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  Topic: The "I Believe In God" Thread, You may know him from "Panda's Thumb"...< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,10:11   

[quote=Doc Bill,Jan. 06 2011,15:27][/quote]
Now, that's a great idea!

Hey, IBIG, tell me how I can get a succubus.  Tall and blonde if you don't mind.


Try here.

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


Posts: 1431
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,10:42   

[quote=IBelieveInGod,Jan. 07 2011,07:33][/quote]
Quote (Robin @ Jan. 06 2011,13:38)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 06 2011,10:56)

Did you read the link that I posted?

I read the error-filled link. The problem is, once again you aren't paying attention. Neither Mao Zadong nor Stalin killed in the name of atheism. Hitler, OTOH, actually killed in the name of Christianity.  D'Souza, once again, just demonstrates his ignorance.

Let's see, so if you kill groups of people for practicing their religion, then that is not killing in the name of Atheism? If a country prohibits the practice of any religion and kills any who do so, that is not killing in the name of Atheism?

Who are you referring to? Stalin's regime killed an unprecedented number of people, many of them atheists, so clearly he wasn't killing in the name of atheism. He was just a sociopath. Ditto for Mao. Yet Hitler was motivated by his twisting of Catholicism, which is still killing in the name of Christianity.

Next thing you will be supporting Mahmoud Ahmadinejad statement that the Holocaust never happen!!! such is actually supported by the evidence. Your claims about killing in the name of atheism, however, are not.

You folks don't like history, and the fact that Atheist country do kill in the name of Atheism to create their not religious utopia, so you just revise it. You have to admit that people of faith in the USSR had to practice their religion in secrecy or be severely punished, it is still the same in China and many other Atheistic countries today.

I love history! I just like actual history that know...supported by actual historic evidence and scholarly analysis. Claims of opinion made by people who wish to see something that isn't there, however, don't much attract my attention.

Atheists like many here seem to think like John Lennon, that the answer to a utopia is no religion, therefore if it really came down to it many probably would have no qualms with doing whatever is necessary to stop people from practicing their faith, so that utopia would be possible.

Blah blah blahblblah...yawn.

The Soviet Union was the first state to have as an ideological objective the elimination of religion.

Toward that end, the Communist regime confiscated church property, ridiculed religion, harassed believers, and propagated atheism in the schools. Actions toward particular religions, however, were determined by State interests, and most organized religions were never outlawed. It is estimated that 21 million Russian Orthodox Christians were martyred in the gulags by the Soviet government, not including torture or other Christian denominations killed.[63][unreliable source?]
Some actions against Orthodox priests and believers along with execution included torture being sent to prison camps, labour camps or mental hospitals.[44][64] The result of this militant atheism was to transform the Church into a persecuted and martyred Church. In the first five years after the Bolshevik revolution, 28 bishops and 1,200 priests were executed.[65]

Christ the Savior Cathedral Moscow after reconstruction
The main target of the anti-religious campaign in the 1920s and 1930s was the Russian Orthodox Church, which had the largest number of faithful. A very large segment of its clergy, and many of its believers, were shot or sent to labor camps. Theological schools were closed, and church publications were prohibited. In the period between 1927 and 1940, the number of Orthodox Churches in the Russian Republic fell from 29,584 to less than 500. Between 1917 and 1940, 130,000 Orthodox priests were arrested. The widespread persecution and internecine disputes within the church hierarchy lead to the seat of Patriarch of Moscow being vacant from 1925-1943. a political strategy. By removing the "opiate of the masses", Stalin thought he could get people's need for such institutions to focus instead on the State. It partially worked too.

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,10:46   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 07 2011,08:53)
Hey, IBIG,

You still haven't answered the question: Are those other 37,999 Christian religions all wrong?  Which Bible do you use and why?  Have you read any other Bible?

Now, let's see... so let's see if I understand your argument correctly... which of these is true...

1) Christians kill others (even after "Thou shalt not kill", "turn the other cheek", "Do unto others...", and the "peace of God")

2) Atheists kill others

3) Other religions kill others

4) It's OK that Christians have killed others because atheists have too.

