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  Topic: When God designed those blind crustaceans< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 380
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,12:16

At a cement quarry in Israel, researchers have discovered eight previously unknown species of small creatures in a newfound underground cave.

The limestone cave has long been sealed off from it surroundings—even outside water cannot seep through an overlying layer of chalk—and it contains an entire ecosystem unlike anything known.

The newly named Ayalon Cave stretches for about 1.5 miles and is "unique in the world," said Amos Frumkin of the Hebrew University Department of Geography.

A small opening was uncovered at the quarry, leading to the cave, which extends more than 100 yards below the surface. It is situated between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Scientists found seawater and freshwater crustaceans in underground lakes that are a brackish mix, as well as a terrestrial scorpion that, owing to the eternal darkness in the cave, is blind. The new species were all found alive except the scorpion, but live scorpions will be found in further expeditions, said university researcher Hanan Dimentman.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 31 2006,15:24   

This from a link off that page:

During a 20-day cruise last month, researchers used trawling nets and scuba divers to explore down to 3 miles beneath the ocean surface. Previous studies of small ocean creatures focused only on the top half-mile or so.

Now that, says I, is a bad assed scuba diver.
Mr IckyIchthyes? Could you do it?

link ;)

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Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,12:04   

That does sound like a rather high-pressure job, at that. ;)



Posts: 3325
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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,12:58   

researchers used trawling nets and scuba divers to explore down to 3 miles

trawling nets?


scuba to 3 miles?

not possible; unless you just want to use dead scuba divers as weights on the trawling net.

I guess you wouldn't exactly call that "diving" though. ;)

I'm sure the sentence is really just combining all the methods used to help survey into a single sentence for brevity.

Still, it does lead one to wonder if the author had any clue what he was essentially saying by wording it like that.

BTW, the newly discovered cave system is neat, but hardly the revolutionary find implied by the headlines I see the news articles associating with it.

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,13:30   

Yeah, a SCUBA diver would never phrase a sentence like that.

1000 feet can be done with a rebreather, but you have to be pretty much batshiat insane.

A mile down and ambient pressure would be about the same as inside a full cylendar.

Heck, below 15 feet too MUCH oxygen can kill you!

I love diving!

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,13:40   

I toured the new MBARI facility a few years ago and they showed a film of a life-sized plastic mannequin head that was attached to the outside of a deep submersible vehicle on a dive to the bottom of the Monterey Canyon (almost 2000 meters down).  The water pressure squished the head to the size of a tennis ball.  I can only imagine what would happen to a real human noggin.  Hey!  Maybe that’s what happen to AFDaveTard2!

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(Permalink) Posted: June 01 2006,14:02   

Maybe that’s what happen to AFDaveTard2!

nawww, his head started off at the size of a tennis ball.

that, or else there's an awfull lot of room in that skull of his for such a tiny brain to rattle around in.

microcephaly, indeed.

Yes Ved, Scuba ranks as the best possible outdoor activity I can imagine.

like having the ability to fly with interesting things to look at.

...and the occasional large predator to add a bit of spice :)

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,03:01   

One speciality I refused to try was "Ice Diving".

Not my idea of fun at all  :D

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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,08:13   

well, before you discount it entirely, I know a photographer who lives in Monterey that might give you pause to think twice:

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 398
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(Permalink) Posted: June 02 2006,12:25   

Wow, wow, wow! Oh man Ichthy, that's cool looking. I haven't given much thought to ice diving yet. I've mostly pictured ice diving in freshwater where there's not nearly the biodiversity of the mother ocean. I'm only fairly recently qualified for open water, and I mostly look forward to more trips to tropical reefs. I have some attraction to caves, and anticipate training to swim them some day, but the most accesible caves are also freshwater. I hadn't thought of ice diving in the ocean!

The only thing I know about ice diving is that you shouldn't breathe your reg before you get in the water if the air is below freezing. You need the um, warmth of the water to keep the reg from freezing solid!


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(Permalink) Posted: June 03 2006,07:50   

Yes it is beautiful.

No, I am not going to try it  :D

I prefer warm, warm water and relaxation  :)

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands

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