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  Topic: Biology @ Coastal Carolina & UNCW, Lou FCD Goes to School< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,04:32   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Sep. 25 2008,00:31)
Quote (Henry J @ Sep. 24 2008,11:04)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Sep. 24 2008,09:19)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 20 2008,13:18)
4. Phospate Group

A Phosphate Group is a Phosphorus bonded with two negatively charged Oxygen atoms, one regular Oxygen atom, and double bonded with one Oxygen atom. It's molecular formula is PO<sub>4</sub><sup>2-</sup> or sometimes OPO<sub>3</sub><sup>2-</sup>, to separate the double bonded Oxygen.

Here is where the lecture ended. Although I asked in a later lecture about the odd bondings here that seem to break the rules that we earlier set forth, Doc basically said, "It's complicated, and you don't need to know that for this class, though you'll learn about it in a Chemistry class if you take one." Ok, fair enough.

Chemical education discourages the use of the double bond in phosphate, and in sulfate groups as well.  As you noticed, it violates the octet rule, and does so unnecessarily!  There are some molecules where we chemists violate the rule out of necessity, such as having five atoms bonded to P, which requires 5 bonds.

The double bonds in phosphate and sulfate are historical, hence the biologists still use it a lot because that is how they learned it.  :O

So is the proper way to do it to put a - sign on three of the O's and a + sign on the P?

YES.  Don't listen to the old fogey Louis.

What Louis says is correct, though.  

Chemists have this resonance idea, but the question is which is more important:  a structure that obeys the octet rule but has +1 on P and -1 on each O, or a structure that disobeys the octet rule and has charge 0 on P, and 0 on one O.  Is having a positive charge on P so bad, and having negative on O so bad?  Answer: no.  Louis finds it offensive, apparently.  :p

I wonder if Louis would draw BF3 with a double bond or not, and whether there is any pi bonding in it (his justification for drawing P=O in phosphate).


LOL Sure you could draw a double bond, or a B+ (as you could for phospohrous/sulfur, I'll get to the key difference in a moment), although in this case it's a pi orbital formed from a combination of a lone pair in the F 2p orbital and the empty 2p orbital of the sp2 hybridised boron. The same sort of resonance picture applies here, as that double bond is delocalised over the three bonds. But again, there is definite pi character, the hallmark of a "double" bond (the quotes indicate that thee static formalisms are inadequate to explain a resonance picture)

Spectroscopically the B-F bond in uncomplexed BF3 is slightly shorter than calculated. Also, BF3 is trigonal planar (derived from it's sp2 hybridisation), contrast this with the comparable nitrogen halide or even ammonia (trigonal pyramidal molecules which get their shape from the tetrahedral arrangement of filled orbitals (bonding and non-bonding) around the central N atom). Also contrast it with the Lewis acidity of the boron halides, BBr3 is a much stronger Lewis acid than BF3, as demonstrated by its comparative ease of hydrolysis, precisely because that pi bonding is less strong due to the comparatively poor overlap between the smaller boron 2p orbital and the larger higher energy 4p orbital. The trend in Lewis acidity of the boron halides goes AGAINST that which we would expect from the halide electronegativity trend precisely because of this. BF3 has "less" of a "naked" B+ than does BBr3 by that reckoning, again though it is an oversimplification to treat these molecules as either double bond or + and -, reality, as ever, is more subtle. However, I'd be "happier" to have a double bond in BF3 than BBr3, and "happier" to have a B+ in BBr3 than BF3.

As I mentioned above (and I don't find +s on P/S/B/anything offensive btw, I love my +s, I'll even go as far as radical anions and carbenes (shock horror)! Hence why I mentioned ylides to Henry) these diagrammatic formalisms are just that: formalisms, as is the octet rule. They are simplified ways of looking at a much more complex picture. Switching between them in appropriate circumstances is a useful tool in developing mechanistic insight.

In all seriousness, if I've given any other impression (i.e. that one should stick a double bond in bloody everywhere) then I apologise, I was being amusing! Every bond can be thought of as a + and - under the right circumstances, just as it can be thought of as a pair of radicals for example. Most of the time (unless for example detailed mechanistic work has been done with the usual array of kinetics, radical/triplet quenches etc) these diagrammatic formalisms are interchangeable.

