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Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2005,16:06   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Dec. 05 2005,22:00)
Hope you're having fun, Sal (or whoever you are).

I'm having fun, Flank.  Are you.  Still in denial that you're dealing with the real Sal, I see.....

Hope you make your retractions and admit you made false accusations.  


4.  do you repudiate the extremist views of the primary funder of the Center for (the Renewal of) Science and Culture, Howard Ahmanson, and if so, why do you keep taking his money anyway?  And if you, unlike most other IDers, are not sucking at Ahmanson's teats, I'd still like to know if you repudiate his extremist views.

My answer:  

I don't know if I trust you're characterization of Ahamanson's current views.  If they are as extreme as you claim (he may have renounced some of his views already), then I repudiate them.

I've never been a reconstructionist, nor do I have intention of doing so.  I don't receive Ahmanson's money.  I had lunch with him, but I paid for my meal...

I suggest you quit your false accusations, Flank.


5.  Why are you undermining your own side by proclaiming here that ID is all about defeating "atheism" and "anti-religion", while your side is desperately trying to argue in court that ID has nothing at all whatsoever to do with religion or religious apologetics?  Are your fellow IDers just lying under oath when they testify to that, Sal?

My answer:
Where did I ever say "ID is all about defeating atheism and anti-religion"?    

I don't recall saying that, and that's not anything I would say anyway.....

Your question is another example of
Fallacy of Interrogation

Do I have to diagram the details of your logical fallacies down to the high school level for you?

Have anything to back it up that I explicitly said that or are those fabrications of your brain? That's several times you've misrepresented me, Flank.  Care to issue some retractions.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2005,16:08   

I do so enjoy your juvenile antics, whoever you are.

But please, by all means, go ahead and let me know whenever you're ready to answer the rest of my 31 questions.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2005,16:08   


Flank's famous quote:

(sticks thumbs in ears and wiggles fingers)

Nanni nanni poo poo.

good night Flank. :D

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2005,16:26   

Goodnight, whoever you are.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 05 2005,16:30   

I forgot to add:


Flank wrote:

I do so enjoy your juvenile antics

Why does that not surprise me that you enjoy juvenile antics?   :p

Goodnight.  Let's have more fun tomorrow.


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,12:19   

The fundamental known laws of nature, the natural laws by which we practice operational science is are approximated by 5 differential equations.  It is these equations from which all scientific theories should be constrained by at this time in scientific history.  

Intelligent Design is actually an interpretation of one of the 5 differential equations.

From :  Designed or Designoid by Progressive Creationist Walter Bradley.


Mechanics (Hamilton's Equations)

Electro-Dynamics (Maxwell's Equations)

Statistical Mechanics (Boltzman's Equations)

Quantum Mechanics (Schrodinger's Equations)

Relativistic Mechanics (Einstein's Equations)
The caveat is that the form of these equations is modified if Speed of light is variable, but that will not negate the ultimate conclusion in terms of ID inferences.

Intelligent Design Theories, particularly at the cosmological level, are interpretations of reality derived from the 4th differential equation listed, namely, Quantum Mechanics.

Further it is the form of these equations that refute the possibility of Darwinian Evolution, and argue for Intelligent Design of biological systems.

It is from the above fundamental laws combined with empirical observation that we can formulate both ID and creationist-ID origin hypotheses.

I have said before that Darwinism can not be derived from these laws of nature, because Darwinism isn't science, but a metaphysical postion contradicted by the laws of nature, particularly extensions of statistical mechanics.


Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,12:37   

Nature is described by the 5 differential equations (see : Bradely's Essay), one of them is Schrodinger's equation.

The first part is the Schrodinger, the second equation is the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle. The two combine to symbolize the laws of quantum mechanics. Inherent in the equations is the supposition that some "observer" or "absorber" affects the physical system in question.

page 458 Cosomological Anthropic Principle:

In classical physics Man seemed entirely superflous to the universe...However, his role in the Cosmos appears greatly enhanced in quantum mechanics....Man, in his capacity as the observer of an experiment, is an essential and irreducible feature of physics.

Man can influence the past and physics. This has been empirically verified with  Prophesying Particles.

The best (and I say that relatively speaking) description of the experimental details is:
Wheeler's Classic Delay Choice Experiment

The outrageous conclusion is that the experiment can be carried out at the astrophysical level.  

John Horgan writes:


To underscore the weirdness of this effect, Wheeler points out that astronomers could perform a delayed-choice experiment on light from quasars, extremely bright, mysterious objects found near the edges of the universe. In place of a beam splitter and mirrors the experiment requires a gravitational lens, a galaxy or other massive object that splits the light from a quasar and refocuses it in the direction of a distant observer, creating two or more images of the quasar.