5) There is not a higher standard for Christians that for non-Christians.  (Or, if you prefer, Christians don't have to live up to Christ's standards, they'll be forgiven after all.)

What's very interesting, IBIG, is you have totally destroyed your previous argument that there is a universal morality.  LOL


As far as the Communist removal of religion.  I would disagree that it was based on atheism.  I would be perfectly willing to argue that Stalin wanted to get rid of religion for the sole purpose of cementing his control over the people.  His thoughts were that religion was 'another master' and that he would not be able to control people that also had religion (which, indeed, was true).

Again, I don't think it was a case of killing people solely because they were religious, but because they refused to denounce their religion in the name of the state... much like Christians in Rome were killed because they refused to recognize the god-hood of the emperor.

But to IBIG, they're the same thing.  By denying the Christian God and worshipping others, the Romans were atheists (even if they called the Christians the same thing - does that make the Christians who killed the Jews and Romans in their persecutions when they came to power "atheists" in IBIGs count?).  

Stalin basically had his own "religion" - an authoritarian religion-like ideology with himself as the god figure.  If we framed the argument as authoritarian ideology vs rationality/freethinking (or even just atheism as a subset of the latter), there would be no contest.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:00   

[quote=IBelieveInGod,Jan. 07 2011,08:28][/quote]
My logic? It was stated here that no country killed in the name of Atheism! I just proved that point wrong, and if you want I could continue on to more Atheist countries that have killed in the name of Atheism.

You aren't using logic, IBIGGY - you're making claims out of your ass. Once again for your learning impairment, killing of people of a given religion doesn't make the killer an atheist. Indeed, Muslims and Jews have killed people for being Christian, so your "logic" fails.

And since Stalin actually wrote down why he implemented those policies, we don't have to guess. Such was a political power strategy, not one out of a desire for atheism.

"Stalin followed the position adopted by Lenin that religion was an opiate that needed to be removed in order to construct the ideal communist society. To this end, his government promoted atheism through special atheistic education in schools, massive amounts of anti-religious propaganda, the antireligious work of public institutions (especially the Society of the Godless), discriminatory laws, and also a terror campaign against religious believers. By the late 1930s it had become dangerous to be publicly associated with religion.[84]"

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:15   

For fuck's sake, what's a guy gotta do to get a religious lunatic to lay the demonic influences speil on him. Make with the Satan , god boy.

Now! Chop chop!



MadPanda, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:20   

You want Biggy to start blabbing about his imaginary friend's best frenemy forever?  I can't even get the wet facial tissue to tell me how his headaches are going so that I can tell Igor how to adjust the gain on the transmitter.

He spouts off when he would be better served by shutting up, and runs away and hides when we want him to be open and honest with us (for the sake of posterity, of course).  This explains much.

The MadPanda, FCD

"No matter how ridiculous the internet tough guy, a thorough mocking is more effective than a swift kick to the gentleman vegetables with a hobnailed boot" --Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:21   

Louis, I maintain that IBIG's entire history of posting is (if they exist) demonically influenced.

IBIG can't show otherwise.  He can't show how to tell the difference between the influence of God, Satan, the subconcious, or time-travelling, telepathic alien cell-biologists.

Considering the massive damage he has inflected on one of the 38,000 Christian sects... it must be demonic influence.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:53   

Quote (Louis @ Jan. 07 2011,09:15)
For fuck's sake, what's a guy gotta do to get a religious lunatic to lay the demonic influences speil on him. Make with the Satan , god boy.

Now! Chop chop!


I agree, Louis.  Given that IBIG thinks the Taliban are atheists, he's clearly too fucking stupid for a discussion on anything consequential.

Bring on Teh Devil!

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

MadPanda, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,11:54   

Au contraire, O Cybertank.  Biggy does damage to all 38, 000 sects by association.  :p

Okay, 37,999 of them.  Catholicism has its own set of PR issues right now, and his blather doesn't touch on them in any meaningful way (except for that No True Scotsman thing).