The major difference between P/S and B is a) their size, and b) the availability of those d orbitals. That makes a huge difference. In the case of phosphorous and sulfur there are plenty of examples of restricted rotation/bond shortening around the supposed "double" bond. For example the whole basis of the difference in mechanism between the Wittig reaction and the Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons reaction is based on tuning ylide electronic states so that rotation around the P-C bond axis is restricted/unrestricted, and hence why one gets different (ratios of) geometric isomers out the other end of the reaction. Those electronic states can be so tuned that there is even debate about whether the HWE involves the same type of phosphorous species as the Wittig.

The key is to look at the data, formalisms are all well and good, but the data is king! The spectroscopic data for phosphate (for example) show something more than a P-O sigma bond. Depending on what you are doing (IR, UV etc) you see that bond a slightly different way. Hence why, for mechanistic and diagrammatic purposes, one uses these interchangeable formalisms to simplify the resonance (i.e. quantum mechanical) picture.

Now a really good question is how one would draw diborane (B2H6, because if BF3 and phosphate anions blow people's minds about bonding, then diborane (or even higher boranes) is like the LSD version!





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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,05:07   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,02:51)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Sep. 24 2008,21:33)
There is that also.  Usually, a bond is formed when one electron comes from one atom, and the second from the other.  Therefore carbon has four bonds and no lone pairs usually.  Phosphorus usually has 3 bonds and one lone pair.  However, if electronegative atoms are also involved (especially fluorine, all of the electrons can be used for a bond.  PF5 can be made, PH5 is rather dubious (oh how some chemists would love to make something like that).  All seven valence electrons of iodine can be used to make IF7.

Holy crap! People, Listen! Rules exist for a reason!


Seriously, if we're just going to go let Iodine use all seven of its valence electrons to form bonds, what's next? Why stop there? Why not just let Iodine use all frickin' 53? Hell, why not just skip the electrons altogether? Let's just have a great big element orgy, and let the protons and the neutrons have some fun! Hey look! Its H97C3Uno69HeK22!

Geez, the moral fabric of society is at stake here folks!!! Next thing y'know, you'll be combining Xe and R, and gay people will be getting married!


XeF6 (and many other noble gas compounds) exists, way back in my undergrad days I did a project with one of the leading lights in fluorine and noble gas chem.

Now XeO3 is something you (possibly don't) want to make. It's an explosive so sensitive that a small change in atmospheric pressure will set it off. Fluctuations in the inert (argon/nitrogen) gas supply to the reaction will set it off. Walking past it will set it off. It's a cracker!

How do we know this? Well lots of reasons, but let's just say this: a PhD student working in that lab (whose name we shall keep secret, but was referred to as "Tim Nice But Dim" for the obvious reasons) was making some xenon fluorides in a zinc reaction vessel called a "bomb" (hilarious) with 2 inch thick walls and an internal volume of about one cubic centimetre. The bomb by the way was welded shut, this was the good old days when health and safety were just words we'd heard about. Tim Nice But Dim had failed to adequately evacuate his reaction vessel and flush it with fluorine and so there was some air left in the bomb when he added his xenon and stuck it in a furnace to let it react overnight. We all returned to the lab the next morning to find that the corner of it (including some rather expensive kit) was, well, erm, missing.

Based on the amounts of reagants/reactants used we estimated that he'd made about 5 or 10 milligrams of XeO3.*


This was the guy who also got an almost perfect Union Jack in HF burns (only mild ones thank fuck) on his face when he overpressurised his plastic reaction vessel with fluorine and it popped just as he poked his head into the fumehood to look at why it wasn't behaving as expected. The burns were made by the tracks of the fragments of the plastic reaction vessel as they made a bid for freedom across the only thing in their way, his head. Luckily the explosion wasn't so big that they had enough force to go through the only thing in their way.

By the way, your reaction to the quantum mechanical picture of the atom so soon after learning the octet rule etc is perfectly normal. Breathe deeply, smoke some weed, drink heavily. We find it helps.


* MR XeO3 = 179.3.

5 mg of XeO3 = 0.28 mmol. XeO3 decays to give 5 moles of gas (2 Xe and 3 O2 per 2 moles of XeO3 therefore 0.7 mmol of gas.

The volume of an ideal gas at STP (273 K and 1 atm) is 22.4 L/mol therefore 15.7 mL of gas per 5 mg of XeO3 at 273K and 1 atm of pressure.

