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Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 06 2017,20:15   

If some people suffer from mental illness, do the rest enjoy it? :p

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 06 2017,20:45   

Quote (Henry J @ Feb. 06 2017,20:15)
If some people suffer from mental illness, do the rest enjoy it? :p

You have something better to do?

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 06 2017,20:52   

Quote (CeilingCat @ Feb. 06 2017,19:23)
1 J-Mac.  February 6, 2017 at 4:53 pm

The materialists are in cahoots and as their communist party ordered they NOT follow commentS on this blog.

This must mean that abiogenesis will gain one elementary point to support it out of 600 that don’t.

I can’t calculated how many the missing genes from the endo-symbiosis fiasco will appear out of nothing ever since Nick Mitzke went experimenting it and never came back.

He must be working hard with the best of the best of the materialistic theory starting with the origins of life ending with the new, altered mechanism of evolution called “?”.

I repeat, WTF?

As long as you've got that up, here's one from TSZ:

My name is Elizabeth Liddle, and I started this site to be a place where people could discuss controversial positions about life, the universe and everything with minimal tribal rancour (pay no attention to the penguins….)

What’s wrong with you? Can’t you at least appreciate the effort Rover Boobies is putting into his posts?
I prefer his nonsense over your bigmouth foaming over the origins of life evidence that never surfaces…
Just because you are a manipulator who deliberately deceives the public, this does’t give you the right to shut down RB.
I will call Donald Tuck if need be to nuke this sh…y establishment…

He really seems to be frothing away, probably in part because he's too stupid to be able to make a case for or against anything (or even mindless copies and pastes like BA does).  The IDiots barely care about him, and of course we find him to be too dull to bother with for the most part (I don't think anyone responded to him at TSZ).  So he rants like the angry buffoon that he is.

It's that kind of the dregs of intellect that ID attracts--and fosters.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 06 2017,22:14   

Quote (stevestory @ Feb. 07 2017,03:56)
We've reached the point where if you're an ID supporter I'm not familiar with, Ima go ahead and assume you have one or more mental illnesses, to save time.

Indeed, we can see by extrapolating from the population of ID recalcitrants, believing or more accurately their conviction that goddidit is a mental illness. It saves time.

IDists have much in common with conspiracy theorists an immunity to evidence. Accepting mutually contradictory rationalisations actually confirms their delusions which psychologists call a "monological belief system". It appears that recent studies show they suffer from low self esteem, lack of control over their perceived social environment and "feelings of inclusion that breed suspicion".
Further studies implicate narcissism. A strong distaste for randomness in the world around us explains their pathological denial of evolution.

Poor things all they want is a hug. Except in PaV's case to come out or in Mung's case to be reborn, preferably when Schopenhauer was publishing.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2017,13:31   

Quote (k.e.. @ Feb. 06 2017,20:14)
Poor things all they want is a hug. Except . . . in Mung's case to be reborn, preferably when Schopenhauer was publishing.

Oh, those were the days, weren't they? When street urchins could play in the manure strewn streets, matchstick girls could dance in the snow to their hearts' content, and the Industrial Revolution freed men to produce and consume without fear of long-term consequences. Who wouldn't want to embrace those times again?

All women build up a resistance [to male condescension]. Apparently, ID did not predict that. -Kristine 4-19-11
F/Ns to F/Ns to F/Ns etc. The whole thing is F/N ridiculous -Seversky on KF footnote fetish 8-20-11
Sigh. Really Bill? - Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2017,18:32   

Man, I had just started a comment on how dull and inward looking it has become lately at UD, and Tom English over at TSZ beat me to it, in a much more succinct way.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2017,20:13   

Will someone please sock up and stir the pot over at UD. It is becoming even more boring than normal. There is only so much Gordon (KairosFocus) Mullings and Batshitcrazy77 that a man can stand.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2017,20:41   

Quote (Ptaylor @ Feb. 07 2017,16:32)
Man, I had just started a comment on how dull and inward looking it has become lately at UD, and Tom English over at TSZ beat me to it, in a much more succinct way.

Man that just screams out for a paperback paradise treatment.

eta site not twitter

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 07 2017,21:44   

Quote (paragwinn @ Feb. 07 2017,21:31)
Quote (k.e.. @ Feb. 06 2017,20:14)
Poor things all they want is a hug. Except . . . in Mung's case to be reborn, preferably when Schopenhauer was publishing.

Oh, those were the days, weren't they? When street urchins could play in the manure strewn streets, matchstick girls could dance in the snow to their hearts' content, and the Industrial Revolution freed men to produce and consume without fear of long-term consequences. Who wouldn't want to embrace those times again?

