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  Topic: Are the Darwinists afraid to debate us?, Chapman & West in Dallas Morning News< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

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(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2007,20:07   

Quote (Chris Hyland @ April 13 2007,13:44)
interesting that someone like Wes or Ken Miller who understands the arguments usually wins.

Interesting, too, that in courtrooms, where creationists/IDers can't lie, make unsupported statements, refuse to answer questions they don't like, change the subject when things get uncomfortable, run away to come back later, or evade/avoid direct questions, the creationists/IDers have lost.

Every single time.

Without exception.

They have never, ever, anywhere in the United States of America, been able to convince courts that ID/creationism is "science", or anything other than a dishonest and deceptive attempt to use political power to force fundamentalist religious apologetics onto a captive public school audience.

I wonder why that would be . . . . . . . . . . .

Wait, wait -- let me guess ------------>  every judge in the United States of America (including the ones appointed by Bush) is an ATHEIST!!!!!   Right?

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

The Wayward Hammer

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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2007,22:07   


Science is not a public debate.  Publish or perish.



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(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2007,22:43   

Luv, the comments you leave me don't give me much to work with.  Usually, you're merely complaining about moderation.  Other times you post under "anonymous" and make some useless comment as well.  

posting as anonymous was a plan to keep you honest for all posters. Clearly keeping you honest is beyond my abilities.

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine


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(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2007,11:08   

[quote=Ftk,April 12 2007,17:30][/quote]
No, FtK, you don't know what you are talking about.

Gee, imagine that...something I’ve never heard here before.

Perhaps if you would stop writing about things that you do not know much about as if you knew a lot about them, you would not hear that so much?

It doesn’t sound as though there was actually much debate about the actual science surrounding the issues in that public policy debate.

Perhaps because that was not what the debate was about?

When one looks at the 'scientific' ID meetings - the ones at which they don't invite critics - they don't really discuss science, either.  Why is that?  Don't you think that a big meeting of the big names in IDcreationism on the 'science' of ID might garner some actual scientific discussion, as opposed to, I don't know, mock interviews by Lee Strobel, of the typical 'Darwin=Hitler' garbage that tends to be the focal points of these things?

Recall, FTK, that ID's own 'peer-reviewed' journal, PCID, has not even been published since 2005!  THE ID advocates cannot possibly claim 'anti-ID conspiracy' there, can they?  
The DI is suggesting a whole different critter, a "debate" that is supposed to somehow revolve around scientific legitimacy of "intelligent design" and "Darwinism". The SMU professors are right to shun any such shenanigans.

Doing so looks very cowardly.

Ahy yes, that old conservative machismo...

Because, after all, 'debates' are how real science is done...  at least when opne side does no scientific research of any type - all that is left is public spectacles to woo the fence sitters with flowery rhetoric and fire-up the hard-core supporters.

Perhaps the SMU faculty could invite - challenge - the ID propagandists to discuss the issues face-to-face any time, anywhere...  Than, when they take up the offer, the SMU faculty could claim that they can suddenly only meet at specific times that will not be convenient for the IDcreationists, and warn them about their dogs... and their concealed weapons... and their call to the cops... and their chain saws... and how they are all built like football players - no, middleweight boxers...

Because apparently that sort of thing is the antithesis of cowardly in religious conservative circles.

Why not have the SMU professors question the DI a bit more about how the dialogue would be carried out?  If it’s unfair, then they have something to complain to the media about.  As it is, they just look like they are backing down from something they started.

How about we all wait until the well-funded DI actually produces some verifiable research supportive of their bombastic claims, instead of reading their bravado and rhetoric about public 'debates' and op-eds written by lawyers and theologians?

Ya think it will make ID less legitimate if you line up all of your guys and have them demand that scientists who objectively consider ID are cranks?  Not likely, unless you actually engage in debate and show us you're not cowards.

What is to debate?

The DI clowns will declare evolution caused Nazism, that Peppered moths were glued to trees, that Behe is the greatest scientist ever, that Dembski - despite being unable to hold down a job for any length of time - is the greatest Information Theorist ever, that Jon Wells, Spetner, Meyers, etc. disproved evolution, and then when asked what thye have that actuially SUPPORTS thier position scientifically, they will say, Why, we just old you!

What is to 'debate'?  Will the stacked audience really stop and think about what is being explained to them - between 'Amens', that is?

Open your eyes.  Public debates are for people that have no legitimate scientific support on their side.

It tells us that you’re eager to discuss and attempt to refute ID claims everywhere except when you are asked to actually engage in discussion with ID advocates in regard to the  accusations you’ve made against design.

You are conflating a couple of issues here, deary.
There is a difference between making 'accusations' against "design" and calling out the antics of the Intelligent Design Creationism movement.  The Movement doesn't seem able to support their claims at all, not scientifically, so they rely on public spectacles and appeals to the masses.  They are, as Wes writes, snake oil salesmen.

Here's what I think.....

SMU should replace their mascot with this guy...

???  ???  ???  :D

Where did you get that picture of Springer?

Wesley R. Elsberry

Posts: 4991
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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2007,13:14   

The IDC "open dialogue" meme must be a recent invention. I registered to attend the 2002 IDC RAPID conference at Biola. I was in discussion with someone there about when I would present and about to mail off my registration fee when I got a call from the conference organizer. Dreadfully sorry, he said, but this is a closed conference, only ID advocates to attend. Perhaps I would be so good as to participate in some future, unspecified, ID and critics conference.

There was a second RAPID conference at Biola in May, 2006. The IDC folks learned something from the first: there was no pre-conference public statement that anything at all was happening at Biola. So this "open dialogue" thing is, at its oldest, less than a year of age.

Weblog post on the topic

"You can't teach an old dogma new tricks." - Dorothy Parker


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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2007,13:36   

Quote (Wesley R. Elsberry @ April 18 2007,13:14)
The IDC "open dialogue" meme must be a recent invention. I registered to attend the 2002 IDC RAPID conference at Biola. I was in discussion with someone there about when I would present and about to mail off my registration fee when I got a call from the conference organizer. Dreadfully sorry, he said, but this is a closed conference, only ID advocates to attend. Perhaps I would be so good as to participate in some future, unspecified, ID and critics conference.

There was a second RAPID conference at Biola in May, 2006. The IDC folks learned something from the first: there was no pre-conference public statement that anything at all was happening at Biola. So this "open dialogue" thing is, at its oldest, less than a year of age.

Weblog post on the topic

Recent, but hardly surprising.  The Gish Gallop is a time-honoured creationist tactic: set up a "public forum", tip a bunch of assertions into the manure spreader, and stand well back.  Make fifty unsupported statements in your thirty minutes, watch your opponent spend her thirty minutes refuting two of them, and you win 48-2.

Of course ID is not the same as other branches of creationism, because it's science, not religion, as indicated by all those peer-reviewed publi... what?  Oh.

Math is just a language of reality. Its a waste of time to know it. - Robert Byers

There isn't any probability that the letter d is in the word "mathematics"...  The correct answer would be "not even 0" - JoeG

Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2007,10:31   


When random professors who probably know nothing about ID wont debate them they complain. When someone who actually understands ID offers, they refuse!

Henry J

Posts: 5787
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(Permalink) Posted: April 19 2007,22:03   

Random professors? Shouldn't professors be non-random? ;)


Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
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(Permalink) Posted: April 20 2007,17:20   

When I say random I mean that the DI emailed all the departments and assuming they had decided to send someone they would have been whoever was free that day.

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