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  Topic: Conservapedia funny, It's quite funny actually< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3326
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2009,15:51   

Quote (noncarborundum @ Jan. 23 2009,15:32)
From their "diagnostic quiz":

14. The phrase the “separation of church and state” can be found where?
(a) in the original Constitution.
(b) in the Bill of Rights.
( c ) in the amendments enacted after the Bill of Rights.
(d) in the Declaration of Independence.
(e) in none of the above, but in arguments by people seeking to censor Christianity.

Oooh!  I know!  Pick me!  Pick me!!!!!111!

Easy, peasy, Japanesey.  

In a letter from Thomas Jefferson* to the Danbury Baptists** dated January 1, 1802.

* Otherwise a favorite Founding Father of conservatives.

** There was a time that Baptists were a minority Christian sect and feared oppression by the more dominant Anglican sect. Oh, how the times have changed.***

***  There are actually liberal Baptists. Believe it or not.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2009,16:06   

My EX told me that, as recently as the 1960s, most Baptists believed in separation of church and state.

"It's as if all those words, in their hurry to escape from the loony, have fallen over each other, forming scrambled heaps of meaninglessness." -damitall

That's so fucking stupid it merits a wing in the museum of stupid. -midwifetoad

Frequency is just the plural of wavelength...

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2009,16:10   

I thought the "separation" phrase was a summary (or paraphrase? perhaps a sound bite?) of one of the ten, rather than a quote of the actual wording of it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2009,16:17   

Quote (Henry J @ Jan. 23 2009,16:10)
I thought the "separation" phrase was a summary (or paraphrase? perhaps a sound bite?) of one of the ten, rather than a quote of the actual wording of it.

The phrase was Jefferson's description of purpose and effect of the religion clauses of the First Amendment:

I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.

"The . . . um . . . okay, I was genetically selected for blue eyes.  I know there are brown eyes, because I've observed them, but I can't do it.  Okay?  So . . . um . . . coz that's real genetic selection, not the nonsense Giberson and the others are talking about." - DO'L


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 23 2009,18:05   

If I recall correctly, the phrase was repeated in his letter to the Virginia Baptists, as well.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 1337
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2009,13:39   

Good to see that, in these difficult end times, they're putting good moral thoughts into the kids' heads*.

*Their target audience should have plenty of room . . .

Edited by Wesley R. Elsberry on Jan. 31 2009,07:33

"People are always looking for natural selection to generate random mutations" - Densye  4-4-2011
JoeG BTW dumbass- some variations help ensure reproductive fitness so they cannot be random wrt it.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 29 2009,13:58   

Quote (Amadan @ Jan. 29 2009,13:39)
Good to see that, in these difficult end times, they're putting [URL=

ernors-can-appoint-replacements]good moral thoughts[/URL] into the kids' heads*.

*Their target audience should have plenty of room . . .

Well, clearly the Republican Governors could best use their time to fly to Belfast to straighten the Irish out and visit some of the Catholic bars to explain to them how a Good Republican Protestant Governor feels about The Virgin Mary and the Pope.

Maybe you and Peter Henderson anonymous friends could  help out?  I know my relatives the peace-loving saintly, happy residents would be happy to assist in any way possible. :)

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2009,03:28   

Mystery: why do non conservatives exist.

Along with a breakdown of the causes:

 Statistical Analysis


       * 30%: did not hear about conservative principles, their logic and full benefits until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
       * 15%: lack of desire to find the truth, and a greater desire in gaining attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
       * 15%: refuse to let go of their past, especially their past mistakes and image
etc etc...

Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2009,07:20   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 31 2009,04:28)
Mystery: why do non conservatives exist.

Along with a breakdown of the causes:

 Statistical Analysis


       * 30%: did not hear about conservative principles, their logic and full benefits until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
       * 15%: lack of desire to find the truth, and a greater desire in gaining attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
       * 15%: refuse to let go of their past, especially their past mistakes and image
etc etc...


"Statistical Analysis

They forgot: "Libruls don't understand that statistical analysis = pulling numbers out of one's rectum."

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington

Richard Simons

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2009,08:03   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 31 2009,03:28)
Mystery: why do non conservatives exist.

I suppose it is the liberal in me coming out, but has anyone seen the equivalent 'Why do non-liberals exist?' complete with phony stats? I find it hard to imagine unless it was a spoof.