The bomb was pressurised to over 20 atm and was in a furnace (I forget the temperature) so that 15.7 mL of gas at STP in a 1 mL reaction vessel is bad enough, but this thing was hot and at high pressure. It went off like a grenade. We never found all of the bomb reactor....

P.S. The gays ARE getting married, and we've been discovering more noble gas compounds every year. COINCIDENCE? I don't think so. We allowed the corruption noble gases and now we're allowing the corruption of gentlemen's asses. WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN! STOP THE MADNESS! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!**

**Thank you Dr Venkman.



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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,06:38   



“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 2780
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,07:04   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,06:38)


That'll teach ya. Never ask a chemist to explain chemistry. Life's too short for that.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,07:07   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)






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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,07:08   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Sep. 25 2008,13:04)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,06:38)


That'll teach ya. Never ask a chemist to explain chemistry. Life's too short for that.

But I haven't started the explanation....yet!




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,10:31   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)




Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Edited by Lou FCD on Sep. 25 2008,11:32

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Tracy P. Hamilton

Posts: 1239
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:08   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 24 2008,20:56)
Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Sep. 24 2008,21:39)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 24 2008,19:38)
Ok, by "spin", are we talking about a physical spin, a rotation of the electron about a given spatial axis? Or is "spin" something more esoteric?

If the former, is that spacial axis relative to the nucleus, or is it more absolute, or neither?

Yes.  :p

Seriously the electron has no size, so no axis to spin around.  The value of its spin angular momentum cannot be changed, to do so would mean it is not an electron.

If the electrons spin was an integer by the way, there is no Pauli exclusion principle, all electrons could be in the lowest orbital (like 1s^6 for carbon) and there would be no chemistry.

Wait. "No size" like in 0? It has mass, so wouldn't it then be a little black hole, infinite density, etc?

The rest of that is crazy talk, over my head still.

First you say "yes" then you say "no" and then you're talking about angular momentum in reference to an object you just asserted has no size, so I'm really confused now.

Physicists don't let trivialities such as infinity bother them, the just renormalize things.  :O

If a particle is not made up of anything (a fundamental particle like the electron for example) , but has a finite size, we could make out a top half.  What is that top half made out of?  Wikipedia "point particle".

An example of the infinity business, in quantum field theory the electron interacts with itself.  Now via coulombs law, the energy is infinite since the electron distance from itself is zero.

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:22   

Quote (Tracy P. Hamilton @ Sep. 25 2008,17:08)

Physicists don't let trivialities such as infinity bother them, the just renormalize things.  :O


HAHAHAHA! Sorry It's a physics joke.....or at least it's a physics joke in my opinion.

Hasn't worked for gravity though has it? Ohhhh those pesky physicists and their M-theory. Grrrrrr.

{shakes fist}

Just when I think I've got a hold on the maths behind the universe, they go and make the maths harder!




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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:23   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,16:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)




Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Que conio pasa capullo? Tengo monos en la cara?


P.S. My written Spanish = not so good. Forgive errors, corrections welcome.


Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:39   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,08:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)




Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Dude, get yourself a copy of this as soon as possible.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:45   

[quote=Louis,Sep. 25 2008,12:23]
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,16:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)

Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Que conio pasa capullo? Tengo monos en la cara?


P.S. My written Spanish = not so good. Forgive errors, corrections welcome.

Quote (google translate @ a moment ago)
What happens Coni cocoon? I have monkeys in the face?


Tienes una cara guapo, Lucho.

(«monos en la cara» es muy gracioso)

Edited by Lou FCD on Sep. 25 2008,12:59

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:51   

My hovercraft is full of eels!

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:52   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,12:39)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,08:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)




Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Dude, get yourself a copy of this as soon as possible.

Gracias, Arden.

Tengo dos diccionarios, también. Uno diccionario no es muy bueno, pero uno diccionario es muy muy bueno.

Tiene los verbos y las conjugacións por (¿para?) los verbos irregulars también.

Edited by Lou FCD on Sep. 25 2008,12:58

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,11:54   

ser and estar are what's going to kill me.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:09   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,09:52)
Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,12:39)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,08:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,12:38)




Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Dude, get yourself a copy of this as soon as possible.

Gracias, Arden.

Tengo dos diccionarios, también. Uno diccionario no es muy bueno, pero uno diccionario es muy muy bueno.

