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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:00   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,22:55)
Quote (Lou FCD @ April 30 2014,05:34)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,02:40)
For the legal record: Whether I am present to defend myself or not this forum you eagerly participate in was established with a mission to mock and ridicule in order to destroy the scientific credibility of all those who for some reason find the Theory of Intelligent Design scientifically useful.

The scientific credibility your statement presupposes is non-existent, for the legal record.

You are digging up an ID past that Dover and other communities already happily left behind, in part through a Theory of Intelligent Design that was in a sense conceived by them and they have no reason to be ashamed of what developed, which for the sake of science is now entertaining your merciless forum.

Good grief, you really are an idiot, aren't you?
The claim was not that Intelligent Design as such has no scientific merit, although that is demonstrably true.
The claim is quite specifically and directly that your "theory" has no scientific merit.
...As I keep reminding everyone the key is in learning how to lighten up and just get used to some having to see the Theory of Intelligent Design seriously attempted or not doing so forever festers in a way that leads to social conflict that has you saber rattling in court over something that could have been settled in a scientific arena, not a legal one.

Um, Gary?  You're the one who keep's trying to push this into the legal arena.  You're the one who keeps making ridiculous statements like 'for the legal record'.  You're the one making threats of raising legal issues.
As far as 'settled in the scientific arena', it has been.  The DI and their notions have lost.  You and your notions have lost.  You don't even have an entry for consideration by science, as I and others have demonstrated at considerable detail.
The DI has at least learned to be far more circumspect in regards to seeking action at law.
Hey, isn't 'learning' one of the hallmarks of intelligence as understood by the world at large?  I do believe it is.
Even in the context of that steaming heap of malformed and abused verbiage you mistakenly call your theory, failure to achieve desired results leads to a change in behavior.
Which clearly means you're not intelligent, or you're getting exactly the results you want.  Does your 'theory' somehow not apply to you?  That would be the case if you're not intelligent, of course.
Dilemma.  Horns of.  You hanging off of the.

As to the meat of your rambling -- the claim that it is somehow important for a Theory of Intelligent Design to be taken seriously and studied and incorporated into science, well, that's presupposing your conclusions.  On a grand scale.  But as we have seen both from you and from the DI and its lackeys, there is no there there.  There is no 'theory of intelligent design' nor is there ever likely to be one.  Insofar as science needs to take any note of anything here, it won't happen until there are facts and the use of those facts to generate hypotheses and tests.
You have no facts, you have no evidence, you can't even, you won't even, identify which 'aspects of the universe' are 'best explained by intelligent cause'.  As a plain sentence, sans agenda, no one disputes this, nor ever has.  We all know there are things in the universe that are the result of intelligent causes, for we are all (excepting perhaps you and various members of the DI) intelligent and causal agents in the world.
Utterly banal, trivially true, and, insofar as it calls for scientific explanation, is being explored by genuine science and genuine scientists in a host of inter-related fields.  None of which you are aware of or familiar with, none of which you have contributed to, none of which take note of you and your work, none of which would benefit by attention paid to you or your work.
You have frequently laid claim to Cognitive Science as a field that has both provided and received benefit from your work -- yet you persist in misusing key terms from that field of study, which disqualifies your claims in this regard.
My so easily finding comedy in thoughts of bringing it there is from even the NCSE being completely powerless against an article Larry wrote against Sal that is working out for both of them. It's another unbelievable sounding but true moment in science brought to you by a Theory of Intelligent Design that did NOT even exist in the old days and is NOT controlled by the Discovery Institute it's something already there on Google blogs and in forums that provide starting points the ID movement can work from. A couple of links from me to scientifically noncontroversial bioinformatics at Biology-Online in turn makes all sorts of scientifically interesting things happen that otherwise could not.

Pompous self-aggrandize much, Gary?
Bluster and bravado, with zero content, least of all content that speaks to any of the tissue of errors, contradictions, and dishonest claims that make up your "theory".
There is nothing illegal about being scientifically empowering to those who did ask a good question. Or my coding Intelligence Design Labs. Or this for Sal maybe being like Sandwalk has finally been conquered. A court would find all this good clean science fun, and be thankful something like this was there.

