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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,15:33   

Hi, avocationist.

Why don't you provide your scientific theory of ID as many asked you to? Alternatively you could admit that you don't have any, or that you are not interested in fulfilling their requests.
It would save them some time.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,15:36   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,16:22)

I brought up Milton's book because he is not associated with DI. It was you who brought up the quality of his references. To the best of my knowledge, he is a secular source, although he has become rather new age, which doesn't bother me either. But he isn't in any Christian cartel.

The problem is that Milton isn't a source.  He's a journalist.  And he's relying primarily on creationist sources for his book.  So citing his book as a secular source is misleading.  It is in fact a compilation of creationist sources.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,15:45   

Cedric, Yours was probably the most thoughtful and constructive post, therefore, I'll have to put it off to deal with the mayhem, which never seems to stop.

Uh...this "mayhem" is ...typing. Pixels on a screen that you can turn off anytime...thus it "stops."

People are often attacked by Dave Scot for making unfounded assumptions. I don't approve of his style... When one of you go over there, you don't suddenly find yourself with your own thread and half the board throwing insults and challenges that are almost impossible to meet, sneering and mocking all the while

No, Dave Scot attacks people for multiple reasons, not just one. Reasons he's banned people can include being right, pointing out his errors, or Dembski's -- or asking that he back his claims. Dave Scot is not the only moderator there, either, and all of them have engaged in similar behavior, including Dembski. And yeah, I don't think you really have read through the threads there.
Oh, and finally, exactly what were you challenged on that you find impossible to meet? You were asked to describe your interpretation of ID, that's all. Is that "impossible?"

Louis = LEADER OF THE PACK!! (vroom, vroom)

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,15:54   

Hi Avocationist.

The level of hostility and uncalled-for insults is absolutely shocking. what person who has dropped by at UD has ever been descended upon by a riverful of pirhanas each biting and tearing apart a person they haven't even learned anything about.

Often when one comes under scrutiny or challenges made, it is perceived as hostility. After-all, no one likes being wrong, no one likes a direct challenge if they're not expecting it. However, your visualisation skills are very umm.. visual.

do they expect you to lay out the TOE in a nutshell?

That can be easily done and I remember being asked to do such a thing in both chat and in class.

All I did was drop by to say hello. there is no way I can cope, timewise, with this level of challenge.

Hello Avocation. I actually lack the time, and am doing this from work and during a coffee break.

It is surely a waste of time to even try to reason with people like this bunch here.

I am disgusted. What a lot of pent up rage.

I think "rage" is the improper terminology. Try skepticism. In my case, cynicism.

Serendipity, is that your real name?  Well, what do you know. Avocationist is not my real name either. What the he11 did you think I meant by persona? I don't treat people any differently online than I do anywhere else.

I would love to claim that "Serendipity" is a cacographical neologism which I am responsible for, but alas, I am probably sauntering over plagiarism even trying. Actually I was responding to Louis concerning persona - cybernetic psychology and in particular the various faces of individuals online has been a project I have been working on for a number of years. The only person I know on this list which I can say anything about persona or otherwise is the man that I have met face to face, even shared a bed with. To much information sure, but accurate enough.

Without question or false modesty, no success has owed more to serendipity than ours. (Fischer)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,16:31   

Leader of the pack? I forgot to mention that.

Let me be the first to say: bollocks.

I feel that's all that needs saying.




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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,16:38   


I imagine that the flaming you're getting does seem a little harsh, but you must understand that the AtBC regulars have had their patience pushed to the limit by people who come along making claims they cannot support (see AFDave's thread). We don't ask for much; we just ask that you tell us what your theory of I.D. is.

You see, if you claim that I.D. is a real scientific theory, but then can't tell us what you think the theory is, it doesn't reflect very well on you, does it?

So please, tell us what you think the theory of I.D. is.


BTW, to avoid any unintended offence, do we refer to you as he or she? If you've already said, I apologise for asking again.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,16:51   

Quote (deadman_932 @ Jan. 23 2007,16:45)
No, Dave Scot attacks people for multiple reasons, not just one. Reasons he's banned people can include being right, pointing out his errors, or Dembski's -- or asking that he back his claims. Dave Scot is not the only moderator there, either, and all of them have engaged in similar behavior, including Dembski. And yeah, I don't think you really have read through the threads there.

