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Posts: 13407
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2008,23:48   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 25 2008,23:31)
Quote (ERV @ Jan. 25 2008,13:46)
In my inbox this morning, via dr. snail:
Today's UD post -

Craigslist Post Aug 30, 2007 -

Well, I suppose more evidence WAD is GF.  They both plagiarize.

HEY WAD! I've decided to branch out from critical commentary of your miserable weblog and try my hand at a novel. Here's my opening paragraph:
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way—in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Pretty good hook, eh? I worked for days on that. Next comes a part about a king with a fair jaw and a queen with a large face on the throne in France. Or maybe not in the bathroom, I'm working on it.

2nd Para:

"It was a dark and stormy night;  the rain fell in torrents--except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept up the streets (for it is in London that our scene lies), rattling along the housetops, and fiercely agitating the scanty flame of the lamps that struggled against the darkness."

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,01:27   





7:43 pm

Scott the truth is - she is just part or the Stalinist atheist left. If you believe in anything higher than the government or the corrupt teacher’s union you are to be eliminated. This is the scary reality of today’s political climate and landscape- but it is not new. God is always hated by humans in power- absolute power corrupts- tenure is one of those absolute powers and unions think they too are due their invincibility.

The mainstream media right now is declaring a war on Mitt Romney because he is a man of faith. (they hate Mormons) and of course until they back Hillary Clinton all the way they will be supporting John McCain- who by the way fought tooth and nail to pass his brain child Mccain-feingold law which is completely unconstitutional and makes it illegal to air a commercial criticizing a political figure on TV 2 weeks before an election.

Maybe if Fox and MSLSD and the ©linton (n)ews (n)etwork get their way and knock off the good man of faith - we can make ID illegal! Yahooo! And Eugene Scott can become the first director of mind control and propaganda for Washington.

A McCain and or Clinton win is a loss for ID- have no doubt about this. I’m sorry to bring the election so directly into this but the connection between expelled (which gets no media coverage) and ID which gets only negative and false coverage- is the same as the effort to kill Romney in Florida. The forces at work here in my view are one and the same and the spiritual- political battle is inextricable.

Clinton, Scott and McCain represent everything that is wrong with the country right now-

I hope that we can save intellectual freedom from a dominating collusive media-

One more thing- it is said that fox news is republican and conservative- Don’t believe this for a second! Rupert Murdock owns Fox News and has endorsed Hillary Clinton. Don’t be fooled by the ignorant and biased.

I think he might be a tad biased.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

Advocatus Diaboli

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,04:39   

Quote (PTET @ Jan. 25 2008,18:16)

I found this in the list of people who have added UD to their favorites. It looks to be "Reasonable Finns" (Danes? Norse?).
Definitely Finnish.

I messed about with a Finnish Translator, and blog header comes out as something like "Intelligent Planning - If the world was designed how would we know about it".

If I remember from my old TalkOrigins usenet days, the Finns have always had their own crazy creationist contingent.

ID-idea.blogspot is from an ideist. One of the polite, smart ideists in Finland, btw. There are more finnish pro-science blogs than these ID/creationism blogs, so its not all bad up here in cold Finland.

Here's my blog: Paholaisen asianajaja.

I once thought that I made a mistake, but I was wrong.

"I freely admit I’m a sociopath" - DaveScot

"Most importanly, the facts are on the side of ID." - scordova

"UD is the greatest website of all time." stevestory


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,06:21   

Quote (Advocatus Diaboli @ Jan. 26 2008,04:39)
ID-idea.blogspot is from an ideist. One of the polite, smart ideists in Finland, btw. There are more finnish pro-science blogs than these ID/creationism blogs, so its not all bad up here in cold Finland.

Here's my blog: Paholaisen asianajaja.

From AD's blog:

Jokin aika sitten IDeismin VoimaDuo William "Informaatiotieteen-paris-hilton" Dembski ja Michael "Värekarva" Behe olivat espanjalaisen Pro-ID nettisivuston haastattelussa. Onneksi PTET jaksoi kahlata sen läpi.

I couldn't have said it better myself  ;)

- pwe


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,07:22   

Frost122585 via Bob O'H:
Scott the truth is - she is just part or the Stalinist atheist left. If you believe in anything higher than the government or the corrupt teacher’s union you are to be eliminated. This is the scary reality of today’s political climate and landscape- but it is not new. God is always hated by humans in power- absolute power corrupts- tenure is one of those absolute powers and unions think they too are due their invincibility.
And God's power is ...

