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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,19:09   

making grandiose claims and flannelling about them when you admittedly and obviously have not the first inklings of a clue about the relevant topics is staggeringly rude.

totally OT, but this is exactly why I get so flummoxed about skeptic's posts, whenever he tries to expound on science of any type.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,19:27   


It's done on a case by case basis.

If I went to a site and argued the way Avo does, obviously lying, manipulating words, condecension, etc. then I would expect to get some pretty shoddy treatment.  If she were polite, then I would treat her the same way.  In fact, I did, until she became rather rude and abusive.  From there, I decided that I would call her out on her lies and everything else.  If she had remained polite, then I would still be polite to her.

First of all, the definition of "lying" seems a little elastic on this board. "Lying" does not mean what many Panda's Thumbers seem to think it does: i.e. being a creationist or repeating arguments that have been addressed in the literature. If Avo misrepresents someone's position, then demonstrate it with permalinks and ask her to retract her statements. If that doesn't work, ignore her until she proves that she is interested in honesty. The rest of your charges are even more slippery: ####, every debate eventually becomes a battle over how to interpret words. If we insulted everyone who "manipulates" words, the internet would be nothing but a screaming match (so what's new, huh).

I'm not picking on you, and Lord knows I've been a big sinner myself, but I'm not going to sugarcoat unbridled abuse.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,20:07   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Jan. 31 2007,20:27)

It's done on a case by case basis.

If I went to a site and argued the way Avo does, obviously lying, manipulating words, condecension, etc. then I would expect to get some pretty shoddy treatment.  If she were polite, then I would treat her the same way.  In fact, I did, until she became rather rude and abusive.  From there, I decided that I would call her out on her lies and everything else.  If she had remained polite, then I would still be polite to her.

First of all, the definition of "lying" seems a little elastic on this board. "Lying" does not mean what many Panda's Thumbers seem to think it does: i.e. being a creationist or repeating arguments that have been addressed in the literature. If Avo misrepresents someone's position, then demonstrate it with permalinks and ask her to retract her statements. If that doesn't work, ignore her until she proves that she is interested in honesty. The rest of your charges are even more slippery: ####, every debate eventually becomes a battle over how to interpret words. If we insulted everyone who "manipulates" words, the internet would be nothing but a screaming match (so what's new, huh).

I'm not picking on you, and Lord knows I've been a big sinner myself, but I'm not going to sugarcoat unbridled abuse.

Um, that's exactly what I did in the previous thread.  She misrepresented me, I showed her the quotes, she persisted and even directed personal attacks at me for calling her on it as well as for calling her on unsupported assertions.

Now, it's true, I could ignore her, or I could call it like it is.  She is dishonest and a liar.  I'm not going to shy away from that, and I'm not doing it simply because she uses arguments that have been refuted, even after they've been refuted in front of her.  I don't use the term lightly, and I've never used it in that sense.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,20:13   

"Lying" does not mean what many Panda's Thumbers seem to think it does: i.e. being a creationist or repeating arguments that have been addressed in the literature.

since i know for a fact that no 'thumber EVER has used that as a definition for lying, that means you must, er, be ... lying.

go figure.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


The Wayward Hammer

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,20:34   

GoP: what baseball board?  I frequent several, but baseballthinkfactory rules all.

I have always thought that analysis of baseball statistics would be an excellent lesson, for those so inclined, in data analysis and logical thinking.  If you can understand why Nolan Ryan was a good, but not necessarily great, pitcher then you can understand why ID has no logical basis.

My apologies to my European friends that might not get to experience baseball, the most sublime of all sports.  And don't even start about cricket.  Really.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,21:02   

Quote (The Wayward Hammer @ Jan. 31 2007,21:34)
GoP: what baseball board?  I frequent several, but baseballthinkfactory rules all.

I have always thought that analysis of baseball statistics would be an excellent lesson, for those so inclined, in data analysis and logical thinking.  If you can understand why Nolan Ryan was a good, but not necessarily great, pitcher then you can understand why ID has no logical basis.

