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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2014,13:40   

Quote (stevestory @ July 10 2014,09:29)
Quote (olegt @ July 10 2014,09:02)
KF is having a field day with the impossibility  of "square circles:"
An impossible being would be such that it cannot be instantiated without contradiction in core attributes — as classically with a “square circle.”

That is enough to recognise possible [unicorns] vs impossible [square circle] beings.

Also, we see that impossibility of being, e.g. with a square circle pivots on contradictory core attributes leading to infeasibility.

And on and on...

I will admit that I am unaware of any classic problems relating to square circles. What is he talking about? Can someone clue me in?

I am aware of the classic problem of squaring the circle, as in constructing a square with the same area as a given circle using only a compass and straightedge. This has nothing to do with square circles, though.

Am I missing something?

Can God microwave a burrito so hot He can't eat it?

(that's always been my fav version of that philo question)

Based on the anecdotal evidence of the Feeding of the 5,000, He's more likely to opt for a tuna sandwich.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2014,13:53   


PiotrJuly 10, 2014 at 12:44 pm
Eric Anderson:

BTW, just as a secondary question, in spherical geometry, are you saying that a square and a circle (of appropriate size) would trace out the same exact shape, or would the circle itself trace out a different shape than we are used to seeing? If the latter, then KF’s point holds, regardless of which geometry you are using.

A sphere is a 2-dimensional manifold, which means that locally, near each point, it resembles a Euclidean plane. In other words, sufficiently small squares are practically identical with Euclidean squares as to their shape and properties. We humans are very small compared to the size of the Earth, so a square we draw on flat ground is to all intents and purposes Euclidean; the difference is negligible. But if you draw a really large square (i.e., a regular polygon with four equal angles and four equal sides), for example one whose sides have a length of 10 km each, you will discover that each angle, if measured accurately, is slightly larger than a righ angle (and the area of the square is slightly larger than 100 km², by the way). The larger the square, the larger the difference. Cartographers, land surveyors and civil engineers can’t ignore it.

If the length of each side is about 10,000 km, each angle becomes a straight angle (180°), and the square becomes a great circle of the sphere (in this example, of the Earth).

Circles in a spherical geometry are identical with Euclidean circles, as to their shape. The area surrounded by a circle and its circumference expressed as a function of the radius are locally given to a great accuracy by the normal formulas of planar geometry; but again the larger the radius, the larger the difference, since the curvature of the surface can no longer be ignored. If r = 10,000 km, the circumference equals 4r (not 2πr), and the area equals 2πr² (not πr²).

Lest you should think this is merely an exercise in equivocation, we have very real problem of the same kind simply because we happen to live in a Universe whose geometry is not perfectly Euclidean, and whose spacial dimensions are interwoven with the dimension of time into a 4-dimensional manifold, only locally approximated by a “flat” Euclidean 3-space plus time as a separable dimension. Consider the composition of velocities. It might seem “self-evident” that they simply add (Galileo and Newton wouldn’t have doubted it for a moment), but for large velocities the difference between real spacetime and its Galilean approximation begins to matter and we have to use the formulas od special relativity. If we ignored the non-classical geometry of spacetime, GPS systems would be useless.

That's about as educational as UD has ever been / will ever be. Cue KF meltdown is 3..2...

Glasses ready, neat spirits only. Sips for:

[] Well poisoning
[] Ad hominem
[] Correction
[] Game over
[] Red herring
[] Rhetorical games
[] Bankrupt belief system
[] Must try harder / do better etc

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2014,15:22   

Quote (Richardthughes @ July 10 2014,13:53)
That's about as educational as UD has ever been / will ever be. Cue KF meltdown is 3..2...

Glasses ready, neat spirits only. Sips for:

[] Well poisoning
[] Ad hominem
[] Correction
[] Game over
[] Red herring
[] Rhetorical games
[] Bankrupt belief system
[] Must try harder / do better etc

Given that Mullings tends to use (repeat) all of those tropes, wouldn't it be simpler and more efficient to just chugalug an entire six-pack or three?


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2014,15:46   

Boo, the best he gave was

irrelevant to and distractive

Piotr has a final dig before departing:


If you want to supplement your mathematical education, I’m afraid the Collins English Dictionary may not suffice.

I gave the example of a legitimately defined “square circle” only to show that nothing is as obvious as it might seem. What happens in the Universe at various scales is so removed from our everyday experience (and whatever is dreamt of by your philosophers) we can’t really trust our intuitions and elevate them to the rank of universal rules of reason.

Which said, I sign out of the discussion of causality etc. Enough is enough.


