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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2017,20:15   

Quote (Henry J @ April 09 2017,19:54)
Being under somebody else's skin sounds like an uncomfortable place to be.

Especially under KF's, with all that self flagellation.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 09 2017,21:25   

Armand JacksApril 9, 2017 at 6:48 pm

Those who are interested in the discussion that adequately answered a distractive commenter are referred to the list of most active threads, again. There is no point in side-tracking this thread (other than distraction of course).

What sidetracking are we talking about? It is you who has repeatedly brought up abortion on this thread.

Why are you so afraid to address the inconsistency between your opinion that the fetus from conception on has the same right to life as you and I, and your opinion that women who have an abortion shouldn’t suffer the same penalty as anyone else who commits a premeditated murder?

All you have said is that you have adequately answered my question. I have pointed out the fatal flaws in your responses, flaws that you have never addressed. Unless you can provide a rationale other than those already presented, hipocrysy and/or misogyny are the only possible explanations for your views on this subject.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2017,21:55   

Poor Gordie. His mind is hopelessly lost in a forest of its own tropes, incapable of any new or creative thought.

"[A] book said there were 5 trillion witnesses. Who am I supposed to believe, 5 trillion witnesses or you? That shit's, like, ironclad. " -- stevestory

"Wow, you must be retarded. I said that CO2 does not trap heat. If it did then it would not cool down at night."  Joe G


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(Permalink) Posted: April 10 2017,22:49   

KRock  April 10, 2017 at 8:58 pm

Maybe he was aiming for Kid Rock? Whatever, I'm pretty sure he didn't sound out this handle.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 11 2017,17:20   

Your Tuesday evening chuckle.
Charles I want to thank you for your patience and methodical dismantling of the atheists on this thread.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2017,06:31   

Quote (Molt @ April 12 2017,04:45)
Politics in college is something unusual for me. In order to understand in more detail the question of the abolition of the slave trade, I had to watch the film, Amazing Grace. In addition, I studied in detail the biography of Wilberforce and used to order written work on anti-Christian culture. Now, when something is due with such issue I prefer completed written work about Wilberforce and submit it to my professor before the

reported as spam

James 2:24


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2017,07:42   

I wonder if KF has ever reported himself for spam? Like some kind of fundy Bob Arctor.

Edited by stevestory on April 12 2017,09:32

Bob O'H

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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2017,07:55   

Quote (Woodbine @ April 12 2017,07:42)
I wonder if KF has ever reported himself for spam? Like some kind of fundy Bob Arctor.

Three times. But each time the spam reports and the 17 P.P.P.S.'s were automatically placed in the spam bucket.

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2017,08:35   

Quote (Bob O'H @ April 12 2017,15:55)
Quote (Woodbine @ April 12 2017,07:42)
I wonder if KF has ever reported himself for spam? Like some kind of fundy Bob Arctor.

Three times. But each time the spam reports and the 17 P.P.P.S.'s were automatically placed in the spam bucket.

He called Ad Canard but they strawmannisingalogical deduced it to be fucking batshit droppings.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 12 2017,18:39   

Armand JacksApril 12, 2017 at 4:28 pm

When we see stubborn, hyperskeptical resistance to evidence of design, the sort of backdrop yhis thread provides should help us understand why.

When you start presenting evidence of design in nature, please let me know. I would hate to miss it.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2017,10:24   


Happenstance physical interactions are not up to the task of creating such sophisticated, information-driven nanotechnology.

Armand Jacks in response:
That strawman isn’t going to knock itself over. OK. Put your shoulder to it. Now, PUSH.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2017,17:37   

KF: Notice the sidetracking from a serious issue, dragging on and on instead of taking a well merited correction? The motive at work is clearly to find an excuse to side-track rather than face sobering issues.

Armand Jacks: KF, I have been talking about WJM’s statement. The very same statement that is central to this OP. If you have something to add to the discussion other than groundless accusations, please do so. If not, your best approach would be to keep quiet. You only make yourself look childish and foolish otherwise.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,09:47   

Armand JacksApril 15, 2017 at 7:22 am

Why then has there been such a hot debate over design, and why has it been laced with accusations about creationism in a cheap tuxedo and the like?

When an accusation is true, it becomes a statement of fact.

Simple: evolutionary materialistic scientism, from the outset in modern times [this is demonstrable historic fact], has tried to come up with a designer substitute that would plausibly put the creator-God out of a job.

Then you agree that ID is just a re-packaging of creationism. Thank you for your honesty.

Edited by stevestory on April 15 2017,10:51


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,09:52   

Armand JacksApril 15, 2017 at 8:11 am

The proper place for such a discussion would be there on, but in fact even there there was a substantial discussion from several directions that was never cogently addressed by one who refuses to understand the nature of reform.