Good gods, who said there was?  Again, you're the only one bringing legal issues into this, you're the only one implying threats of actions at law.  You have bupkis to do with the DI, and they want nothing to do with you.  Worse, your work is most emphatically not 'scientifically empowering', not any more so than the 'theory of intelligent falling'.
Nobody here has claimed that what you are up to is illegal.  We have only pointed out that it is not science.  It is not even wrong -- it is a nullity inside a vacuity inside an idiot.

What we have done, what you are now trying desperately to sweep under the rug, is even more heinous -- we have challenged you directly on lies you have told, specifically lies about the integrity, behavior, and motivation of specific ones of us, and have asserted our right to apologies for those transgressions of decent human behavior.
I, for one, do not expect any such to happen, for I do not labor under the delusion that you are, in any way, shape, or form, a decent human being.  You could always surprise me by doing the right, but it's been quite a long while since you did anything surprising.  It's been even longer since I've seen decent behavior out of anyone who claims any association with 'intelligent design'.


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:04   

Quote (NoName @ April 28 2014,19:42)
Quote (NoName @ April 26 2014,15:14)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 26 2014,14:56)
Quote (N.Wells @ April 26 2014,13:21)
Also, you still haven't answered NoName's questions.

Then answer mine: How does natural and artificial selection differ from, or go above and beyond, the standard laws of chemistry and physics?

I want to see how you would answer that equivalent question.

I already answered, in some detail.
I'll point out again, that the modern evolutionary synthesis, nor any of its predecessors, require anything beyond the standard laws of chemistry and physics and the characteristics that emerge naturally from them.
We manage quite nicely with those.  So there really is nothing for us to answer.

YOU are the one who insists there is such a thing as 'molecular intelligence', which is either a banal claim of no interest whatsoever, or requires something above and beyond the standard laws of chemistry and physics.
And thus, an answer to the question is incumbent upon you.
Which is it?
And if it is what you've been implying up to now, what is it?

Bears repeating.

You're still a buffoon.

Bears repeating given that you've attempted distractions and deflections that have taken us away from the questions you keep avoiding.
The questions that are a direct consequence of claims made by you.


Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:11   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)
Dover and other places will not go off on much of a news frenzy after finding out what you're all stirred up about. In fact some of the best ideas in the theory came from their community forum, where in time things gelled and they helped tease something new to life for all to look back at and be proud of. Several choice topics are:

Another own-goal for GG.  Not a single word of support from the linked thread.  Quite the contrary, where we read user RDC reflecting on GG's "theory":
I read this gobbledygook and realized that someone took passages from a biology text and attempted a cut & paste synthesis to make it sound as if they were writing scientifically.  What has been written instead is a hodgepodge of dissimilar data melded into a pseudoscientific stew.


Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:23   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)

In GG's second link there is also no support to be found, but he does make this claim:
If you are asking whether there are scientists behind this, then the answer is yes. Can find that out on your own by following links back to places where we dwell. Will have to take my word on getting non-public praise from acclaimed scientists since at this point in time naming only invites trouble.

So not only does GG lie about support for his "theory," he claims he's had "non-public praise from acclaimed scientists."  Of course, he can't name them lest they be Expelled.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:27   

Quote (Jim_Wynne @ May 01 2014,09:11)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)
Dover and other places will not go off on much of a news frenzy after finding out what you're all stirred up about. In fact some of the best ideas in the theory came from their community forum, where in time things gelled and they helped tease something new to life for all to look back at and be proud of. Several choice topics are:

Another own-goal for GG.  Not a single word of support from the linked thread.  Quite the contrary, where we read user RDC reflecting on GG's "theory":
I read this gobbledygook and realized that someone took passages from a biology text and attempted a cut & paste synthesis to make it sound as if they were writing scientifically.  What has been written instead is a hodgepodge of dissimilar data melded into a pseudoscientific stew.


