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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,13:58   

Darnn guys, I go away for awhile and you gone and brokded dave...

I don't think he came with a warranty, either.

However, I think under the lemon laws in my state, we could get the dealer to give us our money back.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,13:58   

Dave, I'm going to go out on a limb here and estimate that the total amount of organic matter generated in the time before six thousand years ago is at least 500,000 times as much as the amount generated in the past 6,000 years.
The earth has not been around that long, Eric.

Get used to it.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,13:59   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,18:58)
Dave, I'm going to go out on a limb here and estimate that the total amount of organic matter generated in the time before six thousand years ago is at least 500,000 times as much as the amount generated in the past 6,000 years.
The earth has not been around that long, Eric.

Get used to it.

But golly, Dave...

Everyone who's studied the relevant sciences absolutely disagrees with you...

I'm confused! You say one thing, educated people say another...

Is that the work of Satan?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:03   

You give me all the world's school children and all the media and all the museums and all the encyclopedias to disseminate my message and I guarantee you I can raise the worldwide % of Christians a whale of a lot.

You missed it.  They already tried that.  It was called "the Dark Ages".

remember now?

but hey, since you spend time with your kids at home, and they have time to go to religious camps (your words), as well as church on sundays, how bout we set up a "darwin camp" eh?

another of your projected delusions is thinking that the amount of time kids are exposed to the ToE in k-12 is anything close to the amount of time spent being indoctrinated in your religion.

you act as if all that is ever done in public schools is some kind of evil indoctrination in the ToE.

Can't you clue yourself as to how paranoid that is?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:05   

And let's add these to the list:
And let's not forget what dave's "quoted" source, Encyclopedia Britannica, actually had to say:> id='postcolor'>

Faid ... Believe me, I've looked at all these and they say the same basic thing.   L --> P with 3 basic phases, one of which I gave you a great amount of excellent detail -- the middle phase beginning in the 12th century

None of your links refute my statement or my explanations.  That's why you don't C&P any statements from them.  You just give all these links that you hope no one will go look at because they don't refute anything I said.

Is that how you operate?

(The EB article doesn't help you either, Faid)

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:08   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,19:05)
And let's add these to the list:
And let's not forget what dave's "quoted" source, Encyclopedia Britannica, actually had to say:

Faid ... Believe me, I've looked at all these and they say the same basic thing.   L --> P with 3 basic phases, one of which I gave you a great amount of excellent detail -- the middle phase beginning in the 12th century

None of your links refute my statement or my explanations.  That's why you don't C&P any statements from them.  You just give all these links that you hope no one will go look at because they don't refute anything I said.

Is that how you operate?

(The EB article doesn't help you either, Faid)

No no, Dave.

Not how it works.

The experts all say one thing.

They say the same thing because *that's what's true*.

They disagree with you.

You say a totally different thing.

You offer no evidence.

The burden of proof is on YOU.

You are not proven right simply by saying something that no one else has said.

Again, you need EVIDENCE Dave.

You haven't given us any.

Simple as that.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:09   

None of your links refute my statement or my explanations.  That's why you don't C&P any statements from them.  You just give all these links that you hope no one will go look at because they don't refute anything I said.

actually they do.  no need to cut and paste.  Your mind is simply incapable of recognizing when you are wrong.

again, a great sign that you should visit a professional mental health care practitioner ASAP.

Interestingly, you've never denied that you're nuts, probably the only bit of denial that hasn't been typed by you yet.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:36   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,18:58)
Dave, I'm going to go out on a limb here and estimate that the total amount of organic matter generated in the time before six thousand years ago is at least 500,000 times as much as the amount generated in the past 6,000 years.
The earth has not been around that long, Eric.

Get used to it.

The earth has been around that long, Dave, and there's overwhelming evidence of it. Not only that, but all the applicable evidence points to the same age. Your "evidence" points to all sorts of ages: 5,500 years (what? you think humans sat on their asses for 500 years before they wrote anything down, when according to you scribes were following Adam around to write down his names for things?), 6,000 years, 10,000 years, 20,000 years, 50,000 years.

That tells everyone else something, Dave. It doesn't appear to tell you anything.

