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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 110
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,17:29   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,13:34)
By the way, I think space aliens have interfered on ths planet, but it doesn't touch the important questions.

I didn't see that one coming!

Did anyone else have to read it three times?

Avo, dare I ask, why do you have this belief?

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,18:07   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,00:47)
You want my hypothetical tests for ID. I don't thin I am qualified to come up with that.

I never intended to be a one person encyclopedia of knowledge about ID. There are others far better than me.

One quick question for you, Avo ---- since, as you admit, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about, why should anyone, anywhere,m at any time, give a flying fig WHAT you think about the subject?

Can you answer that simple question for me?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,18:12   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,02:27)
My religion is a religion of one. I contemplate. I search for truth and deeper wisdom. I think in terms of consciousness. People are, for the most part, in a state of partial unconsciousness. I seek to increase my consciousness. This is nondifferent from knowing God. Our individuality within this unity is a mystery, it keeps me fascinated and fulfilled; that is why I think we can know and have a relationship with God; it is the bridal chamber Jesus spoke of.

Hey, quit bogarting and pass that bong down HERE, #### it.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,18:17   

Quote (heddle @ Jan. 25 2007,09:18)
Regardless of the truth of Behe/Dembski ID (and Dembski’s, based on faulty mathematics, is trivially false), you have not made any case that ID per se is incompatible with the “Christian” god.

Who cares.  After all, ID ain't about religion, right? Or are they, uh, just lying to us about that . . . . . ?

BTW, Heddle, I just KNEW that you wouldn't be able to shut up about your religious opinions for TWO posts in a row . . . .

(Insert standard statement here pointing out that you're not any holier than anyone else, you don't know any more about God than anyone else, and your religious opinions ain't any better than anyone else's.)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,18:20   

Quote (don_quixote @ Jan. 25 2007,17:29)
Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,13:34)
By the way, I think space aliens have interfered on ths planet, but it doesn't touch the important questions.

I didn't see that one coming!

Did anyone else have to read it three times?

Avo, dare I ask, why do you have this belief?

Hey Avo, tell everyone about the ley lines.

And your aura.

(snicker)  (giggle)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,18:42   

I had a look at Denton's arguments on cytochrome-c back in the early 1990s.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 25 2007,22:42   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,02:53)
I do like learning most anything. I think my main question is can we not see the law(s) of entropy at work in every day situations. The very fact that when the organism dies, the forces that work against it cease, allowing entropy to increase, seems to validate my point.
In light of the fact that Don comes along and says that nothing about entropy or thermodynamics prohibits evolution, it seems my intentions are misunderstood, although I've stated them a few times. I do not think entropy prohibits evolution. Information theory might, but not entropy. My interest in it was as I said, general interest in how things work. I think of entropy in a yin-yang kind of way. If entropy is yin, what is the yang?

I'll restate what I said before about Entropy.

Entropy is a defined variable used in the balance equations known as Thermodynamics.  Entropy doesn't "exist" as its own, unique force or system.

When you mis-use scientific terms like Entropy then people who DO understand Thermodynamics look at you funny.  Your usage just doesn't make sense.

At present I don't care if you call what you believe a disorganizing force and an organizing force (yin and yang) but just DON'T use Entropy in the discussion.  It doesn't fit (to those who know Thermodynamics) into your description.

You could use Entropy as an analogy of your disorganizing force, but I would avoid that too.

In my eyes the whole Entropy/Thermodynamic discussion is a good example of showing you how arguing points against well established scientific principles leads to a god-of-the-gaps type conclusion.  ALWAYS.  As we "drill down" deeper into details of these scientific principles then you eventually reach some basic mathematical functions like the cosmological constant or the Heisenberg Uncertainty constant.  When we eventually get to that level of detail then the discussion becomes "How many angels fit within the gap spacing of a proton quark."  The proverbial "Where's Waldo" of the evo/creo debate.
I'd like to have a look at the nylonase question, it interests me, and I want to see if it parallels antibiotic resistance. But it will be DAYS before I can get to it.

Thanks for answering.  Here's the Permalink to the original post.

Nylon Bug Question Permalink

Mike PSS


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,00:34   

Darn it Mike,

If systems or items tend toward equilibrium, then that ought to be a part of what we see, regardless of how deeply we understand its workings and the mathematics thereof. I think entropy is not only so defined as you state. This is in wide common usage, no doubt for that reason. How am I arguing against scientific principles when I am just wondering how they work? And how in the he11 does this bring us to God of the gaps? Your assumptions are showing. I have explained three times that that is not what I'm groping toward.