Given that his imaginary friend's best frenemy is supposed to have the better PR department, what with all the temptations and legions of succubi and so on, I would imagine that if Biggy were truly being influenced by the infernal he'd be doing a much better, smoother, more convincing job of slapping lipstick on his warthog.  Unfortunately, the results mean that either a) the assumption about better PR is wrong or b) Biggy's not being manipulated by the Department for Infernal Affairs.  (If there's an unfairly excluded middle here, I'm sure someone will be along to make apologies for it shortly.)

Biggy reduces nicely to plain ol' delusion, stupidity, willful ignorance, and the mind-rotting influence of an ideology that is nicely success-safe and reality-impaired.

Tantum religio potuit suadare malorum.

The MadPanda, FCD

"No matter how ridiculous the internet tough guy, a thorough mocking is more effective than a swift kick to the gentleman vegetables with a hobnailed boot" --Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,12:04   

Quote (JohnW @ Jan. 07 2011,17:53)
Quote (Louis @ Jan. 07 2011,09:15)
For fuck's sake, what's a guy gotta do to get a religious lunatic to lay the demonic influences speil on him. Make with the Satan , god boy.

Now! Chop chop!


I agree, Louis.  Given that IBIG thinks the Taliban are atheists, he's clearly too fucking stupid for a discussion on anything consequential.

Bring on Teh Devil!

FINALLY! Someone who gets it!

Look, this guy is a time wasting muppet of the first rank. And I do mean rank. Trading bible quotes with him is junior level TARD mocking. Let's get to the Executive Coffee Table Strength TARD. That stuff is Teh Funneh.

Ogre's right btw, everything Biggie does is the work of Satan. I know it is the case because Teh Baybee Cheeziz told me so. So tell us about demonic influences IBIG. I'm putting money on the fact that sex is involved. Hell, it's an outside bet that Harry Potter is involved.

Hurry up IBIG or I'll get bored...well more bored.




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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,12:07   

Well, I can't argue the first bit... or the second bit.

But the latter, I mean, sure IBIG could claim to be a Christian, then sacrifice and eat small animals and young children on national TV, but even the dumbest person could see that he was... ummm... pushing the limit of modern Christian culture.

No, I think it's more nefarious than that, subtle even.  

Of course, I remain open to logical discussion (sorry IBIG) and further evidence (again, sorry IBIG).  And I freely admit that my hypothesis could use additional evidence and some refinement.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

Doc Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,14:39   

Is it too much to ask, IBIG, for a little help?  Do I need to beg?

I moved my bed to the center of the room and circumcised a pent-o-gram around it, chased down two Viagra with a Red Bull and waited for my tall, blonde succubus to "come."

Do you know how hard it is to wait, IBIG?  Like Christmas hard when I prayed for Santa to bring me a big bat.

Get with the program, IBIG.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,14:50   

Tell you what IBIG, I'll sell you my soul.  Then you can do what you want with it, send it to God, send it to hell, wrap it in plastic and put it in the freezer, play dressup with it, I don't care.

Say $10,000?  I'm easy and cheap (according to the missus).

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 45
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,17:25   

Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 07 2011,07:12)
Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 06 2011,18:13)

You said, "Okay let’s see you create non-living matter from nothing, and then let’s see you create life from that non-living matter, and then I will talk with you:):):) If it is so easy for life to have come about from non-living matter without the intervention of a Creator, then it should be so much easier for science to CREATE life in a lab:):):) And I’m supposed to be delusional?"

How come the US government has granted a patent for ABIOGENESIS?

So talk to me. I've just shown you what you said can't be done.

I've never found where the US Government actually granted such a patent for abiogenesis, but even if it were true, why do you think it somehow proves abiogenesis actually occurred?

Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible!

Dear IBIG,

Thank you very much for your response.

You need to look harder. The USPTO maintains a website. Find it and search on "creation of primordial life". That's abiogenesis, no?

It is true. It does exits. Go and read it.

Why would the US government, your government, grant a patent for something "impossible", as you say?

The USPTO won't grant patents for 'perpetual motion', nor for 'cold fusion', because they don't exist.

America is the greatest stronghold of innovation in the world. Other countries, not all friendly to us, record and analyze every US patent published.

You can be certain that foreign governments, that want to kill you and me, are using whatever they can divine from that patent to formulate weapons against us.

