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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,09:07   

Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 24 2007,21:41)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 24 2007,10:37)
Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 24 2007,14:27)
I knew there was a reason it was so quiet and peaceful.

I wonder, is this a pathetic attmept at sarcasm or yet further evidence that Skeptic can't actually read?

Either way, it says little that is good about the tiresome excresence.


Just a statement of fact (you do know what is, don't you).  It has been quiet and peaceful.

Awwwwwwwww I'm sowwy. Did I come back and remind you that your flannelling about and not dealing with people's arguments does not constitute rational argumentation on your part and thus disturb the fragile peace that exists when no one challenges you to actually support the crap you spout?

You're breaking my heart, Sweetie. Now, before I become sarcastic is there any faint hope that you will, oh I don't know, pull your head directly out of your perfectly puckered posterior and actually present some form of argument/contribution that doesn't rely on:

a) bald assertion and reassertion of your original claims
b) straw man versions of other people's arguments
c) attempting to claim all is merely "opinion" because of your own demonstrable ignorance and because (shock horror) someone somewhere disagrees (no specifics yet we note)
d) whining that I am a big old meanie

Because Sweetie, for 26 pages of this crap that has been your entire contribution. Oh and don't let's mistake my frustration and annoyance for hostility (one of your favourite gambits btw), I'm annoyed at your flannelling not hostile to discussion. Incidentally, I see you are willing to play nicely with some of the other children in the playground, has it occured to you that we children mostly agree and that perhaps people would play nicer with you if you'd actually play by the rules instead of breaking down into snotty tears every time someone says something you don't like?

Any time you're ready to present an actual argument Skeptic, I'll be waiting. I won't be holding my breath however, I've long since given up hope that you are capable. Prove me wrong.



Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,09:59   

Louis old chap whilst you were cavorting amongst the isles padding about toting toddies and nursing a chronic hangover, you missed one of the biggest explosions of mind searing tard on this board I have been privy to since AFDave blew his choad.  Supersport made skeptic look like a mereological nihilist.  

Since you are back, check out 'challenge to evolutionists' or whatever.  skeptic, to his credit, said to supersport [paraphrase] jesus you are stupid, that is taking the cart before the horse cut off at the knees or something like that.[/] IOW there is a bound to skeptic's willingness to huff the mind/body tard and it is at first approximation limited by the sheer blithering stupidity of Supersport.  

carry on.  welcome back

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,10:36   

I see that I missed something of great tard import.

I'll check it out more thoroughly.


Look, I actually think that Skeptic isn't too bad and has the potential (at least) to be a very sensible and useful discussion participant. Don't tell him I said that, it would ruin our relationship.

However, he seems to be under some very odd impressions, not least of which is that he can assert anything he likes by fiat alone and demand it be treated as valid. I've made it more than abundantly clear on several occasions that IF people are going to engage in reasoned discourse or debate that they should AT LEAST do so honestly, with some modicum of intellectual rigour, and with no fear of being wrong (if indeed they are wrong at all). I find the stupid games Skeptic is playing in this thread to be anathema to reasoned discourse, and as such I am mercilessly mocking the silly sod. It's my sweet little way of letting people know that things aren't being dealt with. Of course I also take some trouble to point out what things aren't being dealt with, where and why. I get exceedingly annoyed that when I take the time to do this certain other people don't seem to think they are honour bound to reciprocate. Hence, abuse, mockery, and even (drum roll) sarcasm.


P.S. From the little I have read our chum Supersport was galloping for the UberTard Award 2007. He seems to have come and gone in a flash though, which surprises me.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,10:56   

Also, gems like this one from Skeptic reveal much of his mindset:

Also, SS, you really didn't expect to get an answer to your question here, did you?

As if Skeptic is some hard done by seeker for knowledge who has asked us questions we refuse to answer. Delusional fuckwittery on his part at its finest.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,12:12   

Louis, the truth is you tire me.  Not only are you frequently wrong in your extrapolations but you are rude and wrong.  I have better ways to apply my time then to deal with your immature whining.  You hit the nail on the head when you noted that I engage in civil conversations on this board.  But I don't really expect you to identify the common denominator in that analogy.  I'll give you a hint, go ask Lenny.  Not that I really expect anything different so carry on.