I know there is no thermodynamic relevance to your links. But you had just asked if anyone was going to answer your thermodynamics questions. I was in a hurry, and didn't write clearly.

ID is falsifiable if things like IC can be acounted for.

Evolution can't explain A yet.
Therefore Intelligent design.

In the end, I can see only two choices. Ether there is a mind involved in the whole process of this cosmos, or there isn't. They aren't the same at all, and they won't look the same. I would just not worry too much about diminishing God by finding natural explanations. The question is, do we live in a universe with a mind or not. The idea that God shrinks is downright silly. Supposedly, people were real deflated when they figured out angels didn't push the planets around. So they said God lost a job. What nonsense. Isn't the truth more magnificent, the planning more impressive? The old way of looking at things was like a fairy tale, with a magic-wand God. God's domain can never shrink. It is a nonproblem.

Just imagine, for a moment, whether the regulars at UD, in a comparable situation, would be anything like as interested in or ready to debate with someone from our side
Sure, they would. You guys just keep disappearing.


What about (using Behe's irreducible complexity) other functions of the flagellum? Such as the e coli genome and base pairs? Is the flagellum's specification merely reliant upon the rotary itself? Well umm NO. If we take the blueprint o a flagellum (e coli genome/dna molecular function) can it be stripped from the flagellum (referring to the other subsystems of the flagellum)? It can't. So is using Behe's irreducibly complex systemisation to create his specified complex system, valid in this argument? No. Because it is applying variables where there are none.

In a nutshell: Dembski takes into consideration the rotary of the bacterium, disjointly and rather casually ignoring its subsystems to create a system based on redefinition of scientific terminology to make things "fit".

First paragraph, if it could be rewritten in more regular English, second paragraph, what subsystems?


I guess I don't find the issue of God quite as important to the ID discussion as other people do. Some people just don't want to see any God or weird reality at all. Some people believe in God in a very faraway, nonvibrant form, and they want him to stay in his place. Any overlap between science, which is the study of reality, and God which is the source of said reality, is very uncomfortable. Some people, really want their anthropomorphised and sanitized God of their ego gratification to be true. Some people want a God who is grand and not petty, and it is horrifying to them to contemplate one who would poof a flagellum. Miller might be like that. Some just don't want to see God get diminished by natural explanations for things. They are embarrassed for poor God and don't want any humiliation for her.

The God of my understanding is pretty invulnerable, but I do see the situation (and tried in vain before to express it) as a divide between pure atheism, and all others. Deists, theists, religionists - they are all on one side. Because once you posit a God the deck is stacked and it is just a matter of what level of involvement you want to subscribe to. We are either in a God universe or we aren't, and as Dawkins has blessedly understood, they aren't the same ball of wax.

Now, why did I write this post to you...had to go back and reread yours a few times. It was where you questioned my  finding ID it intellectually satisfying.
But I think if you have kept up with my earlier posts, you'll see I envision the natural world unfolding in a step by step way, however I think this whole shebang isn't chance, and isn't a result of willy nilly interactions of matter.

I don't find a tinkering God at all satisfying, and I think of the whole universe from its inception as one unified system. The parts of ID that I think are strong are the information arguments, and also the IC arguments. I liked the Meyer paper for a pretty readable rundown of the information arguments.

I suppose it is offensive that a bunch of people are not only  into ID, but in their minds they know good and well who did it, the God of the Bible. But I see ID as simply that we are at a crossroads right now - there are two possibilities. Either things are accidental or they are designed, and the two can be told apart.

I just don't find Darwinian mechanisms compelling. I don't expect either side to win, although I think ID is correct. I think we are working on a puzzle that is very, very hard, and without enough pieces we keep trying to interpret the whole.

Neither Dawkins nor the fundies will get their desire, because neither are correct in their assumptions. IMHO

creeky belly

Posts: 205
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,01:05   

In the end, I can see only two choices. Ether there is a mind involved in the whole process of this cosmos, or there isn't. They aren't the same at all, and they won't look the same. I would just not worry too much about diminishing God by finding natural explanations. The question is, do we live in a universe with a mind or not. The idea that God shrinks is downright silly. Supposedly, people were real deflated when they figured out angels didn't push the planets around. So they said God lost a job. What nonsense. Isn't the truth more magnificent, the planning more impressive? The old way of looking at things was like a fairy tale, with a magic-wand God. God's domain can never shrink. It is a nonproblem.