Psychic Photons
The astronomers choice of how to observe photons from the quasar here in the present apparently determines whether each photon took both paths or just one path around the gravitational lens-billions of years ago. As they approached the galactic beam splitter the  photons must have had something like a premonition telling them how to behave in order to satisfy a choice to be made by unborn beings on a still nonexistent planet .
The fallacy giving rise to such speculations,Wheeler explains, is the assumption that a photon had some physical form before the astronomer observed it. Either it was a wave or a particle; either it went both ways around the quasar or only one way. Actually Wheeler says quantum phenomena are neither waves nor particles but are intrinsically undefined until the moment they are measured. In a sense the British philosopher Bishop Berkeley was right when he asserted two centuries ago that " to be is to be perceived"

Quantum Computer technology would not be possible without these handy but strange facts.

The important thing is we conclude an observer is important to physics by this equation:


Now, it is true human observers can affect things like spin an aspects of a system. But is it reasonable that ALL laws of physics are affected by an observer. The answer is YES.

Cosmological Anthropic Principle page 470:

But with the recent success of the unified gauge theory of the weak and electromagnetic interaction in which the electron mass is dependent on the details of symmetry breaking which apparently occurred in the early universe,  there is no reason why we should not regard all electron properties as contingent in principle on some sort of observation.

Wheeler points out that according to the Copenhagen interpretation, we can regard some restricted properties of distant galaxies, which we now see as they were billions of years ago, as brought into existence now. Perhaps all properties -- and hence the entire Universe is brought into existence by observations made at some point in time by conscious beings.

Now consider the Barrow derivation from the Schrodinger Equation:


The "Psi" on the left hand side of the equation represents the entire cosmos. It is the Schrodinger equation taken all the way to include every phenomenon in the physical universe. The Schrodinger equation implies an that an Observer must exist outside of the system in question (the entire Cosmos), then reasonable statements of the attributes of such an Ultimate Observer would be:


1. Conscious
2. Intelligent
3. Non-Material
4. All Powerful
5. All Knowing
6. Eternal

See Deutch defends Tipler's Cosmological Eschatology

I actually reject many parts of Tipler's argument.  However, there are parts of what he says that are much in agreement with my views.

Tipler is fairly hostile to organized religion.  Many of his ideas would be considered heretical by evangelicals.  He considers himself an "atheist" in that he doesn't pray.  Despite this, from his scientific views, Tipler says in his essay on  Peer Review

More than this,  quantum mechanics is actually teleological, though physicists don’t use this loaded word (we call it “unitarity” instead of “teleology”). That is, quantum mechanics says that it is completely correct to say that the universe’s evolution is determined not by how it started in the Big Bang, but by the final state of the universe. Every stage of universal history, including every stage of biological and human history, is determined by the ultimate goal of the universe. And if I am correct that  the universal final state is indeed God, then every stage of universal history, in particular every mutation that has ever occurred, or ever will occur in any living being, is determined by the action of God.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,13:47   

Here are my questions again.  You say you've answered five of them.  That leaves 26 to go.

Let me know whenever you're ready.

1.  What is the scientific theory of intelligent design, and how do we test it using the scientific method?

2.  According to this scientific theory of intelligent design, how old is the earth, and did humans descend from apelike primates or did they not?

3.  what, precisely, about “evolution” is any more “materialistic” than weather forecasting, accident investigation, or medicine?

4.  do you repudiate the extremist views of the primary funder of the Center for (the Renewal of) Science and Culture, Howard Ahmanson, and if so, why do you keep taking his money anyway?  And if you, unlike most other IDers, are not sucking at Ahmanson's teats, I'd still like to know if you repudiate his extremist views.

(OK, we'll scratch this one, since you seem to recognize that Ahmanson is a nutter and have repudiated his nuttiness  -- I look forward to your helping OTHER IDers repudiate his nuttiness too.  Although I am rather curious as to why, do you think, Ahmanson funds DI, and why, do you think, DI takes his money?)

5.  Why are you undermining your own side by proclaiming here that ID is all about defeating "atheism" and "anti-religion", while your side is desperately trying to argue in court that ID has nothing at all whatsoever to do with religion or religious apologetics?  Are your fellow IDers just lying under oath when they testify to that, Sal?

6.  What did the designer do, specifically.  What mechanisms did it use to do whatever the heck you think it did.  Where can we see it using these mechanisms today to do . . . well . . . anything.

7.  Hey Sal (or whoever you are), IDers keep telling us that ID is science and not just fundamentalist Christian apologetics.

Given that, why is it that IDEA Clubs only allow Christians to serve as officers?  Why aren't Muslims or Raelians or Jews who accept ID allowed to serve as IDEA Club officers?