Tiene los verbos y las conjugacións por (¿para?) los verbos irregulars también.

You'll get it. I wish I could help more, but I mostly did Russian and German. I'm currently studying Hindi on the side. Stupidly, I never got around to doing Spanish. I suppose I still should.

The 501 Verbs series is great. It was a tremendous help when I was doing Russian in the early 1980's. You don't really need the CDrom -- just order a used copy of the plain old book, that should be plenty.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:12   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,17:45)
[quote=Louis,Sep. 25 2008,12:23]
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,16:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)

Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Que conio pasa capullo? Tengo monos en la cara?


P.S. My written Spanish = not so good. Forgive errors, corrections welcome.

Quote (google translate @ a moment ago)
What happens Coni cocoon? I have monkeys in the face?


Tienes una cara guapo, Lucho.

(«monos en la cara» es muy gracioso)

If I've got it right it's Valencian saying used to someone staring at you. It allegedly means (roughly) "What the fuck's going on, stupid? Have I got monkeys on my face?"

But, as a Mexican friend of mine used to say:

"Las tortillas de tu madre saben como la lengua de un pero muerto."

Do you ever get the impression that I have occasionally misused the international nature of the scientific community to learn obscure and probably rude phrases?

As a Ghanaian mate of mine used to say (in Fante):

Ewiesu ye fe.

(It's a wonderful life.)


P.S. He also used to say: Wo mamu tchwe (your mother's sex parts). Both phrases have been exceptionally useful.



Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:17   

I'll do that.

Ich spreche die Deutch ein bisschen auch und je parle le français en peut aussi.

I'd like to have a go at Mandarin sometime, and Russian would probably be good to know, as well as brushing up on the French and learning some non-Jesusy German vocabulary.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:20   

[quote=Louis,Sep. 25 2008,13:12]
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,17:45)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,12:23)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,16:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)

Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Que conio pasa capullo? Tengo monos en la cara?


P.S. My written Spanish = not so good. Forgive errors, corrections welcome.

Quote (google translate @ a moment ago)
What happens Coni cocoon? I have monkeys in the face?


Tienes una cara guapo, Lucho.

(«monos en la cara» es muy gracioso)

If I've got it right it's Valencian saying used to someone staring at you. It allegedly means (roughly) "What the fuck's going on, stupid? Have I got monkeys on my face?"

But, as a Mexican friend of mine used to say:

"Las tortillas de tu madre saben como la lengua de un pero muerto."

Do you ever get the impression that I have occasionally misused the international nature of the scientific community to learn obscure and probably rude phrases?

As a Ghanaian mate of mine used to say (in Fante):

Ewiesu ye fe.

(It's a wonderful life.)


P.S. He also used to say: Wo mamu tchwe (your mother's sex parts). Both phrases have been exceptionally useful.

Part of my youth was spent in a neighborhood with a high percentage of folks of Puerto Rican ancestry, and I learned all the good words then.

ETA: I think you want "perro".  (Pero = but, perro = dog)

Edited by Lou FCD on Sep. 25 2008,13:24

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:20   

[quote=Louis,Sep. 25 2008,10:12]  
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,17:45)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,12:23)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,16:31)
Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,08:07)

Aprendo los verbos regulars. -ar, -er, y -ir, ¿verdad?

Que conio pasa capullo? Tengo monos en la cara?


P.S. My written Spanish = not so good. Forgive errors, corrections welcome.

Quote (google translate @ a moment ago)
What happens Coni cocoon? I have monkeys in the face?


Tienes una cara guapo, Lucho.

(«monos en la cara» es muy gracioso)

If I've got it right it's Valencian saying used to someone staring at you. It allegedly means (roughly) "What the fuck's going on, stupid? Have I got monkeys on my face?"

But, as a Mexican friend of mine used to say:

"Las tortillas de tu madre saben como la lengua de un pero muerto."

Do you ever get the impression that I have occasionally misused the international nature of the scientific community to learn obscure and probably rude phrases?

As a Ghanaian mate of mine used to say (in Fante):

Ewiesu ye fe.

(It's a wonderful life.)


P.S. He also used to say: Wo mamu tchwe (your mother's sex parts). Both phrases have been exceptionally useful.

Louis, as a kindly old Russian gentleman I once knew used to say, yob tvoju mat'. Or, when he was feeling especially sentimental, he'd explain that poshol ty na khuy. Those words are just as meaningful now as they as they were back then. And so, I pass these words on to you, dear bhenchod Louis.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:22   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Sep. 25 2008,18:17)
I'll do that.

