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Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2009,12:32   

. . . Provençal . . .  


Hey, if you people are gonna use logic, you're gonna wind up with logical answers. ;)


Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2009,15:48   

More help required guys. One of the cretins is quoting Professor James Barr via CMI/AiG:

Oxford Hebrew scholar, Professor James Barr, on the meaning of Genesis
‘… probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1–11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that:

creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience

the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story

Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark.’

James Barr, Oriel Professor of the interpretation of the Holy Scripture, Oxford University, England, in a letter to David C.C. Watson, 23 April 1984. Barr, consistent with his neo-orthodox views, does not believe Genesis, but he understood what the Hebrew so clearly taught. It was only the perceived need to harmonise with the alleged age of the earth which led people to think anything different—it was nothing to do with the text itself.


Professor James Barr, professor of Hebrew at Oxford University agrees that the words used in Genesis 1 refer to 'a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience', and he says that he knows of no professor of Hebrew at any leading university who would say otherwise.7

I'm sure this is an example of quote mining as James Barr wasn't a YEC and was opposed to most (though not all) conservative evangelicals. Since we don't have access to the manuscript of the original letter in which he made these comments, it's impossible to tell in whiat context he made them.

Still, I suppose a leading theologian's views on the book of Genesis are irrellevant to 21st century science.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2009,17:24   

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Jan. 09 2009,12:20)
Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 09 2009,09:49)
And, French and Spanish make...


I very much doubt it.  Euskara was there before any of the Indo-European languages arrived.


The ultimate truth is that there is no ultimate truth.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2009,21:44   

Quote (khan @ Jan. 08 2009,18:54)
Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 08 2009,19:42)
It is clear from the reading of Genesis 3:16 favoured by both the Catholic Douai-Rheims Bible and the Protestant King James Bible that the consequences of original sin were, and always have been: problems with fecundity, childbirth, and carnal concupiscence; problems with the environment and earning a living; decay and death.

Hmm ! Does this mean that caesarean sections (or epidurals for that matter) contradict a literal reading of the book of Genesis ? Must put that one to the cretins on Premier.

I recall it being argued by some who never tried to shove a watermelon through a hose.

Carol Burnett, who has tried it, has compared childbirth to "pulling your bottom lip up over the top of your head"...


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 09 2009,21:52   

* "Like pushing a piano through a transom" is a folk idiom used to describe something exceedingly difficult; its application to childbirth (and possibly its origin) has been attributed to Alice Roosevelt Longworth and Fannie Brice.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...

MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 10 2009,14:39   

More from Premier Radio by Zechariah aka Andrew Sibley of Creation Science Movement

Rubbish - Wacky ideas ? Having spent a lot of time reading the history of geology from Steno to Lyell and beyond I can assure you that there was a strong commitment to paganism amongst those who opposed the flood geology of Steno. The Jesuit Athanasius Kirtcher and Royal Society member Joseph Lister both argued against Steno's demonstration of the organic origin of fossils in favour of a Platonic plastic theory of fossil formation - even Voltaire prefered the science of Kirtcher to that of Steno.
French and Scottish enlightenment figures wanted millions of years of change long before there was any claim for scientific evidence of long ages. The reason was that enlightenment figures such as David Hume, Erasmus Darwin, James Hutton and Benjamin Franklin were deeply interested in paganism with its belief in millions of years - if you care to read their writing.

What cobblers!!

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
Joined: Aug. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2009,13:01   

Quote (MIchael Roberts @ Jan. 10 2009,14:39)
More from Premier Radio by Zechariah aka Andrew Sibley of Creation Science Movement

Rubbish - Wacky ideas ? Having spent a lot of time reading the history of geology from Steno to Lyell and beyond I can assure you that there was a strong commitment to paganism amongst those who opposed the flood geology of Steno. The Jesuit Athanasius Kirtcher and Royal Society member Joseph Lister both argued against Steno's demonstration of the organic origin of fossils in favour of a Platonic plastic theory of fossil formation - even Voltaire prefered the science of Kirtcher to that of Steno.
French and Scottish enlightenment figures wanted millions of years of change long before there was any claim for scientific evidence of long ages. The reason was that enlightenment figures such as David Hume, Erasmus Darwin, James Hutton and Benjamin Franklin were deeply interested in paganism with its belief in millions of years - if you care to read their writing.

