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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 5, Return To Teh Dingbat Buffet< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2018,19:08   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 15 2018,18:07)
Quote (clamboy @ April 15 2018,17:43)
Quote (stevestory @ April 15 2018,12:37)
If "retired nuclear engineer so and so" turned out to be just a creationist with fake credentials, it wouldn't surprise me.

(Disclaimer: i have no idea who 'Regis Nicoll' is, nor do i give a shit.)

I know you don't give a shit, and neither should you, but apparently this schmuck was a health physicist for the TVA for 28 years, retiring in 2004. He's been a wingnut wordsmith for the past 10+ years. If one looks up Salvo magazine's partners in lies, it's a true rogues' gallery - also, the attack squirrel Casey Luskin is a "senior editor".

Attack gerbil.  Luskin was the DI's attack gerbil.

Please don't debase squirrels by associating then with asshat Luskin.   :)

Mea culpa, signore! Mea maxima culpa!

AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.

AVE MARIA, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2018,19:21   

:D  :D  :D


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,07:40   

Quote (stevestory @ April 11 2018,08:15)
Boy, they're full-blown global warming deniers over there, ain't they? No surprise. Global warming is basic chemistry. If we can't expect them to understand basic biology, basic chemistry is probly slightly harder, even.

CO2 ...  It's what plants crave.

"So I'm a pretty unusual guy and it's not stupidity that has gotten me where I am. It's brilliance."

"My brain is one of the very few independent thinking brains that you've ever met. And that's a thing of wonder to you and since you don't understand it you criticize it."

~Dave Hawkins~


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,08:11   

It's the Glacier Mutilator.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,08:13   

Recent Comments

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bornagain77 You go on, in 135, to try to defend panpsychism.... – Leyden and Teixeira: Political “Civil War”...

Some days, you go to UD, you see this, and you just walk away....


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,08:15   

uncommon_avlesApril 17, 2018 at 1:32 am
LOL ! Quantum confinement is a phenomenological model. Would you say converting multibody body problem to 2 body problem too is just ‘scientific labeling’ ?! Wonder what this ‘Nuclear Engineer’ did for 30 long years.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,08:43   

Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,09:13)
Some days, you go to UD . . . .

I think I've found the root cause of your issue.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,10:47   

Re "Global warming is basic chemistry."

Not just that. It also involves reflection of outgoing photons, which isn't quite as elementary as basic chemistry.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,11:27   

Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,11:47)
Re "Global warming is basic chemistry."

Not just that. It also involves reflection of outgoing photons, which isn't quite as elementary as basic chemistry.

There are all kinds of second order effects, but the primary process is

A) Carbon dioxide traps heat
B) We add 38 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere per year.

And records show the earth has gotten consistently hotter since we started that shit.

Which is the simple nut of the matter, but yeah, there are lots of other complications like the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, the albedo of clouds, geological events, changes in humidity and other gases, etc.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,12:48   

Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,11:27)
Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,11:47)
Re "Global warming is basic chemistry."

Not just that. It also involves reflection of outgoing photons, which isn't quite as elementary as basic chemistry.

There are all kinds of second order effects, but the primary process is

A) Carbon dioxide traps heat
B) We add 38 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere per year.

And records show the earth has gotten consistently hotter since we started that shit.

Which is the simple nut of the matter, but yeah, there are lots of other complications like the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, the albedo of clouds, geological events, changes in humidity and other gases, etc.

We just had a snow storm in April so global warming must be false.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,13:03   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 17 2018,13:48)
Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,11:27)
Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,11:47)
Re "Global warming is basic chemistry."

Not just that. It also involves reflection of outgoing photons, which isn't quite as elementary as basic chemistry.

There are all kinds of second order effects, but the primary process is

A) Carbon dioxide traps heat
B) We add 38 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere per year.

And records show the earth has gotten consistently hotter since we started that shit.

Which is the simple nut of the matter, but yeah, there are lots of other complications like the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, the albedo of clouds, geological events, changes in humidity and other gases, etc.

We just had a snow storm in April so global warming must be false.

I'll call all the chemistry journals and tell them to pack it in. Right after I call the biology journals and tell them to close up shop because a few poorly-educated creationists post stupidity on blogs.

