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  Topic: Can you do geology and junk the evolution bits ?, Anti science.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,07:02   

Seeing this creature with a open mind would surely suggest at least a option that clasification systems have been incompetent on these matters.
I say its a common theme in the fossil record.

I say it's chocolatey!  and maybe really quiet too.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,07:17   

H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,11:50   

"How do you know she's a witch?"

"Well, she looks like one!"

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,13:35   

Mr.Byers, I've read in this discussion, that the quoll is of the 'cat kind'. It seems like the reason for this is, that quolls are also called 'marsupial cats'.

Do you agree with that?


Posts: 317
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,13:54   

Wow. I'd mostly been ignoring this thread, but the TARD is strong with this one.

To rebut creationism you pretty much have to be a biologist, chemist, geologist, philosopher, lawyer and historian all rolled into one. While to advocate creationism, you just have to be an idiot. -- tommorris

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,14:56   

Since marsupial mammals came first and placental mammals are an offshoot from one branch of marsupials, how many of those early branches still have living descendants? I'm just wondering if there are living marsupials that have been diverging from each other for longer than any placental mammals have been around. (Or to put it another way, if placental mammals are a subclass of the mammal class, do living marsupials form one or several subclasses?)


Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,18:48   

Quote (Henry J @ Feb. 01 2010,14:56)
Since marsupial mammals came first and placental mammals are an offshoot from one branch of marsupials, how many of those early branches still have living descendants? I'm just wondering if there are living marsupials that have been diverging from each other for longer than any placental mammals have been around. (Or to put it another way, if placental mammals are a subclass of the mammal class, do living marsupials form one or several subclasses?)


Does this help?

Technically, marsupials are in the infraclass metatheria, which is part of the subclass theria (in the most common classification). The other infraclass is the eutheria. Other classifications get more esoteric (see here for more details)

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 861
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,20:40   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 01 2010,04:05)
Quote (Badger3k @ Jan. 28 2010,02:10)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Jan. 28 2010,00:14)
I saw on another forum that there is this fantastic moving picture video of the marsupial wolf. Youtube. I don't know how to get it but every poster interested or confident enough should see it. its just a few minutes long.
One should watch it several times. It is of one of the last marsupial dogs that ever existed.
Watch with a open mind.
Watch how it walks and lays down and sits upright and scratches and chews something. Remember they say it howled at night.
I say that this creature is a doggie.
It is not a flexible possum or short kangaroo.
It is surely and clearly the first conclusion that it is exactly what its same shaped fellows in other countries are.
A canine with a pouch.
Yes a few minor differences in sloping back/mouth etc. Yet these fit fine in the great diversity of dog types in the world or even in domestic dogs.
(I believe dogs and bears are the same thing but thats beside the point)

I say likewise would a marsupial cat of looked just like our cats.
These are not superficial physical bodies and superficial motions of bodies like other creatures on earth because of convergent evolution.
It has been a great error of classification, done by very few people, to have seen marsupials as a group unrelated to placentals .
They are the same creatures as placentals, according to each type, and simply adapted a marsupial mode of reproduction under some influence and by innate triggers and a wee bit more adaptions of this and that.

This explains the migration of marsupials from a common origin off the biblical ark by showing marsupialism was a last act of a new colonizer.
This happened also in south America by either migration from the north or just adaption in South america. So these marsupials are no more related to Australian marsupials then any other placentals anywhere.

I would be interested in what the serious posters here, who have been commenting on this, think and see when watching this marsupial pooch.

Pictures can say better then words sometimes.

What would you expect it to act like?  Have you ever watched any nature films - Wild America, Wild Kingdom ... Walt Disney films?  Anything?

Have you ever studied animal behavior?  Seen any similarities in even widely divergent species?  A lot of the behaviors are inherited - of course they would be similar.  There are only so many varieties of behavior that are possible, as well.  We also love to look at similarities.

