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  Topic: Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:01   


I remain unconvinced. If we trust Ghost's information (and I'm not rejecting it reflexively), it tells us that gays are generally more promiscuous than heterosexuals. But it doesn't tell us that discrimination explains this in the case of gays, whereas other factors explain it in the case of different groups or categories.

Perhaps the simple impossibility of conception explains a great deal of this behavior. I always ask of myself: If I were single, if I had access to a great many partners, if I weren't in danger of becoming a parent, if I were young, healthy and randy, what posture might I adopt? I can't guarantee I wouldn't feel "Why not?" and just go for it. If I were aware of serious and prevalent disease, if I noticed a lot of those in my cohort becoming sick and dying, I'd probably take precautions. Most of the time.

This still leaves what I consider an important issue: any relatively different value placed by individuals on a committed relationship. So Ghost's statistics indicate that even "mostly monogamous" relationships are rare in the gay community. Of course, I've seen statistics indicating that no more than 10% of heterosexual married couples anonymously claim neither partner had sex outside the marriage since they married.

The implication here is that humans aren't particularly faithful, sexually speaking. Humans like variety and novelty. Whether gays like it MORE than straights, I wouldn't know how to assess.


I'm fairly certain that access to useful medical attention of all kinds (condoms, doctors, even correct information) is MUCH more difficult in sub-Saharan Africa, yet I notice you simply tuned out the main point I made. Is it any wonder you have trouble seeing this?

If the STD was very serious, then yes, she qualifies as a sociopath. If it was treatable or nonserious, then she was just a jerk. Not that the tramp has my sympathy.

Well, let's just say you and I have VERY different levels of tolerance and forgiveness. I admit I have problems trying to hold others to standards I'm not sure if I meet myself. My house may not be entirely glass, but it does have windows.

No, I'm sure phrases like "Hitting bitches" and "wearing a tramp stamp" are products of my fevered imagination.

You aren't answering what I asked, though. Maybe I phrased it poorly. I agree these people exist. I was asking whether they *as a group* represented a distinct subculture, with all that entails. To me, these are simply the far ends of bell curves. In general, we think of heterosexuals and homosexuals as being fairly bimodal; not a lot of crossover (though there is some), whereas the descriptions you put forth here seem to refer to *relative proclivities*, along a fairly continuous spectrum where lines are drawn much more arbitrarily. Sex with N partners a year where N rises toward one end of the curve, and you can pick a number beyond which you consider immoral. To me, this is qualitatively different.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:03   

I'm sorry Ghost, but these are not just biased sites that cite studies. They are biased sites that cite studies by biased organizations (check out the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality", or the "Medical Institute for Sexual Health", and see for yourself). Also, they quote a 1992 biased book that in turn refers (not quotes) to two articles from journals of the 80's, claiming that they indicate this behavior. I could not find these articles, except as a reference in other biased sites. So, sorry, but it's still in your shoulders ,I fear- After all, it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults... I actually believe you'll find a lot, if you look past your bookmarks.
You don't have to, however: I,m interested, as I said before, to know why you think this is so. I wanted to know more about this "common sense" bit: The reasons (obvious in your mind, I see) that homosexuals are more prone to disregard for their personal and their partners safety.
Can you elaborate?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:29   

Sigh. "Facts" are hard to come by in an area explored by sociology, itself the softest of "sciences", especially when the desire to discover given patterns is intensely strong. I think Ghost is correct that those whose preferences are opposite his tend to construct their investigations around finding these preferences in the data. I think Ghost is disingenuous in carefully avoiding the fact that those who agree with him are AT LEAST as passionate about supporting their own foregone conclusions.

it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults.

Oh yeah? I respectfully submit that "objective" in this context is indistinguishable from "agrees with my preferences." It is impossible NOT to have a bias in this area. Even if the collected statistics are meticulously accurate, the conclusions drawn from them are always slanted. And I don't trust the statistics: Tell me what you want them to imply, and I can construct an "objective" method of ratifying your conclusions.

So we look at pretty much the same evidence, and some of us see normal human variation and shrug our shoulders, while others see social collapse or moral threats and are aghast. Even if both parties agree on the facts, this happens.

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,12:34   

All quotes by Thordaddy

Homosexuals (gay males) are estimated to be about 1-2% of the American population.  About 60% of new AIDS infections are contracted through homosexual sex (anal sex).  This is an incredible overrepresentation.

You just go on and on about this statistic without ever addressing WHY this came to be.  You take a small section of the population, actively discriminate against them, ostracize them, deny them the right to make legally committed relationships, tell them they’re worthless sinners who will burn in h*ll, physically beat them, then wonder why some of them adopt a selfish “society hates me anyway, so I’ll screw around and enjoy life for me before they kill me” attitude??

Again, if the homosexual act is indistinguishable from the homosexual then how can we teach young children about the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

So that’s your understanding of human sexuality?? – homosexuality is defined only by a desire for anal sex??  No love, no attraction, no commitments – only butt f*cking?  Gawd, no wonder you’re such a moronic bigot

If science tells us that one's environment plays a major role in manifesting a possible genetic homosexual predisposition, aren't we in fact teaching young children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors with our non-discrimination and tolerance policies?

