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  Topic: GoP defends his claim about muslim intergration, Rebuttal as appropriate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,05:19   


Like I said Gippy, your claim is erroneous. False. Bunkum. Bullshit. The fact that I have to continually spell this out to you and have you ignore it is a little annoying.

Have to? Is someone forcing you to argue with him?


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,05:21   


The whole purpose of this thread was for Gippy to defend a specific claim he made. That claim, and the relevant definitions by Gippy, have been posted several times. This thread is expressedly NOT a thread about wider immigration/cultural issues, Gippy's racist fantasies or anything else. Gippy made a very specific claim and has to defend it. Despite his floundering all over the place and attempts to move the goal posts to avoid the consequences of his claim, this thread is simply for that reason alone.

The crime stats form part of the data relating to one aspect of his definition of integration. He keeps avoiding the strong correlations in favour of the weaker one that he thinks demonstrates his case. It doesn't.


P.S. Steve, no, no one is forcing me to argue with him. The whole point of this is Gippy claimed he had never had a political claim disproven (despite the evidence to the contrary). I picked a political claim he made and asked if he'd like to defend it (after he challenged me to do so). I picked, he agreed, after lots of waffle he defined his criteria, the data doesn't support his claim. End of story. All the rest is Gippy avoiding the fact that he is wrong and me getting annoyed about it.


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,06:01   

Louis, I'll respond to your latest statistics because you actually have a good argument here. I do need to adjust for the fact that Muslims generally have a demographic profile skewed towards randy young men. I'll make the appropriate adjustments when I get the time. I won't give you poverty, though, since that's not a valid reason for being a violent thug. Plus, it's circular, since it assumes people are poor because of discrimination, and then uses the poverty to "prove" discrimination. Speaking as someone who's brushed up against poverty himself (and consequently met a lot of poor people), let me just say that discrimination has very little to do with it IMHO.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,06:08   


My argument hasn't changed since I posted those stats.

It would appear that you don't understand it still however. My argument is NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with discrimination or the tautology you assume. Nor do I make the value judgement that poverty is an excuse for being a violent thug. I have made no case that muslims are poor and therefore are discriminated against or that they are discriminated against and therefore poor. In fact how you get this is beyond me. I explicitly have not and never would make that argument.

What I have said is that the correlations you are drawing attention to between your integration criteria and islamic belief are weaker than the correlations between your integration criteria and a wealth of toher factors (poverty, social exclusion, age, education etc etc). If you are being honest (which you are not) then you would admit that these stronger correlations are a refutation of your emphasis on the weaker correlation. No discrimination, no tautology, no cries of "oh woe are the muslims". Stop beating up a strawman that doesn't exist.


P.S. (added in edit) Just had a thought. Social exclusion/social deprivation is NOT about discrimination, it's about access to resources/opportunities. One possible reason for exclusion is discrimination, BUT it is one amongst many causes, and in this case I would argue a minor one. A far greater cause is the vicious circle of poverty and lack of education. Some people don't know how to improve their lot, don't care to learn, are afraid to learn, don't want to improve their lot etc. One part of the "don't want to" factor in immigrant populations is the percieved standard of living and the ability to send cash home. If one can survive and meet one's obligations in terms of sending money to the motherland, then one has no need to improve one's lot. Not MY attitude, nor that of my family or friends, but AN attitude prevalent in immigrant communities (and similarly in indigenous ones as it happens). Also the simple fact of being poor can hinder people improving their lot. Not everyone is an entrepreneur. They are concerned with jam today, not more jam tomorrow, mouths to feed and all that. Sure there is discrimination too, and language barriers and simple dumbness, but these are less important than the real problems of poverty/lack of education etc.



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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,07:13   

I won't give you poverty, though, since that's not a valid reason for being a violent thug. Plus, it's circular, since it assumes people are poor because of discrimination, and then uses the poverty to "prove" discrimination. Speaking as someone who's brushed up against poverty himself (and consequently met a lot of poor people), let me just say that discrimination has very little to do with it IMHO.

No, you're right GoP(s), discrimination just keeps them there. Education gets them out of it.  And it takes more than one generation typically.

But poverty does contribute to desperation and hopelessness. As someone who has worked with homeless kids for almost 10 years, I have read a few studies and watched many great theoretical models go down in flames. It is a complicated subject that goes through many disciplines and, in the end, it is always either a light going on or not that makes a difference. Have you ever read Herbert Gans, "Positive Functions of the Undeserving Poor"?

Discrimination is a quasi-institutional way to reduce competition and to maintain a labor pool for disposable workers. Not that that idea is solely from Gans, there are several others too. If you want to have that kind of a discussion, I'd be happy to but It'll be slow because I will be doing normal work again starting Thursday. (I've been doing excel spreadsheets for the last week so I've had a little extra break time.)

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,07:31   

I'll address the substantial issues Louis and BWE raised later, but for now, I thought I'd share an interesting article I found off Auster's website:

Thousands of immigrants and asylum seekers are legally allowed to drive on our roads even though many would be incapable of passing a British driving test, safety campaigners have claimed.

Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander faced calls to end a legal loophole entitling people who have a an overseas licence to drive in the UK for a year before taking a test.

The demands from road safety groups and MPs follow a series of accidents involving immigrants.

Critics claim foreign licences are often bought on the black market in their country of origin or handed out after tests lasting as little as five minutes.

And UK driving instructors say they are dealing with an increasing number of immigrants who have been driving in Britain for a year but need as many lessons as a novice to pass their test.