Gee, you mean somebody who had a meltdown over what he perceived, wrongly, as a quote-mine of his text has himself lifted material from copyrighted works and used them without attribution?
I'm shocked, shocked, to hear about this!



Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:36   

Quote (NoName @ May 01 2014,08:27)
Quote (Jim_Wynne @ May 01 2014,09:11)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)
Dover and other places will not go off on much of a news frenzy after finding out what you're all stirred up about. In fact some of the best ideas in the theory came from their community forum, where in time things gelled and they helped tease something new to life for all to look back at and be proud of. Several choice topics are:

Another own-goal for GG.  Not a single word of support from the linked thread.  Quite the contrary, where we read user RDC reflecting on GG's "theory":
I read this gobbledygook and realized that someone took passages from a biology text and attempted a cut & paste synthesis to make it sound as if they were writing scientifically.  What has been written instead is a hodgepodge of dissimilar data melded into a pseudoscientific stew.


Gee, you mean somebody who had a meltdown over what he perceived, wrongly, as a quote-mine of his text has himself lifted material from copyrighted works and used them without attribution?
I'm shocked, shocked, to hear about this!


I'm not sure that GG was being directly accused of plagiarism; I think what was being said was that it *appeared* that GG had lifted stuff from science texts.

But there is yet another word of encouragement for GG from one of those threads:
But post on Gary, even my telling you here that this borders on the reductio ad absurdum is going to spur you on to larger and greater postings with even more arcane, oblique, obscure, convoluted, perplexing, befuddling, detailed arguments with even more words and numbers and graphs and pictures and charts.
So it can appear to be intelligent.

Apparently Gary thinks that when he posts his huge walls of text and people point out the incoherency of them, it qualifies as some sort of evidence that he must be right.  The lack of self-awareness continues to amaze.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,08:59   

Fair enough.  But what are the odds that Gary could craft text that gave the appearance of coming from a biology text?  The probabilities strike me as rather low.

But it does sound like the commenter you quote second has Gary's number.
Imagine that, Gary, you are perceived pretty much the same way no matter where you go on the web.  Pompous, self-aggrandizing, and hopelessly wrong.
3 coders on Planet Source Code notwithstanding.


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,09:07   

My favorite bit on is when RDC says,
I read this gobbledygook and realized that someone took passages from a biology text and attempted a cut & paste synthesis to make it sound as if they were writing scientifically.
What has been written instead is a hodgepodge of dissimilar data melded into a pseudoscientific stew.
and Gary replies,
At least you read it carefully enough to notice that it is in fact 100% science.


Posts: 5385
Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,23:47   

Now they're nitpicking 2008 level debate that starts off with “ID is religion plain and simple.”

As the chronologically arranged topics (are more) show the theory ended up leading to ID Labs at Planet Source code and other now uncontroversial things that a Dover science teacher might already know about, are not going to worry over.

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)

All of the local clergy I could find an email address for were contacted to link them to what's up in their education and religion forums. The most important things for religious leaders needed to know were already explained. Not much I can add, other than scientific detail they don't need to understand for them to understand how the science works in religion.

What happened after that in Dover over ID was as hoped for, nothing. Reading their local news could seem like being in the wrong Dover. You would expect at least one newsworthy thing to happen so soon in history after the trial, but nope. Life went on and it became easy to put all that behind everyone and had a happy ending that only gets better as time goes on, from the Theory of Intelligent Design still becoming ever better with time..

We are now back to where (for me) seether comes from, which is science teachers and community leaders who are where the action's at who had advance knowledge/warning of something and already adapted to, not be surprised by. They might only have a foggy recollection of where what they read came from and forgot my name by now but what I advocate is old news, as far as they are concerned.

