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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 18 2007,22:47   

RB, while I think most IDers would fit your description well, I have to come back to Dover.

Why didn't WAD take the stand while Behe did?

The best reason I can come up with is that he was peddling bullshit, knew he was peddling bullshit, and saw that everyone else knew and could prove that he was peddling bullshit.

He's not fighting the good fight, he's fleecing the rubes.  To me, that puts him on a level far below the typical IDiot, even the dishonest "liars for Jesus" bunch.  WAD is just a "liar for WAD".  By contrast, MB's taking the stand tells me that he at least believes in the goal.  I don't know if he believes his own words or not, I can't tell, but either way he's a cut above WAD, just for showing up.

Mentally ill?  I don't know if WAD's issues rise to the level of a clinical condition and as I have neither examined him, nor am I even qualified to examine him, I'll pass on the question this time around.  Yet there is definitely something not right in his head, and you don't have to be a professional to see that.

In short (or not), I think you give him too much credit.

That's not intended as any sort of medical diagnosis, just a layman's observation, in the vein of "theory" vs. "Scientific Theory".

(Perhaps this definitional disconnect is the source of the current disagreement in this thread?)

Having blathered all that, I confess I've been wrong before, I'll be wrong again, and it's entirely possible that I'm wrong right now.  But I don't think so.  (...because if I did think I was wrong, I'd change my position so that I could be right, in which case I was right that I was wrong, and I'm always right, right?.)

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2007,06:37   

I'll qualify what I've said by emphasizing the temporal dimension I underscored earlier:

I infer that he began his quest with the notion that he was genuinely crusading for souls through his advancement of ID. I think he's lost his way in a "ends justify the means" sense and is now pursuing a cause that he knows to be refuted and unsustainable.

With that qualification, I's suggest that Demski, as a much younger man writing the dissertation that became "The Design Inference," started more or less as I described in my last post, i.e. quite earnestly crusading to undermine "materialist science" and thereby save souls. I see too much seriousness of purpose and hard work in these early works to believe that he started with the intention to devise snake oil and con his audience. Rather, I believe he earnestly constructed a theory that came to be admired within the scientifically unsophisticated community of which he is a member, and became a phenomenon and celebrity within that community. That stuff is hard to walk away from.

It is also worth remembering that he and Behe were seen as much more of a threat at the outset than they are now. If you go back and read the debate as it unfolded in the late '90s and early 2000s you'll read much more serious engagement with the ideas promulgated by ID than is typical now. I'd guess that reinforced his sense that he was on to something important. By the time Dover arrived, however, Dembski understood that he had been committed to an unsustainable position, knew he was about to be shredded, and fled. But I would argue that what he recognized as no longer sustainable was the fiction that he could construct a sanitized version of ID that was shorn of its religious and supernatural core such that it could be taught in science classrooms. That was the central issue at Dover over which he was about to be dismantled.

Since then the fiction that "this is science, not religion" has been more or less abandoned at UD, the inmates have taken over the asylum, and Demski has become more frank in his own public statements regarding his belief that "the designer is the Christian God" (although he has always said as much - while attempting to segregate those statements from the "science" itself). So I don't know that he has abandoned his convictions regarding the reality of God and design. The core position of ID - the position he knew could not win at Dover - is, "God designed the world, and is responsible for the complexity we see within biology, particularly cell biology. That should be detectable empirically." He probably understands that he has failed to show that, and failed to provide any real tools for doing that. Most of us know that even that more frank version of ID must fail, but I think he still believes that core, or at least hopes he can make it true.

All of this calls to mind Updike's somewhat prescient novel "Roger's Version," in which a young computer scientist attempts to discern God by means of a series of networked VAX 11/780s.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2007,08:26   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Dec. 19 2007,07:37)
I'll qualify what I've said by emphasizing the temporal dimension I underscored earlier:

I infer that he began his quest with the notion that he was genuinely crusading for souls through his advancement of ID. I think he's lost his way in a "ends justify the means" sense and is now pursuing a cause that he knows to be refuted and unsustainable.

Ahhh... reading for comprehension.  I've been meaning to try that.  For some reason, that bit just didn't manage to osmosificate its way into my cranial cavity the way it should have.

With the caveat that I think he's further down the pike of despair and realization than you seem to feel, I'll buy the rest.  I wonder if "the reality of God" has at this point even become just irrelevant to him.

Perhaps I'm inferring more malice than you are, and/or than is there.