Tory MP David Davies, who holds a heavy goods vehicle licence, said: "It is crazy that someone who has been driving in Somalia should be allowed to drive here without taking a test."

His views were supported by Cathy Keeler, of the national road safety group Brake. "If the test in each country is not as high a standard as in the UK, it should not be valid here,' she said.

While our driving test - which has a pass rate of just 43 per cent - is one of the hardest in the world, exams in other countries are less rigorous. In Kenya, candidates move toy cars around a street map and are given practical tests in groups. No matter what the results, a bribe of just £11 is said to be enough to secure a licence.

Ethiopian drivers have a practical test around a course marked out by wooden pegs while in Somalia fake licences can be bought openly at markets.

There are also fears of corruption in EU countries such as Poland and the Czech Republic, whose licences are now considered equivalent to those in the UK and can be used here indefinitely.

Earlier this month, Polish bus driver Robert Botur was jailed for two years after causing the death of a female passenger six weeks after his arrival in the UK. He was driving on the wrong side of the road and hit an oncoming car.

In Peterborough, a surge in the number of non-English speakers convicted of driving offences led police to produce a leaflet with cartoon pictures explaining English driving laws.

The Department for Transport denied foreign licences were a safety risk, adding: "We don't want people here for a short period of time to have to go through the process of getting a licence."

"Four legs good, two legs baaaaaatter, four legs good, two legs baaaaater, four legs good, two legs baaaaater.

We're all equal. It's just that some are more equal than others."

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,07:51   


So? How is this in any way relevant to this thread? Your delusions about the evils of immigration are not relevant to you supporting your claim. This thread is not about you espousing your prejudicial drivellings about race/immigration etc, but about you defending a specific claim. How about you try to deal with that mmmkay? Start another thread about your immigration issues if you must.

Oh and the Daily Mail? Way to go for the "truth", you do know that paper supported Hitler well into WWII (I win the Godwin sweepstake!;), right? Not that that's  relevant but let's just say that the paper isn't reknowned for its balanced, fact based approach to matters.

Does it help you to know that when I lived in the USA (over a decade ago admittedly) I could have legally bought a gun after being in the country for 28 days with no training or substantial screening? (I actually tried and succeeded in doing this at my local KMart, only changing my mind at the cash register when the cashier asked for the money. I had no need for a gun at that time, it was just fun to see if I could do it. Perversely buying alcohol was a fucking nightmare. You Yanks have it all the wrong way around!;) Or that I could drive immediately, and having passed a very brief state driving theory test got my own NY state driving licence?

Keep bleating bigot.



The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,09:31   


So? How is this in any way relevant to this thread?

First, I don't have to justify anything I do to you. I'll post whatever I want, whenever I want, and however I want. It's up to the mods to take action if I break the rules. This is an American forum, and in America we still have a little thing called the First Amendment. The head(s) of this website allow the posters broad latitude to exercise their First Amendment rights, and you'll have to deal. Perhaps later on you and Lenny will be able to lynch as many blue-eyed devils as you wish, but for now you'll have accept the fact that your piddly little theories are being placed under scrutiny. Tough tits, witch-dunker.  :D

Second, this article (among others) shows Britain's willingness to bend over backwards (forwards?) for the immigrants, which puts the lie to your claim of massive discrimination by Whitey. I don't care about the paper's past -- I'm only interested in the evidence right now.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,09:54   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Oct. 24 2006,15:31)
Second, this article (among others) shows Britain's willingness to bend over backwards (forwards?) for the immigrants, which puts the lie to your claim of massive discrimination by Whitey. I don't care about the paper's past -- I'm only interested in the evidence right now.

Is that what you think?  Because it sure sounds like the ministry is concerned with tourists rather than immigrants.

The Department for Transport denied foreign licences were a safety risk, adding: "We don't want people here for a short period of time to have to go through the process of getting a licence."

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,09:56   

Oh, and Mrs. Louis? Don't get your panties in a bunch over what my parody said. I'm willing to defend the original claim, but I'm also willing to learn from the discussion we're having. If you provide evidence for your position, I'm willing to change my POV. PC tirades have no effect, I'm afraid.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,11:01   

WOW! You ARE a deluded individual aren't you?

Nowhere have I mentioned or indeed insinuated censorship or denial of freedom of speech. Are you bipolar? Schizophrenic? You are certainly not sane whatever you suffer from.

Your recent Daily Mail story is not relevant to the topic of this thread. Period. The topic is that thing at the top of the thread. You are defending a specific claim in this thread, not wittering about the evils of immigration. Like I said, stick that in a different thread and I'll happily play along, but don't pretend it's relevant in this one. It ain't. My issue isn't with shutting you up, it's with trying to keep you honest and relevant for thirty seconds to deal with reality as it actually is, not as you wish it to be.

As for my position, like I said at the start, on this issue I don't actually have one. I am willing to grant people the benefit of the doubt. Beginning and end of story. It is YOU that is defending the claim, not me. You aren't putting my views to any scrutiny because you don't know what they are other than I don't like bigots and liars. This latest shell game of yours fools no one.

Face it, you've been comprehensively shown to be talking rubbish on every single occasion and on every single topic. This one included. Parody or not, you are a failure, naught more than a troll with nothing better to do than bait people on an internet forum for kicks.