I agree that you produced a substantial number of words, but to call it a discussion would be a lie. At no point did you provide a rational answer to these two questions that is consistent with your world view. Your responses were nothing more than lame equivocations. Onlookers are encouraged to follow KF’s links and find out for themselves who is speaking the truth.

If a fetus is a human being with the same right to life as any of us, its premeditated killing is first degree murder. Plain and simple. Yet he is opposed to those charges. This inconsistency can easily be explained by either hipocrysy or misogyny. He has steadfastly refused to provide another option. This speaks volumes. And not in KF’s favour.

If abortions are murder and a holocaust as KF claims, then he should support proven means to significantly reduce them (sex Ed, unrestricted access to contraceptives) rather than means that have been proven not reduce abortion rates (criminalizing abortion).

I really don’t think that KF will answer either of these questions honestly because it will reveal the fatal flaws in his worldview. And I don’t blame him. Admitting that there are serious flaws in your personal world view is something that is very difficult even for the best of us.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,10:53   

rvb8April 14, 2017 at 6:26 pm
I would like to thank ‘Uncommondescent’.

In my life, I never dreamed of fame, but here I am, in several posts, the title inspiration.

My thinking is not particularly deep; my rationalizations for my actions, not particularly sound; my arguments rather common sense and scientifical; and yet, deep thinkers, of the quality of Barry Arrington, and WJM, think it wise to refute me; as if I am a, peer!?

Wow, this site is in deep, deep, trouble.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,10:56   

Correct me if I am wrong, but, on this forum, I have never witnessed a single case of a materialist winning an argument or even a part of an argument. Whoever they are, whatever they put forward, they are always wrong and they are always losing.

Origines brings the derp

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,12:01   


Unfortunately, under Armand’s worldview premise, there is no means by which for him to “know” any such thing other than that happenstance physical interactions cause it to have a sensation that it “knows” something (or prefers to say it doesn’t know). Those physical interactions might cause it to say “I know I’m made of peppermint cotton candy” or “impsh ujojke you .lyouj ajjyy” and also make it think it has responded appropriately to written stimuli. Who knows?

I suppose the who would know would be anybody who understands that if you evolved speech you'd probably mostly make meaningful sounds with it--or speech wouldn't have been naturally selected.

Not hard, fuckwit.

That seems to be about as far as that dolt can "think," though, robotically repeating the same pathetically ignorant twaddle.

Glen Davidson


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,12:33   

Armand JacksApril 15, 2017 at 10:43 am
[quote]WJM: Only an idiot (meaning, meatbot) looks at the interdependent, sophisticated, highly-complex, precision-operating, self-correcting software/hardware find in biological nanotechnology and says “there is no evidence one way or the other as to how it developed”.

Armand Jacks: Actually, that is what intelligent people would say. But I understand why you wouldn’t know that.

WJM: Those physical interactions might cause it to say “I know I’m made of peppermint cotton candy” or “impsh ujojke you .lyouj ajjyy” and also make it think it has responded appropriately to written stimuli. Who knows?

Armand Jacks: Another lesson by WJM on the fine art of using childish behaviour in a debate. I concede. I am not capable of acting so childishly. Another win for objective morality and supernaturalism. When you are willing to take off the diapers and act like a mature adult, get back to me. Until then, I think it might be your nap time.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,15:57   

Quote (stevestory @ April 15 2017,10:56)
Correct me if I am wrong, but, on this forum, I have never witnessed a single case of a materialist winning an argument or even a part of an argument. Whoever they are, whatever they put forward, they are always wrong and they are always losing.

Origines brings the derp

To Origines:


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,16:12   

Quote (stevestory @ April 15 2017,10:56)
Correct me if I am wrong, but, on this forum, I have never witnessed a single case of a materialist winning an argument or even a part of an argument. Whoever they are, whatever they put forward, they are always wrong and they are always losing.

Origines brings the derp

I dunno… given that UD's admins have consistently had a proclivity for using the banhammer on ID critics who do make good arguments, Origines may actually have not ever have "witnessed a single case of a materialist winning an argument or even a part of an argument" on UD.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,17:13   


Armand Jacks April 15, 2017 at 4:03 pm

Long since answered cf 103 onward links. Notice, enabling of global holocaust, and rhetoric of projection rather than addressing the substantial, focal issues. Sad.

Your refusal to answer these questions is duly noted. The fact that you are willing to lie through your teeth about answering these questions is even more telling.

What I have noticed is that I have called you a liar several times on this thread. Normally that would result in you chastising me and you banning me outright. The fact that you have not done so suggests that there is truth in my words.