So get used to being wrong.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:47   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,19:05)

Faid ... Believe me, I've looked at all these and they say the same basic thing.   L --> P with 3 basic phases, one of which I gave you a great amount of excellent detail -- the middle phase beginning in the 12th century

None of your links refute my statement or my explanations.  That's why you don't C&P any statements from them.  You just give all these links that you hope no one will go look at because they don't refute anything I said.

Is that how you operate?

(The EB article doesn't help you either, Faid)

Dave, do you understand the difference between "linguistics" and "history"? Because you completely ignored what I said earlier. When you say "I gave you a great amount of detail," you're wrong, because you didn't give any detail. You cited exactly no linguistic evidence whatsoever, which is the only evidence that matters in your "Portuguese" discussion. Historical evidence gets you exactly nowhere. It's completely irrelevant to the topic at hand. It has no meaning whatsoever in this context.

It would be like using evidence from quantum mechanics to support your theory that Mozart was born in the 11th century BC.

Dave, we don't even need to look at any of Faid's links to know your argument is hilariously wrong, because we already know you have provided not a scrap of evidence to support it. I pointed this out to you a month ago, you ignored it then, and you're ignoring it now.

But you're not the only one who reads this thread. Everyone else knows you're clueless when it comes to linguistics, just as you are clueless about every single other topic you've ever raised on this thread, or any other thread on this site.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,14:56   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,19:05)
And let's add these to the list:
And let's not forget what dave's "quoted" source, Encyclopedia Britannica, actually had to say:

Faid ... Believe me, I've looked at all these and they say the same basic thing.   L --> P with 3 basic phases, one of which I gave you a great amount of excellent detail -- the middle phase beginning in the 12th century

None of your links refute my statement or my explanations.  That's why you don't C&P any statements from them.  You just give all these links that you hope no one will go look at because they don't refute anything I said.

Is that how you operate?

(The EB article doesn't help you either, Faid)

Dave, you know darnn well how I operate, you liar, because I have presented quotes from my arguments from the beginning. And you know it, you just hope someone has forgotten. You want them again? here you go, and with extra:

In the formation of the Portuguese language, the Latin base also incorporated features of the Celtic, Greek and Hebrew languages, to which Germanic and Arabic elements were later added.

We may consider three phases in the evolution of the Portuguese language: the proto-historic phase, until the thirteenth century (a phase when there were still very close connections in written terms with Barbarous Latin), the archaic phase, until the sixteenth century (a phase in which, in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, one of the most important developments was the Galician-Portuguese language, with Portuguese later acquiring its own autonomy in relation to Galician) and the modern phase, with the publication of the first grammar books, by Fern&#947;o de Oliveira, 1536, and Jo&#947;o de Barros, 1540(...)
See any french there, dave? And don't worry, I'm not as dishonest as you, the ommission is not relevant... you can check.      
From the year the Romans invaded the peninsula in 218 BC up until the ninth century, the language spoken in the region was known as Romance, a variant of Latin that was an intermediary point between vulgar Latin and the modern Romance languages such as Portuguese, Spanish and French.
The appearance of the first Latin-Portuguese documents would come to pass between the ninth and eleventh centuries, marking this period as one of linguistic transition. Certain Portuguese terms appeared in these mainly Latin texts, but Portuguese, or more precisely its antecedent, Galician-Portuguese, remained an unwritten language spoken only in Lusitania.
The Christian reconquest of the Iberian Peninsula brought about the consolidation of the spoken and written forms of Galician-Portuguese throughout Lusitania. The first non-Latin literary texts and official documents from the region were written in Galician-Portuguese, including the following collections of medieval poems known as the Cancioneiros, or songbooks:
The process of differentiation between the Portuguese and Portuguese-Galician began with the Christian advance towards the south of the Iberian Peninsula, whereby the northern dialects mixed with the southern Mozarabic dialects.
Whaddaya know, no french influence... No wait, there is this:      
Between the years of 1580 and 1640, when Portugal was governed by the Spanish throne, Portuguese incorporated many Castilian words, such as bobo (fool) and granizo (hail), into its vocabulary, and the French influence of the eighteenth century in Europe brings about a divergence between the languages spoken in Portugal and its colonies.
Just like I told you. And let's see what the sources say about all Indoeuropean languages:      
Italian and Portuguese are the closest modern major languages to Latin. Spanish has been influenced by Arabic and Basque. French has moved farthest from Latin in pronunciation, only its spelling gives a clue to its origins. French has many Germanic and Celtic influences.
hmm. And here it is again:      
When Christians started to re-conquer the peninsula in the 11th century, the Arabs were expelled to the South. Galician-Portuguese became the spoken and written language of Lusitania. The separation between the Galician and Portuguese languages, which began with Portugal’s independence in 1185, was consolidated after the Moors were expelled in 1249.
And what about later?      
Portuguese entered its modern phase in the 16th century when early lexicologists defined Portuguese morphology and syntax. When Luis de Camőes wrote Os Lusíadas, in 1572, the language was already close to its current structure of phrases and morphology. From then on, linguistic changes have been minor.

