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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 492
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,12:34   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 14 2015,21:42)
Although I have to avoid getting others stuck in the mudfight going on here in this thread, in the real world where the best around exchange ideas needed to stay current in what is known about how "intelligence" works my models and theory are such a scientific noncontroversy I was honorably nominated (by one of the most knowledgeable and respected in the forum) to help moderate the Kurzweil AI forum:

As in the topic for an exceptional Lady Gaga performance that seemed too off-topic for the forum, I sometimes know what is needed to lead to entertaining science fun that that time needed information on Ray Kurweil's music related interests to help keep such a thread on-topic. I do not have much free time to moderate, but on occasion I do help in that regard.

Claims of my ideas being rejected hide the fact that experienced scientists in relevant fields find them to be no controversy at all. IBM and other creators of machine intelligence are not at all threatened, modern systems have the expected guess mechanism and other systematics required to qualify as intelligence. The Google brain can now make a "best guess" for selecting videos so where the "intelligence" science is really at all is still actually going very well. That level of help settling the semantic "best" or "good" guess issue I have to welcome the change from science itself that make my theory writing life easier. Small changes added up to what I have been explaining becoming a scientific reality, which could just be by others finding out the same as I did about the features of "intelligence" on their own without me, but either way the models and theory withstood the already decades long test of time and became scientific reality.

It seemed that CNOT would not mind my appreciatively mentioning their nomination in this anti-ID forum where how intelligence works is so poorly understood it (from a moderating perspective) scientifically deserves the torment, from my being here.

That's hilarious.

You think because some random, anonymous person on a fringe forum mentioned (not "honorably nominated") you as a possible moderator confers acceptance of your piddly little toy VB program and your not-even-wrong, pretend "theory"? No one else in said forum even took notice or repeated your name as a possibility.

And you claim as your breakthrough moment on said forum an off-topic post about Lady GaGa?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...ROFLMFA...clearly this proves you are moving up in the world...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...make it stop.

Why don't you give CNOT a link back to this thread so he can see how brilliant and under appreciated you really are?

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"

Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 492
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,12:41   

I did notice how well received you were at Uncommon Descent.

After they ignored you, your comments, your "theory" and your wonderful kiddie animation, I see you have returned to AtBC for attention.

I assume for you unfavorable and disagreeable recognition is better than none at all. No wonder you always come back.

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,13:08   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Tony M Nyphot

Posts: 492
Joined: June 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,13:24   

Back at Kurzweil AI forum, which according to the esteemed Gary S. Gaulin is "the real world where the best around exchange ideas needed to stay current in what is known about how "intelligence" works my models and theory are such a scientific noncontroversy" and where Gary states that "Claims of my ideas being rejected hide the fact that experienced scientists in relevant fields find them to be no controversy at all.", one can find an in depth review of Gary's "theory" by a relevant-field, experienced scientist by the name of Quotetheraving.

Quotetheraving's ending summary proves yet another FAIL and lie from Gary:
You claim much but deliver less than nothing. Essentially this whole stinky and shaky edifice is based on nothing more than unsupported claims and a casual redefinition and/or misapplication of basic terms such as intelligence, memory and choice.
To my eyes this is an object lesson on the need for clear definitions of important terms.

"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,13:57   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,14:08)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

The relevant comparison, you know, the one based on the claims under consideration, are for you  to show where in your PSC VB code NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley are coded up.

That's been the point you've been trying to evade and avoid for a number of pages now.

We all see it; this is worse than your usual pathetic behavior.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,14:38   

You know it's bad when it makes k.e. write in mundane, prosaic sentences.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,14:48   

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
I did notice how well received you were at Uncommon Descent.

The experience met my expectations.

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
After they ignored you, your comments, your "theory" and your wonderful kiddie animation, I see you have returned to AtBC for attention.

All indications indicate that I could have written (and maybe still could) have written a guest post. I also think I missed a few opportunities, like the topic on an old (but still valid) paper that talks about the anti-ID culture that goes to their own unscientific extremes to try to make the Theory of Intelligent Design gone. I posted a link and abstract to the paper, but should have went into detail in regards to why it's still worth discussing in a News topic. My mentioning from this forum (where the anti-ID culture regularly goes too far) adds to what started at UD to hopefully in time to work for them, be glad it finally went their way.

What the UD experience ended up making obvious is that although the scientific method I use is ideal for a forum where it's vital to be totally scientific (like here with a Wesley level challenge) a scientific theory is best to also have a BioLogos type entity that covers the religious implications without someone annoyingly demanding scientific evidence where all are instead trying to have religious discussions.

UD and I are meant to be like opposites of the same thing that both need to exist apart from each other, but it's like a photographic negative enlarged to final picture making both the same thing instead of an adversarial image where one can change other. It would be wrong of me to blame them for my sometimes having been annoying, it's just something that happens when not keeping science and religion properly separated from each other.

What was learned, makes how it all turned out something for me to be thankful for. With all considered none at UD have to worry about my trying to stop them from talking religion even though I need to be here where only science works for us to get along well together. I cannot think of a better outcome from our getting to know each other a little better, than that.

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
I assume for you unfavorable and disagreeable recognition is better than none at all. No wonder you always come back.

I think you are correct. UD does not want to have to get into too much scientific detail therefore what I seek probably mostly bores them. But it sure livens up this most punishing scientific arena, which asked for it and still does:

It's hard for someone like me to not accept such a gracious invitation to join the science fun, and the staff at UD can be thankful that from here I am only annoying to Wesley and others. This way all works out to be wonderful, for all in the ID movement...

