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Posts: 559
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2015,14:01   

Quote (The whole truth @ Jan. 31 2015,07:07)
Quote (Amadan @ Jan. 31 2015,03:40)
Quote (The whole truth @ Jan. 31 2015,08:46)
It's pretty lively around my place tonight. There are cops swarming all over the area. I called 911 to see what's going on but they wouldn't tell me anything except that the area is "surrounded" and that the cops would be around all night. Several cops were walking through my yard more than once, shining flashlights around my yard and other nearby yards, and taking pictures (with flash) of one of my neighbors' home and yard. Most of the cops aren't in uniforms and are driving/riding in a minivan or SUV although there are the usual black and white cop cars nearby too.

I need to move out of this crappy neighborhood. :)

What did you say to upset poor Gordon?

Who, me? Would I do a thing like that? ;)

Of course you would. Merely disagreeing with GEM of TKI is more than enough to upset him, poor bastard that he is. The only question is whether you'd do more to upset him than just simple disagreement, and… well… yes, you would. [shrug]

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2015,18:57   

Quote (Cubist @ Feb. 01 2015,12:01)
Quote (The whole truth @ Jan. 31 2015,07:07)
Quote (Amadan @ Jan. 31 2015,03:40)
Quote (The whole truth @ Jan. 31 2015,08:46)
It's pretty lively around my place tonight. There are cops swarming all over the area. I called 911 to see what's going on but they wouldn't tell me anything except that the area is "surrounded" and that the cops would be around all night. Several cops were walking through my yard more than once, shining flashlights around my yard and other nearby yards, and taking pictures (with flash) of one of my neighbors' home and yard. Most of the cops aren't in uniforms and are driving/riding in a minivan or SUV although there are the usual black and white cop cars nearby too.

I need to move out of this crappy neighborhood. :)

What did you say to upset poor Gordon?

Who, me? Would I do a thing like that? ;)

Of course you would. Merely disagreeing with GEM of TKI is more than enough to upset him, poor bastard that he is. The only question is whether you'd do more to upset him than just simple disagreement, and… well… yes, you would. [shrug]

You're right, on all counts. :)

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2015,17:15

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2015,17:31   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Feb. 04 2015,17:15)

I wonder if he was posting one of his screeds to the Bathroom Wall via his mobile phone in the photograph on that page.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 09 2015,04:28   

I wonder if it includes some missiles? :p

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

Bob O'H

Posts: 2564
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 11 2015,06:20   

Via twitter, I just learned about this Mumsnet thread calling for the banning of dinosaurs:

There's also a Facebook group. I'm guessing Poe, but Entertaining Poe.

It is fun to dip into the various threads to watch cluelessness at work in the hands of the confident exponent. - Soapy Sam (so say we all)

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 11 2015,13:10   

That person never watched the Flintstones, huh?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 20 2015,18:04   

It might have been mentioned here. Ran across this.

Starr and Baylor

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,17:22   

I'm new here, just an interested layman, and I would just like to let my stance on the issues be known.  I accept that evolution works but I also think that ID researchers like Dembski are on to something.  They are facing a lot of criticisms but so did Darwin when he first proposed his theory.  If the formalized ID theories being put forth now had nothing going for them, they wouldn't be creating all the fuss that they are.  All Dembski and ID colleagues are saying is that their are scientific methods to detect intelligent design in nature despite how it got there; it's sort of a scientific proof of Paley's watchmakers argument.  This seems reasonable to me and furthermore, the statistical approach is appropriate for something like this.  99% of the human population believe in a designer/creator of some's intuitive and it is only a matter of time before a solid scientific method is developed for detecting it through it's handiwork.  I was watching a speech given by Kenneth Miller, the anti-ID advocate extraordinaire, at Chautauqua Institution and he admits from a faith standpoint that he believes in an ultimate creator of some kind; one that built the creative force of evolution into the very fabric of the physical and chemical laws of the universe....i guess at the beginning somewhere.  In that speech he states that "the idea of design is not a theologically inspired illusion to be dismissed it is a scientific REALITY to be embraced.  How come?  To rescue the argument from design for the cause of science."  The evolutionist side keeps playing into the ID folks hand, Miller spoke to this at Chautauqua too, when they come out seemingly categorically scientifically opposed to a designer of some kind.  The fact that a Creator could have designed through evolution gets lost in the fray from the public's perspective, and the evolutionist side is going to look idiotic when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically.  I have a hunch it is only a matter of time and if like Miller says, we don't "rescue the argument from design" for science, Dembski and colleagues are going to use scientific proof of an ultimate designer as segway to revert the public to a stronger, young earth creationist view of the universe, like 100 years ago.  I heard Dembski at another debate, at Princeston with Lee Silver, briefly mention that if a designer can be detected, then it would throw even the "other" aspects of natural selection into my mind he was speaking even of microevolution.  So the evolutionist side needs to seriously consider that a "designer" of some sort might be a  verifiable scientific possibility, and co-opt it, as Miller puts it, for the service of science.  I believe that this can be done by taking the stance that a designer programed life to come about through the physical laws like Miller seems to believe.  I could be wrong but if evolutionists don't try to bang this point home in the minds of the public, when the ID side comes up with a convincing scientific method to detect design they'll use new found credibility with the public to take them even further back towards creationism.  I don't want to see this happen.  Just a note of concern.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:00   

when the ID side comes up with a convincing scientific method to detect design

Is the entire thing right there.