French influence during the 18th century changed the Portuguese spoken in the homeland, making it different from the Portuguese spoken in the colonies.

Oh and, of course, the EB article that "doesn't help"...      
The Romance languages began as dialects of Vulgar Latin, which spread during the Roman occupation of Italy, the Iberian Peninsula, Gaul, and the Balkans and developed into separate languages in the 5th–9th centuries.

Had enough, dave? You know, you should really make up your mind. You want links or no links, quoted or not, with arguments or not? We'll be happy to oblige either way -as you see.

But this has gone far enough. After tadancing through our evidence, after COMPLETELY DISTORTING your original claims (from "Portuguese is a mixture of Spanish and French, and didn't even exist until some frenchman's son founded the kingdom of Portugal, and some knights blah blah" to "Hey I always said that Portuguese was derived separately from Latin, I'm just filling in the details"), and after your little trick with the EB "quote", now you have the nerve to accuse ME of misquoting?
Tell you what: I DARE you, if you have even a shred of honesty, to look through all the links I posted and find where it supports your views(*), and disproves mine, and show it to me. Otherwise, kindly shut up.

(*)Your original views, mind you; I mean, the way you twist your arguments, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up saying "hey I never said Portuguese were actually linguistically influenced by French, just that some french guys helped free Portugal..."

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:08   

LOL Faid, what did you do before the internet? Did you go to the morgue and kick the bodies?

*Smack* *Smack* "Had enough? Had enough now, bitch?!?!?!"


Posts: 1143
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:11   

Quote (stevestory @ June 17 2006,20:08)
LOL Faid, what did you do before the internet? Did you go to the morgue and kick the bodies?

*Smack* *Smack* "Had enough? Had enough now, bitch?!?!?!"

And compared to dave, I believe they put up a good fight.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 3326
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:25   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,18:12)
Now, "it's amazing to me that you don't scratch your head and say ... 'Hmmm ... with all this opportunity that we Christians have to indocrinate everyone with our theory, why don't they buy it?  Could it be wrong?"
Christians have not had the opportunity for indocrination that Evos have had.  You give me all the world's school children and all the media and all the museums and all the encyclopedias to disseminate my message and I guarantee you I can raise the worldwide % of Christians a whale of a lot.  This is the kind of monopoly Evolution has had in Western society and yet only about half the population buys into it.

Christianity has had, what, around about 2000 years to spread it's message?  And modern science has been around, to work in round numbers, about 200 years. So, if I understand you correctly, what you are saying is that science has gained almost complete hegemony over the human mind in around one tenth the time than the Christian religion has been working at it?  Why would God allow that?  You'd think if He saw incompatibility between belief in Him and modern science, he would have not allowed it to gain the upper hand.  Why do you suppose that is, Dave?

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


Posts: 1621
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:27   

Another Portuguese war, eh?  OK, why not!

Faid and Arden didn't quite catch all this ... so we will walk through this a little more slowly, ready?