So you think that teaching that same-sex attraction falls within the normal range of human behavior, and that folks in that category aren’t automatically perverts, sexual preditors, evil sinners, or monsters is the same as encouraging children to engage in dangerous and deadly behaviors?  You fundy bigots will stoop to any level to justify your Bible-base prejudices, won’t you?

Here’s an idea – we teach children the scientific truth.  You are for science, right?

1) evidence shows homosexuality to be caused by a complex combination of genetic, hormonal, and  environmental factors.  The exact percentages are unknown and are probably different for each individual.
2) There is no evidence whatsoever to suggest same-sex attraction is a conscious choice.
3) Same-sex attraction falls within the normal, acceptable range of observed human behavior
4) Everyone deserves to be treated with equality, dignity and respect, and not discriminated against due to religiously based prejudices

Then, we offer to the older children a frank course in sex education, including the risks of STDs from unprotected sex, both hetero and homo.

That would go a long way towards solving the health issues and make for a better society, but of course it leaves you with the problem of gays being evil sinners who should burn in h*ll.  Guess you’ll have to keep lighting those crosses on people’s lawns.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,13:03   

Quote (Flint @ April 12 2006,17:29)
it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults.

Oh yeah? I respectfully submit that "objective" in this context is indistinguishable from "agrees with my preferences."

Well, I do tend to prefer objectivity. Your point? :)

The thing is, everything can be (and usually is) interpreted subjectively. When conducting a study using the proper scientific method, though, it's important not to let our subjective opinion intefere with procuring the data -or distort them. That is bad science.
Now, I'm not saying that Ghost's studies are necessarily of that kind; I'm only saying that their origin (groups specifically created to serve and promote a particular goal) definitely calls for a sceptic approach. In that regard, studies from independent sources reaching to similar conclusions would be valuable.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:00   


The thing is, everything can be (and usually is) interpreted subjectively. When conducting a study using the proper scientific method, though, it's important not to let our subjective opinion intefere with procuring the data -or distort them. That is bad science.

Simultaneously, I think this is important and I think I'm not going to be able to explain why.

First, let's stipulate that we can get accurate answers to any question we ask. In other words, nobody is fudging any data in any way.

But what questions should we ask? This is critical. The questions always determine the answers. Do we really know how to ask "objective" questions? Even Darwin scoffed at this notion, saying no observation was of any use unless it was for or against some viewpoint.

Now, I grant that the sources Ghost cites are likely to ask the same sort of question Ghost asks: how can we most clearly illustrate that our society is becoming decadent and that homosexuals are a scourge? This is an inherent problem with sociological issues: We invariably say: Here are the conclusions, how can we best demonstrate that they are correct? Data are potentially infinite; we MUST pick and choose. What guides our choice in sociological areas if not the desire to support (as Darwin said) "some view"?

So long as data are accurate, then, we have good science. We have no choice but to be selective, which means we need some criteria for selection. If you and Ghost have different views and select different data necessary to support your respective views, which of you is slanting and spinning more?

Homosexuals do what they do. The attitudes and policies society imposes on them surely influence their behavior. The question isn't whether this is the case, but HOW their (and our) behavior *ought to be* manipulated through public policy. And this depends on your view: we will surely adopt different policy if we decide on the one hand that homosexuality is normal, and homosexuals should be treated no different from heterosexuals, or on the other hand if we decide that homosexuality is *wrong*, and steps should be taken, if not to eradicate it, at least to stifle and discourage homosexual behavior as much as possible.

So we're back to the sociological inevitable: our notion of what's right and proper determines what data we consider relevant and important. Sociological studies don't *reach* conclusions, they *support* conclusions.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:25   

Faid said:
I'm sorry Ghost, but these are not just biased sites that cite studies. They are biased sites that cite studies by biased organizations (check out the "Institute for the Scientific Investigation of Sexuality", or the "Medical Institute for Sexual Health", and see for yourself). Also, they quote a 1992 biased book that in turn refers (not quotes) to two articles from journals of the 80's, claiming that they indicate this behavior. I could not find these articles, except as a reference in other biased sites. So, sorry, but it's still in your shoulders ,I fear- After all, it shouldn't be that hard to find an objective comparative study of sexual behavior in homo- and heterosexual adults... I actually believe you'll find a lot, if you look past your bookmarks.

Here's a primary source.
Men were asked In the last 12 months how many MEN have you had sex with in total? and allowed to indicate one of five responses (0.9% did not answer this question). The number of male partners men had in the last year differed slightly by recruitment method. Compared to the men recruited on the internet, the booklet-recruited sample were less likely to have had no male sexual partners and were more likely to have had very high numbers of male partners. This is contrary to the popular impression that men recruited on the internet are, as a group, exceptionally sexually active.

Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
(None)  6.1  4.7  5.8
(one)  16.6  19.8  17.4
(2, 3 ,4)  29.2  27.3  28.7
(5 to 12)  25.1  21.9  24.3
(13 to 29)  12.4  12.5  12.4
(30+ )   10.5  13.8  11.4

Here's the main page.