Of course, if you really had an open mind you'd realize that your desire for them to be the same (a dog with a pouch) is clearly making you see what you want.  When I see that clip, and I've seen it hundreds of times, I see a pack animal that is missing it's pack.  It's a behavior that you can see in hundreds of different animals.  It's that pesky "common ancestry" - the relationships that reveal we are all related. We know marsupials are related to us, through a common ancestor millions of years ago, a fact that anatomy and genetics (as well as radiocarbon and radioactive dating, geology and paleontology) shows us.  It's only a few people who want to ignore a vast body of evidence to preserve their child-like belief in the scribblings of some very ignorant bronze and iron-age people.

Why do you persist in looking at the surface, and ignoring all the evidence presented against you.  There are questions that I and others have asked, and you have ignored them, simply repeating your assertions as if they were true.  You persist in doing that now.

We've presented skeletal evidence that completely contradicts your claim that marsupial lions look like placental felines, yet you persist in saying they would look the same.  They don't.  It's a fact.  You do know what a fact is, don't you?  A fact is not just what supports your religious beliefs, but something that often contradicts your religious beliefs, especially if what you believe is so pathetic as your descendant of the Atrahasis legend of Sumeria.  

How about native placentals in Australia?  Why did they not need to breed rapidly and so become marsupials?  Why was it only a select few?    If marsupial lions and lions are related, they should possess the same genetics, and we should be able, with genetic engineering, to activate the marsupial genes and make us a marsupial lion from an african one, right?  Any bets on whether this is really possible (hey, stop laughing back there, I can hear you)?  

Pictures can indeed "say better then (sic) words sometimes" - but intelligence, thinking, and evidence are much better all the time.  Try it for once.

However, why not try to watch a video of chimpanzees sometime, keeping a real open mind, and leave your dogma on the shelf.  You might see the thousands of similarities in their behavior with our own.  You'd see the close relationship of our two species.  Maybe pictures are worth a thousand words.

more, just because they are interesting:
bonobo tool use
NSFW - Bonobo Sex
Self-Recognition in apes

(try looking up Jane Goodall - In The Shadow of Man was one of the first books I bought with my own money, and I still have it.  Franz van der Waal - his Inner Ape, IIRC, was very good. - I'd post a link to my scientific papers I've collected, but after a hard drive crash, I've got to have my program relearn all of them, and that is taking a lot of time, and I'm not sure of the legality of posting papers I've downloaded through my school, so maybe later)

Sorry if this is disjointed, but after a long day dealing with students and parents, coming home to the same broken record...I'll just take a page from python "My Brain Hurts!"

I don't mean its pack behaivor. I mean the way it moves about is a great visual for why one and myself should conclude or start a careful investigation into ,that this is a wolf like any wolf anywhere. It has to one's vision all the visual aspects of form and motion of a canine.
Not the form and motion of possums or wallabys with some difference in the snout.

Likewise in looking at this marsupial wolf one can see the thousands of points of anatomy in order to see such sameness of form that therefore calls for convergent evolution concepts to explain the remarable likeness.

The minor points of difference are so little as either to be invisable in the pictures here or easily dismissed as a product of a different area.

Yes there is more slope to the back or wider mouth but this is not to confuse one about heritage. its not niche that made this critter like a dog but niche that made it marsupial and a few other collective adaptations.

Seeing this creature with a open mind would surely suggest at least a option that clasification systems have been incompetent on these matters.
I say its a common theme in the fossil record.
They have cats galore from unrelated orders just like the case here.

I see a typical wolf of the world. I'm sure the marsupial lion would look likewise like a regular lion in form and motion

So, basically, you agree with me that chimpanzees and humans are related, right?  They look and act the same in so many ways, that there must be very few differences, right?  

What about my other questions - the ones on native placentals in Australia, perhaps?  Heck, what about all the other questions in this thread you've ignored?

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,20:42   

Yeah, that says that marsupials are all in one branch, and so all equidistant from placentals. That's what I wasn't sure about.

Then there's also the monotremes, that branched off first before the others diverged from each other.


Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2010,22:09   

Quote (Henry J @ Feb. 01 2010,20:42)
Yeah, that says that marsupials are all in one branch, and so all equidistant from placentals. That's what I wasn't sure about.

Then there's also the monotremes, that branched off first before the others diverged from each other.