1) Portuguese and Spanish were essentially the same language until about AD 1143, when Portugal broke away from Spanish control. World Book, 1993, "Portuguese Language."   Faid is almost correct with his quote ...  
Portuguese developed in the Western Iberian Peninsula from Latin brought there by Roman soldiers and colonists starting in the 3rd century BC. It began to diverge from other Romance languages after the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the barbarian invasions in the 5th century, and started to be used in written documents around the 9th century. By the 15th century it had become a mature language with a rich literature. In all aspects — phonology, morphology, lexicon and syntax — Portuguese is essentially the result of an organic evolution of Vulgar Latin, with fairly minor influences from other languages.
... the problem with this article is that there was no such thing as Portugal prior to the 12th century.  There was only Spain.  So Faid's article would be correct if it said "common language of what would become Spain and Portugal" instead of just saying "Portuguese."  It's an OK article, just not specific enough.  OK.  Everyone with me so far?

Now ... an astute person would ask "Why did the languages begin changing in 1143?"  Hmmm ... enter the word chart which you would be familiar with if you spoke both languages like me and know something of the history and you might have some clues ...

2) Language comparison
Spanish haber hombre cuerpo noche hijo hecho bueno y
Portug haver homem corpo noite filho feito bom e
French avoir homme corps nuit fils fait bon et

Wow ... there is some similarity here!  Let's form a hypothesis:  Maybe Portuguese is a mixture of Spanish and French among other factors ... also the local liguistic expert at ATBC says that this hypothesis might be true if you could show a significant French influence on the country at that time ...

Now let's test this ...

3) Is there a significant French influence?  Why yes there is ... fancy that!!  Right in that very timeframe too!!  Glory be!!  Here it is again ...[quote]Of course if you get a good Medieval History Encyclopedia, you can get all kinds of details about this period in history when Portuguese and Spanish diverged.  What you will see is massive Burgundian influence beginning with the influx of contingents of Burgundian knights in response to Alfonso VI who had a Burgundian wife, then the Burgundian Henry, grandson of Robert I of Burgundy then to Afonso Henriques, son of Henry.  [Oh ... by the way ... I guess I'd better fill you in that Burgundy is in France ... small detail].  Anyway, Afonso Henriques captures Lisbon and sets up his capital.  Then if you do some further reading, you find out that standard Portuguese is based on the dialect of Lisbon, according to Rilke's other favorite source, Encyclopedia Brittanica.  Can you guess that Lisbon probably had greater French influence than anywhere else in Portugal?  Maybe because of the French influence and intermarriage in the ruling class?  I hope I'm not moving too fast for anyone. (Dictionary of the Middle Ages, v. 10, 1988, American Council of Learned Societies) (From the public library, a famous, non-YEC source)  (Encyclopedia Brittanica, 2002, Micropedia, "Portuguese Language" for the part about official Portuguese being based on the dialect of Lisbon)

4) And of course, the Wikipedia article which acknowledges the closeness ...  
Although the vocabularies of Spanish and Portuguese are quite similar, phonetically Portuguese is somewhat closer to Catalan or to French. It is often claimed that the complex phonology of Portuguese compared to Spanish explains why it is generally not intelligible to Spanish speakers despite the strong lexical similarity between the two languages. Portuguese and French

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Occam's Aftershave

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Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:30   

HOLY TAP DANCIN' CHRIST!! AFDave actually admits that he was wrong about something!!!  Somebody please save this to the archives before he edits it out.
I'll bet you are right.  I meant to say 100X the biomass.  But C12 is related to biomass.  I don't have the exact correlation at my fingertips right now.  We will get to that.

You'll have to understand if no one believes you anymore.  You've broken too many promises to 'get to it' to have any credibility.
What is important now in relation to C14 is that AMS labs all over the world scratched their heads when they discovered C14 in coal and diamonds.  They still cannot explain it.

And neither can you.

You don't even try ... all you can do is yammer at me about calibration curves and you miss the elephant in the living room of C14 in diamonds and coal.

No Dave, the 'elephant in the living room' is the six independent lines of evidence that all confirm the accuracy of radiocarbon dating.  Not one, not two, not even three, but six independent lines of evidence for you to deny Dave.  The fact that you continually refuse to deal with it shows that it bothers you greatly, and that you have yet to figure out how to deal with it, save just ignoring it.  