My apologies to my European friends that might not get to experience baseball, the most sublime of all sports.  And don't even start about cricket.  Really.

While all other sports are mere distractions compared to the sublime NBA basketball, I at least thought Nolan Ryan was world-class. I seem to remember, as a little kid in front of the tv, him throwing 104-mph fastballs, fans celebrating his four thousand strikeouts, etc. Could you elaborate on why he was merely a good pitcher?

The Wayward Hammer

Posts: 64
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,21:42   

Oh, you had to get me started...

Nolan Ryan was a very good pitcher for a long time. He excelled at throwing very hard and striking out many people.  But the primary job of a pitcher is not to strike out people, but to prevent runs from scoring.

If we were to use a measurement called ERA+, which is the ratio of the pitcher's ERA to the league ERA in which he pitched (100 being average - higher the better), we would find that Nolan does not do so well.

For his career, Mr. Ryan has an ERA+ of 112; he was 12% better than the league average in which he pitched.  That is not in the top 100 of all pitchers in history.  In fact the list I found says that number 100 scores an ERA+ of 121, so Mr. Ryan may not be in the top 200.

A few comparisons: Greg Maddux 136, Roger Clemens 144, Pedro Martinez 160.

Mr. Ryan's primary problem was that he walked a massive number of people.  He indeed has the record for both career strikeouts and career walks.  And he exceeds the number two man in walks allowed by 50%.  

He was a spectacular and unique pitcher, but not nearly as good as Clemens or Maddux or even a contemporary such as Steve Carlton.  But he was a great deal of fun to watch.

And the NBA comment is simply too silly to merit response.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,23:36   

Quote (Louis @ Jan. 31 2007,10:40)

Like I said, the post I wrote is an argument, not a series of potential quote mines. I am not advocating or defending abuse (in the case of Lenny I was saying his annoyance was justified, not his abuse. Seriously, reading for comprehension, look it up. At the same time look up the difference between justified emotional/psychological state and justified actions based on said state).

As for the previous comment you quote, and here's some "abuse" for you, are you so determined to paint me the villain that you deliberately take my comments out of context? Some might consider that less than fully 100% honest, although I would never have the temerity to even attempt to suggest it. Read the whole argument Demallien, deal with the whole argument.

Explain to me how pointing out to a person who has lied that they have lied, even using the word "liar", constitutes abuse. Perhaps the cartoon metaphor threw you. The "Acme frying pan to the face" comment was an amusing image I had in my head at the time of posting, does it need saying that I am not advocating real frying pans to real faces? Do you really think that after you have explained delicately and patiently 2+2=4 to a confirmed 2+2=TripleQ advocate 2, 3 or more times that it is somehow ABUSIVE to ask the question "oh for fuck's sake this is the third time you've had this pointed out to you today, are you simply deranged?". Wow you're ability to be even faintly self critical is terribly low isn't it of you think THAT constitutes abuse. I'll grant you it might not be very tolerant, but it sure as #### is perfectly justified based on the actions of said 2+2=TripleQ advocate. Since when did tolerance of hypocrisy, deliberate ignorance and outright lies become polite? I must have missed that little update.

All the following are from the OED:


1. The process of using up or wearing out. Obs.
2. a. Wrong or improper use, misuse, misapplication, perversion. spec. The non-therapeutic or excessive use of a drug; the misuse of any substance, esp. for its stimulant effects. Cf. drug-abuse s.v. DRUG n.1 1b; solvent abuse s.v. SOLVENT n. 5.
b. Rhet. Improper use of words, catachresis.
3. A bad or improper usage (i.e. a use which has become chronic), a corrupt practice.
4. Imposture, deceit; delusion. Obs.
5. Injury, wrong, ill-usage. Obs.
6. Violation, defilement (now only in self-abuse).  1993 update [6.] For def. read: Violation, defilement. In mod. use esp. sexual or other maltreatment, and freq. with qualifying word, as CHILD abuse, SELF-ABUSE n., SEXUAL abuse, etc.
7. Injurious speech, reviling, execration; abusive language.