What cobblers!!

Well, I see zecheriah has buggered off from the forum (all his posts have disappeared completely).

He must read a lot of Grady McMurtry as he (McMurtry)comes off with similar claims about the orgins of "millions of years" (as if the antiquity of the Earth/Universe was merely philosophy and not established scientific fact)

Some of his (Sibley's) comments on the radiometric dating of meteorites being used to determine the age of the Universe did display a certain level of ignorance from someone supposedly so well educated (isn't he a qualified meteorologist ?). Those alone deserve to be in the Top Tard quotes on this forum

MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2009,13:07   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 11 2009,13:01)
Quote (MIchael Roberts @ Jan. 10 2009,14:39)
More from Premier Radio by Zechariah aka Andrew Sibley of Creation Science Movement

Rubbish - Wacky ideas ? Having spent a lot of time reading the history of geology from Steno to Lyell and beyond I can assure you that there was a strong commitment to paganism amongst those who opposed the flood geology of Steno. The Jesuit Athanasius Kirtcher and Royal Society member Joseph Lister both argued against Steno's demonstration of the organic origin of fossils in favour of a Platonic plastic theory of fossil formation - even Voltaire prefered the science of Kirtcher to that of Steno.
French and Scottish enlightenment figures wanted millions of years of change long before there was any claim for scientific evidence of long ages. The reason was that enlightenment figures such as David Hume, Erasmus Darwin, James Hutton and Benjamin Franklin were deeply interested in paganism with its belief in millions of years - if you care to read their writing.

What cobblers!!

Well, I see zecheriah has buggered off from the forum (all his posts have disappeared completely).

He must read a lot of Grady McMurtry as he (McMurtry)comes off with similar claims about the orgins of "millions of years" (as if the antiquity of the Earth/Universe was merely philosophy and not established scientific fact)

Some of his (Sibley's) comments on the radiometric dating of meteorites being used to determine the age of the Universe did display a certain level of ignorance from someone supposedly so well educated (isn't he a qualified meteorologist ?). Those alone deserve to be in the Top Tard quotes on this forum

As a historian of geology I would love to know where these ideas come from. No historian of geology would say them.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 11 2009,13:18   

There are some rather disturbed people on the PR site. Nothing compared to the RaptureReady crowd. There is an entire site dedicated to insane end of the world fanatics. Andrew and some of the others would fit right in with that crowd.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2009,04:19   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 11 2009,13:18)
There are some rather disturbed people on the PR site. Nothing compared to the RaptureReady crowd. There is an entire site dedicated to insane end of the world fanatics. Andrew and some of the others would fit right in with that crowd.

Premier Radio is considered quite a good Christian broadcaster.

I will leave you to decide.

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2009,05:22   

Quote (MIchael Roberts @ Jan. 12 2009,04:19)
Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 11 2009,13:18)
There are some rather disturbed people on the PR site. Nothing compared to the RaptureReady crowd. There is an entire site dedicated to insane end of the world fanatics. Andrew and some of the others would fit right in with that crowd.

Premier Radio is considered quite a good Christian broadcaster.

I will leave you to decide.

I e-mailed UCB (a very similar type of station) a while ago Michael and was answered by a Peter Boyd from their Belfast office. Now, while he did say they allowed for diffierent views (something some of the cretins on Premier's forum do not) he did pioint me to the "helium in zircons" claim on the ICR website as proof of a young Earth. UCB have put out some of the Christians in science material (I've seen Sam Berry presenting programmes on the station) along with some YEC videos as well (Life's story for example, Philip Bell, Paul Garner, and Vij Sodera). At least they do allow some debate on the issue. I would imagine Premier Radio are very much the same. The very fact that they've had you as a guest on some of their programmes does show that in principle, they do allow for different views, rather like UCB.

