Q.E.D. Even the falsification experiments in the The Privileged Planet, which in my opinion is the ID book on the most solid scientific ground, don't smell like real experiments: Search for intelligent life on a planet without a large moon. This is not to say that experiments cannot be ID inspired, I believe they can be and are--in fact all experiments are ID inspired in the sense that they presuppose two facts in evidence: i) nature is orderly, i.e., governed by laws and ii) although we have no reason to expect it, it would appear that humans are able to uncover and understand these laws.

"Design can be mathematically demonstrated" except that nobody has ever actually done it, although there are plenty of excuses as to why it hasn't happened "yet." The irony here is multifaceted. Dembski's mathematics, which is touted as putting ID on solid mathematical footing, actually does nothing of the sort. His work says some interesting things applicable to genetic algorithms, but genetic algorithms resemble actual evolution (the way it is supposed to work) in only a superficial way. However, in a move analogous to leaning into rather than away from a left hook, evolutionists often proclaim genetic algorithms as a sort of proof of evolution. This lunacy then plays into Dembski's hands by extending the shelf life of his arguments which should, by now, be dead. It's all kind of crazy, when you think about it.

"ID has nothing to do with God." Yeah, right. Perhaps one place where Dembski's filter might actually work is that, just maybe, it could detect design in the composition of the ID movement. This shouldn't be all that difficult, given that the overwhelming majority of IDers are theists. Oh, the argument has a milli-ounce of merit: it's just about the design, not about the designer (and in truth is not much different from evolution saying: we don't care about abiogenesis) but this clumsy posturing looses out to the "looks, walks, and quacks like a duck" test.

"Let's get school boards to put ID in the curriculum, then fight the battle in the courts, and argue that ID is not religious (nod, nod, wink, wink) but, even if it is, then atheism is a religion too." Brilliant! That's worked real well. Not only are many scientists antagonized, but now many nonscientists are too. Perhaps the only saving grace is that these efforts have pushed enough loudmouths to Dawkinsian extremism and fundamentalism that the opposition is wasting its time fighting internal skirmishes.
The whole state of ID is in such utter disrepair the leaders of the movement should fall on their swords. (But that would necessitate abandoning a cottage industry, so that's not going to happen.)

The only thing, in my opinion, that can save ID is to acknowledge that it is not science but a science-based apologetic. Its purpose is to demonstrate that science is not incompatible with the bible and that Christians have nothing to fear: science is not the enemy anymore than archeology. Neither physics experiments nor Holy Land excavations are going to disprove God or the bible. ID, like all apologetics, should have as its primary audience believers, not unbelievers.

I have said this many times, but here is the truth, and it's worth pondering. Before the ID movement, ID ideas were discussed in classrooms. I hardly remember a physics class in college where a rabbit trail discussion about how the beauty of nature might point to a creator did not come up. The typical attitude of the professor was such that even if he wasn't a believer, he could understand how science, given that what it revealed was so amazing, might cause someone to consider that God was behind it all. Since that time, only additional marvels (such as the ever-more-rapidly-expanding universe) have been discovered. But the failed ID political movement, with its built in hero worship of rather unaccomplished non-scientists, has totally poisoned the well. I may be a minority of one, but I have to say that, as an IDer, I am embarrassed by the ID movement: its tactics as well as the lack of intellectualism of many (though not all) of its leaders.

Seconded. Dr. Heddle should be commended for his conversion "on the road to Damascus"

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,13:23   

Well, while reading Heddle's rant, I recalled an old Italian proverb:  "After the ship has sunk, everyone knows how it might have been saved."

Most rats, of course, are smart enough to jump off the ship BEFORE it sinks, though.  Not the IDers.  They prefer to wait till the ship has already gone down, the survivors have all already drowned, and the sharks have already eaten half the bodies.

THEN, one of them pipes up and says "Hey, maybe we should get off this ship?"


Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,13:44   

Salvador says Dembski's claims are modest, and the Discovery Institute isn't political.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,15:15   

C'mon, guys, there's no problem with Sal being both a maroon and a mouthpiece-for-hire.

Heck, just through the screen, one can watch him drool and mangle the possessive apostrophe, all within the span of a few keystrokes...

The guy's a regular multi-tasker!


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,15:26   

Quote (Steviepinhead @ Sep. 21 2006,21:15)
C'mon, guys, there's no problem with Sal being both a maroon and a mouthpiece-for-hire.