Fraught with injury; tending to injure: said of actions, and persons committing them.

1. Wrongful; hurtful or prejudicial to the rights of another; wilfully inflicting injury or wrong.
2. Wilfully hurtful or offensive in language; contumelious, insulting; calumnious. (Now only of words or speech, and passing into sense 3.)
3. Tending to hurt or damage; hurtful, harmful, detrimental, deleterious.
4. injurious affection (Law): a term used of a situation in which part of a person's land is acquired compulsorily under statutory powers and the remaining part is reduced in value, either because it is a smaller piece or because of what has been done on the land compulsorily acquired; also, of other situations in which an owner seeks compensation for the deleterious effect on his property of the exercise of statutory powers; injurious falsehood (Law): an actionable falsehood, a false statement claimed to have caused damage to the plaintiff in respect of his office, profession, trade or business, etc.

(and since it is a favourite of mine) Execration:

1. The action of execrating.    a. The action of solemnly laying under a curse; an instance of this. Obs. or arch.
b. The utterance of curses (as an expression of hatred).
c. Utter detestation; intense abhorrence.
2. An uttered curse; an anathema, an imprecation.
3. That which is execrated; an object of cursing.

So, unless it is intended to cause injury, unless it is as a curse, or unless it is wrong, (for example) calling a proven liar a liar does not constitute abuse. The only possible hope for it being abusive is in its limited sense of being injurious in the sense of it being hurtful. I agree a proven liar may well be hurt by having this trait pointed out, but I think I could argue (and in part actually have done so above) that by far the greater abuse is that of the liar. Merely pointing this out is by far and away the lesser of the two "abuses". And this is only the case if we grant that it is abusive at all, for it can only be so in a very limited sense.

That makes me think of a question: which is the most rude/offensive/abusive/impolite of the two acts: The lie of the proven liar or the comment of the person that points this out to him/her? I would argue the former, are you arguing the latter?

Also I think you need to read what people have actually written, not what you think they have written. Your claim that I am defending Lenny's abuse, when I am defending his irritation is a good case in point. Whether or not I would defend Lenny's phraseology is a different (and as yet unexplored) matter. You'll also find that, as you would note if you had read the above for anything approaching comprehension, I am far from dogmatic on the issue and consider it an entirely situational one. Please try to grasp the difference between an empathetic understanding, even sympathy for a person's mental state and a defense or advocacy of the actions they perform in that mental state. Incidentally this is also why I am "hard" on creationists (I'm really a total kitten), not because I don't understand their mental state, I do (like many others do too), I just don't agree with how they ACT on it. When proven wrong about X beyond reasonable doubt I expect people to have the intellectual honesty to say so, I know I do.

Like I said before, but I'll make it a bit more explicit this time, there is a difference between hurling abuse at a creationist the very second they open their mouths and announce their presence, and telling them in no uncertain terms that they have lied (for the sake of example). Do I really need to spell out YET AGAIN I do not defend, advocate or even DO the former, and have no problem with the latter. Just like your pub strawman analogy, no Demallien I do not advocate, defend or do abuse in that sense. What I DO do, advocate and defend is the justifiable pricking of pompous creationists by not letting them get away with their dishonesty. Lenny's tactics might differ from mine, but as I said, we haven't yet got to the issue of whether or not I support Lenny's actions.

You might enjoy creationists feeding you horse shit as honey cakes, but I sure as eggs is eggs do not. Guess what, occasionally I'm going to ever so delicately let them know that, if that's ok with you of course. And even rarer than those tiny few occasions, sweetheart, I might prefix it with the word "fuck". On those few occasions Demallien I fervently hope you will have the wit to comprehend that there has been a) some history prior to the utterance of "fuck", b) that when all is said and done of all the crimes commited the use of the word "fuck" is a very very minor one. Again the question becomes which is worse/ruder/more impolite etc using the word "fuck" or lying? I'd argue lying, I'd also argue that it is vastly more damaging to civil, pleasant, productive, rational, informative discourse than any number of "fucks".