The simple fact that you still think that I am appealing to some politically correct "gee aren't we all just skippy" nonsense is ludicrous. It shows that you are neither honest nor capable of reading for comprehension. I care only about the evidence and its reliability. I'm happy to note that the concept of human races is useful in certain limited circumstances, based on the evidence. I'm happy to note that there are broad differences between human races. I'm also happy to note that there is more variation within human races than between human races. I'm even happy to acknoledge the problems that cultural mixing and immigration can and do cause. The difference is Gippy I know for a fact that these things are like the pain of pulling a rotten tooth. Temporary. Just like dealing with bigots like you Paley. The painful interlude before the relief.

You do realise that your insistance on dealing with immigrants by ethnic and faith group reveals you to be a bigot and gives the lie to your claim to deal with people as individuals? Nope didn't think so. Not big on the self realisation are we Gippy? Actually just make that not big on realisation.

In one limited sense you fascinate me. What would drive a presumably adult human being to behave in the manner you are? Why troll an internet forum for a year, or more accurately, falsely claim this is what you are doing? Are you so insecure and starved of attention that this is what you need?

I have a few educated guesses about you Gippy. You were unpopular at school. Not very good at sports and ridiculed for your lack of "machismo" and manly athletic prowess. Reviled, you turned to intellectal pursuits but unfortunately weren't bright enough to achieve what you felt you deserve, after all Gippy you are the GREAT GHOST OF PALEY right? Your bile and bitterness ate away at you and so you sought hard to find those you could patronise and condescend to.

I would guess that you are an underweight, physically unattractive white or perhaps pale mixed (depsite your claim I don't belive a word you say) race male. I would guess that if you have reached adulthood, you have done so as a virgin. Oh perhaps not quite a virgin, but almost certainly your sexual encounters have been fumbled, brief and unsatisfactory if they have happened at all. Possibly they have been paid for with earnings fromyour no doubt unfulfilling blue collar job. I would also guess you are tortured by self loathing due to your homosexual fantasies.

Scorned by what could laughably called your peers (let's face it, you haven't risen to the height of having a peer yet) you decided to drink deep from the well of bigotry. So proud are you to be an "American", so convinced of your own fictional superiority you pour forth venom on the "lesser" races and nations, i.e. anyone different from you. Oh sure, you just about tolerate those that keep quiet and don't act too foreign, but heaven forfend that anyone should have the temerity to be browner or happier than you and a bit different. Look at your scorn for "liberals", "us vs them" again Gippy. You have no actual achievements or talent and you are afraid, so you clothe yourself in a group to protect yourself. You identify with the group you think makes you powerful, desirous of the power you lack. You fear the values of the Enlightenment and the "liberals" who espouse them.

Perhaps this is why you revile science, reason and actual freedom and tolerance. You have no intellectual gifts or acheivements, let's face it all you do is Google trawl to support prejudices you have or wish you had for the sake of popularity you will never attain. Your use of macho images, the language of dominion and conquest, your desperate need for attention and approval all speak volumes about you Gippy. Tell me, what is the difference between Gippy now and Gippy the "parody"? Nothing. You have the same views, the same lies, and the same total lack of abilities.

You have both my contempt and such pity as I can be bothered to spare you.



The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,11:51   

The simple fact that you still think that I am appealing to some politically correct "gee aren't we all just skippy" nonsense is ludicrous. It shows that you are neither honest nor capable of reading for comprehension. I care only about the evidence and its reliability. I'm happy to note that the concept of human races is useful in certain limited circumstances, based on the evidence. I'm happy to note that there are broad differences between human races. I'm also happy to note that there is more variation within human races than between human races. I'm even happy to acknoledge the problems that cultural mixing and immigration can and do cause. The difference is Gippy I know for a fact that these things are like the pain of pulling a rotten tooth. Temporary. Just like dealing with bigots like you Paley. The painful interlude before the relief.

My friends and family would probably laugh at your forensic skills, as your profile is practically orthogonal to reality. (I am, however, a white guy with some Amerindian blood -- nice deduction! The rest just establishes why Freud is such a poor guide to the truth.) However, what you lack in diagnostic skills you make up in inadvertent self-immolation. Take the claim that you're a free-thinking dude that's willing to look reality square in the eye. This is belied by:

1) Your constant stream of invective;

2) Your tendency to evade, then mangle, your opponent's position;

3) Your tendency to state stupid stuff that contradicts your position. For example:

I'm happy to note that the concept of human races is useful in certain limited circumstances, based on the evidence. I'm happy to note that there are broad differences between human races. I'm also happy to note that there is more variation within human races than between human races. I'm even happy to acknoledge the problems that cultural mixing and immigration can and do cause. The difference is Gippy I know for a fact that these things are like the pain of pulling a rotten tooth. Temporary. Just like dealing with bigots like you Paley. The painful interlude before the relief.

If you're willing to acknowledge that there might be "broad differences between human races", then how can you be assured that the "problems that cultural mixing and immigration can and do cause" are "temporary"? You can't, because if there are genetic differences in either intelligence or temperament among racial groups (something that is far from proven, however plausible it may be), then mixing different races will guarantee inequities, especially in professions that are g-loaded. Now, I'm far from certain that the inequities we do see are due in part to genes, but if they are, then any humane attempts to remove the discrepancies are bound to result in failure. This sets up a feedback loop of unsuccessful strategies leading to more repressive legislation against the visibly successful groups, as the failures are blamed on the evil discrimination imposed by the groups on top.

Face it dude: you're just a mouse squeaking the lefty party line. Nothing wrong with that: we all need a source of comfort in our lives. But don't delude yourself. While you may have forgotten your attempts to have me shut up, don't think that I have.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,12:14   

Too close to the bone was I Gippy?


P.S. What have I evaded or mangled? Evidence Gimpy. You know that invonvenient stuff that you hate so much.