IF they do it and it works, then they MIGHT have something. But they don't and in over a decade of trying, they can't detect design in things that are known to be designed.

For example, I've had an active challenge for any ID proponent for over three years now. I will provide two gene sequences. One is designed (because we know the human that designed it). The other is almost totally random (I say almost to remove any stop codons in the middle of the sequence).

The challenge, is "which is which". Use any ID tool or principle you like. So far no one has even attempted the challenge, much less succeeded.

So, until ID proponents get off their butts and actually do something, there is no reason to think that they have anything but a rather sucky notion, with no support, and a nice paycheck from promoting their religion.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:02   

They've had 200 years. During that time, Darwinists invented paragraphs.

Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.


Posts: 2729
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:08   

And learned the difference between "their" and "there."
-10 points for concern trolling, which brings the total score down to a D--.  
Not impressive at all.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:16   


Wouldn't you agree at least that Dembski's methods have become more and more sophisticated over the years?  If the trend continues, it's a possibility that ID tools might be able to do what they are aiming for.  Ten years is not much time in the grand scheme of things, especially for doing what they are trying for.  You say that they can't even, "detect design in things that are know to be designed." Well, I'm not the most informed on the debate, but can you give me some examples here.

All I'm saying is that the development of a scientific tool to detect design is a real possibility.  Kenneth Miller even said in his speech that design in nature is "real."  He seems to be concerned.  If someone of his caliber is concerned I am to.  I actually happen to agree totally with Miller's POV, on evolutions his religious stance etc.  

Also are you sure that your challenge is on the ID folk's radar?


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:43   

No, Dembski's methods have not become more sophisticated.

You do realize, don't you, that the formalization of Paley's "argument" amounts to "out of a relatively small collection of presumptively undesigned things plus one known designed thing we can reliably extract the known designed thing, therefore all the presumptively undesigned things can be concluded to likely have been designed because they share 'thingness' with the designed thing"?
It's an inept pseudo-argument that collapses under the contradiction of its own presuppositions.  Dembski's PhD in Philosophy should be revoked simply for taking it seriously.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,18:59   

Quote (NoName @ Feb. 28 2015,18:43)
No, Dembski's methods have not become more sophisticated.

You do realize, don't you, that the formalization of Paley's "argument" amounts to "out of a relatively small collection of presumptively undesigned things plus one known designed thing we can reliably extract the known designed thing, therefore all the presumptively undesigned things can be concluded to likely have been designed because they share 'thingness' with the designed thing"?

I may be overestimating current ID arguments, but it seems reasonable that CSI can be applied to biology.  After all, some special sciences do reliably use it to detect design.  The examples that Dembski gives are SETI, cryptography, forensic science etc.  If these fields can do it in my mind it is possible in biology.  The big impediment in my mind is calculating the improbabilities.....that's the clincher.  If further research makes progress in this area, it may be possible.

I just think it is dangerous to underestimate the ID arguments.  They should be taken seriously.  I agree that the ID arguments are not quite there yet, but the foundation has been laid.  The criticisms being levied at Dembski now may only serve to help him refine his approach.  That's why I think evolutionists need to be safe like and openly express "real" design in nature, like Miller pointed out.

It seems to me that if Dembski can show that there are just "some" clear instances of design in nature that's all he needs to change the game.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:00   

Dembski's math is solely based on being confusing enough for people with little more than high school algebra to think it impressive.

It doesn't do anything.

His entire metric is "does it look designed?", then it's probably designed.

I think Ken Miller said that things APPEAR to be designed, which is very different.

So, please, show me the process by which you could detect design. Heck, I'd be happy if you could even describe a valid method, even if it didn't have a mathematical backing. Go ahead, do what no ID proponent has ever done.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:04   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,16:16)

Wouldn't you agree at least that Dembski's methods have become more and more sophisticated over the years?  If the trend continues, it's a possibility that ID tools might be able to do what they are aiming for.  Ten years is not much time in the grand scheme of things, especially for doing what they are trying for.  You say that they can't even, "detect design in things that are know to be designed." Well, I'm not the most informed on the debate, but can you give me some examples here.

All I'm saying is that the development of a scientific tool to detect design is a real possibility.  Kenneth Miller even said in his speech that design in nature is "real."  He seems to be concerned.  If someone of his caliber is concerned I am to.  I actually happen to agree totally with Miller's POV, on evolutions his religious stance etc.  

Also are you sure that your challenge is on the ID folk's radar?