You have to know that you're being dishonest when you ignore the calibration data, which means that Jesus knows you're being dishonest too.  How do you justify your dishonest actions to Him?  Do you say 'hail Mary' three times after confession and hope that covers it?

You're a sad, pathetic little man Dave.  You let your ego get in the way of both your honesty and your better judgement.  You will have to answer for all this dishonesty some day Dave, and you know it.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 1621
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,15:41   

You'll have to understand if no one believes you anymore.  You've broken too many promises to 'get to it' to have any credibility.
Yeah, no one except those lurkers that you said you were worried about.  You'd better get with it refuting me with some sciency stuff so they don't get corrupted with my 'moronic beliefs.'

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,16:07   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,20:27)
Another Portuguese war, eh?  OK, why not!

Well, since you're not making any headway with any of your other "arguments," either…

In the meantime…

Dave, Dave, Dave.

I'll say it one more time: historical evidence is utterly irrelevant to your argument. So will you please shut up about it?

Your illustration of the resemblance of Portuguese, Spanish, and French means less than nothing, because it's already been pointed out to you that all three languages are descended from Latin. Duh! Of course they resemble each other!

Saying that the vocabulary of Portuguese is more similar to Catalan or French than it is to Spanish has nothing to do with whether or not Portuguese is derived from Spanish and French now, does it, Dave? All it means (at best) is exactly what it says: Portuguese vocabulary is somewhat closer to Catalan or French than it is to Spanish! How do you get from there to "Portuguese is a mixture of French and Spanish"?

And don't recite any more absolutely irrelevant historical claptrap about French knights clanking through Iberia in the 14th century.

It's pretty damned amusing watching you trying to instruct people who have forgotten astronomically more about the subject of discourse than you'll ever know.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5287
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,16:13   

Yeah, no one except those lurkers that you said you were worried about.  You'd better get with it refuting me with some sciency stuff so they don't get corrupted with my 'moronic beliefs.'

Right back in your face little man.  You'd better get busy explaining away for the lurkers those six independent lines of evidence that confirm the accuracy of radiocarbon dating.

When you're done with that, you can share with the lurkers how little you know about coal and oil formation, and how chalk beds are laid down.

Your ignorance is being exposed Dave, and we both know it. You're standing here with your pants around your ankles, looking sillier by the minute.  The lurkers can see it all too, and it ain't pretty. :p

Jesus is looking down on you and frowning Dave.  You're breaking His commandment to 'not bear false witness'.  Are you prepared to be banished to he11 just to protect your titanic ego?


"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 1621
Joined: April 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,16:22   

Hey Aftershave ... What happened to your great interest in Carbon 14?

You were hounding me for several days ...

Now that I gave you what you asked for, you're suddenly not interested anymore.

What happened?  No answer for where that C14 in coal and diamonds could possibly have come from?

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5287
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,16:34   

Hey Aftershave ... What happened to your great interest in Carbon 14?

You were hounding me for several days ...

Now that I gave you what you asked for, you're suddenly not interested anymore.

No Dave, I asked you for your explanation of the six independent lines of evidence that confirm the accuracy of radiocarbon dating.  

I'm still quite interested, but we both know you're too busy protecting your ego to admit you have no clue as to how to honestly respond.

I'm also quite interested in you demonstrating your ignorance about coal and oil formation, and how chalk beds are laid down.

You ever gonna address that 11,000 YO Turkish village I pointed you to, the one that was dated with dendrochronology as well as radiocarbon?

The lurkers are laughing at you with your pants around your ankles, and Jesus is getting angrier with you by the minute.  You think it's a good idea to keep lying?  I mean, isn't your mortal soul at stake here?

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,16:43   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,21:22)
Hey Aftershave ... What happened to your great interest in Carbon 14?

You were hounding me for several days ...

Now that I gave you what you asked for, you're suddenly not interested anymore.


Dave, did you read the post Mr. Aftershave posted immediately before your post? He still hounding you, but you're pretending not to hear him. He's asking you for your explanation for the six independent lines of evidence that all confirm the accuracy of radiocarbon dating. In what universe does that imply a lack of interest in the subject?