I agree, but what you've just stated is not a theory of ID, it's a creationist (philosophical) argument, all or nothing. ID wants to have it both ways: X can be observed naturally, therefore supernatural explanation. It masquerades as science until it draws a conclusion. Unfortunately for ID, scientists can see through the bullshit. (I should say, to keep with the logical fallacies, true scientists can see through the bullshit)

edit - scotsman


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,01:15   

there are two possibilities. Either things are accidental or they are designed, and the two can be told apart.

How? Be precise. Don't just point to Dembski's mathemagical tripe.

In regard to UD tolerating people from *here*...posting THERE, you say:
Sure, they would. You guys just keep disappearing.

Yes, "disappearing" by  being banned for mere disagreement twice, in my case. And for posting evidence supporting my position.

I don't expect you to answer my first question. You can't, not in any honest way. Sure, you can spew out a fountain of words, but they will contain little semantic content, and even less actual scientifically-sound information.

Nor can you support much else of your odd little belief system, I suspect. I am not saying this to be insulting, just as an observation.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,01:35   


ID is falsifiable if things like IC can be acounted for.


I do wish some ID advocates would learn what "falsifiability" means, and then take up the job of instructing Behe, Dembski, and others about it.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,01:39   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 26 2007,07:34)
Just imagine, for a moment, whether the regulars at UD, in a comparable situation, would be anything like as interested in or ready to debate with someone from our side
Sure, they would. You guys just keep disappearing.

You see, when a spirited conversation starts up at UD and then the person offering a dissenting view stops posting, that's because he/she's been banned.  Sometimes Dave or even Dembski makes some remark like "So-and-so is no longer with us."  That's what banning looks like.  (And that's to say nothing about any number of critical -- thoughtfully, politely critical -- posts are submitted to any given thread, but get weeded out before they even appear.  This fact is also often mentioned by the moderators - about comments being caught in the moderation queue, about the hard work they have sifting through all the comments).

It seems, avocationist, that you're not very good at paying attention to evidence, and this is just another example of your apparently willful blindness.

You "think" that ID is true, but cannot offer a single plausible reason for your conviction.  It seems that you want it to be true, because a universe with a disembodied mind hanging around in it is preferable to you than one without.  The problem is, the universe doesn't care what you want.

You "think" that space aliens visited the earth - but I'm willing to put down good money - or even a bottle of scotch! - that you have no better reason for thinking so than that you wish it were so.

You seem to rely entirely on the truthiness of propositions; yet insist on telling "Darwinists" that they are in a conspiracy to ignore the evidence.  BWE's mystery poster made a very good point: everyone here has looked at ID, checked out the evidence, discovered that there is nothing there and moved on.   You whine about the insults and accusations you've received, but take a moment to think about how profoundly you insult the intelligence and character of these people when you act this way.


Cedric Katesby

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,06:28   

{at the party}
[Cedric and Advo are sitting down. Advo's long awaited rundown of her scientific argument for ID is about to begin.  Don joins them and Cedric gets him a comfy chair too.]
I do not claim to be able to have good recall

Never mind. Fortunately for us all, this party is happening over the Internet.  If you forget something, you can just do a quick check-up of your facts at the appropriate reference site of your choice and then pop back into the discussion.  I do it all the time. (conspiratorial wink)
But many of these are just baiting questions...

Advo, as the guy who got you the comfy chair, I promise you I am not interested in baiting you.
I WILL be on your case about getting straight answers from you, however!  Your time is precious and you have a life to lead and e-mails to send etc.  Well yeah, but then again so do the rest of us.
I don't want you to give me the runaround and just have you wave your hands in my face if I ask you a straight question.  That kind of selfish and dishonest behaviour does not make me happy at all.  I'll be fair and direct and honest in this discussion and I trust that you will do the same. Deal?
...the answers are readily available if you read up in the various discussions.

No doubt they are, I'll get around to reading them one day when I find the time.  But right now, we're here at the party.  What say you let your hair down, cast caution to the wind and give me your rundown of your understanding of a scientific argument for ID?  Here, let me top that glass up for you...
[Cedric and Don look expectantly at Advo]
By the way, I think space aliens have interfered on ths planet, but it doesn't touch the important questions.

Don: I didn't see that one coming!