You can also be certain that pharmaceutical companies around the world are combing that patent for information so then can catch-up with the true authors and the company behind it.

So please, read the patent. And remember that companies threatened by competition will reveal just enough to patent something, but not so much as to give away everything their competitors need to know.

Thank you very much.

ABIOGENESIS (patented) is real! Deal with it.


Posts: 411
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,17:50   

Quote (mrobotsm6 @ Jan. 07 2011,17:23)
now we are going to bury you...

And the lesson from all of this? DOUBLE!

So, DogWarrior

....when you come out here every day...and see we have all not been smitted (sp?) because you mythical sky fairy was to busy flooding the islands of helpless, innocent women and children (men aren't innocent)...

..Doesn't it just piss the BaJeebus out of you!...I know!...Dog Damn!...what's up with that!

- Born right the first time.
- Asking questions is NOT the same as providing answers.
- It's all fun and games until the flying monkeys show up!


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,18:10   


Double scotch?

Double Up (my BlackJack Bet)?

Doublemint Twins (yum)?

I actually don't drink scotch so, a double hot chocolate... Thanks, I think I will.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 411
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,18:19   

Dibs on the Twins!!!

mmmmm....I think that's actually the first time I've ever said that out loud.....

- Born right the first time.
- Asking questions is NOT the same as providing answers.
- It's all fun and games until the flying monkeys show up!


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,22:07   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 07 2011,18:10)

Double scotch?

Double Up (my BlackJack Bet)?

Doublemint Twins (yum)?

I actually don't drink scotch so, a double hot chocolate... Thanks, I think I will.

Maybe he's (trying and failing miserably to) imitate Team Rocket's catch-rant?


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,23:07   

Quote (phhht @ Jan. 07 2011,08:17)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 07 2011,07:12)
Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible!


Once there was no life.  Now there is life. Therefore abiogenesis is not only possible, it has demonstrably occurred.

As usual, your contention is confused and your explication off the target.

I understand you to mean that abiogenesis could not occur without the
intervention of a magical power.  Is that more correct?


Evidently IBIG is very busy, or at the least very hard to get a hold of.

I do not presume to put words into IBIG's mouth, but from having read almost the entire BW I think I can guess what IBIG would say.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 07 2011,23:15   

Quote (phhht @ Jan. 07 2011,08:17)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 07 2011,07:12)
Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible!


Once there was no life.  Now there is life. Therefore abiogenesis is not only possible, it has demonstrably occurred.

As usual, your contention is confused and your explication off the target.

I understand you to mean that abiogenesis could not occur without the
intervention of a magical power.  Is that more correct?


Evidently IBIG is very busy, or at the least very hard to get a hold of (or it's just hard to get his attention).

I do not presume to put words into IBIG's mouth, but from having read almost the entire BW I think I can guess what IBIG would say.

I think IBIG would say that life on Earth didn't come from non-life but from God, who is alive. Thus life on Earth came from Life. And God has always been alive.

That position may not be acceptable to you and me, but I think that is IBIG's conviction.

Perhaps IBIG himself would like to clarify?


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,00:10   

Quote (prong_hunter @ Jan. 07 2011,23:15)
Quote (phhht @ Jan. 07 2011,08:17)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 07 2011,07:12)
Abiogenesis isn't just improbable, I believe it is impossible!


Once there was no life.  Now there is life. Therefore abiogenesis is not only possible, it has demonstrably occurred.

As usual, your contention is confused and your explication off the target.

I understand you to mean that abiogenesis could not occur without the
intervention of a magical power.  Is that more correct?


Evidently IBIG is very busy, or at the least very hard to get a hold of (or it's just hard to get his attention).

I do not presume to put words into IBIG's mouth, but from having read almost the entire BW I think I can guess what IBIG would say.

I think IBIG would say that life on Earth didn't come from non-life but from God, who is alive. Thus life on Earth came from Life. And God has always been alive.

That position may not be acceptable to you and me, but I think that is IBIG's conviction.

Perhaps IBIG himself would like to clarify?