"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,13:06   

Re; Muslims in prison -- I am mildly curious as to how many of those actually converted to Islam AFTER they were already in prison on all their violent charges.  Particularly since the Nation of Islam has extensive organizational apparatus in every prison in the United States, and people with long prison sentences (violent criminals) would be far more likely than people with short prison sentences (nonviolent criminals) to need the support of an internal prisoner organization simply to survive longterm in a prison environment.

Malcolm, X, after all, was already in jail when he converted to Islam.  I suspect that is true of a high percentage of others.

I also suspect that Paley will, uh, "answer that later".

(snicker)  (giggle)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,13:12   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 24 2006,16:01)
Are you so insecure and starved of attention that this is what you need?

DING DING DING !!!!!!!!!

He needs attention like a tapeworm needs sh#t.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,13:52   

Too close to the bone was I Gippy?


Actually, no: I've had to deal with people like you all my life. But the fact that you were so eager to have me banned says that you were fucked up by the Paley Express. After all, one doesn't try to ban something unless one feels threatened by it somehow......hmmmm....fess up, Louie. What about me intrigues you to the point that you follow me around, bellowing invective? I mean, you're a research chemist, for God's sake. Same thing for Lenny....I'm still giggling that a respected contributor to the Talk Origins Archive thinks that my immigration restrictionist beliefs merit a lynching. That is just so fucking funny. I'm a better troll now than when I was trying.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,15:21   

Louis. I'm looking at your stats and boy are they a muddled mess:

Crime and Age Stats, Male prisoners, 2002:

26.4% of all crime was commited by 21-24 year olds.
25.0% of all crime was commited by 25-29 year olds.
33.2% of all crime was commited by 30-39 year olds.
11.0% of all crime was commited by 40-49 year olds.
3.4% of all crime was commited by 50-59 year olds.
0.1% of all crime was commited by 60+ year olds.

14.0% of all crime was violent.
25.0% of violent crime was commited by 21-24 year olds.
22.4% of violent crime was commited by 25-29 year olds.
35.0% of violent crime was commited by 30-39 year olds.
13.2% of violent crime was commited by 40-49 year olds.
3.7% of violent crime was commited by 50-59 year olds.
0.1% of violent crime was commited by 60+ year olds.

3.0% of all crime was sexual.
12.3% of sex crime was commited by 21-24 year olds.
11.6% of sex crime was commited by 25-29 year olds.
28.8% of sex crime was commited by 30-39 year olds.
22.7% of sex crime was commited by 40-49 year olds.
17.7% of sex crime was commited by 50-59 year olds.
12.0% of sex crime was commited by 60+ year olds.

8.6% of all crime was drug related.
22.6% of drug  crime was commited by 21-24 year olds.
24.2% of drug crime was commited by 25-29 year olds.
35.4% of drug crime was commited by 30-39 year olds.
13.3% of drug crime was commited by 40-49 year olds.
3.8% of drug crime was commited by 50-59 year olds.
0.1% of drug crime was commited by 60+ year olds.

Compare this to page 136:

Age and religion stats of prison pop, males, 2002:

3.7% of all prisoners were 15-17 year olds.
11.7% of all prisoners were 18-20 year olds.
18.5% of all prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
34.0% of all prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
28.5% of all prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
11.7% of all prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
4.7% of all prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
2.2% of all prisoners were 60+ year olds.

68.3% of all prisoners were religious.
2.4% of religious prisoners were 15-17 year olds.
9.1% of religious prisoners were 18-20 year olds.
16.4% of religious prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
18.8% of religious prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
31.2% of religious prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
13.7% of religious prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
5.8% of religious prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
2.7% of religious prisoners were 60+ year olds.

8.0% of all prisoners were muslims.
2.8% of muslim prisoners were 15-17 year olds.
11.1% of muslim prisoners were 18-20 year olds.
20.9% of muslim prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
21.9% of muslim prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
28.6% of muslim prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
11.0% of muslim prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
2.2% of muslim prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
1.1% of muslim prisoners were 60+ year olds.

First, you're comparing the age profile of adult prisoners in the general prison category with the age profile for adult + 15-20 prisoners in the Muslim category. Of course it's easy to recalculate consistent percentage breakdowns but it does make it confusing for those not used to working with numbers. Don't the lurkers deserve better at least?

Second, to show that skewed demographics are responsible for the Muslim overrepresentation in prison you need to compare the age categories in the overall Muslim population with the overall age categories in the UK population. Comparing percentages within prison groups ain't gonna cut it, because even if it's true that young prisoners are overrepresented among Muslims (your stats don't seem to show this, BTW, at least compared to the general prison population), this might only show a generational crime spike. You need to show what % of the Islamic pop is youthful over & above the general pop, so I can calculate the expected frequencies.

Third, what is the "other" in Chinese/other? Inquiring minds want to know.... ;)

And this is just from the paragraph I tried to work with. I'm not saying the stats are garbage but you need to collate them better so meaningful comparisons are possible. I'm not going to do your homework for you.

Take your time, I promise I won't nag. I just want a clear argument so you can't juke, jive, and then call me dishonest on top of it.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,18:07   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Oct. 24 2006,18:52)

Don't flatter yourself, Paley.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,23:06   

Lord love a duck!


1) Pay attention.

2) Read for comprehension.

3) I said that IF (note conditional) there were a vote (which there is not) I would vote for you to be banned. I stand by that. In fact I will say it clearer for you: Yes I would like you banned from ATBC.

