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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,04:14   

Quote (Patrick Caldon @ May 17 2006,22:16)
To remind you this was done in a thread the point of which was "ID people are very careful and honest their use of quotation".  Indeed the phrase "punctillious rectitude" was thrown about a few times.

Hence the reason I found it ironic.

Stick around and you will find that these guys are chock full of it.  They care not one whit for good debate or science.  They only care that what they know to be true (from reading it in some holy scripture) is accepted by all, no matter what the facts, science, and real world say about it.  If you think they are honestly in search of truth, take a look at afdave's threads on this site, or any of our resident trolls.  Then, look at the behavior on UD and see if you can see any difference.

Patrick Caldon

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:30   

Quote (GCT @ May 18 2006,09:14)
Stick around and you will find that these guys are chock full of it.  They care not one whit for good debate or science.  They only care that what they know to be true (from reading it in some holy scripture) is accepted by all, no matter what the facts, science, and real world say about it.

I agree they're full of it - but why?

There's some kind of bizzare arrogance to think that you, having thought about a matter for half an hour or so, can work it all out better than someone who's been studying something all of their lives.  

My wife just now suggested it's a kind of Romanticism - that by the power of your passion about something you create truth (or Truth).  That we can liberate ourselves from the messy and petty facts about biology and by looking at `Information' and `Intelligence', which somehow represents a higher (sublime?) plane of being. You don't need to study to see this - you can, like a romantic, experience it.

I think the reason why ID can't come up with a satisfactory definition of information or intelligence is that they need their information to be apparent --- you, as the Common Man, must be able to look at an object and just see its information, feel its specified complexity - receive it unmediated from the world.  

And by this common man standard humans have more information than grasses, more information than apes - no need to stuff about with messy and unobvious ideas like Kolmogorov complexity or non-linear fitness functions with no simply observable global maximum or god forbid wet unpredictable biology itself, where we need an expert or some expertise to mediate between us and the world. This is the allergy to experiment --- if you can perceive the Truth, know it directly --- if you're the philosopher-king, if you already know it all, why do you need to stuff about with experiment?  It's just another mediator which will stop you perceiving, not help you perceive.

And it's just a petty fact of biology that they're trying to liberate themselves from - that they (and we) are quite thoroughly a part of nature - i.e. we're critters too.

I guess I find this sort of delusion pathetic.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:43   

We all find it pathetic, that's why we read and laugh.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:49   

Mr Chritopher slight mod needed for the DI price

This made me wonder why Demsbki and the con men for jesus at the DI don't offer a cash reward for ANY legitimate scientific evidence for intelligent design.  Something that could be tested and such.  They could call the cash award something like the The noble DI LIED Prize or whatnot

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:57   


There's some kind of bizzare arrogance to think that you, having thought about a matter for half an hour or so, can work it all out better than someone who's been studying something all of their lives.  

Perhaps the funniest explanation of this was given by DougMoron over at Uncommonly Dense. It went something like, "Atheists are necessarily Intellectually Dishonest, because they have to ignore any evidence which may prove god. Therefore the only people who can be truly objective are christians like myself, who can consider all possibilities without fear, since no evidence can prove or disprove god."

Yes, you read that right. And yes, Davetard banned people who pointed out the fatal, and obvious, contradiction.

Seven Popes

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,07:16   

What part of CH are you in? I miss Graubunden!

Cave ab homine unius libri - Beware of anyone who has just one book.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,07:23   

Patrick: agreed. I don't think I can pin down any one "primary" reason why they engage in this other than a desire for power--the ability to tell you, your kids and so on...what to think and how to think and how to behave/act. They all seem to want that.

Religion is such a swiss-army knife of ideology that it motivates every one of them in different ways. Some, I think, genuinely beleive ( like Dembski) that if only materialism -- as they believe is found in evolutionary theory -- were overcome, it would lead to some new age. Others seem to simply want comfort. But the manner in which they pursue their goals is just..dethpicable.

It seems to me that Dawkin's view of selfishness in genes is expressed in every critter's drive for continued existence and propagation. Couple that with the "laziness " of least-energy expenditure tendencies in achieving those goals and we wind up with humans that are simply taking the lazy way out in propagating "memes" that they view as beneficial.  I may not have stated that well,, I'm just rambling, anyway. Either way, I get a kick out of watching their acrobatic intellectual contortions

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,07:42   

Hey Steve,

Where's that dougmoron quote from?

That is absolutely priceless. It deserves to be framed and put on the wall opposite my toilet.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,08:49   

Quote (stevestory @ May 18 2006,11:57)

There's some kind of bizzare arrogance to think that you, having thought about a matter for half an hour or so, can work it all out better than someone who's been studying something all of their lives.  