We don't have to worry about whether or not we're going to put words into IBelieve's mouth, as he's going to accuse us of doing so even when we don't.

And I really doubt he will bother to, or is capable of clarifying.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,08:33   

Quote (Stanton @ Jan. 07 2011,07:51)
You have to be an idiot to say that suppressing and oppressing other people because their religion offends you makes you an atheist.

You have ignored the very fact that the primary reason why Hitler was able convince so many people to help him commit genocide against the Jews was because there was a centuries old tradition of Anti-Semitism in place in German culture thanks directly due to the anti-Semitic rantings of Martin Luther, founder of Protestantism.

According to your inane logic, Martin Luther, and all Protestant Christians, and their offshoots, are all atheists.

Furthermore, we keep telling you that the Holocaust was perpetrated by Christians, not atheists.  For you to accuse us of agreeing with the Holocaust denial rhetoric of that moronic bigot of a puppet ruler of Iran is the depths of hypocrisy, what with you always screeching about we're allegedly putting words into your mouth.

And then there is the fact that Communist regimes suppress religion because the ruling elite establish cults of personality for their rulers, and see other religions as competition.

The point is that Atheist regimes do, and have killed millions in an attempt to repress religion and/or eliminate it altogether. Stalin killed approx. 21 million Christians alone and most of those just because they were practicing their faith. Mao killed 49 to 78 million innocent people just because of their religion.

Without a belief in God, the value of human life is just a manmade concept. Without God right and wrong is just a matter of opinion, because there would be no real standard for judging right or wrong, it would just be a matter of opinion, or a standard set forth by the leaders of any particular country.

I do not know of a single Atheist regime that didn't persecute and kill people who practiced the religious faith.

I never said that killing people, because of their religion makes one an Atheist. My point is that Atheist leaders/regimes have killed to repress and/or eliminate religion altogether in the countries a very different point.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,08:50   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 07 2011,08:53)
Hey, IBIG,

You still haven't answered the question: Are those other 37,999 Christian religions all wrong?  Which Bible do you use and why?  Have you read any other Bible?

Now, let's see... so let's see if I understand your argument correctly... which of these is true...

1) Christians kill others (even after "Thou shalt not kill", "turn the other cheek", "Do unto others...", and the "peace of God")

2) Atheists kill others

3) Other religions kill others

4) It's OK that Christians have killed others because atheists have too.

5) There is not a higher standard for Christians that for non-Christians.  (Or, if you prefer, Christians don't have to live up to Christ's standards, they'll be forgiven after all.)

What's very interesting, IBIG, is you have totally destroyed your previous argument that there is a universal morality.  LOL


As far as the Communist removal of religion.  I would disagree that it was based on atheism.  I would be perfectly willing to argue that Stalin wanted to get rid of religion for the sole purpose of cementing his control over the people.  His thoughts were that religion was 'another master' and that he would not be able to control people that also had religion (which, indeed, was true).

Again, I don't think it was a case of killing people solely because they were religious, but because they refused to denounce their religion in the name of the state... much like Christians in Rome were killed because they refused to recognize the god-hood of the emperor.

Where did I state that it was okay for Christians to kill?

It is justifiable to kill in self defense.

The reason Atheist regimes repress/kill those who practice religion in their countries is, because they the leaders want to replace God or gods in their country, so the government must eliminate anything preventing them from imposing their evil, immoral, repressive laws on the people. If there is no moral standard and dissent, then they the government can set their own moral standard, since without God, morality is just a matter of opinion anyway, human rights are just a matter of opinion, the value of a human life is just a matter of opinion, then the government can impose any kind of evil and it is justifiable, because they the government have eliminated most if not all dissenters.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,09:02   

I never said that killing people, because of their religion makes one an Atheist. My point is that Atheist leaders/regimes have killed to repress and/or eliminate religion altogether in the countries a very different point.
And the point of that is?

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,09:29   

Yeah yeah, blah blah, heard it all before, refuted it twice. Now make with the demons. Come on, you know you want to.



Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,10:00   

Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,09:33)
Without a belief in God, the value of human life is just a manmade concept.

And if your belief in God is mistaken?