[Cedric's eyes bulge slightly in disbelief but waits patiently for Advo to begin her rundown of a scientific argument for ID]

Then Advo begins...
The God of my understanding is blah, blah, blah a divide between pure atheism, blah, blah Deists, theists, religionists...blah, blah...Because once you posit a God, blah, blah  God universe blah...

[Cedric says nothing but the ghostly images of Dempski and DaveScot start jumping up and down frantically.  They look rather upset]

I envision the natural world unfolding in a step by step way, however I think this whole shebang isn't chance, and isn't a result of willy nilly interactions of matter.

[Cedric waits patiently for Advo to begin her rundown of her version of a scientific argument for ID.]

I don't find a tinkering God at all satisfying, and I think of the whole universe from its inception as one unified system. The parts of ID that I think are strong are the information arguments, and also the IC arguments. I liked the Meyer paper for a pretty readable rundown of the information arguments.

Ahah! See? See?? SEE!!!
(Especially you, Louis! :)
I plan on collecting that drink, bucko.)    :) :) :)
I just KNEW that if I was POLITE and endlessly PATIENT that I could finally get Advo to give me her scientific argument for ID!
Wow, sometimes I impress even myself!

[Cedric rushes over to the stereo and turns it off, much to the annoyance of the other guests]

Well People, Advo is finally warmed up and is going to launch into her much-anticipated scientific argument for ID.  Apparantly, she's going to touch on information arguments, IC arguments and will borrow heavily from the Meyer paper.

(Sorry for the interuption there, Advo.  Go ahead. Let's get into the meat of it.)

I suppose it is offensive that a bunch of people are not only  into ID, but in their minds they know good and well who did it, the God of the Bible. But I see ID as simply that we are at a crossroads right now - there are two possibilities. Either things are accidental or they are designed, and the two can be told apart.
I just don't find Darwinian mechanisms compelling. I don't expect either side to win, although I think ID is correct. I think we are working on a puzzle that is very, very hard, and without enough pieces we keep trying to interpret the whole.
Neither Dawkins nor the fundies will get their desire, because neither are correct in their assumptions. IMHO

[Cedric's jaw drops open. His drink falls from his suddenly useless fingers onto the floor and rolls under the sofa.]


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,06:50   


Ahah! See? See?? SEE!!!
(Especially you, Louis! :)
I plan on collecting that drink, bucko.)    :) :) :)


{Gets cash and car key for trip to beer shop}

(Sorry for the interuption there, Advo.  Go ahead. Let's get into the meat of it.)

QuoteI suppose it is offensive that a bunch of people are not only  into ID, but in their minds they know good and well who did it, the God of the Bible. But I see ID as simply that we are at a crossroads right now - there are two possibilities. Either things are accidental or they are designed, and the two can be told apart.
I just don't find Darwinian mechanisms compelling. I don't expect either side to win, although I think ID is correct. I think we are working on a puzzle that is very, very hard, and without enough pieces we keep trying to interpret the whole.
Neither Dawkins nor the fundies will get their desire, because neither are correct in their assumptions. IMHO

[Cedric's jaw drops open. His drink falls from his suddenly useless fingers onto the floor and rolls under the sofa.]

Oh wait....


{Puts cash back in wallet and key back on hook}


P.S. Space aliens and the argument from personal incredulity coupled to a bog standard  false dichotomy do not evidence make. Colour me extremely bored with this latest incarnation of IDCist. Sorry to break your heart Avocationist, but, WOW.



Posts: 28
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,07:12   

If systems or items tend toward equilibrium, then that ought to be a part of what we see, regardless of how deeply we understand its workings and the mathematics thereof. I think entropy is not only so defined as you state. This is in wide common usage, no doubt for that reason. How am I arguing against scientific principles when I am just wondering how they work? And how in the he11 does this bring us to God of the gaps? Your assumptions are showing. I have explained three times that that is not what I'm groping toward.

We see it in our very bodies (for a description). Over time our bodies lack the disposition to process as it once does. Our conversion for energy and agility is reduced over time (sometimes called the aging process).

Entropy *is* mathematical. It is meaningless away from its formula. If you try and describe entropy to a engineer, a quantum physicist or a biologist, while there will be strong similarities, because of the way each application of entropy is applied (mathematically) among the various fields, the sum won't always be the same.


Without question or false modesty, no success has owed more to serendipity than ours. (Fischer)

Darth Robo

Posts: 148
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,07:18   

"Colour me extremely bored with this latest incarnation of IDCist."