Heck, just through the screen, one can watch him drool and mangle the possessive apostrophe, all within the span of a few keystrokes...

The guy's a regular multi-tasker!

A friend of mine got so angry about the mangling of the possessive apostrophe, that for a while, he just started putting an apostrophe in front of every s. as in,
When in the Cour'se of human event's, it become's nece's'sary for one people to di's'solve the political band's which have connected them with another, and to a's'sume among the power's of the earth, the 'separate and equal 'station to which the Law's of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent re'spect to the opinion's of mankind require's that they 'should declare the cau'se's which impel them to the 'separation.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 21 2006,18:00   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 21 2006,11:35)
Sal, unlike Heddle, is nowhere near smart enough to be suffering from Heddle's amazing level of cognitive dissonance.

I've personally examined and debunked the nonsense being promoted by Dembski's critics like Elsberry, Perakh, Shallit, Thomas, Lenski, Adami, and others. I plead you reconsider who is closer to the truth in terms of valid deductive methods....
Salvador T. Cordova | 09.21.06 - 5:17 pm
Salvador writes

"The hatred toward Christianity will not be soothed."

Consider this, Sal: David's last three posts here have made this atheist feel LESS antagonistic and more hopeful that Christians and atheists can behave decently and get along in the world and even ork together towards a greater scientific understanding of our universe.

Your comments have the polar opposite effect.

And I can assure you that I am not alone.

Think about it.
Altamont Alan | 09.21.06 - 5:48 pm | #

Oh and doug, you're even a worse representative for Christ than Sal and I didn't think that was possible.
Altamont Alan | 09.21.06 - 5:49 pm

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 22 2006,05:24   


I've personally examined and debunked the nonsense being promoted by Dembski's critics like Elsberry, Perakh, Shallit, Thomas, Lenski, Adami, and others. I plead you reconsider who is closer to the truth in terms of valid deductive methods....
Salvador T. Cordova | 09.21.06 - 5:17 pm

Oh well looks like I've given Sal too much cedit.

The guy is a regular intellectual black hole.

Nothing, including what might be considered reason in some circles, escapes the gravity of his own brain which considering it's lightness is truly indicative of magnitude of the vacant space he calls his brain.

He just won't tell anyone who can add 1 and 1 how he debunked Dembski's critics.

As I recall on PT, he ran off with his tail betwen his legs everytime he popped up.

I guess he must be saving it for the cleaning lady at the DI.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 23 2006,05:40   


If you find the time (perhaps a follow-up post?) can you address where and why you think Dembski's mathematics is deficient?

Is design like pornography (it's solely in the eye of the beholder), or is it possible to mathematically describe properties of design?
wrf3 | 09.21.06 - 11:06 pm | #


Arggh. I was afraid someone would ask me that, after I declared I was done with this topic. However, it's a fair question, so I'll post on it in the near future, including how I reluctantly came to examine his mathematics in detail--when for the longest time I was comfortable hiding my gut instincts behind "I never read Dembski's work" when asked about it by friend or foe.
heddle | 09.22.06 - 6:39 am | #

What's Salvador gonna do when he reads ID-supporter Heddle's explanation of Dembski's mathematical failure? Is his head going to explode? Is Dembski going to freak out and put up a big 'refutation' post at UD? And has Heddle found any interesting flaws not uncovered by Perakh, Elsberry, Shallit, Chu-Carroll, etc etc etc?

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 23 2006,08:23   

Quote (stevestory @ Sep. 23 2006,10:40)

If you find the time (perhaps a follow-up post?) can you address where and why you think Dembski's mathematics is deficient?

Is design like pornography (it's solely in the eye of the beholder), or is it possible to mathematically describe properties of design?
wrf3 | 09.21.06 - 11:06 pm | #


Arggh. I was afraid someone would ask me that, after I declared I was done with this topic. However, it's a fair question, so I'll post on it in the near future, including how I reluctantly came to examine his mathematics in detail--when for the longest time I was comfortable hiding my gut instincts behind "I never read Dembski's work" when asked about it by friend or foe.
heddle | 09.22.06 - 6:39 am | #

What's Salvador gonna do when he reads ID-supporter Heddle's explanation of Dembski's mathematical failure? Is his head going to explode? Is Dembski going to freak out and put up a big 'refutation' post at UD? And has Heddle found any interesting flaws not uncovered by Perakh, Elsberry, Shallit, Chu-Carroll, etc etc etc?