All sweeping statements are wrong.


Posts: 565
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 31 2009,08:33   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 31 2009,09:28)
Mystery: why do non conservatives exist.

Along with a breakdown of the causes:

 Statistical Analysis


       * 30%: did not hear about conservative principles, their logic and full benefits until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
       * 15%: lack of desire to find the truth, and a greater desire in gaining attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
       * 15%: refuse to let go of their past, especially their past mistakes and image
etc etc...

It's as hard as usual to distinguish poe from non-poe on conservapedia, however it would seem that the original author of that article is at least not a drive-by parodist.

Guess what? I don't give a flying f*ck how "science works" - Ftk


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 16 2009,11:39   

The Conservapedia evolution article has sprinted past the 500,000 view mark! This is bad news for the dogmatic evolutionists who are aware that in 2006, the prestigious science journal Science reported concerning the United States: "The percentage of people in the country who accept the idea of evolution has declined from 45 in 1985 to 40 in 2005. Meanwhile the fraction of Americans unsure about evolution has soared from 7 per cent in 1985 to 21 per cent last year."[9] Watch the internet continue to grind down evolutionism!

I think I finally found a sig.

"Random mutations, if they are truly random, will affect, and potentially damage, any aspect of the organism, [...]
Thus, a realistic [computer] simulation [of evolution] would allow the program, OS, and hardware to be affected in a random fashion." GilDodgen, Frilly shirt owner


Posts: 1180
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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2009,15:23   

Good grief - they have changed to main picture on the evolution article to one of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Classy.
Catch it, if you want, while you can. (H/t to anonymous commenter at RationalWiki.)

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.†We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.â€
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016

Tom Ames

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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2009,15:57   

Quote (Ptaylor @ April 15 2009,13:23)
Good grief - they have changed to main picture on the evolution article to one of Columbine killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Classy.
Catch it, if you want, while you can. (H/t to anonymous commenter at RationalWiki.)

From that "Evolution" article on Conservapudia, noted without comment:

"Evolutionary theory played a prominent role in regards to atheistic communism. Communists, in particular Stalinism, favored a version of Lamarckism called Lysenkoism developed by the atheist Trofim Denisovich Lysenko."

-Tom Ames


Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2009,17:29   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Jan. 31 2009,07:20)
Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 31 2009,04:28)
Mystery: why do non conservatives exist.

Along with a breakdown of the causes:

 Statistical Analysis


       * 30%: did not hear about conservative principles, their logic and full benefits until after they made up their mind and, perhaps due to pervasive societal bias, refuse to reconsider
       * 15%: lack of desire to find the truth, and a greater desire in gaining attention, praise by liberal teachers, getting along by going along, and not standing up to liberal bullies
       * 15%: refuse to let go of their past, especially their past mistakes and image
etc etc...


"Statistical Analysis

They forgot: "Libruls don't understand that statistical analysis = pulling numbers out of one's rectum."

It's an estimate, and a work in progress. Do you doubt its truth? Perhaps you're simply saying that a liberal newspaper would not admit this, and you'd be right about that. But the truth is not constrained by what liberals will admit.--aschlafly 18:29, 14 December 2008 (EST)

His Assflys defense of his statistics when challenged is equally as good...

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 1180
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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2009,20:29   

Andy comes up with another gem:
James, your own postings are extremely verbose with little on topic and yet ... you accuse Karajou of a "rant"???  This talk page is your criticism of the biblical explanation of survival by mammals of a massive flood.  Do you think evolution has a better explanation of how mammals could survive a massive flood?  I'd love to hear it if you have one.  I don't think anyone denies that all of the inhabitable earth has been flooded.--[[User:Aschlafly|Andy Schlafly]] 18:56, 5 November 2009 (EST)

Once again, via RationalWiki

We no longer say: “Another day; another bad day for Darwinism.†We now say: “Another day since the time Darwinism was disproved.â€
-PaV, Uncommon Descent, 19 June 2016

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 05 2009,22:10   

It's not whether there's a point on Earth's surface that's never been under water at some point in geologic history, it's whether all of those points were under at the same time for a period of months.

Rhetorical question: how can some people confuse all of Earth but at different times with all of the Earth at once?



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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 10 2010,10:47   

Andy Schlafly has a new physics, a conservative physics. E=mc2 Is A Liberal Conspiracy

"Science is the horse that pulls the cart of philosophy."



