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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,08:53   

August 22, 2021 at 7:45 am
KF, generic do-gooddery isn’t going to solve anything. Not when you have the screeching Western academics throwing out emotions at the same time.

You continue to fail to make any kind of meaningful evaluation of the importance of the concepts of subjectivity and emotions.
your crazy nonsense does not focus on my crazy nonsense!


In other news, it’s fun to watch Joe try to lecture Bob about science, since Bob’s the one who’s the practicing scientist. It’s like an overweight fan at an NBA game shouting “GIANNIS DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY!”   :p  :p  :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,08:59   


PS: I suggest, starting with the self-evident, built in first duties of responsible reason, recognising that we are morally governed and that sound conscience is key. Mothers throwing their babies across a wire has a telling force, that is the last desperation of a mother in a fire, save my baby.

Oh shit. We’re hours away from getting Essay 50 on how self-evident it is that KF’s morality is The Truly Objective One.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,10:15   

That sounds kind of Stark!


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,11:51   

I’m looking forward to jpegs and mspaint images with arrows pointing between random things  :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,13:29   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,11:51)
I’m looking forward to jpegs and mspaint images with arrows pointing between random things  :p

Random things?  Not at all, they point between designed things.

The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,15:01   

Quote (rossum @ Aug. 22 2021,11:29)
Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,11:51)
I’m looking forward to jpegs and mspaint images with arrows pointing between random things  :p

Random things?  Not at all, they point between designed things.

Dollars to donuts KF was one of those geeky teenagers who stayed home making Important Posters with his Letraset™  while all the other kids were out enjoying the Montserrat sunshine.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,15:59   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,08:53)

In other news, it’s fun to watch Joe try to lecture Bob about science, since Bob’s the one who’s the practicing scientist. It’s like an overweight fan at an NBA game shouting “GIANNIS DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY!”   :p  :p  :p

What’s even more fun is watching closeted homosexual Joe’s moronic responses and quote mining of anyone who references him in a comment.
SteveStory is just another loser gossip. It couldn't support the claims of evolutionism or materialism if its life depended on it. Like all materialists and evolutionist they do NOT understand science. To try to attack me stevie writes:

In other news, it’s fun to watch Joe try to lecture Bob about science, since Bob’s the one who’s the practicing scientist.

And yet anyone who accepts that blind and mindless processes not only produced life but also its diversity don't know jack about science!

I don't care what Bob O'H allegedly practices. He has proven to be a dolt. He has proven to be a biased asshole. And he has proven that he cannot scientifically support the claims of the position he promotes.

SteveStory is the faggot who had to ban me from the swamp because I was exposing those evoTARDs for the ignorant cowards that they are.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,16:06   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Aug. 22 2021,16:59)
Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,08:53)

In other news, it’s fun to watch Joe try to lecture Bob about science, since Bob’s the one who’s the practicing scientist. It’s like an overweight fan at an NBA game shouting “GIANNIS DONT KNOW HOW TO PLAY!”   :p  :p  :p

What’s even more fun is watching closeted homosexual Joe’s moronic responses and quote mining of anyone who references him in a comment.
SteveStory is just another loser gossip. It couldn't support the claims of evolutionism or materialism if its life depended on it. Like all materialists and evolutionist they do NOT understand science. To try to attack me stevie writes:

In other news, it’s fun to watch Joe try to lecture Bob about science, since Bob’s the one who’s the practicing scientist.

And yet anyone who accepts that blind and mindless processes not only produced life but also its diversity don't know jack about science!

I don't care what Bob O'H allegedly practices. He has proven to be a dolt. He has proven to be a biased asshole. And he has proven that he cannot scientifically support the claims of the position he promotes.

SteveStory is the faggot who had to ban me from the swamp because I was exposing those evoTARDs for the ignorant cowards that they are.

LOL Wow, Joe’s the NBA fan who thinks he can do better than Giannis. That’s a special kinda intellect  :p  :p  :p

I wonder who’s published more in the last 12 months, Bob, or the entire ID movement in their own journal?

(I actually don’t know the answer, I haven’t seen Bob’s c.v. But I know that Bio-Craplexity has 1 paper in the last 12 mos, that I’m sure has never been cited, by anyone, ever, because it’s some non-scientist saying Boy that Flagellum sure looks designed, which is so 1996)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,16:08   

Bob, have you published anything in the last 12 months?