Don't worry about Sal. He'll be fine. His ability to hold contradictory notions in his head simultaneously is unlimited.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 23 2006,22:03   

David Heddle is a pretty #### inteligent guy.

I am surprised it took him so long to realise just how dishonest these people (ID leadership) are.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2006,10:15   

Heddle slams Jonathan Wells at UD:

I am so anachronistic. I remember those days when we settled scientific debates by actually going into the lab (you know, those places where people where the long white coats and use equipment) and doing science. I know, it does seem rather ridiculous by the methods championed here. Clearly the modern way is to write op-ed pieces or popularized books that declare victory anytime a new record that may be problematic, or at least can be cast as problematic, is added to the experimental database. In days of yore what we used to do (you’ll get a kick out of this) is to see if the current theory can explain the new data and if it could not we would either modify it or, if it was beyond saving, we would jettison it. Is that a gas or what? But I understand that since this takes time and work it is much more efficient just to accumulate short-term political mileage while we can.

Comment by David Heddle — September 27, 2006 @ 2:01 pm

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2006,10:18   

Quote (keiths @ Sep. 27 2006,15:15)
Heddle slams Jonathan Wells at UD:

I am so anachronistic. I remember those days when we settled scientific debates by actually going into the lab (you know, those places where people where the long white coats and use equipment) and doing science. I know, it does seem rather ridiculous by the methods championed here. Clearly the modern way is to write op-ed pieces or popularized books that declare victory anytime a new record that may be problematic, or at least can be cast as problematic, is added to the experimental database. In days of yore what we used to do (you’ll get a kick out of this) is to see if the current theory can explain the new data and if it could not we would either modify it or, if it was beyond saving, we would jettison it. Is that a gas or what? But I understand that since this takes time and work it is much more efficient just to accumulate short-term political mileage while we can.

Comment by David Heddle — September 27, 2006 @ 2:01 pm

WOW! I am amazed that post got on the board.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2006,10:44   

The IDiots are well-practiced at dismissing essentially all scientists as either anti-jesus conspirators or their rubes. But Heddle, an ID supporter, calling them out on their sleazy lies,  has actually got to sting.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2006,03:31   

Quote (keiths @ Sep. 27 2006,15:15)
Heddle slams Jonathan Wells at UD:

I am so anachronistic. I remember those days when we settled scientific debates by actually going into the lab (you know, those places where people where the long white coats and use equipment) and doing science. I know, it does seem rather ridiculous by the methods championed here. Clearly the modern way is to write op-ed pieces or popularized books that declare victory anytime a new record that may be problematic, or at least can be cast as problematic, is added to the experimental database. In days of yore what we used to do (you’ll get a kick out of this) is to see if the current theory can explain the new data and if it could not we would either modify it or, if it was beyond saving, we would jettison it. Is that a gas or what? But I understand that since this takes time and work it is much more efficient just to accumulate short-term political mileage while we can.

Comment by David Heddle — September 27, 2006 @ 2:01 pm

Yeah, and he's been banned for it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2006,08:49   

Quote (GCT @ Sep. 28 2006,09:31)
Yeah, and he's been banned for it.

Really? They banned David Heddle?

23. William Dembski  // Sep 27th 2006 at 4:51 pm

David Heddle: I don’t like your attitude. I recently booted you off a listserve that I moderate. I’m now booting you from this blog. Goodbye.

Comment by William Dembski — September 27, 2006 @ 4:51 pm

30. William Dembski  // Sep 27th 2006 at 7:59 pm

David H.: It’s a pain to remove people by hand, so I instructed my research assistant to do it. Since he hasn’t gotten around to it yet, I went ahead and did it myself.

I’m frankly surprised that you have problems with my time management inasmuch as you’ve never given any evidence of having read or understood my technical work. Beyond that, what I do in the way of public lecturing and popular work is aimed at recruiting talent to the ID movement. For the record, it’s working!

Comment by William Dembski — September 27, 2006 @ 7:59 pm


I'll repost here Heddle's last comment from UD:

27. David Heddle  // Sep 27th 2006 at 5:13 pm

Oh brother. Prevailing theories are not supplanted by mantra. You can say “Darwinism is doomed” a gazillion times but there is only one way ID (or anything else) will displace it as a scientific theory: when ID proposes experiments, performs them, obtains results that support the ID hypothesis, and publishes their findings. Until then it is just preaching-to-the-choir playtime. If all this energy were invested in actually doing science then, regardless of the outcome, at least something of value would have resulted.