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,15:00   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,14:48)
Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
I did notice how well received you were at Uncommon Descent.

The experience met my expectations.

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
After they ignored you, your comments, your "theory" and your wonderful kiddie animation, I see you have returned to AtBC for attention.

All indications indicate that I could have written (and maybe still could) have written a guest post. I also think I missed a few opportunities, like the topic on an old (but still valid) paper that talks about the anti-ID culture that goes to their own unscientific extremes to try to make the Theory of Intelligent Design gone. I posted a link and abstract to the paper, but should have went into detail in regards to why it's still worth discussing in a News topic. My mentioning from this forum (where the anti-ID culture regularly goes too far) adds to what started at UD to hopefully in time to work for them, be glad it finally went their way.

What the UD experience ended up making obvious is that although the scientific method I use is ideal for a forum where it's vital to be totally scientific (like here with a Wesley level challenge) a scientific theory is best to also have a BioLogos type entity that covers the religious implications without someone annoyingly demanding scientific evidence where all are instead trying to have religious discussions.

UD and I are meant to be like opposites of the same thing that both need to exist apart from each other, but it's like a photographic negative enlarged to final picture making both the same thing instead of an adversarial image where one can change other. It would be wrong of me to blame them for my sometimes having been annoying, it's just something that happens when not keeping science and religion properly separated from each other.

What was learned, makes how it all turned out something for me to be thankful for. With all considered none at UD have to worry about my trying to stop them from talking religion even though I need to be here where only science works for us to get along well together. I cannot think of a better outcome from our getting to know each other a little better, than that.

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,12:41)
I assume for you unfavorable and disagreeable recognition is better than none at all. No wonder you always come back.

I think you are correct. UD does not want to have to get into too much scientific detail therefore what I seek probably mostly bores them. But it sure livens up this most punishing scientific arena, which asked for it and still does:

It's hard for someone like me to not accept such a gracious invitation to join the science fun, and the staff at UD can be thankful that from here I am only annoying to Wesley and others. This way all works out to be wonderful, for all in the ID movement...

Be careful what you ask for.  You might get wretched arguments in enormous, repetitive, voluminosity, as seen in this thread...

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,16:30   

Doing my part for voluminosity here....

My mentioning from this forum (where the anti-ID culture regularly goes too far) adds to what started at UD to hopefully in time to work for them, be glad it finally went their way.  ..........

UD and I are meant to be like opposites of the same thing that both need to exist apart from each other, but it's like a photographic negative enlarged to final picture making both the same thing instead of an adversarial image where one can change other.

That's mind-boggling prose, Gary, and not in a good way.

What the UD experience ended up making obvious is that although the scientific method I use is ideal for a forum where it's vital to be totally scientific (like here with a Wesley level challenge) a scientific theory is best to also have a BioLogos type entity that covers the religious implications without someone annoyingly demanding scientific evidence where all are instead trying to have religious discussions.

Yes, we all totally feel for you there - we all know just how annoying it is when you're trying to be all religous-y and kumbayah and full of revealed Truth and someone else gets all up-tight sciencey about it and demands hypotheses and logic and evidence and crap like that and just won't take your revelations on your say-so.  Not.

You are trying to present your stuff as legitimate and worthwhile science, and it just isn't.  It is so far away from being up to snuff that it is pretty much snuffed out.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,19:15   

Quote (Tony M Nyphot @ Mar. 15 2015,13:24)
Back at Kurzweil AI forum, which according to the esteemed Gary S. Gaulin is "the real world where the best around exchange ideas needed to stay current in what is known about how "intelligence" works my models and theory are such a scientific noncontroversy" and where Gary states that "Claims of my ideas being rejected hide the fact that experienced scientists in relevant fields find them to be no controversy at all.", one can find an in depth review of Gary's "theory" by a relevant-field, experienced scientist by the name of Quotetheraving.

Quotetheraving's ending summary proves yet another FAIL and lie from Gary:
You claim much but deliver less than nothing. Essentially this whole stinky and shaky edifice is based on nothing more than unsupported claims and a casual redefinition and/or misapplication of basic terms such as intelligence, memory and choice.
To my eyes this is an object lesson on the need for clear definitions of important terms.

That is from an overall constructive discussion (which over three years ago ended) from the first topic I ever posted in that forum!

It's an example of what happens when my IDeas are not battled using "wretched arguments in enormous, repetitive, voluminosity, as seen in this thread..."

At the Kurzweil AI forum the theory issue is now ancient history. The regular members understand what I was saying as it pertains to cognitive science and biology. Forum staff do not mind the computer models and other things that came out of discussion. I help show how valuable of a service they are to someone like me.

To help stay current I have over the years been scanning through all their News articles, for what I need to know. Even where kept very simple my models take the latest that is known about how cells wire together into consideration, which in turn makes what I am modeling no controversy at all in neuroscience or other area of cognitive science that expects an inhibitory "GridRAM(N) = 63 - N" in its code along with what else is needed for it to have fun navigating around the "internal world model" of itself in the real world arena complete with hidden moving shock zone that works great for testing it against real rat behavior during recording. What I work on is very compatible with where modern science is going and what the AI forum is for discussing. At least a forum like that can better understand what it is and how it works.