Oh and one last thing Demallien:

I had no issue with anything you had said on this thread, until you leapt to the defense of Lenny after I called him on his unceasing stream of vitriol.


Louis, personally I find you to be a highly aggressive and judgemental person.  This may not be true, but it is certainly the impression that you give.  If, back at Cedric's hypothetical party, I had to make a choice between talking to you, and talking to Avocationist, you would not be the winner.  Have a think about that before embracing the agrressive, insulting behaviour that has frequently been displayed on this discussion.

Wow you got ALL that from ONE post defending Lenny's irritation? Hardly seems consistent with having "no issue with anything I'd said on this thread" now does it? You're not an old friend like Avo are you Demallien?


OK, Louis, let's look at the "argument" then.  In gross terms, I called Lenny on abusive behaviour, and you butted in, and attacked me (well, originally just my critique of Lenny, but it's got steadily more personal the longer things have gone on) instead.  That, overall, Louis, is the "argument".  Everthing else is to be read in that context.

You're right about the quote I gave defending Lenny's annoyance.  You can infact interpret it very narrowly, as you propose.  Indeed, at first, that's how I interpreted it too.  But later on, with your own admission that you are downright abusive, and that you aren't going to apologise with that, plus the famous frying pan comment have caused me to re-evaluate the first quote more widely, with 'annoyance' becoming an euphimism for 'abuse'.

I'm not some dumb hick creationist Louis.  I read EVERYTHING that you write, very carefully.  I'm capable of adding 2 + 2 and getting 4.  What you don't seem to be able to grasp is that repeatedly you have defended abusive behaviour in this thread.  Not once, not twice, but repeatedly.  Furthermore, as I've already said, this is all in the context of you butting in when I called Lenny for abuse.

I do not quote-mine you.  Show me where the quotes I use have been used out of context.  You can't.  You know every bit as well as I do, that the quotes have been used in context.  Ergo, NOT quote-mining.

You complain that I attack strawmen of my own creation.  Where Louis?  Last time you made that accusation, demanding I show where you defend abuse, I responded, giving you two.  I could have given others as well.  Your response?  You whinge yet again that I am quote-mining you.  I don't think quote-mining means what you think it means Louis (to paraphrase The PB - love that film!).  Giving direct quotes in back-up of my assertion when you have challenged the assertion is not quote-mining Louis.

Snide remarks about my reading comprehension are out of place.  If I am getting stuff out of your writing that you did not intend, may I humbly suggest that it is the carity of your writing at fault.  Again, on any challenge of misapprehension on my part, I'll happily explain how I arrived at the conclusions that I have arrived at.  But remember Louis, I won't be limited to quibbling over what the meaning of the word 'is' is.  I'll be looking at the whole history of your posts on this thread, and let me warn you - they are not painting a pretty picture of you as a human being.

Let's go back to that frying pan comment.  You start of with the image of someone literally whacking someone else with a frying pan.  OK, evidently, it's not to be taking literally, but it is, nevertheless, abuse. Physical abuse in this case, but as a metaphor, we arrive at just abuse.

You then follow up with talking about calling someone a liar, that doesn't advance our cause any, as this being a hypothetical, we can't know if the person was in fact lying or not. I'll let it pass. You then finish off with "oh for fuck's sake this is the third time you've had this pointed out to you today, are you simply deranged?".  You try to pass this off as just normal polite banter, completely reasonable.  THIS is the whole crux of my point Louis.  That quote is straight out abuse.  The use of the word "fuck" sets a very aggressive tone, and then you follow it up with the suggestion that the person is deranged.  Now, you could probably say this to a friend, and it'll pass - the friend knows that you don't seriously think they are deranged.  Say this to a person that you don't know, that you are in obvious disagreement with, and that person is going to, rightly, feel like they are being abused.

So, metaphor of abuse, followed up by actual abuse.  Yup, I think we're getting the picture. you're defending abuse.  Which is of course what I claimed in the first place, and which now you are trying to worm out of.