The picture came from Transformation and diversification in early mammal evolution. Luo has all sorts of interesting papers relevant to this thread available for download at his website.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 267
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2010,01:45   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 01 2010,01:51)
A cat?!! What cats are in your neighborhood ?!

Cool cats, of course.

Look, Robert, you asked people to look at the video with an open mind. I did. Then I told you what I saw. Now you're telling me that I saw wrong, because I didn't see what you saw. You say potato, I say potahto. I've got an idea, though. Let's take these subjective viewpoints out of the picture. Let's instead objectively list as many characteristics of the animal as we can find, and then compare those characteristics to other animals, and see which animals have the most characteristics in common. Maybe we can even trace those characteristics back in time to sketch up a proposed family tree.

But you already know what happens when you do that, don't you? You've had this explained to you on this forum, and on Theology Web, and on Thor knows how many other sites. You aren't interested in any of that evidence, as we all know. Your mind is hardly open.

Anyway, do you know the other name for a thylacine? It's called a Tasmanian Tiger. That's right. Tiger. A cat. Now, I know what you're saying. You're saying that they call it a Tasmanian Tiger just because it has stripes. Well, I say the stripes are exactly what shows that it was a member of the Tiger kind. All this other stuff is just adaptation that don't mean anything. Does it have tiger stripes? Well, by crackey, it's a goddamned tiger in my book.


Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2010,04:59   

Robert, if you look at this post from afarensis you will see how normal people classify all animals.

If you can understand a diagram, you should understand that the connecting lines indicate the hereditary relationships. That is, the lines show from what parental stock a particular group descended.

It is all an unbroken mother/father -> son/daughter relationship.

In the same way as you are descended from your parents, grandparents, grand-grandparents a so on backwards in time through nearly 4 billion years.

Just as your family tree have a lot of branches; you may have cousins, third cousins and farther removed relative as well, but at some point in times past there will have to be a common ancestor, i.e. a father or mother that are in the direct lineage leading both to yourself as well as other people living somewhere on the planet right now, unless that branch happened to go 'extinct' because somewhere along the line a person died without leaving any children.

Your classification method based on superficial similarity determined just by looking at exterior features is misleading and is of no practical use. It is useless nonsense, like trying to establish a connection between car manufacturers because their cars look like. How could they not? They are made for the same purpose, have four wheel and a steering wheel and so on: Same purpose, same looks. But not same factory, not same parts.

When you study the diagrams offered by afarensis you will see that there is no connection between marsupials and placentals since the branches numbered 5 and 6.

Do you understand that? No copulation has ever taken place between members from on branch with a member of the other branch. Therefore, the only relationship is the connection between branches 5 and 6.

Therefore, any similarities with respect anatomical features are simply the effect of some similarity remaining from the 5/6 connection, and the affect of similarities of lifestyle.

In the case of the thylacine and the wolf, they are both carnivorous predators.

Now I have wasted more time than you are worth. I know if you respond to this that you will just make more of the incoherent babble we know so well. There is something wrong with you.

Do you know one other person in this whole world that agree with you on the nonsense you believe?

When you say "We will win", it is like I would say "We will win" with reference to the US democratic party. As an European I do not represent them. As an idiot, you do not represent creationists. I know only one classification or group you rightly belong to.

You do not represent creationists any more than I represent US democrats.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.


Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2010,05:56   

Afarensis, thanks for that phylogeny. It raises a question.

Were all those critters above the placentals and marsupials egg-laying mammals like the monotremes?

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2010,06:58   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Feb. 02 2010,05:56)
Afarensis, thanks for that phylogeny. It raises a question.

Were all those critters above the placentals and marsupials egg-laying mammals like the monotremes?

My understanding of the situation is that everything in 4 would be egg laying, but I could be wrong...

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,03:44   

Quote (Quack @ Feb. 01 2010,04:33)
No Robert, no!

I say the parts of a marsupial wolf and our wolves are the same and have the original same number.

You said DNA = parts numbers

The part numbers and therefore the parts, they are NOT the same.

We could take any part out of a thylacine and compare it with the same part of a wolf and we would find that they are different, they are not the same! kidneys, liver, eyes, lungs heart and so on - not a single part is identical and with the same 'DNA part number'

Just as I have tried time and again to tell you: superficial similarity is not evidence of sameness.