For a certain class of people, thinking things out just doesn't pay.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,11:31   

Quote (J-Dog @ Jan. 25 2008,13:12)
Quote (ERV @ Jan. 25 2008,12:46)
In my inbox this morning, via dr. snail:
Today's UD post -

Craigslist Post Aug 30, 2007 -

Well, I suppose more evidence WAD is GF.  They both plagiarize.

Ha!  The "Leading Light" of ID theory, reduced to plagiarizing  6 month old magazine articles.  

ERV - So, GF = Fucking Little Lier?

I wonder if someone might take time out of their busy schedule and call and/or email Craigslist?

As I explain at length here, "Intelligent Design Theory" provides a perfectly innocent explanation of this occurrence.

And glorifies God in doing so.

Praise Jesus!

"It’s not worth the effort to prove the obvious. Ridiculous ideas don’t deserve our time.
Even the attempt to formulate ID is a generous accommodation." - ScottAndrews


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,13:33   

Quote (Mister DNA @ Jan. 24 2008,17:27)
Mapou, on all those profits Expelled is going to be raking in:
Does anybody know whether or not ID research organizations are slated to get some of the money? Just curious.

Someone needs to tell Mapou that ID researchers will be getting all the money from the Expelled tie-ins, such as Expelled: The Video Game, Domino's "Privileged Pepperoni" Pizza (It's Astronomically Delicious!) and of course, the Ben Stein action figures all the kids will be wanting after seeing Expelled.

But first, the Discovery Institute will need some of that money for press releases...

Speaking of Domino's Pizza, I'm sure Tom Monahan would be all over supporting "Expelled".


Posts: 133
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,15:19   

Gerry Rzeppa
2:41 pm

Uncommon Descent: OOL is a Sticky Situation

“Seeing these identical DNA molecules seeking each other out in a crowd, without any external help, is very exciting indeed. This could provide a driving force for similar genes to begin the complex process of recombination without the help of proteins or other biological factors. . . .”

A similar effect has been observed when autumn leaves of a given biological variety “seek each other out in a crowd” and spontaneously collect under bushes, along street curbs, and by the inside corners of nearby buildings. This phenomenon is very exciting and could explain - without recourse to intentional beings - the driving force behind the curious recombinations of leaves that we often find inside large, plastic, twisty-tied bags.

Do these guys think each cell is full of invisible dancing pixies running around clumping proteins together in bags with twist-sticks? Or what? I guess it would fit in with all their talk about unseen agents and realms and stuff.

I have a recurring nightmare where the "cdesign proponentsists" turn to be as whackjob-crazy as the "logical conclusions" of their arguments would require them to be.

"It’s not worth the effort to prove the obvious. Ridiculous ideas don’t deserve our time.
Even the attempt to formulate ID is a generous accommodation." - ScottAndrews

Mister DNA

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2008,16:07   

Quote (PTET @ Jan. 26 2008,15:19)
I have a recurring nightmare where the "cdesign proponentsists" turn to be as whackjob-crazy as the "logical conclusions" of their arguments would require them to be.

PTET, say hi to your new friends, Larry and Joe.

CBEB's: The Church Burnin' Ebola Blog
Thank you, Dr. Dembski. You are without peer when it comes to The Argument Regarding Design. - vesf


Posts: 133
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,12:02   

Quote (Mister DNA @ Jan. 26 2008,16:07)
Quote (PTET @ Jan. 26 2008,15:19)
I have a recurring nightmare where the "cdesign proponentsists" turn to be as whackjob-crazy as the "logical conclusions" of their arguments would require them to be.

PTET, say hi to your new friends, Larry and Joe.

Larry seems quite sweet... More from the "I don't need these ivory tower eggheads to tell me what to think" school rather than anything  dangerous. He does come across like a "blathering idiot", as one comment on his blog suggests.

Joe, on the other hand, seems like a right cross-the-street-to-stay-away-from-this-one nutter.

Being Europeanian, it seems odd that these sorts of people have so much influence. And yet papers in the states seem to publish letters from crazies like these guys all the time. Hmmm... I suspect over here we do have a similar number of crazies - it's just that no-one gives them airtime of treats them the remotest bit seriously. Hey - I love your country nonetheless :)

"It’s not worth the effort to prove the obvious. Ridiculous ideas don’t deserve our time.
Even the attempt to formulate ID is a generous accommodation." - ScottAndrews


Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,16:32   

Quote (Advocatus Diaboli @ Jan. 26 2008,04:39)
Quote (PTET @ Jan. 25 2008,18:16)

I found this in the list of people who have added UD to their favorites. It looks to be "Reasonable Finns" (Danes? Norse?).
Definitely Finnish.