You obviously don't get that abuse is wrong.  You have already said that, to quote you again "And yes I am very likely to use colourful expressions, allusions, metaphors and indeed outright abusive statements when so annoyed. I don't apologise for that, sorry if that hurts. "
OK. outright abusive statements, without remorse.  Got it.  But don't complain when people reading your comments interpret them as having come frome someone that thinks abuse is OK Louis, because it's what you have said yourself!

You finish off your last charming post with an insinuation that I'm lying about who I am, wondering if I'm "an old friend like Avo"?  Now, Louis, I, as most readers would, will take this as an insinuation that I am infact a creationist using another pseudo to hide who I am.  I'll admit, it can be interpreted in other ways.  As I've already mentioned, your writing lacks clarity, but the best interpretation that I can come up with is the one I've just given.

Go back, and read my posts to Avocationist Louis.  It should be pretty evident that I'm a through and through evolutionist.  Go and read my other posts on PT, and it will even be clear that not only am I an evolutionist, but an "evangelical atheist".  So take your snide insuation and jam it where the sun don't shine.  I don't appreciate it.  The fact that you resort to such crude ad-hominems is a sure sign that you are losing this little debate - can't win the argument, so attack the man.

Can't say that this is a surprising response from a bully...


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,23:43   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Jan. 31 2007,19:06)
I'm mildly curious as to which of these, specifically, you feel to be . . . well . . . incorrect . . . ?  It looks to me as if every one of these statements is 100% accurate.  Do you disagree?

I can't figure out if you're being deliberately obtuse or if you really just don't get it Lenny.  It's not the factual content that is the problem, it's the tone.  If you had said for example "Avocationist, you don't know what you are talking about", that's not abuse, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.  Instead, you chose to say "you don't know what the fuck you are talking about". That's abusive.

The message is the same, the tone is vastly different.  Your tone is not acceptable.

Mike PSS

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2007,23:53   

Please take this petty, insinuation filled diatribe to the proper thread.

The "Civility" Thread.

"I came in here for an argument."
"Sorry, this is abuse.  Arguments are two doors down."


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,00:25   

Quote (Mike PSS @ Feb. 01 2007,07:53)
Please take this petty, insinuation filled diatribe to the proper thread.

The "Civility" Thread.

"I came in here for an argument."
"Sorry, this is abuse.  Arguments are two doors down."

No you didn't

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,00:57   

Your tone is not acceptable.

says who?

methinks thou dost protest too much.

Stevo makes those decisions 'round these here parts.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 79
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,01:22   

Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 01 2007,00:57)
Your tone is not acceptable.

says who?

methinks thou dost protest too much.

Stevo makes those decisions 'round these here parts.

Says me.  

Steve is free to either tell me to shut up, or to tell Lenny to cool it.  As he has seen fit to do neither, I remain free to voice my disapprobation of Lenny's tone.  And regardless of what you think, Lenny's tone, by any normal standards of behaviour, is unacceptable.  The fact that many Internet forums are nothing but incessant abuse doesn't mean that it's acceptable.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,01:32   

Oh, and my apologies for forgetting to cut the long quote from Louis in my post a few back...


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,02:44   

See "Civility" thread. Quite right btw, apologies for derailerisation.




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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,05:51   

Ah.. k. So what is the scientific model and argument for ID?


Posts: 103
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,06:00   

Kick start to help Avocationist:

1. Who and/or what is the Intelligent Designer (identification)?

2. What is the supporting model?

3. What is the testability of that model (and falsifiability)?

4. What are the predictions?

This is pretty straight forwards (by all appearances). Merely an answer is required to each question. It does not need the antithesis to support it - it should be self supporting on the questions alone.


"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,07:09   

Quote (demallien @ Jan. 31 2007,23:43)
I can't figure out if you're being deliberately obtuse or if you really just don't get it Lenny.  It's not the factual content that is the problem, it's the tone.  If you had said for example "Avocationist, you don't know what you are talking about", that's not abuse, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.  Instead, you chose to say "you don't know what the fuck you are talking about". That's abusive.

The message is the same, the tone is vastly different.  Your tone is not acceptable.

