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  Topic: Ben Moore Memorial Lecture, "Creation or Evolution" - guess which...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 19 2003,10:52   

Pupils keep memory of meningitis victim alive

A SCHOOL has paid a special tribute to an outstanding 15-year-old pupil who died suddenly last August as a result of meningitis.


The school held the Ben Moore Memorial Lecture on Creation or Evolution last week which was introduced by Ben's father and given by Dr Farid Abou-Rahme.

Mrs Otter said: "Everyone contributed something to the assembly, whether it was a reading or a song. My tutor group collected the money for the memorial."

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 319
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2003,01:34   

There is a certain sad irony here, and I'm not talking about meningitis being a disease of the brain...


SFI Working Paper Abstract

Title: Two-Tiered Evolution of “Neiserria meningitis”: How Within-Host Ecology and Between-Host Epidemiology Expedite Phase Shifting
Author(s): Lauren W. Ancel, Bruce R. Levin, Anthony R. Richardson, and Igor Stojiljkovic

Abstract: Many so-called pathogenic bacteria make their living as commensals or even symbionts of the hosts that they colonize. Bacteria such as “Neiserria Meningitidis,” “Haemophilus influenzae,” “Staphylococcus aureus (1),” “Streptococcus pneumoneae,” “Helicobacter pylori,” and “Echerichia coli” are far more likely to colonize and maintain their populations in healthy individuals, asymptomatically, than to cause disease. Moreover, the members of these otherwise benign or beneficial species that are actually responsible for diseases like meningitis and sepsis, are not transmitted to new hosts and are therefore at an ecological and evolutionary dead-end. This implies that the virulence factors responsible for the pathogenicity of these bacteria must evolve in response to selection pressures other than those for causing disease. What are these pressures? Here we consider “Neisseria meningitidis”--a common member of the commensal flora of the nasal pharyngeal passages of humans that is also responsible for sporadic and epidemic meningitis. We focus on the evolution of phase shifting--a mutational process that turns genes on and off and, in particular, genes that code for virulence determinants such as pili, lipopolysaccharide, capsular polysaccharide, and outer membrane proteins.

Using mathematical models, we offer two testable hypotheses: First, within a single human host, fast phase shifting leads to virulence. And second, although virulence may be disadvantageous within the framework of a single host, fast phase shifting may evolve in response to selection operating at a multihost epidemiological level. We discuss avenues for empirically testing these hypotheses and the implications of this work for the evolution of virulence in general.

Keywords: evolution, epidemiology, mutation rate, phase shifting, virulence, Neisseria meningitis


Posts: 49
Joined: Sep. 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2003,10:01   

They picked one of the most regressive of the YEC's to lecture.  From here:
Evolution is a theory: it is not science. In fact evolution contradicts science: it contradicts the laws of thermodynamics, the law of biogenesis, laws of probability, and the law of cause and effect. It is based on natural mutations (which stand as witnesses against it rather than proof for it). The only so-called material evidence for evolution, the fossil record is in fact evidence against evolution, because the complete absence of transitional forms concludes that the fossils clearly say NO to evolution. The catalogue of scientific deceptions that are used to present the missing links or transitional forms, go to show that evolution is a non-starter. These range from the famous Piltdown Man to the recent fake missing link between birds and dinosaurs supposedly smuggled from China and described in ?scientific? details in the National Geographic Magazine only to be exposed 4 months later as a blatant forgery.

Edited by RBH on Feb. 20 2003,10:02

"There are only two ways we know of to make extremely complicated things, one is by engineering, and the other is evolution. And of the two, evolution will make the more complex." - Danny Hillis.

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