Unless I've missed something, Dembski has given up - most of his recent publications have been undisguised religious apologetics.  Do you have a reference for the increasing sophistication of his methods over the last few years?  Is anyone outside the Uncommon Descent clown-car even working on them any more?

This all rests on the assumption that the whole initial point of the exercise was to come up with a scientific methodology for detecting design, rather than to develop a sciency-sounding rationale for teaching religion in school science classes.  This assumption is not supported by much of the evidence; you might want to look up "cdesign proponentists" and the DI Wedge Document.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:15   

Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 28 2015,19:00)
Dembski's math is solely based on being confusing enough for people with little more than high school algebra to think it impressive.

It doesn't do anything.

His entire metric is "does it look designed?", then it's probably designed.

I think Ken Miller said that things APPEAR to be designed, which is very different.  

So, please, show me the process by which you could detect design. Heck, I'd be happy if you could even describe a valid method, even if it didn't have a mathematical backing. Go ahead, do what no ID proponent has ever done.

Well I'm not a math wiz by any means, but his idea of specified complexity has precedents from other special sciences and scientists like Paul Davis and Leslie Orgel.  So there is something to it.

I have the video saved on my laptop and his clearly states that "design in nature is REAL."  Evolutionists need to embrace this is what he says.

I won't pretend to be able to come up with a scientific method to detect design in biology.  But like I said if Dembski can get the probabilities right then something might happen.  I do believe there are some persuasive philosophical arguments for a designer.


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:21   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,19:15)
Quote (OgreMkV @ Feb. 28 2015,19:00)
Dembski's math is solely based on being confusing enough for people with little more than high school algebra to think it impressive.

It doesn't do anything.

His entire metric is "does it look designed?", then it's probably designed.

I think Ken Miller said that things APPEAR to be designed, which is very different.  

So, please, show me the process by which you could detect design. Heck, I'd be happy if you could even describe a valid method, even if it didn't have a mathematical backing. Go ahead, do what no ID proponent has ever done.

Well I'm not a math wiz by any means, but his idea of specified complexity has precedents from other special sciences and scientists like Paul Davis and Leslie Orgel.  So there is something to it.

I have the video saved on my laptop and his clearly states that "design in nature is REAL."  Evolutionists need to embrace this is what he says.

I won't pretend to be able to come up with a scientific method to detect design in biology.  But like I said if Dembski can get the probabilities right then something might happen.  I do believe there are some persuasive philosophical arguments for a designer.

Well... you keep believing that. But it's EVIDENCE that will convince me and the scientific community. And there isn't any. Never has been and, the way Dembski and the rest of them work, there never will be.

They have a cushy ass job, they don't actually have to do anything, much less research.

When you find the I in ID. And when you find a way to figure out the D in ID. Then you might have some support for ID. But until then, it's just a bunch of guys who have no idea what's going on.

Here, read this about specificity.

Ignored by those who can't provide evidence for their claims.


Posts: 559
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:22   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,17:22)
I'm new here, just an interested layman, and I would just like to let my stance on the issues be known.  I accept that evolution works but I also think that ID researchers like Dembski are on to something.

What is it, exactly, that those guys are "on to"? As far as real science is concerned, they ain't got jack. Contrary to what you may have heard or gleaned or concuded from pro-ID propaganda, real science has a methodology to detect design, and this methodology is widely used in those branches of real science (forensics and archæology being my 'go to' examples of such) which are explicitly, directly about investigating intelligent design. That methodology can be summarized as "form a hypothesis of how whatever-it-is was manufactured, and make observations & do experiments which can test your hypothesis-of-manufacture".

ID-pushers never address the question of Manufacture. Which is kind of peculiar, really; if you only Design a thing without Manufacturing it, well, there's nothing to detect the Design of, now is there? But ID-pushers explicitly reject the notion of forming a hypothesis of Manufacture, generally on grounds somewhere in the neighborhood of but gee, we wouldn't want to make any unjustified assumptions on the nature/motives/methods/whatever of the Designer, now would we. So, okay, ID-pushers claim to have this rilly kewl methodology for detecting Design, and they claim that their methodology doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer.

Now, if that actually were true—if ID-pushers really did have a Design-detecting methodology that doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer—that would be way the hell nifty.

But they don't.

They are facing a lot of criticisms but so did Darwin when he first proposed his theory.

That's right—in real science, every new idea gets put through the wringer of intense criticism, which means that the reception ID gets is nothing unusual at all, contrary to the help help we're being suppressed by a brutal, dogmatic Establishment!!1! narrative that so damn many ID-pushers try to sell. Good on you for not accepting that narrative, arborealdescendant.

If the formalized ID theories being put forth now…

Hold it.

What "formalized ID theories"?

Over at the Discovery Institute's website, they've got an Intelligent Design FAQ, whose very first question is:
1. What is the theory of intelligent design?
The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Note well that the assertion that such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is not, in fact, an EXPLANATION for such-and-such. Rather, such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is a bald, unsupported assertion that whatever the explanation for such-and-such may be, an intelligent cause will be part of that explanation.

