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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 4, Fostering a Greater Understanding of IDC< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2012,23:45   

They both have seriously ill children too, with little hope for recovery.

It's tempting to think it's that old God of Love punishing transgressers onto the third and fourth generation again.  (See Ten Commandments for details.)

Edited to add:

Exodus 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

You may have heard just this first part in Sunday School:

Exodus 20:2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods before me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

Edited by CeilingCat on April 11 2012,23:52


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,03:49   

Good news for readers!  Is the world a confusing place to you?  Can't figure it out?  Stumped?  About to give up?  Well, rejoice!

Tragic Mishap has just written a book!

See it here.  

The title is "A Mishmash Paddywhack" and the author is ... Tragic Mishap!  Who knew that was his real name?
A Mishmash Paddywhack establishes a highly original, thoughtful and comprehensive conservative vision for the twenty-something generation written by a rare conservative member of it. The book is structured as a collection of issue-driven non-fiction essays alternating with satirical fiction, all focused on the intersection of religion and politics in the United States. Essay topics include abortion, marriage, gender roles, poverty, economics, immigration, theology, politics, science, education, and much more. The fiction delightfully pokes fun at the same issues through the eyes of Christian and Western history while embarking on a journey from the Garden of Eden and back again. Together the fiction and non-fiction weaves a messily consistent perspective on many of the most important issues of our day. If you are interested, just check out the Introduction to the book by clicking on "Preview."

If you do click on "Preview", you'll find that Tragic "and other likeminded folk" are waiting for you at seems to be a good place to repair to if you don't like crowds.  It's telling me right now, albeit at 3:25AM CDT, that "In total there is 1 user online :: 0 registered, 0 hidden and 1 guest (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)
Most users ever online was 2 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:19 pm"

So they've had as many as two people reading it at one time!

Oh, Tragic's blog is named "The Whack Blog".  No challenges from me, there.  It appears to be the only blog at  It has three threads, of one message each (from Tragic, of course).  The three questions have no replies as yet, but if you register you are invited to type something.  I'm managing to resist so far.

Oh yeah, in humble appreciation of Denyse O'Leary's endearing attempts to "get with it" and show how "cool" and "right on!" she (and Tragic) really are, every message ends with this signature:

"Now that's whack."

I think "Now that's a whack job" might be more appropriate.

P.S. In support of the publisher, Lulu, while it is true that anybody with a bit of money can publish there (it's a book on demand publisher), I have actually purchased two good books from them.  They were "Carl and Jerry, Their Complete Adventures" Volumes 1 & 2 by John T. Frye, reprints of a series of stories in the long defunct "Popular Electronics" magazine from the 50s.  I don't think "Mismash Paddywhack" rises to their standard.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,06:02   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 12 2012,11:49)
Good news for readers!  Is the world a confusing place to you?  Can't figure it out?  Stumped?  About to give up?  Well, rejoice!

Tragic Mishap has just written a book!

See it here.  

The title is "A Mishmash Paddywhack" and the author is ... Tragic Mishap!  Who knew that was his real name?
A Mishmash Paddywhack establishes a highly original, thoughtful and comprehensive conservative vision for the twenty-something generation written by a rare conservative member of it. The book is structured as a collection of issue-driven non-fiction essays alternating with satirical fiction, all focused on the intersection of religion and politics in the United States. Essay topics include abortion, marriage, gender roles, poverty, economics, immigration, theology, politics, science, education, and much more. The fiction delightfully pokes fun at the same issues through the eyes of Christian and Western history while embarking on a journey from the Garden of Eden and back again. Together the fiction and non-fiction weaves a messily consistent perspective on many of the most important issues of our day. If you are interested, just check out the Introduction to the book by clicking on "Preview."

If you do click on "Preview", you'll find that Tragic "and other likeminded folk" are waiting for you at seems to be a good place to repair to if you don't like crowds.  It's telling me right now, albeit at 3:25AM CDT, that "In total there is 1 user online :: 0 registered, 0 hidden and 1 guest (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)
Most users ever online was 2 on Sat Jan 14, 2012 8:19 pm"

So they've had as many as two people reading it at one time!

