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  Topic: Joe G.'s Tardgasm, How long can it last?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Joe G

Posts: 12011
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,21:47   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 18 2015,21:44)
Yes, Joe, you said it way over there 7 pages ago. And you haven't mentioned it since.

You are right context is very important... and you're ignoring it and therefore making incorrect statements.

I'd love see you submit a paper that says "wavelength = frequency" and then, but I explained the context on a forum. LOL.

The statement you made in bold is true ONLY under a constant velocity. But you didn't say that. For all the grief you give me about context, it's fun to remind you that it works both ways.

Speak clearly and communicate carefully or you'll look like an idiot... more like an idiot.

BTW: wavelength = frequency is STILL wrong and will always be wrong under every possible condition. And there's STILL NO 1:1 correspondence between wavelength and frequency.

I shouldn't have to keep saying it, Kevin. It's as if you are proud to be a shit eater.

"Facts are Stupid"- Timothy Horton aka Occam's Afterbirth

"Genetic mutations aren't mistakes"-ID and Timothy Horton

Whales do not have tails. Water turns to ice via a molecular code-  Acartia bogart, TARD

YEC is more coherent than materialism and it's bastard child, evolutionism


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,21:50   

Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,21:40)
How do you know its 120 hz? I need to see how you made that determination.

Or just admit that you have no idea how science is conducted.

Because I said so. I don't care, you can do anything from 20-35,000 hertz... doesn't matter. The results are the same.

And yes, when you say something, the comment in bold for example, that you hold up as the explanation for your thoughts, you need to make bloody sure that you state all the conditions.

Or, you could just use the normal way of saying it. Wavelength = velocity/frequency. Instead of all the gibberish you usually put out.

Frequency and wavelength are differing numerical representations of the SAME WAVE. Once you have one you have the other.

Is an incorrect statement. I have shown you why.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 2927
Joined: Sep. 2014

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,21:50   

Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,20:38)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 18 2015,20:25)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,14:44)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 17 2015,13:51)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 17 2015,12:25)
Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 17 2015,12:09)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 17 2015,09:09)
Quote (JohnW @ Feb. 11 2015,12:49)
If all waves travel at the same speed, why do I see the lightning before I hear the thunder, Joe?  Enlighten us, O Guru!

I didn't say that all waves travel at the same speed.

But you said there's a one-to-one correspondence between frequency and wavelength*.  This can only be true if velocity is invariant.

* As I'm in a charitable mood, i'm going to disregard "frequency=wavelength" and just put it on the Big List Of Unbelievably Stupid Things Which Joe Is Too Pig-Headed To Retract.

There is a one-to-one correspondence between frequency and wavelength in any given context.

Ah, but that's not what you said is it Joe?

You said

wavelength = frequency

You didn't say

wavelength = frequency when everything else is constant (it's still not true because 520 nanometers doesn't equal 3.5 gigahertz anyway).

I'm pretty sure we have screenshots.

Here's a hint: The equal sign "=" does not mean 1:1 correspondence.  As you have been told many times and ignored.

Keep digging this is almost as good as the hail/water and a baseball can't be the same size as a rock because of density thing.

When I turn the frequency knob of a signal generator it changes the wavelength. That is all it changes.

By your logic the manufacturer doesn't know what it is doing.

You've moved the goal posts again.

You didn't say "for EM radiation at a constant velocity; wavelength = frequency"

You said "wavelength = frequency" (still not correct because the equal sign doesn't mean 1:1 correspondence)

You have all but admitted that the thing you actually said isn't true.

Now, if we only convince you that length isn't the same as time... you'll be as knowledgeable as most 2nd graders.

Kevin, You were NEVER part of the discussion so you don't know what I was saying.

But I was. So, please tell us about the discussion. And the context.

If you are having a hard time remembering, let me remind you. You claimed:

Frequency = wavelength.

No additional context. No qualifiers. No "everything else being equal". No "with constant wave velocity". No "in a single medium". No "only on Tuesdays".


Frequency = wavelength.


Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,21:53   

I just realized (very depressingly, I might add) that it isn't Friday.

I has a sadz.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,21:55   

Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,19:27)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 18 2015,21:24)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,19:07)
Quote (The whole truth @ Feb. 18 2015,21:06)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,13:04)
Quote (Quack @ Feb. 18 2015,15:01)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,14:41)
Quote (Acartia_Bogart @ Feb. 17 2015,13:21)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 17 2015,12:33)
Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 12 2015,19:29)
Quote (midwifetoad @ Feb. 12 2015,14:36)
I don't know of any court case in which the defendant argued that an act was done by disembodied spirits.