Note well: There isn't any shadow of a hint about what that 'intelligent cause' is supposed to have done, or how that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or why that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or, well, anything at all about the 'intelligent cause' they insist is part of the 'best explanation' for…

Hmmm. "certain features of the universe and of living things". So, not only does ID not have anything to say about the Designer, ID is also uselessly vague about what, exactly, the Designer is supposed to have Designed.

Interesting, that.

So… um… according to what the biggest, most prominent ID-pushing organization around says the theory of ID is about… the theory of intelligent design can be summarized as somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something.

[if ID-pushing notions] had nothing going for them, they wouldn't be creating all the fuss that they are.

I agree, but I suspect you've misidentified the thing which ID-pushing notions have going for them. Judging by what you've written here, you seem to believe that ID-pushing notions have real, true, honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific validity going for them… and they just don't. What they do have is the support of religious zealots and wannabe theocrats, some of whom (Howard Ahmanson leaps to mind) have supported flat-out Creationism in times past.

All Dembski and ID colleagues are saying is that their are scientific methods to detect intelligent design in nature despite how it got there…

And they're right—as I noted above, there are scientific methods to detect intelligent design, and there's no reason at all those methods couldn't detect design in nature. The thing is, ID-pushers like Dembski et al are not using any of those scientific methods. Rather, they've come up with bogus non-methods that wow the ignorant and those who are predisposed to believe in God.

The fact that a Creator could have designed through evolution gets lost in the fray from the public's perspective…

The position God did it, and He used evolution is what's called Theistic Evolution. And if that 'fact' is indeed "lost in the fray from the public's perspective", don't you think people like Ken Ham, who explicitly reject Theistic Evolution in favor of Young-Earth Creationism and say that YEC is the only valid position a Christian can take, have just a tiny bit more to do with that 'fact' than anything real scientists might have said or not said?

…and the evolutionist side is going to look idiotic when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically.

"when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically"? So… you acknowledge that Dembski & Co. have not, in fact, "nail[ed] down a solid method for detecting design scientifically" yet. Cool.

I have a hunch it is only a matter of time and if like Miller says, we don't "rescue the argument from design" for science, Dembski and colleagues are going to use scientific proof of an ultimate designer as segway to revert the public to a stronger, young earth creationist view of the universe, like 100 years ago.

So… you acknowledge that ID's leading lights are, in fact, using ID as a stalking horse to push that good old-time Creationism. Cool.

I heard Dembski at another debate, at Princeston with Lee Silver, briefly mention that if a designer can be detected, then it would throw even the "other" aspects of natural selection into my mind he was speaking even of microevolution.

Right, right. You acknowledge that ID is an attack aimed at discrediting evolution. Cool.

So the evolutionist side needs to seriously consider that a "designer" of some sort might be a  verifiable scientific possibility…

Dude. Real scientists have "consider[ed] that a 'designer' of some sort might be a verifiable scientific possibility". Real scientists in fields like forensics and archæology are all about 'designers'. What real scientists haven't done, and should continue not to do, is treat the overarchingly vague non-hypothesis somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something as if it was an honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific theory.

and co-opt it, as Miller puts it, for the service of science.  I believe that this can be done by taking the stance that a designer programed life to come about through the physical laws like Miller seems to believe.

If Miller wants to think that, bully for him. It's not a scientific stance, and Miller knows it's not a scientific stance, but he's welcome to think that if he wants to.

I could be wrong but if evolutionists don't try to bang this point home in the minds of the public, when the ID side comes up with a convincing scientific method to detect design they'll use new found credibility with the public to take them even further back towards creationism.

What, exactly, do you think real scientists ought to do to combat this threat? Be as specific as you can, please.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:39   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,18:59)
Quote (NoName @ Feb. 28 2015,18:43)
No, Dembski's methods have not become more sophisticated.

You do realize, don't you, that the formalization of Paley's "argument" amounts to "out of a relatively small collection of presumptively undesigned things plus one known designed thing we can reliably extract the known designed thing, therefore all the presumptively undesigned things can be concluded to likely have been designed because they share 'thingness' with the designed thing"?

I may be overestimating current ID arguments, but it seems reasonable that CSI can be applied to biology.  After all, some special sciences do reliably use it to detect design.  The examples that Dembski gives are SETI, cryptography, forensic science etc.  If these fields can do it in my mind it is possible in biology.  The big impediment in my mind is calculating the improbabilities.....that's the clincher.  If further research makes progress in this area, it may be possible.

I just think it is dangerous to underestimate the ID arguments.  They should be taken seriously.  I agree that the ID arguments are not quite there yet, but the foundation has been laid.  The criticisms being levied at Dembski now may only serve to help him refine his approach.  That's why I think evolutionists need to be safe like and openly express "real" design in nature, like Miller pointed out.

It seems to me that if Dembski can show that there are just "some" clear instances of design in nature that's all he needs to change the game.

Is this serious enough for you?

