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Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: May 07 2006,19:35   

I briefly forgot about that guy.

So you're not "anonymous" then?

No.  At least not over there.  I'm uneasy with the way people are tormenting Larry: he is still a human being, and deserves some respect.  Although I am starting to lean towards the Mr. Potatohead theory.


P.S. for hockey fans:


Sorry, ice hockey.  I've been in Finland too long.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,08:17   

I just had a quick peek to see what Larry was up to, and just had to read all of the thread with Colin the Lawyer (and JAD, of course).

That would be me (Colin, that is, not JAD).  I'm always surprised to look up and realize that I've just written four or five pages.  I suppose I just get lost in my own amusement.  Since I'm a rank layperson on the scientific front, I enjoy getting to discuss creationism as it touches my chosen field.  As well, there are just so many things to say about how poorly Larry understands the subject!

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,08:37   

Quote (Colin @ May 08 2006,13:17)
I just had a quick peek to see what Larry was up to, and just had to read all of the thread with Colin the Lawyer (and JAD, of course).

That would be me (Colin, that is, not JAD).  I'm always surprised to look up and realize that I've just written four or five pages.  I suppose I just get lost in my own amusement.  Since I'm a rank layperson on the scientific front, I enjoy getting to discuss creationism as it touches my chosen field.  As well, there are just so many things to say about how poorly Larry understands the subject!

Larry's grip on reality is rather tenuous. He seems to think he is winning arguments when he is made to look foolish.

(as you have no doubt noticed).

I do like his blog though.

EDIT: The JAD V DS posts are of particular value. Worth paying for.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,11:03   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ May 08 2006,13:37)
I do like his blog though.

Yeah, I'll give him credit for that - he's honest enough to accept all comers, which puts him head and shoulders above the sycophancy at Uncommon Descent.

W. Kevin Vicklund

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(Permalink) Posted: May 08 2006,18:49   

I had thought about suggesting you somehow bring up Blum v. Stenson to watch his (further) meltdown, when the sucker did it himself.  What do you think of my analysis, Colin?  Spot-on, or do you want to add some clarifications?  BTW, if you didn't see it earlier, go back to the PT thread he (didn't) link to and scroll up to see my initial smack-down of him regarding Blum v. Stenson.  He initially brought it up to dispute my argument that different attorneys could get different rates (thus nullifying his 9-10 attorneys of record argument).


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(Permalink) Posted: May 09 2006,08:15   

Seems perfectly accurate, although I don't know much about that area of law.  What was he originally trying to demonstrate?

W. Kevin Vicklund

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(Permalink) Posted: May 11 2006,11:42   

From his 20 reasons he thinks Jones is a hack, number 17.  Here is number 17, revised to exclude arguments not then advanced:

(17) Only "reasonable" attorney fee awards are allowed under the law, but Jones never said that he was going to reduce the plaintiffs` calculated fee award on the grounds that they had a grossly excessive number of attorneys of record, 9-10... In contrast, the defendants had just 4 attorneys of record -- three from the Thomas More Law Center and one local attorney ( who might not have played an important role in the case ).

That's it.  No reasons why 9-10 is excessive, just the bald assertation that the number was excessive.  I showed how having multiple lawyers with varying pay rates could reduce attorney fees, even if there were overlapping hours (such as during meetings), compared to just using one lawyer with a high pay rate.  He invoked Blum v. Stenson, saying that it prevented variable pay rates.  It's in the Dover Trap thread on PT, about midway through.

Rilke's Granddaughter

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,09:17   

Oh, by the way, Larry appears to have posted at PT again: here.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,09:24   

Yeah, point #13 certainly seals it, since one of his favorite things to harp about is his perception of the plantiff's legal team being excessively large.  And certainly don't put it beneath him to defend himself in the third person, hasn't he conducted conversations between two different names before?

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 12 2006,11:22   

Quote (Rilke's Granddaughter @ May 12 2006,14:17)
Oh, by the way, Larry appears to have posted at PT again: here.

Yeah, check out all the bounced responses at the Bathroom Wall. Yeesh.

