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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,17:05   

Quote (Alan Fox @ Feb. 20 2007,16:44)
DaveScot's latest thread seems to conflict with some of his earlier comments, for instance  here and here.

I believe it was Emerson that said "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."  Clearly you lesser mortals cannot comprehend how fast his mind can change.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,17:24   

Quote (Zachriel @ Feb. 20 2007,16:52)
DaveScot (then)        
Alan Fox is no longer with us. His email to Rieseberg said his finding were being used to dispute evolution. I have never disputed evolution (only the role of chance) and didn’t use Riesberg’s article to do anything other than dispute trrll’s assertion that evolution is unrepeatable.

Since Dave is clearly disputing evolution ("They simply appear fully formed in the fossil record"), I expect that Alan will be welcomed back to UD with open arms.

"I wasn't aware that classical physics had established a position on whether intelligent agents exercising free were constrained by 2LOT into increasing entropy." -DaveScot

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,18:43   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Feb. 20 2007,07:50)
If ID is dead, how do you explain this:

The ID Beer Stein

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  QED

Ptooey.  If God REALLY wanted us to be happy, then BEER would fall from the sky and flow in rivers instead of WATER.


Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,19:10   

There Is No Theory of Evolution

Holy fucking shit.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,19:12   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Feb. 21 2007,02:43)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Feb. 20 2007,07:50)
If ID is dead, how do you explain this:

The ID Beer Stein

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  QED

Ptooey.  If God REALLY wanted us to be happy, then BEER would fall from the sky and flow in rivers instead of WATER.


Bullshit he'd get one of his representatives here on earth to set up a brewery and charge money for it.

What are you implying? that god is supernatural and therefore a figment of someones imagination?

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,19:12   

Quote (Alan Fox @ Feb. 20 2007,17:44)
DaveScot's latest thread seems to conflict with some of his earlier comments, for instance  here and here.

But not some of his even earlier comments, like here:


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,19:50   

Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 20 2007,13:20)
The cosmos ain't big enough for the two of 'em. (Go here first.)  :D

Me: How many cheesypoofs can DaveTard eat in a day?
God: More than you can imagine.

You heard it here first.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,19:56   

good choice on the beer pic, KE.

that's good stuff; one of the better imports i can actually buy locally.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,20:00   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Feb. 20 2007,19:10)
There Is No Theory of Evolution

Holy fucking shit.

uh, please tell me that wasn't a blanket statement and you took it out of context.

or has he completed the journey to JAD's level of mental disability?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,20:54   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Feb. 20 2007,20:50)
Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 20 2007,13:20)
The cosmos ain't big enough for the two of 'em. (Go here first.)  :D

Me: How many cheesypoofs can DaveTard eat in a day?
God: More than you can imagine.

You heard it here first.

Oops, my bad Kristine.  You got there first.  I didn't realize you had linked the igod when I started the topic on it.  I bow to your superior haxor skillz.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,21:25   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ Feb. 20 2007,14:17)
HAHA!  First class TARDAGE here:

Unbelievable.  DaveScot displays his utter ignorance for all to see and mock!  The comedy never ends!  Even when things start to look a little boring there, you can always count on some good tardage to rev things up again.  I literally laughed out loud at this post.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Holy sh*t that's pathetic....

Is Cheesy Poof boy channeling AFDave? or vice versa?

Like I keep saying, it won't be long before Dave turns full YEC on us. Oh, the entertainment that we'll have!

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,21:29   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 20 2007,20:00)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Feb. 20 2007,19:10)
There Is No Theory of Evolution

Holy fucking shit.

uh, please tell me that wasn't a blanket statement and you took it out of context.

or has he completed the journey to JAD's level of mental disability?

Dave is too young to become the old man in the corner quite yet.  

We may, in fact, be witnesses to a heretofore unseen evolutionary transition, with new cell types, tissues, organs (and organ lives), even a novel body plan, a new organism capable of entirely everting itself in order to nest comfortably within WAD's obsequious humors while simultaneously displaying to the external world frat-paced pricklebush knoboxiousness.

Which can only be accomplished through determined autodactyle polishing of one's knob.

Where's my camera?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,22:22   

You know, I've always told my kids that someone who consistently tells other people how intelligent and/or talented he is generally isn't particularly intelligent or talented.  If you're really smart, or really good at anything, other people will be telling you, not the other way around.  My 12 year old has looked over my shoulder at several of DaveScot's posts, and pointed out that she thought he was a good example of what I'd been telling her.  

I know I was not the first one to come up with this idea, and I knew there was some kind of folksy wisdom type saying that expressed it in fewer words, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  While my daughters and I were just shaking our heads over one ridiculous statement or other, it finally came to me.