Like dna is not a trail of relationship.

But that is just what it is!! DNA contains all the part numbers, and what the factory assembly line (the female womb) use when making the parts.

You see, dear Robert, there is something going on inside a female when a body is built. From a single cell, the fertilized egg, the production proceeds according to the blueprint stored in the DNA.

The blueprints for thylacines and wolves are very different, that's why the animals are different too.

Just as the blueprints for two different cars might make two cars that looked like identical twins on the outside but still wouldn't have a single part in common.

Just as it impossible to determine that you are an idiot just by looking at you, instead it is what you write that tells us that.

I say heart and lungs and kidney and eyes would be the same or almost relative to early(post flood) divergence save in a case where there was a general adaptation of the creatures living in some area. Perhaps the kidney would be tinkered with because of reproductive changes from the marsupialism change.

The video makes my case and does not hurt it.
it is reasonable, more then that, to conclude that this is a regular wolf with adaptations from a general niche stress that affected all the creatures in the area. The creatures are simply the same ones as covering the rest of earth and all were affected in like manner.

Well if your saying the inner parts of the marsupial wolf are different enough from regular wolves then how so?

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,03:50   

Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 01 2010,07:17)
H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

It makes my case.
The marsupial wolf is not just got a like shape as a regular wolf. Everything is the same from bone to flesh. Save a few differences.
Yet the sameness is the same.
The dolphin is not the same as a fish and only has a shape like a fish for a special general niche need.
I would say the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.
In fact a dolphin is only convergent on a shape for motion and not convergent inside or out because of specific niche needs for hunting or hiding.
A video of a dolphin shows a very different creature in looks and motion from a fish.
A video of a mar/wolf shows a wolf in almost every detail of looks and motion.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,03:54   

Quote (Bjarne @ Feb. 01 2010,13:35)
Mr.Byers, I've read in this discussion, that the quoll is of the 'cat kind'. It seems like the reason for this is, that quolls are also called 'marsupial cats'.

Do you agree with that?

The quoll is not said to be convergent with cats by evolution. So i don't either and don't know it well.
Today or in the fossil record there were many types of creatures the quoll could be cousin to. If its cat-like it could be like a gannet or fossa or any other type of these creatures.
Its not about words. Its about likeness of anatomy that EVOLUTION folks say is from a very real niche pressure influence over time by way of evolutionary processes.

Robert Byers

Posts: 160
Joined: Nov. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,04:35   

Quote (bfish @ Feb. 02 2010,01:45)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 01 2010,01:51)
A cat?!! What cats are in your neighborhood ?!

Cool cats, of course.

Look, Robert, you asked people to look at the video with an open mind. I did. Then I told you what I saw. Now you're telling me that I saw wrong, because I didn't see what you saw. You say potato, I say potahto. I've got an idea, though. Let's take these subjective viewpoints out of the picture. Let's instead objectively list as many characteristics of the animal as we can find, and then compare those characteristics to other animals, and see which animals have the most characteristics in common. Maybe we can even trace those characteristics back in time to sketch up a proposed family tree.

But you already know what happens when you do that, don't you? You've had this explained to you on this forum, and on Theology Web, and on Thor knows how many other sites. You aren't interested in any of that evidence, as we all know. Your mind is hardly open.

Anyway, do you know the other name for a thylacine? It's called a Tasmanian Tiger. That's right. Tiger. A cat. Now, I know what you're saying. You're saying that they call it a Tasmanian Tiger just because it has stripes. Well, I say the stripes are exactly what shows that it was a member of the Tiger kind. All this other stuff is just adaptation that don't mean anything. Does it have tiger stripes? Well, by crackey, it's a goddamned tiger in my book.

Its not a tiger. Look at the video again. Pictures do talk.
I always have stress with evolutionists how evolution is the one with a very precise conclusion on why a mar/wolf looks like a regular wolf.
its from generations of mutation/selection in niches that produced the likeness of form.
Powerful biological forces are invoked by evolution to explain the list of marsupials that are dead on lookalikes to placentals.
Its not about stripes on the fur/skin.
This is a common thing.