Meanwhile paternity suits turn on evidence of common descent - exactly the same kinds of tests as used in phylogenetic analysis. This is one thing that bugs the hell out of me - valid in the one, invalid in the other, no good reason given. All of a sudden, at some arbitrary remove from intraspecies descent, the self-same commonality markers elide from accepted common descent to hogwash 'common design'. The less like each other genome pairs become, the more commonly-designed they are!

That is so wrong and pathetic. The tests use to determine paternity would show no relationship between humans and chimps. Different DNA sequences and different tests.

Also common design is both an observation and an experience in our world.

OK genius boy, what about the use of mitochodrial DNA comparisons to demonstrate that a 530 year old skeleton was King Richard III? The same techniques often used for phylogeny comparisons.

I bet the sequence used didn't show he was related to chimps.

I trust you may be impressed by learning that around a 100 years ago, Dr. Vincent Sarich used blood samples from people and all sorts of animals in some complictaed chemical processs to determine the degree of immunological distance beween them. And in accord with the already well established theory of evolution he determined that the separation between humans and oher primates was very small, becoming increasingly greater for species assumed to be more distant 'relatives'.

That was long before the discovery of DNA allowed for confirmation that his findings were quite right.

Yuo might read all about it in "The first Chimpanzee". I bet you won't.

I read the book. There still isn't any evidence that the transformations required are even possible. DNA has confirmed a common design.

Well then, YEC joey, if DNA confirmed a "common design", why do you have such a problem with humans being related to chimps? And if humans and chimps (and everything else, whoops...except for diseases and deformities, LOL) were 'commonly designed' by your chosen sky daddy, wouldn't EVERY biological entity be related and have 'universal common ancestry' (whoops...except for diseases and deformities, LOL)?

There isn't any testable evidence that we are related to chimps.

Well then, that shoots down "common design". Thanks for destroying your own claims.

You are very desperate, eh

LOL, by arguing that humans and chimps (or any other biological entities) aren't related and don't have universal common ancestry you and your IDiot-creationist ilk totally destroy your own "common design" claims. What a bunch of maroons you are.

Here's a hint, YEC joey, you dimwits should be arguing in favor of SEPARATE design-creation.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,22:03   

The schematic is shit- I can't tell what the blank blocks are.  I just assumed they were inductors and the "R" stood for reactance.

Find a properly drawn circuit and we can talk. Who the fuck uses blank blocks for components?

H is for reactance, Joe. The symbol for a coil looks like a coil.
100R is 100 Ohms. (R instead OF K, since K is for Kilo.) 220F would be a film resistor.

It is quite common in parts of the world to use a rectangle as a symbol for a resistor.

There is nothing wrong, or even particularly unusual about the diagram. But you knew that, because you are a hotshot circuit designer.

Now once again, What causes the circuit to oscillate?

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,22:22   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Feb. 18 2015,22:03)
The schematic is shit- I can't tell what the blank blocks are.  I just assumed they were inductors and the "R" stood for reactance.

Find a properly drawn circuit and we can talk. Who the fuck uses blank blocks for components?

H is for reactance, Joe. The symbol for a coil looks like a coil.
100R is 100 Ohms. (R instead OF K, since K is for Kilo.) 220F would be a film resistor.

It is quite common in parts of the world to use a rectangle as a symbol for a resistor.

There is nothing wrong, or even particularly unusual about the diagram. But you knew that, because you are a hotshot circuit designer.

Now once again, What causes the circuit to oscillate?

I live electronics and have designed sine wave generators.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,22:40   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 18 2015,20:50)
Or, you could just use the normal way of saying it. Wavelength = velocity/frequency.

Shouldn't that be wavelength = speed/frequency ?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 18 2015,23:26   

Minor correction. I repeated Joe's term reactance. A more correct term would be inductance, for a coil. Reactance could be inductance or capacitance.

As a designer, Joe would be familiar with IEC symbols for resistors,  as well as the American zig-zag symbol. He would also know that there is quite a bit of variation in the details of diagrams, some of which you have to figure out from context.

Assuming you understand how circuits work.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 4003
Joined: Mar. 2008

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 19 2015,00:48   

Joe,  I have two hypothetical customers for my audio oscillator design.

Customer A wants to test the output of loudspeakers at 60 Hz. He wants to design an optimum listening room. He wants to know the wavelength of 60 Hz.

Customer B wants to build a wireless inductive charger for cell phones. He wants to optimize the sending and receiving antennas for 60 Hz. What is the wavelength of 60 Hz?

