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Posts: 2195
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(Permalink) Posted: June 20 2006,23:14   

Berlinski via GilDodgen:
The Panda’s Thumb, on the other hand, is entirely low-market; the men who contribute to the blog all have some vague technical background - computer sales, sound mixing, low-level programming, print-shops or copy centers; they are semi-literate; their posts convey that characteristic combination of pustules and gonorrhea that one would otherwise associate with high-school toughs.

Here's  Gil's post.  I am still reeling from the sheer intellectual force of it:
The fact of the matter remains: Random mutation and natural selection as an explanation for all of life’s complexity, functionally integrated machinery, and information content is wishful speculation, unsupported by convincing hard evidence. This should simply be admitted.

Note the penetrating argument, the careful marshalling of evidence, the incisive critique of our position.  We should simply admit that Gil is right.

Low-market computer-selling sound-mixing semi-literate church-burning Ebola boy SteveS stubbornly responds:
Oh, don’t worry, Gil. In a week or so, Paul Nelson’s going to be presenting Ontogenetic Depth v 2.0 at the Society of Developmental Biology meeting, and I’m sure that will obliterate Darwinism, you know, like the Explanatory Filter did, and the NFL theorems, and your analogies to computers, and Irreducible Complexity, and Sal’s plane anecdotes, and the last 400-500 dumb things you guys have said, and Intelligent Evolution will in the future, &c, &c, &c….

Gil's rejoinder:
Dear Steve,

I appreciate your intellectually satisfying refutation of my thesis.

Ouch.  I'm sure Steve is still smarting from that one.

And the set of natural numbers is also the set that starts at 0 and goes to the largest number. -- Joe G

Please stop putting words into my mouth that don't belong there and thoughts into my mind that don't belong there. -- KF


Posts: 696
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,00:24   

The Panda’s Thumb, on the other hand, is entirely low-market; the men who contribute to the blog all have some vague technical background - computer sales, sound mixing, low-level programming, print-shops or copy centers; they are semi-literate; their posts convey that characteristic combination of pustules and gonorrhea that one would otherwise associate with high-school toughs.

I guess Berlinski has been practising his rhetoric.  Thats quite an impressive piece of nastiness, however things have moved on a bit since the 18th century, and rhetoric like that doesnt get you anywhere in thw wide world when your opponent is armed with scientific data.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,01:59   

Irony meter alert.


Its the little god of avoiding answers at all cost.

Let Glen and Panda answer the real questions he tried to deride and not answer.

If this is the state of evolutionary science, no wonder it takes judicial system to keep its doctrine in our school systems without allowing rebuttals.

Evidently, its empty rhetoric without any accurate experimentation and so all it can do is sidestep the real problems.

Children see thru this.

Comment by Michaels7 — June 20, 2006 @ 8:49 pm

Children can probably also see "thru" the fact that DT isn't allowing an answer.  How does one answer a question on a blog where one is not allowed to make any comments?

Michaels7 is really dense.  I'd vote for him as an all-star over there, except he's being overshadowed by DT on that thread.


Posts: 1001
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,02:57

It seems Mr. Magruder has found his niche.

I think the thing that many Darwinists will glom onto is the notion that only Evolution makes into peer reviewed science journals. Therefore, if ID isn’t making it into those same journals, it is not science. Someone needs to seriously write an expose about how the peer process works, and if proof exists, how it has been corrupted by those who manage it to exclude any submissions by those who would challenge Darwinian orthodoxy. The Darwinists cling very tightly to their control over scientific publications. If that ground were ceded to the ‘enemy’, all would be lost for them. They would have to compete toe to toe, rather than hide behind the ‘no peer reviewed scientific articles’ canard.

Comment by rmagruder — June 21, 2006 @ 12:36 am

So, where are all these papers by ID proponents?  I'm sure they are putting out tons of papers, what with all the lab work they do proving god, er, I mean the intelligent designer and all.  With all those papers with their publishable results and data that can be recreated (tons of people experience revelation after all) it must be those evil Darwinists and their conspiracy to keep all those multitudes of papers out of the peer-reviewed journals.  Once again, we've been caught out.  We need to hold another secret atheist evilutionist cabal meeting to decide what to do now that incisive minds like Mr. Magruder have exposed us.