I was once banned for posting a quote of Dembski's. I don't mean, posting a quote and then editorializing, I don't mean, posting a quote with some nefarious ellipses, I mean, my whole post was

"(blah blah blah some paragraph of Dembski's)

-William Dembski"

They banned me and deleted the quote when I hadn't said a single thing myself. The ban was because the quoted paragraph, from a few years ago, stood in utter contradiction to the words in Dembski's post I was commenting on.

I don't remember what the exact topic was. I think I documented it several hundred pages ago on this thread.

edit: not on this thread. on the UD thread.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,17:00   

I was once banned for posting a quote of Dembski's.

Steve, how many times have you been banned at UD?

And do you know the story of DS's banning from ATBC? Since the subject's come up, and all?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,17:04   

The ban was because the quoted paragraph, from a few years ago, stood in utter contradiction to the words in Dembski's post I was commenting on.  

Well certainly - really, how dare ya use the guy's own words that way! :p


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:11   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,00:44)
You are a lying sack.
We can leave it at that. Of the six remarks you made, 4 showed misinterpretations of what I said. So it would just be a go-round to little purpose.

I'm glad that you can admit that at least 2 of those instances were lies....of course you aren't really doing that, you're just being your normal evasive, liar self.

Where's that evidence for ID?

Oh yeah, I forgot, your evidence is, "God exists, so ID exists...duh."


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:18   

I cleared clients to be able to sit down and enjoy my lunch and read this dialogue (and probably play a game or two on Yahoo).

What is the supportive evidence for Intelligent Design?

Without question or false modesty, no success has owed more to serendipity than ours. (Fischer)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:29   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,13:31)
The level of hostility and uncalled-for insults is absolutely shocking.

It is not uncalled for to call a liar a liar.  I have documented your lies.

what person who has dropped by at UD has ever been descended upon by a riverful of pirhanas each biting and tearing apart a person they haven't even learned anything about.

That's because dissenting opinion is weeded out and dissenters are banned.  Even then, the rhetoric of DaveTard ("Kill the Muslims", "PTers are all a bunch of church burners") and a few others surely wouldn't go unnoticed by such a free-thinker as yourself.

All I did was drop by to say hello. there is no way I can cope, timewise, with this level of challenge.

Numerous people have suggested taking topics one at a time, you ignore that because you can't defend a single thing you've said and find it would be easier to just act like it's our fault that you can't.  That way you think you can duck out with some face, but no one here buys it.

It is surely a waste of time to even try to reason with people like this bunch here.

I am disgusted. What a lot of pent up rage.

That's right, because you already know all the answers without having to do any of the work.  You don't know about the trial, but you know Jones was wrong.  You don't know about evolution, you just know it is wrong.  Etc.  You should be embarrassed.

Oh, and the pent up rage thing is ridiculous as well.  Yes, I dislike you for your lies, but what you are doing is appealing to a canard that is all too common among people like you.  "Oh, the atheists are all full of rage."  Yeah, right.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:42   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,16:22)
I'm angry with Jonathan Wells because I bought his book a few years ago (before I ever heard the term ID) and he promised in his book cover that he was completely secular, and had accepted evolution at least in high school and I think early college. However, it turns out he was a man on a mission from the beginning. It is true that I like his book and that he kept religion out of it, but I don't appreciate being lied to. I did say that once on UD, and got no comment. At least I didn't get banned!

[emphasis mine]

Oh the irony.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,18:59   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,15:22)
No I can't cite an example of a textbook.

No kidding.

That's because, uh, there ain't any.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:11   

Well, so far it seems that Avocation:

(1) doesn't understand what the ID movement is, or what it's all about  (which is why she doesn't understand why they hate her)
(2) doesn't understand Taoism, Sufism, Buddhism or any other -ism that I can see
(3) can't tell the difference between "science" and "atheism"
(4) doesn't know anything scientific, even remotely


(5) isn't interested in doing any research on any of the above.

She is here to (1) show everyone how "spiritual" she is, (2) feel good about how much better she is than all of us dolts, and (3) feed her massive martyr complex.