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 22 2021,17:19   

Hey Kevin Middlebrook check yer email

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,05:39   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,16:08)
Bob, have you published anything in the last 12 months?

Err, I think so. Nothing as exciting as a bacterial flagellum, though.

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,09:14   

Quote (Bob O'H @ Aug. 23 2021,06:39)
Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 22 2021,16:08)
Bob, have you published anything in the last 12 months?

Err, I think so. Nothing as exciting as a bacterial flagellum, though.

That link’s no help but it looks like 5 papers in 2020? If so you outpublished the entire ID movement last year. Congrats!



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,09:38   

It is “Guess the Author” day.
Very predictable. Now stevie the faggot says:

I wonder who’s published more in the last 12 months, Bob, or the entire ID movement in their own journal?

It is a given that Bob has never published any papers that support the claims of materialism nor evolutionism. No one has. So why is stevie such an ignorant piece of shit?

By the way, stevie, I am not a fan of the NBA. And your desperate false analogy just proves that you are a little infant coward. Nicely done.

Kevin chimes in with this lie:

What’s even more fun is watching closeted homosexual Joe’s moronic responses and quote mining of anyone who references him in a comment.
I didn't quote mine anyone, dipshit. Clearly Kevin doesn't know what a quote mine is.

Kevin projection is also duly noted. Kevin is a moron and closeted homosexual.

One thing is certain- neither Bob O'H, Stevie nor Kevin will ever ante up and debate me on science- ID vs evolutionism. That says it all, really.

Hint: it is the same person who claims that frequency = wavelength.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,10:20   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Aug. 23 2021,10:38)

He sure is obsessed with the gay stuff. Sorry Joe you’re not my type.  :p

(I can understand his anger, it’s pretty humiliating to be part of such an incompetent failure of a legal strategy. Just last night I was thinking about “cdesign proponentsists” and chuckling)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,10:22   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Aug. 23 2021,10:38)
Hint: it is the same person who claims that frequency = wavelength.

Remember “if CO2 trapped heat then why does it get cold at night?” That was a classic. Maybe my favorite. :p  :p  :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,10:24   

IDK how much Barry “there will be fewer than 60,000 deaths from Covid” Arrington pays for bandwidth but i might send him a thank you card.  :)  :D  :D  :)

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,10:31   

Re “if CO2 trapped heat then why does it get cold at night?”

Look at Venus.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,10:46   

Quote (Henry J @ Aug. 23 2021,11:31)
Look at Venus.

That’s just your dumb gay Fake Science. Real Science is a guy in Minnesota babbling 20,000 words a day about the Quantum Mechanics of the Shroud of Turin. A lawyer who thinks he obviously understands viral diseases better than Fauci, and a Caribbean loon ranting about Al Qaeda taking over the West. Those are the Real Scientists!  :p  :p  :p

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,12:05   

Oh, not really my science - I just read about the conditions there, from a safe distance.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,13:12   

August 23, 2021 at 9:51 am
Virtually all the world’s scientists and university science departments accept evolution. That makes them all bigots?

August 23, 2021 at 10:17 am

That makes them all bigots?

They have no basis for their beliefs. However, bigot is not the right word because they are all wrong. If they should make disparaging comments about those who hold different views, then bigot might be appropriate.

So what would the best word for this be?

Experts, Jerry. That’s what they’re called.

I’ve never understood how morons like this think. For example, I have no interest in Geology. Never have. I’ve only ever had one class that involved it, BioGeoChem, which I took as a fun elective the last year of my undergrad. Fun stuff about c3 plants vs c4 plants, and the Pee Dee River Basin, and stromatolites, and how we know Thomas Gold was wrong about oil formation and so forth. So it’s safe to say I know very little about the subject. I know for a fact that I would fail an undergrad Geology final exam. On a graduate level geology Final I wouldn’t even fail, I probably wouldn’t even understand half the questions. So if I found out that 99% of Geologists claimed that Plate Tectonics is real, and the San Andreas fault moves about 2 inches a year, and they published literally thousands of papers a year about how big this plate is and how fast that plate was moving etc I’d think OK. Whatever. If I didn’t understand how this Plate Tectonics business worked I would assume that there’s some complicated parts that I didn’t understand. Cuz a million PhD geologists know a HELL of a lot more about that subject than I do. And I’m aware of my ignorance on the subject. It would never occur to me to say, “Nope! Not True! Those Geologists are all in cahoots the world over and they’re pulling a fast one on us!” But that’s what Jerry’s doing. He doesn’t have any awareness of his ignorance on the subject. And if you pointed out his ignorance, he wouldn’t care. “Sure I don’t have all those so-called facts. But I don’t need them. I’ve got common sense.” So he’s not just ignorant, he is immune from knowledge. I’ll never understand people like that.