This is in contrast to broadcasters like Howard Condor's Revelation/Genesis TV which put out several hours of YEC material daily (sometimes much more than this) and to my knowledge have never, ever, had a guest on that is either OEC, a gap theorist, or a TE. Mind you, I have noticed Premier Radio now broadcast this:

This originates from Ballymoney free Presbyterian church, as far as I can tell, a hotbed of YECism in NI. It's Mervyn Storey's home congregation. Storey is a YEC MLA who is attempting to get YECism presented at the Giant's Causeway as well in museums and schools. Paul Taylor (AiG UK) had a conference in the church recently.

As for the Rapture Ready crowd Gary, I take it you've seen this one on Youtube:

I assume it was them who put that one out ????

I think a lot of evangelical Christians don't realise that Dispensationalism was in fact considered heresy really up until quite recently. Well, until John Nelson Darby's ideas became the norm. Surprisingly, Darby was actually an Anglican (something I hadn't realised until quite recently)

MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
Joined: Oct. 2003

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2009,06:16   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 12 2009,05:22)
Quote (MIchael Roberts @ Jan. 12 2009,04:19)
Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 11 2009,13:18)
There are some rather disturbed people on the PR site. Nothing compared to the RaptureReady crowd. There is an entire site dedicated to insane end of the world fanatics. Andrew and some of the others would fit right in with that crowd.

Premier Radio is considered quite a good Christian broadcaster.

I will leave you to decide.

I e-mailed UCB (a very similar type of station) a while ago Michael and was answered by a Peter Boyd from their Belfast office. Now, while he did say they allowed for diffierent views (something some of the cretins on Premier's forum do not) he did pioint me to the "helium in zircons" claim on the ICR website as proof of a young Earth. UCB have put out some of the Christians in science material (I've seen Sam Berry presenting programmes on the station) along with some YEC videos as well (Life's story for example, Philip Bell, Paul Garner, and Vij Sodera). At least they do allow some debate on the issue. I would imagine Premier Radio are very much the same. The very fact that they've had you as a guest on some of their programmes does show that in principle, they do allow for different views, rather like UCB.

This is in contrast to broadcasters like Howard Condor's Revelation/Genesis TV which put out several hours of YEC material daily (sometimes much more than this) and to my knowledge have never, ever, had a guest on that is either OEC, a gap theorist, or a TE. Mind you, I have noticed Premier Radio now broadcast this:

This originates from Ballymoney free Presbyterian church, as far as I can tell, a hotbed of YECism in NI. It's Mervyn Storey's home congregation. Storey is a YEC MLA who is attempting to get YECism presented at the Giant's Causeway as well in museums and schools. Paul Taylor (AiG UK) had a conference in the church recently.

As for the Rapture Ready crowd Gary, I take it you've seen this one on Youtube:

I assume it was them who put that one out ????

I think a lot of evangelical Christians don't realise that Dispensationalism was in fact considered heresy really up until quite recently. Well, until John Nelson Darby's ideas became the norm. Surprisingly, Darby was actually an Anglican (something I hadn't realised until quite recently)

Yeah but Derby left us Anglicans to go his own sweet way

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2009,08:33   

Indeed Michael. I wonder if the Brethren are more extreme than Darby ?

I see the adminstrators have now posted a code of conduct. Interesting. I reckon some of ploughboy's comments towards myself certainly fall into this catagory:

is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive or hateful

MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 12 2009,11:02   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 12 2009,08:33)
Indeed Michael. I wonder if the Brethren are more extreme than Darby ?

I see the adminstrators have now posted a code of conduct. Interesting. I reckon some of ploughboy's comments towards myself certainly fall into this catagory:

is derogatory, demeaning, malicious, defamatory, abusive, offensive or hateful

But not mine on Garner and the BNP!!