"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: July 10 2014,22:52   

Quote (OgreMkV @ July 09 2014,08:07)
I had to mention this. One of the pro-idiots on the Amazon discussion of Darwin's Doubt has spoken highly dear Dense. ()Discussion Linky

More than ever I can now appreciate Denyse O'Leary's statement, "If you actually go through the scientific literature, what there is show Darwinism: it's negligible, piddling, and none of the major claims are met." Even strident I.D. and creationist critic Dr. L. Moran in Toronto endorses her intelligence and wit:

If Larry Moran mentioned Dense, then it was sarcastic. But since it links to a Biola video, then I call quotemine.

A few comments further down:  
Puck Mendelsohn

Once, I was quite surprised by a sack of rocks. I was down at the Home Depot, and I found a sack of rocks that was not as smart as Denyse O'Leary. This seemed strange, as every sack of rocks I'd met up to that point had been vastly her intellectual superior. But it turned out that this particular sack of rocks had been quarried by Dembski & Sons, a quote-mining firm out of Boring, Oregon. The rocks were advertised as having a huge amount of Conglomerate Speculative Incredulity ("CSI"), a poorly-defined characteristic which Dembski & Sons was apparently using as a marketing device of sorts.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,06:31   

New sig.

Thanks, Gordian.

Why would I concern myself with evidence, when IMO "evidence" is only the mind arranging thought and matter to support what one already wishes to believe? - William J Murray

[A]t this time a forum like this one is nothing less than a national security risk. - Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,21:16   

Moronic argument in support of  goddIDit #54,856.


Two men walk into a room and notice a red ball lying on the table that once wasn’t there.

Person A. Look, there is a red ball lying on the table. I wonder how it got there.

Person B. What do you mean, “how did it get there?” Obviously, someone put it there.

This argument is unassailable. It is self-evidently true. No amount of scientific evidence can affirm it or negate the point. The principle of causality is not based on science; science is based on the principle of causality.

Now blow the ball up to the size of the room. Has the argument changed or lost any of its force? No. Now blow the ball up the size of a city, a country, the world, the cosmos. Has the argument changed? No. The only thing that has changed is the size of the ball.


Billiards, therefore ID.

Why would I concern myself with evidence, when IMO "evidence" is only the mind arranging thought and matter to support what one already wishes to believe? - William J Murray

[A]t this time a forum like this one is nothing less than a national security risk. - Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,22:43   

Quote (Driver @ July 11 2014,19:16)
Moronic argument in support of  goddIDit #54,856.


Two men walk into a room and notice a red ball lying on the table that once wasn’t there.

Person A. Look, there is a red ball lying on the table. I wonder how it got there.

Person B. What do you mean, “how did it get there?” Obviously, someone put it there.

This argument is unassailable. It is self-evidently true. No amount of scientific evidence can affirm it or negate the point. The principle of causality is not based on science; science is based on the principle of causality.

Now blow the ball up to the size of the room. Has the argument changed or lost any of its force? No. Now blow the ball up the size of a city, a country, the world, the cosmos. Has the argument changed? No. The only thing that has changed is the size of the ball.


Billiards, therefore ID.

OK, Stephen.  Imagine a truck carrying rubber balls drives by the building.  One falls off, bounces in through the window, and lands on the table.  Nobody put it there, yet there it is.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,23:03   

Quote (didymos @ July 12 2014,04:43)
Quote (Driver @ July 11 2014,19:16)
Moronic argument in support of  goddIDit #54,856.


Two men walk into a room and notice a red ball lying on the table that once wasn’t there.

Person A. Look, there is a red ball lying on the table. I wonder how it got there.

Person B. What do you mean, “how did it get there?” Obviously, someone put it there.

This argument is unassailable. It is self-evidently true. No amount of scientific evidence can affirm it or negate the point. The principle of causality is not based on science; science is based on the principle of causality.

Now blow the ball up to the size of the room. Has the argument changed or lost any of its force? No. Now blow the ball up the size of a city, a country, the world, the cosmos. Has the argument changed? No. The only thing that has changed is the size of the ball.


Billiards, therefore ID.

OK, Stephen.  Imagine a truck carrying rubber balls drives by the building.  One falls off, bounces in through the window, and lands on the table.  Nobody put it there, yet there it is.

F/N: Pardon, who designed the truck?


Texas Teach

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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,23:11   

Quote (didymos @ July 11 2014,22:43)
Quote (Driver @ July 11 2014,19:16)
Moronic argument in support of  goddIDit #54,856.


Two men walk into a room and notice a red ball lying on the table that once wasn’t there.

Person A. Look, there is a red ball lying on the table. I wonder how it got there.

Person B. What do you mean, “how did it get there?” Obviously, someone put it there.

This argument is unassailable. It is self-evidently true. No amount of scientific evidence can affirm it or negate the point. The principle of causality is not based on science; science is based on the principle of causality.