I see no need to make nice-nice with the nutters.  (shrug)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,07:55   

The Wayward Hammer:

GoP: what baseball board?  I frequent several, but baseballthinkfactory rules all.

Check your PMs. I agree that baseball think factory is awesome.

I have always thought that analysis of baseball statistics would be an excellent lesson, for those so inclined, in data analysis and logical thinking.  If you can understand why Nolan Ryan was a good, but not necessarily great, pitcher then you can understand why ID has no logical basis.

Yes, and it's funny that you mention Nolan, because his accomplishments are widely misunderstood. He was perhaps the hardest pitcher to hit in history, but his walks, shaky defense, and lack of pitching smarts really cut into his value. A very good workhorse with flashes of dominance, but not comparable to the greatest of all time.

One of the most irritating things people say about him is, "Well sure, his won-loss was around .500, but he pitched for mediocre teams throughout his career!"

If his teams were mediocre (actually they were slightly above .500 if memory serves), then his won-loss percentage should be better than average if he was a great pitcher. And I've seen no evidence that his teams didn't score for him (I think he got average support for his career).

Ryan was a good guy, and fun to watch.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,12:05   


I hate to say I told you so, but.....let's just say living in the South gives one plenty of experience in dealing with low-grade bullies and sociopaths. Don't let the hyenas get to you -- just tune them out and seek out people worth dealing with. I know you're an adult and you don't need any advice from a rascal like myself, but I don't want you leaving this board due to the baiting of assholes. Just be content that their true nature has been revealed for anyone with eyes to see.

I'd like to clear one thing up, however: I accept evolutionary biology. I know it's easy to confuse me with my parody (my fault entirely), but I'm actually rather pro-science. I'm just a little eccentric in how I show it.


Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,12:50   

I hate to say I told you so, but.....let's just say living in the South gives one plenty of experience in dealing with low-grade bullies and sociopaths. Don't let the hyenas get to you -- just tune them out and seek out people worth dealing with. I know you're an adult and you don't need any advice from a rascal like myself, but I don't want you leaving this board due to the baiting of assholes. Just be content that their true nature has been revealed for anyone with eyes to see.

Says the demonstrated and self confessed troll, liar and racist.




Chris Hyland

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,13:15   

Kick start to help Avocationist:

My theory of intelligent design checklist goes:

1. How old is the Earth?
2. Did all species:
  b. All descended from a smaller number of species(ie kinds) (goto 3)
  c. All descended from a common ancestor(goto 5)

3. If the earth is old, how does special creation better explain the nested heirachies found in nature than the idea that species evolved from a common ancestor with guidance from an intelligent designer.(goto 5)

4. If the Earth is young, how did a small number of species evolve into all those that currently exist in a few thousand years (taking into account extinct fossil species).(goto 12)

5. Assumiung some evolution took place did the designer:
  a. Act periodically to add information
  b. Set life off with all the information already contained in the genomes

6. If information was 'frontloaded' into genomes what did it look like in ancient organisms before it was used, and how did it avoid being degraded by mutation

7. What triggered the release of new information

8. What mechanism did the organism use to detect the trigger

9. What mechanism did the organism use to activate the new information

10. What evidence shows that these mechanisms have been in operation

11. If theses mechanisms are unknown what experiments could be performed to determine them?(goto 13)

12. Assuming the desinger intervened to input new information how could this be tested scientifically? Assume that the theory of evolution and common descent have been disproven.

13. Assuming the theory of evolution has been disproven, what discoveries could falsify your mechanisms, idea of common descent, and age of the earth.

You can assume for all of these questions that the theory of evolution has been disproven.

There may be more quesitons, but you need answers to all of them before you can claim there is a theory of ID, let alone that it is better than the theory of evolution.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,14:02   

Quote (The Wayward Hammer @ Jan. 31 2007,20:34)
GoP: what baseball board?  I frequent several, but baseballthinkfactory rules all.

I have always thought that analysis of baseball statistics would be an excellent lesson, for those so inclined, in data analysis and logical thinking.  If you can understand why Nolan Ryan was a good, but not necessarily great, pitcher then you can understand why ID has no logical basis.