I find nothing she says either interesting or informative.

She could perhaps change that, by telling us all about ESP, ley lines, crystal healing, and the Celestine Prophecy.

(snicker)  (giggle)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:15   

Quote (heddle @ Jan. 23 2007,13:11)
[quote=Wesley R. Elsberry,Jan. 23 2007,12:39]I think that I have seen pent-up rage lower the level of discussion before.  In fairness, maybe you should add those cases in which people like PT contributor Gary Hurd and compulsive commenter Lenny Flank return the favor.

It's not an analogy.  It's a direct comparison.  The fundies ARE Taliban-wanna-be's.  Just read their Wedge Document.

(BTW, Heddle, thank you, sincerely, for shutting up --- if only for one post -- about your religious opinions.)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:26   

Avocationist:  I said that kids have been taught that there is no need to have a God to explain things anymore, because science has got it covered.

Me:  I don't recall seeing that in any science textbook I've ever read.  Can you cite an example?

Avocationist:  No I can't cite an example of a textbook. I'm not going to that level of research for every comment I make and I don't have any on hand. I have read enough on this topic and talked to college kids about it. Specifically, a phrase to that effect was removed from a Miller textbook. That is, the word unguided was removed, I think.

Um, leaving aside for the moment the simple fact that you are too pig-ignorant and uninformed to know the difference between Miller's textbook, and the proposed Kansas state science standards  (that word "unguided" was, uh, ADDED BY THE CREATIONISTS, and was TAKEN OUT BY VOTE OF THE NEWLY ELECTED EVOLUTIONIST MAJORITY) . . . .

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly . . . .

Your cited example of a textbook that says, quote, "there is no need to have a god to explain things any more", is a textbook that was written by Ken Miller, who is, um, a Roman Catholic Christian?

A Christian.

A theistic Christian.

A theistic, God-believing, Christian.

Is THAT what you're telling me?  In your view, the Christian Roman Catholic biologist, Ken Miller, was actually trying to use his textbook to teach kids that "there is no need for god" . . . . ?

Is THAT what you are trying to tell me?


Really and honestly?


No WONDER everyone thinks you have the brains of a  bowl of fruit.  

(snicker)  (giggle)  BWA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:33   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,12:31)
The level of hostility and uncalled-for insults is absolutely shocking.

(sniffle)  (sob)  Boo hoo hoo.

Heat.  Kitchen.  Bye.

Go whine to the UDers how mean we all were to you.  Maybe they'll like you then.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:42   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Jan. 23 2007,20:26)
Avocationist:  I said that kids have been taught that there is no need to have a God to explain things anymore, because science has got it covered.

Me:  I don't recall seeing that in any science textbook I've ever read.  Can you cite an example?

Avocationist:  No I can't cite an example of a textbook. I'm not going to that level of research for every comment I make and I don't have any on hand. I have read enough on this topic and talked to college kids about it. Specifically, a phrase to that effect was removed from a Miller textbook. That is, the word unguided was removed, I think.

Um, leaving aside for the moment the simple fact that you are too pig-ignorant and uninformed to know the difference between Miller's textbook, and the proposed Kansas state science standards  (that word "unguided" was, uh, ADDED BY THE CREATIONISTS, and was TAKEN OUT BY VOTE OF THE NEWLY ELECTED EVOLUTIONIST MAJORITY) . . . .

Let me make sure I'm understanding you correctly . . . .

Your cited example of a textbook that says, quote, "there is no need to have a god to explain things any more", is a textbook that was written by Ken Miller, who is, um, a Roman Catholic Christian?

A Christian.

A theistic Christian.

A theistic, God-believing, Christian.

Is THAT what you're telling me?  In your view, the Christian Roman Catholic biologist, Ken Miller, was actually trying to use his textbook to teach kids that "there is no need for god" . . . . ?

Is THAT what you are trying to tell me?


Really and honestly?


No WONDER everyone thinks you have the brains of a  bowl of fruit.  

(snicker)  (giggle)  BWA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Lenny, it's even better than that.

See, Avo insists that Miller is a confused IDist, because he has to be since he believes in god.