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,03:34   

(quoting Thurber)
"It's a naive domestic burgundy without any breeding, but I think you'll be amused by its presumption." So Berlinksi has his fun at the expense of people who actually get their hands dirty in their foolish attempts to augment the body of knowledge in biology.
(stolen from ......lost mouse pointer AKA the dog stole my homework..snickker)

he he he
Poor old Berlinski, he is suffering from irrelevancy syndrome since his monumental faux pas in front of some of the worlds leading mathematicians.


Once upon a time in Prague .........
Berlinski goes to Prague University to lecture on Tychnoff's theorem, a sophisticated result from topology. One of his hosts is Professor Swoboda, a mathematician. “Swoboda is extraordinarily intelligent,” Berlinski tells us. Please remember these things. Berlinski is giving a math talk attended by an extraordinarily intelligent mathematician. Here is an extended quote from the middle of his narration:

I am supposed to talk about Tychonoff's theorem, but to my surprise I find myself explaining the elementary calculus to a roomful of mathematicians, re-creating in my own mind the steps that Bolzano took in order to define continuity. For some reason I feel it absolutely crucial to explain how the concept of a limit is applied to functions. No one seems to mind or even notice.

“A function indicates a relationship in progress, arguments going to values. Given any real number, the function f(x) = x2 returns its square, tak? ... In go arguments 1, 2, 3, out come the values, 1, 4, 9.... As the arguments of f get larger and larger, its values get larger and larger in turn.* ... Now imagine,” I say, “arguments coming closer and closer to the number 3, tak?”

I walk back to the blackboard and show the men in my audience what I mean, writing, 2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, ..., before the function.

“What then happens to the function? How does it behave?” I ask, realizing with a sense of wonder somewhat at odds with the hard-boiled pose I usually affect, that a function is among the things in this world that behaves—it has a life of its own and so in its own way participates in the drama of things that are animate.

“I mean,” I say, “what happens to the values of f as its arguments approach 3?”

I look out toward my audience. Swoboda and Schweik are looking at me intently, their faces serene, without irony. It is plain to me that they do not know the answer yet.

“They approach, those values, the number 9, so that the function is now seen as running up against a limit, a boundary beyond which it does not go.”

Swoboda leans back and sighs audibly, as if for the first time he had grasped a difficult principle. The room, with its wooden pews and narrow blackboard, is getting close.

I say, “The concept of a limit, as it is applied to functions, is forged in the fire of these remarks.”

There's more. Much more. But enough. Can you explain this passage to me? Berlinski begins by admitting he is talking about elementary calculus, but then has his roomful of mathematicians rapt in awe as he reveals that values of the squaring function approach 9 as its arguments approach 3. College students would not be surprised by this result, let along a roomful of mathematicians.

I presume Berlinski intends this as an extended metaphor, because otherwise he is cruelly mocking his Hungarian Czech colleagues. The point of the metaphor, however, is completely and entirely lost on me. His absurdist account continues with yet another elementary limit. A moderately competent Calculus I student would dispatch it promptly and math teachers could do it in their heads, but Berlinski presents it to his audience with drama and mystery. The mathematicians leave the seminar at its conclusion and trudge down the street, exhausted. “Their tread is heavy and tired.”

I know how they feel.

His projection of his high school angst as an uber nerd must have seemed to him the ultimate 'I got even with those jerks' but you guys missed the best bits.... T&A.

Yes serial misogynist Doc. B. has exiled himself in the capital of doggy style and Paris; where coiffured poodles of both canine and ape species reign supreme.
The stale smell of Gauloise and garlic are not for him, he gets to " watch the inaccessible leggy young women". He should know I sppose. His own personal H3LL ...... he must be loving it.