Is there a legitimate scientific reason for that, or is it just plain old-fashioned religious bigotry we are seeing?

8.  Hey Sal (or whoever you are), the Templeton Foundation says that it asked IDers to submit ideas for scientific research projects into ID that it could fund ------ and no one submitted any.

Why is that?  Is it because IDers are far more interested in using political methods to push their religious opinions into school classrooms than they are in doing any actual "scientific research"?

9.  Gee, Sal (or whoever you are) I can't think of any scientific advance made in any area of science at any time in the past 25 years as the result of ID "research".  Why is that?

10.  How many peer-reviewed scientific papers have there been centering around ID "research"?  (I mean the ones that were NOT later withdrawn by the journal on the grounds that they were published fraudulently).  None?  Why is that?

11.  Why is it that leading DI luminaries (such as the, uh, Isaac Newton of Information Theory) never get invited to scientific symposia on Information Theory or Quantum Mechanics?  Surely if ID were at the cutting edge of scientific research in these fields, professionals in the field would be dying to hear about it, right?  And yet IDers are ignored in these fields.  Why is that?

12.  Why is it that IDers prefer to "debate" in front of church audiences and college Christian student groups, but not in front of scientific conferences or peer-reviewed science journals?

13.  Hey Sal, why is it that all of DI's funding comes from fundamentalist Christian political groups and Reconstructionist nutjobs?  

14.  Why is it that the Templeton Foundation, which focuses on issues of science and religion (right up ID's alley, eh?) won't fund DI?

15.  Hey Sal (or whoever you are), your pal Luskin told the press that there was a positive scientific theory of ID that was NOT based solely on negative arguments against evolution.

Why is it that you are quite unable to come up with any?

Or was Luskin just BS'ing everyone when he made that claim?

16.  > I don't want ID or creation science taught in Public Schools nor college science classes.

Why not?

Please be as specific as possible.

17.  >The scientific theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and life are best explained by an intelligent cause.  

Explained how.  How does ID "explain" anything.  other than "something intelligent did, uh, something intelligent".

18.  >Intelligent design is an interpretation of a fundamental physical law known as quantum mechanics.

What interpretation.

And why do quantum physicists think ID is full of crap?

19.  >It it testable in 2 ways:

WHAT, specifically, is testable?  How do you  propose to test :"something intelligent did, uh, something intelligent"?

20.  >1. When a designer is available to participate, such as a gene enegineering company we can test it directly such as in the case of

Glad to hear it.  Is the Intelligent Designer available to participate, or isn't it, and how can we tell.

21.  >2. In the abesense of having a designer present, we can apply simlar tests but will not be able to obviously get direct observational evidence.   However this is still consistent with accepted practice in Forensic science.

Glad to hear it.  Is the Intelligent Designer available to participate, or isn't it, and how can we tell.

22.  >An objective criteria would be something like the blueprints for genetically engineered food.

Great.  Can you show me, please, the blueprint for anything that you think your Intelligent Designer designed --- the bacterial flagellum, the blood clotting system, etc etc etc?

Then can you show me how this blueprint is implemented by the Designer?

23.  > gives examples of  how design is detected.

Why is it that genetic engineers, like other scientists, think ID is full of crap, then?

24.  >If you think that ID applies only to "God made" designs, it only shows your misunderstandings of the theory

Really.  So the design of life wasn't done by God?


Was it space aliens?

25.  >The issues you bring up are creationist issues, not ID

But you ARE a creationist, aren't you.

If not, then I am curious --- what were you before ID appeared on the scene in 1987?

26.  >No alternative is better than a wrong alternative.

Uh, I thought ID **was** the "alternative" . . . ?

Are you now telling me that it's NOT an "alternative"?  After all DI's arm-waving about its "alternative scientific theory" and its "positive scientific theory that does not depend solely on negative arguments against evolution", are you NOW telling me that DI is just BSing us when they say that, and they really DON'T have any "alternative scientific theory" after all?

27.  Hey Sal (or whoever you are), if there is no such alternative as "intelligent design theory", then, uh, why does the Intelligent Design movement call itself the, uh, "Intelligent Design movement?  Why name yourselves after something that doesn't exist?  Why not call yourselves a more accurate name?  I, personally, like the one offered by your pal Paul Nelson ---  The Fundamentally Religious and Scientifically Misbegotten Objections to Evolution Movement" (FRASMOTEM for short).  It's lots more accurate than "intelligent design", particularly since, as you NOW seem to be saying, there simply IS NO scientific theory of design. . . .

28.  >We do not see the Designer of life in opreation today as far as I know

Why not?  Did it climb back aboard its flying saucer and go home?

