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  Topic: A Separate Thread for Gary Gaulin, As big as the poop that does not look< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 5385
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 11 2016,18:24   

What does the activated microglia say to the neuron? "You inflame me!"

Alie Astrocyte answers the question:
What Are Microglia?

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 11 2016,18:40   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 11 2016,19:24)
What does the activated microglia say to the neuron? "You inflame me!"

Alie Astrocyte answers the question:
What Are Microglia?

Neither entailed by nor entails your silly notions posing as a theory.
You wouldn't even know to ask the question if you hadn't stumbled across it on YouTube.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 16 2016,22:01   

Welcome to the School of the Future!

And as I saw on the classroom door: Where words fail, music speaks.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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Joined: Nov. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 17 2016,02:37   

And as I saw on the classroom door: Where words fail, music speaks.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

When you have no answer for your critics, post a music video.


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Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 17 2016,03:28   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 16 2016,20:01)
And as I saw on the classroom door: Where words fail, music speaks.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

Tied with "Lightning Crashes"  for Most Boring Song In The History Of Music award.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 17 2016,06:33   

Speaking of not being able to answer your critics, Gary, these remain outstanding:
Quote (N.Wells @ Dec. 31 2014,09:31)
You've got a whole lot of transparent and ineffective distraction going on, Gary.
As NoName said earlier,
Stop deflecting, distracting, and denying.  Man up and deal with the facts on the ground:

A phenomenon is not properly called 'emergent' when it arises from a set of phenomena to which it is properly called 'self-similar'.  And vice versa.
Not all acts of 'intelligence' are motor acts, yet your "theory" insists otherwise.  This flies in the face of your assertion that your, or any competing, "theory" must "explain how ANY intelligence system works."
Deal with the fact that you smuggle 'intelligence' into your module with the undefined and uncharacterized 'guess' function.
Deal with the fact that 'guess' does not equal 'plan'.  Your "theory" is useless as a 'theory of intelligence' if it cannot deal with plans and planning.
Deal with the fact that many acts of intelligence involve imagination, and your "theory" does not deal with imagination at all.
Deal with the fact that some of the most crucial constraints on life are thermodynamic and that your "theory" simply ignores any and all thermodynamic issues.

What is the ‘something’ that must be controlled when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Note that none of these require muscle activity of any sort.

What are the senses that address what memory/memories when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Note that each of these has been performed by individuals who lack the 'obvious' sensory modalities one would expect for the product.
Sub-question — what does it mean for memory to be sensory-addressed?  The naive view that has the senses directly writing to memory or directly “indicating” what memory to use and what to store there has been debunked many many years ago.  So what are you talking about here?

What is the measure of confidence to gauge failure and success when an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?
Sub-question — what senses address what memory/memories in the creation, storage, and retrieval of the ‘confidence’ factor?  Is it analog or digital?  What process(es) modify it, at what points, and what difference does it make?

What is the ‘ABILITY TO TAKE A GUESS’?  How is it manifested and how is it utilized when  an intelligence creates a theory?  a musical composition?  a plan?  a story plot line?

What is a guess?  How does ‘guess’ relate to ‘plan’ and to ‘imagination?  Are there factors that feed into/influence the guess?  Is a guess random?  If not, what regularity does it exhibit?  Is it algorithmic?  What algorithm?  Or how is the specific algorithm used chosen?
What justifies embedding ‘guess’ into the “flow” that defines “intelligence” when the ability to guess is generally taken to be an act of intelligence?  How is it we only find guessing happening when we find ‘molecular intelligence’ in your sense, i.e., biology?
(You do realize that a random number generator in a computer program does not ‘guess’?)

And questions from me:
Why is your rubbish not made obsolete by Edgar Postrado's rubbish?


It is also unreasonable to expect out of place detail that would limit the theory to only one level of intelligence (brains) of a model that has to work for any behavior, intelligent or not.

Since you see intelligence darn near everywhere at all levels, in your opinion what behavior would qualify as not intelligent, and why?



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 17 2016,08:34   

Quote (ChemiCat @ Sep. 17 2016,10:37)
And as I saw on the classroom door: Where words fail, music speaks.
Queensryche - Silent Lucidity

When you have no answer for your critics, post a music video.