His sock puppet performance as 'idon'treallycare' on Good Math, Bad Math, and David Berlinkski thread as well as here  
As tango half way down and his subsequent 'independent' defense of himself  here ]Berlinski responds complete with sock puppet whothefuckreallygivesashit.

So as the self styled  enfant terrible of the creationist political religion he likes to have a bet both ways, gay?

Well, he wouldn't be the first.

Maybe he got lucky , he has kept his appendage down for a while.

Various amusesments attributble to Doc. Faux


I happen to know that Talk Reason maintains a secret account at Smalto’s in Paris. Word is that Wesley Elsberry has just ordered suiting in a mink-worsted blend …


Berlinski on Berlinski: What Trees Does He Plant?

Berlinski accepts the mantle of DI Fellow, one suspects, because they're willing to pay him the sycophantic homage he believes is his due. He's on record as saying that the idea of Intelligent Design "Theory" doesn't interest him much. In the linked "interview" he describes his attitude towards it as "...pretty much what it has always been: warm but distant. It's the same attitude that I display in public towards my ex-wives." The fact that Berlinski has had wives is somewhat more surprising than the fact that he has a collection of former ones.


their posts convey that characteristic combination of pustules and gonorrhea that one would otherwise associate with high-school toughs, with even the names--Sir Toejam, The Reverend Lenny Flank,--suggesting nothing so much as a group of guys spending a great deal of time hanging around their basements running video games, eating pizzas and jeering at various leggy but inaccessible young women.

Wow. That's some sentence. One gets the feeling that Berlinski eschews the utility of the full stop out of his utter glee in hearing himself go on and on unimpeded by bothersome punctuation. It's also interesting to note that he ascribes low-lifeism to "the men who contribute" to PT without saying that it's the commenters there and not the actual contributors that he's referring to. Otherwise he would have to admit that the intellectual assets of PT contributors are considerable; you can see for yourself here.

By and large they're people who are doing something to make the world a better place other than sitting on their fat asses in Paris disparaging all who would deign to believe that mere science, and the actual work (here one sees Berlinski reacting to the sound of the word as Maynard G. Krebs would) that scientists do on a daily basis is worth nothing more than some occasional self-worshiping intellectual masturbation.

So what? Berlinski is a Homo and I'm a mathmatician sum that -DT

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


Posts: 117
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:14   

I quit my day job after making my third million (about 6 years ago) so I can concentrate on fun subjects like science that has little or nothing to do with computers (if I can help it), politics, and religion.

So in order to avoid computers, politics and religion he has become a poster on UD?

Overwhelming Evidence: Apply directly to the forehead.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:23   

Quote (GCT @ June 21 2006,08:57)

It seems Mr. Magruder has found his niche.

I think the thing that many Darwinists will glom onto is the notion that only Evolution makes into peer reviewed science journals. Therefore, if ID isn’t making it into those same journals, it is not science. Someone needs to seriously write an expose about how the peer process works, and if proof exists, how it has been corrupted by those who manage it to exclude any submissions by those who would challenge Darwinian orthodoxy. The Darwinists cling very tightly to their control over scientific publications. If that ground were ceded to the ‘enemy’, all would be lost for them. They would have to compete toe to toe, rather than hide behind the ‘no peer reviewed scientific articles’ canard.

Comment by rmagruder — June 21, 2006 @ 12:36 am

So, where are all these papers by ID proponents?  I'm sure they are putting out tons of papers, what with all the lab work they do proving god, er, I mean the intelligent designer and all.  With all those papers with their publishable results and data that can be recreated (tons of people experience revelation after all) it must be those evil Darwinists and their conspiracy to keep all those multitudes of papers out of the peer-reviewed journals.  Once again, we've been caught out.  We need to hold another secret atheist evilutionist cabal meeting to decide what to do now that incisive minds like Mr. Magruder have exposed us.

"You dang darwinists. Your biased journals keep our research papers out!"
"Okay, well, we can't stop you from putting them on the internet, so let's see these vaunted research papers."
"Uh...well...your biased grant agencies won't pay us to write them!"

