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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,13:15   

Vieleicht?  Was denkt ihr?
No, I can't hang. I know an itsy bitsy bit of german. I had to get Gewinde from a dictionary, in fact.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,13:21   

no worries; just a thought.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,13:28   

Re: Your post-dhogaza
*Not only are these people ignorant of biology, but they appear to be thoroughly ignorant of history as well*

I havent decided whether you are just trying to be politically correct or whether you are "thoroughly ignorant of history" when you posted your rant.

You seem to imply white European Protestant BAD---
Black, Jew "anybodyelse" nice;

What is the point of your post.Do you beleive you are not offending people with you stereo types.

What is the " fact of European racism towards blacks and Jews " and why is this relevant to the discussion on this thread.

I thought this thread was concerned with the wisdom of UD, but never beleived it would attain the same level.

I do not wish to sideline this thread but would like DH ogaza to back up his claims with evidence like scientists do;

dhogaza go elsewhere with this if you wish


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,13:47   


You seem to imply white European Protestant BAD---
Black, Jew "anybodyelse" nice

How the #### do you get that out of my post given the thread at UD that I was responding to?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,13:52   


link me to the post

Maybe go to the bathroom wall to discuss?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:01   

I think the word you're looking for is
(Der/Dieser) Diskussionsfaden  or (Der/Dieser) Thread. The english version of most technical words often finds it's way into German, which explains why I can be nearly ten years in a german speaking land and still suck at German (unless you count the other reason, which is that I'm not very bright)  Gewinde refers to the sort of thread you find on a screw. Umlauts are no problem here (eg äöü) if you have a German keyboard. Otherwise, on windows (and maybe PCs generally), you can hold down the alt key and enter the three digit ascii code, one digit at a time on the numeric keypad before releasing the alt, so ü=alt-(1+2+9) ö=alt-148 and ä=alt-132 (Uppercase versions are left as an exercise in googling for the reader). Failing that you can write "ueber", "Goedel", "Schoenborn", Motoerhead etc. "ß" is alt 225 and isn't on my swiss-german keyboard as the swiss always use "ss".

Also the tall skinny 'S' was IMO almost certainly intended as self deprecating humor.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:14   


Also the tall skinny 'S' was IMO almost certainly intended as self deprecating humor.

You think so?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:25   


Despite the fact of European racism towards blacks and Jews was prevelant long before Charles Darwin was even born.  Are these folks truly ignorant of Luther's virulent anti-semitism?  

Are you going to back up your claims or not.
Remember that everything in history has to be taken into its time/period and context.

Do not debate evolution at this level, you do not do your self justice.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:27   

The english version of most technical words often finds it's way into German, which explains why I can be nearly ten years in a german speaking land and still suck at German

yes, German is definetly filled with huge bizarre nouns composed of several other nouns, often bastardized and co-opted from english or elswhere.  I've seen several 20 letter plus nouns, and I'd guess that you could probably find a german noun that takes up 30 or more letters without looking too hard.

However, it IS the most descriptive language I think I've ever looked at.

and some of my favorite authors wrote in that language too.

Lorenz comes to mind.

...unfortunately i probably should have studied french or spanish given the places where i did my field research :p

oh, and thanks steve for the tip on posting symbols!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:31   

dhgoza -


i think you just got "called out"?

Do not debate evolution at this level, you do not do your self justice.

grrr! bark bark! grrrrr!

I wonder where this will go...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:32   

Are you going to back up your claims or not.

If you Google "Martin Luther anti-semitism" you get 653,000 hits.

After you've read them all, perhaps we can talk history.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:41   

What's the objection to what Dhogaza said?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:45   

? hard to tell exactly, but I would guess the objection stems from a misconstrual of what dhgoza said.

or else Hunter is just pissed off at being apparently stereotyped along with the rest of the IDitos over on UD?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:48   

Is this T. Russel Hunter, perhaps? We haven't seen him lately. Last we saw him was before Dover, back when the ID plane was flying high, Bill Dembski was wagering bottles of scotch it would be found constitutional, etc. How's the ID plane doing these days? Let's see



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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,14:52   

naw, it's worse than that, the plane is stripped of valuables, as well.

you know, I often listen to green day when reading the posts here from UD; and those of T-diddy, AFDave, etc.

I would highly recommend it to all the UDiots as well.

specifically, i highly recommend "American Idiot" and "Warning"

great background music for reading creationist drivel.

Patrick Caldon

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:16   

Quote (GCT @ May 17 2006,13:04)
Quote (Patrick Caldon @ May 17 2006,12:27)
However in banning me, Dave Scot decided to edit my post, substantially changing its import, effectively misquoting me.

Ironic, no?

Do you have the original, unedited post?  If so, feel free to post it here so we can all see what DT has done.

And, welcome.

Unfortunately no; I made the mistake of believeing their comments policy meant something.  To remind you this was done in a thread the point of which was "ID people are very careful and honest their use of quotation".  Indeed the phrase "punctillious rectitude" was thrown about a few times.

Anyway, the sense of it is:

Dave, you've not followed what I said, so I'll repeat it:

1) Barry stated that "the fossil record does not support the predictons of Darwin"

2) Darwin made many predictions concerning the fossil record.  Many.  Very gradual change was just one of those predictions.

3) With the exception of very gradual change, to my knowledge all of Darwin's predictions are correct.

4) Barry's statement is therefore untrue, and a misuse of Eldredge's original comment.

On other matters:

- There are marsupials alive in South America today.
- Giving a proper description of "Ring species" is beyond my competence I'm afraid.  Ridley gives a great many references in his textbook, so you should get a copy.  If you really doubt this you can do the fruit-fly experiments at home.
- jerry, your comment that neo-Darwinism is demolished is complete nonsense.  You have to ask the question: "are the rates of change observed in the fossil record consistent with the rates of genetic change observed in modern populations"
- Dave, your quote of Gould's above does not support your arguement.