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,13:08   

so if you rephrase skeptic's question in context of 'what the fuck is an idiot like you doing in a place like this' then it becomes less erm how do you say perhaps 'revealing'.  

although skeptic i did wonder as well if you weren't saying ala vmartin 'these frustrated darwinist materialist from ATBC' or something similar.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,14:01   

I'm not sure which you are referring to, my comments to SS or to Louis?

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,14:57   

your comments to SS.  IIRC you thought his mind theory was bull shit too.

but 'you didn't really to get an answer here' could imply more than just that.  and i think that was louis' point.  

RB thing-think is the bottom line there.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,16:08   

I quickly came to the conclusion that he had no idea what he was talking about.  The only thing I was convinced of was that he could cut and paste.  As far as the first comment, I made that early on when I assumed he was actually interested in some kind of discussion.  Clearly, I was wrong.  But to my point, or alleged point, there tends to be much more emphasis on the individual here rather than the idea.  I find that unfortunate and distracting.  I know this forum is largely entertainment and real discussion is secondary but I do long for civil discourse sometimes.

There we go, I'm done with my "I have a dream..." moment.  :D


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,16:42   

Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 25 2007,18:12)
Louis, the truth is you tire me.  Not only are you frequently wrong in your extrapolations but you are rude and wrong.  I have better ways to apply my time then to deal with your immature whining.  You hit the nail on the head when you noted that I engage in civil conversations on this board.  But I don't really expect you to identify the common denominator in that analogy.  I'll give you a hint, go ask Lenny.  Not that I really expect anything different so carry on.

ME? Wrong?


Oh right. I remember. Not only won't you point out where but you've amply demonstrated time and again that you can't.

Rude. Yup. Guilty as charged. Hands held high, openly admitted to etc. Now tell me Skeptic, which is less conducive to rational discourse: my use of words like fuck and moron and total lack of ability to tolerate pseudointellectual clueless apologist poseurs like yourself, or your total lack of intellectual rigour and honesty, your constantly shifting goalposts, your inability to deal with an argument as it is stated, your tangential whining about rudeness etc....I could go on.

And get one thing straight: Lenny didn't even begin to deal with my arguments, and neither have you. Both of you have had to create straw men to bash, straw men I not only demonstrated were straw men after they appeared but in several cases predicted before you erected the. Until you or someone else does actually deal with my arguments as they are stated, they stand unrefuted. Saying they are wrong doesn't cut it. You can flannel about all you like sweetie, but you are fooling no one but yourself. Lenny ran away because he was incapable of admitting his errors. Nothing more. Kid yourself all you want.

Strange isn't it Skeptic that I also have perfectly civil conversations on and off this board with myriad people,many of whom I disagree with quite vehemently. Equally strange that you fail to find the common denominator in that and seek to foist your own lack of civility in debate onto me. What amuses me most Skeptic is that it is merely a matter of going back to the early posts in this thread to find you losing your pathetic little rag and whining about the evils and limitations of materialists, long before any rudeness came your way.

How about you remove the beam from your own eye you nauseating sub intellectual hypocrite, before you try to remove the mote from mine.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,16:45   

I know this forum is largely entertainment and real discussion is secondary but I do long for civil discourse sometimes

I call bullshit. If this was even remotely true Skeptic, you would:

a) justify your claims beyond merely asserting them. Something you have not done.

b) deal with people's arguments as they are stated and not via a series of irrelevant straw men. Something you also have not done.

Of course you could at any point go back, restate my arguments to my satisfaction and point out the errors (rather than asserting they exist with no basis). You won't do this. You CAN'T do this. But you will whine about it.

What a self-unaware ignoramus you truly are. You have my pity and my contempt.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,16:59   

I'm telling you skeptic, go to the desert (bring water) and ingest 300-500µ of lysergic acid diethylamide-25. Don't drive for a while (8-12hours) and resume this discussion. You might be surprised what an enlightened re-reading of your comments might do.

Of course, I am not a doctor and you should always consult a health care professional before taking any medication.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,18:42   

is "flanneling" a real word?


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,18:49   

Yep, It's right there in Louis' post.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,18:56   

lol, must be in the Oxford's.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,21:08   

Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,02:42)
is "flanneling" a real word?