Oh, Tragic's blog is named "The Whack Blog".  No challenges from me, there.  It appears to be the only blog at  It has three threads, of one message each (from Tragic, of course).  The three questions have no replies as yet, but if you register you are invited to type something.  I'm managing to resist so far.

Oh yeah, in humble appreciation of Denyse O'Leary's endearing attempts to "get with it" and show how "cool" and "right on!" she (and Tragic) really are, every message ends with this signature:

"Now that's whack."

I think "Now that's a whack job" might be more appropriate.

P.S. In support of the publisher, Lulu, while it is true that anybody with a bit of money can publish there (it's a book on demand publisher), I have actually purchased two good books from them.  They were "Carl and Jerry, Their Complete Adventures" Volumes 1 & 2 by John T. Frye, reprints of a series of stories in the long defunct "Popular Electronics" magazine from the 50s.  I don't think "Mismash Paddywhack" rises to their standard.

Wasn't Popular Electronics a just a vanity publication.../
...k.e.. ducks <snikker>

I remember seeing this

as a savy 19 year old when I was about to leave NZ to see the world when I thought ...I have just seen the future.....why don't I stay and make a killing?

No problem ...that came later.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,06:40   

That's the magazine, all right.  Carl and Jerry came a lot earlier, though.  They were a pair of high school (and then college) boys who got into scrapes every month and got out of them by building an electronic gizmo.  I remember one of their adventures involved watching a satellite go over with a girl.  Satellites were new back then.  Girls had been around for a while, but being '50s boys, they never quite got the hang of them.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,07:34   

Quote (CeilingCat @ April 12 2012,14:40)
That's the magazine, all right.  Carl and Jerry came a lot earlier, though.  They were a pair of high school (and then college) boys who got into scrapes every month and got out of them by building an electronic gizmo.  I remember one of their adventures involved watching a satellite go over with a girl.  Satellites were new back then.  Girls had been around for a while, but being '50s boys, they never quite got the hang of them.


It's much easier to make them urself

My second daughter mater of factly pointed out some faint streaks in the sky after dusk while we were lying on our backs after an evening picnic near the Swan River in Perth a few years ago.
She postulated they could be satellites, after she was informed they were probably Iridium LEOs she lost interest.
Girls indeed have been around longer than satellites.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin

Schroedinger's Dog

Posts: 1692
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,07:45   

She postulated they could be satellites, after she was informed they were probably Iridium LEOs she lost interest.
Girls indeed have been around longer than satellites.

The Moon begs to differ*...

*Well, as long as we speak about girls here on earth.

"Hail is made out of water? Are you really that stupid?" Joe G

"I have a better suggestion, Kris. How about a game of hide and go fuck yourself instead." Louis

"The reason people use a crucifix against vampires is that vampires are allergic to bullshit" Richard Pryor


Posts: 5432
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,07:59   

Quote (Schroedinger's Dog @ April 12 2012,15:45)
She postulated they could be satellites, after she was informed they were probably Iridium LEOs she lost interest.
Girls indeed have been around longer than satellites.

The Moon begs to differ*...

*Well, as long as we speak about girls here on earth.

Sweat of the Sun, Tears of The Moon and ancient mythology are far more interesting than fundamentalism

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 2363
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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,08:45   

Now that I've sidetracked another thread, next time you see a streak in the sky, go here:

This site will provide star maps showing the paths of satellites across the sky.  After putting in your location, click on ISS for a list of visible passes of the International Space Boondoggle (enough money to have built the Superconducting Supercollider and what do we have to show for it?), complete with star maps.

But since you mentioned Iridiums, also click on Iridium Flares.  Each Iridium satellite has some flat panel antennas that are as reflective as mirrors.  When one of those antennas reflects the sun directly to you, they will get unDarwinly bright.  I've got one coming over tonight that's magnitude -8, for instance.  The brightest stars in the sky are about mag 0, Venus is mag -4 and mag -8 probably throws shadows.  I've always been too busy looking up to check.

Heavens above will give you altitude, direction and time to watch for them.  They go from invisible to the naked eye to blindingly bright and then back to barely visible in about ten or fifteen seconds, and it's a very intense ten or fifteen seconds!