Gary just can't get how to rickroll teh innerwebs.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 18 2016,06:16   

You might like this from reddit Creation and ID forum, and another in the Neuroscience forum explaining where I'm at with the model:

The problem is that asking the question "Are scientists beginning to realize Earth is a uniquely privileged planet?" is just another way to turn a scientific topic into a religious one where it's all left up to an omnipotent God that grants you special favors for believing the way you do, and all that. That's not science, and responsible scientists know that.

In any event you are arguing over PHILOSOPHY instead explaining how "intelligent cause" and such works. And I have a scientific computer model and theory of intelligent design to work on. This is just some of what's to come:

Here I am using this theory to answer questions that neuroscientists have not even figured out yet, while those who claim to support ID related scientific research have to ignore it because it's science.

I did not want to slow down the making of the video, which is all set to record. But the concordance reading was off due to the action data values being ones I came up that worked good but could be better.

It's now holding at 67%, which indicates that I have everything right to begin with in regards to action responses preserving the in-between angles with a 3 or 4 (of 6) direction pattern, for 12 direction directionality. Now the problem seems to be that they are all mostly staying pointing in one of 12 directions, but where they properly coordinate a step to the left then step to the right they in turn temporally sum to 24 directions. It's then the exact same 2 bit Left/Right navigation control, which is the best thing of them all to work from adding some cellular intelligence!

I now have to make a few minor array structure changes but after that I expect the concordance value will be doing well holding 58%. I also wrote a routine to draw a large illustration showing the (6 bit) 64 action responses it has in memory. That addition was a big help getting everything just right, so far.

The earlier mentioned problems are now essentially gone. The more robust propagation is able to get a good signal through avoids surrounding it. And all of a sudden the attract and avoids were having influence that went well past their immediate perimeter. Instead of making a path to a dead end in back of the zone that it fails to get past, safe areas are forming where it can in the meanwhile have fun going in circles or whatever. What used to send it crashing into either the wall or shock zone is now just something that "slips its mind" while doing something else it's having fun with. The attract and avoid signal will eventually start guiding it closer towards that direction, but not all at once. It keeps a safer distance that way.

With so much of my problem in regards to writing a paper on all this having been not having the 6-12-24 details all figured out yet this a major hurdle to be almost over. The apparently still neuroscientifically unanswered question "Why 58% not something else?" is just the thing to be able to demonstrate. That though first requires achieving. Where I do the video will have what a neuroscientist needs to see, or else it's a black-box often running well over 70% that they have to take on faith can be tweaked down to more like it should be. Having that all figured out and in  the model will be a big big relief.

At least you know that I have been working on new information to explain how the model works, while I was experimenting with it. This took more time but I'll have something that needs a quick video then that's it, done. I no longer have to plan on a series that eventually gets there, it should already be be right at 58% and the reason why it's that way will make perfect sense. Even at the steady at 67% level the improvement avoiding shocks is like night and day. If all goes as planned with the 24 directions from 12 action potential dancing where they decide the exact moves then there should be like another dimension added that makes it even more like the real thing.

It's hard to believe that it gets even better than what I now have. I'm sure I'll be excited to rush what I end up with to YouTube.  By that point it will be the only thing left to do. So I better get back to work on the model!

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 18 2016,06:46   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 18 2016,07:16)
You might like this from reddit Creation and ID forum, and another in the Neuroscience forum explaining where I'm at with the model:

The problem is that asking the question "Are scientists beginning to realize Earth is a uniquely privileged planet?" is just another way to turn a scientific topic into a religious one where it's all left up to an omnipotent God that grants you special favors for believing the way you do, and all that. That's not science, and responsible scientists know that.

In any event you are arguing over PHILOSOPHY instead explaining how "intelligent cause" and such works. And I have a scientific computer model and theory of intelligent design to work on. This is just some of what's to come:

Here I am using this theory to answer questions that neuroscientists have not even figured out yet, while those who claim to support ID related scientific research have to ignore it because it's science.