It's whats done to boys in private schools in England as foreplay to buggery.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2007,21:10   

how graphic, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,02:04   

Quote (k.e @ Sep. 26 2007,03:08)
Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,02:42)
is "flanneling" a real word?

It's whats done to boys in private schools in England as foreplay to buggery.

No, no, no! What is done prior to buggery in British boarding schools is either:

a) Getting a B in Latin (Please Sir, can I have an A?)
b) Offending a prefect (Boy, behind the Fives courts 8pm.
c) Having a homosexual crush on another homosexual boy.

I thought I'd include c) just in case it ever happens.


flan·nel      /?flænl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[flan-l] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -neled, -nel·ing or (especially British), -nelled, -nel·ling.
–noun 1. a soft, slightly napped fabric of wool or wool and another fiber, used for trousers, jackets, shirts, etc.  
2. a soft, warm, light fabric of cotton or cotton and another fiber, thickly napped on one side and used for sleepwear, undergarments, sheets, etc.  
3. flannels, a. an outer garment, esp. trousers, made of flannel.  
b. woolen undergarments.  

4. British. a. a washcloth.  
b. Informal. nonsense; humbug; empty talk.  
c. Informal. flattery; insincere or overdone praise.  

–verb (used with object) 5. to cover or clothe with flannel.  
6. to rub with flannel.  

4b as a verb. It's a British colloquiallism. There is an implication that flannelling in the 4b sense contains some form of desperation. I.e. people flannel  when they are trying to cover their oown obvious inadequacies. Hence why I find the word peculiarly appropriate for Skeptic's antics on this thread.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,02:16   

Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,03:10)
how graphic, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry!

You and me both. I still can't fully conjugate the verb fero, ferre, tuli, latumwithout wincing.*

That aside, are you going to stop flannelling, telling me I'm rude, immature and whiny (with no basis for the last two), avoiding demonstrating/supporting your own claims with anything other than appeals to prejudice or simple assertion, actually deal with my arguments as they are stated instead of bashing straw men around, and demonstrate some tiny scintilla of intellectual honesty and ability? Any time soon? We're all waiting.


* I was never actually buggered at boarding school. My teachers were universally brilliant and uninterested in buggery, or at least uninterested in buggering me. Perhaps because I went to a boarding school from the age of 13 that had girls in it, perhaps because they didn't fancy me. The buggery at British boarding schools saw is a pervasive and inescapably funny urban myth. It's good for many bits of great comedy.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,02:54   

4a, b and c I rest my case.

Behind the fives court at *cough* 8PM???

That is just too much detail.

An urban myth as in hazing at Westpoint?

No foot tapping from an effete Maths Teacher? Almost too hard to believe.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,04:48   

Quote (k.e @ Sep. 26 2007,08:54)
No foot tapping from an effete Maths Teacher? Almost too hard to believe.

But but but my maths teacher had a wide stance!




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,09:48   

sorry, never took latin so that particular reference leaves me scratching my head otherwise I'll have to defer to your experience in these matters.   :D   Yes. yes, I know.  I just read that you were never actually violated.  It was a joke.  Had to get that out there before I was accused of something else.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,09:56   

Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,15:48)
sorry, never took latin so that particular reference leaves me scratching my head otherwise I'll have to defer to your experience in these matters.   :D   Yes. yes, I know.  I just read that you were never actually violated.  It was a joke.  Had to get that out there before I was accused of something else.

ferois the Latin verb "I bring, bear or carry" (ferre, tuli and latum are the infinitive [to bring etc], the first person future indicative active [I will bring etc] and the past participle [brought etc] IIRC [paging Arden Chatfield], respectively). It is probably the most irregular Latin verb and notoriously tricky for early students to conjugate correctly. Hence why what the Latin master did to me for failing to conjugate it was quite severe. Buggery would have been preferable
Hmmm. Perhaps not.

And I KNOW you are only joking about the buggery. Have no fear. Unlike you I don't assume hostility in people I disagree with no matter how frustrated/frustrating they might be with a specific discussion.