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 19 2015,01:37   

Hey YEC joey, regarding extreme weather that you say ain't happening, how's it going there in Massachusetts?

High temperature records (for the dates) are being set around here lately, and mountain snowpack is WAY below normal.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 19 2015,03:10   

Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 18 2015,20:54)
Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 17 2015,14:24)
Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 17 2015,18:33)
Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 12 2015,19:29)
Quote (midwifetoad @ Feb. 12 2015,14:36)
I don't know of any court case in which the defendant argued that an act was done by disembodied spirits.

Meanwhile paternity suits turn on evidence of common descent - exactly the same kinds of tests as used in phylogenetic analysis. [...]

That is so wrong and pathetic. The tests use to determine paternity would show no relationship between humans and chimps. Different DNA sequences and different tests.

Of course, numbnuts. [...]

What is your evidence that genetic changes can produce the differences observed between chimps and humans? How can you test the claim other than saying "they look like they shared a common ancestor to me"?

Classic goalpost shift. Whatever mechanisms produced the differences, the nature of the commonalities is indicative of origin via common descent, not common design. They don't just 'look like' they shared a common ancestor; they have insertions of a transposon whose insertion mechanism gives a unique and (almost) irreversible signal of a single event in a single individual. Therefore all possessors of that signal must be descended from it.

Since this is the precise basis of certain kinds of paternity test ... you make my point. Common Design would be a laughable explanation for such commonalities in a paternity suit, yet you think it perfectly viable for equivalent commonalities between humans and chimps. Paternity tests on Alus are admissible in court, on precisely the basis I outline. Yet using them to infer common ancestry with chimps? Oh no ... that's completely wrong. Because you're using different, and monomorphic, insertion sites! Ha ha. Creationists are such fun.

Edited by Soapy Sam on Feb. 19 2015,17:30

SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 19 2015,03:49   

Quote (Joe G @ Feb. 19 2015,02:39)

A thing is a thing not what is said about that thing.

Joe truly is a stupid thing.

Now he is saying "E=MC^2 means that matter and energy are different manifestations of the same thing"

I'm sure every physicist in the world is on the edge of their seat waiting for Joe to say what that "thing" is.

Fucking moron.

It is very telling that no one corrected ke. Most likely because you chumps are just as ignorant as it is.

It's very telling Joe that you do not understand what Einstein meant. You do realize English was his second language don't you? Do you actually believe that quote mining Einstein to support your incorrect use of the words same, equal and thing is not obvious?

But don't worry if you think that the inverse of time is measured by length that would explain why you only qualified to drive a bomb sniffer.

What was the "thing" that Einstein meant in the quote? Hint there are some missing words.

Answer these questions.

Q1.The speed of a wave depends upon (i.e., is causally affected by) ...

a. the properties of the medium through which the wave travels

b. the wavelength of the wave.

c. the frequency of the wave.

d. both the wavelength and the frequency of the wave.

Q2. Now if you hook up your transmitter to an open circuit 1/4 lamda length of transmission line (with equal characteristic impedance to the signal source impedance) that has a vf of 0.7
A. How much power is reflected to the source?
B. What is the wavelength and frequency in the transmission line compared to a vacuum?

A bonus point if you can state the Er of the dielectric.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2015,13:14   

Joe appears to be a primitive variation of ELIZA.

Take any argument against ID, turn it around. Simple search and replace.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 23 2015,13:31   

Joe's still asserting that SINEs and ERVs are non-informative on common descent.

There's a nice intro here. The site is intended to assist in the detection of polymorphic elements (since elements fixed in a lineage are uninformative about phylogeny). Of course, 'polymorphic' is with respect to the clade of interest, which can be anything from parent-child to species and upwards. Elements polymorphic within a species (the ones used to determine familial relationships etc) are still 'fixed' in the set of chromosome copies that descend from the original insert, albeit some may be in heterozygotes. Likewise, an element fixed in a species (and hence homozygous in all members) is still polymorphic in the wider group if it is absent from sister species, and similarly up through taxonomic ranks.

SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 23 2015,14:22   

Have you guys and gals seen joey's recent drool on his unintelligent blabbering blog and at Sandwalk? His tardaciousness knows no bounds.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 23 2015,14:44   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Feb. 20 2015,13:14)
Joe appears to be a primitive variation of ELIZA.

Take any argument against ID, turn it around. Simple search and replace.

The same could be said for Phillip Johnson and Bill Dembski, except without the gratuitous Tourette's simulation.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 26 2015,20:56   

JoeFebruary 26, 2015 at 8:28 pm
My thoughts are supernatural!