Are you seriously suggesting that God doesn't intervene in the modern world?  Do your fellow fundies know that you are telling everyone that God no longer does anything?  

29.  > we postulate a Designer operated in the past.

Convenient for you, isn't it.

So tell me, when did it stop operating.

And how can you tell.

30.  >Perhaps it doesn't fit your definition of a theory.

Perhaps you prefer Behe's definition of "scientific theory", which places astrology alongside ID?

But now you've raised another interesting point --- if ID really is "science", then why exactly do IDers find it necessary to change, through legislative fiat, the definition of "science" to make ID fit?

31.  >Hey Flanky boy, the above equation from physics is the basis for ID theory.


Would you mind underlining the term in this equation that represents the Intelligent Designer?


Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,14:25   

>Further it is the form of these equations that refute the possibility of Darwinian Evolution, and argue for Intelligent Design of biological systems.

Says you.  (shrug)

Show us how to test this.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,14:54   

BTW, what observer do you think collapses the Designer's wavefunction and, uh, brings it into existence?

Wigner's Superfriend?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,14:56   

Hey Flank I see you enjoy flaunting your knowledge level (or lack thereof, high school boy): :p


And why do quantum physicists think ID is full of crap?

The above mentioned physcists don't share your views.

Some quantum physicists don't, therefore your generalization is invalid.

I should point out:


The views of a large number of contemporary physcal scientists are summed up in the essay "remarks on the Mind-Body Question" written by Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner. Wigner begins by pointing out that most physical scientists have returned to the recognition that thought--meaning the mind--is primary. he goes on to state: "It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness." And he concludes by noting how remarkable it is that the scientific study of the world led to the content of consciousness as the ultimate reality.

A further development in yet another field of physics reinforces Wigner's viewpoint. The introduction of information theory and its application to thermodynamics has led to the conclusion that entropy, a basic concept of that science, is a measure of the observer's ignorance of the atomic details of the system. When we measure the pressure, volume, and temperature of an object, we have a residual lack of knowledge of the exact position and velocity of the component atoms and molecules. The numerical value of the amount of information we are missing is proportional to the entropy. In earlier thermodynamics, entorpy had represented, in an engineering sense, the energy of the system unavailable to perform external work. In the modern view, the human mind enters once again, and entropy relates not just to the state of the system but to our knowledge of that state.

The founders of modern atomic theory did not start out to impose a "mentalist" picture of the world. Rather, they began with the opposite point of view and were forced to the present-day position in order to explain experimental results.

We are now in a position to integrate the perspectives of three large fields: psychology, biology, physics.....

First the human mind, including consciousness and reflective thought, can be explained by activities of the central nervous system, which in turn, can be reduced to the biological structure and function of that physiological system. Second, biological phenomena at all levels can be totally understood in terms of atomic physics, that is, through the action and interaction of the component atoms of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and so forth. Third and last, atomic physics, which is now understood most fully by means of quantum mechanics, must be formulated with the mind as a primitive component of the system.

Harold Morowitz

Hey Flank, are you going to withdraw your false accusations?

By the way, are you still in denial that it's the real Salvador Cordova you're talking to?

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,15:11   

Well, no answer HERE to any of my 26 remaining questions . . . .

Do let me know whenever you're ready, Sal(?)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,15:15   


I asked:

Hey Flank, are you going to withdraw your false accusations?


Flank responded:

Well, no....

Ok, thanks for letting me know you're not prepared to withdraw your false accusations.

Good night, Flank.   :)

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,15:43   

OK, thanks for letting me know that you're not going to answer any of the 26 (well, 27 -- just added another) questions remaining.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,15:49   

BTW, Sal (?), your accusation that I have made false accusations, is a false accusation.  So stop falsely accusing me of making false accusations.  Or I will accuse you, in front of the Intelligent Designer, of falsely making false accusations, and he will mess your quantum wavefunction up REAL good.

I hope he replaces your false head with a bubble of false vacuum.

A really BIG one.

So there.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2005,15:54   

Well, no answer HERE to any of my 26 remaining questions . . . .

Do let me know whenever you're ready, Sal(?)

Posted: Dec. 06 2005,21:15  
I asked:

Hey Flank, are you going to withdraw your false accusations?

Flank responded:

Well, no....

Well, at least it's not difficult to see that you really are a YECer, whoever you are.  Learned from Gish and Morris, I see.


Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 07 2005,14:25   

Hey, Sal-Imposter, you haven't run away ALREADY, have you??????????

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 08 2005,13:13   

Hello?  Sal-Imposter?  Helloooooooooo ?????????????

Gee, I guess I am fated to never get answers to any of my simple questions . . . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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