Convergent evolution is false but it does force evolution fans to accept real biological principals on how alike creatures are in this case.

Trying to say marsupial wolves are cats or zebras is poor criticism.
If I mat say so.


Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,06:09   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,03:54)
If its cat-like it could be like a gannet or fossa or any other type of these creatures.




Yep, they sure look the same to me. The scales have been lifted from my eyes!

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


Posts: 1961
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,06:11   

Well if your saying the inner parts of the marsupial wolf are different enough from regular wolves then how so?

I note that you are avoiding all of my arguments and/or questions. I therefore ask you to study my post again and properly address the issues raised and answer the questions!

When you have done that, I may reply to your question.

Do you understand that? Robert, I am talking to you. I ought not. Nobody ought to bother with you.

Tip: If you knew what you are talking about you wouldn't have to ask that question above. You'd know the answer. That fact that you don't is real time evidence that you don't know anything at all about biology. Biology is the science of life. Animals are life.

I must presume you didn't know that.

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

Occam's Toothbrush

Posts: 555
Joined: April 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,06:30   

accept real biological principals
Until somone can build a robot that perform the duties of the head of a school, we all must accept real biological principals.  Oh, you must have meant principles, I get it.  Is there a language you do write coherently?

"Molecular stuff seems to me not to be biology as much as it is a more atomic element of life" --Creo nut Robert Byers
"You need your arrogant ass kicked, and I would LOVE to be the guy who does it. Where do you live?" --Anger Management Problem Concern Troll "Kris"

Timothy McDougald

Posts: 1036
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,07:25   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,03:50)
Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 01 2010,07:17)
H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

It makes my case.
The marsupial wolf is not just got a like shape as a regular wolf. Everything is the same from bone to flesh. Save a few differences.
Yet the sameness is the same.
The dolphin is not the same as a fish and only has a shape like a fish for a special general niche need.
I would say the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.
In fact a dolphin is only convergent on a shape for motion and not convergent inside or out because of specific niche needs for hunting or hiding.
A video of a dolphin shows a very different creature in looks and motion from a fish.
A video of a mar/wolf shows a wolf in almost every detail of looks and motion.

No, there are quite a few anatomical differences between  marsupials and wolves, just not as many as between dolphins and fish. Which is the point. If dolphins can converge on a fish shape and not be the same as fish why can't marsupials converge on a wolf shape and not be the same as wolves. You are being inconsistent.

Church burning ebola boy

FTK: I Didn't answer your questions because it beats the hell out of me.

PaV: I suppose for me to be pried away from what I do to focus long and hard on that particular problem would take, quite honestly, hundreds of thousands of dollars to begin to pique my interest.


Posts: 1554
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,08:16   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,04:50)
Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 01 2010,07:17)
H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

It makes my case.
The marsupial wolf is not just got a like shape as a regular wolf. Everything is the same from bone to flesh. Save a few differences.
Yet the sameness is the same.
The dolphin is not the same as a fish and only has a shape like a fish for a special general niche need.
I would say the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.
In fact a dolphin is only convergent on a shape for motion and not convergent inside or out because of specific niche needs for hunting or hiding.
A video of a dolphin shows a very different creature in looks and motion from a fish.
A video of a mar/wolf shows a wolf in almost every detail of looks and motion.

Sig worthy.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


Posts: 861
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,10:19   

Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 03 2010,07:25)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,03:50)
Quote (afarensis @ Feb. 01 2010,07:17)
H'mm a land mammal (dolphin) converges on a fish shape and that is okay with you, but two land mammals converge on a similar shape - something that requires fewer changes than going from land to sea - and that is out of the question.  Consistency is not your thing is it Robert.

It makes my case.
The marsupial wolf is not just got a like shape as a regular wolf. Everything is the same from bone to flesh. Save a few differences.
Yet the sameness is the same.
The dolphin is not the same as a fish and only has a shape like a fish for a special general niche need.
I would say the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.
In fact a dolphin is only convergent on a shape for motion and not convergent inside or out because of specific niche needs for hunting or hiding.
A video of a dolphin shows a very different creature in looks and motion from a fish.
A video of a mar/wolf shows a wolf in almost every detail of looks and motion.