The ID connection is now just one of those things that goes with the territory that might be a little quirky but in a forum for discussing uploading conscious brain contents into a machine and other ideas many find just as quirky I fit right in, and they help get to help control the destiny of the ID issue without having to do anything out of the ordinary it's just one of things that changes (but important part remains unchanged) in response to what is in part learned from the Kurzweil AI service not something they have to change for. They are trying to technologically go where none have gone before towards answering the "big questions" related to intelligence and consciousness. The ID movement finding that fun too is a success for the forum regulars who helped guide the science part in a such a scientifically useful direction. I there early on learned about the work of Edvard Moser and here we are again in this forum where Wesley has me again in detail going over the Grid Cell models that the AI forum helped create by having led to, after the thread in that forum for the ID theory was over and done with and I could there get on with models and other constructive things I then had to work on.

At this point in time the Theory of Intelligent Design issue is long over in that forum, but not this one where some try to keep it forever going as an issue. Oh well..

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,19:22   

So why have you not been able to provide a single explanation using your "theory" for any phenomenon we have offered up?
Hell of a theory if it has zero predictive or explanatory power.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,19:50   

Quote (N.Wells @ Mar. 15 2015,16:30)
What the UD experience ended up making obvious is that although the scientific method I use is ideal for a forum where it's vital to be totally scientific (like here with a Wesley level challenge) a scientific theory is best to also have a BioLogos type entity that covers the religious implications without someone annoyingly demanding scientific evidence where all are instead trying to have religious discussions.

Yes, we all totally feel for you there - we all know just how annoying it is when you're trying to be all religous-y and kumbayah and full of revealed Truth and someone else gets all up-tight sciencey about it and demands hypotheses and logic and evidence and crap like that and just won't take your revelations on your say-so.  Not.

You are trying to present your stuff as legitimate and worthwhile science, and it just isn't.  It is so far away from being up to snuff that it is pretty much snuffed out.

If you want get religous-y and kumbayah then the power of science makes walls come tumbling down and a new world can begin:

Queensryche - Silent Lucidity
youtube /watch?v=jhat-xUQ6dw

Is the dream over? Or has it just begun?

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,19:50   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,13:08)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

I'm looking at the PSC VB code (dated 2011/11/22), and can't find the above code snippet. Where is this supposed to be? Filename and line numbers, please.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,20:27   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,19:50)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,13:08)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

I'm looking at the PSC VB code (dated 2011/11/22), and can't find the above code snippet. Where is this supposed to be? Filename and line numbers, please.

That is from in the model I'm now working on and has updated comments, but the training code is what is used in the Grid Cell Network model:

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,20:30   

And alternate link with compiled code too:


The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 15 2015,21:46   

According to Gary,  
That is from an overall constructive discussion (which over three years ago ended) from the first topic I ever posted in that forum!

It's an example of what happens when my IDeas are not battled using "wretched arguments in enormous, repetitive, voluminosity, as seen in this thread..."

At the Kurzweil AI forum the theory issue is now ancient history. The regular members understand what I was saying as it pertains to cognitive science and biology. Forum staff do not mind the computer models and other things that came out of discussion. I help show how valuable of a service they are to someone like me.

Well, that certainly seems to put us in our place.  Guaranteed experts generally understood his points and did not object, and a good and productive conversation was had by all.  But wait, this is Gary talking!  Have we learned that Gary is always careful and never makes false assertions, or is there just occasionally, just once in a while, a little tiny gap, barely noticeable really, between Gary and reality as everyone else knows it?  Aw heck, I'm almost starting to feel guilty about checking up on whatever he says.........

So, following Tony's fine example, let's distill that Kurzweil thread for the essence of various people's opinions about Gary's ideas:


lie more and continue to ignore anyone that makes concrete observations.

Its like having a discussion with redq. hardly worth the effort.

There's so many flaws with this that it's hard to know where to begin so I'll pick each apart in the order they appear. .... This displays either a complete misunderstanding of what intelligence implies or worse an attempt at redefinition of terms. In my experience such redefinitions are signs of sophism and semantic gymnastics similar to redefining black as 'dark grey' in order to have a basis to argue incrementally towards the statement that black is white.

This not only fails to "operationally define intelligence" but also manages to be a tautology and so vague as to be essentially meaningless.  All you do is state the obvious (intelligence producing algorithms allow electronic intelligence) and offer this up as though it were proof that a constituents behaviour explains the behaviour of the whole which is not only no kind of support for your later argument but is patently false. There are numerous examples of systems where their behaviour arises as an emergent property at a certain scale rather than as an inherent property at all scales.

You are mixing things up.  Traditional 'religious' Intelligent design only requires that complex organisms be the result of an intelligent creator. Your 'theory' which you term intelligent design however argues that intelligence is an innate property existing at all scales and that each higher strata is produced as a result of intelligent behaviour of the strata below.  For this to be called intelligent design you must first show that the behaviour of lower scales is actually intelligent (capable of choosing a better course of action from a range of less favorable responses) and that the higher levels are designed (made intentionally) you manage neither.

Non random implies order which implies rules, it does not imply intelligence.  Stating that ordered behaviour at the atomic behaviour allows for further complexity of behaviour at the molecular layer is nothing more than stating the obvious, calling this intelligence rather than simply complex behaviour however is a mistake.


Again you ascribe purpose to selection displaying a poor understanding of Darwinism.
Yes the genome is the end result of previous iterations of mutation which were each a succesful adaptation, but it does not therefore constitute true memory, the ability to consciously choose between options, let alone the ability to model the environment


You claim much but deliver less than nothing. Essentially this whole stinky and shaky edifice is based on nothing more than unsupported claims and a casual redefinition and/or misapplication of basic terms such as intelligence, memory and choice.  To my eyes this is an object lesson on the need for clear definitions of important terms.


My point is that each scale is different and that this difference renders the term intelligence inapplicable and the entire basis for his argument moot  Not to mention it completely fails at it's claim to show an alternative to natural selection.   So less troll food and more wild unsupported claims and a poor choice of name.