Conjecture? What conjecture? Weigh a CD loaded with information and a blank CD. If information were matter then one CD should weigh more than the other.

To read this information, the CD player passes a laser beam over the track. When the laser passes over a flat area in the track, the beam is reflected directly to an optical sensor on the laser assembly. The CD player interprets this as a 1. When the beam passes over a bump, the light is bounced away from the optical sensor. The CD player recognizes this as a 0.

A blank CD player has the same number of bits a "full" one.. its the configuration of bits that counts.

Now if the creation of elevated areas causes any of the substrate to be removed ... it will actually weigh less...

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 26 2015,23:39   

Be careful. I was banned from UD for using the word configuration.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,00:08   

I know it's cruel to suggest that all of you go to joey's unintelligent blabbering blog and read a few threads but I think it's worth the trip into the bowels of joey's tard to see just how stupid and two-faced he is. The threads to read are the ones on his most current page that have comments.

And here I'll post some parts of his exchanges with "Unknown", and I will have something to say afterward:  

(Unknown): "But I do think the ID crowd has been very reluctant to present a hypothesis for how life developed"

(joey): "That isn't part of ID"

(Unknown): "Except . . . it is. ID proponents think that an intelligent designer helped life develop in some way, at some time, for some purpose. But no one really wants to spell out even when or to what extent."

(joey): "That isn't part of ID. Grow up."

(joey): "ID posits testable entailments and that is much more than your position has so stuff it, Jerad."

(Unknown): "You do have a hypothesis don't you? Isn't that the way science is done?"

(joey): "Yes, ID's entailments ARE the testable hypotheses. OTOH your position doesn't even have that.

So shut up already about testable hypotheses."

(Unknown): "So, do the entailments specify whether biological systems were front loaded with all necessary coding/programming or that there has been lots of adjustments by the designers?"

(joey): "No"

(Unknown): "No, the entailments do not specify which case is to be assumed/hypothesised?

So what are you saying really? Is there a central, core intelligent design hypothesis that explains why life on earth developed in the way it did?"

(joey): "No, ID does not say how life developed beyond that it was designed to evolve and evolved by design."

(Unknown): "T'ain't much is it?"

(joey): "It's more than you have."

(Unknown): "It doesn't say how or when or why."

(joey): "That isn't part of ID. And your position cannot say anything about those questions either."

(Unknown): "So, you haven't got a real, explanatory hypothesis"

(joey): "That is your uneducated opinion."

(Unknown): "Stuff looks designed but nobody knows when or how or why."

(joey): "The why was answered in "The Privileged Planet", and no one says stuff just looks designed. Investigators realize saying something is designed means quite a bit. But then again we have been over and over that already."

Hey YEC-joey, since "ID does not say how life developed beyond that it was designed to evolve and evolved by design", how can there be any "ID" entailments? Since "saying something is designed" is all there is to "ID", how can there be any "ID" entailments?

Since "ID does not say how life developed beyond that it was designed to evolve and evolved by design" and "saying something is designed" is all there is to "ID", it doesn't matter what Spetner says in The Privileged Planet or what any other IDiot-creationists say about how, why, when, who, etc., because anything they (and you) say about any entailments is, according to you, not what "ID" pertains to.

And joey, you've said many times, including in recent comments on your blog, that "ID" entailments such as how, when, why, and who would only apply after design has been "determined", but you have also said many times, including in recent comments on your blog, that intelligent design ("Special Creation") of the "entire universe" (except "diseases and deformities") has been "determined".  

So, joey, will you explain your contradictory, evasive, stupid statements?

ETA: capitalized the u in Unknown.

Edited by The whole truth on Feb. 26 2015,22:15

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,00:40   

Joe is beginning to look like a genius compared to VJ Torley, who has double downed on flying saints.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,01:53   

Quote (midwifetoad @ Feb. 26 2015,22:40)
Joe is beginning to look like a genius compared to VJ Torley, who has double downed on flying saints.

Hmm, joey and Torley could combine their tard by claiming that flying ancient alien ghost saints miraculously designed-created Stonehenge, all of the old pyramids, and the Nazca Lines! And if they include batshitcrazy77 in their combined tard they could claim that quantum flying ancient alien ghost saints miraculously designed-created all of that and the shroud of Turin!

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,02:57   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 27 2015,02:56)
JoeFebruary 26, 2015 at 8:28 pm
My thoughts are supernatural!

Conjecture? What conjecture? Weigh a CD loaded with information and a blank CD. If information were matter then one CD should weigh more than the other.