They do have their own journal, you know.
It's a complete embarrassment.


Posts: 525
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:26   

Dembski's latest screed at UD ...
Evolutionary theory, in its grand macroevolutionary Darwinian form, flies in the face of the scientific method and should not be taught except as a discredited speculative hypothesis that properly belongs to nature religions and mystery cults and not to science.

Well, I guess he's set science straight!


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:31   

My Visit to Panda's Thumb by Gil Dodgen

In which Dodgen, by proxy, criticises the backgrounds of PT members.

Dammit, they told me this Ironometer had surge protection.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:43   

I quit my day job after making my third million (about 6 years ago) so I can concentrate on fun subjects like science that has little or nothing to do with computers (if I can help it), politics, and religion.

So he goes to Uncommonly Dense. Currently there are 20 posts on the UD front page

5 (or six, depending on how you look at the last one) are about religion.

5 are about politics and,

4 are about computers.

Good job, Randy.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:49   

Quote (stevestory @ June 21 2006,09:43)
Good job, Randy.

Actually, that's DT's "resume."


Posts: 1948
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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:53   

Dammit, they told me this Ironometer had surge protection.

Steve you need my (yet to be patented) Gil Irony Meter Blindfold. (GIMB)

It cleverly releases your mind from ID related sticky stuff by simply ignoring the facts.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,04:56

Oh, this is just too good.


I love how Steve S lists off some of the key tenets of ID in a manner which suggests that these notions have somehow failed because, “Gahick! We Darwinists is still here tawkin’ bout how Evolution works!” Steve: the fact that you ignore, misunderstand & obfuscate the ID tenets you mention, doesn’t mean that they are impotent. It turns out that these hypotheses actually DO obliterate your Materialistic mythology. You just have to be intellectually honest. I know… that rules you out.

Silly atheistic simpletons.

Comment by Scott — June 21, 2006 @ 8:40 am

I'm reminded of Doug Moron's post about how atheists are necessarily intellectually dishonest because science can't prove god doesn't exist, but Christians are intellectually honest because science proves god exists.  Or something like that.  How would I know?  I'm just an atheistic simpleton.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:03   

Everyone, turn off your irony meters.  None of them will survive the onslaught that is about to befall them.  From Dembski's forward that he wrote, come one of DT's greatest ironic gems.  You have been warned.

tribune7: I think there are too many people who’re unfamiliar with aether and phlogiston to mention those by name. Astrology would be more recognizable and fitting but it’s already more or less contained by the nature-religion vessel.

Comment by DaveScot — June 21, 2006 @ 9:22 am

Yes, astrology.  The same "science" that Behe said under oath would also be considered science if ID were considered science.  UD continually amazes me with their ability to soar ever higher with the comedic value.

Tracy P. Hamilton

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:04   

Quote (guthrie @ June 21 2006,05:24)
The Panda’s Thumb, on the other hand, is entirely low-market; the men who contribute to the blog all have some vague technical background - computer sales, sound mixing, low-level programming, print-shops or copy centers; they are semi-literate; their posts convey that characteristic combination of pustules and gonorrhea that one would otherwise associate with high-school toughs.

I guess Berlinski has been practising his rhetoric.  Thats quite an impressive piece of nastiness, however things have moved on a bit since the 18th century, and rhetoric like that doesnt get you anywhere in thw wide world when your opponent is armed with scientific data.

What is Berlinski's background, again?

"Following what I just wrote about fitness, you’re taking refuge in what we see in the world."  PaV

"The simple equation F = MA leads to the concept of four-dimensional space." GilDodgen

"We have no brain, I don't, for thinking." Robert Byers


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:08   

I think the argument was,

Christians can be intellectually honest because they don't have to ignore any evidence that god exists, because scientific evidence can't answer that, but atheists are intellectually dishonest, because they automatically have to evade any evidence that god exists.