A version of that was published in Synthese in 2011.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,19:56   

Quote (Cubist @ Feb. 28 2015,19:22)
Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,17:22)
I'm new here, just an interested layman, and I would just like to let my stance on the issues be known.  I accept that evolution works but I also think that ID researchers like Dembski are on to something.

What is it, exactly, that those guys are "on to"? As far as real science is concerned, they ain't got jack. Contrary to what you may have heard or gleaned or concuded from pro-ID propaganda, real science has a methodology to detect design, and this methodology is widely used in those branches of real science (forensics and archæology being my 'go to' examples of such) which are explicitly, directly about investigating intelligent design. That methodology can be summarized as "form a hypothesis of how whatever-it-is was manufactured, and make observations & do experiments which can test your hypothesis-of-manufacture".

ID-pushers never address the question of Manufacture. Which is kind of peculiar, really; if you only Design a thing without Manufacturing it, well, there's nothing to detect the Design of, now is there? But ID-pushers explicitly reject the notion of forming a hypothesis of Manufacture, generally on grounds somewhere in the neighborhood of but gee, we wouldn't want to make any unjustified assumptions on the nature/motives/methods/whatever of the Designer, now would we. So, okay, ID-pushers claim to have this rilly kewl methodology for detecting Design, and they claim that their methodology doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer.

Now, if that actually were true—if ID-pushers really did have a Design-detecting methodology that doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer—that would be way the hell nifty.

But they don't.

They are facing a lot of criticisms but so did Darwin when he first proposed his theory.

That's right—in real science, every new idea gets put through the wringer of intense criticism, which means that the reception ID gets is nothing unusual at all, contrary to the help help we're being suppressed by a brutal, dogmatic Establishment!!1! narrative that so damn many ID-pushers try to sell. Good on you for not accepting that narrative, arborealdescendant.

If the formalized ID theories being put forth now…

Hold it.

What "formalized ID theories"?

Over at the Discovery Institute's website, they've got an Intelligent Design FAQ, whose very first question is:
1. What is the theory of intelligent design?
The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Note well that the assertion that such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is not, in fact, an EXPLANATION for such-and-such. Rather, such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is a bald, unsupported assertion that whatever the explanation for such-and-such may be, an intelligent cause will be part of that explanation.

Note well: There isn't any shadow of a hint about what that 'intelligent cause' is supposed to have done, or how that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or why that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or, well, anything at all about the 'intelligent cause' they insist is part of the 'best explanation' for…

Hmmm. "certain features of the universe and of living things". So, not only does ID not have anything to say about the Designer, ID is also uselessly vague about what, exactly, the Designer is supposed to have Designed.

Interesting, that.

So… um… according to what the biggest, most prominent ID-pushing organization around says the theory of ID is about… the theory of intelligent design can be summarized as somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something.

[if ID-pushing notions] had nothing going for them, they wouldn't be creating all the fuss that they are.

I agree, but I suspect you've misidentified the thing which ID-pushing notions have going for them. Judging by what you've written here, you seem to believe that ID-pushing notions have real, true, honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific validity going for them… and they just don't. What they do have is the support of religious zealots and wannabe theocrats, some of whom (Howard Ahmanson leaps to mind) have supported flat-out Creationism in times past.

All Dembski and ID colleagues are saying is that their are scientific methods to detect intelligent design in nature despite how it got there…

And they're right—as I noted above, there are scientific methods to detect intelligent design, and there's no reason at all those methods couldn't detect design in nature. The thing is, ID-pushers like Dembski et al are not using any of those scientific methods. Rather, they've come up with bogus non-methods that wow the ignorant and those who are predisposed to believe in God.

The fact that a Creator could have designed through evolution gets lost in the fray from the public's perspective…

The position God did it, and He used evolution is what's called Theistic Evolution. And if that 'fact' is indeed "lost in the fray from the public's perspective", don't you think people like Ken Ham, who explicitly reject Theistic Evolution in favor of Young-Earth Creationism and say that YEC is the only valid position a Christian can take, have just a tiny bit more to do with that 'fact' than anything real scientists might have said or not said?

…and the evolutionist side is going to look idiotic when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically.

"when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically"? So… you acknowledge that Dembski & Co. have not[b], in fact, "nail[ed] down a solid method for detecting design scientifically" [b]yet. Cool.

I have a hunch it is only a matter of time and if like Miller says, we don't "rescue the argument from design" for science, Dembski and colleagues are going to use scientific proof of an ultimate designer as segway to revert the public to a stronger, young earth creationist view of the universe, like 100 years ago.

So… you acknowledge that ID's leading lights are, in fact, using ID as a stalking horse to push that good old-time Creationism. Cool.

I heard Dembski at another debate, at Princeston with Lee Silver, briefly mention that if a designer can be detected, then it would throw even the "other" aspects of natural selection into my mind he was speaking even of microevolution.

Right, right. You acknowledge that ID is an attack aimed at discrediting evolution. Cool.