The worse thing that could possibly go wrong for plans to make the Theory of Intelligent Design go away by mocking and ridiculing it into oblivion has already happened. It is now only self-defeating to nitpick a long ago thread for Dover that is now more like a part of local folklore.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity where I must next make it clear that Jake and others who made a commendable stand do NOT want history changed by academic posers speaking for them spreading stereotypes that make it appear that after the trial the protest ended in disgrace that has them hiding somewhere in shame. That did NOT ultimately happen. But it's a good way to describe what there was to work from after Judge Jones delivered his verdict (in regards to the actions of school officials) against some of the ID faithful, who didn't know what they were getting into.

Along with Kathy Martin easily being reelected without KCFS protesting (only looked good by realizing she was still good with typical mundane board issues and they asked good election questions fairly to all running in the state) then second term without incident into fame for NOT having been made gone in the next election cycle like "scientists" vowed, which in turn did NOT leave troublesome to some from District 6 powerless, what really happened over time from ID turned out totally opposite of what was supposed to happen. But Jack Krebs (plus other educators) against the Discovery Institute would want me to explain it the way I just did so that it is remembered as showing good faith towards "creationists" in their state by having switched the tactics academia planned to use, to a happy ending plan I argued for. The KCFS organization then did a splendid job of helping the voters get to know the candidates, and I'm not just saying that it's from such a useful questionnaire for getting into how their minds work. I could tell that they put plenty of thought into making sure it forced Kathy to respond on their most burning questions, which made them even better for her to answer, then all went well and since passed the torch to another right on time too. It's a total upset for all who would want it to be that "creationists" were destroyed after the Discovery Institute brought ID to Kansas, but those who spoke for academia want to be known for having during reelection done an A+ job in a by the people and for the people way I'm proud of too, where they had to accept another 4 years of Kathy around but that went without incident, making that long behind us now, as is the aftermath of the Discovery Institute bringing ID to Dover, that has much changed too since then. Can't stop what already happened.

All combined and metaphorically speaking: From the ashes we built another day. And the sounds we made together, is the music to the story in your eyes. It's been shining down upon us now. For ever more...

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 01 2014,23:55   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 01 2014,23:47)
Now they're nitpicking 2008 level debate that starts off with “ID is religion plain and simple.”

As the chronologically arranged topics (are more) show the theory ended up leading to ID Labs at Planet Source code and other now uncontroversial things that a Dover science teacher might already know about, are not going to worry over.

Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)

All of the local clergy I could find an email address for were contacted to link them to what's up in their education and religion forums. The most important things for religious leaders needed to know were already explained. Not much I can add, other than scientific detail they don't need to understand for them to understand how the science works in religion.

What happened after that in Dover over ID was as hoped for, nothing. Reading their local news could seem like being in the wrong Dover. You would expect at least one newsworthy thing to happen so soon in history after the trial, but nope. Life went on and it became easy to put all that behind everyone and had a happy ending that only gets better as time goes on, from the Theory of Intelligent Design still becoming ever better with time..

We are now back to where (for me) seether comes from, which is science teachers and community leaders who are where the action's at who had advance knowledge/warning of something and already adapted to, not be surprised by. They might only have a foggy recollection of where what they read came from and forgot my name by now but what I advocate is old news, as far as they are concerned.

The worse thing that could possibly go wrong for plans to make the Theory of Intelligent Design go away by mocking and ridiculing it into oblivion has already happened. It is now only self-defeating to nitpick a long ago thread for Dover that is now more like a part of local folklore.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity where I must next make it clear that Jake and others who made a commendable stand do NOT want history changed by academic posers speaking for them spreading stereotypes that make it appear that after the trial the protest ended in disgrace that has them hiding somewhere in shame. That did NOT ultimately happen. But it's a good way to describe what there was to work from after Judge Jones delivered his verdict (in regards to the actions of school officials) against some of the ID faithful, who didn't know what they were getting into.