Perhaps the funniest explanation of this was given by DougMoron over at Uncommonly Dense. It went something like, "Atheists are necessarily Intellectually Dishonest, because they have to ignore any evidence which may prove god. Therefore the only people who can be truly objective are christians like myself, who can consider all possibilities without fear, since no evidence can prove or disprove god."

Yes, you read that right. And yes, Davetard banned people who pointed out the fatal, and obvious, contradiction.

...And he also deleted most comments that pointed to and explained that contradiction- so at the end, Delusional Doug must have been certain he had left everyone speechless with his unparallel reasoning.

That's a common theme at UD- but it's not really a bad thing: You see, after some time of mutual compliments and back-patting, the posters there feel confident enough to come here, or at PT, to give us a good showing to... And then we have fun handing their a$$ to them and watching them run back to their safe little haven, with a big question mark over their head.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,09:39   

S.P. Near Basel.

Egbooth: I'm the wrong steve but see:
Main post, and comment 14. Also at comment DM provides as supporting evidence a link he obviously hadn't looked at.

That was March 8th, and ran alongside  'Hate Speech'  and "Heat=Temperature".

Erratum: Hmm,  "Der Thread" probably only refers to lightweight processes etc.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,11:28   

egbooth--my paraphrasing of it made it much clearer, but I'll look for it. It was truly classic, because on top of all that, it was in a post about him lecturing his employees to suck it up and be intellectually honest no matter the result.

edit: ah, steve_h beat me to it. No matter. As long as a Steve got to it, that's the important part.

That's such a great post. It's definitely going in the Uncommonly Dense: Exclusive Fan Edition DVD. Along with Gruding Padian Apology, Missing Post 744, I'm Calling Homeland Security Based on a Rumor, etc etc.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,11:51   

Patrick: agreed. I don't think I can pin down any one "primary" reason why they engage in this other than a desire for power--the ability to tell you, your kids and so on...what to think and how to think and how to behave/act. They all seem to want that.

broken record time again:

all the denial and projection exhibited over and UD are classic examples of psychological defense mechanisms.

If you ever found your entire world-view under attack by simple reality, you'd start spinning off defense mechanisms by the hatfull too.

One thing I will give credit to AFDave and T-diddy is that their weeks-long posting gives very clear evidence to support my contention.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,14:15   

Wow... long thread.

I was flattered to see that I was actually mentioned on Dembski's blog - in the comment section of that asinine ReMine/Haldane thread.

Another computer programmer (JohnnyB) creationist shows his stupidity...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,16:59   

How to argue like DaveScot:
Here's an amusing example of DaveTard's "skill" at argumentation, taken from Salvador's Genetic ID thread at Uncommonly Dense.  A commenter named Hypermoderate has just explained, using Dembski's own words, why Dembski's "specified complexity" argument is circular.

Dave responds:              
Is this anything like natural selection’s survival of the survivors? You meant to show a tautology, not circular reasoning. You accomplished neither. -ds

Hypermoderate responds:            

1. A tautology is a form of circular reasoning (try Googling “tautology circular reasoning”).
2. Why do you think the Dembski quotes are non-circular?


    Dave's skillful retort:        
You call what you wrote “reasoning”?  -ds

Let's watch the replay, with translation:

Dembski's SC argument is circular.

Is not! Natural selection is circular! (Please ignore the fact that I know NS is not circular, since I accept that it produces things like antibiotic and pesticide resistance). And you think a tautology is circular!

A tautology is circular.  Can you refute my specified complexity argument?

Umm....You're stooopid!  So there!

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,17:00   









You meant to show a tautology, not circular reasoning.

OMFG that's so good. That's going on the Uncommonly Dense: Exclusive Fan Edition.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,17:51   

ya know, i think you should take that seriously Steve.

producing a downloadable archive of the "best of UD and Davetard", would be a worthwhile endeavor.

Heck, I bet even Dembski would be willing to pay for a copy of that.

I know I would.

proceeds to benefit PT?

It wouldn't be hard to set up a pay-per-download site for it.

what do you think?  I think it would be worth at least 5.00.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,18:47   

hahahah I don't know, it's kind of a niche market. My friends who're getting rich off the internet are going for much bigger markets, like homeopathy ($500 million per year). the laugh-at-Intelligent-Design market's probably a good deal smaller :-)

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,18:48   

Springer's comment is archived here.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,18:53   


now is there a plan to index these snippets eventually?

I'm starting to agree with others here that the inanity is worth preserving for future reference.

hey, even a niche market can produce profit!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,20:48   


Your UD mirror site is a terrific resource for retrieving posts and comments as they appeared before they were deleted or altered by the Thought Police.

