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Posts: 1902
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,08:23   

As a subtopic of the Uncommon Scent thread started by SteveStory and a little trend I've been noticing in opinion pieces on ID in various news sources.

Have you noticed that when IDiots mention Galileo in their commentaries, the commentary is typically more wingnutty than normal?

I think a compilation of good quotes is in order, along with some nice commentary pointing out the IDiocy of the point of the story. Or, if the comparison is accurate, then you could point out why.

I'll go first:

The revolution of the sun and planets around the Earth was not an assumption, declared the pope of the day, but a well-established fact, and these dangerous meddlers were popularizing their nonsensical views among students, teachers, parents, administrators and policymakers. Galileo was compelled to recant his dangerous claims, and a little later died in comfortable retirement. (He was never persecuted, tortured and otherwise physically coerced, however, as later mythology would claim.)

Fast forward now to the late 20th and early 21st centuries. For more than 100 years the priests of our day, meaning the scientists, have cherished as incontrovertible fact the thesis that all the species of nature, man included, came about by accident. By an astonishing coincidence, the single cell appeared; by millions of further accidents, the cell evolved over countless generations into ourselves and what we see around us....

A government spokeswoman begged, very tentatively, to differ. There are phenomena, she said, "that may not be easily explained by current theories of evolution." After all, the scientific understanding of life "is not static. There's an evolution in the theory of evolution."

You wonder if this notably intrepid woman will go down in history. Like Galileo.

You notice how he calls scientists the "Priests"? DEo you think that the real priests might take some offense to that?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,09:33   

However, let us not lose sight of the fact that a scientific theory that requires a judge to enforce its teaching cannot be said to be in good INTELLECTUAL health. By proclaiming it illegal to “disparage or denigrate” neo-Darwinism, Judge Jones adopted the principle of the Inquisition, and in so doing rendered both himself and that state-enforced theory ridiculous. Taking a longer view, I think Dover will come eventually to be be seen as a moral victory, in the same way that Galileo’s condemnation is now viewed as a moral victory.

No scientist should ever be so committed to an ideology, whether that ideology is religious or philosophical in nature, that it blinds him to possible interpretations of scientific data. That happened in Galileo’s time and it is happening today whenever people close their eyes and plug their ears to design inferences in biology.

What I find hilarious about these analogies is that they don't realise that their ideas are the equivalent of saying Galileo was wrong. They might as well compare themselves to Darwin.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2006,16:30   

Re "What I find hilarious about these analogies is that they don't realise that their ideas are the equivalent of saying Galileo was wrong."

Hey, that sounds like you're trying to confuse the issue with facts. ;)


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