P.S. Mrs. O'Leary, all of the above is based on science, so you can ignore it.


Posts: 1337
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2012,17:02   

And the ISS, having more panels than an unsuccessful cladding salesman, beats 'em all. I once glanced up to see it mid-"flare" thought it was a plane blowing up.

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,08:15   

Quote (Amadan @ April 13 2012,01:02)
And the ISS, having more panels than an unsuccessful cladding salesman, beats 'em all. I once glanced up to see it mid-"flare" thought it was a plane blowing up.








"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 638
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,11:16   

Wow--even well-evidenced, mild dissent gets the bold voice of god from Barry.


[email protected] April 12, 2012 at 7:34 am
Is the cover on the left a fake? From what I can tell, it’s from April 2007, not 1977. The original headline was “The Global Warming Survival Guide”.

The 1977 “ice age” version doesn’t appear in the Time magazine cover archives for that year:

But the 2007 “global warming” version does…

Thoughts, anyone?

UD Editors: Really? The 1977 cover is one of the magazine’s most famous. Have you been living in a cave


Then again, Barry did get caught lying--posting a poorly photoshopped Time cover that swaps the title "How to Survive the Coming Ice Age onto a 2007 Global Warming issue.


Real Cover

Edited by REC on April 13 2012,11:18


Posts: 371
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,11:37   

Quote (REC @ April 13 2012,11:16)
Wow--even well-evidenced, mild dissent gets the bold voice of god from Barry.


[email protected] April 12, 2012 at 7:34 am
Is the cover on the left a fake? From what I can tell, it’s from April 2007, not 1977. The original headline was “The Global Warming Survival Guide”.

The 1977 “ice age” version doesn’t appear in the Time magazine cover archives for that year:

But the 2007 “global warming” version does…

Thoughts, anyone?

UD Editors: Really? The 1977 cover is one of the magazine’s most famous. Have you been living in a cave


Then again, Barry did get caught lying--posting a poorly photoshopped Time cover that swaps the title "How to Survive the Coming Ice Age onto a 2007 Global Warming issue.


Real Cover

And this guy made a living standing up in court and presenting evidence? Holy crap.

If you look at the 'shopped image it points to this site:

There's some great shit there ...

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.


Posts: 371
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,11:46   

Nice - KF Doubles Down in his OP! Sorry - too good to pass up.

KF quote from that post:
Let us see who is name-calling and distorting easily checked facts, and who is laying out facts on the merits. That’s why we are going to roll the tape below.)

Gil was speaking in the context of the issue of climate change and how it has been handled over the past forty or so years in the influential media.

I’m sure Barry won’t mind our putting the picture back up, of two contrasted Time Covers, c 1977 and c 2006:

Epic fail.  Twat.

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.


Posts: 1431
Joined: Sep. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,12:51   

Oh c'mon! Don't those morons fact-check anything? Sheesh:

(Rolls eyes)

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,12:56   

Katrina, may I beg a favour?

I'd like a photoshop of Joe In ICP makeup, saying "Motherfucking planets, how do they work?"
See this at 1.50+ for context:

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Occam's Aftershave

Posts: 5287
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,13:03   

Quote (Robin @ April 13 2012,12:51)
Oh c'mon! Don't those morons fact-check anything? Sheesh:

(Rolls eyes)

Unbelievable.  Someone even pointed out to Barry Arrogant them that his supposed April 1977 cover is a fake, and showed them the real one with the actual caption "The global warming survival guide"

Barry the asshole's response?

"Really? The 1977 cover is one of the magazine’s most famous. Have you been living in a cave?"

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head...

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,13:16   

Quote (Occam's Aftershave @ April 13 2012,13:03)
Quote (Robin @ April 13 2012,12:51)
Oh c'mon! Don't those morons fact-check anything? Sheesh:

(Rolls eyes)

Unbelievable.  Someone even pointed out to Barry Arrogant them that his supposed April 1977 cover is a fake, and showed them the real one with the actual caption "The global warming survival guide"

Barry the asshole's response?

"Really? The 1977 cover is one of the magazine’s most famous. Have you been living in a cave?"