You don't have an answer to his question, Dave, but pretending it doesn't exist doesn't make it go away. Until you come up with an answer, you can't even pretend to believe that radiocarbon dating is inaccurate.
What happened?  No answer for where that C14 in coal and diamonds could possibly have come from?

Dave, you can't pretend not to have heard people's questions, and you can't pretend not to have heard their answers, either. We're not at a bar, where you can deny you heard something or deny that you said it. You can't even delete other people's posts, so you've got nowhere to hide.

You've been given an answer to where that C14 in coal and diamonds came from. Today, you were told. Less than eight hours ago.

The C14 comes from neutron capture. The extra neutrons come from radioactive decay, high-energy cosmic rays, and other sources. There's no mystery where it comes from for anyone else, and now, there's no mystery for you, either. You've been told where it comes from, and denying that you're been told only makes you look like a liar.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


Posts: 807
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,17:35   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ June 17 2006,21:34)
No Dave, I asked you for your explanation of the six independent lines of evidence that confirm the accuracy of radiocarbon dating.

I can answer for him.  The scientists are all just seeing what they want to see, because they really, really want to prove that the Christian God doesn't exist.  Because they don't want to have to answer for their sins.  So they can party down without having to worry about the consequences.

Here's a great question that Dave probably won't answer:

How would you test to determine whether or not an object is over 1 million years old?

My first prediction is that he'll ignore the question.  (I think he's kinda POed at me for pegging him on the "athesit scientist conspiracy" issue.)
My alternate prediction is that he'll say such a test would be absurd because nothing could possibly be that old.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,17:38   

Davey, I used to be one of your favorites. WHat happened?

You just aren't allowed to say anything about the portuguese / french thing till you debate me on the topic. I took your bet and you never paid up.


Can I get a little help here? Did I not take his bet? Did he not make the bet? Did he not utterly ignore the fact that I took the bet? Did he not declare victory without the debate?

Please, post this at the end of future posts:

Dave, you are aware that you never debated BWE even though you made a bet, he took the bet and we all witnessed it. Right? You are claiming victory in a debate you never had. You made a bet and then failed to live up to your end.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,17:45   

So they can party down without having to worry about the consequences.

"Let the siiiiinnn... Begin!"

Can I get a little help here? Did I not take his bet? Did he not make the bet? Did he not utterly ignore the fact that I took the bet? Did he not declare victory without the debate?

confirmed.  he's ignoring you.  he's ignorant of everything else in the world, why not you as well?

I think Dave has reached the "which one of these means gay marriage" stage.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,17:49   

Quote (afdave @ June 17 2006,13:09)
Doesn't it trouble you that this seems to happen every 5 minutes?

What's troubling is that only about half the population buys into your long age Darwinian fantasies in spite of all these excellent, smart scientists who are peddling the theory.

It's amazing to me that you don't scratch your head and say ... 'Hmmm ... with all this opportunity that we Evos have to indocrinate everyone with our theory, why don't they buy it?  Could it be wrong?'

Perhaps it has something to do with half the population being brow-beaten from the pulpit every Sunday with creationist arguments that even you would be embarrassed to use.

Half the population believes there is some truth to astrology.  Half the population once believed that the 9/11 terrorists were Iraqis. Billions of people around the world believe Islam is the only true religion.

Hmm -- perhaps we're all getting it totally wrong...


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,17:58   

You guys are going to be embarrassed and chagrined after insulting Dave so much, when it comes out in a few years that there was a secret military project to find out what happens when a troop's brain is replaced with kitty litter.


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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,18:04   

what happens when a troop's brain is replaced with kitty litter.

It stays crunchy, even in milk?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,18:13   

You guys are going to be embarrassed and chagrined after insulting Dave so much, when it comes out in a few years that there was a secret military project to find out what happens when a troop's brain is replaced with kitty litter.

Oh, and here I though all those scratching cats were just trying to cover up AFDave, not add to his cranium filling.  

My bad.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,19:01   


Dave, you are aware that you never debated BWE even though you made a bet, he took the bet and we all witnessed it. Right? You are claiming victory in a debate you never had. You made a bet and then failed to live up to your end.

Please don't forget.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 17 2006,19:07   

Please don't forget.

have you bugged him with some PM's yet?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


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