Now blow the ball up to the size of the room. Has the argument changed or lost any of its force? No. Now blow the ball up the size of a city, a country, the world, the cosmos. Has the argument changed? No. The only thing that has changed is the size of the ball.


Billiards, therefore ID.

OK, Stephen.  Imagine a truck carrying rubber balls drives by the building.  One falls off, bounces in through the window, and lands on the table.  Nobody put it there, yet there it is.

Imagine a TARD who is so busy coming up with poor analogies for natural processes in order to score rhetorical points that he mistakes a mushroom growing on a tree stump for a ball sitting on a table and declares it the product of design.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: July 11 2014,23:23   

Sounds like dirty pool to me.

Or maybe the guy doesn't have a cue.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,08:39   

Again, the problem with ID is we KNOW who designs balls.

We don't know who designs universes.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,08:44   

Quote (OgreMkV @ July 12 2014,13:39)
Again, the problem with ID is we KNOW who designs balls.

We don't know who designs universes.

Surely the same person who designs billiard balls, but much bigger. And with a grey beard. Because the universe is older. And there are three of him. Because the Bible says - oops.

Why would I concern myself with evidence, when IMO "evidence" is only the mind arranging thought and matter to support what one already wishes to believe? - William J Murray

[A]t this time a forum like this one is nothing less than a national security risk. - Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,13:51   

The only remarkable thing about this exchange:

Since the Jews, generally speaking, have been intellectually ‘head and shoulders’ above the rest of us, in effect, Gentile racists invite their own extermination by the Jews as inferior species – since, however dim they might be, personally in terms of worldly intelligence, they idolize it as a plank they assign for their racist beliefs.

Off hand I’d say it still keeps blacks and other races with darker skin at the back of the proverbial bus, unless they can elevate themselves to the ideologue proselytizing status of Neil deGrasse Tyson who obtained the prized “Get out of Jail free card” for worshiping Darwin.

Is that neither post is by Byers!


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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,14:15   

[quote=Texas Teach,July 11 2014,23:11]
Quote (didymos @ July 11 2014,22:43)


Two men walk into a room and notice a red ball lying on the table that once wasn’t there.

Person A. Look, there is a red ball lying on the table. I wonder how it got there.

Person B. What do you mean, “how did it get there?” Obviously, someone put it there.

This argument is unassailable. It is self-evidently true. No amount of scientific evidence can affirm it or negate the point. The principle of causality is not based on science; science is based on the principle of causality.

Now blow the ball up to the size of the room. Has the argument changed or lost any of its force? No. [........] No. The only thing that has changed is the size of the ball.

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,21:57   

Quote (Driver @ July 12 2014,07:44)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 12 2014,13:39)
Again, the problem with ID is we KNOW who designs balls.

We don't know who designs universes.

Surely the same person who designs billiard balls, but much bigger. And with a grey beard. Because the universe is older. And there are three of him. Because the Bible says - oops.



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(Permalink) Posted: July 12 2014,22:06   

Quote (Henry J @ July 12 2014,19:57)
Quote (Driver @ July 12 2014,07:44)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 12 2014,13:39)
Again, the problem with ID is we KNOW who designs balls.

We don't know who designs universes.

Surely the same person who designs billiard balls, but much bigger. And with a grey beard. Because the universe is older. And there are three of him. Because the Bible says - oops.


Beard... very old... three of them...

ZZ Top.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: July 13 2014,05:01   

Quote (JohnW @ July 13 2014,04:06)
Quote (Henry J @ July 12 2014,19:57)
Quote (Driver @ July 12 2014,07:44)
Quote (OgreMkV @ July 12 2014,13:39)
Again, the problem with ID is we KNOW who designs balls.

We don't know who designs universes.

Surely the same person who designs billiard balls, but much bigger. And with a grey beard. Because the universe is older. And there are three of him. Because the Bible says - oops.


Beard... very old... three of them...

ZZ Top.

And the sacred mystery: the one without a beard is named Beard.

Edited by Amadan on July 13 2014,11:02

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,12:10   

Joe finally gets to bring his life experience into an example:

JoeJuly 14, 2014 at 10:35 am
Adding heat to a frying pan helps cook my pancakes, eggs and home-fries. Adding energy to a fridge helps it cool. IOW if you take a closed system, ie an isolated freezer/ fridge, and add energy to it the thing starts working.

And if you take a person, put him/ her in a closed system, ie a fully isolated room, that contains a lighter and flammable materials, I bet it would be quite easy for that person to add heat to that closed system.

Just sayin’…

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,12:33   

Wait, what? Adding energy to an isolated freezer would make it start working?

That doesn't sound right. I thought freezers or fridges worked by extracting heat from their insides and dumping that heat on the outside.

If it's actually isolated, it wouldn't have a place to put the heat.

Did I miss something?