Why would we like your puffery and self-glorifying confusions any better when they are quoted, by you, from some other site than we do when they appear here directly?
Is this an attempt to smuggle in, without direct argument, the nonsense claim that you have a 'scientific computer model' [you don't] or a 'theory of intelligent design' [you don't]?  Or to claim to be 'explaining' something based on your notions [you haven't, ever, nor can you], again without argument or support?

That seems to indicate your belief that our role here is to serve as a cheering section.  If that's the case, your immunity to input from the real world is complete.
You've found no cheering section, no support whatsoever, anywhere on the web.  For a decade or so.
Not. One. Single. Supporter.
Not. One. Single. Explanation.

Amongst all the other issues with your drivel, doesn't it seem just a tiny bit odd that nowhere in your effort do you spend any time at all describing or defining what 'design' amounts to, whether the qualifier 'intelligent' actually distinguishes one type or kind of design from another?  Is design a process, an artifact?


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 18 2016,15:54   

It's hard to believe that it gets even better than what I now have. I'm sure I'll be excited to rush what I end up with to YouTube.

Of course! YouTube! The 'go to' place to publish scientific theory! Why haven't scientists discovered this peer-reviewed location before? One day all scientific discoveries will appear there first! Another triumph for Gaulin!

Sorry, got carried away a bit there, it must have been the hysterical laughter that did it. Or the Scotch. I thought I read that Gaulin had made a scientific breakthrough. I was wrong. Just his usual bullshit. And not even a music video.

Send in the dancing kittens. The clown is already here.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2016,03:06   

I got it!

And I found that with the places dancing around like this the network no longer requires resetting and repropagating after something changes in the environment. As a group they end up altering their steps just enough to accommodate the rearrangements being made on the (in a way) dance floor, while they are happening, sort of speak. Without that the almost motionless dancers have to be moved out of the way then put back into place again. Now they take care of all that.

This also uses less energy, more Hebbian.

I could have easily wasted another 100 hours experimenting with the otherwise required code to repropagate when necessary. But now I can delete it all out!

The only detail that needs work is how the places behave when almost surrounded by avoids, which are half the time inactive. Adding another 2D layer for 3D should fix the problem. But it's not unreasonable to assume that neurons could sense the state of their neighbors. Without it the static signals that periodically appear throws them way off timing, then after that bad experience it's like the network places are thereafter always prepared for something bad to happen again. The critter's foraging success is reduced.

Adding the state of their neighbors to addressing/sensory would make it possible for them to on their own figure out how to better coordinate their actions. But at this point I want to put some thought into what they would need to let them try to find a better way than to completely stop signaling. They are now so full of life that has to be under their control too, or what I'm this way forcing into their behavior only messes them all up. Everything else at the cellular behavior level is working so well it might be easiest to give them what they now want. I just have to figure out how to take out what's stopping them, without their getting worse from my having left that all up to them.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 532
Joined: Nov. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2016,05:48   

I could have easily wasted another 10 years experimenting...

Fixed that for you.

But now I can delete it all out!

Just what we have been telling you! Do it, do it now and give yourself the time to spend with your family.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2016,08:24   

Quote (ChemiCat @ Sep. 20 2016,06:48)
I could have easily wasted another 10 years experimenting...

Fixed that for you.

But now I can delete it all out!

Just what we have been telling you! Do it, do it now and give yourself the time to spend with your family.

I think you're missing scare quotes around 'experimenting'.

What Gary is doing is in no way, shape, or form an experiment.

But yes, I had the same reaction to both of those lines.
He has wasted all his time and effort on this nonsense to date.  He could certainly delete it all and the world would not be worse for it.  
In fact, no one would even notice if were not for his trumpeting of his own irrelevant actions.  If he deleted it all and didn't announce the fact, it would vanish without a trace, no one would notice or care, and no loss to anyone.


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2016,10:46   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 20 2016,01:06)
I could have easily wasted another 100 hours...

After all the hours you've already wasted, what's another hundred?

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 20 2016,01:06)
But now I can delete it all out!

Indeed you can, Gary.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

Tony M Nyphot

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 20 2016,11:38   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 20 2016,01:06)
I could have easily wasted another 100 hours...