If you want more, do your own homework.  :p

You don't have to, however: I,m interested, as I said before, to know why you think this is so. I wanted to know more about this "common sense" bit: The reasons (obvious in your mind, I see) that homosexuals are more prone to disregard for their personal and their partners safety.
Can you elaborate?

You misquote me - please reread the offending post:
Well, since this is your hypothesis, and it does not originate from this survey (and I agree), can you tell me, in your words, what makes you think that the first correlation in your hypothesis (Male homosexuality -> more likely to engage in promiscuous sex) is valid?

Other than common sense, you mean? O.K.

The "common sense" phrase referred to the gay tendency towards promiscuity, not sociopathy. As usual, Flint supplied the logic as well as I could:
Perhaps the simple impossibility of conception explains a great deal of this behavior. I always ask of myself: If I were single, if I had access to a great many partners, if I weren't in danger of becoming a parent, if I were young, healthy and randy, what posture might I adopt? I can't guarantee I wouldn't feel "Why not?" and just go for it. If I were aware of serious and prevalent disease, if I noticed a lot of those in my cohort becoming sick and dying, I'd probably take precautions. Most of the time.

Except I think I'd take precautions all of the time under those circumstances.

Now, where's your evidence?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:47   

I'm going to have to close shop until tomorrow, but before I go, I'd really like to see some evidence offered for the liberal null hypothesis of equal behavioral outcomes absent discrimination. The excuses for other people's misbehavior are getting threadbare. You've got the Marxist media, the vast majority of academics, speech codes, threats of violence, and the courts on your side - it's time to turn that advantage into solid, fact-based arguments. People are getting fed up with the intellectual three-card monte. I've already done my share of the heavy lifting - now it's your turn.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2006,15:56   


before I go, I'd really like to see some evidence offered for the liberal null hypothesis of equal behavioral outcomes absent discrimination.

Don't be silly. How can anyone present any solid evidence of how things would be if only things were different? I take the normative position that social forces DO influence individual behavior in important ways. But how can I produce evidence of widespread *different* behavior under conditions that do not obtain?

All I can say is, I do not consider homosexual consenting behavior any sort of social threat. We DO have what may well be a worst-case situation in the Real World, and except for STDs (which are becoming increasingly homogenous) I don't see any real problems. Do you?

(Maybe I should add that we DO have a heterosexual corresponding situation: rock and movie stars, and to some degree well-known athletes. And sure enough, the pattern among these healthy, good-looking young people is *incessant* sex (almost entirely with the opposite sex, as well); some of these people have notorious appetites. Are we going to suggest that musical talent, acting ability, or athletic prowess predisposes whoever possesses one of these to be 'decadent'? The pattern is pretty clear: all that prevents the average young person from indulging to continuous satiation is simple opportunity or its lack.)

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:25   

Don't be silly. How can anyone present any solid evidence of how things would be if only things were different? I take the normative position that social forces DO influence individual behavior in important ways. But how can I produce evidence of widespread *different* behavior under conditions that do not obtain?

You do realise that you've conceded the untestability of the central assuption underlying liberal policy? But not to fear: as it happens, I don't agree with you. I think that there are ways to measure the degree of prejudice that exists in a society (surveys, etc.) and then correlate those levels with achievement metrics for minority groups. For example, does discrimination cause violent crime? If it does, we would expect crime to decline as, say, median income level rises within the group or as the proportion of prejudiced people within national surveys decreases. Also, we can guage marketing trends: if minority groups appear more frequently in ads, this indicates greater public acceptance, as most companies strive to attract, rather than repel, potential customers. The number of minority faces on the glass teat should relate inversely to the number of antisocial acts by those groups. And so on. More later.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:37   


Your claims sound far more plausible when linked to culture than to ethnicity.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,06:55   

Well my, my, my! It looks that the Marxists have fled the field, leaving poor Flint by his lonesome. Well, Flint doesn't need a pack of hyenas by his side anyway. Now that we've seen that the liberal side of the issue is completely unsupported, I wonder if the Panda's Thumb regulars will apologise for their name-calling. Should I hold my breath?  ;)

Mr. Elliot:

Your claims sound far more plausible when linked to culture than to ethnicity.

Thanks. But I'm still contending that as ethnic or racial groups segregate, they create different cultures which in turn leads to differential outcomes. Please remember that I don't accept biological IQ differences across groups. I do think this is an issue worth examining. Some contemporary genetic studies are a little worrisome IMHO.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,07:52   


You do realise that you've conceded the untestability of the central assuption underlying liberal policy?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. I personally think your articulation of that assumption is somewhat different from mine. In fact, I think you have been barking up the wrong tree for some number of posts now. So I'll try again: identifiable groups are identifiable for being systematically different in some way. You have been attempting to document how the homosexual community is different in ways you consider important.

But this misses the point, or at least it misses the point I consider important. Not easy to explain, I'm afraid. Consider slavery. It was economical in the South. The non-slavery condition hadn't been tried. Slavery was opposed on moral grounds, not on behavioral grounds. Yes, presumably qualified scientists could have documented with full statistical 4-part harmony that slave behavior was different, and (from a conservative viewpoint) represensible and decadent, not to mention unhealthful, unsanitary, and so on. And presumably, conservatives like yourself could have justified continuing if not even strengthening existing social policies on these grounds. But those grounds weren't the relevant grounds for objecting to slavery.