Stranger things have happened.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2007,10:39   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Dec. 19 2007,06:37)
By the time Dover arrived, however, Dembski understood that he had been committed to an unsustainable position, knew he was about to be shredded, and fled. But I would argue that what he recognized was no longer sustainable was the fiction that he could construct a sanitized version of ID that was shorn of its religious and supernatural core such that it could be taught in science classrooms. That was the central issue at Dover over which he was about to be dismantled.

Yeah, I think WAD, like most preachers and snake-oil salesmen, did start out with good intentions, saving souls, etc. And if you have the right outlook (born-again Christianity) and happen to be good at math or whatever, saving souls through the application of your god-given talents is certainly attractive. The accolades of your tribe (which does not include a lot of folks with ability and credentials) would grease the way, and so you find yourself at the top of a heap, publishing books and changing the world. For a while.

But somewhere along the way, if he is as smart as he thinks he is he had to figure out that this is a scam. So the real question is WHEN did that happen. When did he fully understand that he just lying for Jesus, like many of the other more traditional preachers/snake-oil salesmen (Bakker, Falwell, Robertson, Hovind et al.)?  Obviously it happened prior to Dover. He was certainly caught lying before then; Wes' meta-treatment of Amadan's ditty reminded me of the Amazon book review fiasco in '04, which I had forgotten about. Maybe his epiphany happened a long time prior to Dover; I'll leave it to the dedicated WADologists to read through the tea leaves of his writings.

But the point of all this, as RB noted, is that you don't need to invoke pathology to account for WAD's actions. His history is an evolutionary one, and he arrived at his present state of lying-for-jesus (or lying for WAD) by way of purely natural mechanisms.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2007,13:32   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Dec. 19 2007,10:39)
But the point of all this, as RB noted, is that you don't need to invoke pathology to account for WAD's actions. His history is an evolutionary one, and he arrived at his present state of lying-for-jesus (or lying for WAD) by way of purely natural mechanisms.

RB et al - Yes, you all make excellent points, and I understand that we, (I actually mean me), are not really qualified to psycho-analyze WAD, and I know we don't need to attribute WAD's actions to pathology, I just think we can.

... "he arrived at his present state of lying-for-jesus (or lying for WAD) by way of purely natural mechanisms."

Well, isn't pathology a purely natural mechanism?

I still think he's crazy, and he's gonna wind up in a tower someplace looking down the barrel of a bible and a gun.  Although I would be willing to accept an alternative ending, with him getting older and crankier, and turning into the meanest SOB in the church, until he moves to the Holy Family Designed Home For Living, where his life support will be "accidently" unplugged by a caregiver that had heard more than enough of WAD's abusive vitriol.  

After his death, they will find a 1,257 page manuscript purporting to prove through mystical, mathematical models that he was never wrong, not even once in his entire lifetime.  It will not get published.

DaveScot Springer IV, in a press release from the Floating Command Center, will mourn the passing of a
TrueScientist™ and reach for another bag of Cheesy Poofs.

So ends the sordid tale.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 20 2007,10:48   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Dec. 19 2007,09:39)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Dec. 19 2007,06:37)
By the time Dover arrived, however, Dembski understood that he had been committed to an unsustainable position, knew he was about to be shredded, and fled. But I would argue that what he recognized was no longer sustainable was the fiction that he could construct a sanitized version of ID that was shorn of its religious and supernatural core such that it could be taught in science classrooms. That was the central issue at Dover over which he was about to be dismantled.

Yeah, I think WAD, like most preachers and snake-oil salesmen, did start out with good intentions, saving souls, etc. And if you have the right outlook (born-again Christianity) and happen to be good at math or whatever, saving souls through the application of your god-given talents is certainly attractive. The accolades of your tribe (which does not include a lot of folks with ability and credentials) would grease the way, and so you find yourself at the top of a heap, publishing books and changing the world. For a while.

But somewhere along the way, if he is as smart as he thinks he is he had to figure out that this is a scam. So the real question is WHEN did that happen. When did he fully understand that he just lying for Jesus, like many of the other more traditional preachers/snake-oil salesmen (Bakker, Falwell, Robertson, Hovind et al.)?  Obviously it happened prior to Dover. He was certainly caught lying before then; Wes' meta-treatment of Amadan's ditty reminded me of the Amazon book review fiasco in '04, which I had forgotten about. Maybe his epiphany happened a long time prior to Dover; I'll leave it to the dedicated WADologists to read through the tea leaves of his writings.