Along with Kathy Martin easily being reelected without KCFS protesting (only looked good by realizing she was still good with typical mundane board issues and they asked good election questions fairly to all running in the state) then second term without incident into fame for NOT having been made gone in the next election cycle like "scientists" vowed, which in turn did NOT leave troublesome to some from District 6 powerless, what really happened over time from ID turned out totally opposite of what was supposed to happen. But Jack Krebs (plus other educators) against the Discovery Institute would want me to explain it the way I just did so that it is remembered as showing good faith towards "creationists" in their state by having switched the tactics academia planned to use, to a happy ending plan I argued for. The KCFS organization then did a splendid job of helping the voters get to know the candidates, and I'm not just saying that it's from such a useful questionnaire for getting into how their minds work. I could tell that they put plenty of thought into making sure it forced Kathy to respond on their most burning questions, which made them even better for her to answer, then all went well and since passed the torch to another right on time too. It's a total upset for all who would want it to be that "creationists" were destroyed after the Discovery Institute brought ID to Kansas, but those who spoke for academia want to be known for having during reelection done an A+ job in a by the people and for the people way I'm proud of too, where they had to accept another 4 years of Kathy around but that went without incident, making that long behind us now, as is the aftermath of the Discovery Institute bringing ID to Dover, that has much changed too since then. Can't stop what already happened.

All combined and metaphorically speaking: From the ashes we built another day. And the sounds we made together, is the music to the story in your eyes. It's been shining down upon us now. For ever more...

Gee, that's a lot to write to avoid the fact that you have fuck-all evidence for your and their IDiocy.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


Posts: 311
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,06:30   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 01 2014,23:47)
All of the local clergy I could find an email address for were contacted to link them to what's up in their education and religion forums.

I believe I've said this before, but apparently it bears repeating.

When you contact strangers like this and send them one of your nearly unreadable screeds and they respond with something on the order of "thank you for bringing this to my attention, I'll look at it when I have a chance", they're being kind to you.  That is the polite brush off.

You've demonstrated that you don't understand this.  You think that "this looks interesting, I might check it out some day and figure out what it's actually supposed to do" is a rave review.

It's not.  It's someone being polite to you.  They don't want to hurt your feelings, but they don't particularly want to have to deal with you any further either.


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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,07:07   

I remain curious as to just how a bit of software with no grounding in the actual-factual world of living things, and that includes no reproduction nor varying environment, can be considered, even by a lunatic, to have anything at all to do with the ID controversy as it played out at Dover.
Or, really, any ID controversy at all.


Posts: 1208
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,07:33   

Now they're nitpicking 2008 level debate that starts off with “ID is religion plain and simple.”

Sweet jebus, Gary, YOU provided those links and in the very essence of obliviousness apparently fail to realize that the comments there are further evidence of your cluelessness.   What was your point in providing those links if you didn't want to add fuel to the fire?
As the chronologically arranged topics (are more) show the theory ended up leading to ID Labs at Planet Source code and other now uncontroversial things that a Dover science teacher might already know about, are not going to worry over.
Another completely incoherent sentence, and then you repost the links.  
All of the local clergy I could find an email address for were contacted to link them to what's up in their education and religion forums. The most important things for religious leaders needed to know were already explained. Not much I can add, other than scientific detail they don't need to understand for them to understand how the science works in religion.
Completely incoherent.
What happened after that in Dover over ID was as hoped for, nothing. Reading their local news could seem like being in the wrong Dover. You would expect at least one newsworthy thing to happen so soon in history after the trial, but nope. Life went on and it became easy to put all that behind everyone and had a happy ending that only gets better as time goes on, from the Theory of Intelligent Design still becoming ever better with time..
You're inadvertently right about it getting better with time. It was a momentous decision that all but completely derailed the ID movement and went a long way towards keeping pseudoscience like yours out of public school classrooms.  Although you're fond of lying about how your "theory" is used by teachers, it has two strikes against it.  To the extent that it's coherent, it's not scientific, and to the extent that it's scientific it's incoherent.