So the evolutionist side needs to seriously consider that a "designer" of some sort might be a  verifiable scientific possibility…

Dude. Real scientists have "consider[ed] that a 'designer' of some sort might be a verifiable scientific possibility". Real scientists in fields like forensics and archæology are all about 'designers'. What real scientists haven't done, and should continue not to do, is treat the overarchingly vague non-hypothesis somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something as if it was an honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific theory.

and co-opt it, as Miller puts it, for the service of science.  I believe that this can be done by taking the stance that a designer programed life to come about through the physical laws like Miller seems to believe.

If Miller wants to think that, bully for him. It's not a scientific stance, and Miller knows it's not a scientific stance, but he's welcome to think that if he wants to.

I could be wrong but if evolutionists don't try to bang this point home in the minds of the public, when the ID side comes up with a convincing scientific method to detect design they'll use new found credibility with the public to take them even further back towards creationism.

What, exactly, do you think real scientists ought to do to combat this threat? Be as specific as you can, please.

There is a lot here to respond to so I'll try.  I think we are underestimating the prospects of being able to scientifically detect real design in biology.  Evolution is a fact in my mind, but just because it is doesn't mean that an intelligence couldn't have created through evolution.  So either way there is intelligence behind it.  

It doesn't matter how the intelligence created the designs in nature and Dembski has repeatedly stated this in his debates I've watched.  What simply matters is that you can statistically point to the fact that an organism is "really" designed period.  The how and why and all that is irrelevant for these purposes.  ID folks don't need to answer the "manufacture" question to serve their agenda, which yes is ultimately to push religion I agree.

You ask for formalized ID theories?  Dembski's CSI method is "formalized," albeit wrong at this point.  However, that doesn't mean it will stay that way.  

On your point about YECs like Ham....yes they have something to do with the misconceptions about the public not viewing evolution as a creative designer force, but the ID movement is different than them and more sophisticated and can have more impact.  As a advocate for science, and in order to avoid this just to be safe, I strongly agree with what Miller was said at Chappaqua.

You ask me to be specific about what scientists can do to combat ID.  Do exactly, what Miller proposes.  Biology needs to acknowledge that there is "real" design in nature for those folks that are religiously inclined and push the possibility that the designer used evolution to create.  That way if ID does come up with a scientific method to detect design they won't use is as a spring board to take people toward Ham's view.  If it is possible to scientifically detect real design in biology, maybe evolutionists should be the ones doing the research instead of leaving to the Creationists in disguise like Dembski.  That way we can tell the world that evolutionists discovered it and that it shows a designer likely created through evolution.  Like I said this needs to be taken seriously, not dismissed or underestimated.


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,20:06   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Feb. 28 2015,19:39)
Is this serious enough for you?

A version of that was published in Synthese in 2011.

Wow!!!  I'll try to take the time to read that.  I know there are a lot of criticisms of Dembski out there and they are warranted, but this is not what I'm talking about.  What I'm talking about when I say that evolutionists need to take ID seriously I'm saying that they need to take seriously the possibility that there may indeed be a scientific way to detect "real design" in biology.  I could be wrong about this, but I'd rather see an evolutionist discover this method than these ID people that are really Creationists in disguise.

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,20:30   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,20:06)
Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Feb. 28 2015,19:39)
Is this serious enough for you?

A version of that was published in Synthese in 2011.

Wow!!!  I'll try to take the time to read that.  I know there are a lot of criticisms of Dembski out there and they are warranted, but this is not what I'm talking about.  What I'm talking about when I say that evolutionists need to take ID seriously I'm saying that they need to take seriously the possibility that there may indeed be a scientific way to detect "real design" in biology.  I could be wrong about this, but I'd rather see an evolutionist discover this method than these ID people that are really Creationists in disguise.

Read the appendix concerning SAI (Specified Anti-Information).

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


Posts: 29
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,20:48   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ Feb. 28 2015,20:30)
Read the appendix concerning SAI (Specified Anti-Information).

Will do.  Thanks

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
Joined: May 2002

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,21:56   

From elsewhere on this site:


The existence of a minimal program/input pair that results in a certain output indicates that there exists an effective method for production of the output. Since effective methods are something that are in common between intelligent agents and instances of natural computation, one cannot distinguish which of the two sorts of causation might have resulted in the output, but one can reject chance causation for the output. We haven't so much repaired specification as we have pointed out a better alternative to it.

This leads me to a claim about Dembski's design inference: Everything which is supposedly explained by a design inference is better and more simply explained by Specified Anti-Information.

SAI identifies an effective method for the production of the output of interest. The result of a design inference is less specific, being simply the negation of currently known (and considered) regularity and chance. The further arguments Dembski gives to go from a design inference to intelligent agency are flawed. On both practical and theoretical grounds, SAI is a superior methodology to that of the design inference.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,22:05   


Evolution is not about laws but about randomness on happanchance.--Robert Byers, at PT

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,22:38   

Quote (Jim_Wynne @ Feb. 28 2015,22:05)

Not quite. Poe's law refers to not being able to distinguish between an extreme view and a parody of an extreme view. The apparent current situation is likely to simply be not-so-subtle subterfuge.