I think it's much the same with homosexuality. It's a normative position, not an evidence-based position, that legally imposed inequality is *wrong*, and that discrimination (meaning, different treatment for reasons unrelated to the treatment itself) is *bad*. Speculation as to whether homosexual behavior might change if legal policies change, in my opinion, is irrelevant. Denial of basic civil rights (like the right to marry), simply because the people being denied make us uncomfortable to think about, should IMO be debated on philosophical grounds. Is such discrimination a Good Thing? Defend or reject.

But not to fear: as it happens, I don't agree with you. I think that there are ways to measure the degree of prejudice that exists in a society (surveys, etc.) and then correlate those levels with achievement metrics for minority groups.

If your claim here is that the prejudice can't be eliminated by fiat, I agree. If your claim is that homosexuals will continue to behave in ways you dislike even if prejudice vanishes, I agree also. If your claim is that civil rights should be denied on any basis other than we *prefer to do so*, then I don't agree.

I'm not sure what you include in the category of "antisocial acts." Failure to exercise safe sexual practices? OK, I can see that. Anything else?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:06   

I think it's much the same with homosexuality. It's a normative position, not an evidence-based position, that legally imposed inequality is *wrong*, and that discrimination (meaning, different treatment for reasons unrelated to the treatment itself) is *bad*. Speculation as to whether homosexual behavior might change if legal policies change, in my opinion, is irrelevant. Denial of basic civil rights (like the right to marry), simply because the people being denied make us uncomfortable to think about, should IMO be debated on philosophical grounds. Is such discrimination a Good Thing? Defend or reject.

OK, I think I see your position. You argue that all adult citizens have the right to marry, and that this liberty may only be revoked (if at all) by an individual's actions. Anyone who wishes to limit this right to certain groups must argue from philosophical, rather than empirical, grounds. Any attempt to quash a group's liberty is misguided, even if society is harmed as a result (which, of course, may not happen). Is this summary correct?

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:26   

Well my, my, my! It looks that the Marxists have fled the field, leaving poor Flint by his lonesome.
I was not aware we had Marxists in the discussion. Who were they? I may have missed the Marxist shibboleths that gave them away.
Now that we've seen that the liberal side of the issue is completely unsupported...
and what, pray tell, is the "liberal side of the issue"?  Your straw-man argument that all bad behavior is ascribable to discrimination? Surely you're not so gullible as to believe your own cartoon.

I don't know what the official "Marxist", or the official "liberal" position is (synonyms in the weird world of Paley?). My position is:

(1) trying to change someone's sexual orientation is an exercise in futility
(2) persecution, discrimination, and intolerance are unfortunate characteristics of small-minded people I don't want anything to do with, and certainly should not be enshrined as  government policy. Policies to marginalize or even criminalize homosexual activity on the pretext that some homosexual behavior is unhealthy strike me as counterproductive. Consistent with this, policies such as opposition to gay marriage strike me as nonsensical.
(3) sex education should be honest, frank, and complete
It should include all measures - not just encouraging abstinence - available to reduce risk.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:27   


Any attempt to quash a group's liberty is misguided, even if society is harmed as a result (which, of course, may not happen). Is this summary correct?

Essentially, yes. The normative position, once again, is that liberty *defines and informs* that society, which if denied to groups arbitrarily is not a free society. In this sense, society CANNOT be harmed as a result. It may become more pleasant for some and less pleasant for others, of course.

I understand (just to try to defuse any sidetracking) that *absolute* freedom is both practically and philosophically not feasible for any society, since a society is by definition interactive; it's people continuously transacting with one another. My position is that we can hold out individual liberty as a worthy goal while still recognizing the importance of careful regulation. So what I do is regard the Golden Rule as central; a just society emerges from individuals following this rule much as a market emerges from individual exchanges of goods and services. And accordingly, I must accept the loss of the freedom to do what I don't want done to me. It's highly reciprocal.

Anyone who wishes to limit this right to certain groups must argue from philosophical, rather than empirical, grounds.

I'm not sure if empirical grounds make much sense. I'm also not sure if I've seen any. Maybe you can do a better job of getting through to me. I've seem multiple cases of people saying homosexuals can have 'civil unions' legally identical to marriages, but they can't be *called* marriages, despite no legal difference, because that would imply some sort of ecclesiastical blessing objectionable enough so that some churches are experiencing Yet Another Schism over it. I admit this is a blind spot for me. I just don't get it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:39   


(1) trying to change someone's sexual orientation is an exercise in futility

My reading is that while this is entirely true (despite some programs misrepresenting their results), it's not the primary goal of Ghost's brand of conservatives. They just want homosexual *behavior* to go away. Those who would desire to engage in it we can tolerate so long as they *don't do it*, however much they want to.

(2) persecution, discrimination, and intolerance are unfortunate characteristics of small-minded people I don't want anything to do with, and certainly should not be enshrined as  government policy.