I think you are unaware of how presenting a theory works... you provide the evidence!
Though first you should clearly define your terms and provide a strong and logically sound argument with pertinent evidence as support.  However you haven't provided any real evidence, and certainly nothing that would convince anyone with a passing familiarity in highschool level science.
You do however build an argument resting on unsupported claims, misapplied terms and stating the obvious as though it supported your argument when it doesn't. Ultimately producing what amounts to little more than an exercise in sophistry.

Gary:  Or in other words you demand a unscientific explanation that does not follow any known scientific laws/theories, so that you continue to believe that a scientific explanation is unscientific.

No, quite the opposite really.  I demand a coherent logical argument supported by pertinent evidence and ideally consistent with the known scientific laws/theories in order for me to view a theory as scientific... You singularly fail in this regard and hence I consider your effort unscientific.

Handwaving away fundamental problems does not make your essential premise any more sound, nor any less an exercise in semantics rather than science.


However this goes far beyond poor use of language.  It begins with messy semantics, generating confusion by shifting between levels that should be considered on their own virtues and described by reference to their own particular behaviours, then uses the resultant confusions to support conclusions that are laughably and patently false. Which is why I consider this argument specious... it's nearly a textbook example of sophistry.


Your language here is mangled, but even when corrected (ironically by a "best guess") your idea has obviously confused levels of abstraction. ...........You have erected a straw man, namely that some "atheistic contamination of science" relies on a false idea (that being the randomness of chemical reactions) to support their anti-ID anti-Creationist worldview, but nothing could be further from the truth.
With all due respect, and apologies if I have gotten something basically wrong, but If even a crackpot like me can come along and without much trouble DESTROY your silly thinking (or knowing propaganda, if you are that cynical), what chance do you think you stand against real scientists? The thought that you want to contaminate science with this crap, and that you think science is currently contaminated by opposite notions, is troubling to me.

 Deepak Chopra has been churning out this kind of stuff too  ...........
I think it's obvious that they are thoughts about human bias, motivations, comfort levels; I think it's obvious how it pertains to the subject; I think it's obvious that you want to appear to be trying, begging, pleading to keep the debate here in the realm of science but sir we are not even close to science yet, starting with your submission.


The consensus so far is that you are not being logically coherent in your use, your intended application, of the word "intelligence", and in your assertions of what the scientific consensus is regarding random versus nonrandom behaviors of various configurations of matter. I would agree with these criticicms. However, don't let any of that discourage you, how to arrive at an operational definition of intelligence is not without controversy, I think, and if you think you are really on to something why not keep pluggin away at it? Also, why not learn from the criticisms while youre at it?. To be honest though, I don't think you have the makings of a good theory, because your definition of intelligence involves a tautology, an ontological indeterminism: "It's intelligent because it's purposeful because it's optimized for the environment because it's designed because it's purposeful because it's intelligent". Plus, I don't think your understanding of what randomness is and isn't and what it does and does not import to the "design" arguments is very good.

Field Man:      
So, in other words, you aren't gonna get your paper published in any reputable journal, nor supported by anyone who actually reads it and is knowledgable about the basics of science. You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that.

 The VERY FACT that you are doing your utmost to evade and dodge these questions makes EVERYTHING you do from this point SUSPICIOUS.  The FACT that you are doing everything you can to slide past these direct and simple questions shows that you are not being honest.

Yessiree Bob, ringing endorsements, every last one of them.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,03:13   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,20:27)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,19:50)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,13:08)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

I'm looking at the PSC VB code (dated 2011/11/22), and can't find the above code snippet. Where is this supposed to be? Filename and line numbers, please.

That is from in the model I'm now working on and has updated comments, but the training code is what is used in the Grid Cell Network model:

The issue under discussion is a claim Gary made about the content of his PSC VB code available at the time (2013/05/08), thus the archive that I've noted as having the timestamp of 2011/11/22. No code that is outside that archive has any relevance to the claim. As I noted at the time,


If it isn't in the PSC VB code, it can't be claimed to be part of Gary's "computer model". Gary can't get credit for a "cognitive model" that "has neurons" if there isn't actually any artificial neural model in the code. It's that simple. Gary doesn't reference anything in the code to establish that any artificial neural network model is used. I can't see anything in the code that looks like it has any neural network correspondence. Gary's blithe claim that "memory" adds "more neural behavior" is simply bizarre.

Even if we contemplate Gary's digression into code that isn't part of the PSC VB archive under discussion, the above still holds true.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,03:40   

Quote (N.Wells @ Mar. 16 2015,05:46)
According to Gary,      
That is from an overall constructive discussion (which over three years ago ended) from the first topic I ever posted in that forum!

It's an example of what happens when my IDeas are not battled using "wretched arguments in enormous, repetitive, voluminosity, as seen in this thread..."

At the Kurzweil AI forum the theory issue is now ancient history. The regular members understand what I was saying as it pertains to cognitive science and biology. Forum staff do not mind the computer models and other things that came out of discussion. I help show how valuable of a service they are to someone like me.

Well, that certainly seems to put us in our place.  Guaranteed experts generally understood his points and did not object, and a good and productive conversation was had by all.  But wait, this is Gary talking!  Have we learned that Gary is always careful and never makes false assertions, or is there just occasionally, just once in a while, a little tiny gap, barely noticeable really, between Gary and reality as everyone else knows it?  Aw heck, I'm almost starting to feel guilty about checking up on whatever he says.........