The thing that really put it over the top was, the post in general was about the need to follow logic no matter the consequences, yet when this error was pointed out, he refused to accept it.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:13   

Belinksi's background?

Something along the lines of Jewish agnostic, a genius mathematician who missed the Einstein bounce for a Nobel, pimping for the DI where they tolerate his 3rd person self interview idiocy.. a flower among the thorns or something, hanging out in Paris for now ..or until Argentina accepts idiot savant religio-political refugees who want to bone up on their Tango with girls a fraction of their age.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:14   

Quote (stevestory @ June 21 2006,10:08)
I think the argument was,

Christians can be intellectually honest because they don't have to ignore any evidence that god exists, because scientific evidence can't answer that, but atheists are intellectually dishonest, because they automatically have to evade any evidence that god exists.

The thing that really put it over the top was, the post in general was about the need to follow logic no matter the consequences, yet when this error was pointed out, he refused to accept it.

As I recall, that wasn't the only problem he had in there.  I thought the whole entire post was littered with problems.  Isn't that why we started calling him Dougmoron?


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:24

Being one of the all-time great screeds on UD, I figured I'd put up the link for all one more time.  Here is Dougmoron telling us all that he's intellectually honest because science can't tell us whether there is a god or not, so he's free to objectively pursue it, but the atheist must be intellectually dishonest because science might prove god exists.

This concept of Intellectual Honesty is of profound importance to me – and not just as it applies to business, science, and engineering. As a Christian theist I am required by my philosophy and belief system to be honest – especially with myself. I can’t both be a Christian and tolerate Intellectual Dishonesty because the two are mutually exclusive, so I am required by my faith to view evidence objectively and follow it wherever it leads, no matter what, and that sits just fine with my faith in the existence of God. Since no scientific theory or data can prove or disprove God exists, no scientific theory can prove or disprove how he might act in the world - or that there is (or is not) purpose to any given thing, or intent to any given incident.

With that simple truth, I am able to put science ahead of philosophy on matters of scientific pursuit. My faith does not depend on the final scientific answer to any question. Indeed, my philosophy literally broadens the scope of possible naturalistic explanations. I don’t need to a priori reject any potential explanation because my personal philosophy allows any to be true. Said another way, science can neither prove nor disprove whether or not there is divine purpose behind natural processes, so I am able to accept as fact any scientific conclusion that the evidence leads to.

But there is a dilemma here: if it is my theism that allows me to be open to following the evidence wherever it leads and to be completely objective, then what of the pure materialist whose atheism does not permit him the same objectivity, especially if it were to lead to an answer his philosophy does not allow? To be honest to his chosen philosophy, he must be intellectually dishonest at least to the extent of a priori rejection of an infinite number of potential truths. He must put his philosophy ahead of science, and wear blinders that remove from sight any evidence that *might* point to it (his philosophy) being wrong. To offer a case in point: the offhanded rejection of Intelligent Design theory by the old guard Darwinians simply because it is not allowed by their philosophy, regardless of what the evidence might tell them. Most people would call that religion, not science.

There is another important aspect to consider here: because theism frees one to accept any naturalistic explanation that the evidence supports, theism also frees one to seek evidence that might support any theory one might contrive. No theory is out of bounds to a theist except one that cannot be supported by evidence. But the same is not true of a person whose philosophy precludes certain possibilities – his philosophy must necessarily preclude any attempt to seek evidence that might support the theory he rejects on philosophical grounds. He’s already decided the theory is wrong, so why even bother seeking evidence for it? But that’s really not so bad, is it? As long as he doesn’t prevent other researchers from seeking the evidence, there is not a problem. It’s when a scientist’s philosophy prevents him from considering evidence and causes him to try to stop others from considering it that we have a real problem on our hands. That problem is most definitely not science; most people would call it Fascism. And I would call our current state of affairs Darwinian Fascism - as part of our scientific community attempts to render even the slightest criticism of Darwinism illegal by judicial decree.