The only problem is that we don't get to see the comments that DaveTard censors before they even see the light of day.  Since many of the most interesting commenters are on Dave's moderation list, he gets a chance to see (and delete) the comments before we see them, and before your mirror site gets to archive them.

I have an idea for how we can begin to bypass Dave's censorship:  

1. Mirror all of the UD posts and comments as you do now.
2. Accept new comments at the mirror site (on a per-UD-thread basis).

As word gets around that the mirror site is uncensored, people will start posting comments there rather than on UD.  People who have been banned from UD will be able to comment.  Even most ID supporters will start to prefer the mirror site, because they don't like the Tardlerized version of UD any more than we do.

The beauty of it is that since all posts and comments are mirrored, you won't miss anything by going to the mirror site.  On the other hand, if you stick with DaveTard, you miss all of the posts he censors (and you have to wait half a day for him to approve the ones he doesn't censor).  You also miss all the posts from dozens of thoughtful, interesting people who have been banned at UD for no good reason.

The key would be to organize things on a per-thread basis on the mirror site.   Right now comments on UD end up as separate posts on the mirror site, which makes it hard to get a thread-oriented view of the comments.

What do you think?

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,22:03   

Yeah the circular tautology of Mien Undermench Obercensor dSS's reasoning is ...well tautologically circular.

a simple basic program code snippet pseudo instruction
10 Start and or end End
20 reason with no start or end
30 End and or start
40 goto 10

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,05:09   

Hi, someone told me about this thread after I joined the hallowed ranks of those invited by DaveScot to "move along to another blog" (not to mention "kindly find somewhere else to inexpertly pontificate", rather than "wasting time and bandwidth by regurgitating things {I} don’t even understand" - well, that told me, didn't it?).

Indeed, I see a couple of my comments, and DS's responses, actually made it onto this thread a few pages back.

I had been pretty bewildered by the "heavy modding" meted out on UD, though to be fair on DS at least he can't be accused of discriminating on the grounds of religious affiliation. I'm living proof that you certainly don't have to be an atheist to get shown the red card.

Anyway, this is just to say "Hi", and also to pass on an engaging exchange on UD today concerning spam attacks emanating from "'Ripe Network' ISP in Amsterdam" sic):

Yes, I can block site access by IP address but no, they’re not in a consistent range. -ds

[duncharris]: But also a sneaky way to suppress criticism?

[kathy]: duncharris, if you want to see what suppressing criticism looks, go to New Prescribed Evolution. Unlike JD, DaveScot will be forthright when he decides to ban a commenter!

Ain't that the truth...? ;)

Drew Headley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,07:57   

Welcome John_H, you know the person who referred you here can get a free coke. We love to have new company.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:04   

keiths (a hive mind composed of several persons named keith) has an interesting idea to mirror Dembski's site and allow unfettered comments. I do not think it would work though, because wouldn't it violate copyright laws? Maybe it wouldn't, I don't know.

Drew Headley

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:08   

It's the internet, copyright laws don't exist here! </sarcasm>


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:25   

Dave just disproved evolution in his basement lab!

Hey, I'm not kidding, he (thinks) he really did!

Edit: oops, I might be wrong - he never says the lab's in his basement :)

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:35   

DS is demonstrating his breathtaking inanity again.  

The following reply will probably not be appearing over there:
Err, you have heard about <a href="">gene regulation</a>, haven't you?



It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:45   

Yes, its yet another area in which amateur and public understanding of Evolution lag behind the actual known science.  Many people would agree with DS, thats the problem, because they dont know how much things have moved on.

For example, severeal people at a foum I go to appear to have bought into "the free hydrogen to fuel your car"
and "Hyrdogen torch that can cut through anything" stuff thats going the rounds just now.  They are the same people who will listen to DS.

Wesley R. Elsberry

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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:55   


I'm living proof that you certainly don't have to be an atheist to get shown the red card.

I can go you one better: I have a standing disinvitation to post on UD since Springer took the helm.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: May 19 2006,08:59   

Volvariella is a eukaryote and I just witnessed it evolving faster than random mutation and natural selection could possibly account for. Yet another nail in the RM+NS coffin…
Filed under: Evolution, Biology, Science — DaveScot @ 12:25 pm

Gene regulation is covered in chapter 24 of my Freshman biology textbook, Inquiry into Life by Sylvia S. Mader. It's no surprise that Davetard's just now hearing about it.

Google Scholar Results 1 - 10 of about 321,000 for gene regulation evolution. (0.18 seconds)
Davetard might also want to check out Endless Forms Most Beautiful, a book written to explain this subject to laymen such as him.

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