So, following Tony's fine example, let's distill that Kurzweil thread for the essence of various people's opinions about Gary's ideas:


lie more and continue to ignore anyone that makes concrete observations.

Its like having a discussion with redq. hardly worth the effort.

There's so many flaws with this that it's hard to know where to begin so I'll pick each apart in the order they appear. .... This displays either a complete misunderstanding of what intelligence implies or worse an attempt at redefinition of terms. In my experience such redefinitions are signs of sophism and semantic gymnastics similar to redefining black as 'dark grey' in order to have a basis to argue incrementally towards the statement that black is white.

This not only fails to "operationally define intelligence" but also manages to be a tautology and so vague as to be essentially meaningless.  All you do is state the obvious (intelligence producing algorithms allow electronic intelligence) and offer this up as though it were proof that a constituents behaviour explains the behaviour of the whole which is not only no kind of support for your later argument but is patently false. There are numerous examples of systems where their behaviour arises as an emergent property at a certain scale rather than as an inherent property at all scales.

You are mixing things up.  Traditional 'religious' Intelligent design only requires that complex organisms be the result of an intelligent creator. Your 'theory' which you term intelligent design however argues that intelligence is an innate property existing at all scales and that each higher strata is produced as a result of intelligent behaviour of the strata below.  For this to be called intelligent design you must first show that the behaviour of lower scales is actually intelligent (capable of choosing a better course of action from a range of less favorable responses) and that the higher levels are designed (made intentionally) you manage neither.

Non random implies order which implies rules, it does not imply intelligence.  Stating that ordered behaviour at the atomic behaviour allows for further complexity of behaviour at the molecular layer is nothing more than stating the obvious, calling this intelligence rather than simply complex behaviour however is a mistake.


Again you ascribe purpose to selection displaying a poor understanding of Darwinism.
Yes the genome is the end result of previous iterations of mutation which were each a succesful adaptation, but it does not therefore constitute true memory, the ability to consciously choose between options, let alone the ability to model the environment


You claim much but deliver less than nothing. Essentially this whole stinky and shaky edifice is based on nothing more than unsupported claims and a casual redefinition and/or misapplication of basic terms such as intelligence, memory and choice.  To my eyes this is an object lesson on the need for clear definitions of important terms.


My point is that each scale is different and that this difference renders the term intelligence inapplicable and the entire basis for his argument moot  Not to mention it completely fails at it's claim to show an alternative to natural selection.   So less troll food and more wild unsupported claims and a poor choice of name.


I think you are unaware of how presenting a theory works... you provide the evidence!
Though first you should clearly define your terms and provide a strong and logically sound argument with pertinent evidence as support.  However you haven't provided any real evidence, and certainly nothing that would convince anyone with a passing familiarity in highschool level science.
You do however build an argument resting on unsupported claims, misapplied terms and stating the obvious as though it supported your argument when it doesn't. Ultimately producing what amounts to little more than an exercise in sophistry.

Gary:  Or in other words you demand a unscientific explanation that does not follow any known scientific laws/theories, so that you continue to believe that a scientific explanation is unscientific.

No, quite the opposite really.  I demand a coherent logical argument supported by pertinent evidence and ideally consistent with the known scientific laws/theories in order for me to view a theory as scientific... You singularly fail in this regard and hence I consider your effort unscientific.

Handwaving away fundamental problems does not make your essential premise any more sound, nor any less an exercise in semantics rather than science.


However this goes far beyond poor use of language.  It begins with messy semantics, generating confusion by shifting between levels that should be considered on their own virtues and described by reference to their own particular behaviours, then uses the resultant confusions to support conclusions that are laughably and patently false. Which is why I consider this argument specious... it's nearly a textbook example of sophistry.


Your language here is mangled, but even when corrected (ironically by a "best guess") your idea has obviously confused levels of abstraction. ...........You have erected a straw man, namely that some "atheistic contamination of science" relies on a false idea (that being the randomness of chemical reactions) to support their anti-ID anti-Creationist worldview, but nothing could be further from the truth.
With all due respect, and apologies if I have gotten something basically wrong, but If even a crackpot like me can come along and without much trouble DESTROY your silly thinking (or knowing propaganda, if you are that cynical), what chance do you think you stand against real scientists? The thought that you want to contaminate science with this crap, and that you think science is currently contaminated by opposite notions, is troubling to me.

 Deepak Chopra has been churning out this kind of stuff too  ...........
I think it's obvious that they are thoughts about human bias, motivations, comfort levels; I think it's obvious how it pertains to the subject; I think it's obvious that you want to appear to be trying, begging, pleading to keep the debate here in the realm of science but sir we are not even close to science yet, starting with your submission.


The consensus so far is that you are not being logically coherent in your use, your intended application, of the word "intelligence", and in your assertions of what the scientific consensus is regarding random versus nonrandom behaviors of various configurations of matter. I would agree with these criticicms. However, don't let any of that discourage you, how to arrive at an operational definition of intelligence is not without controversy, I think, and if you think you are really on to something why not keep pluggin away at it? Also, why not learn from the criticisms while youre at it?. To be honest though, I don't think you have the makings of a good theory, because your definition of intelligence involves a tautology, an ontological indeterminism: "It's intelligent because it's purposeful because it's optimized for the environment because it's designed because it's purposeful because it's intelligent". Plus, I don't think your understanding of what randomness is and isn't and what it does and does not import to the "design" arguments is very good.

Field Man:          
So, in other words, you aren't gonna get your paper published in any reputable journal, nor supported by anyone who actually reads it and is knowledgable about the basics of science. You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that.

