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  Topic: Taft: School board appointees will back evolution< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Jason Spaceman

Posts: 163
Joined: Nov. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 06 2006,06:22   

If last month's school board elections in Ohio weren't enough, then this should put the final nail in the coffin. . .

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Gov. Bob Taft said the four people he appoints to the state school board before he leaves office will support science lessons that focus on evolution and not intelligent design.

“I want people who are really committed to teaching good science in school, and I think that intelligent design does not play a role in the science curriculum,” he told The Columbus Dispatch for a story Wednesday.

Intelligent design argues that DNA and other aspects of life are so complex that they’re best explained as the intervention of a higher power.

The Ohio Board of Education voted in October to end its debate over whether students should be taught to challenge evolution, but the topic was revived as a campaign issue. In November, voters picked five of the board’s 11 elected seats.

The governor appoints eight members of the 19-person board. The terms of four members expire Dec. 31; Taft leaves office Jan. 7.

Read it here.

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