I messed about with a Finnish Translator, and blog header comes out as something like "Intelligent Planning - If the world was designed how would we know about it".

If I remember from my old TalkOrigins usenet days, the Finns have always had their own crazy creationist contingent.

ID-idea.blogspot is from an ideist. One of the polite, smart ideists in Finland, btw. There are more finnish pro-science blogs than these ID/creationism blogs, so its not all bad up here in cold Finland.

Here's my blog: Paholaisen asianajaja.

What?  No link to us?  Your new Bestest American friends?

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11

Advocatus Diaboli

Posts: 198
Joined: Nov. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,17:45   

Quote (J-Dog @ Jan. 27 2008,16:32)
Quote (Advocatus Diaboli @ Jan. 26 2008,04:39)
Quote (PTET @ Jan. 25 2008,18:16)

I found this in the list of people who have added UD to their favorites. It looks to be "Reasonable Finns" (Danes? Norse?).
Definitely Finnish.

I messed about with a Finnish Translator, and blog header comes out as something like "Intelligent Planning - If the world was designed how would we know about it".

If I remember from my old TalkOrigins usenet days, the Finns have always had their own crazy creationist contingent.

ID-idea.blogspot is from an ideist. One of the polite, smart ideists in Finland, btw. There are more finnish pro-science blogs than these ID/creationism blogs, so its not all bad up here in cold Finland.

Here's my blog: Paholaisen asianajaja.

What?  No link to us?  Your new Bestest American friends?

Oh my lack of Go...Designer! I'll fix that right away.

I once thought that I made a mistake, but I was wrong.

"I freely admit I’m a sociopath" - DaveScot

"Most importanly, the facts are on the side of ID." - scordova

"UD is the greatest website of all time." stevestory


Posts: 2723
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,20:51   

Q and congregate learn a valuable lesson.

Q: OK, U&O, if the argument is strictly along extended definitional grounds, and not the process of persuasion, then BarryA’s entire scenario was meaningless and you, and KF, score a tautological victory.

congregate: Can you clarify for me how {Occam's Razor} is an ID principle?

PaV: How does one clarify the obvious, pray tell?

congregate: I don’t see that as an “ID Principle”, I think it is a standard scientific rule of thumb.

PaV: This is likely my last response to you.

congregate: How can that be your last response, you haven’t responded yet?

Ginsberg's statement of the Laws of Thermodynamics:

1. You can't win.
2. You can't break even.
3. You can't quit the game
(unless DaveScot violates the 2nd Law by pressing the bannination button on his keyboard).


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


Posts: 1405
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,20:52   

PaV's comment in his own thread OOL is a Sticky Situation is a good illustration of what's wrong with the UD crowd.  
Our task is not to explain the Designer, but to detect, and acknowledge, design. If the Creator made gravity, then we have proven the capacity to understand it’s subtlety, as with quantum mechanics and such. Though our minds cannot wrap itself completely around the Creator, that doesn’t mean we can’t understand elements of what the Creator created. IOW, I don’t need to understand quantum mechanics to use a microwave; but a microwave oven uses quantum mechanics, and I know that it does; but I don’t know quantum mechanics.

These guys, for the most part, don't know diddly-squat about science, are well aware of that, and yet make grand pronouncements precisely on that subject.  

In this instance, quantum mechanics is essential neither for the generation of microwaves in a magnetron, nor for their absorption by water molecules: both processes are squarely within the realm of classical physics.  Quantum mechanics is essential when you deal with narrow discrete lines in atomic or molecular spectra.  Microwave absorption in water takes place in broad bands that reflect rotations and frequent collisions of electric dipoles.  Classical Newtonian physics is fully capable of dealing with that.  

PaV continues:
An analogy presents itsself. In QM, the hydrogen atom is known with exquisite precision; and science likes to pat itself on the back about this. But the hydrogen atom consists of one electron and one proton. But after that, to describe all the other elements, approximations of the hydrogen atom (!) are used. So, no one understand atoms other than hydrogen with precision, but using hydrogen as a model we can get good approximations of the other elements. We will never know God with precision; but we can still understand Him in some way, some ‘approximate’ way.