No, there are quite a few anatomical differences between  marsupials and wolves, just not as many as between dolphins and fish. Which is the point. If dolphins can converge on a fish shape and not be the same as fish why can't marsupials converge on a wolf shape and not be the same as wolves. You are being inconsistent.

Of course he's inconsistent - he still avoided the chimpanzee-man comparison, for instance.  Of course, we don't say convergent evolution, just evolution, but he's still denying their "sameness" all the...uhr...same.

But, when you're Lying For Jeebus, there is no such thing as being inconsistent - it's reality that is lying.

"Just think if every species had a different genetic code We would have to eat other humans to survive.." : Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,10:55   

the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.

Robert should use this as the title for his Ph.D. dissertation at Patriot University.

The first line could be, "Hello, my name is Robert Byers." Just like Kent Hovind's "dissertation."

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most well documented events of antiquity. Barry Arrington, Jan 17, 2012.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,11:18   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Feb. 03 2010,04:09)
Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,03:54)
If its cat-like it could be like a gannet or fossa or any other type of these creatures.




Yep, they sure look the same to me. The scales have been lifted from my eyes!

Nice try, Albatrossity!

The quoll is covered in spots. The gannett has speckly black on white and the fossa has just one solid color. Obviously they are not related.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,11:21   

Quote (Robert Byers @ Feb. 03 2010,02:35)
Quote (bfish @ Feb. 02 2010,01:45)

Anyway, do you know the other name for a thylacine? It's called a Tasmanian Tiger. That's right. Tiger. A cat. Now, I know what you're saying. You're saying that they call it a Tasmanian Tiger just because it has stripes. Well, I say the stripes are exactly what shows that it was a member of the Tiger kind. All this other stuff is just adaptation that don't mean anything. Does it have tiger stripes? Well, by crackey, it's a goddamned tiger in my book.

Its not a tiger. Look at the video again. Pictures do talk.
I always have stress with evolutionists how evolution is the one with a very precise conclusion on why a mar/wolf looks like a regular wolf.
its from generations of mutation/selection in niches that produced the likeness of form.
Powerful biological forces are invoked by evolution to explain the list of marsupials that are dead on lookalikes to placentals.
Its not about stripes on the fur/skin.
This is a common thing.

Convergent evolution is false but it does force evolution fans to accept real biological principals on how alike creatures are in this case.

Trying to say marsupial wolves are cats or zebras is poor criticism.
If I mat say so.

I'm saying that all animals with stripes are related. Or spots. You're telling me I'm wrong because subjectively, to you, the stripes don't seem very important. They're common, you say. Well, I say they are all-important. I mean, how would you even go about making a stripe? So it's your subjective belief against mine.

If only we had some objective way to measure these things. Something that didn't depend just on what you believed and what I believed. You even said that a thylacine is 95% a canis lupus, whereas a dolphin is just 5% of a fish, so clearly you think there must be some objective way to score sameness and relatedness.

If only someone had ever done such a comparison.

[Edited to remove cheap shot against someone who doesn't have an edit button].


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,11:22   

My new sig:

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,11:23   

Quote (Lowell @ Feb. 03 2010,08:55)
the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.

Robert should use this as the title for his Ph.D. dissertation at Patriot University.

The first line could be, "Hello, my name is Robert Byers." Just like Kent Hovind's "dissertation."

Did anyone keep a copy of Kent's opus? I only see an error message from the wikileaks page.

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2010,12:01   

Quote (Dr.GH @ Feb. 03 2010,18:23)
Quote (Lowell @ Feb. 03 2010,08:55)
the mar/wolf is 90-95 % like a regular wolf and a dolphin about 5% like a fish at best.

Robert should use this as the title for his Ph.D. dissertation at Patriot University.

The first line could be, "Hello, my name is Robert Byers." Just like Kent Hovind's "dissertation."

Did anyone keep a copy of Kent's opus? I only see an error message from the wikileaks page.

I think I still have one. Is it possible to send pdf files by PM on this board?

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