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  Topic: Unanswered Questions Posed by Creationist< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 12 2007,13:39   

I'm posting this not from either side, but someone interested in getting some honest feedback on Evolution. My background growing up is creationism, but I am very oppened minded and know that the evidence is heavily favored on the side of Evolution.

My question is, and as a group of people who are interested in intelligent discussion(not debating) we should be able to be open about this:

What are the top 10 questions/noted issues does evolution have that may be talking points of creationist? I am not interested in questions with rebuttles, I can get that from the archive. If we are intelectually honest, we all know even proven facts might have some wholes in it, aka Gravity.

So what are the top 10 unanswered issues of evolution?

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