The part on quantum mechanics is ok, we do rely on the exact solution for the hydrogen atom as a starting point for jumping to other elements.  But the analogy with God (I'm sure he meant the Designer :p) does not work: there is no ID theory that could boast the success of the Schroedinger equation.  

What a sorry bunch.

If you are not:
Galapagos Finch
please Logout »


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,21:12   

Quote (Zachriel @ Jan. 23 2008,05:34)

Bob O'H: What position does the Darwin’s finch usually play? The ball?

Bob O'H clearly doesn't know anything about finches.

Quote (Bob O'H @ Jan. 23 2008,05:47)

I do.  I just don't know anything about baseball.

Well, except who's on first, obviously.


Okay, Bob. I understand. You're some sappy kid that no one wants to play with or something. My heart breaks for ya.

Let me give you a hint. Some finches like to catch flies.


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2008,22:00   

I see my good freind PTET is posting on UD.

I like these two replies:


Why not seek an answer to your question at a church, synagogue, or mosque? Why ask it on an ID blog?

(Unless, of course, you’re basically here trolling…)


There is a remarkable similarity between the creation of life and the first chapter of Genesis in the Bible if a “day” is interpreted as an “age.” The probability of the story of Genesis getting its facts correct is about zero. It had to be revealed by God. This is further confirmed when comparing the creation myths of other cultures. For more information on this see Hugh Ross’ web site Reasons to Believe. The story of Genesis is a strong indication that the God of the Bible is the only creator. This goes way beyond what most scientist are comfortable including in science, nevertheless, Ross’ interpretations are reasonable, and a lot more rigorous then those of his critics.


"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,00:57   

Ooh, Denyse has been reading a science book.  Of course, she somehow manages to interpret    
Is extinction through bad luck a challenge to Darwin’s natural selection? No. Natural selection remains the only viable, naturalistic explanation we have for sophisticated adaptations like eyes and wings. We would not be here without natural selection.

Raup was taking a big risk by even suggesting that Darwinism might not be true

Denyse, dear - take some lessons from Sal in quote-mining.  Cover your tracks, so we have to go to the original source to see that you're talking bollocks.

EDIT: sorry.  Of course, the "O'Leary" at the top gives it away anyway.  My bad.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,01:02   

Let me give you a hint. Some finches like to catch flies.

I'm mentally scaling up finches by the same amount as the fly to baseball scaling.  All of a sudden, I don't want to visit the Galapagos.


It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,08:00   

PZ on O'Leary on Raup

Has anyone else noticed that you often only need to read the first sentence of anything written at Uncommon Descent to see them screw up royally? Especially, lately, if the author is Denyse O'Leary. Take this, for example.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,09:43   

I really liked the time she beat up Dawkins' Selfish Gene by showing how some people aren't selfish.  That's still one of my favorites.

Perhaps she should have read more than the title before she passed judgement, but actually understanding what she's criticizing would fundamentally and fatally alter the person we've come to know and love mock so well.

If there is ever a monument built to the rampant stupidity that is the Intelligent Design Creationism Hoax, it will surely be in the image of Denyse O'Leary.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,09:47   

I'm picturing the statue looking more like the Army of Darkness poster, with Bill standing there with his shirt torn, and Denyse clutching his leg.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,10:28   

DLH cites a Special Contribution By Babu G. Ranganathan, B.A. in Bible Studies with a minor in biology from Bob Jones University, writing about Intelligent Design.

Argument by Analogy (or why the details don't matter): Imagine finding a planet where robots are programmed so that they can make other robots just like themselves from raw materials.

Incredulity (a.ka. waving away pesky facts): Chance physical processes can produce some level of order but it is not rational to believe that the highest levels of order in life and the universe are by chance.

Irreducible Complexity (also known as the "I can't imagine how it happened, so it didn't" Argument): Furthermore, without DNA there cannot be RNA, and without RNA there cannot be DNA. And without either DNA or RNA there cannot be proteins, and without proteins there cannot be DNA or RNA. They're all mutually dependent upon each other for existence!

Appeal to Authority (or the "Trust me, I'm not really crazy" Argument): Trust me, Dawkins and all the evolutionists put together can't hold a candle to the scientific genius of Dr. Gish.

Vast Conspiracy of Silence ("They're out to get me."): Don't try looking for this news in the main stream media.

Divine Intervention (deus ex machina, so beloved in Greek theatre): Synthetic life is another form of genetic engineering. But God was there first. Remember that!