I don't know, actually.  I mean, futile attempt at refuting evolution theory she knows nothing about based on ID evidence she can't remember (but sounded good at the time) and add to that space aliens into the mix?  it's definately better than Heddle's quantum (G*d) chemistry.  I just wish I had a crate of beer.  Guess I'll have to settle for a virtual one.   :)

"Commentary: How would you like to be the wholly-owned servant to an organic meatbag? It's demeaning! If, uh, you weren't one yourself, I mean..."


Posts: 28
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,07:22   

I just had a small debate in Yahoo Chat with a long time known (in Yahoo Chat) creationist/intelligent design promoter. Perhaps if a creationist can view what other creationists attempt to do, they will be able to better peruse their arguments before posting.

1:37:43 AM  crashtested_dummy: sex and evolution doesnt mix
1:39:13 AM  crashtested_dummy: its closer to the truth than evolutionists try purport
1:39:46 AM  crashtested_dummy: jo tell them they cannot have sex in evoluyion
1:39:59 AM  crashtested_dummy: im sure you have researched by now lol
1:40:25 AM  Fractatious: Then you need to read Dr. Rices' "bad genes good genes through sex"
1:40:34 AM  Fractatious: But you've been told this many times Cary.
1:41:28 AM  crashtested_dummy: but they can postulate the beginnings of the universe
1:41:55 AM  crashtested_dummy: but not how any  mode of reproduction evolved
1:41:56 AM  Fractatious: Abiogenesis is not relevant to the mechanism of evolution.
1:42:01 AM  Fractatious: You have also been told that many times.
1:42:21 AM  Fractatious: Cary, don't start.
1:42:30 AM  crashtested_dummy: im talking of all the modes of reproduction
1:42:58 AM  Fractatious: Yes and the modes of reproduction and procreation can be dealt with biologically without the necessity of cosmology.
1:43:00 AM  crashtested_dummy: all evolving supposedly at seperate times on the supposed evolutionary tree
1:43:21 AM  crashtested_dummy: jo
1:43:36 AM  crashtested_dummy: they cant explain how any evolved
1:43:52 AM  Fractatious: You are not wanting to know evolution you are wanting to know abiogenesis.
1:44:10 AM  Fractatious: Which you have been taught about for like 7 years.
1:44:30 AM  crashtested_dummy: ABIO is the beginning of life
1:44:57 AM  crashtested_dummy: im talking about beginnings of any mode of  sex reproduction
1:45:04 AM  Fractatious: Cary: Abiogenesis occurred. That's obvious. How it occurred is up for debate. Evolution is an ongoing process. Its a mechanism.
1:45:42 AM  Fractatious: "Beginnings of any mode of sex reproduction" incorporates both abiogenesis and biogenesis.
1:45:47 AM  crashtested_dummy: how cme NONE Can be explained
1:46:01 AM  crashtested_dummy: THINK JO
1:46:09 AM  crashtested_dummy: you are asmart girl
1:46:30 AM  crashtested_dummy: JO
1:46:45 AM  Fractatious: Cary: Stop being insulting. First you confuse the terms. Then restate your position. Then ask impossible questions. Science is not solidified on the exact mechanism of biogenesis therefore does not pretend to have one.
1:47:12 AM  crashtested_dummy: my point is,..................
1:47:19 AM  Fractatious: You have NO point.
1:47:32 AM  Fractatious: Because you are introducing extraordinary fallacies.
1:47:37 AM  crashtested_dummy: they can explain the beginnings of the universe...............
1:47:55 AM  crashtested_dummy: but not how any of the modes of reproduction evolved
1:47:58 AM  crashtested_dummy: WHY
1:48:16 AM  crashtested_dummy: because sex cannot evolve viat evolution
1:48:32 AM  crashtested_dummy: in cannot be made sense of
1:48:42 AM  crashtested_dummy: it is not Rational
1:49:13 AM  crashtested_dummy: thats why they cannot explain how the forms odf sex evolved
1:49:36 AM  crashtested_dummy: jo
1:49:49 AM  Fractatious: You've argued this moot point for years, Cary.
1:50:05 AM  crashtested_dummy: they evolved their modes of reproduction seperately do you agree on that
1:50:43 AM  Fractatious: Cary: You stated earlier that it can't be known. So why would I agree to you suddenly knowing?
1:51:01 AM  crashtested_dummy: maybe its moot to you but i think its quite POIGNANT
1:51:13 AM  Fractatious: It's not going to get you laid.
1:51:25 AM  Fractatious: I'm serious.
1:51:34 AM  crashtested_dummy: it cannot be logically explained
1:51:44 AM  crashtested_dummy: cannot be RATIONALIZED..............
1:51:51 AM  crashtested_dummy: so what is SEX................
1:51:59 AM  crashtested_dummy: its a MIRACLE
1:52:07 AM  Fractatious: Good. So if there is no logical or rational explanation - then this discussion is moot.
1:52:12 AM  crashtested_dummy: you atheists believe in Miracles lol
1:52:22 AM  crashtested_dummy: not so
1:52:36 AM  Fractatious: Yes so. The only other alternative is an illogical and non rational explanation.