Yeah but reading by candle light was a bitch. Still maids were cheap, you could buy one straight off the docks.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 08 2017,19:37   

Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 07 2017,16:49)
So d'Q = de Lancie?

Pulling this forward because i tripped over some nifty fun facts on the way here.

I saw a TIL post over on Reddit that reads ...

TIL that when American soldiers came to the house of Richard Strauss in 1945, the famous German composer identified himself: "I am Richard Strauss, the composer of Rosenkavalier and Salome." One of the soldiers was a musician, and placed a sign at the home so others would not bother him.

From the [Wikipedia] article:

   In April 1945, Strauss was apprehended by American soldiers at his Garmisch estate. As he descended the staircase he announced to Lieutenant Milton Weiss of the U.S. Army, "I am Richard Strauss, the composer of Rosenkavalier and Salome." Lt. Weiss, who was also a musician, nodded in recognition. An "Off Limits" sign was subsequently placed on the lawn to protect Strauss. The American oboist John de Lancie, who knew Strauss's orchestral writing for oboe thoroughly, was in the army unit, and asked Strauss to compose an oboe concerto. Initially dismissive of the idea, Strauss completed this late work, his Oboe Concerto, before the end of the year.

Someone spots the name....

John de lancie? I knew Q was real! Timeless

The OP then says ...

His father.

And wouldn't ya know, from the Wiki on the "oboist John de Lancie" (who after the war went on to become principal oboe of the Philadelphia Orchestra for some 23 years) ...

This article is about the oboist. For his son, the actor, see John de Lancie.

Who is, of course, Q.  Cool beans.

"So I'm a pretty unusual guy and it's not stupidity that has gotten me where I am. It's brilliance."

"My brain is one of the very few independent thinking brains that you've ever met. And that's a thing of wonder to you and since you don't understand it you criticize it."

~Dave Hawkins~


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 10 2017,16:31   

Quote (Lethean @ Feb. 08 2017,17:37)
Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 07 2017,16:49)
So d'Q = de Lancie?

Who is, of course, Q.  Cool beans.

That was fun. Thanks.

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,14:39   

Hm, it's boring over at UD isn't it?

So boring, Barry's reduced to [URL=In a comment to another post that deserves its own post, the venerable Upright Biped hammers rvb8 and in the process gives us one of the most succinct and pithy summaries of the information issue I have seen:]this[/URL]:
In a comment to another post that deserves its own post, the venerable Upright Biped hammers rvb8 and in the process gives us one of the most succinct and pithy summaries of the information issue I have seen:

followed by a succinct and pithy summar[y] that's at least 278 words long. And with no context, so I've no idea what UB is responding to.

Yes, I know I could poke around and find out, but, well, you know.

EDIT: I suspect UB's comment could also be used to poke at ID ('information needs context"?). But, well, you know. My wife & I are celebrating buying a barrel. No, really, it makes sense. Perfect sense. It's a wine barrel.

Edited by Bob O'H on Feb. 13 2017,14:44

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,16:50   

Yeah, I've actually been hanging out at TSZ more than anything. ID Creationism has withered to a dozen or so complete idiots. Barry's probly gonna wrap it up this year.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,17:10   

Quote (stevestory @ Feb. 13 2017,16:50)
Yeah, I've actually been hanging out at TSZ more than anything. ID Creationism has withered to a dozen or so complete idiots. Barry's probly gonna wrap it up this year.

I wouldn't bet on it. Barry is like Joe. They are pathologically incapable of admitting a mistake. And folding UD would be admitting a mistake. If he folds it, he will use some lame excuse like "Trump has asked me to spearhead the homophobic, anti-evolution charter school system (when I'm not leaving threatening messages on my clients's voicemail demanding that they pay for legal fees for failed bankruptcy claims) for the nation. This will not allow me to continue moderating UD"


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,20:45   

Heh, despite the appealing name, newcomer Darwins_downfall is not getting a very warm welcome at UD. In fact s/he has already been treated to KF's loudspeaker in the ceiling and snippage treatment. Fun to watch if, well, you like that sort of thing.
UD link to a comment in KF's What is a true "fascist" thread (the irony).

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,20:48   

Just when you thought it was getting boring.
[QUOTE]KF, thank you for censoring my comment. That is the first time that I have seen the word "crap" excised as <b>vulgarity</b>. But it is your site, your rules.

I responded in brief to a tangent pointing out a well known pattern, then returning to the main issue, you repeat the tangent, with behaviour that does not speak well of your approach, no further tangential matter will be tolerated.

I agree that the tangent was mine. But that doesn't justify the posting of obviously fake news to counter it. A sane person would just say that my comment was off topic. Why didn't you do that, rather than post a blatantly false link?  