But the point of all this, as RB noted, is that you don't need to invoke pathology to account for WAD's actions. His history is an evolutionary one, and he arrived at his present state of lying-for-jesus (or lying for WAD) by way of purely natural mechanisms.

I agree that WAD started out with good intentions. But the whole ID thing is a scam and was from the beginning. The Wedge Document is proof of this. WAD believes in God, he wants others to, so he pushes ID as a way to separate people's construction of their personal meaning in life from scientific fact.

That's what WAD is about, and what he's always been about. Ironically, it is ID that has been the wedge deepening the rift between WAD's apparently sincere belief in God, to which he has entrusted (as most religious people do) his morals, ethics, and sense of purpose, and his intellectual credibility (or lack thereof). He is unintentionally using the Wedge on himself, and thus preventing his (apparently otherwise healthy) religious faith and ethics to guide him in his quest.

No, I don't think WAD is a sociopath. I sincerely do not. When the chips are down, I am sure you could trust the guy with your life. (I'm not sure I'd say that about a few other UD moderators, but I'd say it about even some of the craziest UD commenters.) WAD just isn't very self-aware. He's not seeing what's happening to him, how he sounds to us. In real life, he's probably much different, laughs, has normal reactions, etc. But he cannot see how bitter he sounds, nor that he is draining the life from his own religious belief by pushing ID, because the more one fights for ID, the more one constructs (despite all their denials) who the Designer is, and no one can worship any god that they are aware of having constructed.

But I can't say this to him, because I'm an atheist. WAD hates atheists. That one can be an atheist and advocate, for others who are religious, that believers at least have a healthy and psychologically consistent theology is unimaginable to him. He thinks "Darwinists" hate him so much. I don't think people, like us, pay this much attention, as we do, to something they "hate." WAD is so dug-in that he doesn't realize that the "enemy" has largely moved on. The war is over, really. But he's clutching his gun, determined to fight to the bitter end against people who really aren't interested in fighting him anymore.

It's lack of perspective, groupthink; it's compartmentalization, and we all do it at times - but it's not psychotic, in my admitted nonprofessional view.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 20 2007,13:36   

Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 20 2007,10:48)
He is unintentionally using the Wedge on himself, and thus preventing his (apparently otherwise healthy) religious faith and ethics to guide him in his quest.

Excellent comment Kristine!

To clarify what you said, would you say that Dembski is then
a.) Self-Wedged
b.) Auto-Wedged
c.) Master-Wedged
d.) Hoisted on his own peterad
e.) a silly bugger that blew himself up

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 20 2007,16:54   

Quote (J-Dog @ Dec. 20 2007,12:36)
Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 20 2007,10:48)
He is unintentionally using the Wedge on himself, and thus preventing his (apparently otherwise healthy) religious faith and ethics to guide him in his quest.

Excellent comment Kristine!

To clarify what you said, would you say that Dembski is then
a.) Self-Wedged
b.) Auto-Wedged
c.) Master-Wedged
d.) Hoisted on his own peterad
e.) a silly bugger that blew himself up

A for Albert.

*Nudges Lou*

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 20 2007,17:31   

Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 20 2007,17:54)
Quote (J-Dog @ Dec. 20 2007,12:36)
Quote (Kristine @ Dec. 20 2007,10:48)
He is unintentionally using the Wedge on himself, and thus preventing his (apparently otherwise healthy) religious faith and ethics to guide him in his quest.

Excellent comment Kristine!

To clarify what you said, would you say that Dembski is then
a.) Self-Wedged
b.) Auto-Wedged
c.) Master-Wedged
d.) Hoisted on his own peterad
e.) a silly bugger that blew himself up

A for Albert.

*Nudges Lou*

:)  That's Pope Albert.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 20 2007,19:38   

Quote (J-Dog @ Dec. 19 2007,14:32)
So ends the sordid tale.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

several of those guys are jerks and I get a little delight in the fact that they're all going to be around for decades to watch their brilliant, revolutionary idea not make the faintest scratch on real scientific research.

Real science, based on evolution, chugs along filling in details at the rate of hundreds or thousands of papers a month. It did so ten years ago, it does so now, it will do so in ten years, and ten years after that.

ID of course goes nowhere. It was a stupid failure ten years ago, it's a stupid failure today, it will be a stupid failure in ten years, and ten years after that, and we'll be there to laugh and rub their faces in it.

"Hey, remember the Intelligent Design journal, PCID?"
"Neither does science."

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