20 x 365 x 24 = 175,200 hours
100 / 175,200 = .00057

When you've wasted as much of your life on monumental insignificance as you have, what's another ~.06%?

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 20 2016,01:06)
But now I can delete it all out!


"I, OTOH, am an underachiever...I either pee my pants or faint dead away..." FTK

"You could always wrap fresh fish in the paper you publish it on, though, and sell that." - Field Man on how to find value in Gary Gaulin's real-science "theory"


Posts: 532
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2016,12:53   

Either Gaulin has taken our good advice and deleted his rubbish or he can't find a suitably inappropriate music video.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2016,17:07   

Quote (ChemiCat @ Sep. 26 2016,12:53)
Either Gaulin has taken our good advice and deleted his rubbish or he can't find a suitably inappropriate music video.

I have been busy busy busy with work, mostly scientific.

And the reddit creationism forum has been keeping me busy too. Does anyone off-hand recall where in the transcripts of the Dover trial Judge Jones kinda blew a fuse and gave the defendants a piece of his mind in regards to the deceptive behavior that was only disgracing Christians like himself? JoeCoder does not seem to believe this happened, and it could take me a whole day to find it again.

I was hoping to have the latest ID Lab enhancement all set to go by now, but a very tiny change in the way the places time their actions keep causing the self organization of a bilateral stripe field that looks just like this:

Ocular dominance column

Bummer, eh?

Oh and the rapidly morphing ID Lab critter was just introduced to the Reddit Bot:

Here's how their date went:

Styx, Mr Roboto Extended Mix Over Ultraman.

It's a darn good thing the critter was well conditioned for taking shocks, impacts, etc..

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 3504
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2016,18:23   

Ocular dominance column. Thanks for the new band name.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 27 2016,23:12   

Quote (fnxtr @ Sep. 27 2016,18:23)
Ocular dominance column. Thanks for the new band name.


That does certainly make an interesting name. It sounds bold and domineering, but in a scientific way.

What seems to be making this happen is a one step wider range of allowable left/right rotation from one step to the next. Instead of on every other step/beat all the places using the same set of angles in response to the neighboring conditions the places can at any time go left, right, or stay where they are as long as it best maintains a concordant pair ratio of 58.33333333333333% that keeps it radiating 2 or 3 (of 6) directions wide of an output thrust/signal and 3 or 4 (of 6) (3.5/6=58.33) wide off state behind it.

Concordant pairs are calculated by adding one for each neighbor that has an opposite signal state to the state's that it's outputting. If two are on at the same time then they bashed into each other, cancel out. If both are off no signal is flowing from one place to the other. They are maximizing the amount of directional signal flow and number of angles it can be directed, which temporally averages out over time to 24 possible directions instead of the expected 6.

Since place signals are from a number of cells connecting out in 6 directions: 3, 6 or more people can form each hexagonally shaped place. Where the geometry of the motion is just right there should be noticeable waves coming from one place in the network that makes all the rest change their angles in response to their constantly signaling outwards in all directions, which one or maybe a few can get away with but not all.

How fast that can be closely danced without everyone on the dance floor having a group collision could become the next great dance sport. And the added (1 of 12) angle range of motion for what looks to me like ocular dominance column(s) might be even harder to reach, even though the stripe pattern after pairing up to face each other moves much slower or becomes like a standing wave that stays in one place. It's then possibly harder to stay in timing by watching what your neighbors are doing. If done right though then all go from facing in one direction to being able to face each other, without everyone bumping into (or clashing with) each other to get there.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2016,17:08   

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[–]JoeCoder 1 point 5 hours ago
I haven't read the complete transcripts so I can't vouch for everything that was said, but neither would I agree with everything the NCSE presented.
My issue is that you only think it's a problem when one side is careless with the facts and not the other :P

[–]GaryGaulin[S] 1 point 37 minutes ago
> My issue is that you only think it's a problem when one side is careless with the facts and not the other

The problem is that as with Methodist leaders who had to put the Discovery Institute in their place: Judge Jones (a Christian) is insulted by creationist such as yourself pretending to be representing Christianity, on their behalf. Not even your own religion wants you.