If you really think ID is science then abandon the lecture circuits, abandon legal tactics, stop showing up on places like CSPAN, write much less for the nonscientific press and nonscientific audiences than for professional journals, stop whining about conspiracies in the funding agencies and among atheistic scientists in general, and get off your butts and do some science.

Of course, if ID is really a powerful apologetic for theism, as I think it is, then some of these activities make perfect sense—but even then they should only be done if ID is accurately portrayed as an apologetic, and not a science under siege.

Comment by David Heddle — September 27, 2006 @ 5:13 pm


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2006,09:49   

I'm impressed- Heddle has finally gotten it.  Should we send him some flowers or a t-shirt or a test tube or something?


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2006,11:24   

I have to read other critiques (eventually) but I would be surprised if I offered anything new. I am working on a first paper, one that deals with the Design Inference. The problems with that are not very subtle, so I am guessing everyone has the same criticism. However, like I told others, I want to be systematic, so it won't appear soon.

heddle | 09.29.06 - 3:58 pm

Heddle's apparently writing a set of papers to explain to the ID crowd why Dembki's arguments fail. This is redundant. But I suppose he can't bring himself to say "Read Panda's Thumb".


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2006,12:11   

Heddle Lays Into Dembski


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 30 2006,11:25   

when Dembski says:

For the record, it’s working!

what he really means is that he is still making enough money doing so for it to be worth spending his time on.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2006,20:24   

Heddle's been pretty quiet the last few days. I have a feeling he's about to launch a big shell at the S.S. Dembski. The tiny speedboat Cordova will try to throw itself in the way, but in the end, both are headed for Davy Jones's Locker.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2006,05:00   

Quote (stevestory @ Oct. 03 2006,01:24)
Heddle's been pretty quiet the last few days. I have a feeling he's about to launch a big shell at the S.S. Dembski. The tiny speedboat Cordova will try to throw itself in the way, but in the end, both are headed for Davy Jones's Locker.

Steve you prophet.
It's long, so I won't quote the whole thing.
The first time Dembski booted me

When Dembski booted me from his blog, he wrote:
David Heddle: I don't like your attitude. I recently booted you off a listserve that I moderate. I'm now booting you from this blog. Goodbye.
Several people asked me to comment on the list from which Dembski booted me prior to banning me from Uncommon Descent. I didn't respond, deciding instead to think about how I could answer carefully. You see, the list asks members not to reveal posts (unless the author grants permission) and not even mention the list by name. I want to respect that.

Simply acknowledging the existence of the list is not revealing anything, especially since Dembski already announced that he threw me off.....

Apparently ID has a fight club.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2006,05:14   


Several people asked me to comment on the list from which Dembski booted me prior to banning me from Uncommon Descent. I didn't respond, deciding instead to think about how I could answer carefully. You see, the list asks members not to reveal posts (unless the author grants permission) and not even mention the list by name. I want to respect that.

I assume that 'Overwhelming Evidence' is the List That Dare Not Speak Its Name?

I've never seen this, where does Dembski ask people "not to reveal posts (unless the author grants permission) and not even mention the list by name"? What rationale do they give for that?

I assume that's to try to prevent embarrassing shit from coming up in Google searches. Nice.

That's funny that Dembski tells people not to mention it in their blogs, since only pro-ID people would honor that rule, which essentially means that only anti-ID people will mention it. Which will, of course, influence Google searches...

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2006,05:22   

I assume that 'Overwhelming Evidence' is the List That Dare Not Speak Its Name?
Isn't that a website for students?


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2006,05:25   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Oct. 04 2006,10:14)

Several people asked me to comment on the list from which Dembski booted me prior to banning me from Uncommon Descent. I didn't respond, deciding instead to think about how I could answer carefully. You see, the list asks members not to reveal posts (unless the author grants permission) and not even mention the list by name. I want to respect that.

I assume that 'Overwhelming Evidence' is the List That Dare Not Speak Its Name?

I've never seen this, where does Dembski ask people "not to reveal posts (unless the author grants permission) and not even mention the list by name"? What rationale do they give for that?

I assume that's to try to prevent embarrassing shit from coming up in Google searches. Nice.

That's funny that Dembski tells people not to mention it in their blogs, since only pro-ID people would honor that rule, which essentially means that only anti-ID people will mention it. Which will, of course, influence Google searches...

I don't think this is a public site he is talking about.  It sounds like a private site that only pro-ID people get invited to.

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