 The VERY FACT that you are doing your utmost to evade and dodge these questions makes EVERYTHING you do from this point SUSPICIOUS.  The FACT that you are doing everything you can to slide past these direct and simple questions shows that you are not being honest.

Yessiree Bob, ringing endorsements, every last one of them.

In my experience such redefinitions are signs of sophism and semantic gymnastics is similar to redefining black as 'dark grey' in order to have a basis to argue incrementally towards the statement that black is white.

WOW! Gary on a par with Dembski? NOW THAT'S AN ENDORSEMENT!

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,06:39   

If the matter were truly "settled", we would not expect to see these sorts of challenges and questions go unmet and unanswered for so long.
No attempt to show the questions do not apply.
No attempt to answer the questions in terms of the "theory".
No grappling with the unarguable fact that these questions and challenges demolish the few bits of plain meaning extractable from the steaming pile of verbiage being called, in correctly, a 'theory'.
res ipsa loquitur
And same as it ever was.
Quote (N.Wells @ Dec. 31 2014,09:31)
You've got a whole lot of transparent and ineffective distraction going on, Gary.
As NoName said earlier,
Stop deflecting, distracting, and denying.  Man up and deal with the facts on the ground:

A phenomenon is not properly called 'emergent' when it arises from a set of phenomena to which it is properly called 'self-similar'.  And vice versa.
Not all acts of 'intelligence' are motor acts, yet your "theory" insists otherwise.  This flies in the face of your assertion that your, or any competing, "theory" must "explain how ANY intelligence system works."
Deal with the fact that you smuggle 'intelligence' into your module with the undefined and uncharacterized 'guess' function.
Deal with the fact that 'guess' does not equal 'plan'.  Your "theory" is useless as a 'theory of intelligence' if it cannot deal with plans and planning.
Deal with the fact that many acts of intelligence involve imagination, and your "theory" does not deal with imagination at all.
Deal with the fact that some of the most crucial constraints on life are thermodynamic and that your "theory" simply ignores any and all thermodynamic issues.

What is the ‘something’ that must be controlled when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Note that none of these require muscle activity of any sort.

What are the senses that address what memory/memories when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Note that each of these has been performed by individuals who lack the 'obvious' sensory modalities one would expect for the product.
Sub-question — what does it mean for memory to be sensory-addressed?  The naive view that has the senses directly writing to memory or directly “indicating” what memory to use and what to store there has been debunked many many years ago.  So what are you talking about here?

What is the measure of confidence to gauge failure and success when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Sub-question — what senses address what memory/memories in the creation, storage, and retrieval of the ‘confidence’ factor?  Is it analog or digital?  What process(es) modify it, at what points, and what difference does it make?

What is the ‘ABILITY TO TAKE A GUESS’?  How is it manifested and how is it utilized when  an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?

What is a guess?  How does ‘guess’ relate to ‘plan’ and to ‘imagination?  Are there factors that feed into/influence the guess?  Is a guess random?  If not, what regularity does it exhibit?  Is it algorithmic?  What algorithm?  Or how is the specific algorithm used chosen?
What justifies embedding ‘guess’ into the “flow” that defines “intelligence” when the ability to guess is generally taken to be an act of intelligence?  How is it we only find guessing happening when we find ‘molecular intelligence’ in your sense, i.e., biology?
(You do realize that a random number generator in a computer program does not ‘guess’?)

And questions from me:
Why is your rubbish not made obsolete by Edgar Postrado's rubbish?


It is also unreasonable to expect out of place detail that would limit the theory to only one level of intelligence (brains) of a model that has to work for any behavior, intelligent or not.

Since you see intelligence darn near everywhere at all levels, in your opinion what behavior would qualify as not intelligent, and why?



Posts: 671
Joined: Oct. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,13:03   

Twas writ:  
And same as it ever was.

Except it was more than once in a lifetime . . . . .  :)  :)  :)

Talking hoots!!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,13:06   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,17:15)
The ID connection is now just one of those things that goes with the territory that might be a little quirky but in a forum for discussing uploading conscious brain contents into a machine and other ideas many find just as quirky I fit right in, and they help get to help control the destiny of the ID issue without having to do anything out of the ordinary it's just one of things that changes (but important part remains unchanged) in response to what is in part learned from the Kurzweil AI service not something they have to change for.

I'm surprised the English language hasn't obtained a restraining order.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,20:37   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 16 2015,03:13)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,20:27)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,19:50)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,13:08)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Mar. 15 2015,09:05)
4. Presence of NEURONS like Lehman and Stanley in PSC VB code: FALSE

Wesley, draw the circuit of this then compare that to the "inhibitory model" found in research papers:

Code Sample

Private Sub TrainCells()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim N As Long               'Neighboring 6 field conditions, either inactive=0 or active=1.
'Train common behavior, 6 grid cells per field, each with inhibitory connections to/from neighboring 6 cells in other fields around them.
'For Attracting fields all outputs become active (63=111111 binary) when Inputs are all inactive.
'Repel location (128=10nnnnnn binary) output connection data bits are all zero.
    GridRAM(64) = 63           '64=01000000 binary, Attractor bit + six zeros for inactive neighbors.
'Normally grid locations propagate active signals coming in from neighbors, to all inactive neighbors.
 For N = 1 To 63               'For all possible Neighbor readings. Above 63 is Attract or Repel mem.
    GridRAM(N) = 63 - N        'Example: binary 111111 - 001100 = 110011, bits become exact opposite.
 Next N
End Sub

I'm looking at the PSC VB code (dated 2011/11/22), and can't find the above code snippet. Where is this supposed to be? Filename and line numbers, please.