[–]JoeCoder[M] 1 point 25 minutes ago*
> Not even your own religion wants you.

I don't think you're a good fit for the discussions we want to have here. You've argued that religion is a drug/disease that needs to be cured, that creationists were responsible for the rise of the Nazi party (or something like that), you constantly accuse us of lying and dishonesty, and you generally look for any avenue to provoke people. You even accused one of our other mods of lying about his credentials. This kind of behavior has gone on for months. These tactics lead to toxic discussions on an already very sensitive topic. If you had just stuck with the data as our other skeptics do, this wouldn't be a problem.
So I'll soon be revoking your access here.

[–]GaryGaulin[S] 1 point 2 minutes ago
> You've argued that religion is a drug/disease that can be cured,

That is not what I argued. But since the majority of religious sects that you are attempting to represent do not want you or other "creationists" speaking for them it's perhaps now best left an issue for religious leaders to take care of, as opposed to making this issue appear to be a scientific one.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Texas Teach

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Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2016,18:19   

Congratulations, Gary. You've now made yourself unwelcome everywhere. You're work is done.

"Creationists think everything Genesis says is true. I don't even think Phil Collins is a good drummer." --J. Carr

"I suspect that the English grammar books where you live are outdated" --G. Gaulin


Posts: 1836
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 28 2016,21:43   

So you went to a forum that explicitly says it is restricting posting to pro-creation folks and is not looking for discussion so much as affirmation.  And it turns out that they don't like your version of intelligent design either!  

That is a forum that provides a safe haven for people like Sal Cordova to push the same garbage that he got nailed on back on ARN ["So in two existing lines (coelecanths and lungfish), the creatures stayed the same for 300 or more million years, not very much change, whereas the 3rd line (Tetramorpha) evolved into all the tetrapods....."]

Worse, it is an exceptionally clueless forum in that it is full of uninformed people asking questions about how science explains things that they don't understand, but where people who could provide actual relevant scientific expertise are unable to post unless they were willing to fib about their opinions.  The following are some examples of some of the non-mysteries that perplex them:

Can unguided evolution explain animal instinct?  "How do birds know to build nests, sit on their eggs, etc.? How do baby turtles know to head for the ocean when all they've ever known is the inside of an egg? How do alligators know not to eat the birds that sit in their mouths and clean their teeth (or whatever they're doing in there)? Are they all just playing follow the leader? ................... I'm wanting to use this on my list of 'things unguided evolution can't provide'. Is this a valid entry to that list?"

Why do modern giraffes exist? "How did this beneficial adaptation come to be? If you are of the evolutionary theory mindset and giraffes shared a common ancestor with deer or bovids and the long neck (or long front legs) was for reaching food sources out of reach of other kin... than how did the adaptation work? ........ How does this work in regards to beneficial adaptation?"

I have some questions about rock formations and boulders I took pictures of in the lake district " .............. I am a young earth creationist. How were these formations in the rock formed? From a creationist perspective? You can see from the photos of the waterfall that there is layers to the rock which seem to have been lifted up or fallen sideways. Before the flood were these layers laid down horizontally or vertically? Or were they formed during the flood? Would be interesting to know the secular explanation as well.  Also, how did the massive boulders get into the valley? I'm assuming the flood deposited them there? After doing a google search apparently glaciers do it:
Surely the flood also has something to do with it also."

(The photos are of many different rock types representing complex bedrock geology cropping out in an absolutely classic post-glacial landscape with lovely tarns [cirques], u-shaped valleys with underfit streams, and glacial erratics all over the place:
And due to asking in the wrong venue he gets some partial to not very good answers from non-geologists.)

Have evolutionists come up with explanations for the supposed transition between the reptilian lung to the avian lung?

