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  Topic: Evolution"Not so Much", Evlolution : "Dude where's my Theory?"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2007,21:18   

Came upon this site by accident. It appears that the belief system of evolution vs creation has the appearance of being logical and scientific, but is simply personal beliefs taken to the x degree.

Sir Isaac Newton believed in creation. Was he a simpleton? Perhaps he obtained his credentials through a fly by nite correspondence course.(oops sorry that was Cambridge)
(Start posting the names and credentials of non hacks who believe(d) in a creator on this site there's plenty of them.

What about Boyle,Faraday,Kelvin,Planck. and endless others? Are their intelligence and credentials in question?
They all believed in a Creator.They didn't have the benefit of seeing the complexity of even the smallest cell thru an electron microscope.(that darned whip like flagellum) The guy who wrote my college biology text is now an avid creationist!

These are the people who discovered and developed the very scientific and mathematical principles that we rely on today. Perhaps they didn't have the advantage of being taught about the many fraudulent missing links in mans "evolution" that we were exposed to since grade school. (e.g. Piltdown, Java,Orce and others.)

Run the numbers on the possibility of "nothing" exploding, followed by single cell organisms mutating into the life forms currently on the planet. Better yet, go to Vegas and bet the mortgage on 19 Red at the Roulette table. Your odds will be much better of winning that bet than gambling on eternal questions thru evolutionary theory.

Evolution is a theory based on endless accidents. (Because it is an accident, a cosmic train wreck)
To make matters worse,the evolutionary database is full of frauds, flubs and fakes.(Fake fossils. Fake skulls.Fake missing links.)

The Point: Some of the smartest people who ever lived believed in a Creator. Others not as smart, evolution.
(Charles if you cheat on one more Science exam we're going to ship you to that horrid summer camp in the Galapagos!!) I wish anyone the best who reads this whether Evolutionist or Creationist, but come on Dolphins become Pigs, become Monkeys? My six year old won't even fall for that story.

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