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,12:37   

Quote (Henry J @ July 14 2014,12:33)
Wait, what? Adding energy to an isolated freezer would make it start working?

That doesn't sound right. I thought freezers or fridges worked by extracting heat from their insides and dumping that heat on the outside.

If it's actually isolated, it wouldn't have a place to put the heat.

Did I miss something?

He doesn't understand dissipation, they only told him how to add Freon... and erm, MilSpec Genetic Algorithms used for encryption ;)

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1431
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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,12:57   

Quote (Henry J @ July 14 2014,12:33)
Wait, what? Adding energy to an isolated freezer would make it start working?

That doesn't sound right. I thought freezers or fridges worked by extracting heat from their insides and dumping that heat on the outside.

If it's actually isolated, it wouldn't have a place to put the heat.

Did I miss something?

When the only appliance you have in your house parking lot is a frig., it's isolated...

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed. Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,17:57   

Quote (Richardthughes @ July 14 2014,12:10)
Joe finally gets to bring his life experience into an example:

JoeJuly 14, 2014 at 10:35 am
Adding heat to a frying pan helps cook my pancakes, eggs and home-fries. Adding energy to a fridge helps it cool. IOW if you take a closed system, ie an isolated freezer/ fridge, and add energy to it the thing starts working.

And if you take a person, put him/ her in a closed system, ie a fully isolated room, that contains a lighter and flammable materials, I bet it would be quite easy for that person to add heat to that closed system.

Just sayin’…

That's some industrial strength, dang near galactic strength, stupid.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,19:17   

Well, we are talking about the "Ice isn't water" guy here.

I wouldn't be bothered reading about the selfish gene because it has never been identified. -- Denyse O'Leary, professional moron
Again "how much". I don't think that's a good way to be quantitative.-- gpuccio


Posts: 2723
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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,19:21   

Quote (Richardthughes @ July 14 2014,12:10)
Joe finally gets to bring his life experience into an example:

JoeJuly 14, 2014 at 10:35 am

And if you take a person, put him/ her in a closed system, ie a fully isolated room, that contains a lighter and flammable materials, I bet it would be quite easy for that person to add heat to that closed system.

Just sayin’…

Ugh. Joe suggests lighting a fire in a closed room.


You never step on the same tard twice—for it's not the same tard and you're not the same person.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2014,20:31   

Quote (Zachriel @ July 14 2014,17:21)
Quote (Richardthughes @ July 14 2014,12:10)
Joe finally gets to bring his life experience into an example:

JoeJuly 14, 2014 at 10:35 am

And if you take a person, put him/ her in a closed system, ie a fully isolated room, that contains a lighter and flammable materials, I bet it would be quite easy for that person to add heat to that closed system.

Just sayin’…

Ugh. Joe suggests lighting a fire in a closed room.

Give a man a match, he'll be warm for five seconds.
Light a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: July 15 2014,03:15   

From the Second Law: In Force Everywhere But Nowhere? thread:
Eric AndersonJuly 15, 2014 at 12:28 am

Gordon Davisson @43:

   And that means that if your argument against evolution depends on claiming that the second law forbids such a decrease… you need to get a new argument.

Quite true. Fortunately none of us are making such an argument. :)

In addition, although there might be some kook out there who is making such an argument, but I am not aware of any prominent ID proponent making such an argument.

Did Eric Anderson just call Granville Sewell a kook?

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.” We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.”
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016


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(Permalink) Posted: July 15 2014,05:43   

Quote (Ptaylor @ July 15 2014,03:15)
From the Second Law: In Force Everywhere But Nowhere? thread:
Eric AndersonJuly 15, 2014 at 12:28 am

Gordon Davisson @43:

   And that means that if your argument against evolution depends on claiming that the second law forbids such a decrease… you need to get a new argument.

Quite true. Fortunately none of us are making such an argument. :)

In addition, although there might be some kook out there who is making such an argument, but I am not aware of any prominent ID proponent making such an argument.

Did Eric Anderson just call Granville Sewell a kook?

If so, he's also suggesting that Sewell is not a prominent ID proponent.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 15 2014,23:21   

Seems like even BA77 missed Granville Sewell's latest video:  The Common Sense Law of Physics .
Sewell describes it as  
Based on the 2013 Biocomplexity article "Entropy and Evolution"
but he actually reads from the article while showing out of focus pictures of single pages from the article.

Edited by sparc on July 15 2014,23:22

"[...] the type of information we find in living systems is beyond the creative means of purely material processes [...] Who or what is such an ultimate source of information? [...] from a theistic perspective, such an information source would presumably have to be God."

- William Dembski -


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(Permalink) Posted: July 16 2014,12:11   

DavidD has the potential to be a top tard. He's got a great combination of belligerent and uniformed the likes of which I've not seen since the young Joe G.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

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