Without question or false modesty, no success has owed more to serendipity than ours. (Fischer)


Posts: 110
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,07:51   

{At the party. Everyone is staring open mouthed at Avo. The only sound is a faint, disembodied "BWWAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA", which seems to be coming from miles away}

Me: Err.. Avo, you've got a bit of.... on your.... just there.... he11, let me.

{Don wipes the mouth-froth from Avo's chin with a handkerchief}

Me: Cedric, what the feck was that drink you just gave her? An LSD Martini?

{Don backs away from Avo, slowly}

Me: I have to go over here now. Bye.


Darth Robo said "I just wish I had a crate of beer.  Guess I'll have to settle for a virtual one."

Hey, if you can imagine it, it's real! Right, Avo? AFDave? Anyone?


Posts: 40
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,07:58   

Quote (Mike PSS @ Jan. 25 2007,22:42)
Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 25 2007,02:53)
I do like learning most anything. I think my main question is can we not see the law(s) of entropy at work in every day situations. The very fact that when the organism dies, the forces that work against it cease, allowing entropy to increase, seems to validate my point.
In light of the fact that Don comes along and says that nothing about entropy or thermodynamics prohibits evolution, it seems my intentions are misunderstood, although I've stated them a few times. I do not think entropy prohibits evolution. Information theory might, but not entropy. My interest in it was as I said, general interest in how things work. I think of entropy in a yin-yang kind of way. If entropy is yin, what is the yang?

I'll restate what I said before about Entropy.

Entropy is a defined variable used in the balance equations known as Thermodynamics.  Entropy doesn't "exist" as its own, unique force or system.

When you mis-use scientific terms like Entropy then people who DO understand Thermodynamics look at you funny.  Your usage just doesn't make sense.

At present I don't care if you call what you believe a disorganizing force and an organizing force (yin and yang) but just DON'T use Entropy in the discussion.  It doesn't fit (to those who know Thermodynamics) into your description.

You could use Entropy as an analogy of your disorganizing force, but I would avoid that too.

In my eyes the whole Entropy/Thermodynamic discussion is a good example of showing you how arguing points against well established scientific principles leads to a god-of-the-gaps type conclusion.  ALWAYS.  As we "drill down" deeper into details of these scientific principles then you eventually reach some basic mathematical functions like the cosmological constant or the Heisenberg Uncertainty constant.  When we eventually get to that level of detail then the discussion becomes "How many angels fit within the gap spacing of a proton quark."  The proverbial "Where's Waldo" of the evo/creo debate.
I'd like to have a look at the nylonase question, it interests me, and I want to see if it parallels antibiotic resistance. But it will be DAYS before I can get to it.

Thanks for answering.  Here's the Permalink to the original post.

Nylon Bug Question Permalink

Mike PSS

I like your point there so; Entropy is like Time,
neither once purchased, can be returned for credit.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,08:33   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 26 2007,01:34)
Darn it Mike,

If systems or items tend toward equilibrium, then that ought to be a part of what we see, regardless of how deeply we understand its workings and the mathematics thereof. I think entropy is not only so defined as you state. This is in wide common usage, no doubt for that reason. How am I arguing against scientific principles when I am just wondering how they work?

Think about my earlier question.  We see equilibrium only in very isolated systems.  It's easy enough to demonstrate in the lab.  But when you look at the real world, you'll see all kinds of forces constantly at work.  Even if you were to remove every living organism from the planet, you'd still have energy being transfered from lightning, wind, rain, sunlight, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.  As you can see, we have no shortage of natural forces to prevent planetary equilibrium.