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,10:18   

Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,08:50)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Jan. 07 2011,08:53)
Hey, IBIG,

You still haven't answered the question: Are those other 37,999 Christian religions all wrong?  Which Bible do you use and why?  Have you read any other Bible?

Now, let's see... so let's see if I understand your argument correctly... which of these is true...

1) Christians kill others (even after "Thou shalt not kill", "turn the other cheek", "Do unto others...", and the "peace of God")

2) Atheists kill others

3) Other religions kill others

4) It's OK that Christians have killed others because atheists have too.

5) There is not a higher standard for Christians that for non-Christians.  (Or, if you prefer, Christians don't have to live up to Christ's standards, they'll be forgiven after all.)

What's very interesting, IBIG, is you have totally destroyed your previous argument that there is a universal morality.  LOL


As far as the Communist removal of religion.  I would disagree that it was based on atheism.  I would be perfectly willing to argue that Stalin wanted to get rid of religion for the sole purpose of cementing his control over the people.  His thoughts were that religion was 'another master' and that he would not be able to control people that also had religion (which, indeed, was true).

Again, I don't think it was a case of killing people solely because they were religious, but because they refused to denounce their religion in the name of the state... much like Christians in Rome were killed because they refused to recognize the god-hood of the emperor.

Where did I state that it was okay for Christians to kill?

It is justifiable to kill in self defense.

The reason Atheist regimes repress/kill those who practice religion in their countries is, because they the leaders want to replace God or gods in their country, so the government must eliminate anything preventing them from imposing their evil, immoral, repressive laws on the people. If there is no moral standard and dissent, then they the government can set their own moral standard, since without God, morality is just a matter of opinion anyway, human rights are just a matter of opinion, the value of a human life is just a matter of opinion, then the government can impose any kind of evil and it is justifiable, because they the government have eliminated most if not all dissenters.

Moron, the vast majority of people killed by Christians were not killed in self-defense: they were killed because a) their very existence was deemed to be offensive to God, b) their deaths would be amusing, or c) they would not convert to a form of worship deemed suitable by their killers.

And what is your point?  That atheists are inherently more evil than Christians (and thus, Catholics being more inherently evil than either atheists and Christians), because atheists don't use God as an excuse to commit atrocities?


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,10:22   

Quote (Quack @ Jan. 08 2011,09:02)
I never said that killing people, because of their religion makes one an Atheist. My point is that Atheist leaders/regimes have killed to repress and/or eliminate religion altogether in the countries a very different point.
And the point of that is?

He's saying that atheists are evil because they don't use God as an excuse to disregard and or trample human rights, or otherwise commit crimes against humanity, in direct opposition to Christians, and other theists who use God as an excuse to commit crimes against humanity.

MadPanda, FCD

Posts: 267
Joined: Nov. 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,12:01   

Methinks we are dealing with a slightly different logical fallacy, folks.  This isn't "No True Scotsman" so much as it's a serious case of "Not MY Nigel!"

Biggy can't handle the thought that his imaginary friend has been the cause of atrocity and must by needs project all that bad stuff onto other people and make excuses so that his delusion may remain pristine.  What else can we expect of a supposed adult with an imaginary friend who thinks that all truth is to be found in an ancient anthology of uncertain editing and obscure authorship?

Nothing to do put pat him on the head, give him his cookie,and send him to bed like a good boy.

The MadPanda, FCD

"No matter how ridiculous the internet tough guy, a thorough mocking is more effective than a swift kick to the gentleman vegetables with a hobnailed boot" --Louis

Schroedinger's Dog

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 08 2011,12:23   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 08 2011,16:00)
Quote (IBelieveInGod @ Jan. 08 2011,09:33)
Without a belief in God, the value of human life is just a manmade concept.

And if your belief in God is mistaken?

We could easily argue that belief in a god(s) is a manmade concept anyway. Or even an evolutionary trait, if we need to get technical*.

Yet again, it could be argued that everything particular to humankind (ie, not found in other species) is a manmade concept. Or it could be argued that manmade concepts are...manmade?

Does that make any sense or do I need to get drunker?

*Agreed, this is quite on-the-edge stuff, but still...

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

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