The reasons, as I have stated, are not because you have bothered me, but because you are a self confessedly, demonstrably dishonest troll. I would desire the same if anyone trolled like you, whether or not they agreed with me on anything. See the difference?

Your dishonesty causes me to desire your removal. I'm more than happy for you to troll anywhere you like since it isn't up to me where you do that. I'm also more than happy to express my desire that here isn't one of the places you do this. JAD and DaveTard were banned from here for incessant trolling and dishonesty. Why make an exception for you? Disagreement isn't even the issue, the fact that you contribute nothing of substance and do so with unfailing regularity and frequency is. Get it? I doubt it, but what I don't doubt is that you will lie about it and try to twist things to fit your purposes.

Note that if I had tried to get you banned I would have emailed Steve and Wesley etc. I haven't and I seriously doubt I will. I have expressed a desire for, not attempted to arrange, your removal. I know this is a tricky concept for you to grasp but do try.

4) The invective and abuse is because I hold you in deep contempt. Demonstrate you are worthy of anything other than abuse and you'll get other than abuse. I'm also rather enjoying destroying your arguments and watching you squirm about. It's also really funny that you are trying to turn everything I mention back onto me. As Lenny said when a "tactic" really bothers a creationist loon like yourself it always shows because they try (unsuccessfully) to use it.

5) The crime stats. Sorry Gimpy but I presented them as they were in the document. As I have said ooooohhh a dozen or so times now, I am not promoting and cause, ideology or case other than the specific claim YOU made is incorrect. Ignore the under 20 year old stats for muslims if you wish. Doesn't bother me in the slightest. The correlation STILL exists. Read the data, read the links. The lurkers that you worry about so are more than capable. I also note a deafening silence from said lurkers regarding your pleas. Amusing. Age is more stringly correlated with criminality than religion, and muslims are the youngest religious group in the UK. Simple. The stats from that document have the same categories (20-24, 25-29 etc) focus on those if you wish, I also believe that I pointed out later in the document the stats regarding young offenders, and made it pretty clear that I was only comparing adult males. Ah well, you do get points for trying. Did you spell your name correctly at the top of the sheet? Or did you copy the child's next to you by accident?

The only argument I have is that, based on the evidence, your contention that muslims integrate into western societies worse than other groups is false. End of story. I'm not advocating open borders, hugging muslims or kissing Africans. I'm not denying that differences exist, nor that there are problems caused by immigration. What you seem incapable of understanding is that it is possible to face reality and still hold what you would term "liberal lefty" views. Yes there are some racial and cultural differences, but they are less statistically significant that the similarities. Yes there are problems, but they are deomstrably less significant than the problems caused by isolationist regimes. See the consistency now? Forgive me if yet again I doubt it. Anyway it's irrelevant to this thread which is about the veracity of YOUR claim.

As for the Chinese/Other category, it's all in the document Gimpy. Read it for yourself. Why should I do your homeowrk for you? All I'm saying is that the data does not match your claim. I'm not advancing a claim of my own. Understand this yet? Nope, didn't think so.

6) I'm not following you around anywhere, especially since I was posting in ATBC before you AFAIK***, and that this thread was designed for you to defend a claim you made. You don't seem to be doing that btw, you seem to be off on another of your interminable frothings regarding immigration and "liberals". You also seem to be flailing desperately around to ignore the fact that your claim has been comprehensively demolished. A fact which the lurkers about whom you are so concerned are probably in no doubt about.

BTW I find this particualrly amusing: people like Dawkins don't debate creationists because to do so gives the artificial and false impression that the creationists, and their ideas,  are worth debating. Are you saying that because Lenny and I and others repsond to you, you are somehow validated and your views are somehow worthy of serious debate? Trust me sunshine they aren't worthy of serious debate, hence abuse. Get it yet? No, didn't think for a second you would!

7) Research chemists can't post on the net now? When did that rule come in. Just because you flip burgers for a living and have the time management skills of a recently deceased tapeworm (cheers Lenny)  doesn't mean the rest of us do. In yesterday's 18 hour working day (including work at home) I managed to get quite a bit done cheers, including posting to you in a break. Like I've said Gimpy, your problems are yours, try not to project them onto others, there's a good chap.

8) Just to reiterate, because you seem to have trouble with this: this thread is for YOU to defend YOUR claim. Get it? I don't have to advance a contrary or alternative argument to demonstrate that YOUR argument is inconsistent or fallacious (which btw I've done).

9) No let's not go to 9. I wouldn't want to make you count past the fingers on one of your "hands".


*** Added in edit. Oooopsie Louis made a booboo. Louis needs to engage brain methinks. Louis should look at those nice little dates near to the poster's name and notice that Gimpy has been shitting in this sandbox longer than Louis has been raking the sand. Louis bad. Louis feels sad now. Still, Louis is still happily enjoying Gimpy's projection, paranoia and aberrant psychology. Gimpy's very funny. But Louis feels shame for it is not nice to mock the afflicted.



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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 24 2006,23:15   

P.S. I always think if a specific song when I tire ofn the presence of any individual, in meat or cyber space:

Motley Crue's "Girl Don't Go Away Mad (Girl Just Go Away)".

Just go away Gimpy, your trolling is merely vacuous, dishonest and annoying, not interesting or useful.



Posts: 696
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,02:05,,1928111,00.html

White youths are more likely to believe they are superior to those from other races, and their attitudes are more of a barrier to integration than those of Muslims, a study for the government has found.

An interesting point, of course it is just one study....