Quote (afdave @ Oct. 02 2006,18:37)
Many Jews were in comfortable oblivion about Hitler ... until it was too late.
Many scientists will persist in comfortable oblivion about their Creator ... until it is too late.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,08:40   

Quote (improvius @ Jan. 26 2007,08:33)
Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 26 2007,01:34)
Darn it Mike,

If systems or items tend toward equilibrium, then that ought to be a part of what we see, regardless of how deeply we understand its workings and the mathematics thereof. I think entropy is not only so defined as you state. This is in wide common usage, no doubt for that reason. How am I arguing against scientific principles when I am just wondering how they work?

Think about my earlier question.  We see equilibrium only in very isolated systems.  It's easy enough to demonstrate in the lab.  But when you look at the real world, you'll see all kinds of forces constantly at work.  Even if you were to remove every living organism from the planet, you'd still have energy being transfered from lightning, wind, rain, sunlight, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.  As you can see, we have no shortage of natural forces to prevent planetary equilibrium.

Well said. Saying that - what is the argument for Intelligent Design?

Without question or false modesty, no success has owed more to serendipity than ours. (Fischer)

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,08:40   

Quote (avocationist @ Jan. 26 2007,01:34)
Darn it Mike,

If systems or items tend toward equilibrium, then that ought to be a part of what we see, regardless of how deeply we understand its workings and the mathematics thereof. I think entropy is not only so defined as you state. This is in wide common usage, no doubt for that reason. How am I arguing against scientific principles when I am just wondering how they work?

What I and Serendipity and Creeky (and others) have stated is that when you invoke "Entropy" into your arguments then you have to INCLUDE all the other Thermodynamic variables too.  Because Entropy is not a stand-alone state but a variable contained within Thermodynamic balance equations.  I suggested that you just drop any reference to Entropy in your arguments.  You can talk all day about universal equilibrium and disorganizing forces but the moment you use Entropy to describe any of these concepts you are introducing Thermodynamics into the discussion.  And I will THEN ask you to give me the actual (or estimated) VALUE of S (Entropy) and some of the other Thermodynamic VALUES (A, H, U, G) OR the environmental conditions (P, T, V, N, m, ...).

The "public" use of Entropy (and SLoT) is historical in nature primarily because of the evo/creo debate.  This doesn't make Entropy any more seperable from Thermodynamics.  This DOES cause confusion with people who DON'T understand the mathematics and basic concepts of Thermodynamics.

In this case I invoke Lenny.  "I don't care what you "think" Entropy should represent."  There are pages and posts that clearly explain and define what Entropy represents.  And you are clearly misusing and misrepresenting the Thermodynamic variable called Entropy.

And how in the he11 does this bring us to God of the gaps? Your assumptions are showing. I have explained three times that that is not what I'm groping toward.

The god of the gaps argument will result when you challange or invoke any well established scientific principle to support your points.  If you invoke Entropy in an argument about the universe (or the earth, or your socks, doesn't matter) then I can look into Thermodynamics (remember, Entropy is a variable) and find out it uses the absolute temeperature scale as a basis of measurement.  I then ask you to define your argument in terms of Thermodynamics.  If you CAN'T define your system in these terms (the well established balance equations of Thermodynamics) then your argument HAS TO EXIST OUTSIDE OF THE DEFINED SYSTEM (TEMPERATURE SCALE IN THIS CASE).

Now you have some choices for your argument...
1) Redefine your argument to avoid invoking Thermodynamics in the first place.
2) State that your argument lies outside the established bounds of Thermodynamics.
3) Overturn Thermodynamic theory so you can carry on with your argument.

I suggested you go with 1).
You disagree (or don't quite understand the implications) so I said you will find out that your argument will invoke 2).
I really don't think you want to try 3).

Remember, you can always define your argument in Thermodynamic terms but I think we'll be checking your math too.

Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,08:48   

Quote (k.e. @ Jan. 26 2007,08:58)
I like your point there so; Entropy is like Time,
neither once purchased, can be returned for credit.

In a closed system.  :D

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,09:35   


I hope I explained the central objection to Denton's cytochrome c arguments passably well. Denton has several counterarguments against the molecular clock, and that's what my links were addressing. Keep in mind that Cytochrome C is a very important protein with a low-to-moderate mutation rate, so the assumptions of the molecular clock here are not so bad. In any case, the scientists are getting a better handle on how to deal with mutational variation among different lineages and molecules. Here's one example among many.