Rilke's Granddaughter

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:38   

I find the ability of Dave Springer-Spaniel "Gee, I measured my IQ with the SAT" Scott to deny the place of religion in ID, and yet accept the various and flagrant comments by Dembski, such as
The whopper, in the case of Darwinism, is this: all organisms, including ourselves, are the result of a blind, purposeless evolutionary process (namely, the Darwinian mechanism of natural selection and random variation) that at no place required the services of God or any guiding intelligence.
to be fascinating.

Apparently Dave doesn't enjoy the fact that he's make a stupid mistake and chosen the intellectually vacuous and losing side in this particular debate, so he substitutes bombast, rhetoric, and a certain colorful stupidity for actual scientific work, such as this charmer

“Indeed, the grand claim of Darwinian evolution has never been tested: all the evidence and experiments cited to support it have no rational connection with it. At best, they support that there was a gradual progression of living forms. But they do not support that such a progression occurred without the need for intelligent input.”

This would be a good time to cite the evidence to support that such a progression occurred WITH intelligent input.

That’s where Dembski, Behe, and others like them come in. Have you read any of their books? Granted I’m not convinced beyond any reasonable doubt but what I am convinced of is that intelligent agency best explains certain patterns found in nature. Furthermore, this better explanation is being excluded from public education because a vocal minority of anti-religionists who don’t like the philosophical implications of any intelligent agency other than humanity have managed to torture the 1st amendment establishment clause in such a way that it legally precludes even criticism of their preferred theories of origin and diversity of life in public schools. Since when did science operate by using federal judges to stifle criticism? Answer: science doesn’t. Science itself has been corrupted by Darwinian dogma and its adherents. -ds

Comment by Raevmo — June 21, 2006 @ 5:24 am
What I love is the fact that he doesn't even bother to answer Raevmo's question.

If Dave showed even the slightest spark of intelligence and ability to read (apparently that college vocabulary didn't include the written word), this wouldn't be half so much fun.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:56   


I’m an autodidact...

He writes and thinks like one.  Etymologically, he is in fact an idiot, that is, one whose thoughts are only his, and only sensible to him.  He lacks universal knowledge, other than what he misinterprets SciAm to be saying.

Many of us are autodidacts to a degree, but would be comical DaveTard-like buffoons without having learned considerably from others.

The 'Tard may be intelligent.  I've written this before, but I think it should be noted that he may not only be a severe ignoramus, but he may as well be quite stupid.  Perhaps he is a savant, with some flashes of intelligence, but with a near-total incapacity to understand things that normal people grasp with ease.

He also may not be a savant.  The fact is that succeeding in the corporate world often entails stealing ideas, rubbishing the intelligence and knowledge of others, and generally acting like the fascist that DaveTard appears to be on UD.  He seems to be capable of just about any lie or devious tactic, which appeals to Dembski like Stalin's viciousness appealed to Lenin (Dembski himself seems to be trying not to sink as low as Coulter and DaveTard, but he uses them to do his dirty work).

Nothing that he claims regarding himself should be believed without evidence.  His reading ability seems to actually be subpar, as bad as Randy's, or worse (to be sure, he only claimed a college vocabulary at the age of nine, not a high reading ability).  He really reveals no particular intelligence, and certainly no very good knowledge of, well, anything at all.  We have as much reason to believe that he gathered the loot that he did (if he did, but I'm inclined to believe that one, given that he seems like an arrogant parvenu who thinks "I am rich, so I must be smart") by lying about his abilities and generally maligning and attacking others, as that he had even a decent engineering ability.


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,05:56   


vocal minority of anti-religionists

Hey, I thought IDiots were claiming to be in the minority.

Oh ....and ID has nothing to do with religion, not a bit, nothing whatsoever, not even a sniff, nup, no religion at all, nada, not a bit, not even a tiny bit.

So good old Judge Jones was right on the money, suck it down DT, in fact bend over and enjoy it.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,06:08   

GCT, I came here expressly for the purpose of reposting that Classic of Uncommonly Dense, only to find you've already done so.