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,08:33   

5) The crime stats. Sorry Gimpy but I presented them as they were in the document. As I have said ooooohhh a dozen or so times now, I am not promoting and cause, ideology or case other than the specific claim YOU made is incorrect. Ignore the under 20 year old stats for muslims if you wish.

OK, here's an adjusted comparison:

26.4% of all crime was commited by 21-24 year olds.
25.0% of all crime was commited by 25-29 year olds.
33.2% of all crime was commited by 30-39 year olds.
11.0% of all crime was commited by 40-49 year olds.
3.4% of all crime was commited by 50-59 year olds.
0.1% of all crime was commited by 60+ year olds.

vs the adjusted Muslim adult incarceration stats:

24.3% for 21-24 year olds.
25.4% for 25-29 year olds.
33.2% for 30-39 year olds.
12.8% for 40-49 year olds.
2.6% for 50-59 year olds.
1.3% for 60+ year olds.

I fail to see the significance. If anything, randy young Muslims are slightly underrepresented (that's a good thing, I guess).

Age is more stringly correlated with criminality than religion, and muslims are the youngest religious group in the UK. Simple. The stats from that document have the same categories (20-24, 25-29 etc) focus on those if you wish, I also believe that I pointed out later in the document the stats regarding young offenders, and made it pretty clear that I was only comparing adult males. Ah well, you do get points for trying.

So what if age is more strongly correlated with criminality than religion? Gender is more stongly correlated with violent crime than poverty or education, yet lefties don't ignore these variables. Besides, that's not the way to make your case. You need to make a multivariate model and check the coefficient for the variable of interest, or do an analysis of variance, or chi-squared.....whatever. Anything is better than the nothing you've given me.

As for the Chinese/Other category, it's all in the document Gimpy. Read it for yourself. Why should I do your homeowrk for you? All I'm saying is that the data does not match your claim. I'm not advancing a claim of my own. Understand this yet? Nope, didn't think so.

Stephen, would you mind telling us who the "Other" category is? Louis seems reluctant for some reason......

By the way, Louis, why aren't you addressing my main claim, which is:

Second, to show that skewed demographics are responsible for the Muslim overrepresentation in prison you need to compare the age categories in the overall Muslim population with the overall age categories in the UK population. Comparing percentages within prison groups ain't gonna cut it, because even if it's true that young prisoners are overrepresented among Muslims (your stats don't seem to show this, BTW, at least compared to the general prison population), this might only show a generational crime spike. You need to show what % of the Islamic pop is youthful over & above the general pop, so I can calculate the expected frequencies.

Saying "go read the links" is not a response; ####, anyone could make that response to support any claim: geocentrism, flat earth, Holocaust denial. Give me a counter-argument.

More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 1902
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,08:48   

Where are these stats coming from? What is the correlation to education and income?

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,08:50   

Gender is more stongly correlated with violent crime than poverty or education, yet lefties don't ignore these variables.

Whoops. This statement is not quite kosher. Let's just say that age groups are probably more correlated to violent crime than poverty or education, and that gender ties in more strongly to crime than any of the above. Certainly, I can more reliably assume that a random thug is male than that he's poor or poorly educated.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,09:38   


Where are these stats coming from? What is the correlation to education and income?

BWE, you seem very eager to engage in a broader social debate. Well, I'm game so long as it's on another thread (perhaps the GOP West & Race thread?), and you show patience for my somwhat erratic work schedule. I'm trying to get Louis to collate his stats more usefully or at least give the overall demographic breakdowns of the Muslims in the UK so that I can quantify his arguments. Basically, he's saying that age, poverty, and education are far more predictive of crime than a tendency to embrace Islam. The problem, however is:

1) The fact that even more powerful correlations may exist is no excuse to ignore all other correlations;

2) There are ways to tease out the other variables, but Louis's data makes that impossible, rendering his argument irrelevant;

3) Louis has not made any sort of the analysis of the data he has uncovered.

To be honest, I was fooled by Louis's bluster. His data is not as informative as he's maintaining. Anyone who's numerate can verify this if they wish. This, in conjunction with some of his statistical fallacies (my favorite was this one:

Last two things on crime: change over time and recidivism.

Page 132: 1993 Prison pop:

All christian: 74.6%
buddhist: 0.4%
hindu: 0.4%
jewish: 0.5%
muslim: 5.0%
sikh: 0.8%
other: 0.3%
non recognised: 0.3%
no religion: 17.6%

2002 Prison pop:

All christian: 58.0%
buddhist: 0.9%
hindu: 0.4%
jewish: 0.3%
muslim: 7.7%
sikh: 0.6%
other: 0.2%
non recognised: 0.3%
no religion: 31.5%

It's pretty clear that muslims are not the most increased group. Buddhists and non-religious are. I'm not saying it's good for the muslims, just that it's worse for others.

Ah yes, the Hasty Generalization fallacy. The Buddhist prison proportion increased by 125%. Wow! that's certainly a larger change than 54%. Good thing the Buddhists avoided that dreadful 1% threshold -- otherwise we'd have a crime wave on our hands.... :D)

make me skeptical of his entire position.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,12:49   


It's great fun to watch you seize on what you percieve to be a problem and ride that horse to death no matter how wrong you are. The argument is more developed than the difference between those first two groups of data. It's also interesting to see you dishonestly compare different data and ignore the actual comparison. Very amusing.

Try correcting the stats for the other groups quoted from the same table, the differences stand out more.

"Corrected data" for Gimpy from page 136

Age and religion stats of prison pop, males, 2002:

21.8% of all prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
22.5% of all prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
33.7% of all prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
13.8% of all prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
5.6% of all prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
2.6% of all prisoners were 60+ year olds.