FYI, Muslims, too, are people for whom Christ died.

The fact that there is not a single Muslim in the world that accepts this claim shouldn't deter you from repeatedly making it. Or, maybe, it just means that Jesus was very poor at getting his message across.  

They are by and large trapped in a religious-ideological system that can too often become totalitarian, with a long history on this.

Condescend much?

The system explicitly denies the historically certain fact of Jesus’ crucifixion, much less the death and resurrection attested by 500+ witnesses and which launched the church with unstoppable power in witness to the gospel of salvation; nor does it acknowledge that this resurrection authenticates his claim to be Son of God with power.

So does the Jewish faith, the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Druids.

PS: I responded to this as it is a significant issue, but I will be even more stringent about tangent tactics than in previous threads you have tried to divert.

The fact that it is directly related to your OP won't stop you from declaring it a tangent, speaks volumes. Even tomes.

PPS: I will not tolerate vulgar language and expect you to show a modicum of responsible conduct.

Your concept of "vulgarity" is what lead to a Esther Prim having to wear the letter "A" and the burning of the witches at Salem.

As for conspiracy theories, you have utterly distorted what I have noted, which is that we do not know enough to know what has actually happened, and a wide range of possibilities obtains.

Total bovine feces. I simply asked you if you knew anything about the Quebec Mosque shooting. You responded with a link that inferred a high level government conspiracy and Islamic involvement. That is far from saying that we don't know enough yet about the situation.

As just one test, kindly see if you can readily explain the significance of the occasion of which Sept 11 2001 is the 318th anniversary, less one day, and why this event is memorialised in a constellation in the sky. If you cannot, you do not know enough about what is going on to comment with confidence.

Unless you can draw a link between your 9/11 conspiracy theory and what happened in a Quebec City Mosque a few weeks ago, you are just fomenting ant-Muslim hatred. Frankly, that is really sick. And does not present you in a favourable light. I hate to be so blunt, but you have responded with anger and condescension to every comment I have made. Simply because we have differing viewpoints. Again,  very telling.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,21:13   

Good grief kf has gone off at the deep end. Completely lost touch with reality. Fundy social realism at its worst. He makes Alex Jones seem sane.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 13 2017,22:47   

Meanwhile Darwins_downfall is also winding bornagain77 up...
Darwins_downfallFebruary 13, 2017 at 9:59 pm


   DD, a reincarnated troll, states:

Sorry, life is too short to read all your cut-and-pasta. But, given your claim that I am a troll, with nothing to support the claim, you can imagine the level of interest I have in whatever you have to say.

...although s/he has got the name wrong. Unless BSC stands for something else...
UD link.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,00:24   

Quote (stevestory @ Feb. 13 2017,16:50)
Yeah, I've actually been hanging out at TSZ more than anything. ID Creationism has withered to a dozen or so complete idiots. Barry's probly gonna wrap it up this year.

I hope not!  That would force Batshit77 and KairosfocusPA to go somewhere else!

Thank you Barry for keeping the rest of the world free of those two!

And fuck you for banning Cordova.  He's* stunk up TSZ till Hell won't have it.

* With plenty of help from Mung and the gang, of course.

Nils Ruhr

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,03:29   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Feb. 13 2017,20:48)
Just when you thought it was getting boring.

Now it's edited:
SNIP — DD, you were warned to stick to focal topic. If you want to pursue tangents all over the place, please go elsewhere. At least, you seem to have highlighted the need to address the conspiracy theory dismissive talking point — a focus for another thread, another time. KF

PS: On the word that you used to try to lower tone towards the gutter, note AmHD: “Vulgar Slang.” (The same, that is used with several of the notorious seven words.) Collins is more indulgent, but the message is the same, coarse and coarsening, corrupt communication.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,09:40   

Quote (Ptaylor @ Feb. 13 2017,22:47)
Meanwhile Darwins_downfall is also winding bornagain77 up...
Darwins_downfallFebruary 13, 2017 at 9:59 pm


   DD, a reincarnated troll, states:

Sorry, life is too short to read all your cut-and-pasta. But, given your claim that I am a troll, with nothing to support the claim, you can imagine the level of interest I have in whatever you have to say.

...although s/he has got the name wrong. Unless BSC stands for something else...
UD link.



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,09:56   

I wonder if that's what caused KF to go all school marm girly and wash out Nils' (i'm guessing) post with Drano and stick pins in DD's voodoo doll? Really he should just stick to the gay frogs stories his class of idiot does best. That and resurrection miracles with a bit of folk Caribbean Astrology for dead 9/11ers. Maybe throw in a bit of Rasta Voodoo when things get slow to keep the last breath in the dead horse that is UD.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,12:18   

Quote (k.e.. @ Feb. 13 2017,19:13)
Good grief kf has gone off at the deep end. Completely lost touch with reality. Fundy social realism at its worst. He makes Alex Jones seem sane.