Without calling people names, I think (I hope) what you're saying here is that "persecution, discrimination and intolerance" are *bad things* a priori. They're bad because WE SAY they're bad. EVEN IF these things in practice might increase society's net comfort level.

(3) sex education should be honest, frank, and complete. It should include all measures - not just encouraging abstinence - available to reduce risk.

Granted that our predominant "pretend sex doesn't exist and maybe our children won't rediscover it" approach has been a failure. My understanding is that opposition to the kind of program you espouse here is, we must admit sex happens to talk about how to do it right. And that this admission implies tacit permission to fuck like rabbits. And that such behavior is 'decadent' because some historical interpretations indicate it ill serves the "generic human society" used as a baseline.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,09:59   

Something just came up, so I don't have much time to respond. I'll keep this brief:

1) I'm also deeply skeptical of efforts to change sexual orientation.

2) I don't want to criminalize gay behavior, or even to necessarily restrict gay marriage - but I would like a healthy debate over this issue before we take the plunge. In other words, I don't view the right to marriage as fundamental.

3) No problems with telling the truth during class, but the lessons should stress that there's always a risk for pregnancy/STDs from sex.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,10:42   

[changing people's sexual orientation is] not the primary goal of Ghost's brand of conservatives.
I didn't mean to imply that it is. I'm stating my position, which I suspected our vaporous friend was lumping in with "Marxist" and/or "liberal". If it is, that's great. The more the merrier. But it also appears to be the position of sensible conservatives. In light of the fact that sensible people seem to be more or less in agreement on this, it puzzles me that our vaporous friend would regard T-diddy as a his natural ally in "rationality" when he's the only participant that holds the opposite view. Perhaps being a member of the anti-evolution far-right wing-nut club trumps the actual content of the discussion.

Without calling people names, I think (I hope) what you're saying here is that "persecution, discrimination and intolerance" are *bad things* a priori.
Well, as a general rule I guess I would endorse that perspective. But I'm wary of overgeneralizing to the point of tolerating intolerance. What I'm really saying here is that particularly in the case of sexuality, persecution, discrimination and intolerance are not only characteristics of small-mindedness, they're profoundly counterproductive, if the goal really is to minimize anti-social and self-destructive behavior.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,10:49   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 13 2006,14:59)
Something just came up, so I don't have much time to respond. I'll keep this brief:

1) I'm also deeply skeptical of efforts to change sexual orientation.

2) I don't want to criminalize gay behavior, or even to necessarily restrict gay marriage - but I would like a healthy debate over this issue before we take the plunge. In other words, I don't view the right to marriage as fundamental.

3) No problems with telling the truth during class, but the lessons should stress that there's always a risk for pregnancy/STDs from sex.

1) Agreed.

2) Not sure about USA. But in the UK married/unmarried couples have different taxes levied upon them (particularly on a partners death), therefore I believe gays should be entitled to the same rights as the rest of us.

3) Agreed.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,11:11   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ April 12 2006,20:25)
Now, where's your evidence?

Hmm. You know, I think I can use yours, actually.

In the survey you posted, the larger percentage of homosexuals had 2 to 4 partners in one year. Since the other results seem evened out, more or less (those who had none, or one partner, were about as many as those who had more than a dozen) I can assume this is pretty close to the mean number of partners (at least I don't think it would be more than five or six, but someone more qualified can do the math)

Now let's be frank: 2 partners a year is not a lot. Four (or five, or six) might seem many, but the number's still normal for many young heterosexual singles. Perhaps there is a statistical difference (a direct comparative study would be required to show that), but it's nowere as significant as some would want you to think.

It most certainly is nowere near the outrageous, 3-digit numbers "indicated" by the studies mentioned in your previous sources. 100 sexual partners a year, fellating 106, ingesting feces (!!!!!...) of 23...

Do you think it's due to the "subjective interpretation of data" we discussed earlier, or is somebody deliberately twisting the data to make it show what they want? And who may that be?

Here's a hint.

Now for the main issues:
Well, if you say that by "common sense" you were refering only to the promisquity of homosexuals, then I stand corrected (although that's more of a "common conception" than anything else).

However, you did claim, when defining the homosexual lifestyle to me, that this promisquity in homosexuals leads to disregard of safety, and finally sociopathic behaviour-  you directly connected that with homosexuality. Do you retract that?
If you do, I completely agree with you and we have nothing to argue about; if not, you're just nitpicking.

You seem to agree with Flint that a reason for homosexuals to be more promiscuous could be the lack of the danger of a possible pregnancy (and I agree that this is something worth considering, too).
Well, besides the fact that saying "homosexuals are more active in pursuing sexual relationships because they feel safer" is a long way from calling them sociopaths, what of it? How does that differentiate a homosexual from, say, a heterosexual man with a vasectomy- or a woman with a permanent form of contraception, like tubal ligation, or even IUDs and vaginal rings, for that matter?
Why would a homosexual show more disregard for his own and his partner's safety? And, come to think of it, heterosexuals who do not fear pregnancy (and display reckless behavior, of course) would be more dangerous than gays for contracting and transmitting STDs, since they'd typically have a much larger group as sexual targets.