Ich spreche die Deutch ein bisschen auch und je parle le français en peut aussi.

I'd like to have a go at Mandarin sometime, and Russian would probably be good to know, as well as brushing up on the French and learning some non-Jesusy German vocabulary.

I'm in the same boat Lou.

I speak good French, pretty good German, and a reasonable amount of Spanish, Italian, Greek and Punjabi.

I can write good French (usually, although this sometimes needs a run up!) and reasonable German.

Oh yeah, I speak Ancient Greek and Latin like a native! I reckon in total it adds up to about 3 languages!

I'm working on English.


P.S. Mandarin is the number one top language I want to learn. It's just so DIFFERENT! The Indo-European languages seem, by and large similar to me in many ways (paging official linguist comments). (Ok so I'm excluding Basque, Hungarian/Finnish, various Gaelic languages etc)



Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:24   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,18:20)

Louis, as a kindly old Russian gentleman I once knew used to say, yob tvoju mat'. Or, when he was feeling especially sentimental, he'd explain that poshol ty na khuy. Those words are just as meaningful now as they as they were back then. And so, I pass these words on to you, dear bhenchod Louis.

Oh you HAVE to translate those for me!

And are we really going to start swearing at each other in badly transliterated Punjabi again?

Haramsada. Tere ma di pudi.




Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:42   

Quiero aprender enseñar la Biología en inglés y en español.

Seems like that would be a valuable skill in many places.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:45   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,10:24)
Oh you HAVE to translate those for me!

Louis, you lovable old chutmaari, I can't do all your work for you.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus

Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:47   


P.S. Mandarin is the number one top language I want to learn. It's just so DIFFERENT! The Indo-European languages seem, by and large similar to me in many ways (paging official linguist comments). (Ok so I'm excluding Basque, Hungarian/Finnish, various Gaelic languages etc)

Louis, are you trying to say that Basque, Hungarian, & Finnish ARE Indo-European, or that Gaelic is NOT?

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:51   

Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,18:47)

P.S. Mandarin is the number one top language I want to learn. It's just so DIFFERENT! The Indo-European languages seem, by and large similar to me in many ways (paging official linguist comments). (Ok so I'm excluding Basque, Hungarian/Finnish, various Gaelic languages etc)

Louis, are you trying to say that Basque, Hungarian, & Finnish ARE Indo-European, or that Gaelic is NOT?

LOL No idea! None and all of those things. Linguistics = not my field (obviously).

I thought Basque, Hungarian, Finnish, various Gaelics all had slightly separate roots from the Germanic, Romance and Sanskrit derived languages.

Although I have it on good authority that Portuguese is a mixture of French and Spanish.



Arden Chatfield

Posts: 6657
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,12:56   

Quote (Louis @ Sep. 25 2008,10:51)
Quote (Arden Chatfield @ Sep. 25 2008,18:47)

P.S. Mandarin is the number one top language I want to learn. It's just so DIFFERENT! The Indo-European languages seem, by and large similar to me in many ways (paging official linguist comments). (Ok so I'm excluding Basque, Hungarian/Finnish, various Gaelic languages etc)

Louis, are you trying to say that Basque, Hungarian, & Finnish ARE Indo-European, or that Gaelic is NOT?

LOL No idea! None and all of those things. Linguistics = not my field (obviously).

I thought Basque, Hungarian, Finnish, various Gaelics all had slightly separate roots from the Germanic, Romance and Sanskrit derived languages.

[shakes head sadly.]

Although I have it on good authority that Portuguese is a mixture of French and Spanish.

Well, at least you got THAT right.

"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,13:01   

Stop teasing Arden. I want those Russian translations and a full breakdown of the evolution of modern languages NOW, mister. Or else I'll have proven that you language evolutionists have no better story than me and the Intelligent Linguist* advocates.



* or bablinguisticylontowerproponentists.


Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,22:21   

ser and estar are what's going to kill me.

To be or not to be, that is the question...



Posts: 2195
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 25 2008,22:38   

Quote (Henry J @ Sep. 25 2008,20:21)
ser and estar are what's going to kill me.

To be or not to be, that is the question...


Or more accurately:
To be1 or to be2, that is the question...

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

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