They probably haven't even heard of Displacement!


Edited by stevestory on April 17 2018,14:05


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,13:30   

Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,13:03)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 17 2018,13:48)
Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,11:27)
Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,11:47)
Re "Global warming is basic chemistry."

Not just that. It also involves reflection of outgoing photons, which isn't quite as elementary as basic chemistry.

There are all kinds of second order effects, but the primary process is

A) Carbon dioxide traps heat
B) We add 38 billion tons of CO2 to the atmosphere per year.

And records show the earth has gotten consistently hotter since we started that shit.

Which is the simple nut of the matter, but yeah, there are lots of other complications like the absorption of CO2 by the oceans, the albedo of clouds, geological events, changes in humidity and other gases, etc.

We just had a snow storm in April so global warming must be false.

I'll call all the chemistry journals and tell them to pack it in. Right after I call the biology journals and tell them to close up shop because a few poorly-educated creationists post stupidity on blogs.

They probably haven't even heard of Displacement!


And they are probably not even aware that Frequency = Wavelength. Those idiots.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,14:17   

Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,12:03)
They probably haven't even heard of Displacement!


How about projection?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,15:25   

Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,12:17)
Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,12:03)
They probably haven't even heard of Displacement!


How about projection?

[insert projectile vomiting joke here]

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,16:09   

FourFaces April 17, 2018 at 12:56 pm
Delete FaceBook and join the better alternative: is open source, decentralized and not censored or spied on by the fascist left or anyone else.

those fascist leftist bastards!


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,16:10   

Quote (fnxtr @ April 17 2018,15:25)
Quote (Henry J @ April 17 2018,12:17)
Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,12:03)
They probably haven't even heard of Displacement!


How about projection?

[insert projectile vomiting joke here]

I could regurgitate something.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,17:44   

Allan Keith to Batshitcrazy77,
It is well known that those who are incapable of rational thought often resort to demeaning those that they disagree with to bolster their fragile egos. Thank you for being the poster boy for this malady.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,17:53   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 17 2018,15:44)
Allan Keith to Batshitcrazy77,  
It is well known that those who are incapable of rational thought often resort to demeaning those that they disagree with to bolster their fragile egos. Thank you for being the poster boy for this malady.

What really gives me the willies about batshit77 is he jumps from "atheists think people are worthless automata" to "atheists are worthless automata".  He's literally dehumanizing his adversaries.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,17:58   

Quote (JohnW @ April 17 2018,18:53)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 17 2018,15:44)
Allan Keith to Batshitcrazy77,  
It is well known that those who are incapable of rational thought often resort to demeaning those that they disagree with to bolster their fragile egos. Thank you for being the poster boy for this malady.

What really gives me the willies about batshit77 is he jumps from "atheists think people are worthless automata" to "atheists are worthless automata".  He's literally dehumanizing his adversaries.

He's super-dumb, too.

'I'm saying you're a non-person because if I assume the position of what I imagine your erroneous position is, you're a non-person.'

That makes no kind of sense whatsoever, demonstrates his ability to discard whatever principles he'd claim to support, and is clearly just a facile excuse for acting shitty to people who don't agree with him.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,18:04   

Quote (stevestory @ April 17 2018,17:58)
Quote (JohnW @ April 17 2018,18:53)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 17 2018,15:44)
Allan Keith to Batshitcrazy77,    
It is well known that those who are incapable of rational thought often resort to demeaning those that they disagree with to bolster their fragile egos. Thank you for being the poster boy for this malady.

What really gives me the willies about batshit77 is he jumps from "atheists think people are worthless automata" to "atheists are worthless automata".  He's literally dehumanizing his adversaries.

He's super-dumb, too.

'I'm saying you're a non-person because if I assume the position of what I imagine your erroneous position is, you're a non-person.'

That makes no kind of sense whatsoever, demonstrates his ability to discard whatever principles he'd claim to support, and is clearly just a facile excuse for acting shitty to people who don't agree with him.

It gets better.

Allan Keith:
I love irony. Here is BS77 denying atheists personhood because of their world view, and talking about the horrors of the Nazis denying personhood to Jews because of their world view. Do you ever think before you type? Do you ever think?