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2015,22:58   


Any version of ID consistent with all the evidence is indistinguishable from evolution.

The whole truth

Posts: 1554
Joined: Jan. 2012

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 01 2015,01:44   

Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,17:56)
Quote (Cubist @ Feb. 28 2015,19:22)
Quote (ArborealDescendent @ Feb. 28 2015,17:22)
I'm new here, just an interested layman, and I would just like to let my stance on the issues be known.  I accept that evolution works but I also think that ID researchers like Dembski are on to something.

What is it, exactly, that those guys are "on to"? As far as real science is concerned, they ain't got jack. Contrary to what you may have heard or gleaned or concuded from pro-ID propaganda, real science has a methodology to detect design, and this methodology is widely used in those branches of real science (forensics and archæology being my 'go to' examples of such) which are explicitly, directly about investigating intelligent design. That methodology can be summarized as "form a hypothesis of how whatever-it-is was manufactured, and make observations & do experiments which can test your hypothesis-of-manufacture".

ID-pushers never address the question of Manufacture. Which is kind of peculiar, really; if you only Design a thing without Manufacturing it, well, there's nothing to detect the Design of, now is there? But ID-pushers explicitly reject the notion of forming a hypothesis of Manufacture, generally on grounds somewhere in the neighborhood of but gee, we wouldn't want to make any unjustified assumptions on the nature/motives/methods/whatever of the Designer, now would we. So, okay, ID-pushers claim to have this rilly kewl methodology for detecting Design, and they claim that their methodology doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer.

Now, if that actually were true—if ID-pushers really did have a Design-detecting methodology that doesn't require making any assumptions whatsoever about the Designer—that would be way the hell nifty.

But they don't.

They are facing a lot of criticisms but so did Darwin when he first proposed his theory.

That's right—in real science, every new idea gets put through the wringer of intense criticism, which means that the reception ID gets is nothing unusual at all, contrary to the help help we're being suppressed by a brutal, dogmatic Establishment!!1! narrative that so damn many ID-pushers try to sell. Good on you for not accepting that narrative, arborealdescendant.

If the formalized ID theories being put forth now…

Hold it.

What "formalized ID theories"?

Over at the Discovery Institute's website, they've got an Intelligent Design FAQ, whose very first question is:
1. What is the theory of intelligent design?
The theory of intelligent design holds that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection.

Note well that the assertion that such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is not, in fact, an EXPLANATION for such-and-such. Rather, such-and-such is best explained by an intelligent cause is a bald, unsupported assertion that whatever the explanation for such-and-such may be, an intelligent cause will be part of that explanation.

Note well: There isn't any shadow of a hint about what that 'intelligent cause' is supposed to have done, or how that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or why that 'intelligent cause' did whatever it's supposed to have done, or, well, anything at all about the 'intelligent cause' they insist is part of the 'best explanation' for…

Hmmm. "certain features of the universe and of living things". So, not only does ID not have anything to say about the Designer, ID is also uselessly vague about what, exactly, the Designer is supposed to have Designed.

Interesting, that.

So… um… according to what the biggest, most prominent ID-pushing organization around says the theory of ID is about… the theory of intelligent design can be summarized as somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something.

[if ID-pushing notions] had nothing going for them, they wouldn't be creating all the fuss that they are.

I agree, but I suspect you've misidentified the thing which ID-pushing notions have going for them. Judging by what you've written here, you seem to believe that ID-pushing notions have real, true, honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific validity going for them… and they just don't. What they do have is the support of religious zealots and wannabe theocrats, some of whom (Howard Ahmanson leaps to mind) have supported flat-out Creationism in times past.

All Dembski and ID colleagues are saying is that their are scientific methods to detect intelligent design in nature despite how it got there…

And they're right—as I noted above, there are scientific methods to detect intelligent design, and there's no reason at all those methods couldn't detect design in nature. The thing is, ID-pushers like Dembski et al are not using any of those scientific methods. Rather, they've come up with bogus non-methods that wow the ignorant and those who are predisposed to believe in God.

The fact that a Creator could have designed through evolution gets lost in the fray from the public's perspective…

The position God did it, and He used evolution is what's called Theistic Evolution. And if that 'fact' is indeed "lost in the fray from the public's perspective", don't you think people like Ken Ham, who explicitly reject Theistic Evolution in favor of Young-Earth Creationism and say that YEC is the only valid position a Christian can take, have just a tiny bit more to do with that 'fact' than anything real scientists might have said or not said?

…and the evolutionist side is going to look idiotic when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically.

"when someone like Dembski does nail down a solid method for detecting design scientifically"? So… you acknowledge that Dembski & Co. have not[b], in fact, "nail[ed] down a solid method for detecting design scientifically" [b]yet. Cool.

