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  Topic: He's baaaaack...., That didn't last long... Demski returns< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 118
Joined: May 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 06 2006,06:28   

Bill Demski's self-imposed blog exile lasted all of, oh, nine days. Yes, Uncommon Descent has returned, new and... er... well, whatever.

The difference, he's sent his band of sycophants into a frenzy of orgasmic delight by awarding their years of bootlicking with full posting privileges.

Quake and tremble in fear Panda's Thumb, for you're nemesis has been resurrected anew.... or not.

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 06 2006,23:47   

Is it me in my neophyte ignorance, or is there no way to register to be able to comment on his site. I just can't help myself taking the odd peek

Dickie looks upset. A choirboy probably kicked sand in his girly-man face. :-)

Comment by DaveScot — January 5, 2006 @ 3:26 pm

He looks terribly sad to me.

Can somebody tell me why a zoologist is going to be chatting Philosophy/Theology with religious types?

Comment by Bombadill — January 5, 2006 @ 3:40 pm

Note to Dawkins, the clear genius he is, science itself was borne out of religion. Hospitals started with religious groups, charities started with religious groups. I could go on, but only a handful of people on earth are ignorant enough to claim religion has done evil things to us and hasn’t contributed good.

Atheistic regimes in the 20th century killed more people than any religious reasons combined in the entire history of man- yet, he wants to kill religion because an atheistic science is best for the world?

This man is simply out of his mind.

Comment by Josh Bozeman — January 5, 2006 @ 4:12 pm

and, blood boiling, I seethe in frustration at the likes of Ex sergeant Springer and Joshua Taj Bozeman (who never lets his sublime ignorance prevent him from uttering the most astonishing inanities) being able to hold forth unchallenged. Life just ain't fair.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2006,06:08   

You really can't let them get to you. There are 300 million people in this country, several million of them are going to be militant idiots, and there's no point getting upset.

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2006,06:49   

Thanks Steve, I know it makes sense, but all the same...

It's really post-Dover syndrome, not enough excitement in my life now. (Still off sick and really,really bored.)


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2006,13:51   

I understand. I used to get enraged at militant idiots. Now I just try to find them amusing. For instance, Dembski's the best the ID movement has to offer. A guy who has no success, lost all credibility, and now teaches at a bible college, and on top of that he just turned his blog over to 4 pseudonymous nuts with no credentials.

You call that a threat? Ha. The proper outlook to have about them is Humphrey Bogart's outlook on Peter Lorre in Casablanca.

   Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?
   Rick: If I gave you any thought I probably would.


Posts: 118
Joined: May 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2006,19:44   

You're right, you can't let it get to you, but it's difficult sometimes. I yelled at the radio just this morning when some  local nut on a religious channel, for the millionth time, waffled on about "no transitional forms" and "faked fossils".

I just have to remind myself that I'm living in Texas of my own free will (I'm English) so I have to take the rough with the smooth. (And there's a little island of (relative) sanity I can still retreat to if things get too bad over here!;).

And one last thing to remember. If the creationists ever achieve total victory in this battle, you're almost certainly going to have many more important things to worry about.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2006,01:59   

Excellent points all, but I go back to Alan's question.  Has anyone found a way to post over there?  It certainly won't change anything but it sure would be fun!

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2006,04:11   


What about plan B.

We could cut & paste the most inane and idiotic (pun intended) posts and tear them to shreds here. No, it wouldn't be as much fun as posting direct, Grayman.

Tim Hague

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 10 2006,21:59   

We could just start up a blog specifically for debating the ID and creationist types.  

Only rules:
No-one gets kicked off - ever.  
Posts may get edited for bad language but that's it.  

We could call it 'evolutionflamewars' or something like that ;)

Then we just invite interested parties to come and play...

Alan Fox

Posts: 1556
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2006,03:06   

Ah! But if you built it, would they come?

(Apologies to K Kostner.)


Posts: 16
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2006,04:21   

This fits in nicely with the "Evolution publicity" thread.

This might be great publicity BUT in order to win the publicity we'd need to keep our responses relatively short.

In fact short "sound bite" type responses would be best.  The should contain a kernel of truth, some cleverness, and make ID look stupid.  Each response should contain links to more material where the truly curious could get a real education on matters.  You just have to assume that 90% of the readers won't follow the links.

Since we've already got the TalkOrigins list of creationist claims, we've got a great handle on the likely arguments.


Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2006,04:31   

Doesn't that already exist? isn't that already TalkOrigins or something?

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