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2018,18:14   


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2018,18:23   

I notice the once-perennial Dionisio seems to have withdrawn from posting at UD. Anyone have any ideas as to what's become of him?

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2018,18:27   

Quote (Ptaylor @ April 18 2018,18:23)
I notice the once-perennial Dionisio seems to have withdrawn from posting at UD. Anyone have any ideas as to what's become of him?

Possibly a successful intervention. Let’s find out who was used and point them at Batshitcrazy77 and KairosFocus.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2018,20:32   

Who was used, or who got clobbered by who? (Or do I mean whom?)


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2018,08:45   

Three Things Biologists Rarely Know About Biology
April 18, 2018 Posted by johnnyb under Biology, Evolution
This thread is guaranteed to be Real Smart.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2018,11:08   

uncommon_avlesApril 19, 2018 at 9:04 am
Dear all who have responded to me, I find that the entire argument for ID is based on your personal incredulity . It isn’t difficult to attain complex system ‘bits’. Just look at how slime mold with no brains can take its own ‘decision’, navigate complex maze etc.
Nature Slime Mold
I think a lot of pseudo science has confused ID supporters.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2018,17:53   

Quote (stevestory @ April 20 2018,01:45)
Three Things Biologists Rarely Know About Biology
April 18, 2018 Posted by johnnyb under Biology, Evolution
This thread is guaranteed to be Real Smart.

Not content with knowing more about biology than biologists on that thread, they have also taken on the field of mental health. After BS77 makes a gratuitous smear at "Darwinists" Bob O'H challenges him:
ba77 – Brian Miller’s education is in physics, not psychiatry. I’m curious to know what psychiatric qualifications you have that make you feel competent to diagnose psychiatric conditions in others. Are you, for example, a member of the American Psychiatric Association?

The consensus reply (at least between BS, ET and groovamos so far) seems to be 'No, but...'
Too funny.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016

Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2018,18:23   

Quote (Ptaylor @ April 19 2018,17:53)
Quote (stevestory @ April 20 2018,01:45)
Three Things Biologists Rarely Know About Biology
April 18, 2018 Posted by johnnyb under Biology, Evolution
This thread is guaranteed to be Real Smart.

Not content with knowing more about biology than biologists on that thread, they have also taken on the field of mental health. After BS77 makes a gratuitous smear at "Darwinists" Bob O'H challenges him:
ba77 – Brian Miller’s education is in physics, not psychiatry. I’m curious to know what psychiatric qualifications you have that make you feel competent to diagnose psychiatric conditions in others. Are you, for example, a member of the American Psychiatric Association?

The consensus reply (at least between BS, ET and groovamos so far) seems to be 'No, but...'
Too funny.

They do have lots of experience interacting with psychiatric professionals.  Does that count?

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2018,16:35   

Allan Keith April 20, 2018 at 3:12 pm
[quite]This might explain BS77:

Six novel aspects of Christianity may be significant for the emergence of schizophrenia—an omniscient deity, a decontexualised self, ambiguous agency, a downplaying of immediate sensory data, and a scrutiny of the self and its reconstitution in conversion.


Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: April 23 2018,11:02   

Quote (Texas Teach @ April 19 2018,18:23)
Quote (Ptaylor @ April 19 2018,17:53)
Quote (stevestory @ April 20 2018,01:45)
Three Things Biologists Rarely Know About Biology
April 18, 2018 Posted by johnnyb under Biology, Evolution
This thread is guaranteed to be Real Smart.

Not content with knowing more about biology than biologists on that thread, they have also taken on the field of mental health. After BS77 makes a gratuitous smear at "Darwinists" Bob O'H challenges him:
ba77 – Brian Miller’s education is in physics, not psychiatry. I’m curious to know what psychiatric qualifications you have that make you feel competent to diagnose psychiatric conditions in others. Are you, for example, a member of the American Psychiatric Association?

The consensus reply (at least between BS, ET and groovamos so far) seems to be 'No, but...'
Too funny.

They do have lots of experience interacting with psychiatric professionals.  Does that count?

On reflection, I think this is crossing a line: whatever I think of ba77 & co, I don't think that mental illness should be a diagnosis. There is still a stigma around mental health, and comments like this only help to reinforce this.

*grumps away*

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

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