What do the dog skulls in the upper banner on this sub page show?
Answer from JoeCoder: "The canine skulls? I'm the one that designed the banners, including that one. ...... Unless you know a few specific features to look for, the canine wolf skull is more similar to marsupial wolves than most of the dogs. " - [That's not exactly true.  There are indeed some impressive similarities, but there are also many much more significant major differences that are indicative of a very distant relationship.  The features (extra teeth and notably different shapes to teeth in the thylacine, no distinctive huge carnassial teeth in the thylacine, two humungous openings in the roof of the rear of the mouth that are not present in the wolf, and a much greater gape than a wolf) are known to anyone who has studied comparative anatomy, famously not including undergrad zoology and premed students at Oxford and idiot creationists worldwide.  Also, if you look past the skull, unlike the wolf, it couldn't run very fast it could hop bipedally, it had a pouch, and it gave birth to what a wolf would consider a highly undeveloped embryo.]

So are there transitional fossils or not?

Northern Flying Squirrel - How would this adaptation evolve slowly?

Question about the age of the sun and life on earth

Apparently human lice and gorilla lice are related as well?

How plausible is the evolutionary idea that bacteria were engulfed by eukaryotic cells and then they and the host underwent 'coevolution' and then the bacteria evolved into mitochondria or hydrogenosomes?

What exactly are transposons, and what is their relevance in the evolution debate?

Has any plausible Darwinian explanation been proposed for the origin of the immune system?

If they actually wanted answers to those questions, why are they asking people who are guaranteed not to know?


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,00:56   

Quote (N.Wells @ Sep. 28 2016,21:43)
So you went to a forum that explicitly says it is restricting posting to pro-creation folks and is not looking for discussion so much as affirmation. And it turns out that they don't like your version of intelligent design either!  

There you are!  I saw your name appear in the list of visitors to the forum and that gave me hope that you were still around, but that was a long absence!

As far as not pleasing everybody all of the time there are some who are being driven by fears. Like in the case of JoeCoder it's obvious that they were uninterested in studying links and other information I gave them. They read what they wanted, not what I said or linked to.

What makes it worthwhile for me are all those in the audience who did benefit and now know that this is an addiction related problem, not a scientific one. Even where they are still in denial that thought is now permanently stuck in their mind and in all others they told about it, ah ha! Family members might see the same thing and find a way to take over where I left off. At least they know there is help available for them.

The funny part is that I now have a Reddit Bot using urban slang to warn of an impending "shitstorm", stalking my every move. It jumped right on this reply too:

I'm thinking about dedicating a "perfect storm" song, to the bot. This one:

Katy Perry - Dark Horse (Official) ft. Juicy J

Just look at all this as a way to train the next generation of religious leaders who are in the audiences, while they teach me things I need to know. And if I spend too long arguing in circles in a forum full of people who have isolated themselves from the rest of society I just hit rock bottom with them. It became so overwhelming the posts were coming in faster than I could answer them. All else I needed to do had to be put on hold. To avoid becoming an enabler I had to say it the way it is and not worry about having to eventually being kicked out of the clubhouse for doing so.

I now feel like I have been freed from bondage that was meant to stop my work. Instead of being angry: this time I'm overjoyed by that mission having been well enough accomplished. Those who only needed accurate information now have it. Those who need way more help than that now have it's weight on their shoulders to help them get where they're going, which might hurt like hell when they finally hit bottom but it's the quickest way I know of to get them to "Rise" back up again.

Quote (N.Wells @ Sep. 28 2016,21:43)
If they actually wanted answers to those questions, why are they asking people who are guaranteed not to know?

For the same reason an alcoholic in denial of having a problem brings their addiction related problems to their drinking buddies instead of those who will right away know what their real problem actually is. Being surrounded by like minded people all using the same excuses has a way of making it seem like their problem is someone else's fault and they are the victim. In cases like that reasoning with them does not work. So we just have to wait until they crash their car or something then are court sentenced into treatment, thrown in jail, or are just plain dead.

Anyway, I'm glad that you're still with the living. That is not the case though when Chemist99a went silent on me. During the 60's his university lab was blown up by student demonstrators, which left him with the fear that what is now happening in the US will become a full blown civil war. We had many heated debates over how best to avoid that from happening. My theory did not seem to him to be the right way to proceed, but we still for the most part got along with each other. I would miss you too, so please do your best to outlive me. With a little luck we'll both see a new world begin and we will be proud of having helped make it all possible. This forum is after all part of the modern day Illuminati network that I mentioned in the popheads forum.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,06:38   

[quote=GaryGaulin,Sep. 29 2016,00:56][/quote]
As far as not pleasing everybody all of the time there are some who are being driven by fears. Like in the case of JoeCoder it's obvious that they were uninterested in studying links and other information I gave them. They read what they wanted, not what I said or linked to.