This post fell through a hole in the time-space continuum leading back to 2010.  Gordon has been off the deep end since at least then.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,20:52   

[QUOTE]Darwins_downfallFebruary 14, 2017 at 8:46 pm

FYI, Muslims, too, are people for whom Christ died.

A claim that every single Muslim disagrees with. As do Hindus, Buddhists, Seiks, etc.

They are by and large trapped in a religious-ideological system that can too often become totalitarian, with a long history on this.

As has Christianity.

The system explicitly denies the historically certain fact of Jesus’ crucifixion, much less the death and resurrection attested by 500+ witnesses and which launched the church with unstoppable power in witness to the gospel of salvation; nor does it acknowledge that this resurrection authenticates his claim to be Son of God with power.

As do every single Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Seik, etc.

Such are grave spiritual manifestations indeed…

No, they are honest religious differing or opinions.

Muslims, too, need the gospel, and it seems there is a whole movement of people whom Jesus is appearing to in dreams and calling to himself, with quite authentic conversions.

Yes, some Muslims convert to Christianity. But, how do you explain the hundreds, if not thousands, of Christians who have converted to Islam? By your logic, Christians need the Quran.

I need no more than mention jihad by bands including the long history of suicidal raids going back to the assassin cult.

Yet conveniently ignore the crusades, inquisition, witch hunts and cultural genocides caused by Christianity. The least you can do is be honest enough to admit that Christianity has its fair share of blood on its hands.

There is a massive media/ elites denial of these well demonstrated facts, and we will have to deal with this also.

The media is far from perfect, but I don’t see any denial of the dangers of radical Islam. What I see from them is an effort to distinguish the radical aspect from the vast majority of Muslims. Just as they distinguish the nut-jobs from the Westboro Baptist Church from the vast majority of Christians.

As for conspiracy theories, you have utterly distorted what I have noted, which is that we do not know enough to know what has actually happened, and a wide range of possibilities obtains.

I assume that this is in response to your link about the Quebec City terrorist attack. I’m sorry, but when someone posts a link to a completely unsubstantiated festering pile of conspiracy theories, what am I supposed to think? There is absolutely no evidence (zero, zip, nada) that their was any Islamic link to the act other than the fact that the victims were Muslim.

As just one test, kindly see if you can readily explain the significance of the occasion of which Sept 11 2001 is the 318th anniversary, less one day, and why this event is memorialised in a constellation in the sky.

And people claim to see images of the Virgin Mary in their toast, mashed potatoes and potatoe chips. This has more to do with what you want to see than with reality. But if you are suggesting that the event and date had significant meaning to the perpetrators of 911, you won’t get any argument from me. But why the 318 minus a day? Were there no planes scheduled to fly on September 12th?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,22:45   

SNIP. DD, you had your warning regarding trollish successive tangents, loaded strawmen etc. Please leave this thread and any other that I own. KF

PS: All the points you have raised can be more than adequately answered at any number of appropriate and readily venues but would derail this highly important topic. The insistence in teeth of warnings shows that derailment is your intent.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2017,23:51   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Feb. 15 2017,06:45)
SNIP. DD, you had your warning regarding trollish successive tangents, loaded strawmen etc. Please leave this thread and any other that I own. KF

PS: All the points you have raised can be more than adequately answered at any number of appropriate and readily venues but would derail this highly important topic. The insistence in teeth of warnings shows that derailment is your intent.

loaded strawmen? I'm guessing in teeth of warnings with cheap   Montserrat bush rum
I'll bet KF has never been to Mr. Mizer's bar in Salem.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2017,15:26   

In a possible first for Uncommon Descent, a commenter makes a 'joke':
kairosfocusFebruary 15, 2017 at 11:10 am

BA77, I could swear my HP 50 knows a lot of Math, and lets me in on the secret every now and then! KF

The next six (so far) comments firstly question whether this is a 'joke', confirm it, then discuss the fact that this strange new phenomenon has happened.
Those crazy clowns!
UD link

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2017,22:56   

PS, if you continue to address me improperly, I will seek to have you ‘deported’ from UD.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 16 2017,00:14   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Feb. 16 2017,06:56)
PS, if you continue to address me improperly, I will seek to have you ‘deported’ from UD.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 16 2017,14:27   

[ –> I will comment below on how you reacted to a good faith offer, which speaks volumes. and BTW, I had to close off comments in response to cyber-stalking and abusive commentary. KF]

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