Edited by stevestory on Aug. 23 2021,14:16

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,13:50   

Yeah, "different views" applies to things like priorities or goals, not to things that can be studied using the relevant evidence and logic.


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,14:47   

The whole publications thing got me thinking about how ID research compares to other orgs. In its 12 year history, Bio-Craplexity has published 25 “papers”. I looked up my favorite UF professor down the road, whose famous tomato lab I got some mater seeds from. Nope. too many. Harry Klee has like 295 pubs. Keep looking. Finally, I found it. At my last alma mater, the undergrads published 27 papers in one recent year. In real journals.

That’s how bad ID is at sciencing. The undergrads at a school ranked ~50 in the nation do over ten times more research, while also going to school.  :p  :p  :p  :p

They need to snap ctrl, c, and v off BatShit’s keyboard and get him into a lab coat!

Edited by stevestory on Aug. 23 2021,15:49

Texas Teach

Posts: 2084
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,16:48   

Quote (Henry J @ Aug. 23 2021,10:31)
Re “if CO2 trapped heat then why does it get cold at night?”

Look at Venus.

What does a naked chick with no arms know about science?

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,17:07   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 23 2021,14:47)
The whole publications thing got me thinking about how ID research compares to other orgs. In its 12 year history, Bio-Craplexity has published 25 “papers”. I looked up my favorite UF professor down the road, whose famous tomato lab I got some mater seeds from. Nope. too many. Harry Klee has like 295 pubs. Keep looking. Finally, I found it. At my last alma mater, the undergrads published 27 papers in one recent year. In real journals.

That’s how bad ID is at sciencing. The undergrads at a school ranked ~50 in the nation do over ten times more research, while also going to school.  :p  :p  :p  :p

They need to snap ctrl, c, and v off BatShit’s keyboard and get him into a lab coat!

In its 12 year history, Bio-Craplexity has published 25 “papers”.

Most of them authored by the editors of the “journal”.
They need to snap ctrl, c, and v off BatShit’s keyboard and get him into a lab coat!

One with sleeves that tie up in the back.


Posts: 1180
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,18:09   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 24 2021,03:24)
IDK how much Barry “there will be fewer than 60,000 deaths from Covid” Arrington pays for bandwidth but i might send him a thank you card.  :)  :D  :D  :)

Minor point, but Barry was even more wrong than this at one point. In his train wreck of a post Insane Scaremongering on a Colossal Scale he wrote:
Liar. Predicting 200,000 deaths when the actual number will almost certainly be less than 5,000 is the definition of scaremongering.

And, yes, the context is covid-19 deaths in the USA.
UD link

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2021,18:19   

Quote (Texas Teach @ Aug. 23 2021,15:48)
Quote (Henry J @ Aug. 23 2021,10:31)
Re “if CO2 trapped heat then why does it get cold at night?”

Look at Venus.

What does a naked chick with no arms know about science?

The planet, not the Milo.  :p

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2021,11:01   

Planet Venus, i.e., the hot house / pressure cooker / blast furnace of the solar system.
(Not sure which of those metaphors is the best fit)


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2021,11:16   

Quote (Henry J @ Aug. 24 2021,11:01)
Planet Venus, i.e., the hot house / pressure cooker / blast furnace of the solar system.
(Not sure which of those metaphors is the best fit)

The CO2 molecules on Venus are obviously oriented in the right direction to reflect infra-red back to the planet.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2021,11:45   

So if those molecules were to get disoriented, the planet would cool off?  :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2021,14:54   

Quote (Henry J @ Aug. 24 2021,09:01)
Planet Venus, i.e., the hot house / pressure cooker / blast furnace of the solar system.
(Not sure which of those metaphors is the best fit)

Smelter? I hardly knew 'er!

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G

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