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,10:25   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 26 2007,17:56)
Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,15:48)
sorry, never took latin so that particular reference leaves me scratching my head otherwise I'll have to defer to your experience in these matters.   :D   Yes. yes, I know.  I just read that you were never actually violated.  It was a joke.  Had to get that out there before I was accused of something else.

ferois the Latin verb "I bring, bear or carry" (ferre, tuli and latum are the infinitive [to bring etc], the first person future indicative active [I will bring etc] and the past participle [brought etc] IIRC [paging Arden Chatfield], respectively). It is probably the most irregular Latin verb and notoriously tricky for early students to conjugate correctly. Hence why what the Latin master did to me for failing to conjugate it was quite severe. Buggery would have been preferable
Hmmm. Perhaps not.

And I KNOW you are only joking about the buggery. Have no fear. Unlike you I don't assume hostility in people I disagree with no matter how frustrated/frustrating they might be with a specific discussion.


How the hell do you remember all that? I studied latin for 2 years (40 years ago now...geez) and did reasonably well. One of my teachers was a rhodes scholar so I can't blame them.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,10:48   

Quote (k.e @ Sep. 26 2007,16:25)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 26 2007,17:56)
Quote (skeptic @ Sep. 26 2007,15:48)
sorry, never took latin so that particular reference leaves me scratching my head otherwise I'll have to defer to your experience in these matters.   :D   Yes. yes, I know.  I just read that you were never actually violated.  It was a joke.  Had to get that out there before I was accused of something else.

ferois the Latin verb "I bring, bear or carry" (ferre, tuli and latum are the infinitive [to bring etc], the first person future indicative active [I will bring etc] and the past participle [brought etc] IIRC [paging Arden Chatfield], respectively). It is probably the most irregular Latin verb and notoriously tricky for early students to conjugate correctly. Hence why what the Latin master did to me for failing to conjugate it was quite severe. Buggery would have been preferable
Hmmm. Perhaps not.

And I KNOW you are only joking about the buggery. Have no fear. Unlike you I don't assume hostility in people I disagree with no matter how frustrated/frustrating they might be with a specific discussion.


How the hell do you remember all that? I studied latin for 2 years (40 years ago now...geez) and did reasonably well. One of my teachers was a rhodes scholar so I can't blame them.

Ah, well I did Latin (and Ancient Greek) for 6 years and it was only 20 years ago. So three times the Latin at half the distance! I also got a fully funded scholarship to go to public school (that's big, expensive, posh, private boarding school in the UK. Complete with buggery, crazy rules about various things, funny uniforms/dress codes, insane teachers, antique buildings, 1850s attitudes and living conditions, Tom Brown's Schooldays, Jennings, Sanderson, side burns, the whole shebang) based on my 13 year old Classics.

Buggered if I can remember much of it now. Almost literally!




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2007,07:49   

I take it by the silence that Skeptic has ceased trying to defend the indefinsible his claims?

That or he is busy. Wherefore art thou Obliviot, Lord of the underservingly patronising aside?




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2007,07:55   

I also feel it necessary to confess to an addiction to LOLcats and ICHC. Hopefully this confession will go unnoticed.




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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2007,08:17   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 04 2007,15:55)
I also feel it necessary to confess to an addiction to LOLcats and ICHC. Hopefully this confession will go unnoticed.


u is mizzing a ? mark

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2007,19:13   

yep, pretty busy, in fact, I don't think I've posted anywhere in a few days.  Besides the obvious, I don't having any urge to listen to anymore of your crap so the silence suits me just fine.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 05 2007,03:39   

Quote (skeptic @ Oct. 05 2007,01:13)
yep, pretty busy, in fact, I don't think I've posted anywhere in a few days.  Besides the obvious, I don't having any urge to listen to anymore of your crap so the silence suits me just fine.

My crap? MY crap?? This from the "man" who asserts mind/brain dualism with no evidence. Who claims that "love" exists as a separate entity with no evidence (for example). Who insults people with comments about rational/material "love" being "hollow and swallow"?

Fuck me quite deftly Skeptic, like I said you are trully the master of the undeservingly patronising.

Face it, you have been once again exposed as a delusional little muppet with neither the ability nor honesty to defend any claim you make. What really amuses me is that I had nothing to do with it, you did it to yourself.

Bwaaahahahahahahahahahaha. Enjoy!



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