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,12:12   

The thread on Premier Radio has now degenerated into discussing bible codes. The last time I heard a discussion on bible codes (think it might have been Chuck Missler) they were cl;aiming the bible predicted the periodic tabe. I'm sure there must be a "bible codes debunked" website somewhere.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,13:15   

The last time I heard a discussion on bible codes (think it might have been Chuck Missler) they were cl;aiming the bible predicted the periodic tabe.

Somebody should demand that they give the date on which element 117 will be first observed, and in what laboratory. :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,15:07   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 13 2009,10:12)
The thread on Premier Radio has now degenerated into discussing bible codes. The last time I heard a discussion on bible codes (think it might have been Chuck Missler) they were cl;aiming the bible predicted the periodic tabe. I'm sure there must be a "bible codes debunked" website somewhere.

Mark Perakh
2003 Unintelligent Design New York: Prometheus Press

Mark does a very good job debunking the Bible Code nonsense. Also he has a good selection of articles on his web site, Talk Reason

I am not going to bother with that topic my self.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,16:43   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 13 2009,15:07)
Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 13 2009,10:12)
The thread on Premier Radio has now degenerated into discussing bible codes. The last time I heard a discussion on bible codes (think it might have been Chuck Missler) they were cl;aiming the bible predicted the periodic tabe. I'm sure there must be a "bible codes debunked" website somewhere.

Mark Perakh
2003 Unintelligent Design New York: Prometheus Press

Mark does a very good job debunking the Bible Code nonsense. Also he has a good selection of articles on his web site, Talk Reason

I am not going to bother with that topic my self.

I can see why Gary.

I'll maybe post a link for Andrew though I doubt he'll read it. Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ? Presumabely all the other translations are "fakes"


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,18:12   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 13 2009,14:43)
I'll maybe post a link for Andrew though I doubt he'll read it. Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ? Presumabely all the other translations are "fakes"

Andrew has disappeared into the weirdness fog.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 13 2009,21:58   

Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ?

Certainly. After all, if English was good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for anybody, right?



Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 492
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2009,00:26   

Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 13 2009,20:58)
Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ?

Certainly. After all, if English was good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for anybody, right?



I have to imagine a likely response would be along the lines of:

An all-knowing, all-seeing God would obviously know of all languages and all possible translations of his inspired Word. Thus each and every version would reveal the hidden messages via the bible codes to anyone with a secret decoder ring.

After all, it's much more fun that way...sure beats having God explicitly spelling out the most important things to know in His book so stupid people have a clear understanding.

BTW, I have a lightly used Bible (only opened by a little old lady every Sunday) for a very good price. I'll throw in the accompanying decoder ring at no extra charge.

ETA: formatting, something to do with clarity and special offer

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2009,01:09   

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Jan. 14 2009,00:26)
Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 13 2009,20:58)
Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ?

Certainly. After all, if English was good enough for Jesus, it ought to be good enough for anybody, right?



I have to imagine a likely response would be along the lines of:

An all-knowing, all-seeing God would obviously know of all languages and all possible translations of his inspired Word. Thus each and every version would reveal the hidden messages via the bible codes to anyone with a secret decoder ring.

After all, it's much more fun that way...sure beats explicitly spelling out the most important things to know so stupid people have a clear understanding.

You've probably hit it on the head.  Of course, each version would have slightly different codes, therefore, all we need to do is try every code in existence until we find the messages that we want!  So simple a child could think it was real. :D

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 14 2009,11:53   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 13 2009,18:12)
Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 13 2009,14:43)
I'll maybe post a link for Andrew though I doubt he'll read it. Interestingly, he states the codes are only in the "true" bible which I assume is the King James (AV) version ? Presumabely all the other translations are "fakes"

Andrew has disappeared into the weirdness fog.