Argument via 747 (the cyclonic twister): The great British scientist Sir Frederick Hoyle has said that the probability of the sequence of molecules in the simplest cell coming into existence by chance is equivalent to a tornado going through a junk yard of airplane parts and assembling a 747 Jumbo Jet!

Be kind to 'kinds' (not a matter of degree but 'kinds'): The evidence from science shows that only microevolution (variations within a biological "kind" such as the varieties of dogs, cats, horses, cows, etc.) is possible but not macroevolution (variations across biological "kinds," especially from simpler kinds to more complex ones).

The Strawman (Fundamental Isosceles Triangle of Oz): Another reason for why macroevolution is not possible in Nature is because a half-evolved and useless organ waiting millions of years to be completed by random mutations would be a liability and hindrance to a species.

First Cause (It's turtles all the way down): We know from the law of entropy in science that the universe does not have the ability to have sustained itself from all eternity. It requires a beginning. But, we also know from science that natural laws could not have brought the universe into being from nothing. The beginning of the universe, therefore, points to a supernatural origin!

Teach the Controversy (Two sides to every argument, but no end): the advocates of intelligent design want the merits of both theories taught side by side when the issue of origins is covered in science classes and textbooks. This is only fair.

Can't Observe the Past (e.g. Last Thursday): Science cannot prove how life originated since no human observed the origin of life by either chance or design.

Argument à la Mount Rushmore (Face on Mars): If some astronauts from Earth discovered figures of persons similar to Mt. Rushmore on an uninhabited planet there would be no way to scientifically prove the carved figures originated by design or by chance processes of erosion.

I think Ranganathan just about covered the entire length and breadth of ID.


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,10:35   

Quote (Zachriel @ Jan. 28 2008,10:28)
DLH cites a Special Contribution By Babu G. Ranganathan, B.A. in Bible Studies with a minor in biology from Bob Jones University, writes about Intelligent Design.

And don't forget to list the author's website:

I guess was already taken.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 133
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,10:43   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 28 2008,09:47)
I'm picturing the statue looking more like the Army of Darkness poster, with Bill standing there with his shirt torn, and Denyse clutching his leg.


"It’s not worth the effort to prove the obvious. Ridiculous ideas don’t deserve our time.
Even the attempt to formulate ID is a generous accommodation." - ScottAndrews


Posts: 1238
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,10:49   

Good god man have some feelings for those of us who read this blog while drinking coffee.  Mine is now all over my keyboard :-)

Worse than that I think I peed my pants and fear I'm going to have nightmares tonight.

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,11:26   

Quote (PTET @ Jan. 28 2008,10:43)
Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 28 2008,09:47)
I'm picturing the statue looking more like the Army of Darkness poster, with Bill standing there with his shirt torn, and Denyse clutching his leg.


Don't you hate that feeling of vomit rising just to the top of your throat and having to swallow it back down?


Posts: 1238
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,11:58   

Maybe Sal ("I'll take a grenade for Dembski") should be the one clinging to dembski's coat tails in that pic?  or resident ID lap dog davetard/springer?

Uncommon Descent is a moral cesspool, a festering intellectual ghetto that intoxicates and degrades its inhabitants - Stephen Matheson


Posts: 2333
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,12:19   

Quote (Maya @ Jan. 28 2008,09:26)
Quote (PTET @ Jan. 28 2008,10:43)
 Deleted out of pity!


Don't you hate that feeling of vomit rising just to the top of your throat and having to swallow it back down?

Or when it comes out your nose.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."



Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,12:31   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Jan. 28 2008,12:19)
Quote (Maya @ Jan. 28 2008,09:26)
Quote (PTET @ Jan. 28 2008,10:43)
 Deleted out of pity!


Don't you hate that feeling of vomit rising just to the top of your throat and having to swallow it back down?

Or when it comes out your nose.

True story. I once brought half a cup of coffee back up through my nose and elected to catch it back in the original cup.

here's the cool part: It was regular coffee originally, but cappuccino at the "second coming".

Is this:

A) Design
B) A Miracle
C) Transmogrification
D) Unaccounted for by darwinism
E) Sick

It didn't taste like cappuccino the second time. It tasted like tepid coffee, but saltier..

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 3326
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2008,12:42   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Jan. 28 2008,12:31)
True story. I once brought half a cup of coffee back up through my nose and elected to catch it back in the original cup.

here's the cool part: It was regular coffee originally, but cappuccino at the "second coming".

Is this:

A) Design
B) A Miracle
C) Transmogrification
D) Unaccounted for by darwinism
E) Sick

F) British Haute Cuisine.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)

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