The issue is (and I already pointed it out): Why would a homosexual be more reckless, careless, inconciderate of his partner and himself than a heterosexual under the same conditions?

<edit> Was the Marxist remark referring to me? Well, if by "Marxists" you mean those among us that have a job and a life to look into, I have to agree with you.

Viva la Evolutión, comrades!

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,12:36   


Since I find much of what Ghost says sensible and not vaporous, I'd like to hear your perspective as well. I'm quite curious about this stuff.

I do agree that terms like "Marxist" or "liberal" when used as pejoratives divorced from their original meanings just muddies the waters.

it puzzles me that our vaporous friend would regard T-diddy as a his natural ally in "rationality" when he's the only participant that holds the opposite view

I'm not sure he does view TD as his ally, except (as you say) insofar as TD rejects the same basic tenets for the same underlying reasons. But TD is utterly irrational, incapable of following even simple arguments. Ghost is much more sophisticated in rationalizing the same policy positions held for equally involuntary reasons.  Intelligence is no more defense against creationism than education.

What I'm really saying here is that particularly in the case of sexuality, persecution, discrimination and intolerance are not only characteristics of small-mindedness, they're profoundly counterproductive, if the goal really is to minimize anti-social and self-destructive behavior.

Well, so long as we're aware we're using self-serving terminology! We need some baseline here.  I propose that engaging in excessively unhealthy behavior leading frequently to dying young is self-destructive. I'm not sure we have a solid definition of what 'anti-social' means in this context. So I'll ask:  If homosexuals were to engage in meticulously safe sexual practices (using condoms, undergoing regular medical checkups, being voluntarily celibate if HIV positive, etc.) but otherwise changed none of their behavior, would that satisfy your goal of eliminating 'anti-social' behavior?


The issue is (and I already pointed it out): Why would a homosexual be more reckless, careless, inconciderate of his partner and himself than a heterosexual under the same conditions?

I pointed out a few posts back that heterosexuals under the same conditions act exactly the same. Apparently finding members of the same sex arousing changes nothing else I'm aware of - young people still like lots of sex with lots of partners, are pretty irresponsible and spontaneous about it, and immerse themselves in promiscuous sexual activity whenever circumstances permit.

When AIDS in San Francisco reached epidemic levels among the gay community, these people started being pretty cautious and paranoid about it. Sure enough, infection rates dropped dramatically.  At which point, the "I'm probably safe" mindset kicked back in, and infection rates went back up. Other than perhaps (but not guaranteed!;)) saving your life, 'safe sex' has nothing but drawbacks.

Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,12:44   


I agree. If I could have had sex with a willing woman every night (in my twenties) I would have done so.

I have a suspiscion that the "permissiveness" of gay men is no more than "oportunity".


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,13:17   


Amen. When I think WAY back to high school, about the only thing that prevented ANY of the girls in the school from being potential sex partners is that they weren't interested in my desires, and I had no clue how to change their minds.

Had I been homosexual, I suspect the problem would have been very different: the potential partners would have been willing, but identifying them without risking truly devastating social consequences would have been intimidating.

Now, imagine NO barriers. Fat city! Oh, AIDS? At that age, we're immortal.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,13:28   

This all started around the late 80's to early 90's when  America was under siege by this new highly infectious disease that did NOT "discriminate."  

"Look, even Magic Johnson is HIV positive."

Almost 15 years later we can look back and see all the lies we were sold.  How can science not claim some culpability?

Almost nothing has changed concerning AIDS in America.  It was and continues to be a disease that effects homosexuals (gay males) in an outrageously disproportionate rate.

My chances and the chance of a large majority of heterosexuals contracting AIDS is almost nil.  Remember when we were told that ALL of us would either know someone with AIDS or know someone who knew someone with AIDS?  Garbage!


When you clearly articulate the non-discrimination policy of the US government (no discrimination towards "sexual orientation), doesn't this policy necessarily carry to government schools?

If the public school system adopts a policy of "non-discrimination" towards "sexual orientations," is this not tantamount to saying that there is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATIONS for discriminating against gays?

And if this is the stance, then how is this not equivalent to teaching the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

The question is very simple.

Are there not rational reasons to discriminate against homosexuality especially in areas of public health and social cohesion?

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,14:11   


It's nice to see you back! And you took time to look at my sources. That's a good thing, because I often wonder if anyone actually pays attention to the evidence during debates. Anyhoo:

Hmm. You know, I think I can use yours, actually.

In the survey you posted, the larger percentage of homosexuals had 2 to 4 partners in one year. Since the other results seem evened out, more or less (those who had none, or one partner, were about as many as those who had more than a dozen) I can assume this is pretty close to the mean number of partners (at least I don't think it would be more than five or six, but someone more qualified can do the math)

The math wouldn't mean much since we don't have access to the original data. But we can still spot some interesting trends:
Men were asked In the last 12 months how many MEN have you had sex with in total? and allowed to indicate one of five responses (0.9% did not answer this question). The number of male partners men had in the last year differed slightly by recruitment method. Compared to the men recruited on the internet, the booklet-recruited sample were less likely to have had no male sexual partners and were more likely to have had very high numbers of male partners. This is contrary to the popular impression that men recruited on the internet are, as a group, exceptionally sexually active.

Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
Number of male sexual partners in the last year
(n=15852, missing 150) % Web responses
(n=11820) % Booklet responses
(n=4032) % ALL responses
(None)  6.1  4.7  5.8
(one)  16.6  19.8  17.4
(2, 3 ,4)  29.2  27.3  28.7
(5 to 12)  25.1  21.9  24.3
(13 to 29)  12.4  12.5  12.4
(30+ )   10.5  13.8  11.4

      Now, it's true that close to half lead relatively restrained lifestyles, while another quarter are roughly normal. It's the other 22 - 26 % that concern me. Keep in mind that the "13" and "30" are lower bounds; for the former we can use a median figure of 21, which is quite a large haul by non-rockstar standards. Worse yet, 10 - 13% claim AT LEAST 30 partners a year. What are the upper bounds? 50? 75? 100? Suddenly it looks a little more like Vegas.
   If there were no consequences to this promiscuity, we could just pass it off to "boys being boys". But what about the upper tail? Certainly some of these men are HIV+, and each partner that these men infect has a potential to spread the disease to many more men. In an insular community like the gay community, this quickly leads to saturation. And since the gay community will remain insulated given their relatively small numbers, relaxing societal taboos will simply expose free-thinking straight men (as well as their wives, girlfriends, and club tramps) to the virus. Look at the African-American community for a real-life example, and keep in mind that their culture is very homophobic. Their higher exposure to prison rape accounts for some of the spread....but a lot is from the down low.
Do you think it's due to the "subjective interpretation of data" we discussed earlier, or is somebody deliberately twisting the data to make it show what they want? And who may that be?

Here's a hint.

Thanks for the link. Like its real-life counterparts, diseased information has a way of saturating insular communities - in this case the fundamentalist counterculture. I'll try to avoid Cameron's surveys like the.....well, let's just say I'll keep my eyes open. Having said that, what does one bad researcher have to do with the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine and CDC studies? I realise that they might be hard to find, but according to rumors, there's a whole world beyond the internet.
Now for the main issues:
Well, if you say that by "common sense" you were refering only to the promisquity of homosexuals, then I stand corrected (although that's more of a "common conception" than anything else).

However, you did claim, when defining the homosexual lifestyle to me, that this promisquity in homosexuals leads to disregard of safety, and finally sociopathic behaviour-  you directly connected that with homosexuality. Do you retract that?

Why would I do a thing like that? You asked me to outline an opinion, and I proceeded to do so. Now you're holding my cooperation against me.
Well, besides the fact that saying "homosexuals are more active in pursuing sexual relationships because they feel safer" is a long way from calling them sociopaths, what of it? How does that differentiate a homosexual from, say, a heterosexual man with a vasectomy- or a woman with a permanent form of contraception, like tubal ligation, or even IUDs and vaginal rings, for that matter?

What? Have you even read the whole thread? Here's the relevant excepts again:
Gómez found that based on reports of the previous year, most sex behavior that might spread HIV did not differ significantly between African-Americans, whites and Latinos. But whites, for example, most often identified themselves as gay and reported a larger number of male sex partners than did Latinos and African Americans. Whites also were more likely to have oral insertive sex with men who were HIV negative or whose HIV status was unknown.

African-American men were more likely than either whites or Latinos to also report sex with women, to identify themselves as bisexual, and to be uncomfortable with their same-sex behavior. When recalling encounters within the past three months, African Americans and Latinos reported higher rates of unprotected anal intercourse with a partner whose HIV status was negative or unknown. Interviews suggested that both groups are less likely to consider oral sex as a substitute for penetrative sex.

The survey showed that 47 HIV positive men across all ethnic groups reported unprotected anal insertive sex with a partner though they knew his HIV status was negative.

In one-on-one interviews with each man, surveyors pulled out the context: "These encounters usually were rare, and there were very few men who did not consider it an issue to have sex with a man whom they might infect," Gómez said.

Often an HIV negative partner was willing, or even demanded to take the risk, she said. Even more often, drugs, alcohol or other factors limited the men's perceived sense of control over their behavior.

Gómez said a more worrisome statistic was that more than half the HIV positive men (132) had sex with partners whose HIV status was unknown.

[once again, my emphasis]

I pointed out a few posts back that heterosexuals under the same conditions act exactly the same. Apparently finding members of the same sex arousing changes nothing else I'm aware of - young people still like lots of sex with lots of partners, are pretty irresponsible and spontaneous about it, and immerse themselves in promiscuous sexual activity whenever circumstances permit.

The key phrase being,"under the same conditions". The conditions are not the same, especially in a moral society. Hetero men have a natural brake on their worst impulses: women*. Which is a huge reason why hetero relationships are healthier, IMHO.