To read this information, the CD player passes a laser beam over the track. When the laser passes over a flat area in the track, the beam is reflected directly to an optical sensor on the laser assembly. The CD player interprets this as a 1. When the beam passes over a bump, the light is bounced away from the optical sensor. The CD player recognizes this as a 0.

A blank CD player has the same number of bits a "full" one.. its the configuration of bits that counts.

Now if the creation of elevated areas causes any of the substrate to be removed ... it will actually weigh less...

Heh. Does etching have less information than printing: discuss. Funny though; one strand of dsDNA tends to weigh more than the other, due to the counts of purines and pyrimidines along each strand being unlikely to match exactly, which they would have to for complementary strands to weigh the same. And they have different 'information' on 'em! Makes you think ...

SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington


Posts: 5432
Joined: May 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,08:10   

Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 27 2015,10:57)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 27 2015,02:56)
JoeFebruary 26, 2015 at 8:28 pm
My thoughts are supernatural!

Conjecture? What conjecture? Weigh a CD loaded with information and a blank CD. If information were matter then one CD should weigh more than the other.

To read this information, the CD player passes a laser beam over the track. When the laser passes over a flat area in the track, the beam is reflected directly to an optical sensor on the laser assembly. The CD player interprets this as a 1. When the beam passes over a bump, the light is bounced away from the optical sensor. The CD player recognizes this as a 0.

A blank CD player has the same number of bits a "full" one.. its the configuration of bits that counts.

Now if the creation of elevated areas causes any of the substrate to be removed ... it will actually weigh less...

Heh. Does etching have less information than printing: discuss. Funny though; one strand of dsDNA tends to weigh more than the other, due to the counts of purines and pyrimidines along each strand being unlikely to match exactly, which they would have to for complementary strands to weigh the same. And they have different 'information' on 'em! Makes you think ...

You bet. Dumber than a bag of rocks. Uglier than a sack of nails. On the weight of evidence Shannon's entropy according to Joe has mass. When the other shoe falls he'll be able to find the relationship between gravity and onanism.

"I get a strong breeze from my monitor every time k.e. puts on his clown DaveTard suit" dogdidit
"ID is deader than Lenny Flanks granmaws dildo batteries" Erasmus
"I'm busy studying scientist level science papers" Galloping Gary Gaulin


Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,08:31   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 26 2015,20:56)
JoeFebruary 26, 2015 at 8:28 pm
My thoughts are supernatural!

Conjecture? What conjecture? Weigh a CD loaded with information and a blank CD. If information were matter then one CD should weigh more than the other.

To read this information, the CD player passes a laser beam over the track. When the laser passes over a flat area in the track, the beam is reflected directly to an optical sensor on the laser assembly. The CD player interprets this as a 1. When the beam passes over a bump, the light is bounced away from the optical sensor. The CD player recognizes this as a 0.

A blank CD player has the same number of bits a "full" one.. its the configuration of bits that counts.

Now if the creation of elevated areas causes any of the substrate to be removed ... it will actually weigh less...

Since a record actually has grooves cut in it, a record with music on it will actually weigh less than a blank record.

So, does that mean that information has negative mass?

Or does it mean that a record has more information than a CD?

Or does it mean that Joe is an idiot?

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.

Soapy Sam

Posts: 659
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,09:06   

To be fair, I think Joe was saying information doesn't weigh anything, and indeed it doesn't have to. It really depends how you 'instantiate it'. Perhaps Upright Biped could weigh in.

SoapySam is a pathetic asswiper. Joe G

BTW, when you make little jabs like “I thought basic logic was one thing UDers could handle,” you come off looking especially silly when you turn out to be wrong. - Barry Arrington


Posts: 4003
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,11:09   

No matter how they weigh it or measure it, the arrangement of matter has a history, and that history is what evolution addresses.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 3668
Joined: Oct. 2009

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,11:53   

Quote (Soapy Sam @ Feb. 27 2015,09:06)
To be fair, I think Joe was saying information doesn't weigh anything, and indeed it doesn't have to. It really depends how you 'instantiate it'. Perhaps Upright Biped could weigh in.

Actually (and I could be wrong), Joe might think that information must be physical (as in matter) rather than energy or a potential energy.

Honestly, who knows what he thinks. He thinks that ice isn't water and that evolution and materialist evolution are somehow different.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,12:36   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 27 2015,09:31)
Since a record actually has grooves cut in it, a record with music on it will actually weigh less than a blank record.

True of a master, but retail disks are pressed pretty much like CDs.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 27 2015,19:01   

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