If you point out to her that evolution has nothing to do with god and the two are not mutually exclusive, she will argue with you on that.  Then, a couple pages later, she will find some reason to assert that you are saying that evolution is atheistic and that god and evolution are not mutually exclusive, and how can you be so stupid as to think they are.

Then, when you point out that you already said that and that she claimed the opposite, she will claim that you are lying, twisting words, etc.  Then, later she will explain to you how others on the board convinced her that god and evolution are not mutually exclusive and if you just listen to her, you can understand that too.

When you get fed up with that and call her a liar, she will act like she doesn't understand why.  Meanwhile, she will go back to saying that Miller is a confused IDist because no one can believe in god and evolution since they are mutually exclusive.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:50   

Quote (GCT @ Jan. 23 2007,19:42)
See, Avo insists that Miller is a confused IDist, because he has to be since he believes in god.

Ahhh, she reminds me of some Hindu nutter (whose name unfortunately escapes me right now) who ran an email list that argued pretty much the same thing --- "Hindus have gods, ID requires a god, therefore Hindus must be IDers".

Indeed, this particular nutter was so insistent that everyone hear his Holy Words, that he would grab email addresses from several places (including t.o., where he apparently got me) and add them to his email list (without their permission or knowledge) so they'd have to listen to it, "for their own good".  When I unsubbed from his stupid-ass list, he added me again, and then, for some reason that I never figured out, actually made me a **co-moderator** of his list ("to encourage you to stay", he told me).

I promptly put his entire list on "moderated" status so no one could post, and deleted his entire archives.

After that, he never tried to sub me again.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,19:58   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Jan. 23 2007,20:11)
She is here to (1) show everyone how "spiritual" she is, (2) feel good about how much better she is than all of us dolts, and (3) feed her massive martyr complex.


She once told me that she has a keener sense of reality because she has done lots of studying about god and is now tuned to god, whereas I obviously have not done much study of god or thought much about it, and am obviously not as fulfilled or good as her.

She's just like any other fundy.  She's immune to facts, she's p*ss ignorant yet she thinks she knows all, she thinks she is better than all us "fundy" atheists, she can't answer a straight-forward question, she has a martyr complex, she lies, she rambles on and on never really making a point, she proselytizes...yep, she's a fundy (just not a born-again kind....maybe)


Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:02   

Cedric said
Its just that I am curious what thought processes run through a person's head when they get into the whole ID thing.  
Well, I don't know about the word twisting but the referencing of your own words doesn't seem unreasonable.

Occam said
Just once, any IDer, anywhere, ever, please tell us what the theory is supposed to be.  

What is your model, how can it be tested, and what does it predict?

In your response, please feel free to omit references to the alleged inadequacies of any other theory.

Also please keep in mind that part of the bargain is that you need to be prepared to update or discard your theory should it be falsified.  If you cannot commit to this, please leave science alone and go back to church.

Stephen quotes Darwin-
"It is interesting to contemplate an entangled bank, clothed with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these elaborately constructed forms, so different from each other, and dependent on each other in so complex a manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us. These laws, taken in the largest sense, being Growth with Reproduction; inheritance which is almost implied by reproduction; Variability from the indirect and direct action of the external conditions of life, and from use and disuse; a Ratio of Increase so high as to lead to a Struggle for Life, and as a consequence to Natural Selection, entailing Divergence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved forms. Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved."

1. I think GCT may have a personality disorder. Of course bringing up previous words is fine, but it was an endless morass. It gets hard to keep up the sense of the back and forth remarks when the conversation takes place with 9 people simultaneously, and everything gets misinterpreted again and again. And always petty stuff.

2. The theory of ID states that certain features of biological organisms and of the universe are best explained as being the result of intelligent design.

3. My model? Why would I have my own model? My own prediction, is that as we learn more about evo-devo and epigenetic factors, we will learn exactly why a species cannot go beyond certain bounds. People constantly say ID needs to do its own research and blah blah, but the results of the world's research are public domain, and I certainly note the frequency with which UD finds new little aspects of some article that seem promising toward an ID perspective. The main difference between ID and NDE isn't the research, but how the research is interpreted. However, it is no doubt true that from an ID perspective junk DNA would not have been as easily dismissed, and I remember thinking years ago when I heard about it, "that can't be right." If more researchers had an ID mindset, it would from time to time cause them to interpret or react differently.