As I recall, that wasn't the only problem he had in there.  I thought the whole entire post was littered with problems.  Isn't that why we started calling him Dougmoron?

Oh, he's earned that moniker so many different times.


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,06:13   

Furthermore, this better explanation is being excluded from public education because a vocal minority of anti-religionists...

Ah yes, those anti-religionists, like Wesley Elsberry, PvM, Keith Miller....

'agnostic' Davetard accusing christians Elsberry, PvM, Miller, of being anti-religionists...

Captain...the starboard ironymeter...she's losin' containment...


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,06:39   

I'm still trying to figure out what the "MGCT" is and how it correlates with IQ.  Also, if he is "certified" with an IQ higher than 150, I'd like to see the paperwork and how he obtained an IQ score from the SAT.  In addition, it is impossible for someone over the age of 50 to have an IQ score greater than 150 depending on the type of IQ testing done.  Let's hear answers to those questions, David Springer.

Glen Davidson

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,06:51   

High IQ scores are noted to correlate fairly well with high SAT scores.  I don't know how to get an IQ score off of SAT scores, but I'd be surprised if someone hasn't come up with a  table, graph, or some such thing to get a good idea of IQ from SAT scores.

IQ scoring is adjusted by age, so that the average at all ages is supposed to come out to 100.  So it is not surprising if anyone has an IQ of 150 at the age of 50, 60, or 70.  But having an IQ of 150 at the age of 50 does not imply the same intelligence as an IQ of 150 at the age of 25.


Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of coincidence---ID philosophy

Henry J

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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,06:55   

Re "with a certified IQ north of 150 (MGCT and SAT tests)"

Is that in the northern or the southern hemisphere? ;)


Posts: 182
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,07:01   

Quote (Glen Davidson @ June 21 2006,10:56)

I’m an autodidact...

He writes and thinks like one.

Yes, it explains a lot.  There's nothing wrong with being self-taught, but declaring one's knowledge to be superior when it's never been tested in an academic or peer-review environment is beyond presumptuous.

There's a world of difference between working one's way through a science curriculum and reading Scientific American.  I think a semester in an advanced physics course would provide Dave with some much-needed humility.  Maybe I'll dig up an old textbook and let him try his hand at solving some problems.

Oh, wait, I already posed a problem back in March:

Given a 700 nm photon, assuming it came from a black body, what is the probability that the temperature of the black body is between 4139 K and 4141 K?

How you coming on that, Dave?

"I wasn't aware that classical physics had established a position on whether intelligent agents exercising free were constrained by 2LOT into increasing entropy." -DaveScot


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,07:29   

Hey, that's not fair DT would have to be an expert in probability as well!!

Physics as far as the unholy DT is concerned is the science of scotch and coke with 2 ice cubes and both feet up after a hard day filling out an insurance form while catching snatches of Sci-Am between The Bold and the Beautiful and American Idol.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane


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(Permalink) Posted: June 21 2006,07:31   



Wear their scorn as a badge of honor! Kudos for going into the Panda’s den and taking them on. I can’t help but note that in Steve S’s response to you, he never actually adressed your thesis. You know, if the science behind evolution were so blatently obvious, you’d think that instead of ad hominem attacks and straw man arguments that they (the anti-ID crowd) would respond with the science. That Steve S couldn’t or wouldn’t offer you one bit of “hard evidence” for the power of RM/NS to account for “all of life’s complexity, functionally integrated machinery, and information content”, which is all you’re asking for, is itself very telling, don’t you think?

Comment by DonaldM — June 21, 2006 @ 11:51 am

Donald, if Gil had provided a link to the Panda's Thumb thread, you could see that I did address his thesis.

In fact, several dozen people attack and annihilate Gil's "thesis" on the thread Gil neglects to link to.

My favorite were the ones that point out that Gil's "Hello World" question is identical to Dawkins's WEASEL program, which creationists frequently tell us is not analogous to evolution.  Just more of The Quixotic Message.

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