I have a hunch it is only a matter of time and if like Miller says, we don't "rescue the argument from design" for science, Dembski and colleagues are going to use scientific proof of an ultimate designer as segway to revert the public to a stronger, young earth creationist view of the universe, like 100 years ago.

So… you acknowledge that ID's leading lights are, in fact, using ID as a stalking horse to push that good old-time Creationism. Cool.

I heard Dembski at another debate, at Princeston with Lee Silver, briefly mention that if a designer can be detected, then it would throw even the "other" aspects of natural selection into my mind he was speaking even of microevolution.

Right, right. You acknowledge that ID is an attack aimed at discrediting evolution. Cool.

So the evolutionist side needs to seriously consider that a "designer" of some sort might be a  verifiable scientific possibility…

Dude. Real scientists have "consider[ed] that a 'designer' of some sort might be a verifiable scientific possibility". Real scientists in fields like forensics and archæology are all about 'designers'. What real scientists haven't done, and should continue not to do, is treat the overarchingly vague non-hypothesis somehow, somewhere, somewhen, somebody intelligent did something as if it was an honest-to-Francis-Bacon scientific theory.

and co-opt it, as Miller puts it, for the service of science.  I believe that this can be done by taking the stance that a designer programed life to come about through the physical laws like Miller seems to believe.

If Miller wants to think that, bully for him. It's not a scientific stance, and Miller knows it's not a scientific stance, but he's welcome to think that if he wants to.

I could be wrong but if evolutionists don't try to bang this point home in the minds of the public, when the ID side comes up with a convincing scientific method to detect design they'll use new found credibility with the public to take them even further back towards creationism.

What, exactly, do you think real scientists ought to do to combat this threat? Be as specific as you can, please.

There is a lot here to respond to so I'll try.  I think we are underestimating the prospects of being able to scientifically detect real design in biology.  Evolution is a fact in my mind, but just because it is doesn't mean that an intelligence couldn't have created through evolution.  So either way there is intelligence behind it.  

It doesn't matter how the intelligence created the designs in nature and Dembski has repeatedly stated this in his debates I've watched.  What simply matters is that you can statistically point to the fact that an organism is "really" designed period.  The how and why and all that is irrelevant for these purposes.  ID folks don't need to answer the "manufacture" question to serve their agenda, which yes is ultimately to push religion I agree.

You ask for formalized ID theories?  Dembski's CSI method is "formalized," albeit wrong at this point.  However, that doesn't mean it will stay that way.  

On your point about YECs like Ham....yes they have something to do with the misconceptions about the public not viewing evolution as a creative designer force, but the ID movement is different than them and more sophisticated and can have more impact.  As a advocate for science, and in order to avoid this just to be safe, I strongly agree with what Miller was said at Chappaqua.

You ask me to be specific about what scientists can do to combat ID.  Do exactly, what Miller proposes.  Biology needs to acknowledge that there is "real" design in nature for those folks that are religiously inclined and push the possibility that the designer used evolution to create.  That way if ID does come up with a scientific method to detect design they won't use is as a spring board to take people toward Ham's view.  If it is possible to scientifically detect real design in biology, maybe evolutionists should be the ones doing the research instead of leaving to the Creationists in disguise like Dembski.  That way we can tell the world that evolutionists discovered it and that it shows a designer likely created through evolution.  Like I said this needs to be taken seriously, not dismissed or underestimated.

ArborealDescendent, I'm going to accept that your motive is what you say it is, unless you show otherwise. I do think that you're mistaken about some things you said though. For example, because of the beliefs and agendas of religious people, and especially religious zealots, pretty much any concession by evolutionary scientists that nature (including life, life's diversity, etc.) was/is designed-created by an 'intelligent agent' would be used by religious people, or at least by religious zealots, as a 'science-approved' springboard to take people toward their religious view and in some religious zealots' cases that would be the same as Ham's view.

In the case of ID pushers, they claim that they have already "determined design" and they even dig up long dead corpses in their attempts to prove that design was "determined" a long time ago. To them, evolutionary theory is an evil late comer that is out to destroy their religious beliefs and 'true' science. The terms 'ID' and 'intelligent design' are so tainted with theocratic beliefs and agendas that it would be virtually impossible to get non-IDers to accept that 'ID/intelligent design' is a legitimate scientific pursuit.

Even IDers and so-called 'theistic evolutionists' are at odds with each other. That they are at odds with each other, along with the fact that IDers constantly attack evolutionary research, evidence, and explanations, tells me that IDers don't accept that evolution, as described by evolutionary theory, has ever occurred.  

I and others have often asked IDers to explain the difference that an 'ID inference' would make when it comes to studying and explaining nature. They claim that it would open new 'avenues of research' but they never point out any avenues of research that would be new.

'ID' is taken seriously by many non-IDers but not as a legitimate scientific pursuit. It's taken seriously as a dishonest and intrusive religious/political agenda.

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. - Jesus in Matthew 10:34

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. -Jesus in Luke 19:27

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