What happened? Maybe the no. of visitors at his blog dropped and he got lonely?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: May 13 2006,11:00   

Looks like JAD and DS moved there argument over to brainstorms. Check it out, funny funny stuff. They've derailed about 3 threads.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,20:12   

I know we're not supposed to post his comments here, but I can't resist.  This is the most sensible (and awesome) thing JAD has said in decades, I'm sure.  From his NEW blog:

Larry's forum is interesting. When there is no moderation, the mindless jackals of cyberspace are attracted like flies to meat to vent their hideous spleens in gay abandon.

And there's your new handle, STJ.  "Hideous Spleen."

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,06:54   

HAHA I love how DS and JAD often attack each other's claims as "Darwinian". Also, check this out (It's not from JAD or DS, so I feel free to post it heah):

Bruce Fast
Member # 924

Gentlemen, the tone of this thread is downright sorrowful. DaveScot, you may be holding a somewhat professional tone, but your metamessages are insulting and cutting. Further, you started this tiff. You chose to challenge Dr. Davison's cridentials. Let me suggest, on the issue of cridentials, that whether you are in a way, "right", Dr. Davison is also in a way, "right". Further, dispite your patents and publications, he has earned a Ph.D. as you have not, if I understand correctly.

Dr. Davison, with the exception of B grade radio and television, I have not heard name-calling from anyone since I left grade-school. I am sure that you are mature enough to not lower yourself to such nonsense.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,07:07   

The best thing about JAD is it reveals the kind of idiocy Davescot will fall for. We all saw Davescot buy into JAD's senile nonsense. We all said JAD was a nut and yet Davescot championed him. Then at some point he figured out JAD was a nut. And now he's so pissed off and embarrassed.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:20   

Quote (argystokes @ May 19 2006,01:12)
Larry's forum is interesting. When there is no moderation, the mindless jackals of cyberspace are attracted like flies to meat...

This is particularly revealing, since JAD himself is one of the most active users on Larry's blog.



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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,20:30   

No reasons why 9-10 is excessive,


I have to unfortunately take some blame for that.

I once told larry that OJ had too many lawyers defending him in his case, and rather than get the joke, he took me at my word and ever since has been claiming anything over 4 lawyers on a case as "excessive".

No, I'm not kidding.  

I tried to clear this up for him on any number of occassions before finally realizing it didn't matter what i said in the slightest.

I for one am DAM*N glad he's gone from PT.

one of the most irritating trolls I've ever seen.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,20:35   

And there's your new handle, STJ.  "Hideous Spleen."

not bad...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:51   

If you're somekind of fruitcake, and don't check Ed Brayton's blog, remedy that and go check out the saga of Larry Falafelman. Poor Larry's actual brother showed up and said Larry had some issues, and would everybody please try to be a little gentle with Larry insofar as he has some problems. And so then Larry starts impersonating his brother, and saying the brother's comments weren't really from his brother, etc. And Ed Brayton showed with IPs that they were. The whole thing's crazy.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:53   


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,13:59   

And i just complained about people not putting in links! boy, i think Uncommonly Dense is rubbing off on me.

ed brayton's bloggy-blog


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,14:15   

What post did the exchange happen on?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:31   

Quote (BWE @ May 25 2006,19:15)
What post did the exchange happen on?


"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:36   

In fact, it's worth quoting in full:

Hi. This is Larry Fafarman's brother Dave. I recently took some time to review the Panda's Thumb blog and Larry's "I'm from Missouri."

I should've commented sooner; the thread has gotten a bit stale.

I was deeply saddened by the hostility and derision that were expressed toward Larry in many of the posts. And even more so that he unfortunately deserved them. So this is not a criticism of those who lost their tempers with Larry (for that matter, I have often lost my temper with him). I also think the Panda's Thumb group acted properly in expelling him.

What I would ask of those who interacted with Larry is that they try to find some understanding and charity in their hearts. And perhaps even look for ways that he can contribute (that would be hard).

He obviously is not stupid. He writes well (which is probably how he gets the amount of traction that he does). He is very knowledgeable in many areas (knows quite a bit of history and geography, for example). He has a legitimate master's degree in mechanical engineering. But there's clearly some disconnect in integrating his knowledge, and what appears to be an ulterior agenda. It does not seem to be possible to engage in normal discussion with him. I don't know why that is. Perhaps he is addicted to the adrenaline rush he gets from conflict, as the issues he gets passionate about are often those that will maximize dissension.