If I can make a suggestion to you (particularly Dave and jerry); when you make statements like jerry’s above, and use quotations in the manner of Dave above, it becomes apparent that you’re either extraordinarily careless, quite daft, or (most likely) attacking something you don’t really understand --- this is really unfortunate since you are all quite clearly very earnest about this.  I'd suggest getting a good text, for instance Mark Ridley's "Evolution", and reading it carefully.  It was quite readable for a non-specialist like me.

The bold is what Dave preserved; he turns a reasoned argument and constructive suggestion into parting shot of someone flummoxed by superior argument.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:18   

Information-Theoretic Conjecture — $1000 Cash Prize
I’m offering the first person who completely resolves the following conjecture $1000 cash. I need a complete error-free proof and I need to be able to use it in my writings (of course, I’ll give full credit to the mathematician who proves it).

I wonder if he'll pay off to the first person who disproves his conjecture?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:45   

The bold is what Dave preserved; he turns a reasoned argument and constructive suggestion into parting shot of someone flummoxed by superior argument.

pitbulls are so unpredictable, aren't they?



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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:49   

I wonder if he'll pay off to the first person who disproves his conjecture?

WD40 has shown his inability to recognize correct resolutions of his conjectures before (many times, in fact).

I predict NOBODY will get this cash, as he mentally is incapable of recognizing the correct resolution of this conjecture to begin with.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:16   


Despite the fact of European racism towards blacks and Jews was prevelant long before Charles Darwin was even born.  Are these folks truly ignorant of Luther's virulent anti-semitism?  

I'm confused. Everything in the above statement is true. What on earth are you objecting to? Are you simply getting offended at Luther's antisemitism being pointed out?

Start here:

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:53   

Patrick Caldon: Hey There! As another recent wayward exile from Dembski's barrel of baffled, bewildered and bamboozled baboons (writing under another name, of course) -- Have a seat, put your feet up and grab a beer. The show is funny as #### from a nice comfy chair.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:59   

The show is funny as he11 from a nice comfy chair.
Hence my icon.

Patrick Caldon

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:03   

Quote (deadman_932 @ May 17 2006,23:53)
Patrick Caldon: Hey There! As another recent wayward exile from Dembski's barrel of baffled, bewildered and bamboozled baboons (writing under another name, of course) -- Have a seat, put your feet up and grab a beer. The show is funny as #### from a nice comfy chair.

Honestly, I find it very sad.  

There's so much effort, there's so much earnestness, there's so much enthusiasm that they have --- but they can't be bothered to work out what it is that they're trying to criticise.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:07   

It would be pitiful, and I wouldn't be able to watch it, but they're arrogant and mean, and so I relish them going down in flames.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:11   

Statler: That was quite a program! I would have only changed one thing!

Waldorf: What's that?

Statler: The channel!

Both: Doh ho ho ho ho ho!

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:16   

WALDORF: Who were those guys?
STATLER: That's 'Uncommon Descent'.
WALDORF: They aren’t half bad.
STATLER: Nope, they’re ALL bad!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:23   

I have tried to read through various threads at UD and must ask the regulars here: How do you do that and avoid brain rot?


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:32   

Snoeman: you know, I was gonna say this to Patrick Caldron, who seemed kinda depressed about the ...weirdness at Uncommon Descent--After a while you can see clearly that they don't really intend on clarifying or supporting either ID or their caricature of modern evolutionary theory.

They can't get published in a fairly peer-reviewed setting, they can't honestly debate, they can't handle dissent, they lose in the courts and are many are rightly shown to be consistent liars and generally ugly human beings. Dembski's recent "you're a racist" attack on Padian being a prime example.

All I can do, as in so many other tragic areas of life, is to try to make the best of it and move on. So, in the immortal words of Elvis Costello, "I used to be disgusted but now I'm just amused"

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,19:35   

There might be a kind of Parkinson's type risk we're running. They can say things over there so dumb and crazy that my brain gets knocked offline. We've discussed it here before. I call it the test pattern, because for a short while, I can't even think a thought. My mind just goes blank, completely unable to formulate a coherent thought in response.

Like when the guy over there said he found it telling that Darwinists never debated Holocaust Deniers.


Honestly, I don't think there's anything better on the web right now than Uncommonly Dense, on a typical day, you can go there and listen to, say, a computer technician explain why biologists are the people on the planet least capable of judging evolution. Where else can you get that kind of dazzling stupidity?

"I used to be disgusted but now I'm just amused"

Oh yeah, that's exactly it. If you let these creationists make you mad, you don't have the right outlook. You're not going to change them, their kind will be around til the day you die, you have to learn to enjoy them.

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,20:28   

Quote (jeannot @ May 17 2006,14:00)
Apparently, Dembski is working on the evolution of allelic frequences in a population (p and q).
I don't know what he wants to prove, but whatever it is, it will not be supported by any data from population genetics, since they totally support evolution by natural selection or drift.

Hmm, I suspect not.  I think it relates to his Conservation of Information stuff.

Excuse me whilst I get technical again for a moment...
The last two constraints are on the expected values of f and g (which, I assume, are probability density functions).  I'm guessing now, but the integral looks like it's the expectation of g(x)/f(x), taken w.r.t. g(x).

Wes: I think writing f>=0, g>=0 is OK for real mathematicians.  It's saying that the function is non-negative for all values of x.

OK, back in the real world: if I couldn't solve something like that, I'd ask a student to do it (one of the perks of being in a department stuffed with mathematicians.  But the coffee is still awful).  Poor Dembski is slumming it in a theological college, so that option probably isn't available.  I suppose he could try praying for some help.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

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