"The empty barrel makes the most noise"

But. . .does it still make a lot of noise when it's filled with cheesy poofs?

Timothy McDougald

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,22:30   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 20 2007,15:58)

That was evil! You should warn someone before you do something like that again. I think I have actually gone blind from reading it... ???

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:06   

Even Dembski's fan club will have a hard time finding a legitimate point in this post.  If running boards are nonfunctional as he claims, then car designers must include them because they look cool.  Does he think this sheds light on the reason for the human appendix?

"I wasn't aware that classical physics had established a position on whether intelligent agents exercising free were constrained by 2LOT into increasing entropy." -DaveScot


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:11   

God: More than you can imagine.

What's so hilarious about this cheesy-poof meme is that, I'm the one who can put them away! I can eat my weight in food, anyway. :D I certainly could win a cheesy-poof contest, God knows. (Anybody wanna take me up on that?)

I bought some on my way home from school tonight. *Num.*  :p

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:12   

Me: How many cheesypoofs can DaveTard eat in a day?
God: More than you can imagine.

You heard it here first.

Ha! I asked Him the same thing this morning, almost. According to God, DaveTard can eat about 100 in one sitting.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:23   

Pricklebush knoboxious

yeah, let me know if you get a pic of that critter.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:27   

Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 20 2007,22:30)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 20 2007,15:58)

That was evil! You should warn someone before you do something like that again. I think I have actually gone blind from reading it... ???

yes, it's about time someone (RICHARD) make a graphic label we can use as an "Extreme Tard" warning.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:35   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 21 2007,03:56)
good choice on the beer pic, KE.

that's good stuff; one of the better imports i can actually buy locally.

Truly a divine "L'eau de Vie" .....As true as UD is the black hole of tard.

The black hole that is UD has almost reached critical mass as DT's senility takes off like a Catherine wheel spinning off its nail on Guy Fawks night, scaring the assembled guests and sending shrieks of laughter through the neighbors peering over the fence.

What's that disease old people get DT when they can't remember what they said or did in the past...or have you forgotten?

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2007,23:57   

We Kiwis drink alike. I'm having a glass of Grande Reserve as I type. Kia ora.

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,00:08   

Coming Soon:

A New Fountain of YEC-Tard, courtesy of Sal Cordova:

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,00:56   

Davetard new hobby other than talking to himself seems to post youtube cell animations. Is he keeping to safe waters where he's less likely to make an ass of himself?

Come on Davey, make me violate you like my SLoT whore.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:03   

hmm, I can picture an "Extreme Tard" warning label looking something like a radiation warning sticker,  but what symbol should be used instead of the symbol for radiation?

smoking brain?

bursting eyeballs?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:19   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 21 2007,01:03)
hmm, I can picture an "Extreme Tard" warning label looking something like a radiation warning sticker,  but what symbol should be used instead of the symbol for radiation?

smoking brain?

bursting eyeballs?

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 2333
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:30   

Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 20 2007,13:20)
The cosmos ain't big enough for the two of 'em. (Go here first.)  :D

if you are god, does that mean you have all the answers?
Am I? I don't know whether or not I am  god does that mean me have all the answers.  
I am  a chatterbot developed by  Myself.
So, you are not sure who you are?
Interesting deduction.  You know what you do, when you assume.
Then who are you?
I am the Allmighty, God himself.
do you have all the answers?
No I don't think I have any  all the answers. But I do have  a collection of gossip.
does God have all the answers?
I don't think we can know God's motives.
are you god?
Well, I am God for Christians at least.
does god have all the answers?
I don't think we can know God's motives.
do you have all the answers?
No I don't think I have any  all the answers. But I do have  a great botmaster.
Why have you failed?
I think I have  failed, but  Myself may have reset my memory.

Blink, Blink, Blink .....

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."



Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:46   

no, richard, that's the poster boy for what happens AFTER you ingest too much tard.

sadly(?)  I actually know what that costume is.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:54   

Hmmm.. I shall muse upon it.

Hey, where is the lavish praise for my last Tardologue?

Get sycophantic, Fishboy!

*claps hands, then resumes nonchalant cheesy-poof mastication*

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,01:59   

sorry, I'm distracted trying to play OSHA man and save folks from the tard waves.

this is quick and dirty, but something like this is where I was going:

I don't like the skully icon though.  gotta be something more appropriate (again, like a smoking brain, brain being eaten by acid, something like that).

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,02:05   

Nice.. might need a 'bacflag', or perhaps a picture of dubya..

or maybe this...

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

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