Sometimes all you can do is shake your head...

Someone tell Pharyngula / PT please.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1431
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,13:20   

Quote (Richardthughes @ April 13 2012,13:16)
Someone tell Pharyngula / PT please.

I think someone should tell Jon Stewart...

we IDists rule in design for the flagellum and cilium largely because they do look designed.  Bilbo

The only reason you reject Thor is because, like a cushion, you bear the imprint of the biggest arse that sat on you. Louis


Posts: 638
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,13:35   

On Barry's fake Ice Age Post:
(Visited 746 times, 745 visits today)

Meaning almost no traffic for two days, until someone posted a reply and it was pointed out.

The second leading post is the accidental Scoville scale traffic. Those two account for greater than 50% of reported "Daily Popular" hits.


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:03   

It's hard to see, but the upper right corner of the "1977" issue has an article on the Sopranos.  

This is a bigger fail than DaveTard's praying Marine photo.


Posts: 1267
Joined: Sep. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:07   

Quote (Richardthughes @ April 13 2012,12:56)
Katrina, may I beg a favour?

I'd like a photoshop of Joe In ICP makeup, saying "Motherfucking planets, how do they work?"
See this at 1.50+ for context:

Edit: Shall I post it on our Tardgasm thread or send it somewhere else?

Edited by Kattarina98 on April 13 2012,14:08

Barry Arrington is a bitch.


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:09   

KF doesn't understand that once something's discovered, others don't get to 'discover' it:

...How many have connected the two using the concept that like effects, centre-seeking forces — have like causes and then inferred Universal Gravitation?

Just one.

And, rightly, we call him a genius.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:12   

For once, I agree with KairosFocus:      
You have gone to the heart of the matter, the ideologisation of science is demonstrably morally unsound, manipulative and culturally suicidal.

Morally unsound, manipulative and culturally suicidal.  You got it right this time, Gordo.



Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:14   

Quote (Kattarina98 @ April 13 2012,14:07)
Quote (Richardthughes @ April 13 2012,12:56)
Katrina, may I beg a favour?

I'd like a photoshop of Joe In ICP makeup, saying "Motherfucking planets, how do they work?"
See this at 1.50+ for context:

Edit: Shall I post it on our Tardgasm thread or send it somewhere else?

Tardgasm, please. Sorry for the wrong thread. Mods feel free to move or delete. Thanks all.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 2363
Joined: Dec. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:32   

Woah!  Barry's "1977" cover has "Living with Cancer" in the upper left corner, something I can't make out in the top center and "MASH" in the upper right corner.

The actual April 9, 2007 issue has a different "Living with Caner" in the upper left corner, "Beyond Baghdad" in the center and "The Sopranos" in the upper right corner.

Looks like someone just swapped the 2007 picture into the 1977 cover and relabeled it.  This must be the "active information" we've been reading about.


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,14:49   

You can get some better images by googling

time magazine 1977 coming ice age

and then switching to images.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,15:09   

Quote (midwifetoad @ April 13 2012,12:49)
You can get some better images by googling

time magazine 1977 coming ice age

and then switching to images.

They kept the month and day the same (April 8) and just dropped in "1977".  Time published issues on April 4 and April 11 1977.  And there's nothing at all on "the coming ice age" in Time's archive for 1977.

Bannington and Gordshite have uncovered a major conspiracy here - one so sophisticated that it's been totally expunged from teh webz.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 544
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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,16:04   

According to this page, Suzi Eszterhaus, who took that photo was born in 1976. This means that in 1977 she would have been the youngest person ever to have a picture on the front cover of Time.

(Edited to add the year the picture was first used)

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,16:07   

I guess some photographers develop earlier than others?


Posts: 371
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2012,16:15   

Quote (Henry J @ April 13 2012,16:07)
I guess some photographers develop earlier than others?

Only when stored in a dark room ...

Joe: Most criticisims of ID stem from ignorance and jealousy.
Joe: As for the authors of the books in the Bible, well the OT was authored by Moses and the NT was authored by various people.
Byers: The eskimo would not need hairy hair growth as hair, I say, is for keeping people dry. Not warm.

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