*Don't be too smug, ladies: men help keep women civilised and focused as well

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,15:02   

T-diddy: I suspect that no one's going to answer your question. Do not assume that means that you've "stumped" everyone. More likely it means that (1) despite your statement that "the question is very simple", in fact you still haven't stated a question that makes sense and (2) we're still waiting for your answers to my questions. Have you forgotten? Here they are again:
What is being taught in school that you think should not be?
What is not being taught that you think should be?
What should science and scientists say about it that they don't ?
What should science and scientists not  say about it that they do ?

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,16:07   


Something just doesn't compute here. I suspect that's why most of the points I make vanish without response...

And since the gay community will remain insulated given their relatively small numbers, relaxing societal taboos will simply expose free-thinking straight men (as well as their wives, girlfriends, and club tramps) to the virus.

This is a disturbing allegation. You seem to be saying that societal taboos are what prevent homosexuals with HIV from engaging in heterosexual activities. Are you really trying to say this? Are you saying that "normal" (i.e. free-thinking) straight people are seriously prevented from engaging in same-sex activities by societal taboos? Really? If this is what you are trying to say, just come out and SAY it.

I would argue that societal taboos don't so much prevent the behavior as prevent the *admission* of the behavior. I was well aware that "nice" girls got pregnant at significant rates in my middle-class white high school, and "got sick" long enough to get under-the-table abortions. Social taboos didn't change the behavior, only the way that behavior was handled and represented.

Hetero men have a natural brake on their worst impulses: women*. Which is a huge reason why hetero relationships are healthier, IMHO.

Please. These are not "hetero mens'" impulses, these are NORMAL HUMAN impulses. Hetero women without de facto brakes act the same way. And these are not "worst" impulses, these are NORMAL impulses.

So OK, you are arguing that a "good" society acts AGAINST normal human impulses, since these lead to "bad" consequences, such as STDs and unwanted pregnancies and perhaps undesirable emotional situations. And I can agree with all that.

Now, I should think the relevant question should be, how can we accommodate NORMAL (which you call "worst", significantly enough) human impulses so as to minimize the total net undesirable side-effects?

But I see that we can't really focus on the topic you SAY you wish to discuss, when you load the dice at every opportunity. Your use of words like "moral", "worst", and "healthy" make any useful discussion nearly impossible. Imagine if I emulated your technique, and deemed heterosexual relations "sick" and "unhealthy" and "immoral". How soon would you abandon any effort to fight through my deliberately unhelpful terminology to try to discuss the actual topic?

Occam's Aftershave

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2006,20:17   

T-daddy:  If the public school system adopts a policy of "non-discrimination" towards "sexual orientations," is this not tantamount to saying that there is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATIONS for discriminating against gays?

That's right.  There is NO LEGITIMATE JUSTIFICATION for discriminating against gays.

The laws of this country apply equally to ALL citizens.  You cannot discriminate against an ENTIRE GROUP based on the actions of INDIVIDUALS. The Constitution doesn't allow it.

If INDIVIDUALS break the law, INDIVIDUALS are punished, not ENTIRE GROUPS.

The last time group discrimination was tried in the U.S. was the Japanese interments of WW2.  That was as shameful an episode as any screw-up the U.S. Government has done.  Everyone in the country now recognizes that such group discrimination is wrong, immoral, and illegal.  Everyone except bigoted homophobic fundy d*ckheads like you that is.

T-Daddy:  And if this is the stance, then how is this not equivalent to teaching the "normalcy" of homosexuality?

Homosexuality IS within the normal observed range of human behavior.  This is based on thousands of years of empirical evidence from every single culture that's ever kept written records.

T-Daddy:  Are there not rational reasons to discriminate against homosexuality especially in areas of public health and social cohesion?

No, there are NO RATIONAL REASONS to discriminate against homosexuality in ANY area.  Homophobes like you are fueled by your Biblical based hatred and prejudice, not by anything rational.

Thordaddy, you claimed:

I can link to plenty of evidence that shows homosexuality to be a very dangerous and deadly behavior.

And I challenged you to back up your bluster

OA:  Please do so.  Just don’t make the mistake of linking to studies showing unprotected anal sex to be a very dangerous and deadly behavior.  That is know to be dangerous for ALL couples, both hetero and homo.  I want to see your evidence that homosexuality (which means same-sex attraction) is by itself a very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  Show us how they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

You totally ignored the tough questions - looks like your bigoted big mouth wrote another check your data can't cash.

I'll ask again:

There are plenty of monogamous homosexual couples who practice nothing but safe sex when making love.  Show us how they are exhibiting very dangerous and deadly behavior.  

You seem to be scurrying back and forth between the two "gay gene" threads in an effort to avoid answering any criticisms. Won't work though -  I'll keep asking these tough questions so all the lurkers can see that your bigoted little troll ass has no answers.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,02:02   


They have indoctrinated you quite thoroughly.  The more you rant and rave the more you make my point about the radical teachings that are taking place within the public school system.

Why discriminate against the pedophile "priests" in the Catholic Church?  Their pedophilia is within the "normal observed range of human behavior" and "homosexuality" is perfectly normal.

Did they teach you the "science" behind the AMA decision to reclassify "homosexuality" during your public school indoctrination?

What of the AIDS lie we have been fed?

If you would like to engage like an adult, I would love to field your questions.

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