18.5% of religious prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
21.2% of religious prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
35.3% of religious prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
15.4% of religious prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
6.5% of religious prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
3.1% of religious prisoners were 60+ year olds.

24.3% of muslim prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
25.9% of muslim prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
33.2% of muslim prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
12.7% of muslim prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
2.6% of muslim prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
1.3% of muslim prisoners were 60+ year olds.

I LOVE the fact that you keep misrepresenting things to hold onto your claim, it's really fun to watch. You STILL don't get this do you? I am not ignoring ANY of the correlations, I don't have to. I am asking why YOU are focussing on the correlation between religion and X when there are other factors more strongly correlated to X. It's YOUR claim that is under scrutiny and YOU that has to support it. Stop trying to shift the burden of proof.

The table on page 93 is about receptions into prison on sentence, the table on 136 is about prison pop. This is why I presented the relevant data from BOTH tables, otherwise it's  not comparing like with like. Geez Gimpy, I did expect that you could read just a little.

One point of all this data is that younger people commit more crime than older ones. In the UK the youngest religious group are muslims (see later in the original post and the long subsequent one, I have repeated this for you a few times), and that the muslim prison population is younger than the religious prison pop and the total prison pop.I notice you've ignored the rest of the data, and the points IT (not I remember the only point I have on this topic is that the data does not support your claim) makes.

I DO expect you to follow the links, not because I am trying to do anything dishonest, but because I am not particularly inclined to retype 200+ page documents for you. Especially because it seems I have to explain the simplest things to you. I know you are afraid of the evidence so you don't spoil that wonderful bigotry of yours, but please Gimpy, try at least to behave like an honest adult with some degree of reading for comprehension and intellectual gifts.

So here we go with somemore links (btw Gimpy, unlike you I read my links rather than googling for a phrase I like, these are all from the uk govt stat site):

Religious populations including tabulated age and sex data

Age stats, see page 22 onwards, Pakistani and Bangladeshi populations notably biased towards youth than other groups

UK age distribution 1

UK age distribution 2

Age distribution by ethnicity

Breakdon of figures for age distribution by ethnicity

Rather irritatingly for me I couldn't find a breakdown of the UK population by religion for age distribution more accurate (i.e. that overlapped with the age categories of the prison document exactly). However annoying that is, because it would be really clear and you woudn't whine about it (which you will indubitably do about it's absence) the point still stands and is demonstrated by these stats: age is more strongly correlated with criminality than is religion.

Also, I'm not at all reluctant to provide you with a definition of "other" in the Chinese/other category. Here's a nice long document that explains it:


Unfortunately it appears to be more precise than the prison document. Doubtless you willwhine about THAT disparity in precision too, despite it's irrelevance.

Also this made an interesting read:

Social Inequality

Some points of note: The terrifying correlations between social class and educational attainment on page 12 and ethnicity and educational acheivement on page 11. The lower incomes and lower social participation of ethnic minorites on pages 37/38/45/50, which really do bear READING!

Oh I could go on, but what's the point? You'll only dishonestly hand wave things away.

My points still are:

1) The data does not support that muslims integrate less well than other groups on the criteria you gave (see for example buddhists and non-religious people on crime etc). (i.e. Your original claim that you are desperate to avoid).

2) Criminality is more strongly correlated with age than religion, poverty than religion, social deprivation/class than religion, gender than religion, and education than religion. You are ignoring these correlations in favour of your prejudiced assumption. I.e. religious belief and crime are correlated BUT that there are other correlations which you are deliberately ignoring. (Not that I am implying correlation = causation by any means. AllI am saying here is that you have picked only examples that suit your prejudices and are not representing the wider picture).

That's it Gimpy. I am expressedly not advancing an alternative to your claim, I am merely showing you that it isn't supported by the data. You can wank on about lefties and liberals all you like, doesn't make it either true or relevant.

Lastly the burden of proof. Your claim Gimpy, your burden. Look at the title of the thread,it isn't "Louis defends his claims about Gimpy's racist claims" is it?

Get on with it, and do some reading, I'm not going to reproduce huge documents in a post for you.


P.S. Oh the irony.The whole point of including the Buddhist data is to show that your religious correlation is bunkum! Way to lower the bar Gimpy. Your claim rests on your assumption that someone's religion is more significant to their criminality than other factors. If this is the case, and you wish us to assume that someone's islamic faith is causative to their criminality, you have to explain why someone's buddhism (or more importantly someone's lack of religion, I notice you avoided that) is equally causative. Granted buddhists are a really minor minority (did I try to disguise this? Nope) why is their religion not causative to criminality when more stringly correlated to criminality than islamic faith which you are claiming is causative to criminality. It's the staggering dishonesty of your claim and conduct that amazes me.



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,12:59   

P.P.S. And Gimpy, THIS is the hasty generalisation fallacy, not your twisted version.

The irony being that this is precisely what you are arguing, and the total antithesis of my rebuttal of your claim! Wow, can you get more dishonest?


"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,14:06   

Gee, Paley, you seem to have this delusional idea that people here actually GIVE a flying fu#k what you think.

I can quite assure you that, um, nobody does.  (shrug)

We are not laughing WITH you, Paley.  We are laughing AT you.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,15:00   

The table on page 93 is about receptions into prison on sentence, the table on 136 is about prison pop. This is why I presented the relevant data from BOTH tables, otherwise it's  not comparing like with like. Geez Gimpy, I did expect that you could read just a little.