The worse thing that could possibly go wrong for plans to make the Theory of Intelligent Design go away by mocking and ridiculing it into oblivion has already happened. It is now only self-defeating to nitpick a long ago thread for Dover that is now more like a part of local folklore
You want us to stop firing the gun, but you keep supplying ammunition.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity where I must next make it clear that Jake and others who made a commendable stand do NOT want history changed by academic posers speaking for them spreading stereotypes that make it appear that after the trial the protest ended in disgrace that has them hiding somewhere in shame. That did NOT ultimately happen.

The trial signaled an ignominious end to the general ID strategy up to that point. I don't know who the "academic posers" might be; practically all that's left of ID is a lot of god-botherers impotently pretending that ID is science.  We all know that those people, like you, have no shame.
But it's a good way to describe what there was to work from after Judge Jones delivered his verdict (in regards to the actions of school officials) against some of the ID faithful, who didn't know what they were getting into.
You're right about them not knowing what they were getting into.  Before the trial they were crowing about having a Bush-appointed conservative judge on the bench, and how this was likely to be a great triumph. After the verdict came in, all of a sudden Judge Jones was a hapless fool with no credible experience, and Dembski created the infamous farty-noises video.  
Along with Kathy Martin easily being reelected without KCFS protesting (only looked good by realizing she was still good with typical mundane board issues and they asked good election questions fairly to all running in the state) then second term without incident into fame for NOT having been made gone in the next election cycle like "scientists" vowed, which in turn did NOT leave troublesome to some from District 6 powerless, what really happened over time from ID turned out totally opposite of what was supposed to happen. But Jack Krebs (plus other educators) against the Discovery Institute would want me to explain it the way I just did so that it is remembered as showing good faith towards "creationists" in their state by having switched the tactics academia planned to use, to a happy ending plan I argued for. The KCFS organization then did a splendid job of helping the voters get to know the candidates, and I'm not just saying that it's from such a useful questionnaire for getting into how their minds work. I could tell that they put plenty of thought into making sure it forced Kathy to respond on their most burning questions, which made them even better for her to answer, then all went well and since passed the torch to another right on time too. It's a total upset for all who would want it to be that "creationists" were destroyed after the Discovery Institute brought ID to Kansas, but those who spoke for academia want to be known for having during reelection done an A+ job in a by the people and for the people way I'm proud of too, where they had to accept another 4 years of Kathy around but that went without incident, making that long behind us now, as is the aftermath of the Discovery Institute bringing ID to Dover, that has much changed too since then. Can't stop what already happened.
Along with Kathy Martin easily being reelected without KCFS protesting (only looked good by realizing she was still good with typical mundane board issues and they asked good election questions fairly to all running in the state) then second term without incident into fame for NOT having been made gone in the next election cycle like "scientists" vowed, which in turn did NOT leave troublesome to some from District 6 powerless, what really happened over time from ID turned out totally opposite of what was supposed to happen. But Jack Krebs (plus other educators) against the Discovery Institute would want me to explain it the way I just did so that it is remembered as showing good faith towards "creationists" in their state by having switched the tactics academia planned to use, to a happy ending plan I argued for. The KCFS organization then did a splendid job of helping the voters get to know the candidates, and I'm not just saying that it's from such a useful questionnaire for getting into how their minds work. I could tell that they put plenty of thought into making sure it forced Kathy to respond on their most burning questions, which made them even better for her to answer, then all went well and since passed the torch to another right on time too. It's a total upset for all who would want it to be that "creationists" were destroyed after the Discovery Institute brought ID to Kansas, but those who spoke for academia want to be known for having during reelection done an A+ job in a by the people and for the people way I'm proud of too, where they had to accept another 4 years of Kathy around but that went without incident, making that long behind us now, as is the aftermath of the Discovery Institute bringing ID to Dover, that has much changed too since then. Can't stop what already happened.
Completely incoherent.

Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,10:53   

Quote (Jim_Wynne @ May 01 2014,09:11)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ April 30 2014,21:55)
Dover and other places will not go off on much of a news frenzy after finding out what you're all stirred up about. In fact some of the best ideas in the theory came from their community forum, where in time things gelled and they helped tease something new to life for all to look back at and be proud of. Several choice topics are:

Another own-goal for GG.  Not a single word of support from the linked thread.  Quite the contrary, where we read user RDC reflecting on GG's "theory":
I read this gobbledygook and realized that someone took passages from a biology text and attempted a cut & paste synthesis to make it sound as if they were writing scientifically.  What has been written instead is a hodgepodge of dissimilar data melded into a pseudoscientific stew.


one of my faves from that place


I cannot believe that in 2008 we're still having this debate.


Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,10:57   

Here's a good one from "Crabcake" directed at gary nigh on 6 years ago:

. You are only fooling yourself and need to get a grip. Go preach to your flock in your church and I hope it satisfies some psychological need that you apparently are lacking in your life, but STOP TRYING TO RAM YOUR BELIEFS DOWN OTHERS THROATS. It is not well received nor appreciated in the least.

Here, as-we-know Gary is not (for the record) there, where there is a place from which we can see gary is good, with grips, at getting one.


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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,10:59   

For at least 6 Years people have said what this guy at ydr told Gary in 2008:

Like I said, Gary, try to get a grip and in touch with reality. YOU are NOT going to be successful with this lame attempt to breath life back into the ID decision. It's already a done deal and your perspective lost. With that said, I am now coming to be of the opinion that you are just looking for attention and are relishing in this discussion and I encourage others here on the forum to consider that perspective. We've been through all of this before and have reached the conclusion. I now think that Gary is just attempting to begin the same tired dialogue yet again.

6 years. Poor guy.


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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:09   


Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:41 AM
As I stated in the Evolution thread, DF, Chris and others, this guy is a troll and feeds on any response he gets. If we just ignore him and his postings, he'll get bored and go to some other forum somewhere to satisfy his need for self aggrandizement.

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:20   

and I'm not just saying that
it's from such a useful questionnaire
for getting into
how their minds work.
I could tell that
they put plenty of thought
into making sure
it forced Kathy
to respond
on their most burning questions,
which made them even better
for her to answer,
then all went well
and since passed the torch
to another
right on time too.

vogon poetry.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:22   

Gary's métier is avant-garde grammar.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:25   

Quote (stevestory @ May 02 2014,12:22)
Gary's métier is avant-garde grammar.

Avant-garde grammar plus anti-semantics.  Pure Gary.

It really is obvious over the history he's amassed that he's either getting exactly the results he desires or he does not count as 'intelligent' on the criteria of his own "theory."
But man is he good for the LULz ;-)


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:39   

Quote (stevestory @ May 02 2014,09:22)
Gary's métier is avant-garde grammar.

It's much funnier if you imagine Gary in beret and dark glasses, reading his screeds aloud in a smoke-filled room.  With JoeG on sax and Denyse on bongos.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,11:52   

And a Pee Wee Herman voice.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,13:58   

Quote (stevestory @ May 02 2014,10:57)
Here's a good one from "Crabcake" directed at gary nigh on 6 years ago:

. You are only fooling yourself and need to get a grip. Go preach to your flock in your church and I hope it satisfies some psychological need that you apparently are lacking in your life, but STOP TRYING TO RAM YOUR BELIEFS DOWN OTHERS THROATS. It is not well received nor appreciated in the least.

Here, as-we-know Gary is not (for the record) there, where there is a place from which we can see gary is good, with grips, at getting one.

Ironically the core beliefs of a congregation that would get mixed up with the weird science ideas of a "radio pirate" like me end up becoming like this epic requiring closer examination of its lyrics that filled the airwaves back in my/our broadcasting school days:

Deee-Lite - "Groove Is In The Heart"

I don't have to worry about getting the message out, any flock that's with me already makes way more noise than I ever could.  

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,14:35   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 02 2014,14:58)
Quote (stevestory @ May 02 2014,10:57)
Here's a good one from "Crabcake" directed at gary nigh on 6 years ago:

. You are only fooling yourself and need to get a grip. Go preach to your flock in your church and I hope it satisfies some psychological need that you apparently are lacking in your life, but STOP TRYING TO RAM YOUR BELIEFS DOWN OTHERS THROATS. It is not well received nor appreciated in the least.