What makes it worthwhile for me are all those in the audience who did benefit and now know that this is an addiction related problem, not a scientific one. Even where they are still in denial that thought is now permanently stuck in their mind and in all others they told about it, ah ha! Family members might see the same thing and find a way to take over where I left off. At least they know there is help available for them.

Fine.  Now go and look in a mirror.

that gave me hope that you were still around, but that was a long absence!



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,08:20   

Quote (N.Wells @ Sep. 29 2016,06:38)
[quote=GaryGaulin,Sep. 29 2016,00:56][/quote]
As far as not pleasing everybody all of the time there are some who are being driven by fears. Like in the case of JoeCoder it's obvious that they were uninterested in studying links and other information I gave them. They read what they wanted, not what I said or linked to.

What makes it worthwhile for me are all those in the audience who did benefit and now know that this is an addiction related problem, not a scientific one. Even where they are still in denial that thought is now permanently stuck in their mind and in all others they told about it, ah ha! Family members might see the same thing and find a way to take over where I left off. At least they know there is help available for them.

Fine.  Now go and look in a mirror.

It sounds like you are saying that the human mind is wired to be driven by fears, which come to think of it is true.  

The operative phrase might be "unreasonable fears" with a qualifier to indicate it's the result of religious conditioning, as opposed to shyness, fear of rejection, and other more normal fears.

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


Posts: 2729
Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,09:19   

Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 29 2016,09:20)
Quote (N.Wells @ Sep. 29 2016,06:38)
Quote (GaryGaulin @ Sep. 29 2016,00:56)

As far as not pleasing everybody all of the time there are some who are being driven by fears. Like in the case of JoeCoder it's obvious that they were uninterested in studying links and other information I gave them. They read what they wanted, not what I said or linked to.

What makes it worthwhile for me are all those in the audience who did benefit and now know that this is an addiction related problem, not a scientific one. Even where they are still in denial that thought is now permanently stuck in their mind and in all others they told about it, ah ha! Family members might see the same thing and find a way to take over where I left off. At least they know there is help available for them.

Fine.  Now go and look in a mirror.

It sounds like you are saying that the human mind is wired to be driven by fears, which come to think of it is true.  

The operative phrase might be "unreasonable fears" with a qualifier to indicate it's the result of religious conditioning, as opposed to shyness, fear of rejection, and other more normal fears.

That faint whooshing noise you might have barely heard?
That would be the point you missed, passing high over you.
As per usual.


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Joined: Oct. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,18:51   

I had a feeling that NoName would soon be back to try winning me over, by proving that they can be even more cantankerous than N.Wells. But in their case they are just a vile troll turding all over my thread.

But heads-up on this new neuroscientific development!

I am very confident that the prediction I was able to make will eventually turn out to be true. Then all my critics will get to EAT CROW! HaHa!!

The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.


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Joined: Mar. 2013

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 29 2016,19:27   

"I'll show them. And then they'll be sorry!"
Said every pathetic loser ever.

I am not a 'they'.  Your English is appalling.  No wonder you can't think.  Or recognize the distinction between map and territory.

I am not trying to 'win you over.'  Once upon a time, I was trying to get you to engage on the various confusions, incoherencies, factual errors, and sheer nonsense that make up your "theory".

You react better to taunts and insults, so you figure it out.


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 30 2016,06:33   

I am very confident that the prediction I was able to make will eventually turn out to be true.

Gaulin, you couldn't predict whether the sun will come up tomorrow. Your rubbish makes no predictions.

But in their case they are just a vile troll turding all over my thread.

As there was a pile of bullshit already on here from your theory why shouldn't NoName think it was a toilet?

Bring in the Dancing Kittens, the clown is back!


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 30 2016,06:37   

<a href="" target="_blank">Reddit</a>

Oh look! Gaulin has found another peer-review venue apart from YouTube!

Science had better catch up quickly!

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