4. I certainly refuse to agree to omit any references to the inadequacies of nde. That just won't fly. If a theory is inadequate, then it's inadequate. Whether or not you happen to have a well-thought out alternative is just irrelevant. When you notice a problem in your theorems, you go to work trying to fix it. Nor will I apologize for my incredulity.

5. Yes, I update and discard ideas all the time and plan to continue. It wouldn't bother me in the least if random processes were capable of generating life forms. I just don't think they are.  Now, how much would it bother you to discard NDE? Honestly now.

The bolded part of Darwin's paragraph are quite Lamarkian! But that's not to criticize. Lamarkian ideas seem quite intuitive to me, and after all he was working with what he had.

Now, I have read probably 8 or 10 books and found their arguments persuasive. You people should be well aware of them. Not to mention articles on the net. I have especially enjoyed the refutations and answers by the authors of works, since I get to see their works attacked and defended. It doesn't matter much, though, because as someone here said, they didn't find Darwin's Black Box impressive, and I did. I think Demski won the flagellum debate hands down. I think Berlinski won the fish eyes papers debate as well. I just don't find the NDE arguments persuasive. I find them shallow. I read Mike Gene's 5-part essay on the flagellum, including its assembly, and I plead incredulity. No way that could arise by random processes. The arguments against RM+NS are just too good.

Also, I am quite sure that evolution proceeds by a saltational route.

Someone mentioned dating methods. Isn't that mostly for YECers? I think the human race is far, far older than 100,000 years. I have no idea how old. I don't know how old the universe is, or whether some sort of memory pattern from prior universes could be impressed upon it. I don't see how, but I'd like to think so. Now that would be evolution!

I deeply believe and hope in evolution. I like to think of the universe as on a trajectory of becoming, with many planets full of life forms. What I take issue with, the rock bottom that I am certain of, is that NDE is on an absurdly wrong path, in supposing that the mechanism of evo is mutations of the genome. Mutations of the genome is not a positive. Nor is it adequate. Yeah, yeah, I know about transpositions and duplications and deletions and cooption.

I don't know how life evolved, nor does anyone. It stumps me. It may not even have evolved here on our planet, which means we wouldn't even have accurate clues. But let's not think about that.

I consider the mind of God responsible for it ultimately, but not necessarily in a personal God kind of way. Maybe DNA itself is an immortal or semi-immortal life-spirit that works from within. Think about it. From the first DNA to now, no such thing as death. It just goes on and on. Maybe there are platonic patterns that forms get kind of 'pulled' into conformity with.

What the theory of evolution needs is a mechanism. That's the problem. No mechanism to account for what we see. But there is progress. People are looking at emergent properties, and self-organizing properties. I don't think that's enough, but it's a big help.

You guys really ought to read Denton. He is looking hard at understanding evolution from a whole cosmic point of view, and he believes that life forms evolve as a result of intrinsic properties of matter and physics, at least in part. Very teleological but very naturalistic and nonDarwinian. There is nothing in his views that ought to be repugnant to any but the most hard boiled atheist or Biblical literalist. (Even Dawkins really only dislikes the stupidities of religions and what gets done in its name.)

One thing Denton has explained that goes along with my own approach is how all-of-a-piece this whole universe is. While there is a qualitative gap between animate and inanimate objects, nonetheless, living things are quite firmly nestled in the physical laws that surround them. The universe, its laws, and its elements are the supporting structure for life forms. I don't know if there is a better synopsis of the amazing level of fine tuning that exists than Nature's Destiny. The first few chapters are a little dry, but powerfully important.

If there is anyone on this whole playing field who can be a mediator and facilitator of salvaging evolution theory it is Denton. I want him knighted. You guys cling to random mutation because it's all you've got but it's less than nothing.

Here's a Denton quote:

A fascinating aspect of the folds, which we first pointed out in our papers, is the way adaptations are in every case the secondary modification of a primary natural form. I am now quite sure that the discovery that the protein folds are natural forms is only the beginning of what may turn out to be a major Platonic revision of biology, and an eventual relocation of biological order away from genes and mechanism and back into nature- where it resided before the Darwinian revolution.