I can't recommend Max highly enough -- his essay will reward the time it takes to read it. I think that the existence of pseudogenes is the very best evidence of common descent.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,09:58   

I forgot to address your other questions.

I agree that Berlinski is a maverick, but sometimes he makes overly provocative statements when the scientists aren't listening and then he has to backpeddle somewhat when they take him at face value. But please note that Berlinski's beef is with the thermodynamics of abiogenesis, not evolution proper. None of the observed mechanisms driving evolution run contrary to the Second Law so long as the animals eat.  :)

Berlinski has a point when he complains that scientists haven't demonstrated that naturalistic abiogenesis is thermodynamically plausible, especially in the earlier going when you can't call upon RNA polymerases* to do the assembly work. But they very well may demonstrate this in the future.

*i.e. not to be confused with the modern DNA enzymes by the same name. We're talking about prebiotic scenarios here.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2007,10:14   

Berlinski has a point when he complains that scientists haven't demonstrated that naturalistic abiogenesis is thermodynamically plausible, especially in the earlier going when you can't call upon RNA polymerases to do the assembly work. But they very well may demonstrate this in the future.

No, he really doesn't. This is like saying that chemistry isn't thermodynamically plausible.

Many polymers form perfectly happily without (RNA) polymerases. As indeed do a wqealth of "complex" molecules, both chiral and achiral. Full, modern, polymeric nucleotides haven't been found to form without biological scaffolding (enzymes etc) but this seriously isn't the point. This is a standard creationist canard GoP: "From Goo to You". Some people put in "Via the zoo". Nobody expects a) the Spanish Inquisition or b) modern polymeric nucleotides to pop into existence without some form of "scaffolding".

The fact that a modern system doesn't survive too well without it's modern scaffolding does not mean that a) said scaffolding always had to exist or that b) the systems were always the modern ones.

Berlinki's drawing an ever retreating line in the sand and using funny maths to obfuscate it. You've been told this before, and guess what, you didn't believe it then. Why not actually learn some science BEFORE expecting all scientists to refute the drivel of creationists that you happen to find personally compelling because it fits into your worldview?

Oh wait. I know the answer to this don't I.



The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 27 2007,08:07   

But if Louis is correct, then why hasn't anyone produced the relevant papers? The only Louis-approved thermo paper relies in part on the enzymatic action of RNA nucleic acids, just like I said. I'm only arguing that the no one has produced a detailed scenario yet, not that the scenario is impossible. I'm willing to learn more about the subject, however.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2007,01:54   


I've just deleted the post I was making. There's no point. Read my previous post you total shithead, it answers the question.




Posts: 173
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 28 2007,23:43   

I just lost about two hours of work in wihch I answered all posts since I left, and was on the final poster, when my server failed or computer locked up, which is always very discouraging.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2007,00:47   

As regards the nylon eating bacteria, the paper cited was a bit technical (and also I'm having trouble with pdf links and I think it is the reason my computer shut down), but in this article they stated they didn't know how the bacteria aquired their ability. If we don't know that, I don't think we can assess the situation. Then ther's the problem I can't cut and paste from the article because it's in pdf. I was going to ask for clarification of a couple of things.

My understanding of antibiotic resistance is 1) that it is being found that bacteria have a way of turning on mutations that are directed toward solving a problem, and 2) that they usually involve either a reshuffling of some sort or actually a loss of information or functionality. In reading around on the net, I found a couple of references to frame shifting alteration as the source of their ability to ingest nylon:

The bacteria were examined and compared with others of their species and it was discovered that a particular frame shift mutation (which means that a gene got read at a slightly different starting point and slightly different ending point) allowed that bacteria to break down the nylon and obtain energy from that process. But not a LOT of energy. It wasn't a highly competent design because the bacteria weren't extracting a lot of energy from the process, just enough to get by. And it was based on a simply frame shift reading of a gene that had other uses. But with a simple frame shift of a gene that was already there, it could now "eat" nylon. Future mutations, perhaps point mutations inside that gene, could conceivably heighten the energy gain of the nylon decomp process, and allow the bacteria to truly feast and reproduce faster and more plentifully on just nylon, thus leading perhaps in time to an irreducibly complex arrangement between bacteria who live solely on nylon and a man-made fiber produced only by man.

Nor does this address the problems associated with speciation, as opposed to fine tuning of an organism to suit an environment.

I'll just keep these short, so I don't lose them.

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