My apologies to my European friends that might not get to experience baseball, the most sublime of all sports.  And don't even start about cricket.  Really.

Baseball is more like "rounders" than it is like "cricket".

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,14:12   

Quote (demallien @ Feb. 01 2007,01:22)
Quote (Ichthyic @ Feb. 01 2007,00:57)
Your tone is not acceptable.

says who?

methinks thou dost protest too much.

Stevo makes those decisions 'round these here parts.

Says me.  

Steve is free to either tell me to shut up, or to tell Lenny to cool it.  As he has seen fit to do neither, I remain free to voice my disapprobation of Lenny's tone.  And regardless of what you think, Lenny's tone, by any normal standards of behaviour, is unacceptable.  The fact that many Internet forums are nothing but incessant abuse doesn't mean that it's acceptable.

Lenny is rude? I would agree. Lenny is very rude. Sometimes I dislike how rude Lenny can be. Then again, Lenny has ben dealing with creationists for over 20 years and deserves some slack. Should a creationist actually bother to try to answer Lenny's boilerplate questions I might give them some credit.

Anyway, I do think Lenny can be too abrupt. But I can understand why. Let's be fair. Any creationist is free to answer back and dispute him (Lenny) on this forum. Ever wonder why most (creationists) just run away?


Posts: 532
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,14:35   

Stephen Elliott:
Should a creationist actually bother to try to answer Lenny's boilerplate questions I might give them some credit.
 * * * * * *
Ever wonder why most (creationists) just run away?  

All that good pizza confers zingier electrons, too hot for those creos to handle...much less sling back?

All that snake-handling confers slitherier electrons, too wiggly for those creos to read...much less rebut?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,15:23   

Quote (demallien @ Feb. 01 2007,02:22)
Steve is free to either tell me to shut up, or to tell Lenny to cool it.  As he has seen fit to do neither, I remain free to voice my disapprobation of Lenny's tone.  And regardless of what you think, Lenny's tone, by any normal standards of behaviour, is unacceptable.  The fact that many Internet forums are nothing but incessant abuse doesn't mean that it's acceptable.

See my post on the civility thread. I have been an absentee landlord, but beginning now, uncivil behavior will not be permitted.


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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,15:47   

I know you're an adult and you don't need any advice from a rascal like myself

ah, since you already knew that applies to everyone else as well, it's unfortunate that you chose to go ahead and post that little bit of drivel anyway.


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,18:42   

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ Feb. 01 2007,14:12)
Anyway, I do think Lenny can be too abrupt. But I can understand why. Let's be fair. Any creationist is free to answer back and dispute him (Lenny) on this forum. Ever wonder why most (creationists) just run away?

Y'all seem to be laboring under the misconception that creationists come here to make arguments and carry on discussions and respond to questions.  They, uh, don't.  If they DID, they would  . . . well . . .  ya know, actually present arguments and discuss things and answer questions.  They, uh, don't.  It's not why they are here.  They come here to pick a fight and feed their massive martyr complexes.  That's why they never respond to polite people and always respond to "rude" people.  They enjoy congratulating themselves over how "oppressed" they are.

They should all thank me for giving them exactly what they want.  (shrug)

As an aside, a very good cyber-friend of mine actually did that experiment himself.  Over a period of several months, whenever a new creationist appeared -- in an email list we were both on --- he would flip a coin.  If it came up heads, he responded politely. If it came up tails, he was harsh and brusque and swore a lot.  Guess when he got the most responses? Go on, take a guess . . . .  

I encourage others to duplicate that experiment and replicate the results for themselves.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,19:03   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 01 2007,12:50)
Says the demonstrated and self confessed troll, liar and racist.



Ha ha,  *I* got sent to the Bathroom Wall for *my* comment, and *you* didn't.  Neener neener.

I assume the Politeness Police don't like the term "bridge", for some reason . . . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,19:06   

The New Civility does not apply retroactively because I do not have the time to search through all the comments on all the active threads. If anyone has any questions about what it means to be civil to people, PM me.

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