I find the information arguments compelling, and here is a little snip from scordova:
But I don’t think we have even touched the tip of the iceberg. One simple example. At first we observed the translation of DNA into a protein, kind of a nice sequential, start-to-finish read and write. Apparently no big deal. Then we saw that in some cases that the same strand of DNA could be tranlated backward into yet another meaningful protein. Then we saw the same process with frame shifting!!!

The level and compactness of information is astounding. Even today we know there exists not just one layer of coding but layers and layers and layers. I seem to recall Sanford saying it appears that not just one level of coding exists for DNA but maybe 12 have been so far discovered.

What I'd like to see is some good refutations of Denton's book. Unfortunately, what the promoters of the book being shown at the top of this forum page had to say made me roll my eyes, and the one negative review was idiotic as well.

By the way, Febble did a bangup job of stating why she thinks natural selection is capable of generating IC systems. I just did not think her arguments were compelling enough.

Alright here's another prediction: You can have your evolution, but you gotta change the package. A lot. I mean, look at it this way. The knowledge of the cell and of genetics in Darwin's day was nil, and shortly thereafter we had Mendel. Soon as the evo's got over that shock, they incorporated it, and it was the only game in town and they've been running with it ever since. RANDOM MUTATION HAS GOT TO GO. I'M BEING YOUR FRIEND HERE!


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:02   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Jan. 23 2007,20:50)
When I unsubbed from his stupid-ass list, he added me again, and then, for some reason that I never figured out, actually made me a **co-moderator** of his list ("to encourage you to stay", he told me).

I promptly put his entire list on "moderated" status so no one could post, and deleted his entire archives.

After that, he never tried to sub me again.

That guy sounds as tardalicious as DaveTard.  And I would know, I've got the avatard to prove it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:17   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,21:02)
1. I think GCT may have a personality disorder. Of course bringing up previous words is fine, but it was an endless morass. It gets hard to keep up the sense of the back and forth remarks when the conversation takes place with 9 people simultaneously, and everything gets misinterpreted again and again. And always petty stuff.

I'm sorry that you find intellectual honest to be "petty stuff."  It does explain a lot, however.

2. The theory of ID states that certain features of biological organisms and of the universe are best explained as being the result of intelligent design.

That's not a scientific theory.  Try again.  Oh wait, I think we've already had this dance.

4. I certainly refuse to agree to omit any references to the inadequacies of nde. That just won't fly. If a theory is inadequate, then it's inadequate. Whether or not you happen to have a well-thought out alternative is just irrelevant. When you notice a problem in your theorems, you go to work trying to fix it. Nor will I apologize for my incredulity.

And you are still too stupid to realize that any problems with NDE do not represent support for ID.  But, that's already been pointed out to you.

5. Yes, I update and discard ideas all the time and plan to continue. It wouldn't bother me in the least if random processes were capable of generating life forms. I just don't think they are.  Now, how much would it bother you to discard NDE? Honestly now.

First, what a laugher.  Second, it would bother me greatly to discard NDE for "goddidit".  If the science were to go away from NDE, so be it, but I will not abandon something that has literally mountains of evidence on your say-so.

I think Demski won the flagellum debate hands down. I think Berlinski won the fish eyes papers debate as well.

Bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I just don't find the NDE arguments persuasive. I find them shallow. I read Mike Gene's 5-part essay on the flagellum, including its assembly, and I plead incredulity. No way that could arise by random processes. The arguments against RM+NS are just too good.

Bwaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....Yeah, that's some great evidence for ID you got there.  "Um, I don't believe in evolution, so ID is right."

What I take issue with, the rock bottom that I am certain of, is that NDE is on an absurdly wrong path, in supposing that the mechanism of evo is mutations of the genome. Mutations of the genome is not a positive. Nor is it adequate. Yeah, yeah, I know about transpositions and duplications and deletions and cooption.

Don't let things like facts and actual scientific research get in your way.

I don't know how life evolved, nor does anyone.

Just because you are ignorant doesn't mean everyone else is.  There's quite a large volume of literature on how evolution works, and we know quite a bit more than you think.