He's re-emerged Gary:

I saw something the other day where someone said if the nucleus of a hydrogen atom was the size of a pea the electron would be the size of a pin head and the distance apart would be about one kilometre away with empty space in-between. Should have seen the looks on people’s faces. Kind-of makes you think about energy matter, what a part of us is made from, and such.

I was tempted to post this:

but I think it would be wasted since I found the concept of atomic orbitals quite difficult to grasp myself. Just how you respond to this drivil is beyond me though:

It does seem that the argument about this goes back centuries. I see this as a natural human rebellion against God and his authority; 'we don't really like the idea of God having so much authority so let's criticise his word to make it less1 - let's see how we can twist the Hebrew to make it imply something else'. The trouble is, many of the scholars that i read about acknowledged the difficulty in 'making' the text read anything other than what it plainly says.

The science factor only came onto the scene in the last few hundred years, with statements like 'Genesis was never meant to be a scientific text, and must be interpreted according to new knowledge'. Which basically means 'the word of God must yield and submit and bow down to the word of man'.

MIchael Roberts

Posts: 13
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,03:20   

One for Peter

Latest addtion to Premier Forum describes himself and spiritual influences as

My dad, the present Baptist pastor of my church in Exeter, Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, Institute for Creation Research, Henry Morris and all the research scientists like Russ Humfreys, John Baumgardner, Steve Austin, Larry Vardiman, Andrew Snelling, Georgia Purdom

Peter Henderson

Posts: 298
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,07:01   

Quote (MIchael Roberts @ Jan. 15 2009,03:20)
One for Peter

Latest addtion to Premier Forum describes himself and spiritual influences as

My dad, the present Baptist pastor of my church in Exeter, Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, Institute for Creation Research, Henry Morris and all the research scientists like Russ Humfreys, John Baumgardner, Steve Austin, Larry Vardiman, Andrew Snelling, Georgia Purdom

Not another one Michael. His favourite bible verse:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God... Because that's where it all starts, and if Christians don't believe that then it all goes wrong from there!

Maybe we should point him in the direction of Kent Hovind and John Freshwater.  

When oh when are evangelical leaders going to recognise this as heresy ????? I don't know. I really don't. It would seem that the evangelical church has closed it's doors to any logical reason. I personally feel that YECism is now almost cult like.  

I seem to have Martin completely stumped on the bible claiming bats are birds. He's absolutely no answer for that one and instead is waffling on about translations and so on.

Since Phil is a maths teacher I wonder if i should bring up the fact that the bible states that pi is 3.0 ? :angry:  :angry:  :angry:


Posts: 2333
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,10:17   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Jan. 15 2009,05:01)
Since Phil is a maths teacher I wonder if i should bring up the fact that the bible states that pi is 3.0 ? :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

The creato BS regarding pi is that the ratio was not pi, but the "calculated" ratio of the inner and outer diameters of the "bowl." Thus, the ratio is purely descriptive and yields (IIRC) a metal thickness of ~4 inches.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."


Richard Simons

Posts: 425
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,12:59   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 15 2009,10:17)
The creato BS regarding pi is that the ratio was not pi, but the "calculated" ratio of the inner and outer diameters of the "bowl." Thus, the ratio is purely descriptive and yields (IIRC) a metal thickness of ~4 inches.

This means that the circumference was measured inside the bowl and the diameter was measured over the total width. It is very hard to measure the interior circumference of something. My own idea is that the container was more spherical, with a narrower opening than the maximum diameter.

All sweeping statements are wrong.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,13:25   

pi can't be 3, cause pi are square, and 3 isn't a square number.

So there.  :p


Posts: 1554
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,13:52   

Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 15 2009,14:25)
pi can't be 3, cause pi are square, and 3 isn't a square number.

So there.  :p

Pi are round, cornbread are square.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 15 2009,14:01   

Quote (khan @ Jan. 15 2009,14:52)
Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 15 2009,14:25)
pi can't be 3, cause pi are square, and 3 isn't a square number.

So there.  :p

Pi are round, cornbread are square.

I like Pi.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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