Here, as-we-know Gary is not (for the record) there, where there is a place from which we can see gary is good, with grips, at getting one.

Ironically the core beliefs of a congregation that would get mixed up with the weird science ideas of a "radio pirate" like me end up becoming like this epic requiring closer examination of its lyrics that filled the airwaves back in my/our broadcasting school days:

Deee-Lite - "Groove Is In The Heart"

I don't have to worry about getting the message out, any flock that's with me already makes way more noise than I ever could.  

There's Gary, turning the delusions up to 11 again.

Gary, there is no congregation with you.
When you can't even get the attention of the DI, when you leave a 6 year long trail of failure and humiliation across the internet, you've lost.

Now about those apologies you owe...
And the answers to some outstanding questions...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,15:25   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ May 02 2014,11:58)
...requiring closer examination of its lyrics that filled the airwaves back in my/our broadcasting school days:

Given Gary's claims of legions of anonymous supporters, I can't decide whether that's sad or hilarious.

Get help, Gary.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,15:51   

Whoa. The lurkers support Gaulin in email. That's a powerful lot of support, that is. You go, Gaulin! You go! As far away as possible, as quickly as you can manage, you go!


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,17:24   

Seeing it's Friday and I had a good workweek: Just for the fun of it here's a short playlist showing development of a movie radio pirate theme that emerged aside my accidentally becoming one from a science experiment.

I must add: The movie is nothing like how it ended for me. The FCC was instead impressed. They knew I did not not have enough transmitter power to be much of a threat anyway. By the time Victor arrived to have me sign off I said what I felt I needed to for the experiment to have been worthwhile and valuable. I might have been the easiest case of them all to resolve, with the FCC looking good, even though it can be said that the rules that made this necessary are somewhat nuts. Where it's a movie for the age bracket for those trying to make it through grade and high school social pressures, who I keep in mind with theory parents and teachers can encourage quarreling over. The FCC chasing them around can be taken as symbolic of all that makes growing up even harder, that they can do without like be dragged down in a science class by a Theory of Intelligent Design, but I never had the FCC chasing me around on the streets as is suggested in the movie. I thought I better mention that, before linking to:

Pump Up The Volume Original Theatrical Trailer (1990)

The theme also included lyrics made of science words to help stay focused with:

M.A.R.S. - Pump Up The Volume

Through Jam the same groove stayed going through another generation:

Technotronic- Pump Up The Jam

ID theory is something that since then came along for controversy that requires me to (in the name of science) do something totally crazy sounding, that will later make sense, once you figure out what it is. In this case it was mostly a matter of making sense of what the premise of the theory actually said, instead of what someone else said it said versions that said something else. Only common sense to check sources. All the rest just flowed from there, into a way to have good clean science fun through a “culture war” we're all supposed to side up and fight over.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,18:03   

In this case it was mostly a matter of making sense of what the premise of the theory actually said, instead of what someone else said it said versions that said something else.

Starting with premises is an exercise in basic logic.

Starting with evidence is how science is done.  And it is something that neither Gary nor any other IDiot has yet managed to do.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,18:24   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ May 02 2014,18:03)
In this case it was mostly a matter of making sense of what the premise of the theory actually said, instead of what someone else said it said versions that said something else.

Starting with premises is an exercise in basic logic.

Starting with evidence is how science is done.  And it is something that neither Gary nor any other IDiot has yet managed to do.

Glen Davidson

And to go with that (by right on time YouTube suggestion) is this new one:

Kelly Clarkson - People Like Us


The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 02 2014,19:07   

Quote (NoName @ May 02 2014,14:35)
There's Gary, turning the delusions up to 11 again.

Gary, there is no congregation with you.

Either way there was a Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree we can have fun with, this Christmas too!  

I thought I better mention, so you have plenty of time to plan her into this year's light display or whatever.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

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