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 10 2010,10:56   

I've seen this several places now. I still can't decide if Conservapedia is one massive joke and we're all falling for it, or if this is almost a new nadir in fundy stupidity. I'm not sure it isn't both.




Posts: 322
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 10 2010,11:04   

I wonder if he's ok with Galilean relativity.


Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 10 2010,14:58   

Quote (Louis @ Aug. 10 2010,10:56)
I've seen this several places now. I still can't decide if Conservapedia is one massive joke and we're all falling for it, or if this is almost a new nadir in fundy stupidity. I'm not sure it isn't both.


Louis -
Sometimes the stupid is not a "Poe" - sometimes it's just real stupid...

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 11 2010,02:40   

Quote (J-Dog @ Aug. 10 2010,20:58)
Quote (Louis @ Aug. 10 2010,10:56)
I've seen this several places now. I still can't decide if Conservapedia is one massive joke and we're all falling for it, or if this is almost a new nadir in fundy stupidity. I'm not sure it isn't both.


Louis -
Sometimes the stupid is not a "Poe" - sometimes it's just real stupid...

I've been on the internet too long...





Posts: 11178
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 12 2010,15:34   

Front page right now:

Atheist and evolutionist helpline

Scienceblogger Chad Orzel described the commentators on PZ Myers' site Pharyngula, and other commentators, as "screechy monkeys". Take the screechy monkey self-test. There is hope and healing available for atheist and evolutionist screechy monkeys.
Talking Points Memo strikes out in trying to ridicule Conservapedia, so it makes a snide remark about the Bible too. TPM readers and writers, check out this table:

Counterexamples to the Bible  0  
Counterexamples to Evolution  60  
IQ of Atheists  0 divided by 60  

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 12 2010,15:54   


"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


Posts: 3217
Joined: Aug. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 12 2010,16:04   

Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 12 2010,13:54)

In the unlikely event that your irony meters have survived prolonged exposure to UD, the section
The claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men

is by Vox Day.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG


Posts: 321
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 13 2010,11:50   

Quote (JohnW @ Aug. 12 2010,16:04)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 12 2010,13:54)

In the unlikely event that your irony meters have survived prolonged exposure to UD, the section
The claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men

is by Vox Day.


(rips off her helmet and drives her sword straight through)

(though I may be socially challenged. a bit. maybe)



Posts: 65
Joined: April 2010

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 13 2010,13:54   

Quote (lkeithlu @ Aug. 13 2010,11:50)
Quote (JohnW @ Aug. 12 2010,16:04)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 12 2010,13:54)

In the unlikely event that your irony meters have survived prolonged exposure to UD, the section
The claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men

is by Vox Day.


(rips off her helmet and drives her sword straight through)

(though I may be socially challenged. a bit. maybe)


You're Odysseus?


Posts: 321
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 13 2010,14:35   

Quote (Mindrover @ Aug. 13 2010,13:54)
Quote (lkeithlu @ Aug. 13 2010,11:50)
Quote (JohnW @ Aug. 12 2010,16:04)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 12 2010,13:54)

In the unlikely event that your irony meters have survived prolonged exposure to UD, the section
The claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men

is by Vox Day.


(rips off her helmet and drives her sword straight through)

(though I may be socially challenged. a bit. maybe)


You're Odysseus?

No, I am woman (hear me roar)

That was a scene from LOTR, Return of the King. I'm afraid I'm not cultured enough for Odysseus.

Henry J

Posts: 5787
Joined: Mar. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 13 2010,15:53   

Odysseus is Greek to me, too.


Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 14 2010,20:45   

Quote (lkeithlu @ Aug. 13 2010,15:35)
Quote (Mindrover @ Aug. 13 2010,13:54)
Quote (lkeithlu @ Aug. 13 2010,11:50)
Quote (JohnW @ Aug. 12 2010,16:04)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Aug. 12 2010,13:54)

In the unlikely event that your irony meters have survived prolonged exposure to UD, the section
The claim that atheists tend to be quarrelsome and socially challenged men

is by Vox Day.


(rips off her helmet and drives her sword straight through)

(though I may be socially challenged. a bit. maybe)


You're Odysseus?

No, I am woman (hear me roar)

That was a scene from LOTR, Return of the King. I'm afraid I'm not cultured enough for Odysseus.

To wit.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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