Yes, I didn't read the heading carefully, and I apologise. Notice that Louis claims to be looking at the evidence objectively, yet assumes any mistake I make must be due to dishonesty and bigotry. But wait, how could he assume motives unless he thinks his belief is beyond criticism?

Anyway, I didn't use the right table, so my percentages were a little off. But I'll trust Louis's division for now....let's compare his numbers:


[3.74% of all prisoners were 15 -17 year olds
11.696% of all prisoners were 18-20 year olds - my edit]
21.8% of all prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
22.5% of all prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
33.7% of all prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
13.8% of all prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
5.6% of all prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
2.6% of all prisoners were 60+ year olds.
[2.84% of muslim prisoners were 15 -17 year olds
11.099% of muslim prisoners were 18-20 year olds - my edit]
24.3% of muslim prisoners were 21-24 year olds.
25.9% of muslim prisoners were 25-29 year olds.
33.2% of muslim prisoners were 30-39 year olds.
12.7% of muslim prisoners were 40-49 year olds.
2.6% of muslim prisoners were 50-59 year olds.
1.3% of muslim prisoners were 60+ year olds.

So this makes 59.736% for the under 30 general pop, and 93.436% for the under 40s.

For Muslims, this makes 64.139% of the under 30, and 97.339% for those under 40. Around a 5% difference. Now this shows that the Muslim prison population is skewed young, but here's a couple of problems that Louis has yet to address:

1) As I've said two times already, comparing age profiles among prisoners can be deceptive, because it might reflect cultural regression rather than the true demographic profile. To his advantage, Louis seems to realise this, since he reposts his links to the general UK population. More about this below.

2) The gap between the expected and actual Muslim prison population is not small -- it's 250% times too high. Pointing to a mitigating factor (age structure) without attempting to quantify by how much this factor reduces this discrepancy won't demonstrate much . So far, he has not made the slightest attempt to quantify this factor. Why not? Louis keeps reminding us how stupid I am, and I know how to carry these tests out, so it should be a trifle for him. I can think of several possibilities:

1) The data won't allow it (in which case, Louis can't support his claim);

2) Louis doesn't know how to do the proper adjustments (nothing wrong with that, but you'd think he could find someone who could. Why hasn't he?);

3) Louis doesn't have the time (then why not find someone who can do it, or use his time more constructively -- I can't believe he would rather insult me than demonstrate his claim).

I'll let Louis confide which option is correct, because make no bones about it, without a proper analysis, the relatively small discrepancy he found, even if it represents the true demographic profile, does not begin to overturn that whopping 250% discrepancy that I found. The discrepancy was about 5% -- look at the totals above.

So let's look at page 6 on this link. What do we find? That most of the skewedness in the Pakistani/Bangladesh category is in the "under 16" / "65 and older" categories, which is not the high-crime age group! .[Edit: Louis's spreadsheet makes this point crystal clear. The distribution is skewed in the non-crime-prone direction.] Given that 27% of Muslims are of the non-subcontinental, non-white variety, there's a good chance that there isn't much of a difference in that all important 15 - 39 age group (if there is, it might even favor non-Muslims), which if true absolutely crushes his claim. Even if there is a difference in that all important age group, it appears to be minor.

Sorry Louis, this is why I won't be content with a link dump and hand-waving: everytime I investigate your little stats, they collapse under their own triviality. You've had plenty of time to build your counterargument. Either admit that the stats can't survive a serious analysis, or take some more time to collate them. Your barking doesn't work with me, cause I can see your arguments have no bite.

P.P.S. And Gimpy, THIS is the hasty generalisation fallacy, not your twisted version.

Next time try looking up the full definition:

This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is not large enough. It has the following form:

Sample S, which is too small, is taken from population P.
Conclusion C is drawn about Population P based on S.
The person committing the fallacy is misusing the following type of reasoning, which is known variously as Inductive Generalization, Generalization, and Statistical Generalization:

X% of all observed A's are B''s.
Therefore X% of all A's are Bs.
The fallacy is committed when not enough A's are observed to warrant the conclusion. If enough A's are observed then the reasoning is not fallacious.

Small samples will tend to be unrepresentative. As a blatant case, asking one person what she thinks about gun control would clearly not provide an adequate sized sample for determing what Canadians in general think about the issue. The general idea is that small samples are less likely to contain numbers proportional to the whole population. For example, if a bucket contains blue, red, green and orange marbles, then a sample of three marbles cannot possible be representative of the whole population of marbles. As the sample size of marbles increases the more likely it becomes that marbles of each color will be selected in proprtion to their numbers in the whole population. The same holds true for things others than marbles, such as people and their political views.

Your little Buddhist group of prisoners (.9% of the total male prison population after the increase) is too small to be of any use, because small changes in the actual numbers will represent a huge percentage increase. Tiny fluctuations like this cannot be used to infer much about Buddhist crime tendencies over time.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 25 2006,15:17   

Poor little Louis: he can't even rise to Jared Taylor's level of competence when presenting a statistical argument. Now I see why he has to rely on insults so much. Spend a little more time thinking and a little less time trash-talking, and you might get somewhere. And Louis? Even if I were the easily intimidated type, you pretty much showed your true colors when you admitted to being terrified of a masturbating hobo.


Strange Fruit:
Gee, Paley, you seem to have this delusional idea that people here actually GIVE a flying fu#k what you think.

This from a man who wants to lynch me. The laughs just keep on comin'.


Hey Lenny, how many pigs do you plan to "off" come the revolution?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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