That is from in the model I'm now working on and has updated comments, but the training code is what is used in the Grid Cell Network model:

The issue under discussion is a claim Gary made about the content of his PSC VB code available at the time (2013/05/08), thus the archive that I've noted as having the timestamp of 2011/11/22. No code that is outside that archive has any relevance to the claim. As I noted at the time,


If it isn't in the PSC VB code, it can't be claimed to be part of Gary's "computer model". Gary can't get credit for a "cognitive model" that "has neurons" if there isn't actually any artificial neural model in the code. It's that simple. Gary doesn't reference anything in the code to establish that any artificial neural network model is used. I can't see anything in the code that looks like it has any neural network correspondence. Gary's blithe claim that "memory" adds "more neural behavior" is simply bizarre.

Even if we contemplate Gary's digression into code that isn't part of the PSC VB archive under discussion, the above still holds true.

The issue under discussion should be either your honesty or your sanity.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,20:57   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,19:15)
The ID connection is now just one of those things that goes with the territory that might be a little quirky but in a forum for discussing uploading conscious brain contents into a machine and other ideas many find just as quirky I fit right in, and they help get to help control the destiny of the ID issue without having to do anything out of the ordinary it's just one of things that changes (but important part remains unchanged) in response to what is in part learned from the Kurzweil AI service not something they have to change for. They are trying to technologically go where none have gone before towards answering the "big questions" related to intelligence and consciousness. The ID movement finding that fun too is a success for the forum regulars who helped guide the science part in a such a scientifically useful direction. I there early on learned about the work of Edvard Moser and here we are again in this forum where Wesley has me again in detail going over the Grid Cell models that the AI forum helped create by having led to, after the thread in that forum for the ID theory was over and done with and I could there get on with models and other constructive things I then had to work on.

Neocortex - Insect Vision Problem
Started 3 years ago by Gary S. Gaulin


I would like to add a simple biologically plausible neocortex type circuit to a computer model that I have for a 2D compound eye program, for summing up all the facets of three color subsystems into a small number of motor action addressing bits. Otherwise get the combinatorial explosion that makes it impossible to run on a PC. A picture of it and two simplified schematics of the circuit are here:

Source code written in Visual Basic and .exe that does not install anything that has to later be uninstalled is here:

I have been going over this paper (and other information) and it seems relatively straightforward:

Since this would be the first time I modeled a neocortex circuit and there are questions I have in regards to the math and such, I was hoping that someone here would understand what I need for code/algorithm for a biologically plausibly model. I’m here assuming that a neocortex circuit would parallel an insect's circuitry, but thoughts on that are welcome too. Up until now I did not need to go into that detail, but the newest model has run the PC out of addressing space.

All ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Strong AI for idiots (aka computer programmers ) :-D

Skip the first 7min 30 (introductions waffle ) 7:30 to 14 ( pre amble ) Talk starts at 14:05

How Does the Brain Navigate in Space 1 hour 17mins

This is an excellent video which clearly demonstrates how mother nature utilizes 4 dimensional space time to carry out complex & highly effective computation. Greatly at odds with the 2d mindset of modern computing which is only allowable due to it being carried out on high speed, high precision components.

The physical components used by nature are akin to a grabbag of crappy Chinese components. 4.5 billion years of evolution has given mother nature the time to overcome the problems it faced. ( internally and externally )This has resulted in the stunning brilliancies seen in the video. Enjoy !



The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,21:06   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 16 2015,18:37)
The issue under discussion should be either your honesty or your sanity.

Good thing I have a schematic for the one that just asploded:

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 16 2015,21:46   

"What-the-flux capacitor"?!?

Surely you didn't borrow that concept from Dr. Brown!

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 17 2015,06:34   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 16 2015,20:57)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 15 2015,19:15)
The ID connection is now just one of those things that goes with the territory that might be a little quirky but in a forum for discussing uploading conscious brain contents into a machine and other ideas many find just as quirky I fit right in, and they help get to help control the destiny of the ID issue without having to do anything out of the ordinary it's just one of things that changes (but important part remains unchanged) in response to what is in part learned from the Kurzweil AI service not something they have to change for. They are trying to technologically go where none have gone before towards answering the "big questions" related to intelligence and consciousness. The ID movement finding that fun too is a success for the forum regulars who helped guide the science part in a such a scientifically useful direction. I there early on learned about the work of Edvard Moser and here we are again in this forum where Wesley has me again in detail going over the Grid Cell models that the AI forum helped create by having led to, after the thread in that forum for the ID theory was over and done with and I could there get on with models and other constructive things I then had to work on.

Neocortex - Insect Vision Problem
Started 3 years ago by Gary S. Gaulin


I would like to add a simple biologically plausible neocortex type circuit to a computer model that I have for a 2D compound eye program, for summing up all the facets of three color subsystems into a small number of motor action addressing bits. Otherwise get the combinatorial explosion that makes it impossible to run on a PC. A picture of it and two simplified schematics of the circuit are here:

Source code written in Visual Basic and .exe that does not install anything that has to later be uninstalled is here:

I have been going over this paper (and other information) and it seems relatively straightforward:

Since this would be the first time I modeled a neocortex circuit and there are questions I have in regards to the math and such, I was hoping that someone here would understand what I need for code/algorithm for a biologically plausibly model. I’m here assuming that a neocortex circuit would parallel an insect's circuitry, but thoughts on that are welcome too. Up until now I did not need to go into that detail, but the newest model has run the PC out of addressing space.

All ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Strong AI for idiots (aka computer programmers ) :-D

Skip the first 7min 30 (introductions waffle ) 7:30 to 14 ( pre amble ) Talk starts at 14:05

How Does the Brain Navigate in Space 1 hour 17mins

This is an excellent video which clearly demonstrates how mother nature utilizes 4 dimensional space time to carry out complex & highly effective computation. Greatly at odds with the 2d mindset of modern computing which is only allowable due to it being carried out on high speed, high precision components.

The physical components used by nature are akin to a grabbag of crappy Chinese components. 4.5 billion years of evolution has given mother nature the time to overcome the problems it faced. ( internally and externally )This has resulted in the stunning brilliancies seen in the video. Enjoy !



The link to code that Gary quoted leads to the same code with the same timestamp that I was critiquing.

There isn't any trace I can find of the initialization loop Gary seems to believe have significance for his claim. If Gary wants to claim relevance, the usual standard of evidence is needed: provide the filename and line numbers out of IntelligenceDesignLab.frm timestamped 2011/11/22.

Further, that initialization loop doesn't appear to have anything to do with a neural model. Nor would an initialization loop be the right place to deploy a neural model if there was one that was supposed to control behavior over the course of a simulation.

Gary seems to have forgotten his claims:


The computer model already has a close enough approximation to what the papers are describing to be biologically relevant, especially for predicting primordial development.



That is part of the COGNITIVE MODEL that has NEURONS that they can make virtual ROBOTS with, like I do.



In both cases there is an "approximation" of real neurons [...]

I apparently need to repeat the "pin the tail on the weasel" bits that link Gary's references specifically to his PSC VB code of 2011/11/22.



I'm here to make it clear that you're all just making asses out of yourself by protesting a theory that boils down to what is now available at Planet Source Code.



Getting sidetracked on the Chromosome Illustrator project was the result of the paper also needing to better explain how 'addressing' (as explained at Biology-Online) works, to make a molecular intelligence model relatively easy to program. It's one of the things that I do have to focus my attention on, because of it being needed by all experimenting with the computer model and theory. But if you find a more precise way to word things then that will become the new priority and I will in minutes make the change so I can get back to work on what makes this theory unique, and scientifically valuable.

"all experimenting with the computer model" can only refer to a released code base.



Charles Darwin had it easy. � He only had to explain a cursory observation that indicated living things changed over time. � In my case I needed a cognitive model to explain how intelligence and intelligent cause works at emergent levels into (at least) the molecular. �The computer model part alone required many thousands of hours of experimentation and coding, on top of all else that had to (for the first time) be figured out then explained in a way that it can next be experimented with by others (i.e. online at Planet Source Code too).



The computer model also provides a precise, testable and scientifically useful operational definition for "intelligent cause" where each of the three emergent levels can be individually modeled, with a model predicted to be possible that generates an intelligent causation event, now goal of further research and challenge for all.

Note "[t]he computer model" in Gary's words, and the quote was followed with a link to the PSC VB code of 2011/11/22.



The issue under discussion is a claim Gary made about the content of his PSC VB code available at the time (2013/05/08), thus the archive that I've noted as having the timestamp of 2011/11/22. No code that is outside that archive has any relevance to the claim. As I noted at the time,


If it isn't in the PSC VB code, it can't be claimed to be part of Gary's "computer model". Gary can't get credit for a "cognitive model" that "has neurons" if there isn't actually any artificial neural model in the code. It's that simple. Gary doesn't reference anything in the code to establish that any artificial neural network model is used. I can't see anything in the code that looks like it has any neural network correspondence. Gary's blithe claim that "memory" adds "more neural behavior" is simply bizarre.

Even if we contemplate Gary's digression into code that isn't part of the PSC VB archive under discussion, the above still holds true.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 17 2015,06:42   

I made progress showing the same network as neurons. Stay tuned..

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 17 2015,06:50   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 16 2015,21:37)
The issue under discussion should be either your honesty or your sanity.

The issue under discussion is, as it has been for over 450 pages, your "theory" and the software to which you allege it to be related.
Your dishonesty regarding both of those matters is thus relevant.
Your insanity as displayed in both of those matters, and in your interactions with your interlocutors on this, and other, sites, is material and relevant.
Your baseless and consistently undocumented, entirely unsupportable, accusations against various and sundry others participating in the 'discussion', such as it is, are certainly evidential grounds for discussion of your dishonesty, your lack of integrity, and your gross lack of sanity, to say nothing of your lack of basic social propriety.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 17 2015,07:59   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 17 2015,14:42)
I made progress showing the same network as neurons. Stay tuned..

Note the subtle goal post shift folks, they're not NEURONS now.

Next he'll be saying 'you don't need no damn neurons to have intelligence' just gut cunning, eh Gary?

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 17 2015,08:16   

Quote (NoName @ Mar. 17 2015,14:50)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Mar. 16 2015,21:37)
The issue under discussion should be either your honesty or your sanity.

The issue under discussion is, as it has been for over 450 pages, your "theory" and the software to which you allege it to be related.
Your dishonesty regarding both of those matters is thus relevant.
Your insanity as displayed in both of those matters, and in your interactions with your interlocutors on this, and other, sites, is material and relevant.
Your baseless and consistently undocumented, entirely unsupportable, accusations against various and sundry others participating in the 'discussion', such as it is, are certainly evidential grounds for discussion of your dishonesty, your lack of integrity, and your gross lack of sanity, to say nothing of your lack of basic social propriety.

Hmmm.... you're working under a false assumption (queue MAD's Horrifying Clichés). One where Gary is having a conversation.

He's likes to think of himself as the  DJ of ID spin. He sits in his attic and shut up and read.

Got that?

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

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