Code Sample

Edited by stevestory on April 15 2017,18:16


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,17:16   

Brave and AtBC do not play well together.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,22:04   

Quote (stevestory @ April 15 2017,17:13)

Armand Jacks April 15, 2017 at 4:03 pm

Long since answered cf 103 onward links. Notice, enabling of global holocaust, and rhetoric of projection rather than addressing the substantial, focal issues. Sad.

Your refusal to answer these questions is duly noted. The fact that you are willing to lie through your teeth about answering these questions is even more telling.

What I have noticed is that I have called you a liar several times on this thread. Normally that would result in you chastising me and you banning me outright. The fact that you have not done so suggests that there is truth in my words.

Code Sample


Armand JacksApril 15, 2017 at 4:03 pm
THAT’S Enough trollish behaviour, you need to back off from false accusations and address the focal matter of the thread. Where, you full well know what was addressed in the linked threads long since put up at 103 above. If you were interested in responsible discussion, you would have long since gone where it is germane and where there is an existing discussion that cogently speaks to legitimate points you may have had, instead of repeatedly trying to divert this thread through untrue descriptions of what transpired elsewhere; all enabling of an ongoing holocaust. It seems you have an obsession with projecting to us hostility to women with crisis pregnancies, and imagine it gives you unanswerable talking points. Only, the points were answered in principle over 200 years ago by the principled, reformational approach Wilberforce took in the face of another great evil with holocaust-level death toll. Enough is enough, either clean up your act or please leave this thread. Sgd, Thread Owner

I guess Armand Jacks stepped over the line.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2017,23:09   

Armand Jacks April 15, 2017 at 9:14 pm
KF, is this your way of saying that you refuse to answer my questions? Duly noted.

Code Sample


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2017,01:10   

rvb8April 15, 2017 at 10:37 pm
Hello WJM,

rvb8, your resident ‘meatbot’ here; heh:)

You are the only remaining ‘intellect’ who writes here. I don’t know if it was time or tide that erroded the other intellectual heavyweights, but here you are, the banner barerer of the ID community; ‘meatbots’, is beneath you.

Life evolved over millions of years. It started, that is originated, in the oceans in conditions we have difficulty imagining, but which experimentation can imagine.

You say, ‘God did it!’

One of these positions is more likely than the other. Is it the one that says, life is possible with the ingredients and forces available now, and billions of years ago; or, is it the one that says a miraculous being, beyond the laws of science we know, did it?

Up to you! All I know, thankfully, is that every university world wide, worth its salt, teaches, experiments upon, upholds, and debates, the former.


I apologize for not including you in the ‘remaining intellectuals’ category. But as my History professor explained to me in university; “Robert, length of argument does not replace quality of argument!’
Code Sample


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2017,09:58   

Both WJM & KF could be replaced with simple Neural Networks taught with their respective posts and a little randomness to prevent over matching.

Their stale, repeditive, impotent and barren batherings belie an underlying mendacity, insecurity and deep superficiality.  Since logic has long abandoned their mission leaving only a mean grasping at the gaudy fundy fair ground parody of some imagined distant fading glimmer of improbable reason we can be sure that ID intermingled tautologies will never dissapoint us with comedic entertainment.

The best bit is they are being played at with their own game.

The ladies doth protest too much, methinks.

What can they do? Put Out Moar Flase Flags and Fake deNews. Speaking of which UD seems to be infected with a veritable inflationary parody of viral Fake News headlines lately.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2017,10:22   

I hope that others have noticed, but Barry appears to be allowing actual open discussion without wielding his ban hammer. I would like that this is because he has seen the light and the dangers of censorship. But I suspect it is because he is looking to sell off this donkey of a web site and wants to maximize activity to maximize the price.


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(Permalink) Posted: April 16 2017,10:33   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 16 2017,18:22)
I hope that others have noticed, but Barry appears to be allowing actual open discussion without wielding his ban hammer. I would like that this is because he has seen the light and the dangers of censorship. But I suspect it is because he is looking to sell off this donkey of a web site and wants to maximize activity to maximize the price.

Hmmmm maybe, if you credit him with faint praise. I suspect he is off on a high jaunt with a fantabulistic dream for half a chance of a decent commision if he can pull of the win of his career over the Columbine caper. I hope his judgement will be found for what it is.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2017,00:16   

Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ April 16 2017,08:22)
I hope that others have noticed, but Barry appears to be allowing actual open discussion without wielding his ban hammer. I would like that this is because he has seen the light and the dangers of censorship. But I suspect it is because he is looking to sell off this donkey of a web site and wants to maximize activity to maximize the price.

UD might have some sort of value as a donkey.  If it was a horse, they'd shoot it.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2017,13:58   

Indeed, that's what Horace Mc Coy said.

Edited by Quack on April 17 2017,13:59

Rocks have no biology.
              Robert Byers.

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