His health has not been good for several years (he used to be somewhat more sociable). It prevents him from doing things he used to enjoy, so he has the combination of too much free time plus feelings of frustration, and intimations of mortality that animate a "search for meaning". It is to those factors that I attribute his current argumentativeness. What he needs is neither pity nor anger, but perhaps mainly patience. It is not good to humor him.

Well, enough about Larry. I'd like to digress to other issues that readers will probably consider more on-topic anyway.

In response to Larry, several bloggers presented interesting discussion. Not being myself a lawyer, I found comments by Colin and Kevin particularly informative. I'm now much clearer on the legal role of nominal damages. So, my thanks to them and others (as well as sympathy for the irritation and time spent).

Regarding the "Intelligent Design" theory, I agree that it cannot be taught in public schools, on "establishment" grounds (as well as the deleterious effect it would have on science education). I'm also a member of NCSE.

It should be noted that the Catholic Church has reconciled itself to evolution (somewhat surprising, is it not?). Although an atheist, I'm a "Christian atheist" rather like Oriana Fallaci. I consider Ms. Fallaci to be not only a heroine of our time, but a heroine for the ages. Did you know she recently had a private audience with Pope Benedict XVI? Here's what she said:

"I feel less alone when I read the books of Ratzinger." I had asked Ms. Fallaci whether there was any contemporary leader she admired, and Pope Benedict XVI was evidently a man in whom she reposed some trust. "I am an atheist, and if an atheist and a pope think the same things, there must be something true. It's that simple! There must be some human truth here that is beyond religion."

Why Oriana Fallaci received a Papal audience:

Another article about Ms. Fallaci:

Regarding the legal strategies that were used in the Dover school case, I think they were appropriate there. But I had serious misgivings in reading them, recognizing that those same strategies have been misused. For instance, there was the ACLU suit in San Diego that resulted in the Boy Scouts being driven from their facilities in Balboa Park, with the award of attorney's fees from the San Diego city treasury. I do not approve of that.

Posted by: Dave Fafarman  | May 24, 2006 04:04 PM

Good lord, he's not much like his brother, is he?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:36   

BWE, I can tell from your photo you're but a high-functioning ape, but if you clicked on the link I provided, you would have seen the top post was "The Real Dave Fafarman Revealed" and you could have gone from there.

I want to believe that's Dave Falafelman. But let me point out one reason to be suspicious. Dave says he believes PT was right to ban Larry. While that happened, it hasn't been mentioned in the recent posts AFAIK. On the other hand, Dave Falafelman is supposedly a member of the NCSE, and NCSE members would be more likely to know about PT. So I'm not saying that's not Dave Falafelman, but maybe that an iota of skepticism is warranted.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:41   

Quote (stevestory @ May 25 2006,20:36)
BWE, I can tell from your photo you're but a high-functioning ape,

Hey, me too! I've mastered tool use and everything! Here, let me demonstrate by pulling some ants out of this tree with this stick!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,15:46   

To Dave Falafelman, if you're the real Dave Falafelman: We really don't like to ban people. PT and AtBC have banned about one person per month in their 2-year histories. Larry was really crazy though, and disruptive. While we might mock and humiliate him, we are, deep down, liberal and compassionate people, and we aren't trying to destroy him. Larry has just made himself particularly hard to love, and so we yank his chain a bit.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,17:40   

In the face of unequivocal evidence, Larry continues to deny everything:

Sheesh, this is getting pathetic. He almost sounds like he believes his own denials.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,18:04   

Sheesh, this is getting pathetic. He almost sounds like he believes his own denials.

You know what, I think he does.  And he probably really is insane.  It's probably best not to egg him on at all.  That'd be like making fun of the kids in the special olympics.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin

Alan Fox

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(Permalink) Posted: May 25 2006,21:22   

Reading Ed Brayton's blog, the IP evidence is pretty convincing, Steve. If Larry suffers from Asperger's syndrome, that would explain a lot.

There but for the grace of God...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 26 2006,05:23   

High functioning? I don't know. That's prety hard to say. I certainly wouldn't want to drive that way.

Thanks for the quotes and the link.

It isn't like making fun of what we traditionally call handicapped. It's more like making fun of a less dangerous ted it here, it sounds a lot like t-diddy with brains or even Larry. This isn't an attempt to poke fun. It is a disturbing similarity.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

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