Alright here's another prediction: You can have your evolution, but you gotta change the package. A lot. I mean, look at it this way. The knowledge of the cell and of genetics in Darwin's day was nil, and shortly thereafter we had Mendel. Soon as the evo's got over that shock, they incorporated it, and it was the only game in town and they've been running with it ever since. RANDOM MUTATION HAS GOT TO GO. I'M BEING YOUR FRIEND HERE!

Once again, don't let facts get in your way.  You're right, because you have that personal connection with god and all us atheist plebes should be kissing your feet and learning from your anti-intellectual, anti-scholastic, incredulous ways.

Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:22   

It is surely a waste of time to even try to reason with people like this bunch here.

I am disgusted. What a lot of pent up rage.

Oh that's it, is it?  I thought you just wrote a bunch of prejudiced nonsense that you picked up from a bunch of lying perverts, and were unable to back up any of your claims.  Come to think of it, I still do, useless lying moron.

There is some anger at the endless lies and utter lack of evidence evinced by a gutless ignoramus such as yourself.  But you're too much a person of ressentiment to recognize that you appall us much more than you anger us, and we quite deliberately call you a mindless liar because that is all that the evidence coming from your posts soundly indicates.  You deserve every bit of contempt that you receive, for you want simply to win some "moral victory" through name-calling and "shock" at the response to your pathetic display of cluelessness mixed with a profound ignorance, and you wish to be relieved from all responsibility for your "factual statements".

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:30   

For the record, here's the old thread that Avo had:

There are a lot of posts, and many are lengthy, but it's a good look at the evasions and lies of Avo, as documented by a few people.

Edit:  Here's a good, juicy quote from the first page.

Well, I am pretty satisfied based on the books and articles I have read that there isn't much evidence for Darwinism, and that the IDists are more scientific than the Darwinists because the IDists are into detail. It's all about Reality with a capital R and reality is all about detail.  What's more, I see no possibility of a universe without God. None at all.

Anything more need be said?

Glen Davidson

Posts: 1100
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:31   

The theory of ID states that certain features of biological organisms and of the universe are best explained as being the result of intelligent design.

That's what is properly called an evidence-free prejudice.  You simply avoid all normal predictions respecting "design" because you, or at least your idiot leaders, know that none of the predictions of design are borne out by the evidence.

As usual, the rest of your post only shows that you have no regard for the proper use of evidence, and no indication that you have ever learned any science, rules of evidence, or how to decide a perceptual matter competently.  

Yet we're supposed to respect your ignorance and treat you like your fellow clueless dolts do.  Sorry, that would be as intellectually dishonest on our part as your claims are intellectually dishonest anywhere near any empirical affairs.

Glen D


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,20:59   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 23 2007,16:22)
Last but not least, here is an example of just one uncalled for remark that shows relentless negativity and prejudice aforehand:
I also noticed it went unrefuted (as should be).
Has it occurred to anyone here that I've spent hours on this, and that I have not yet even gotten to the real questions, and furthermore, why in the world would I refute his discussion about the meaning of thermodynamics? There was not anything to refute.

I didn't mean for you to refute SLoT.  :(

I did ask a couple questions though.

You started this with a statement about Entropy...  
I simply can't keep from musing philosophically. It ties everything together for me. Perhaps you should explain about those other laws around it, in what way am I ignoring them. I do think of entropy as a disorganizing force, basically things break down into their simpler and simpler components. Is that wrong?

I answered your question to show you where I thought you went wrong...  
You can muse on disorganizing (and/or organizing) forces all you want, but when you invoke Entropy as one of these forces I'm calling foul.
If you want to use Entropy to describe your disorganizing force then I'll have to ask you for the transposition formulaes your using for ALL the balance equations.

Now your saying there was nothing to refute in my message?
You agree with me fully?
Are you going to reframe your statements so that Entropy, or SLoT is never used in your statements about disorganizing and organizing forces?


Posts: 807
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,22:23   

Your theory is that some things are best explained by your theory?  Um...

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2007,22:37   

> Avocation writes:
> I simply can't keep from musing philosophically.

Which, I suppose, just goes to prove that Marx was correct when he wrote:

"Philosophy and the study of the actual world have the same relationship to one another as masturbation and sexual intercourse."

Certainly I've never seen a more prolific mental masturbator than Avo.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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